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File: 277 KB, 288x363, daggerfallboxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4224893 No.4224893 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Daggerfall thread?
I was gonna start a new playthrough and actually try to finish the game.
Does anyone have a guide on the dungeon map system?

>> No.4224896

just make notes that point the way back to the exit at each intersection.

fondle all skulls

>> No.4224902
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>> No.4227183
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>> No.4227346

Anyone know of other games that do this kinda (semi)randomly-generated cities and dungeons thing?

>> No.4227352

>Alleged gamer "Sniff, sniffle, they dun maek dem big anymore sniff"
>People who played it "For fuck's sake this town is fucking boring, why is everything miles away from the gate? You could remove three quarters of this town and it would be an improvement!"

>> No.4227361

Yeah, that's a fair criticism. But it did allow for a large mass of cities, that made you feel like you were travelling through a country, even if it was a very barebones one.

>> No.4227392

Or just get on your horse to get to your destination in seconds, or better yet start bunnyhopping. Silly ADD kid.

>> No.4227587
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>The Chad Warrior

>> No.4227707

Shit advice, just cast Recall at the start of a dungeon, then methodically search for whatever you need.
Daggerfall dungeons are essentially like solving a puzzle, and as you get more familiar with the pieces you will start to enjoy it more. I advise you to skip many of the dungeon guild quests though, you can take the other ones. Remember that quests in Daggerfall aren't something you need to take, they're completely up to you - the reputation with the guild won't fall if you reject it.

This may also be worth reading: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Traveling#Dungeon_Exploration_Method

Also, a few tips for character creation. You should make full use of Daggerfall's custom creator because it makes the difference between an overpowered tank and an unplayable wimp. You should get your speed and agility up to 80 right at the start, just lower personality and luck by ~20 points. Endurance is also a good idea. Take 3x Magery points, rapid healing and preferably an expertise with a weapon. Offset it with a critical weakness for disease, which is easily cured by a spell. There's lots of other stuff you can do, but these are the basics.

>> No.4227930

That link and this one: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Dungeons#Assembling_of_Dungeons
When you realize how the dungeons are assembled it's a lot easier to keep track of where you are and where you're going.

>> No.4227967
File: 86 KB, 640x480, brunhilde_start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started new playthrough. Played Morrowind to death (I have put twice as many hours into that game than I have every person I have ever loved put together) but never really played Daggerfall until now. Having a tough time navigating and finding the places people tell me to go to.

I just got this letter from some random bitch who's telling me to go to a tavern that nobody seems to know shit about...how the fuck is this place in business?!

In this particular moment, however, I am on the 2nd floor of a general store, hiding, because on the 1st floor are 2 gigantic fucking green-as-shrek's-dick spiders that make Skyrim's spiders look like some candy-ass bullshit. If I get bit, I'm paralyzed, and they proceed to nibble on my pasty, virgin Nordic ass.

>> No.4227975

>very barebones one

Way more shit in this game than there was IRL at a comparable time

>> No.4228029

Your character probably sucks. Look up proper character creation, the difficulty you'll have in this game is entirely dependent on how much you fucked up with that. Every pre-made class is a terrible choice.

>> No.4229215


Yup, that's Daggerfall.

>> No.4229225
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, jesushchrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.4229229
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There's a pit above it
Looks like some kind of donkey-man fell into a trap

>> No.4229270

Yeah, I just did the questions and the game, perhaps too honestly, told me I'd be a Barbarian.

Think I'm going to remake this character into one who only uses daggers or something and manipulate the advantages/disadvantages, etc.

>> No.4231208

Do the race bonuses work with DaggerfallSetup?

>> No.4231239

Also, is there any difference between Long Blade, Axe, and Blunt-Weapons, or is it just aesthetic?

>> No.4232218

long blade is the strongest in general, but certain weapon types are stronger against certain enemies. e.g. blunt is strongest against skeletons

>> No.4232239

The great thing about Daggerfall is that hand-to-hand is viable too. Make a character with high speed, agility and strength and you can punch and kick everyone to death. It also ignores any material resistances on monsters.

>> No.4232285

>tfw you like the towns in Daggerfall
>tfw you supposedly haven't played it according to some anonymous user on a vietnamese claymation forum

>> No.4232430

One of the good things the game managed to pull is the sense of scale. You REALLY feel in a big city with tons of people.

I wisht the npc interaction was more meaninful, like there were events (a robbery, festivals, parades), and being able to do more things in cities like gambling, sewer cleaning, and what not.

>> No.4232438

Man, i'm tired of minecraft-like clones.

>> No.4232535
File: 627 KB, 961x461, Daggerfall city.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the big boulevard in Daggerfall. Walking through it for the first time made a pretty strong impression.

However, I'm not very fond of the castle exterior. Out of all the three "major" states, Daggerfall was definitely the one with the most boring castle. Sentinel had the great, oriental-looking dome which was also well integrated into the city planning. Wayrest had a comfy villa surrounded by a huge park with a hedge maze. Then there's castle daggerfall, which was just a boring generic castle, which at the same time looks too outlandish and weird to pass as a real european castle.

>> No.4233864

Sacrificial altar?

>> No.4234113

I just started this game for the first time.

Is there a way to become a vampire early in the game, since you apparently can't rejoin Thieves' Guild or Dark Brotherhood after becoming one?

>> No.4234214

You can become a vampire anytime you like, you just need to get hit a bunch of times until it happens.
Off the top of my head, Direnni Tower has several vampires that are easy to find.

>> No.4234218
File: 73 KB, 640x480, whatthefuck_dungeon_megacuntedition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the literal unadulterated fuck is this? I pull a lever and turn a crank, then I touch this chain to apparently shimmy down this hole. Slowfall and climbing are automatically updated and I can't do a goddamn thing while I descend into what is apparently water, where the game doesn't let me move and I die.

>> No.4234231

No idea, but don't be surprised to find broken parts of a dungeon that will fuck you up. Think of them as ancient traps designed by whatever insane architect of Iliac Bay planned these mazes.

>> No.4234289

that's one of the trickier dungeon modules. lots of moving parts you need to control with deifferent levers, and relatively easy to end up getting stuck.

if you have the recall spell, I strongly recommend that you make an anchor while you're still near the entrance.

>> No.4234490
File: 61 KB, 640x480, whatthefuck_dungeon_skinnydippingfromhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to look for a book somewhere in here as a part of a quest. If I can't find a secret door or some shit, there's nowhere else to go and no way to proceed. So, I guess, fuck this quest and fuck this dungeon? How about fuck this game? What the fuck was Bethesda thi-

Oh, okay. I don't know how this happened, but I slipped THROUGH the gate, didn't hit the crank, and am now swimming. I don't see anywhere I'll be able to breathe or anything like that, yet. Next enemy that sees me will probably fuck my face hole. I guess I'll be careful and we'll see what happens....

>> No.4234494
File: 75 KB, 640x480, mrfishy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another crank to turn on the left side, but if I go there, I run out of breath and die. Over here there's a door, and behind it, is....


>> No.4234498

I just found the item required by the Mage Guild for my first quest, and I can't fucking pick it up. I can't interact with anything on the floor at all. I've tried left clicking, right clicking, crouching, with my weapon readied and put away.

What am I doing wrong here?

>> No.4234501

you're playing this unpolished piece of shit

>> No.4234512

Nvm, I figured it out. I had to use ALT to look around.

It's pretty polished for 1996 (though I'm playing the version with all the bugfixes/patches).

It seems pretty badass so far. Hard to go wrong with an open world ES game. I'm sure it'll become a favorite once I get to the fun stuff.

Lot harder than Skyrim, though; that's for sure.

>> No.4234516

Holy shit how fucking terrifying.

>> No.4234713

It screeches like some otherworldly being before you see it, too. So, imagine swimming through a dark cavern, through which there is no place you can breathe or escape, all while hearing that...and then, the door opens.

I'd post another screenshot, but there's nothing after this, for this story is clearly over. I'll have to reload my save before I got in here and just do something else.

>> No.4234790

I honestly find Arena and Daggerfall the most terrifying games I've played. No matter how much time I've spent crawling through the dungeons, sudden monsters popping up behind me still scares the shit out of me.

>> No.4234843

Survival horror never had shit on the kind of thing you deal with in games like Daggerfall and Doom.

>> No.4235136
File: 75 KB, 640x480, justsummoartorture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like shit like this shows up in every dungeon

>> No.4236394
File: 57 KB, 640x480, headsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get ahead of this dungeon. I can't find any way out, and the secret entrance I used to find this part appears to be a one-way deal. The only place I haven't thoroughly explored yet is the water route at the very bottom, but I can't go through there without drowning, even if I drop all my shit first.

I think I'm going to declare this game "a broken if ambitious piece of shit" and go play something that was actually played through before release.

>> No.4236402

There are measures you could have taken to prevent this. Re-start, and try to use this guy's advice.

Yes, it's reddit, but it's good advice nonetheless.
Also, you should get water-breathing spells and the spell recall ASAP, assuming your character can use magic to a decent degree. Water is practically impossible without the spell, and recall teleports you back to wherever you set the spell to mark, and people use it to teleport them back to the dungeon entrance.

>> No.4236453

>(I have put twice as many hours into that game than I have every person I have ever loved put together)
so at least two hours

>> No.4236460


Better yet, save, reload, and before moving, ALT+F11.

The game devs were well aware how easy it was to get stuck, so they give you an out. Do that and you're back to the entrance immediately.

>> No.4236627
File: 243 KB, 1099x619, CastleKitty!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castle Kitty.

>> No.4236642

Wow. Any other secret anti-fucks?

>> No.4236656

>go play something that was actually played through before release.
The dungeons are procedurally generated though, there is no way to "play through" them all before release. You can test that they generally work, but sometimes things break.

Usually there is a way out - if you got in usually you can get out.

I would study your map very carefully in the 3d mode to try to find somewhere you haven't been yet.

>> No.4236662
File: 31 KB, 640x400, a_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cool thing about Arena in comparison with Daggerfall, is that Arena generates really cool landscapes outside of towns. Roads, small farms, forests, dungeons, people travelling everywhere. It's worth spending some time just aimlessly wandering.
The wilderness in Daggerfall is completely pointless though. If you combined Daggerfall mechanics with this feature from Arena it could have been an amazing game.

>> No.4236665
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't know that. Don't know why they didn't stick to that instead.

Also, Christ is Daggerfall ever metal as fuck.

>> No.4236752
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, CityKitty!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City Kitty.

>> No.4236762
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, Angery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City Doggo!

>> No.4236785

>The dungeons are procedurally generated though, there is no way to "play through" them all before release.
True, but, as I should have clarified, I was more referring to a from start to finish playthrough of the game.

>I would study your map very carefully in the 3d mode to try to find somewhere you haven't been yet.

This often is less than helpful considering the map cuts out parts of it which reach beyond a certain point, appearing as though you haven't been in a place you actually have been to.

>> No.4236787

>the map cuts out parts of it which reach beyond a certain point, appearing as though you haven't been in a place you actually have been to.
you can free look around the map, it only cuts out a certain distance from your viewpoint. Its important to 'free look' around the map to inspect for areas you haven't been to.

Navigating daggerfall dungeons can be a bitch and sometimes they are just broken. One of the few games where you can actually get lost, which I think is pretty cool considering the period it was made.

>> No.4236902

daggerfall is clearly a game which requires massive amounts of patience and dedication.

I will probably have these things with time, but right now, holy fuck am i sick of dying and being lost. I have a much easier time navigating with motherfucking roguelikes

>> No.4237156

I have never played an ES game, I think Ill give Daggerfall a shoot. From descriptions the game seems huge.

>> No.4237312
File: 78 KB, 640x480, daggertits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to rescue children from the Dark Brotherhood
>led to this house
>"It's oooopennnn..."
>no assassins, no children
>walk inna room
>see dis

>> No.4237379

I ve been playing this for several years now. I hate the main quest. But love to make semi weak characters and see how far i can get them.
Great game!
P.S. How do you take screenshots in Daggerfall?
P.S.S. Downloaded Arena and having a time getting it to run, any tips?

>> No.4237383

they're probably anne franking it up in the attic

>> No.4237389

Children nowdays grow so fast.

>> No.4237472
File: 23 KB, 225x225, 225px-Imaqtpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daggerfall is the best Elder Scrolls

>Doing a dungeon

>Randomly get disease

>Lose entire save file


>> No.4237539

why did you save the game when you knew you were diseased and had no way of curing it in time? and, more importantly, why didn't you keep more than one save?

>> No.4237636

"You feel somewhat ill"

In tiny text hardly indicated that I will be dying in the next 2 minutes with no hope of survival.

>> No.4237641

Can't you edit your save file?

>> No.4237645

>The Beaver and Castle
>The Lynx and Barbarian
The state of the art in procedural content generation.

>> No.4237658

Which is exactly what Morrowind is

I wish they'd at least put huge maze dungeons back in the series

those dungeons man, nightmare fuel shit

>> No.4237962

Anyone have images of their character as a vampire? Post it.

>> No.4237975

iirc you get a popup window when you catch a disease. that should indicate that something important happened.

>> No.4238028

daggerfall is so comfy

>> No.4238037

Keeps crashing on me.

Is there a similar game that's actually playable?

>> No.4238043

that's the thing - there isn't. Arena comes closest.

>> No.4238114

So I committed a few massacres in a village for the lulz, got a letter from the DB when I got out of jail, read it, and then accidentally saved.

I have two questions:

1. If I become a vampire, will the recruiter disappear, or can I still join the DB as long as I haven't joined already (I just got the letter).

2. The letter has apparently disappeared from my inventory, and I don't remember where the hell it told me to go (some tavern somewhere). Is there any chance I could somehow figure out where the hell the DB recruiter is located?

Also, now everywhere in the Alik'r desert I get arrested on sight by guards for "Criminal Conspiracy". Lol

>> No.4238162


>> No.4238497


>> No.4238794
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I so so wish that Daggerfall had a Nobility/Fief system, kind of like Mount & Blade but heavily watered down. Get to a high enough rank as a Knight, then be allowed to own some land. First a small farmstead with a few peasant homes, that you can expand by spending money on it. Then maybe your own small castle which actually has a small dungeon inside, and more land, and so on. Would be cool.

>> No.4238805
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Or owning stores, being a merchant and shit. And owning farms and cattle, just as a rich landowner.
A Wizard being able to build his own tower out of a soul-gem and shit, kinda similar to a Knight's castle, with a dungeon inside and shit, but more magic-themed. Who knows.

>> No.4238818


>> No.4238830

for some reason, the animation of this game makes me nauseous. anyone know why / if there's a way to address the effect?

>> No.4238862
File: 260 KB, 1099x619, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4238923

I get that with games like Doom, Blood, DN3D, a bit with Ultima Underworld and a bit with Daggerfall too.
I think its tied to field of vision and low textures resolution.
You may try some meds for motion sickness, but I doubt they will help you much.
You will have to play with frequent breaks.

>> No.4238968

dude, when i'd get sick playing Doom as a kid, i thought it was the demons' energy seeping into me.

>> No.4239003

Keep multiple backed up saves? Revert to previous save?

You'll enjoy Shroud of the Avatar

>> No.4239031

Swimming has different controls

>> No.4239067

cheatmode 1 and [] are your friends.

>> No.4239070

Yes. That's how fucking good daggerfall is.

>> No.4239072
File: 1.28 MB, 2000x2500, 1473526149496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.4239076


>> No.4239090


>> No.4239105
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, PleaseStop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, another one.

>> No.4239106

rick rollan

>> No.4239205

Honestly, have you ever played a TES game? Cure Disease is such a basic spell which every character should have, along with healing and mark/recall. I also lost a file to Arena like this and I totally deserved it for being a shitty adventurer.

>> No.4239301
File: 22 KB, 640x1200, daggerfall_sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4239315

>99% of the game's towns and dungeons were computer generated. Don't even expect a professional level of quality in the game's map design, you won't find it.
Except that's fucking wrong. Every dungeon is a collection of Blocks, which were created by a level designer, and are effectively a dungeon within themselves. You stupid fucking idiot.

>> No.4239389

>t. someone who just hates procedural generation
as someone who likes procedural generation, I'm pretty fond of Daggerfall. furthermore, it's not like Daggerfall uses "real" procedural generation, anyway. it just stitches together prefab modules into larger units (i.e. towns, dungeons). these individual modules are all handmade, and many of them are really well done (i.e. the "two towers" module).

also, for the
>if I wanted x, I'd play y and not z
it's a retarded non-argument. in the age of torrents and abandonware, there's not one single reason not to download and play both y and z.

you still made me answer, so good on you, I guess.

>> No.4239556
File: 75 KB, 640x480, urrrrrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I found a couple, too

You know, for all my issues with Daggerfall (and this image does touch on a couple of them though I disagree with the overall message), I would much, much rather play it than Oblivion.

Actually, I'd rather play fucking ANY ES game than Oblivion. Morrowind is a great game but I've exhausted its content to the point where there isn't any in opening the game. With Daggerfall and its randomized world, I can keep returning indefinitely and never be bored.

Anyway, back to drudging through another shitty, randomized dungeon as a part of yet another quest that is so buggy it can't be completed...why can't I stop playing this bullshit?

>> No.4239576

I agree about Oblivion, I've spent more time playing Arena. At least Arena's cliche fantasy standards make sense at the time.

>> No.4239876

Skyrim did it better. Disease in Skyrim debuffs you, but you don't lose your entire save file.

In Daggerfall it's just bullshit that adds no ((genuine)) challenge, but fucks you over once. Sure, next time I buy a potion before going out. Wow, thats fun. Just poor game design from an earlier time in gaming history.

>> No.4239889

no offense, but you sound like you're just sour about losing.

next time, learn from your mistakes and prepare properly before going into a dungeon. also remember to keep more than one save. this is especially important as daggerfall saves can become corrupted.

>> No.4239960

It's an old game. You're on a retro board, you should know to save often and in different slots.

>> No.4239982
File: 81 KB, 1017x805, literallyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have a guide on the dungeon map system?


>> No.4240187


>> No.4241173
File: 101 KB, 560x1072, Grunwalder1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your characters.

>> No.4241231

altmer girl a cute

>> No.4241402
File: 48 KB, 434x826, wizzads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my mages at?

>> No.4241451
File: 1.91 MB, 1912x919, daggerfall zoomed out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remake seems to be making decent progress surprisingly

>> No.4241475

I don't understand how people can't get bored after the 3rd or 4th dungeon. These things are gigantous and look all the same, are always buggy as hell and you always get stuck because of a hidden lever that doesn't activate for whatever reason so you just end up cheating everytime you try to clear a dungeon. It's a shame tho, great game, but the dungeons are just a huge pain and they represent 1/2 of the gameplay

>> No.4241802

Oh good, we can clearly see they're fixing all the problems of the original.

>> No.4241819
File: 87 KB, 640x480, Helvi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Helvi. Her class is Helvi, because fuck you, you can't categorise Helvi.

She uses bigass fucking hammers and maces (but will use a sword if none are available). No magic at all, but she's resistant to it. Helvi laughs at all foes as they are splattered by her hammer!

>> No.4242754
File: 178 KB, 1056x660, fall_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name Thyself. Okay...I'm Thyself!

>> No.4243163

Motherfucker must get some badass fleas

>> No.4243415
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Mage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled a Breton mage.

I'm supposed to have high INT as a mage right? how fucked am I if its only decent, and not high?
I thought WILL would be more important, but I guess I fucked up.

Any tips on playing mage or spellcaster in general? favorite spellcaster? is sorcerer any good?

>> No.4243508

For your own sake, do not use the default classes. Seriously. And yes, high INT is extremely important. In the custom class maker, give yourself the advantage 'Increased Magery', specifically the Magicka = 3X INT one or whatever it's called. Extremely important for mages.

>> No.4243513

I've never made it past Privateer's Hold

>> No.4243551

Me neither. Save, reload, ALT+F11, and you're at the exit.

After that, it's easy and fun as fuck.

>> No.4243570

Is that Bojack?

>> No.4243575

Pull back and rest to full health every time you take too much damage. keep doing this, and eventually you will make it

>> No.4243623

if you didn't make it through the smallest dungeon in the game, how in the world did you do with the other dungeons?

>> No.4243624
File: 72 KB, 640x480, ancientlichGOAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magefag here.

Goes without saying, but rock that spellmaker. The way Bethsoft balanced the spell mechanics in this game is less-than-stellar; typically if you can start with a base magnitude of 1-2 and pump up the per-level values, you can end up with FAR superior versions of the vanilla spells for the same cost.

Some gotchas the Mage's Guild throws at you, however: You need the vanilla 'Sleep', 'Open' and 'Banish Daedra' spells to complete a few quests. It works out, since these spells are for the most part absolutely useless otherwise.

Magicka / spellpoints is inevitably going to be a problem. Enemies will save against your shit on a regular basis and get your goddamn blood boiling. There are many ways to reliably manage it without being a hypersomniac, not all of them legit:

- Prep and cancel any offensive spell, then prep and cancel an offensive spell from a magic item. You gain back again the spell points from the original spell. Crosses the line into blatant cheating / exploiting so don't.
- Acquire Spell Absorption via being a Sorceror or an item or something, then spam the ground with an AoE blasting spell. You take no damage and somehow absorb back more spellpoints than you spent (100 willpower recommended). Rides the line between an intended mechanic and an exploit.
- Learn / look up the recipe for a potion of Restore Power, then join a temple or the Dark Brotherhood to get access to a potion maker. Fair warning, these things suck dick and restore a pathetic amount so you'll need a lot of them. Totally legit though :^)
- Make OP rings like pic related to just get higher max spellpoints.

Don't go the route of wanting 30 hp / level + full armor + immunity to paralysis and such - in my opinion that ruins the flavor of the class and you have spells that can handle all that shit for you (Troll's Blood + Shield for HP, a 5 sp Free Action effect for paralysis). Those things will make skill advancement that much more tedious anyway.

>> No.4243675

Can you give me the full rundown on your build? Skills, how you modded attributes, Advantages and Disadvantages?

>> No.4243765

let's roll

>> No.4243816

Something like:

STR 40-, INT 65+, WIL 65+, AGI 45-50, END 50+, PER 40-, SPD 50+, LUC 45-50

Same disadvantages as the default mage: No armor aside from leather, no shields aside from buckler. Didn't bother with the weapon restrictions since they're pointless. Increased magery 3x instead of 2x.

Same skills as default mage. Same HP / level: a cool 6.

Leveling is going to be a lot more paramount for a mage than a warrior-type. If you use my hot spellmaker tip all of your power is going to come from those per-level bonuses on your spells, so just like Morrowind and Oblivion you're going to be spending some time grinding cantrips.

Not gonna lie, early levels are gonna be a struggle, but once I got to the point where I was one-shotting vampires left and right with wizard's fire for 15sp a pop I was rock hard

>> No.4243841

Why in the world would you give yourself low HP/level in the classmaker?

>> No.4243846

so your skills improve faster?

>> No.4243870

Just give yourself weaknesses to disease and poison, those things are super easy to counter.
Of course if you're just roleplaying a gimped character that's fine. I like making cowardly thieves who avoid dungeons and have to live off of pickpocketing and town quests.

>> No.4243946

I kick their asses.

All of the other dungeons have been easy.

The only reason the first one isn't is because you're faced with powerful foes who can't be damaged by any weapons you have.

I'm not gonna lie; I still use the entrance half-cheat after finding whatever item or killing whatever monster, but it's really not that much of a cheat considering I have the teleport spell, anyways.

>> No.4243957

>I'm cheating but it's fine because it's a small cheat

Yeah keep comforting yourself

>> No.4243973

Looks like a lot of work. What about just bashing things? I'm pretty new at this but completely forgoing magic and using only blunt weapons has made it really, really easy to just smash everything in my way at an early level

>> No.4243983

It's not a cheat, at any rate. It's the one command that you don't have to be in cheat mode to use.

Besides, like I said, I have teleport, if that comforts YOU any.

>> No.4243984

his advice was specifically for someone asking about running a mage. Its usually easiest to play a fighter first time through, spellcasting requires more specialized build and research

>> No.4243986

>It's the one command that you don't have to be in cheat mode to use
And without it, this game would be almost fucking unplayable

>> No.4244203

Am I the only one who hopes the unity port gives an option to reduce the max dungeon size?

>> No.4244320

It's definitely justified to use the return to entrance of dungeon cheat in my experience.

Some of the procedurally generated dungeons are actually just retarded, an example I can remember is making a character without any magic spells and being a climber fighter dude. Now, climbing is pretty good for getting yourself out of pits and such - if the pit isn't above the center of the room.

So I fall down a small pit one time to explore, haven't saved the game in a while. The room below is wide but it's a dead end, no doors, no secret doors, no elevators or levers. The pit I fell down is in the center of the ceiling so I can't climb up against the wall to get back out.

So I'm down here in a pit with a high climbing skill on my fighter non-magic faggot and the game absolutely requires me to have recall/teleport or a levitate spell to be able to get out. That shit doesn't fly with me.

>> No.4244373
File: 70 KB, 640x480, anotherone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...why do I torture myself like this? Why can't I stop playing this bizarre fucking game?

>> No.4244394

yes you are. man up son

>> No.4244491
File: 83 KB, 640x480, FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter dungeon
>hear lots and lots of growling after just a few steps
>walking down corridor
>see nothing that lives for what seems like the longest time
>finally come upon a door
>open to find it is FULL of werewolves
>one nearest to door notices me and attacks
>it is Helvi smashed, but fuck that noise
>close door, try to quietly slink away
>look behind
>door is open, but not a sound was heard

Sometimes I wonder just how randomised this game really is...if the ancient Daedra are not somehow affecting the course of "random" selection for purposes of horror...

>kill all werewolves
>find a cool ~675 drakes
>dead end
>walk down other corridor
>see this

what the fuck.

>> No.4244628

The half-broken randomness is exactly what makes this game so scary. You legitimately don't know what to expect. Sure, eventually you might get used to dungeon blocks and how they work, but hell if I don't still get a jumpscare from being cornered by giant spiders. I'm not even arachnophobic in real life but Christ giant pixelly spiders hissing at me in the middle of the night honestly makes me ALT+F4 from the game. The fish things are not much better. ;_;
It terrifies me slightly less than Arena though, in that game the mobs seem to spawn out of thin air and don't make a sound because the audio is a buggy mess.

>> No.4245025

What is a good build for someone who plays it for the first time and wants to experience a bit of everything the game has to offer?

>> No.4245076
File: 46 KB, 790x768, 2134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to cast levitation on your horse.

>> No.4245083

What texturepack, minebros?

>> No.4245159


>> No.4245357

Kinda feel like addressing this. Maybe I'm biased from this being one of the first CRPGs I've invested countless hours into, but bugs aside this game is pretty fucking easy as a whole, which after a while creates the necessity for self-imposed challenges. I sincerely believe all the vanilla classes have the ability to complete the game though, mage especially. The mage I proposed is just an attempt to make the class that much more playable while preserving the traditions the designers established.

If you routinely roll up 30 / hp level turboniggers then by all means; you do you. To me though that kinda encapsulates the whole modern Bethesda having-your-cake-and-eating-it-too mentality, where you reach the highest rank of every faction within like 5 ingame days and literally everyone is on their knees fellating your character within an hour of the beginning of the game for being the second coming of Dragon Christ or some shit.

This is a roleplaying game. PCs should have weaknesses. PCs should have nuance. This enables you to think of more creative solutions to problems than facetanking everything and jerking your mouse around like a spastic. Ya feel me?

>> No.4245729

>where you reach the highest rank of every faction within like 5 ingame days and literally everyone is on their knees fellating your character within an hour of the beginning of the game for being the second coming of Dragon Christ or some shit.

This is exactly why I love Daggerfall.

I mean, I also love Skyrim, because the narcissistic Mary Sue PC approach has its place, but it's a lot of fun to experience the same world from the perspective of someone who's just, more or less, an average joe all the way through.

>> No.4246101

I have literally never had any problems getting out of a dungeon after solving the quest objective. don't you have any sense of direction?

this has always confused me. why would you play a game which is predominantly about exploring dungeons, if you hate exploring the dungeons?

>> No.4246171

It does seem like playing the average shmuck has become harder in TES. I think it worked wonderfully in Morrowind because your character is basically manipulated into the role provided by Azura, and it's not a destined hero in the classical sense, more like a deconstruction of such a hero. Skyrim went full out with your PC being a savior though. I'd like to see following games be about maybe assisting a Shezzarine or something without actually being one.

>> No.4246183
File: 41 KB, 640x480, mage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob Mage here (although not new to the game)

Whenever I right click to bring up my spells, it automatically disappears without letting me choose one. I can still access through pressing U and clicking my spells icon, but it would be nice to just right click. Any idea what this problem might be or how to fix it?
The previous mage I rolled didn't have this problem, but I did re-bind a few keys since then.

Also is there any negatives to wearing armor being a mage? is there a possibility of spell failure like in D&D?

Also, what's the best potion to buy / make to restore spell points? Thanks.

>> No.4246306

Fuck it, my new character sucks. rollolololol

>> No.4246392

>this has always confused me. why would you play a game which is predominantly about exploring dungeons, if you hate exploring the dungeons?

I don't hate exploring dungeons, I just hate wading back through dungeons I've already explored when there are new dungeons to be explored.

Plus, cuts down significantly on playtime, and I have a lot of games and books to get to before I die.

Have you ever gotten this to work? I always thought that attack button and right click remapping were broken on Daggerfall.

>> No.4246605

If you can't move in water, your frame rate is too high.

>> No.4246682


turn off auto cycles if you have that. I usually play with around 40k cycles. that way you get a decent fps without glitching your movement.

>> No.4247735
File: 116 KB, 250x475, sexymage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself a goddamn cloak, your back is totally exposed to the elements

>> No.4247910


>> No.4247981


>> No.4248159
File: 72 KB, 640x400, Skelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so Im going through Privateers Hold or however the introductory dungeon name is, and I find this guy in one of the rooms.
He just stands here, with his mace in the air and screeches at me. He doesent walk towards me, doesent attack when I go near him, just stands there and screeches.
I think Ill name him Skelly.

>> No.4248169

Also, does dungeon exit look like a narrow tunnel entrance with a skull lying in front of it?

>> No.4248181


>> No.4248440

>shit advice
>cast recall at start of dungeon

Pfft get the fuck out with these recycled buzzfeed advices. Cast recall at quest giver to save yourself a second travel, jesus.

>> No.4248442

good posts.

Fuck the kitty though, looks like a monkey head. And the doggo looks bonkers evil.

>> No.4248672
File: 77 KB, 640x481, racoon dungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the Queen of Daggerfall asks me to check on her mother in law, this is not what I expect to find.

>> No.4248682


>> No.4249062

Snape kills Dumbledore

>> No.4249169

Just reading through this thread makes me dread the idea of playing Daggerfall more and more.
How is that Unity remake by now? More playable than the original?

>> No.4249250

Whats wrong with original?

>> No.4249727
File: 29 KB, 251x477, helvi_lv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things but he's still a faggot for not trying it. Daggerfall is a unique world of chaos that must be experienced to be at all understood. It is nothing like the other ES games

>> No.4250498

Has anyone successfully scaled the outer wall of a city? When I get to the top it just drops me. I am phone posting so I can't show my stats, but trust me I can climb shit.

>> No.4251075

I rarely see any orc armor. Anyone have a full set of Orc Armor on their character?

>> No.4251108
File: 146 KB, 1200x750, fall_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an old character of mine and her stash of goodies in her house.

>> No.4251304

Is that how house storage works in Daggerfall? Just drop your valuable shit all over the floor and forget it?

>> No.4251364

What's the point of buying food in a tavern? I've only been playing for a few hours but I never bothered to try it out.

>> No.4251432

I had a playthrough of a redguard brawler type character ages ago called Orcaboo with Orcish as a primary skill and I made it my mission to get full Orcish armor on him. Can't remember if I ever did get it all but I sure as hell tried.

>> No.4251854

It restores a small amount of health.

I guess its good if you need health and don't have time to rest? I've never used it though

>> No.4251934


there are always people who will defend busywork

Dwarf Fortress is the modern Daggerfall, in that regard: "losing is fun" they say, to excuse every possible flaw in design or in programming

>> No.4251941


most people do

the ones who don't are just the few dregs that slip through the filter this game acts as

take a population of gamers, have them all play Daggerfall, and wait a couple of weeks... anybody still playing after that has the taint; everyone else will have been filtered out and shown to be clean

>> No.4252443 [DELETED] 

Fuck man, your words. You sound like brain washed commie. Dregs, filter, population, taint, clean. Can't you just play as a role player?

>> No.4252678 [DELETED] 

Fuck man, your words. You sound like brain washed capitalist. Dregs, filter, population, taint, clean. Can't you just play as a role player?

>> No.4252702


I tried it today and was surprised that nothing appeared in my inventory (so far as I could see). It makes me wonder if someone made a survival mod that makes food and water necessary.

>> No.4252778

I would play that.

>> No.4254105

Yes, what Daggerfall so clearly needs is a further increased difficulty level. That way, it will be even more playable and people can git gud.

>> No.4254213
File: 85 KB, 960x600, oh_well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been collecting armor sets for some years on one character, but I'm not quite there yet on orcish

>> No.4255097
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Helvi_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, somehow, after much searching (and finding that the entrance to the throne room I was looking for was right next to the dungeon entrance) I found the old cunt the Queen of Daggerfall wanted me to check up on. She spoke complete nonsense, but the Queen didn't seem to care. She gave me a magic kiteshield that seriously boosts Endurance. While on the trip, I found a few pieces of mithril (holy shit that's in TES?) armor, magic pants that let me walk on water, a shirt that launches lightning bolts at my foes, and a scarab that seems to do the same thing. Also, more gold than I could possibly carry.

Think I'm going to earn a house in Daggerfall via the Knights of the Dragon, then buy a bigass ship so Helvi can smash things all over the Iliac Bay.

>> No.4255135

I love the concept of having to store your cash in a bank. Not something you see often in a video game.

>> No.4255160

Yup, gold weighs. I had 27K before I was like, "fuck it, I can't carry loot anymore"

>> No.4256576

Anyone have their characters as vampires? Post em. The ones Ive seen on line look pretty vicious.

>> No.4256586
File: 39 KB, 424x469, tumblr_n6k85vFIhz1rml4zno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children of the night!

>> No.4256646

Daggerfall made a huge impression on me in my early gaming/college years. I've thought a lot about it since then, and played it a bit, watched Let's Plays, and so on.

I have a strong nostalgia for it, but I can't stand playing it for too long. The music is fantastic. The scope is magnificent and just wonderful. But, it suffers in a lot of ways from the procedural generation. Actually, I think a big problem is how so much is exclusively procgen. If they had started with procgen, then hand-tweaked like... everything, dungeons, buildings, random places in the wilderness, quests, .... well, the game would have taken many more years, for one, but it would be such a massive improvement.

I just wish, probably like many here, that games had not gone so hard towards graphics at the expense of everything else. Would I play the daggerfall I was describing, with all the tweaks and hand-crafted content and some quality-of-life adjustments, and so forth, but essentially the same engine, in 2017? Fuck yes I would. But I can't bring myself to play actual daggerfall, unfortunately, as cozy as the nostalgia is.

>> No.4256659

I want daggerfall in VR just for the spooky dimly lit taverns with no furniture and everyone staring at me

>> No.4257214

Wow, these make Morrowind vampires look like little bitches