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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 72 KB, 487x640, Evil_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4230217 No.4230217 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Let's discuss lost games.

Undoubtedly, some of you heard of films considered lost; in that they were produced and released, but all the negatives either disappeared or were destroyed, never to be seen again.

Such a fate could befall certain games. Some more than others. Even in the filesharing communities we have now, dumped games can risk total loss if the files remain unshared.

There are many games that are still unemulated for a host of reasons: copyright holders preventing emulation, rarity of certain titles for reasons unto themselves, et cetera.

Evil Night, known in Japan as Hell Night, may run the risk of becoming a lost game. It's hard to believe a title from a publisher as big as Konami could become lost, but the game is becoming increasingly rare as the years go by. The game was built on the Panasonic M2's hardware which only a handful of titles were made, including Evil Night and the original D2 (which was cancelled and now completely lost). Since the game has yet to be dumped, it may very well be lost to the tide of time. The arcades who carried it frequently reported issues with the cabinets, and those that broke could never be repaired on account of the unique and unusual hardware.

>> No.4230226

No retro game that had an actual retail release is lost. It's only true for 6thgen on.

>> No.4230249

>Evil Night, known in Japan as Hell Night, may run the risk of becoming a lost game.

The game isn't lost now, but it can be. Obscurity is the enemy of preservation.

In other places, games are disappearing rapidly. There are many games for early computers that have never been dumped and are rotting away in someone's attic on a 5 1/4 inch floppy. This may especially be true for the classic Japanese computers, although I haven't confirmed it.

Plenty of unreleased, unique games were made. Assuming these were never dumped, all copies can be considered lost. Odds are that some arcade machines from the '70s and even as far as the '90s were only produced in small runs by companies who went on to become defunct and that all examples of the roms were lost without being dumped and archived.

>> No.4230254

>In other places, games are disappearing rapidly.
Only non retro and non retail release games. And nearly all of them have been lost for 20+ years.

Again in the context of the OP no retro games have been lost.

>> No.4230271

>Again in the context of the OP no retro games have been lost.


>> No.4230275

What don't you understand?

>> No.4230278

>in that they were produced and released

If that's our metric, then games that were never released don't count.

Still doesn't change the fact that games can become lost as is the case with Evil Night.

>> No.4230285

I remember a number of years ago on here everyone was trying to find a lost Japanese point n' click game but I forget the name. I recall some screenshots and it had really cool looking gritty pre-rendered graphics.

>> No.4230307

I don't understand how you can even make such a bold claim. With the plethora of arcade games and PC games released over the years, of course there are games that have yet to be preserved and are at high risk of becoming forever lost if no one makes a good backup. Hell, someone on this very board backed up a copy of Chu-Teng.

>> No.4230329

Name one example of a retail game that isn't backed up or was backed up recently. And prove to me it was actually sold at retailers and not on the street. From what I understand the copies that did sell of Chu-Teng weren't from the major retailers in japan.

This goes for mail order shit too.

>> No.4230364

How would he be able to name one if it's lost

>> No.4230375

Because it's a retail game and would at least be in a catalog.

>> No.4230394
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Man, you must be new here.

>> No.4230440

It's hard to tell how many Atari 2600 games were lost after the American video games crash of 1983. Atari didn't really have any control over what was released on their console and electronics/toy/video game stores stopped caring about even cataloging it. Which is why the rarest games on that console like Gamma Attack (only 1 known copy exists) came out in 1984.

It's entirely possible there are dozens of completely lost 2600 games.

>> No.4230453

Wow man, a picture of an obscure game. You told me.

>> No.4230478

>Any lost retail game could at least be found in a catalog
>A game with no known copies that is only known from catalogs isn't lost, it's only "obscure"
I am telling you that you are not only moving goalposts, you're falling back onto circular logic. We used to have threads like this all the time until /v/ types like you started trying to shit all over anything we were even remotely enthusiastic about.

There is no shortage of lost PC games to be found and MAME actually maintains a database of known, undumped console games.


Pick one that sounds interesting and start tracking.

>> No.4230481

It may be impossible to even fathom how many PC games have been lost, especially European and Japanese ones.

>> No.4230482

No goal posts where moved, retard. I asked for evidence. Posting your pet hipster game isn't evidence. You can quote exactly where I asked that. Actually let me get one step ahead of your dumb ass.
>Name one example of a retail game that isn't backed up or was backed up recently. And prove to me it was actually sold at retailers and not on the street.

Man reading is tough for dumb millennial hipsters like yourself. But you enjoy that obscure game no one has heard of.

>> No.4230490

>pet hipster game
Lets not get high and mighty, none of this stuff is exactly the cure for cancer we're trying to save. Some of these are 40 year old rotting games we're looking for... they're all "pet hipster games".

>> No.4230495

>Everything worth preserving is already preserved
You're still using circular logic. Just go ahead and puke up the standard "I give up" buzzphrase and be done with it.

>> No.4230504
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Nice job putting words in my mouth. Here's a sticker. I think that's what the give common core tards for doing a good job in an argument.
Ya but you're talking about stuff that the public never saw. And 90% of it is just different versions of the same prototype. It's part of history but seeing as how ALL retro retail games are saved I think we're doing alright.

>> No.4230512
File: 131 KB, 864x575, 4452447_6_1b2d_une-partie-des-livres-et-magazines-de_46b35e647dd670c47f5321d9dbb3672d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has their own different culture of game preservation thanks to a lifetime of stricter copyright enforcement (and higher levels of guilt). There are a lot of games they physically keep at the game preservation society and I believe they dump and archive them too, they just don't distribute them publicly. Someone should really hack their network.

>> No.4230523

I'm not 100% sure what kind of mental gymnastics you're using. Maybe that "retro games" only applies to console games? Computer games represent one extreme where games may have been widely distributed for example the Microzine bimonthly(?) series of educational games for Apple 2 computers that many if not most people my age played at school, passed around and openly copied and shared by teachers still have huge empty spaces in their archive. On the other end, arcade games were so expensive and "difficult" to dump that many just uncommon games remain undumped. Certainly there are also even some console games that saw narrow release (like the 1984 US console releases) and remain undumped but I'm sure to you those are just hipster games not worth preservation.

>> No.4230527

>mental gymnastics
That would be you listing off your vast knowledge of games no one has heard of and not listing any evidence.

A lot of Edutainment was never available for retail.

>> No.4230541

>My mental gymnastics center around misdefining terms like "lost", "obscure", "retro games" and "retail"
Got it

>> No.4230543

You using greentext as a way to add words I never typed really helps your case. Especially when you say other people are from /v/. But that's basic cancer these days with you kids. And judging from your past posts you wont chance.

>> No.4230547

Then allow me to translate. You are using wrong definitions for words like "lost", "obscure", "retro games" and "retail" to not only justify you own lazy indifference but to try to pass it on to others

>> No.4230559

Then we know you can't read a dictionary. No surprise there.

>> No.4230684

>Ya but you're talking about stuff that the public never saw.

So what about location test version of games which were made precisely to test them in the public? Do those not count? Or what about bootleg games that were distributed but not officially licensed releases for mainstream game consoles? Sure, if you're talking about retail NES and Genesis games, yeah, likely all games have been backed up and preserved, though there could certainly be instances of undumped revisions. In terms of arcade stuff, there was a revision of Street Fighter II CE that was dumped just within the past 5-6 years, as well as stuff like Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car which was preserved just within the past couple years. Do those not count?

>> No.4230752

You're being intentional obtuse like your average /v/irgin that's been backed into a corner, but since your idea of research outside of 4chan probably begins and ends in starting a leddit thread let me give you a little info kiddo. He posted a Japanese game that was the third in it's series, the back of it's case shows in-game screen shots and a barcode, it's even still listed on Amazon Japan as "out of stock" so all evidence points towards it having received a public retail release. There is absolutely no known ISO dump available likely due to how strongly the Japanese government enforces copyright protection laws even on it's average citizens which created a culture that's much less ready and willing to rip and upload games when compared to other nations.

It's retro, it more than likely hit retailers, and there's still no ISO rip to this day meaning it falls squarly into the "lost media" category (as it would even without your needless "retail release" specification). Now that your asshole is loose and prolapsed from a thorough metaphorical fucking I'd kindly suggest you go back to your home board/subreddit and post angry Pepe images while bitching about every minority that appears in upcoming video games.
>you wont chance
Your phone's autocorrect can be a real bitch sometimes, am I right summerfag?

>> No.4230798

Kid calling summer while talking out of context to the OP and my post. Classic. Before replying try getting some reading comprehension. Maybe things won't be so obtuse to you then.

>> No.4230816

How is it out of context? OP references physical destruction/loss, unshared ROM files, and games which are otherwise unemulated. Care to tell me what was "out of context"?

>> No.4230837 [DELETED] 

Try reading again kiddo. I already repeated myself itt.

>> No.4230858

>reading comprehension
Do you even know what that means? Is English even your first language? As >>4230816 lays out for your slow ass there is nothing out of context for this thread or your shitposts.
>r-read again XD
>read what? W-why my post of course k-kiddo!

>> No.4230878

>that they were produced and released, but all the negatives either disappeared or were destroyed, never to be seen again.
if this definition is used then pretty much most game are lost since their source codes are lost forever.

>> No.4230903 [DELETED] 

So, OK, sorry if I'm not understanding? You mentioned to name one recently backed-up old, officially released
game, and I brought up Sonic Patrol Car (and even Sonic Popcorn Shop). These were games attached to dedicated, specially designed machines which have been found in the wild. Both were over 20 years old and only digitally preserved within the past few years. Do those not count? Are confirmed to exist revisions of arcade games not count? Do unlicensed but fully published games, such as the Korean Magic Kid Googoo not count? At a certain point the definition becomes so narrow as to be irrelevant.

>> No.4230930

These are baseless assumptions that people who have no sufficient japanese skills parrot all the time.

>> No.4230961

All those Sonic X-treme titles.
Mother 64
Frederick Raynal's survival horror game for the Dreamcast

Those are all unfinished/cancelled games though, wouldn't qualify as "lost" since they were never released according to OP's definition.

Star Fox 2 is another famous one, it's being released on the SNES mini thing now though.

Guess the BS Zeldas count. Also the FFVI N64 tech demo.

>> No.4230982

I think you mean Chu Teng. It's made by Osamu Sato (LSD) and is the sequel to Eastern Mind. It was actually found and dumped thanks to this board. I still remember those were some of the very first threads on /vr/. Pretty interesting story, you can google it easily.

>> No.4230986

So, OK, sorry if I'm not understanding. You mention retail, but what exactly do you mean by that? Obviously that would exclude prototype builds and even fully finished but unreleased games (like MD Tetris), but do confirmed to exist revisions of arcade games not count? Or do arcade games not count at all because they were only initially sold to arcade operators? It seems that you excluded Chu-Teng because you dont think it was sold at "major retailers." Does the breadth of retail availability factor in, even if it were officially released? Do unlicensed but original and fully published games, such as the Korean Famicom title Magic Kid Googoo not count? Dealing with lost, potentially lost, or at high risk of being lost media is inherently a vague subject given that sometimes the only record of existence is something like a flyer or an advert. When dealing with 30 year old software, it can be difficult to accurately determine if something did indeed have a wide release at all, or if it were just distributed in small quantities.

>> No.4231000


>> No.4231015

>Let's discuss lost games
>discusses game that's not lost
>claims it was never dumped
>dumped ages ago
Sounds like you might be retarded kiddo

>> No.4231036
File: 1.41 MB, 288x288, kvpaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize games can become extinct

>> No.4231038

he's doing le epic troll XD

>> No.4231053

> not in god emperor's glorious nippongo ergo not a credible source
Do you even circular logic in a circular logic thread? Your trips, wasted!

>> No.4231063

Like Bouncer?

>> No.4231078

Sounds like Garage: Bad Dream adventure

>> No.4231115

You mean Evil Night was dumped? Where?

>> No.4231151

>caring about trips
/v/ needs to leave

>> No.4231171


>> No.4231214

Sometimes I think it was never real

>> No.4231220


>> No.4231249

This fucking board ended up finding a game that was considered lost during its early years dumbass.

>> No.4231361

Yes. Multiple places as it's not nearly as lost as you believe and it's easy to dump.

What game was it that? Daily reminder that lost doesn't mean "not dumped and given away for free"

>> No.4231379

>Daily reminder that lost doesn't mean "not dumped and given away for free"
No shit the reason people want games to be dumped is so they don't end up in a situation like Chu-Teng which is the game /vr/ eventually found. If something is not obtainable either through purchasing or through other means such as downloading a dumped copy then it's considered lost which was the case with Chu-Teng until it turned out some guy here had a copy in his attic. Even Sato the lead developer of the game didn't have a copy of it when everyone was searching for one.

>> No.4231418

Unfortunately that's not the one I'm thinking of but I'll have to check it out for sure!

This is the one!

>> No.4231439

It looks like a House Of The Dead clone. Would definitely love to play it, if I ever get a chance to.

>> No.4231720

>my definitions are law
Spoken like a true millennial. Just because you don't know someone who's willing to sell you something at a price you like doesn't mean the something is lost.

>> No.4231724

Alright it's obvious you're just screwing with me now.

>> No.4232185

Havn't posted in this thread before.

This guy is either a troll or he genuinely does not understand what the word "lost" means and probably a great deal of other words.

>> No.4232443

>b-b-but words mean whatever i want them to
Only in your safe space kiddo

>> No.4232567

Evil Night is not that good. It's House of the Dead's retarded imitator. The monsters are monotonous (there's only, what, 5 unique enemies in game), the bosses even less interesting (how'd they manage to fuck that up?), the plot is lame and the voice acting makes the first Resident Evil's performances look like Oscar material.

I've seen it at two arcades in my lifetime; one close to me at an arcade in Fall River and one while I was on vacation in Hawaii. It's a shame if the game becomes lost, but honestly, it's kinda shitty.

>> No.4232592

Ok, so I guess I'm not missing out then.

>> No.4232646
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to play the Hyper Neo Geo 64 games, but they are emulated for shit. They weren't really great games, but it sucks that they will be lost to time; once the few systems that are still out there stop working, they will be gone for good.

>> No.4232652

This guy did a playthrough of it:

>> No.4232678
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So let's re-rail

>> No.4232680
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>> No.4234903


>> No.4234905

Hope it's cool to bump. I'm new to /vr/. This thread's got potential. I love shit like this.

>> No.4234928

Not him but there were a ton of weird DOS games I played in the 80's and 90's that I never heard of again. I'm certain most or all exist on some hard drive somewhere. But it's also entirely possible some slipped through the cracks and are now gone or won't get uploaded to the net and so will eventually disappear.

With boxed full releases if games for a console you're probably right. But there were a hell of a lot more games than what got official retail releases.

>> No.4234930

> prove to me it was actually sold at retailers and not on the street.

This part is irrelevant.

>> No.4235239

>every piece of homebrew garbage is relevant

>> No.4235248

Why would it not be? Isn't that exactly what OP was asking about?

>> No.4235367

Exactly what I was thinking. How did the thread get derailed into shitposts over what's official enough?

>> No.4235980

OP was asking about a lost undumped arcade game that actually has been dumped. So is that the criteria? Collectors have definitions of what constitutes as complete set so it can be achieved. If you want to chase after some forgotten piece of homebrew trash knock yourself out but don't expect anyone else to care. Actually do expect a few autists hoping to validate their existence by joining your club to care, but no one that matters.

>> No.4236000
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The whole point is discussion. If something "lost is deemed unworthy, the post will just be ignored.

Back on topic, there was a version of Waterford Institute's Mental Math Games that involved LAN play, with one popular sub-game being Cycles, a TRON light cycles type game where you moved by solving math problems. While at least one version of MMG are online, it seems that the one with Cycles is not. I know you can find people mentioning it online, and I do believe at least one other /vr poster remembers it as well. I played ir in public school during the 90s. Been awhile since I searched, might look around to see if it has been archived.

>> No.4236105

I considered the criteria to be games. If you only want to talk about retail releases because of some collector lists that's fine but OP didn't make that distinction.

And what's with the attitude? You sound like a 12 year old having a sugar crash. Doesn't really help you.

>> No.4236883

OP made the distinction that the "lost" game had to be currently available for purchase from multiple sources and have been dumped and released years ago. Equating that with "games" doesn't really help you.

>> No.4236948


>> No.4236953


>> No.4236987


Stop ruining this thread fucktard.

>> No.4237285

Oddly enough OP did that in the OP. kek

>> No.4237706

Quote the text in his post you think means that so I can laugh at you.

>> No.4237798

God damn OP already clarified with trips >>423600. Both of you shut the fuck up get back to the thread

>> No.4238304

>Evil Night
Yuk it up champ

>> No.4238327

Where has Evil Night been dumped?

>> No.4238353

Not him but are you saying all of this shit is over the one example OP happened use?

>> No.4238381
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Pastel World/Island by Visco for SSV arcade. Kenichi Kamio composed music but its also lost.

List of unpumped arcade games

>> No.4238385
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>> No.4238403


We are never going to play Vertexer. Fucking slow ass mame devs and fuck that collectorfag hoarder ShouTime

>> No.4238405


>> No.4238459

Find me a good rip of Super Tempo.

>> No.4238705

People like that should be hanged.

>> No.4238762

A lot of laserdisc games are unemulated and probably never will be (Freedom Fighter, sadly...)

>> No.4239016

Many places

>are you saying this thread is about the OP
I am

>> No.4239575

You're completely retarded.

>> No.4239585

True faacts. Like two years ago I heard some guy was ripping the laseractive library and working with the daphne guy but I've heard no progress from there whatsoever. Last thing I heard was him requesting no more AO games because his wife wasn't cool with them.

>> No.4240349

>the guy who has a rip of the"lost" game OP held up as an example of reddit tier omgomgcanhaslost faggotry is retarded
Sounds like you've got it all worked out sport

>> No.4241006

Your just an ass. Simple as that.
There's no need to be as aggressive and rude as you are being.

>> No.4241007

Just ignore him she's clearly a bored /v/ shitposter.

>> No.4241040

You sound like that retard yesterday who was shitting on the PS1 and had no idea what AAA meant.

>> No.4241120

Is this becoming the new /vr/ insult? I usually agree with the people who are doing the insulting but really

>> No.4241159

What's the story with this?

>> No.4241210

I was referring to the other part but I'm sure your response will be similarly infantile and ignorant.

>> No.4241801

Millennials take everything as an insult or at least a microaggression. They're also notorious for making up their own definitions of words and getting a participation trophy for doing it. Not so much an insult as a statement of fact.
Like remember that time I "lost" my car. Yeah. There was this guy who had a rare car I wanted and and he didn't read every post I made on a weeb image board asking if anyone had one so the car was like totally lost. kek.

>> No.4241817

When were you born? Only a couple of gen-xers frequent this board.

>> No.4241828

This, there is no consensus on the birth years for millennials but the dates range from as early as 1977 to as late as the early 2000's, not that I would expect anyone throwing the term around to actually be well informed enough to know that.
>They're also notorious for making up their own definitions of words and getting a participation trophy for doing it. Not so much an insult as a statement of fact.
Oh the irony. Well no offense (though you might take this as a micro-aggression regardless) but I dare say you just might be a millennial.

>> No.4242179

Shoutime probably contributed more to retrogaming emulation than anyone else in this board. inb4 someone accused me of being shoutime.

>> No.4242680

69. There used to be a lot more but summers have taken their toll.
>using a dictionary is irony
I'm sure, for your kind, it is. You text your friends something like old guy emoji book emoji laughing baby emoji and all have a giggle.

>> No.4243256

how so? got any proof? hes a fucking cocktease.

>> No.4243260
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Shoutime cant even be bothered to take good footage of his unreleased games. Pathetic.

>> No.4243268


>> No.4243274

Imagine being 48 years old and going on a site created by millennials, for millennials, just to whine about millennials.
Imagine being 48 years old and trying to derail a thread over the contextual use of the term "lost".
Imagine being 48 years old and trying to be hip with the kids by using their dank meme words.
Imagine being 48 years old and bringing up emojis repeatedly for no god damned reason.

Just imagine.

>> No.4243279

As Anon said, it's part three of this series of games "Zeddas". It's kind of like Myst but with 90s CGI (all pre-rendered) and it's pretty bizarre. The first game saw US release on PC & Mac so people have it. It's just an obscure adventure game. Part 2 is Japanese only. but definitely has better graphics and seems like a decent step forward but then part 3 is "lost" at this time. No rip, no gameplay videos, no known copies. A complete mystery.


>> No.4243281
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Imagine being born after or having no recollection pre 9/11.

>> No.4243287

Imagine being a Gen-Z "wrong generation" kid who fetishizes outdated games made by people more than twice his age.

>> No.4243308
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Imagine there's no heaven

>> No.4243370

Why would you make such a bullshit statement?

>> No.4243375

I have the spooky sensation that DreamTR is posting in this thread.

>> No.4243385

I'm a lot closer to your age than his and I think the way you act is an embarrassment, even around here.

>> No.4243389

It's freaky how little some people change

>> No.4243398

That's a compliment coming from a late 90s or later born common core kid.

>> No.4243407

Imagine being the appropriate demographic for this site and not cancer that's actively killing this board.

>> No.4243426
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Imagine posting on topic

>> No.4243458

I doubt it.

>> No.4243473

A lot of guys from old forums are starting to browse here. They talk about /vr/ on BYOAC a lot now.

>> No.4243481

You're trying too hard


>> No.4243641

It's been around for awhile and just like every buzzword you should just take it as a sign of someone shitposting very blatantly.

>> No.4244110

It's a strange irony that the posters who self identify as the oldest seem to actively try to be the most childish. And they're the most invested in using their age as a tool to attempt to shut down everyone else.

It's a surreal parade, whatever's going on.

>> No.4244145


>> No.4244170

There always will be tons of amateur/self-published stuff lost. No big deal, if only a few people saw it it isn't important to history.

>> No.4244171

Imagine being being a cancerous snowflake

>> No.4244180

I don't need to imagine that.

>> No.4244183

So this is only about what's being important to history for you? I am interested in any kind of lost game, big or small. Old forgotten games made by just one or two people that never even got released outside of floppies in a envelope are fascinating to me.

>> No.4244213

That is fascinating indeed when such a game is found, I'm just saying that you can't preserve everything and most importantly there's no need for it.
I have unfinished games on my hard drives, there's thouthands free indie games on the internet and noone gives a shit about them and never will.

>> No.4244234

I guess we just have different perspectives. I'm not concerned about preservation for historical purposes. I'm just intersted in the games. I particularly fond ones made by one or a few people very fascinating. Not just retro either, I do it with all kinds of games. But I do love digging though dos archives and stumbling across something I played decades ago and had completely forgotten.

>> No.4244237

So you must be checking new submissions on gamejolt and itch every day?

>> No.4244295

Well nowhere near everyday. I love finding new games as well as new old games but the result is that I always have more games I want to get to than time. Also I really like Roguelikes which are time consuming to start with, but I try to at least attempt all the ones in the 7dayrl challenge and that gets bigger and bigger. Now it's September and I still have a fair number to go. I predict a future where the next obe will roll around before I've really experienced the ones from last year.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great problem to have but it's still nuts.

>> No.4245075
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Bouncer in Ninja 3

>> No.4245104

this underage fag doesn't know about lost arcade games

>> No.4245118

Reading comprehension is low on /vr/

>> No.4245134
File: 132 KB, 320x243, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see Bouncer mentioned, I hurt a little inside. I fully think this one is lost to time, and it's a damn shame. It looked like a fucking blast and all the playtesters said it blew their minds.

>> No.4245142
File: 42 KB, 336x240, mman_a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking asshole hoarders, probably going to die and have their rare shit tossed in the trash by unknowing relatives

>> No.4245146 [DELETED] 

I remember reading some homo's impressions about it in an old trade magazine and he complained that it was fascist, lol.

Dude also whined about Bega's Battle, so fuck him.

>> No.4245149

interesting story about midway's Journey-themed arcade game:
>Although they have cartoon bodies, the faces of the members are shown as black-and-white photographs, taken of the band while on tour. The photo technology was originally to be used in another game, which would take photos for the high scores. However, the game in question failed location testing when one player engaged in exhibitionism, flashing the camera.
I would like to know what that game was like, at least

>> No.4245203

I more concerned about how little documentation and info are about console games that never left japan. Its like they exist by name only and nobody would care if they vanish completely. The preserve gaming history seems to be pretty exclusive to games that are available in english.

>> No.4245205

How deep into the Japanese gaming history scene are you?

>> No.4245241

I need to clarify that I meant games that are released and more or less easily obtainable/downloadable in most cases but nobody has not written any english info about what the games is about and how does it play.

>> No.4245324

Do you have some sort of aversion to trying things yourself?

>> No.4245327
File: 419 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ovp9yepqXY1rppy76o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back to the Far East where we meet Cotton in the feudal era in this unreleased side-scrolling action Platformer from Success that was lost in time

Dude is just sitting on lost games. At least it gives me something to post.

>> No.4245363

sorry but thats bullshit, first of all there is a reasonable number of ng64 boards in the wild, and second they are dumped and its only a matter of time before a mame dev will continue working on the drivers, patience. Then again the emulation will probably be shit because mame doesnt support hw acceleration. Someone write a dedicated ng64 emu already!

>> No.4245368
File: 37 KB, 320x254, cityheroes-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want this so much. Someone smuggle it out of korea already.

>> No.4245373

Fuuuck I want that so bad.

>> No.4245375

If there's no info about it, chances are it's a shitty Visual Novel.

>> No.4245380

It obviously is if you have a problem reading that simple summary of the OP.

Name some. And I think preservation in Japan is a pretty big thing, especially considering the fucked up laws that derail it.

>> No.4245391
File: 445 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ovp9yepqXY1rppy76o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4245396
File: 91 KB, 854x480, tumblr_ovxklxomSJ1ulp8mfo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Looney Tunes X The Matrix proposal by Traveller’s Tales (unreleased).

>> No.4245401

this probably would have been a ps2 game tho.

>> No.4246398


Someone a couple of months ago claimed that it was found and was about to go up on a private tracker. I don't know if anything happened after that.


>Labyrinthe is old news, bakuDD has it already and it's going in the Power User thread on retrowithin with his other games
>Noah's Ark, Obelisk: Project Oscar, and Blue Sango are going to be a lot trickier to find

>> No.4246405

>Evil Night

Pick one.

It's easy to google. It's never been dumped because of the hardware it's on.

>> No.4246795

>We are never going to play Vertexer. Fucking slow ass mame devs and fuck that collectorfag hoarder ShouTime

There is definitely some weird shit going on with this one. I think the problem is that Taito themselves didn't have it, and the board he got hold of was apparently used by them to release the official soundtrack in 2014. I expect Taito's involvement with the game/specific board meant that any suggestion of releasing the dump publicly would be met with "lol no unless you like lawyers".

Same thing seemed to happen with Crazy Otto and also the Atari rare games "Safe Stuff" had.
Cuntiest hoarder goes to the Japanese guy who provided the first complete dump of Ridge Racer that the Vivanonno emulator ran which he demanded never to be released. He had his own site with screenshots boasting about it in broken Engrish with the killer line "please congratulate for my great achievement, but do not ask, for I never give!" world class assholery!

>> No.4246802

>world class assholery!
He'd fit in great in this thread.

>> No.4246869

>lol no unless you like lawyers

Do we have evidence of this ever happening with an old game? Only one I can think of was maybe the guy who made the Shadowhawk character threatening some repro maker or something. Beyond that all I can think of are the standard DMCA complaints which as far as I know generally don't amount to anything beyond the file getting removed.

>> No.4246932

>release the official soundtrack in 2014
What the fuck

>> No.4246985

>Do we have evidence of this ever happening with an old game? Only one I can think of was maybe the guy who made the Shadowhawk character threatening some repro maker or something. Beyond that all I can think of are the standard DMCA complaints which as far as I know generally don't amount to anything beyond the file getting removed.

This is actually a good point. I'm sure the threat of such was mooted in the case of e.g. Crazy Otto and some of the Atari protos (e.g. a known individual has them, therefore if they are leaked it was clearly from that individual and therefore they are legally responsible). I don't know of any actual case of this happening, but would you want to be the one who was responsible for testing it?
>What the fuck
The original CD I understand came out Dec 2014 in Japan (can't find a link now). You know how you lost change down the couch? Taito lost a GAME down there.

>> No.4248179

You and me both, anon.

>> No.4249364

I know the faggots at TCRF frequently browse this board.

>> No.4249378

actually someone is selling this arcade machine on facebook for 300 bucks. it don't work but i might buy it and fix it.

>> No.4249378,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's uploaded.
He put it in his special "do not share" folder. If you reupload anything in there, he said he'll stop ripping lost games and delete everything.