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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 129 KB, 640x480, 1151564-chasm_the_rift05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4283345 No.4283345 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody played this? Looks like Quake's long lost brother. Funny how I never heard of it, ever, even though I was pretty big on FPS games back in the day.

>Chasm: The Rift (also known as Chasm: The Shadow Zone) is a first-person shooter computer game developed by Action Forms and published in 1997 by GT Interactive Software, WizardWorks, and Megamedia Corp. Action Forms would later develop the Carnivores series. The game was meant to compete with Quake a year earlier, since GT Interactive lost publishing rights to Activision when id Software signed with the latter.

>> No.4283368

Gunplay and weapons is alright. Enemy design is alright. The level design becomes mazelike, boring and asscancer to navigate real fast though which is a shame.

The egyptian levels are only the 2nd episode of the game and it just made me not want to play it anymore.

>> No.4283376

I did. the piece of paper flapping in the wind impressed me.

>> No.4283378

The level design is almost on Wolf3D level while the assets are almost above Quake, which creates a very weird feeling.

Wish somebody took the textures and models and made a Quake TC.

>> No.4284287
File: 952 KB, 1280x720, Y2ih7fs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'm really liking the art style.

>> No.4284327

Seems I missed this one, this looks pretty cool. Gonna download it now and check it out, thanks for bringing it up.

>> No.4284384

Interesting game. Not great, but decent. Kind of a "3rd tier" 90s FPS behind the classics (id stuff, Build trinity) and the "underrated gems" (Rise of the Triad, Redneck Rampage, etc). I'd call it well worth playing.

>> No.4284437


>> No.4284740

How do I play this at 650x480 and get a decent framerate in dos box. It's a pretty good game has good atmosphere

>> No.4284815

You can't. Use virtual machine with DOS.

Funny thing: the engine is BSP based, which is apparent if you look up/down near an edge of a wall - the edges stay vertical like in Duke or Heretic, meaning it's just panning the screen with some distortion to emulate the effect.

The level layout and format itself is Wolf-like - maps are made out of square tiles on a rigid grid, and while tiles are varied. it's still very limited in what it can do.

Then there's 3D models injected into the whole thing for a good measure with Monsters that can be dismembered while thye still kicking and interactive decorations (breakable windows and lights, destructible pieces of environment) that are just immobile monsters.

The whole thing is really weird as it combines technical solutions of Wolf, Doom, Duke and Quake in a surreal fashion.

>> No.4284823

Will a vm run fine on a 64 bit cpu though?

>> No.4284830

Yes. I used Virtual Box and it ran about 3 times better than DosBox.
Was able to play at 640x480 at 40-50 fps, when Dosbox gave me 15

>> No.4284836

Never played it much, but I got it at a Target (or maybe WalMart) back in the day, probably because it was cheap. Maybe I should give it some play.

>> No.4284875

Okay sick might have to use that for some other games that run like shit in dos too ie carmageddon

>> No.4284878

It's like they took Quake's medieval fantasy influence and ran with it and dropped the Lovercraftian stuff altogether.

>> No.4284914

I loved the shit out of Carnivores as a kid, I should try this out.

>> No.4285250

>tfw too stupid to setup a DOS VM

>> No.4285403

So I did some digging around and found this


Containing a package for a custom installation of the game with the cd music. Basically like a gog version with prepackaged dosbox edited the default config from ddraw to openglnb cause it runs better on my machine and I'm getting solid frame rate on 640x480

>> No.4285421
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, ad_15_chapter1.jpg.3247ae5b681d784e795cdc8b9d58d809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quake community is only mega-autist when it comes to Quake, they barely ever mention this game (if ever). Same thing with Hexen II, it's like it doesn't exist for them.
Just imagine an Arcane Dimensions pack based in Chasm or Hexen II, it'd bring a lot of attention towards the games.
It's a shame really.

>> No.4285438

>Just imagine an Arcane Dimensions pack based in Chasm or Hexen II

Arcane Dimensions actually recycles a lot of content from Hexen 2, like the goat wizards, spiders, scorpions etc.

There's a thread over at Quaddicted where some dude is porting some Chasm models to Quake, wish it was more organized and they made a whole resource pack. I'd make some maps for it, love the art style.

>> No.4285441

I recommend this pack instead:

Just unpack and run the .bat file, everything's already optimized and configured.

>> No.4285452

Yea but I don't really like that they use them to lift assets from them, it'd be nice if they would base a mappack from any of those games instead. I love Quake as much as the next guy and AD is 10/10, but it'd be nice for a change.
Luckily Chasm is far from being forgotten so there are a bunch of reviews out the that can hopefully bring more attention to it.



This is pretty cool, thanks anon.

>> No.4285453

What is build trinity?

>> No.4285458

That's basically the same thing I posted just a lot less organized. The one I posted could pass for a commercial rerelease. It's literally running an exe gives you nice shortcut icon and everything. I only had to change one setting cause opengl runs better and I like no bilinear filtering

>> No.4285459

Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, these are the 3 most popular games that were made on the Build engine.

>> No.4285460

Currently there is an open source reimplementation project called Panzerschrek, It's still very early, though...

>> No.4285461

Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior, the big 3 games made in the Build Engine.

>> No.4285463
File: 54 KB, 1470x905, hwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question, but I'll ask anyways. Why is this asking me for Twatter or Faceballs.

>> No.4285468

Site wants you to sign up to download but you can use a throw away email see below the buttons

>> No.4285475

I remember the gaming magazines of the day calling it a really promising Ukrainian project, as it supposedly ran blazing fast on lower end hardware too.

>> No.4285478
File: 108 KB, 320x240, 1460750110911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DL'ing as we speak, thanks anon!

>> No.4285481

I was too lazy for throwaway email, but apparently you can log with facefuck "Temporarily'. So I guess it's kind of safe?

>> No.4285484

Both work pretty well, bless.

Game's pretty impressive, ironically fooled me into thinking it was 3D better than Carnivores, which I think is actually 3D.

>> No.4285487

10minutemail was all I used, went great

>> No.4285490

Yeah no shit, the levels were technically ray-casted 2D, so it ran well on 486's. But the 3D models were beefier than Quake's (300-400 polys vs Quake's 200-250) and it had tons of breakable/animated scenery, like chairs or PC monitors running Norton Commander, etc. Pretty interesting from a technical point of view. And it was all made by a bunch of Ukrainian students right after the fall of the Soviet Union. Fucking impressive is what it is.

>> No.4285493

Why are all good East-Europe developers from Ukraine?

>> No.4285494

All the more reason for the Quake community to switch their attention to it

>> No.4285496

I get an error "bad csm.bin header"

wat do

>> No.4285501

In case somebody wants to use that.

It's still very much unfinished, there's plenty of clipping errors and missing switches (level 3 cannot be completed without noclip for example) and the enemy AI is bare bones.

Might want to wait another year for a fully playable build. Pretty cool as a tech demo though, gives a good idea of what the game might look like if it had a source port.

>> No.4285503

Ah nevermind, just ran it as administrator and it worked.

>> No.4285510

Yeah I installed it to c:\games so I don't have those issues

>> No.4285517

Is this a common issue with DOSbox?

>> No.4286065

No its an issue with installing things to program filesx86. It needs administrator permission to modify files in that folder running as an admin works fine but I just install it to a different folder instead. I do have age of empires in that folder and I have to run it as an admin or else my game doesn't save

>> No.4286357

It's not like there's that many.

>> No.4286941

One thing I had to do to get a decent framerate was turn the cycles to 105%. It was choppy as fuck on default this makes a night and day difference for me on a potato laptop. I also grabbed powerslave alien trilogy and cyclones off that site I posted and some other non fps games

>> No.4287058

you do realize Chasm isnt using an engine related to quake, i dont even know if Chasm is moddable really

>> No.4287596

Chasm has a map editor included with the final patch that also adds 4 more levels.

And the model format is similar enough to be ported over to Quake. I think the whole game could be converted over to Quake if one bothers writing a bunch of file format converters, most of the work on file formats is already done in that PanzerChasm project. You'd just need to replicate the game logic in QuakeC.

>> No.4288035

No way to fix the camera distortion and the fps lock, right?

>> No.4288282

Volkov Comander, Anon. Volkov Commander was the Norton Commander of the East.

>> No.4288360

Oh yeah, I remember that one! Far Manager was also pretty popular in the ex-USSR countries, but it came out a bit later.

>> No.4288487

>maps are made out of square tiles on a rigid grid
They're actually not. The editor lets you make any room shape you want, angled walls and all. The devs just decided to go with blocky map designs for whatever reason.

>> No.4288976 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 478x640, 150400809915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some good retro pinball games?

>> No.4289739

I like the fact that enemies lose body parts if you shoot them.
Combined with 1gen 3D polygons the look is something interesting.

>> No.4290729

It's pretty good because you can shoot their guns off. I'm not sure if it's possible to do it more likely by aiming or if it's random tho.

>> No.4290741

>The level design is almost on Wolf3D level while the assets are almost above Quake, which creates a very weird feeling.

I feel you. Like it's all smoke and mirrors. Clever way to skip ahead of competitors visually, so long as players didn't notice something was "off"

>> No.4291770

I like how this game seems to be /vr/'s newest discovery. It's been mentioned in several threads lately. I've even seen a mention of it on /v/.

>> No.4291790 [DELETED] 

You're sooo cool my friend *winks*

>> No.4291914
File: 466 KB, 640x400, Chasm - The Rift.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4292556

Mouselook on/off?

>> No.4292608

It was good.

>> No.4293396
File: 680 KB, 606x960, comfy boyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chasm: The Rift
This snow screenshot makes me want to play it real bad. Maybe I'll wait until winter for MAXIMUM COMF

>> No.4293515

Actually its even more of a quake ripoff in the sense you go to different places in time like the tech bases in the present, the dark ages and Egypt.

It was because 3d acceleration was still a pretty new thing they wanted to make something that ran fast even on lower end machines of the time. This game was known for how well it ran.

On , it would be way harder without it those flying bastards are pretty evasive.

>> No.4293825

How are the weapons/enemies? It always really annoys me when and FPS can't do weapons/enemies right. It's like, why bother?

>> No.4293845

For some reason it works better in pcem12 than in dosbox, it is opposite in most games.

Starting it on emulated pentium machine which good performance. Maybe drawing part slows dosbox so much, I've also tried other overlays.

>> No.4293868
File: 14 KB, 225x225, wintercomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So it was written, so it shall be done. Winter levels during actual winter is top titty. That's why I replay Phendrana Drifts every xmas.

>> No.4293909

Looks like Blood

>> No.4294535
File: 344 KB, 686x600, Chasm The Rift.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4295316

I've played demo when it was new and still remember this room at beginning. Really impressive!

>> No.4295325

>Anybody played this?
Єc. Фaк eє.

>> No.4295451

Crappy performance kills this. Anon please upload your Virtualbox VM and write an small how-to for running the game

>> No.4297710

бaмп чи щo

>> No.4298000

Why is everyone suddenly talking about this game? I don't think I ever even heard it mentioned in here until a week or two ago, and now I see it everywhere.

>> No.4298245

I once posted an image on /vr/ and someone put it on reddit, it got 500,000 views then was spread to many gaming news websites.

So its possible it was a result of this thread, maybe.

>> No.4298276 [DELETED] 

Someone is working on a source port:


>> No.4298292


you could have at least read the thread before posting faggot.


>> No.4299746
File: 28 KB, 300x362, Carnivores_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironically fooled me into thinking it was 3D better than Carnivores
Carnivores was great. One of the few hunting games I've enjoyed. Was it actually all polygonal 3D, though, or was the ground a heightmap like in the Comanche series?

>> No.4302041

I have no clue, and getting the game running properly on modern OSs is a bit of a pain in the arse, so I probably won't be checking. I think the PSP port kind of acted like a fake 3D game tho, but i'm not sure.

>> No.4302259

Yeah, shit can spread from a single 4chan thread pretty easily. Most likely someone brought it up on /vr/ then a lot of other people tried it out.

>> No.4302271

