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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4284752 No.4284752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is retro vidya so popular with transexuals?
i'm on a couple of retro groups on normie book and they are all crawling with them
u never see these people in real life too

>> No.4284757

How the fuck is this retro?

>> No.4284767

idk just an observation
does retro appeal to those with mental illness?

>> No.4284773

Seems like a poor observation.

>> No.4284774

that's just the 21st century for you

>> No.4284778

>(((spacer))) calling other people normies
this truly is the state of /vr/. seriously, WHEN will you people leave?

>> No.4284779

>that jawline
>that fagstache
Am I supposed to call this thing a her?

>> No.4284780


>> No.4284781

Trannies are less than 1% of the population. There really isn't any here.

>> No.4284784

It's literally just speedrunners. Speedrunning already takes some sort of mental degeneration to get into so it's a given at that point.

>> No.4284795


I don't think so. When I went to PAX I saw a shitload of trannies. I think it's a nerd culture thing in general that attracts degenerates.

>> No.4284796


B-but, muh half button presses

>> No.4284797

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.4284798

Do you talk like this irl too?

>> No.4284801

>does retro appeal to those with mental illness?
Well, you're here.

>> No.4284809

Really? I can’t find any anywhere to be my qt trap gf

>> No.4284810

I think you're right. You gotta have that special kind of autism to be into that

>> No.4284814

Why so we can get screeched at and reported to our employers for wrong think? I like having a home and food thanks

>> No.4284817
File: 83 KB, 880x588, 1499292223971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying that you're over the age of 18 and talk like that?