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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 348 KB, 1024x768, Aladdin-Wallpaper-aladdin-6351599-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4233320 No.4233320 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all. Which version of Aladdin was the better game?

>> No.4233353

Seems like we got a winner already, lol.

>> No.4234043

Proof that for all the bravado and bluster from Sega fanboys on /vr/, Nintendo is the side of the silent majority.

>> No.4234047

We NEVER had this thread before. Btw Game Gear version was best.

>> No.4234049

>silent majority

>> No.4234056
File: 53 KB, 498x498, Aladdin idle desert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had both systems as a kid in the 90's. Aladdin for Genesis was seen, based on my memories, as the superior version. The technical achievement and visual of the sprites made from animation cells had wide appeal. Addressing the "no sword" SNES issue, I don't recall a single person calling that out.

>> No.4234079

Wait 24 hours

>> No.4234082

Yes, plenty of time for the sega kids to randomize their IPs enough to rig it.

>> No.4234087

The graphics and animation were better, but like all Virgin games the gameplay was a floaty mess. The Capcom SNES version had tighter controls and it was just a blast to play. Plus the music was better.

I'm no SNES fanboy by the way, and I usually tend to side with Genesis versions of other games because the gameplay is usually tighter, but Aladdin dropped the ball.

>> No.4234089

The classic fantasy filled mind of a drone

>> No.4234093

The classic dismissal of the truth.

>> No.4234104

It has nothing to do with being fanboys, or even being a Sega/Nintendo fan.
The Capcom game is the better designed game, while the Virgin one only has sprite animations going for it.

>> No.4234136

Top Tier:
SIMS Aladdin

High Tier:
Capcom Aladdin

Mid Tier:
Virgin Aladdin

Low Tier:
Argonaut Aladdin

Shit Tier:
Tiger Aladdin

>> No.4234146

>Mikami, who served as a designer on the platformer while at Capcom, said he has a preference for the Sega Genesis version — the one he didn't work on.

>"If I didn't actually make [the SNES game], I would probably buy the Genesis one,"

>> No.4234185

The Genesis is SO shit at most genres and games, they have to try and claim a victory on some multiplat licensed game

Genefags are so dogmatic that they won't even entertain the idea of the SNES version being the better game.

>> No.4234246

both are pretty mediocre tbqh, why not world of illusion vs magical quest 3 instead?

>> No.4234257

>tries to downplay the video aspect of video game
It's true, I've found infants have a tough time with the Genesis controller.

>> No.4234268

They aren't even comparable because they're nowhere close to being the same game.

>> No.4234341


>> No.4234443

When reading that interview, Mikami only praises the game for the same thing we all know: the sprite animations.
He also says the reason he "would have bought the MD version" is because he liked the Genie the best, but for some copyright reasons, Genie couldn't be on the cover of the SFC version of Aladdin.
Although honestly, it's kind of silly because Genie isn't on the japanese cover of MD Aladdin either. So Mikami was comparing the US cover of MD Aladdin to the JP cover of SFC Aladdin, because the US version of SNES Aladdin has Genie on the cover. I wonder if he's aware of that.
Anyway, Dave Perry responded:
>"I'm really biased as we made the original game and got Disney to deliver the animation," he said. "So I'd flip the quote, 'If I didn't actually make the Genesis version I'd probably buy the SNES one.'"
These silly devs being polite to each other.

>> No.4234471

Don't editorialize, say Genesis when appropriate.

>> No.4234476

i didn't really like the sword because you had to get close to the enemies to hit them with it which usually made u hit them

>> No.4234479

sorry i meant they would hit you and you would loos a heart

>> No.4234503

Nah snes fags are just man babies that never grew the fuck up and still think they're in 5th grade, due to the nature of nintendo games and the betas it attracted they also gravitate always to easier games then claim it's better. Both are great games but the genesis outshines it comfortably.

Honestly the opposite is true, even irl i've ever met a genny fanboy as an adult but snes still has fucking loads and they're star wars tier beta obsessed and ironically nearly all star wars fans to. Nintendo is the eternal infants choice.

>> No.4234506

Thus you have a fucking throwable weapon to ie the apples, not the games fault that you're so unintelligent you can't muster basic obvious strategies. Both games are easy anyway.

>> No.4234540

>the silent majority.
Now this is shitposting

>> No.4234621
File: 156 KB, 1000x600, know-your-aladdins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234676

>Nah snes fags are just man babies that never grew the fuck up and still think they're in 5th grade
...says the fag still fighting about ancient consoles wars 30 years later on fucking 4chan. get some self awareness there m8

>> No.4234697


Did the developers ever say why he didn't have a sword in the SNES version? Was it just a design choice because in the movie he never really has a sword as weapon either or had it really to do something with Nintendo and "Muh chillren!"? In other words could they have given him one if they wanted?

>> No.4234703

The Genesis version sold twice as much on a console with half the install base.

>> No.4234735


it's so out of character to have Aladdin with the sword

Capcom version is more sneak thief that he was

>> No.4234768

>oh i'm so above this
gtfo /vr/ then nintencuk

>> No.4234778

This. SNES is a better adaptation of the source material (except for the random dude-middle-east-has-pyramids-lmao level), but the Genesis version is simply more fun and exuberant

>> No.4234881


>> No.4234884

New original game
Shitty Prince of Persia ripoff

Hard choice.

>> No.4234898

>SNES is a better adaptation of the source material

Except that it doesn't look the part, and Aladdin does thief gymnastics in the movie for something like 3 minutes total.

>> No.4234970
File: 449 KB, 188x138, 1485277460393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al also does acrobatics on the Virgin game. I mean, it takes a special kind of skill to be able to go through solid objects or bounce in mid-air so hard that you make a camel you haven't even touched squash.

>> No.4234990
File: 101 KB, 960x560, AgrabahRooftops_MD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virgin one only has sprite animations going for it

>> No.4234997

Moreso than using a FUCKING SWORD in the last act of the movie (which he ultimately never does anything with)

>> No.4234998
File: 563 KB, 3311x591, Level_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the better designed game

>> No.4235029
File: 335 KB, 3500x986, Aladdin-Level5-CaveOfWonders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first level of Virgin Aladdin isn't so bad, but it still has that traditionally western "maze-like" level design, there are worse offenders though, like pic related.
This being 1-1 is the simplest level of the game, but I already like how it's more streamlined (while still having also an upper route you can take).

But level design in Capcom Aladdin really shines on the later half, the genie, pyramid/sand and palace levels are great platforming experiences.

>> No.4235031

Genesis all day nibba