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4217048 No.4217048 [Reply] [Original]

So I pirated- I mean legally bought FF7 since I keep hearing it's hilariously bad unplayable overrated garbage with a dumb plot and I wanted to laugh at how bad it is, but it seems to actually be really good? I mean the graphics are kinda y'know but it's a mid 90s PS1 game so I was expecting shit graphics anyway and am fine with that, like I really don't think that would be enought to make it the worst game ever or whatever.

Do I just have shit taste? Because I'm really not seeing "worst game" or even "bad." Like I'm actually really digging this game. Why do people hate it?

>> No.4217052

You got that wrong it's actually VIII that everybody hates.

>> No.4217057

what are you even talking about

>> No.4217061

Final Fantasy VI contrarians and hipsters circlejerk around hating 7. That, and alot of people who claims it has a shitty plot either have never actually played it, or misunderstand the plot.

I've actually been playing Disc 2 all night, it's fuckin awesome.

>> No.4217085


>> No.4217106

FFVIII is the hatred one, and for good reason. Once you start Disc 2 it goes downhill.

>> No.4217108

People hate that it is everyone's favorite. People hate that it was one of the first blockbuster rpgs. People hate that it introduced normies to rpgs ruining rpgs forever. People hate that it introduced "cinematic experiences". People hate that it was piss easy.
All in all its an above average rpg with a cool materia system and a fantastic soundtrack that got hyped to holy hell. Think "the cake is a lie" X5,000 and thats what all the hate comes from.

>> No.4217126

Well first you have contrarians and trolls who just like to shit on it because other people like it.

The vast majority seem to think it's shit because of how badly Square handles the game's image. Everything after the game itself has pandered hard to the deviantart crowd that never actually played the game. The way Cloud and everything from FF7 is represented, I'd think the game is shit too. I did think the game was shit until I played it.

It reminds me of how sega started pandering to the weird fanfic crowd with Sonic, except Square never took a break from doing that. And also they make it look like FF7 was always like what it's shown as today, whereas with Sonic there was always a clear distinction between the classic and modern games.

>> No.4217127

>Implying VIII didn't go downhill once you started Disc 1

>> No.4217137
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This sums it up well. People hate it for everything BUT the game itself. For one thing it had a wholly negative effect on Square going forward with the endless spin-offs, the bastardized versions of the characters appearing in other series', the movie..it naturally led to those who missed out assuming things like Cloud being an twink emo and Sephiroth being a demon edgelord with no motive being part of the package.

If you can play the game in that 1997 bubble, you'll have a really good time. This problem will get even worse when the remake comes out and butchers everything, I'm sure.

>> No.4217140

Because it's absolutely great and people will always be contrarians to feel better about themselves. People do the same thing to Zeta Gundam and Akira when it comes to anime.

>> No.4217386

>endless spin-offs, the bastardized versions of the characters appearing in other series', the movie

I think the spirits within had more to do with square becoming a spin-off machine but I don't remember if advent children came before that

>> No.4217402

>1997 bubble

I played it when it was new. It was exciting. The materia system was fantastic. It was a good tweak to the rpg formula.

I have never played 8 or 9, but hear 8 is a shit show.

I have been busy since the 90s, and my backlog is huge.

>> No.4217427

>haven't played IX
You lucky bastard. IX is excellent and I would love to play it for the first time again. VIII is ok if you don't mind plot holes and a bad battle system (junctions). The 90's bubble applies here.

>> No.4217454
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Akira has been memed into not being cool? I hate this timeline.

>> No.4217492

Nah 8 is pretty good in disc one. It has a very cool James Bond feel & tone to it which goes right out the window once Squall gets the icicle to the chest.

>> No.4217516

>been busy since the 90s
So after you get out of prison will you go back to ff8?

>> No.4217523

>So after you get out of prison will you go back to ff8?
If you consider raising kids "prison", and seeing how they are old enough to be out and about on their own I now have some free time to be the "wierd dad with his old gadgets".

I remember making fun of dad for his old things......Nothing is cooler than a Hawaiian shirt and sweat pants....

As for ff8, I will probably skip it.

>> No.4217530

It's literally only salty FF6fags griping about 7. Otherwise, it's the undisputed highest grossing Final Fantasy title of all time, the flagship of the entire franchise, and considered one of the seminal jRPGs of all time.

Not that you can really blame the salty FF6 players. You had an extraordinary game that had almost no time to be appreciated because its sequel ended up being a million times more popular and profitable to where everyone forgot about your 16-bit ass.

>> No.4217549

I don't hate the game. There was just an effect, maybe a decade ago, maybe a decade and a half, where this game was over-overrated. As in people would consider it -the- videogame and say it's truly perfect without any flaws.

That's mostly the issue, but that died down. It is a good game, just you have a fuckton of RPGs equal or better in quality.

>> No.4217567

I haven't read it in this thread, but it didn't age that well. The early 3D design leaves much to be desired today. I think it's easier for kids to pick up FFVI than FFVII because FFVI doesn't feel as dated, even though it's older. You could've bought an indie game that looked like FFVI today. You wouldn't find FFVII.

>> No.4217624


Spirits Within is certainly a side effect of FF7's success in a way but it doesn't really harm it, Advent Children is the movie I was referring to, as it seems to only exist in order to explain a bunch of shit nobody cared to know. Basically anything Square has slapped "Final Fantasy VII" on since release has done more harm than good.

>> No.4217628

crisis core was an okay game itself, but holy shit the amount of retcons in it is absurd. Never forget the abomination that is dirge of cereberus either.

>> No.4217664

Congratulations OP, you finally learned to form your own opinions by experiencing media firsthand. Maybe now you can finally become an independent thinker.

>> No.4217680

Every Final Fantasy game is different from the other so you have people that hate an entry simply for not being just like their favorite. FFVII also gets a LOT of attention for a Final Fantasy game and a JRPG as a whole. It's basically equivalent to Ocarina of Time. So it's not that people really "hate" it and think it's the worst game ever, it's more disdain because it's babby's first JRPG/FF and is insanely popular compared to what people would deem more deserving games.

The Compilation of Final Fantasy also overwrites the game's goofy atmosphere with emo, pretentious bullshit and that's warped people's memory of it.

Anyone who plays it and gives it a fair chance would admit that it's definitely one of the better games in the series with an unfortunately lacking translation. FF7 as a game does a lot of things right and very few things wrong and is very much a good game. Seriously though, anyone who says it's BAD is either a plain contrarian or hasn't played a lot of games.

>> No.4217683
File: 9 KB, 250x318, anger (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I pirated- I mean legally bought FF7

>> No.4217686

You don't have shit taste. The game is ass.

>> No.4217694 [DELETED] 

>So I pirated- I mean legally bought FF7

There are so many cheap places to buy this game from, are you such a cheapskate that you'll do something illegal just to save a couple of bucks?

It's people like you who'll kill someone for a fist full of dollars.

>> No.4217697

It took attention away from whatever their favorite FF is

>> No.4217716

Honestly 7 isn't bad, but it really sucked that Advent Children needed to happen to clear up plot points.

For all the shit 8 gets, at least it didnt have as many unresolved issues. Yeah it got convoluted, but at least it makes full narrative sense once you organize it. Great idea with time compression.

As others have said IX is a masterpiece. Not much more to say.

>> No.4217717

>comparing pirating a 20 year old game to murdering someone for money
Holy shit dude, calm down.

>> No.4217723

>have never actually played it
This is the weakest argument I ever hear and it's always baseless and most often wrong.

>> No.4217728

Not him but I love pretending like I've played a game I hate for literally baseless reasons.

>> No.4217730

>IX is a masterpiece
Up until you mention Necron and back up reasons with Ultimania why Necron is a shit thing to happen.

>> No.4217732

How can anyone like 9
Its the gayest FF

>> No.4217734

Because pirating old games is something only real scummy deviants do, right? Besides, think of poor Square-Enix and that lost revenue!
>It's people like you who'll kill someone for a fist full of dollars.
You're a bit fucked in the head, aren't you?

>> No.4217740 [DELETED] 

>You're a bit fucked in the head, aren't you?

Not as fucked as people stealing stuff that's just costs a couple of dollars. I really can't understand why people choose to be thieves just for spare change.

>> No.4217741

I don't know about that, the series only got increasingly gay as it went along.

>> No.4217751

It may not be the gayest but it certainly is the slowest

>> No.4217758

>FF7 as a game does a lot of things right and very few things wrong and is very much a good game.
75% of the gameplay being mashing through text boxes is one thing it did very wrong.

Why do people even play JRPGs anyway?

>> No.4217759

OP here, I was expecting the game to be shit because that's what everyone says OTI. I wasn't expecting it to be this good.

That said holy shit ahahahaha are you seriously this triggered by me pirating a game that hasn't been officially sold in stores since maybe the early 2000s at the latest? It's not like the developers of the game or even Square Enix at all are losing money from me not buying a used copy of this 20 year old game from some random asshole. Like if I bought some reseller neckbeard's scratched up ancient copy of FF7 do you think any of the money would go to SE at all, much less the people who actually made this literal decades old game? Because if so then LMAO at your life.

>> No.4217763 [DELETED] 

>playstation store

Are you seriously retarded?

My point is, if you will steal a game worth a couple of bucks, you will probably steal a car for a hundred bucks, and kill a person for a thousand bucks. If you're morals are that scrawny then there's no hope for you.

>> No.4217769

Eh don't care desu and didn't care enough to check. Like I might buy the game since it's actually good but probably not haha

>> No.4217771

>didn't care enough to check
>I might buy the game since it's actually good but probably not

remember not to bend down when picking up your soap

>> No.4217801
File: 34 KB, 700x360, ffvii-banner1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all its shortcomings, rushed/cut parts, and poor localization, FF7 should be bad.

But it ended up being lightning in a bottle. Sure, you can accredit some of that success to being the first 3D Final Fantasy, but I find myself coming back to it every so often because it scratches an itch that no other game does. Maybe it might be partially due to nostalgia, but I'm really looking forward to the remake.

>> No.4217803

They don't, they're being ironic because of it being everyone's favorite.

>> No.4217805

If I'm playing the PC version, and I haven't played the game before, should I use any mods? Supposedly there are some that fix the translation and the music.

>> No.4217824


Haha fuck off, nobody should give Squeenix money. Especially not for a game where there isn't a single developer left on the payroll. Fuck 'em.

>> No.4217834


Install the original music mod and maybe a typo fix patch, if you think it's worth doing. Do NOT install the re-translation patch, the author is a total headcase and it's actively worse than what was there.

>> No.4217840

I dislike most RPGs, but love FFVII. The game is really accessible by design and can please even someone like me that generally avoids the genre like the plague. I love how much variety there is and how the length isn't too long, made all the better by the PS4's ability to speed everything up. I guess die hard JRPG fans find fault in how mainstream it is, but I personally find its gameplay to be way better than most critically acclaimed RPGs. Unlike those, I'm still playing 10 hours in.

>> No.4217853

Thanks, I'll probably just install the music fix then.

>> No.4217857
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>Unironically using the YOU WOULDN'T STEAL A CAR defense

You are fucked in the head, mate. Literally, the only people who talk like you are big business publishers so warped by money they've forgotten what it is to be normal. And in this case the publisher has given us NO reason to ever want to buy the game again, despite being ported 600 times you're still getting the same fundamental experience you'd have gotten twenty years ago with zero improvements. It's easy money for no work, they don't remotely care and nor should you.

>> No.4217898


>> No.4217960

If you think that's what it is you're a bit soft anon. That's equivalent to saying the reason people say FFVIII is bad is because they bandwagon on other peoples opinions.

>> No.4217967

Anon is obviously baiting

Recently been emulating this game for my first ever playthrough on my CRT. Doing back and forth comparisons using my LCD I really think this is probably the worst retro game there is to try to play on a non SD TV the player models lose any sense of blending with the pre rendered backgrounds that they previously had

>> No.4217969 [DELETED] 

Too much Leftist politics.

>> No.4218198
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>> No.4218206

>advent children
>needed to happen clear up plot points
The master-stroke of achievement in FFVII is that it had unclear plot points that had to be understood through inference and personal interpretation.

>> No.4218208

lol please elaborate, this interests me

>> No.4218210


>> No.4218247
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No, this game was good. Don't worry about what all the hipsters think. I have been planning on replaying it for a while and since I found the PC version now is a good time.

>> No.4218271

>one guy that hates the classics and one dubtard that can't even make up his mind whether this is a movie or a show
Truly these are the voices of our generation.

>> No.4218361

I think the movie Akira is just okay only because the manga is so much better, holy shit what an incredible fucking masterpiece.

Actually not that off topic, since it seemed like Akira influenced FF7 a bit. The cyberpunk could be more from BladeRunner or something, but the motorcycle scene seems like a pretty direct influence.

A lot of the industrial areas seemed to have been pretty close copies of anime from around the time. I remember the large elevators in FF7 looking straight out of Akira, to the point where I wonder if they were actually traced or not.

>> No.4218407

WTF are you on about? Everyone, their mother and their mother's dog think that FF7 is a good (but not necessarily a great) game. If there is any hate here it's towards the game's fanbase more specifically the "FF7 generation" that found the series (and often the whole RPG genre) with FF7 and having a strong case of "firsties syndrome" towards it.

The thing is that FF7 basically is the most mediocre student in class full of geniuses that got got the credit for everything simply by being the most popular one. What do I mean by this? Most JRPGs made in the 90s were just as good if not better than FF7 but FF7 got an insane advertising campaign that the others didn't and as a result it is the one people noticed and got.

Now let's look at Wild Arms as an example it is a good, solid and "generic" JRPG (just like FF7 is) that came out a year before FF7. However it didn't get any advertising because of the everything must be 3D mentality that was going on at the time and as a result got overlooked by everyone. If it had received advertising campaign similar to what FF7 got it could very well be "babby's first RPG" for everyone and the benchmark for the entire genre and the same also applies to just about any RPG made in mid- to late 90s.

>> No.4218421
File: 48 KB, 396x382, windbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why it's a good game. You can't. You'll say you like the story and music. You'll say it has "good characters". You won't admit it has a shitty English translation, and you won't discuss the gameplay at all.

Or, you could, and I'd be impressed. But you won't.

>> No.4218426

The translation is fine, it makes perfect sense. A few typos don't really mean anything.

>> No.4218434

A lot of people don't like it because it's popular. Some dislike it because they don't like the mechanics.

My brother bought this back in the day and I remember being so enamoured with the story. I was 6 at the time but I just really liked the cast of characters.

Is it the greatest rpg of all time? No but I think it's pretty solid. I also can relate to the story a little bit. This is one of the last games my brother beat before he died. It helped me deal with loss.

>> No.4218547

nu gamers can't handle a great game existing before they were born. That's really where the majority of this FF7=bad BS comes from.

FF6 superfans are a factor (bitter after watching FF7 make final fantasy mainstream) but if you could teleport back to 1997-2000, FF6 fans were not aggressively anti-FF7. They were enjoying the new game like everyone else.

>> No.4218556

It was the cool thing to hate FF7 until maybe five years ago, now it's the cool thing to hate FF6. I'm curious to see what the next Final fantasy that draws retarded amounts of hate is

>> No.4218559

Haven't you been paying attention?

Right now the cool, hip thing is to hate FFIV and like FFII.

>> No.4218561

Can you stop this meme. Even the people who prefer FF6 don't notice this trend.

>> No.4218562

the real question is, why are people having so much trouble rating final fantasy games fairly? it's all either the best or the worst and whatever it is, it always depends on current fads and trends. people digging FF7? better take them down a notch.

i like ff7. it's 7/10 for me, one of the better final fantasy games and a good JRPG for a number of reasons but not as good as, well, better games. i still like it. why is this sorta opinion so unpopular?

>> No.4218701


I love seeing guys like you rag on the translation as a fundamental flaw when it probably had just as much to do with its popularity as anything else. Had the game came out with the sort of literal, technically accurate translation later Squeenix games got it would have lost much of its charm. It plays so fast and loose with the dialogue it's completely goofy at times but it made it all the more quotable and easy to digest despite some of the heavy concepts it touched on. It was rushed, full of typos, sometimes outright wrong in the case of materia names but it was the translation the game needed.

>> No.4218703

>So I pirated- I mean legally bought
Why do you type like a teenager?

>> No.4218769

FFII & FFVIII are the ones that I like but thats a very subjective and unique opinion

>> No.4218775

meh nigga. Im the only person I know of irl that actually liked FF8

>> No.4218829

And what's wrong with the gameplay apart from being a JRPG?

>> No.4218849

There isn't that much gameplay. 75% of the game is mashing through text.

Why do people even like JRPGs anyway?

>> No.4218867
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Honestly as someone who didn't play the game when it came out, my biggest problem is the graphics. Outside of battles and cutscenes, it's ugly. If the game just looked like it does in battles all the time, I'd be fine with it.

It also has the same problems that the other PS1 FF games had where you can't tell where you can and can't go on the prerendered backgrounds, but they actually did their best to work around that.

>> No.4218938

I played through it and I don't like it. Cloud sucks, not like an emo kid kind of thing, but he is kind of a douche. Sephiroth's motives are meh at best. Rufus is a stereotypical villain from an 80s teens save the rec center movie.

I think people like it because the Aeris death scene and how it made them so emotional.

But I'll play VII over XIII

>> No.4218941

Because it was the beginning of the end for Squaresoft. They produce nothing but Nomura wank fashion sims.

>> No.4218954

I dunno, I think the graphics have a certain weird charm. They're like a direct 3d continuation of old 2D FF/JRPG graphics. I also like the occasional typos/screw-ups in the translation though, I think they add to the quirky charm.

True but that's not something specific to FF7, that's a genre thing. The materia system is cool imo and def puts it in the upper tier of JRPGs in terms of gameplay (for whatever that's worth).

>> No.4218957

The world design and pacing is well implemented, the linear main story rarely becomes boring or frustrating, while still allowing for open world exploration and side questing. The materia system is a brilliantly simple yet allows for insane amounts of customization and experimentation. There are combinations that I'm sure even the devs didn't think of when they came up with it. It's also a gameplay mechanic that fits into the lore seamlessly meaning story and gameplay compliment each other, unlike perhaps VIII's draw and junction system which is far more complicated and tedious to use to its fullest. And yes, the story and music are good too, those things are pretty important

>> No.4218958
File: 236 KB, 968x1371, FFXII-RaslerArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally not true

>> No.4218959

Even then 12 was still shit.

>> No.4218960

7 reduced characters to nothing but the materia they're holding. Limit breaks were the only defining parts. Even your stats were based on the materia they were given.

>> No.4218961

fuck off if you don't have any arguments. 8 and 10 and 13 and 15 are clearly influenced by nomura. 9 and 11 and 12 and 14 clearly aren't. and there's a ton of games outside of the mainline final fantasy games nomura never touched. fuck off you clown.

>> No.4218965

> Fuck off fuck off fuck off.

And you say I don't have any argument.

>> No.4218969

i feel like remakes shouldnt be looked at as a new version of a game, i just look at them as"what if someone elts made it". like when someone does a cover for a song.the new ff7 will be different. probably fine, but dont think it will be anything like the old 7.

>> No.4218972

Not quite true, certain characters had definite niches, like Cid was the best melee fighter. Materia did effect stats but there were definite inherent differences, driven both by stats and weapons.

Mostly true though, yeah, but ehh, I like the customization aspect.

>> No.4218973

theres a mod for that on pc actually

>> No.4218975

Yeah that's true. The weapons did play a huge part. I loved the psuedo-programming you can do with materia later on even if it did break the game a bit.

>> No.4218979

Regardless I think putting Nomura in such a position was a huge mistake. He's incapable of sticking to deadlines at the very least.

>> No.4218980

nice going skipping over the very literal arguments in my post. good job mate. i see you're quite experienced trying to worm yourself out of situations when you're caught with your pants down and an egg on your face like the slimy invertebrate that you are. fuck off.

>> No.4218982

Well the game has been out for 20 years. A lot of people have played it, probably an equal amount or maybe more who haven't because they had the whole thing spoiled for them and never bothered. Any casual got into the series through KH can tell you the plot of 7 without having played it. The other games don't get spoiled as much so a first playthrough of those game probably feel a lot more special.

>> No.4218983

Calm down there sport.

>> No.4218985

i fully agree with that statement. it's a correct and valid observation.

>> No.4218986

See >>4218979

>> No.4218991

see >>4218985
and consider the difference between the arguments made

>> No.4218997

You lost me man it's cool if you love Nomura sorry it rustles your jimmies so much.

>> No.4219026

this isn't rocket science.

this argument is wrong:
>Because it was the beginning of the end for Squaresoft. They produce nothing but Nomura wank fashion sims.
half the mainline final fantasy games following FF7 were at least massively influenced by nomura design aesthetics, half wasn't. outside of those games, you had kingdom hearts and the bouncer as nomura games, while he never touched the rest of them. so that argument is wrong and whoever makes it is dumb.

>Regardless I think putting Nomura in such a position was a huge mistake. He's incapable of sticking to deadlines at the very least.
this argument is fine. nomura has a very questionable track record as a project lead and his design philosophy can arguably called dodgy; he was alright early on, final fantasy vii and parasite eve were fine, but jumped the shark only a few years later.

see the difference? not rocket science.

>> No.4219029

I'll revise it to 'they produce majorily Nomura wank' then. Happy now?

>> No.4219036

Given that this is a final fantasy 7 thread and there's over a dozen posts bitching about 6, I think he's right

>> No.4219039

Its cool to hate the chad of video games.

>> No.4219042

6 is overrated just as highly I think. Used to be my favorite until I finally touched 5.

8 is the one that's most deserving of hatred. You can literally get the second best weapon in the game before leaving the starter island. I don't know any game more broken than that.

>> No.4219051

Nintendo fanbois can't deal with the fact the best RPG series switched to Sony, turning all Nintendo consoles after SNES into failures.

>> No.4219057

I can't even fathom how anyone can still love Nintendo.

>> No.4219067

Well Mario is really charming and Zelda and Metroid (well, pre-Other M at least) are always good. They've got a p good track record for games and making good decisions with their franchises (Other M notwithstanding).

>> No.4219075

5 is my favorite as well. 6 was probably my favorite "first time" experience with 7 as a very close second, but I think 5 is the most replayable final fantasy by a longshot.

Ultima was better on PC than either Nintendo or Sony consoles

>> No.4219081

I guess it's love-hate for most people.

>> No.4219085

It really is. That job system is phenomenal and the the tone stays pretty light and comical. I'd love a remake but let's see how good or bad the 7 remake is first when it comes out on ps7.

>> No.4219553

But it didn't matter. I used Cid as a healer.

>> No.4219554

>psuedo-programming you can do with materia later on even if it did break the game a bit.
What? Explain.

>> No.4219557
File: 27 KB, 504x415, reece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over a dozen posts bitching about 6
>if you actually read the thread the posts are bitching about general contrarianism
>only a couple posts mention six in comparison to vii
>and if they do it's complaining about the fanbase, not the game
You're a duplicitous man, talking big when you're really full of bullshit that conforms to your emotions

>> No.4219565

Crazy materia combos that let you make a non-ending attack loop and stuff like that. Kind of game breaking but it's only really possible towards the end when you have weapons with enough slots and duplicate materia.

>> No.4219569
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>> No.4219582 [DELETED] 

>Science/technology is portrayed as being destructive.
>Poor people are portrayed as being oppressed by evil corporations (simplistic good/evil dichotomy as usual)
>All enemies in the slums are people wearing blue (cops) and monsters/machines created by Shinra.
>Terrorism is acceptable solution. Consequences be damned.
>Obvious bias against corporations, science, and technology.
>All bad characters are White.
>Good characters are mostly minorities.
>Weapons (especially Diamond weapon) is reference to Godzilla, which is a reference to nuclear testing
>Women are being oppressed and prevented from realizing full potential (Sephiroth ironically breaking the glass ceiling and stabbing Aerith in the back).
>Religion is portrayed negatively. (Sephiroth wants to become God. All Gods in FF are devil/destructive.)

>> No.4219597

If you like 7 because you have fond memories, love the atmosphere, and dig the quirks...that's totally fine, man. I'm not trying to disabuse anyone of their opinions because they're just THAT. OPINIONS.

It really sucks when people come on this board and try to shit all over things they don't like. If you don't like the game, why bother posting in the thread.

And here's kinda where I'm coming from.

Even Dunkey
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I'm not a numbers person, but 2.2 million views isn't insignificant. The first thing he does is make fun of the story. This is because the story, while quirky, really doesn't make sense. A video with that many videos means Dunkey "controls" the narrative. Even if you personally like the story, most people think it's bullshit. Because it is.

>> No.4219604

>>Science/technology is portrayed as being destructive.
What about Cid going into space?

>>All bad characters are White.
Rude from the Turks is black.

>>Women are being oppressed and prevented from realizing full potential (Sephiroth ironically breaking the glass ceiling and stabbing Aerith in the back).
She wins in the end.

>>Religion is portrayed negatively. (Sephiroth wants to become God. All Gods in FF are devil/destructive.)
Aeris meets Cloud in a church.

>> No.4219606

confirmed for never playing the game

>> No.4219609

I don't need to prove anything to you. I've played it from start to finish.

>> No.4219628

this is an amazing post. it really encapsulates the state of the young pseudo-conservative's mind circa 2017. amazing, really.

>> No.4219632 [DELETED] 

>What about Cid going into space?

He never did. It was Shinra-funded. In the end, it was used as a weapon.

>She wins in the end.

That doesn't disprove my point.

>Aeris meets Cloud in a church.

That's no longer in use for its original purpose. In fact, it's being desecrated. Aerith uses it as a flower farm and a place to meet her Johns.

>> No.4219646
File: 235 KB, 1024x1043, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerith uses it as a flower farm and a place to meet her Johns.

>> No.4219651

>Science/technology is portrayed as being destructive.
yeah, that's why your party uses a buggy, a submarine and an airship
>All enemies in the slums are people wearing blue (cops) and monsters/machines created by Shinra.
yeah, except the fucking muggers that steal your shit
>Terrorism is acceptable solution. Consequences be damned.
yeah, that's why the dying members of avalanche say they deserve death for what they did and why their methods ultimately fail and backfire against them
>All bad characters are White.
Rude (black), Hojo (asian)
>Weapons (especially Diamond weapon) is reference to Godzilla, which is a reference to nuclear testing
and your party member fucking kill them
>Women are being oppressed and prevented from realizing full potential
Is that why Shinra has female scientists, turks and Scarlet working for them
and the main alien monster is given a feminine name and appearance so I guess women are evil
>Sephiroth ironically breaking the glass
you don't know the meaning of the word "irony"
>Religion is portrayed negatively.
the people of cosmo canyon are religious and portrayed positively

seriously take an extended break from /pol/, just not here

>> No.4219652

>Good characters are mostly minorities.

Sure, if you mean that talking dogs and cats are minorities. Otherwise Barrett is the only one.

>> No.4219719

>Science/technology is portrayed as being destructive.
It was the 90's when nearly everything needed an environmental message of some sort, maybe you're too young to remember.
>Poor people are portrayed as being oppressed by evil corporations (simplistic good/evil dichotomy as usual)
Yes, that is a central theme and any cyberpunk setting which FF7 is dripping with.
>All enemies in the slums are people wearing blue (cops)
Do you know how many private security guards have blue uniforms?
>and monsters/machines created by Shinra.
Oh shit, this is like when frogs started getting triggered at any instance of Russia or Nazis being portrayed as antagonist in fictional media, isn't it? For you machine/monster=science and industry so now you feel the need to protect them lmao
>Terrorism is acceptable solution. Consequences be damned.
This goes right back to the 90's environmental shtick but I have to admit it was a little off-putting to me, but it's still just edgy environmentalism.
>Obvious bias against corporations, science, and technology.
Again, muh cyberpunk themes.
>All bad characters are White.
Wow, all of them? Even Hojo who's pretty clearly Japanese and Jehova who's a fucking alien? What about some of the Turks?
>Good characters are mostly minorities.
Cloud, Vincent, Cid, and Cait Sith's controller Reeve Tuesti are pretty white tho-... are you calling Red XIII a minority here???
>Weapons (especially Diamond weapon) is reference to Godzilla, which is a reference to nuclear testing
So a reference to something which was a metaphor for something unaddressed in the game is bad?
>Women are being oppressed and prevented from realizing full potential (Sephiroth ironically breaking the glass ceiling and stabbing Aerith in the back).
>Religion is portrayed negatively. (Sephiroth wants to become God. All Gods in FF are devil/destructive.)
You're gonna pull a muscle from reaching to far little guy.

>> No.4219752

Given that 5 and 9 are my favorites I don't really have a dog in the fight but okay m8, whatever gets you to sleep at night

>> No.4219827

He didn't say anything about what you responded to him with

>> No.4219834

Stop replying to /pol/tards. You're only further derailing the thread. Just report them and move on.

>> No.4219840 [DELETED] 


Read the title OP's post. It's perfectly in topic. If this is a FF7 circle jerk feelgood thread, OP should've labeled it as such.

>> No.4219883

>It's perfectly in topic.
Considering half the thread was deleted, no it's not.

>> No.4219920

>You're a duplicitous man, talking big when you're really full of bullshit that conforms to your emotions

That's pretty heavily implying I'm an FF6 fanboy given the matter of the discussion at hand

>> No.4220042 [DELETED] 

>If the mods do anything, it must be right.

>> No.4220137

That wasn't my intention. I just meant you have a poor grasp on understanding context, such as right now because nothing I've said has to do with you being part of the FF6 fanboyism

>> No.4220183

Please enlighten me oh mighty one what the context of that statement was then

>> No.4220359

kids with no imagination complaining about the graphics, baka.

>> No.4220367
File: 91 KB, 600x600, artist-s-shit-1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugly graphics is okay when Squaresoft does it.

>> No.4220371

I don't find the graphics in ff7 ugly, they were limited at the time, but they did the best they could with the hardware. it has fantastic art design in my eyes.
my only complaint would be worldmap and the chibi arms but even with the chibi models there's some humor that adds to the game.
if you have some imagination you can look at a sprite with two dots for an eyes and relate to the character.

>> No.4220402

Why are FF6 bros and FF7 bros always fighting?

>> No.4220408

Hi Caleb.

>> No.4220409

half of it is just shitposters grabbing at low-hanging fruit

>> No.4220430

They're too emotionally attached to their games. They see the protagonists as extensions of themselves. When you criticize the games, it's any affront to their dignity.

>> No.4220457

Squaresoft has always been about good graphics.

>> No.4220583

It's the prettiest and most charming

>> No.4220584


I don't hate the game. It was just hilariously broken. It was worse than 2 because at least in that game there was a chance I might knock myself out when I hit myself.

>> No.4220587

My mum only just got into games she is 65 I gave her a psp with final fantasy 7 after I explained to her what leveling up experience points and grinding are she thinks it is fantastic she halfway into disk 2 if ff7 can get my old mum into games then it has to be a masterpiece

>> No.4220660


>> No.4220696

I agree it's all about opinion, but if you want to debate the quality of the story let's do that because saying 'my opinion is correct because look how many views this video has' isn't an argument, contradicts your own statement and makes you look like a retard.

>> No.4220727

>they did the best they could with the hardware
lmao no they didn't. look at basically any other JRPG on the console, even 8 and 9.

>> No.4220775

FFX was the best game in the series, though. Nostalgiafags just shit on it for being different. It had great gameplay full of freedom and wacky shit you can do during the endgame but it's a great underage detector based on who actually understands the plot or who just screams "DADDY ISSUES" over Tidus.

>> No.4220795


>What is the passage of time?

>> No.4220798

the lack of an overworld and flying was a big minus to me back then, other than that I loved the game
last great game in the series as far as I'm concerned
X-2 sucked, 11 was an mmo, 12 was dull and that was enough for me to drop the series for good

>> No.4220806

FFX was fun, but kind of a joke. The story wasn't bad, but the voice acting and dialogue was fucking terrible, and almost none of the protagonists were good characters. Literally only Wakka, Tidus, Yuna and Auron are relevant to anything.

>> No.4220807

Because FFVI is objectively the best game in the series but most FF fans grew up with VII as their first games and have nostalgia boners for it.

>> No.4220814

Name a FF where every party member is important.
Go ahead I'll wait.

And as cheesy as the voice acting is it's still better than XII's soap-opera dialogue. Considering it was the first voiced game in the series I'd say they did a good job. It still blows my mind that Auron's voice actor hasn't done anything else because he was incredible.

>> No.4220826

>Because FFVI is objectively the best game in the series
not with that second half it isn't

>> No.4220887

>Name a FF where every party member is important.
Literally FF7. The only characters that aren't important are optional anyway.
> It still blows my mind that Auron's voice actor hasn't done anything else because he was incredible.

>> No.4220902

1, 5, 8, 10, 15. Probably even more worth arguing about.

>> No.4220959

FFVI is a brokenpiecwe of junk kthough.
>Every character has super powerful specials with no mp cost that can kill all enemies in random encounters.
>esp dreams relics make OP characters even more disgustingly overpowered
>almost never run outofmp because, like I said,most powerful attacks don't use mp and while spells do,you have so much mp that you could usually cast 50 or more spells before needing to worry
>almost all bosses take no particular strategy to beat except a few which require a cheap easy trick,most simplyneed to be pounded I to submission and die quickly
The game is woefully broken and has no challenge at all, yet people adore it. Hell, even FFVIII requires knowledge of the oddball mechanics to be broken and is hard to new players. FFVI was easyferom my first play and required no effort or thought at all.

>> No.4221249

>And as cheesy as the voice acting is it's still better than XII's soap-opera dialogue.
get out

>> No.4221275

FFVII isn't exactly hard or even a challenging game either. I know kids that have beaten FFVII before they have learned how to read.

>> No.4221672

You just know that level scaling shit was implemented to mitigate the brokenness.

>> No.4221675

It had a glorious battle system but the story is pure garbage as is the main character. Also linear as fucking shit and the sphere system was garbage too but at least they fixed that.

>> No.4221679

This. A story doesn't always need to wrap up every little minor detail. Look at the matrix and then compare it to it's sequels.

>> No.4221809

Cannot skip cutscenes

>> No.4221952

It's pretty sad when you spend more time on the first disc play the card game than you do playing the entire 4 disc game

>> No.4223047


You don't even need to do that. Just play the cunt at the gate for Abyss Worms and mod those for Tornados. You equip that shit to strength and you're literally laughing all the way to Ultemiacs front door. You can make yourself invincible in like an hour tops

>> No.4223069

>least loved classic FF in Japan
>FF7 most loved FF ever in Japan
>"but muh nostalgia muh first JRPG ever"
>even though the series are pretty much very popular there since the first installment
made me think

>> No.4223221

The issues I have with FF7 (I love the game btw) are:

1. The big gap in difficulty between end game bosses and super bosses. Yeah, call me a fucking casual or whatever.

2. The small differences between team members. Yeah, it's more "open" but I like when a certain character specializes in something rather than just having a different limit break.

These are my two complaints but I can understand why these are either non issues or even positive for some people.

>> No.4223324

Nobody who hates ffvii takes it to that much hyperbole do they? I love it but dont care about when people criticize my favorite things, its important to do so.

The mechanics are easily broken, the pacing is a bit wonky here and there, the localization makes a convoluted plot even harder to parse and the ending fmv may not be satisfying for most.

Aside from people who don't like the genre, there isn't much this game does wrong. You can not like the story or characters but at its core its well executed. And while it doesnt have my favorite tracks by Uematsu, I think it's his most consistent OST in the franchise, every single song is good and memorable.

>> No.4223331

Shit taste is far more rampant in anime than any other medium, your average fan does not have any real method of discerning good from bad. Anime is presented in the west as being a uniform medium with consistency rather than being like film which has stuff like Jaws and then stuff like Orpheus by Cocteau or a Tarkovsky film. Method and direction don't matter to anime fans, only waifus and convincing plots. A movie like Akira is a snippet of plot from a longer manga, whose context isnt as relevant, and is mostly good for being the first feature of its kind; even Ghibli stuff wasnt near that level. The sound design, animation and direction were crazy.

Japanese fans are no better, something happened to them after the 80s. Stuff by Dezaki was beloved but his spiritual and thematic descendants like Ikuhara are fringe. Yuasa is a gimmick there, Kon never got the recognition he deserved.

>> No.4223627

>You won't admit it has a shitty English translation
Not only was that fixed, but not everyone plays it in english
t. yuropoor

>> No.4223629

>people thinking they are experts of translation quality assurance
>without even being able to read the source language the translation is based on


>> No.4223786

>without even being able to read the source language the translation is based on
why do you assume this for everyone

>> No.4224013

If you mean the Weapons as super bosses, then that is intended. They are there are made as a challenge.

>> No.4224387

I don't hate it, but the translation and graphics are awful, and the actual gameplay is really mediocre at best, but the plot, characters, music, and general presentation are all pretty good.

>> No.4224398

Mechanically ff6 is a broken trainwreck, a little moreso than 7 but not as much as 8 or 2, but just about everything else about that game is great.
I recommend playing FF6: Brave New World, its a hack that makes the battle system actually good by rebalancing all the enemies, abilities, and equipment as well as totally overhauling the esper system. If you count BNW, then 6 is my favorite FF hands down.
World of ruin is the best shit ever you cum gargler, i bet you hate the merged world in ff5 too.

>> No.4224559

Hipsters got mad that it was getting a ton of (shitty) new sequels/prequels and got sick and tired of people liking it the most. That was when you saw a ton of hatred for this game begin to appear. They clung onto FFVI as the holy grail of the series and kept shoe-horning that game into any topic that brought up FFVII as an example as to why you shouldn't play FFVII but that instead.

The fad kinda died down this decade, but gaming journalists are now trying to do that nowadays and it's funny seeing how they are 10 years late on the bandwagon.

>> No.4224591

>Mechanically ff6 is a broken trainwreck

Eh. I keep hearing that, but I've never been in a situation where any broken mechanic was a serious hindrance to anything I wanted to do.

This made the glitches seem sort of charming and fun, rather than some huge problem. (Except the sketch bug. I can see where that would cause issues.)

>> No.4224657

>Inconsistent story with major plot holes and asspulls (e.g., Cloud appearing on other side of the world after getting BTFO by Sephiroth; Aerith being able to influence reality from beyond the grave using bullshit magic; Power plants reappearing after they get blown up; Avalanche destroying the power plants even though they need electricity too; Sephiroth letting Cloud and co. live for no logical reason after obtaining what he needed; Cloud fights with a sword all the time even though he was once a soldier; etc.)

>Scifi theme is inconsistent. Midgard is advanced but almost everywhere else are medieval towns.

>Mostly useless magic system. Physical attacks and limit breaks are more powerful.

>Stupid characters shoehorned into the game for more diversity.

>Summons are too easy to spam. Animations can't be skipped. Not much difference between most summons other than attack power.

>No strategy beyond spamming attacks and healing. Status alignments could easily be recovered from and don't add much to the game.

>> No.4224661

Uh... do you have a brain tumor?

>> No.4224829

This feels good. Finally people are warming up to FFVII again and actually acknowledging the FFVI contrarianism.

btw, FFVI is my favorite Final Fantasy along with FFVII. Both are great games, I think FFVII is better but still, I don't know how people can damn one while praising the other when they're both very similar on a lot of levels.

>> No.4226031

>Cloud appearing on other side of the world after getting BTFO by Sephiroth
Lifestream covers the whole world.
>Aerith being able to influence reality from beyond the grave using bullshit magic
She's an Ancient in the Lifestream.
>Power plants reappearing after they get blown up
Doesn't happen.
>Avalanche destroying the power plants even though they need electricity too
Because the MAKO reactors are literally destroying the world. Did you even play this game?
>Sephiroth letting Cloud and co. live for no logical reason after obtaining what he needed
Sephiroth was in stasis almost the entire time. If a Jenova foot or something was strong enough to kill them, I'm sure it would've.
>Cloud fights with a sword all the time even though he was once a soldier
Cloud believes he was a SOLDIER and they all use swords.
>Midgard is advanced but almost everywhere else are medieval towns
Outside Wutai which is supposed to be a different opposing culture to Midgar, there are no "medieval towns"
>Mostly useless magic system
Clearly you didn't use it right. The materia system is the most broken system of any FF game, including FF8's card refinement.
>Stupid characters shoehorned into the game for more diversity
Like who? The cussing old man demographic? Need to make your quota on giant Moogle riding robot diversity? It's a fucking jRPG.
>Not much difference between most summons other than attack power.
"Odin and Hades are the same XDDD" Only now do I realize you're trolling.

>> No.4226418

I dont think everyone hates it, its well revered, but a lot of people do agree that its overrated. I personally think it is, its regarded as the best final fantasy, while I personally think it was just the most well marketed in the US and everyone didnt know about ff and suddenly 7 came out and everyone loved it. I am more of a fan of the snes final fantasy games, but 7 is still very solid, and absolutely worth playing with a solid amount of replay value