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4262550 No.4262550 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm too stupid for Myst

>> No.4262749

oh my god, I was like 11 really trying to play myst and all the puzzles were worse the sierra online bullshit moon logic

>> No.4262779

Judging from your grammar and lack of proper punctuation, I'd say you're still eleven :^)

>> No.4262793


sick burn

>> No.4262802

Myst games really requires you to have a pen and paper handy to write down notes and clues, especially in Myst 2: Riven. Which is one of my all time favorites.

I never played the original Myst though, only the realMYST 3D remake, which was very good also.

>> No.4262804

Fuck you I hope you get gang raped, at least I have the intellectual security to appear stupid at times.

>> No.4262846


Fuck this game, it isn't called the longest powerpoint presentation for no reason. There are more adventures out there than anyone can play so just dump this turd in the trash where it belongs.

>> No.4262851

I'm immune to insults. I have Jesus.

>> No.4262893

>I have Jesus.
Stop flaunting your proclivity towards Mexican twinks you degenerate bastard

>> No.4262941

It was a game for a different time, a time when new games were expensive and you kept it for months trying to figure it out. Playing a game was like reading a book, you spent time on it.

Now games are more like movies that you want a quick experience and only come back for multiplayer.

I can understand why point and click games are dead. Even I find it hard to come back to them since my attention span has been reduced to 0 but I wish I had more time to spend on them and enjoy them like I used to since I did get more out of them than normal games.

>> No.4263916

Inspired by this thread I bought the new realms masterpiece edition, last time I played myst was probably 15 years ago, some of the puzzles were still a bit challenging as I had mostly forgotten things but probably got to 75% in around 2 hours. It's not a very long game unless you're utterly confused and stuck.

>> No.4264920

I beat it the day I got it back in the day. It's fairly short and most of the puzzles are pretty damn obvious. I don't get how people can get stuck on this.

>> No.4264945

I didn't get far but 95% of the time the problem was that I didn't realize that I could click on something. I had that crap.

>> No.4264981

If you're stupid for Myst, you're stupid for pretty much anything.

>> No.4265252


Going to have to disagree with you there. I grew up on Myst and Riven. I poured HOURS into these two, playing them over and over, loving the world, the visuals, the books, the lore. If you can't enjoy it, you're not on a high enough mental level to appreciate it.

>> No.4265475

Some of the puzzles are masochistic, but it isn't really that hard. Beat it in a day, and it wasn't worth it. The ending sucked bad.

Now Riven, that's a good game. More challenging, and more rewarding too.

>> No.4265739

Yes, obsessing over the books and lore of 90's point and click shit is indeed an indication of a high level of being mental.

>> No.4266502

The first book is surprisingly decent though. Didn't read the other ones, but the first one WAS worth it.

>> No.4266509

As someone else mentioned, it was a different time. If you're new to the genre you just need to spend some more time with it, or try other point and click games first. Sanitarium is a good start.

>> No.4266512


I played most of the classic Lucasarts and Sierra games.

>> No.4266530
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>too stupid for Myst

>> No.4266531

I have no advice for you then. Godspeed little fella.

>> No.4266837

Probably got trapped by the brothers
Joking aside except the f*cking piano riddle the game was perfect for its time.Riven indeed is the best adventure game i ve ever played.Most beuatiful scenery and the actors were a very nice touch.

>> No.4267137

Lacking reading comprehension is also an indication. Whether the book was good or not is irrelevant to your mental state.

>> No.4267141
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>> No.4267346

>the clock tower puzzle
That one was just a dick move.

>> No.4267436

>a puzzle was mildly puzzling
Are you also stuck on the first level of candy crush? kek

>> No.4267448

>give the impression you're supposed to use the provided tools to solve the puzzle
>turns out you were actually just meant to stumble upon the secret function to bypass the puzzle instead
Did you even play this game?

>> No.4268281

I did. Way back before you were born when it was first released. Wasn't in the slightest bit triggered by puzzles being puzzling. And how exactly is this one not solved by using the tools provided right there in front of you?

>> No.4268317

Congrats on being a puzzle game savant you fucking nerd. Shame all that skill doesn't reflect in real life.

>> No.4268347

This. Compared to other well-made point and clicks Myst is probably in the 20%, 10% easiest.

>> No.4268350

>doesn't answer the question just insults the other person


>> No.4268404

Dude, you're given two levers that control two wheels each, and which can only pulled a specific number of total times. It's obviously presented as a puzzle where you need to figure out which sequence to pull them in to arrive at the number you're given. The actual solution, that holding the levers down allows you to turn only one wheel, can only be stumbled upon by pure luck and lets you more or less enter the number manually without any strategizing needed. It's a pure dick move.

>> No.4268696

I wish there were more Myst-style puzzles in adventure games.

Grim Fandango was great for the characters and humor, but the puzzles made me want to rip my hair out. Some people can wrap their heads around bizarre adventure game logic, but I'm not one of them.

>monkey wrench

>> No.4268802

Most people before your generation are good with puzzles. Growing up on nothing but hand holding video games caused you to never develop problem solving skills. The skill reflects profoundly in real life. Especially in the job market.

>It's obviously presented
I bet you also pick up the bait weapon intentionally placed before a boss. I bet you loose to chimps at chess.

>> No.4268808

I just ordered book of watermarks. It has a style similar to Myst, but I'm not sure if it's close in terms of its puzzles.

>> No.4268919
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>too smart for Walking Dead
>too dumb for Myst

>> No.4269068

Did some popular youtube make this argument or something? I keep seeing these comments in Myst threads and it's super whiny. Holding the levers is also super intuitive behavior since they don't have one-click animations like other buttons and levers do.

>> No.4269079

If you keep seeing these comments, there might be something to them.

Do you know what other comment you see often? That having to take the underground passage to exit the Selenitic Age takes way too long for something you need to do twice in order to get both pages. Do you know why you see this comment often? Because lots of people think so. Shocking, right?

>> No.4269102

I also beat this game when it came out, as a child. It's not that hard. Later ones got a bit harder.

>> No.4270629

Myst is just about the only /vr/ adventure game I could finish completely without a guide, mostly because it is one of few that are based completely around logic puzzles, rather than wordplay or cultural references that are largely foreign to me (English is my third language).

>I played most of the classic Lucasarts and Sierra games.
See, I don't get how you can have a hard time with Myst compared to those. Myst is just hard logic and making sense of image and sound.

>> No.4270778

People also occasionally say that you need to visit Mechanical Age first to solve the Selenetic mazerunner, but that's just dumb and wrong. I'm now doubting that people think these things, I'm skeptical of the reasoning behind WHY they think it.

>> No.4270826

The fortress simulator in the Mechanical Age gives you a hint about the sounds in the mazerunner puzzle.

>> No.4271072

Yes, but it's just an extra hint. The mazerunner design has built-in clues to teach you the sounds. I keep seeing people claim that you're screwed if you don't go to Mechanical first, which is nonsense.

>> No.4271313

i recently bought Myst for Win95 at a thrift store, and I'm running win10. The Installer wont load properly, do I have to resort to a virtual machine? If so, how would I do that?

>> No.4271441

Myst IV's ending still sticks with me bros. Undisputed vidya kino.

>> No.4271618


Use ScummVM.

>> No.4271717

>all these brainlets having a go at myst

probably didn't even find all white pages
What am I saying, you probably never left Myst Island

>wuah wuah i can't open mechanical age

Truly plebs.

All the myst games are exceptionally well designed.
All the puzzles are solvable with pure logic and properly reading hints that are given everywhere.

Best puzzle in the series is Riven's generator puzzle with like 2 unknown variables. Only bullshit in that game is the pathway hidden behind the opened door over at the generator island.

>> No.4271918

>If so, how would I do that?

>> No.4271948


>Copy these files and folders to somewhere on your machine: http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Datafiles#Myst

>Get the ScummVM daily build from here: http://scummvm.org/downloads/#daily

>Run ScummVM and click on Add Game.

>> No.4272553

I'll get on that later. Thanks!

>> No.4272561

Wait, that daily page says
>WARNING: The following builds are bleeding edge development versions made directly from our source repository. That means that they received no proper testing (usually no testing at all) and that any number of things may be broken in them. For example, they might corrupt your config file, crash frequently or might not even start. Use them at your own risk!
Is this just a general warning, or could it actually hurt my computer?

>> No.4272597


It's just a general warning.