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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4219380 No.4219380 [Reply] [Original]

What's the rarest game you own /vr/?

>> No.4219389

It would help to have a site that tells just raw production numbers rather than just values which can be inflated by speculation (read: Earthbound)

>> No.4219398

Earthbound pisses me off it's not even a rare game. There were plenty that never sold. If anything it might be considered uncommon.

>> No.4219402

>There were plenty that never sold.

Yeah, and they ended up in dumpsters or landfills. They might have shipped 500K or so copies in NA but they struggled to sell maybe a fifth of that.

>> No.4219405

>[Citation needed]

>> No.4219406

Every now and then a story pops about, say, an old closed game store's inventory being looked at after sitting in storage for 17 years and lo & behold there's a whole box or two of sealed Earthbounds.

>> No.4219428

Stop shilling metal jew

>> No.4219430

Don't know or care. I have ideas as to what might be my rarest games, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.4219434

Donkey Kong Country is pretty damn Rare

>> No.4219438

Hey there, 8-bit Brody. How ya been lately?

>> No.4219449
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, bangaio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bangai-O N64.

i don't think it's that rare, in the sense that you can always find a copy on ebay, but there's only 10.000 copies of it made, and it's starting to get pricey.
Got a complete copy for $60 about 10 years ago, now it's around 200. Probably it's possible to find a copy for 100 or less though.

>> No.4219451

Is Rival Schools rare? I've seen it go for crazy prices.

>> No.4219452

Rare or worth the most money?

>> No.4219453

this is only getting more sought after as it emulates like ass. it's one of the few 480i N64 games that don't require an expansion pack btw

>> No.4219457

Golden Axe Warrior?

>> No.4219458

how is the music on that game senpai

>> No.4219460

Pretty comfy actually

>> No.4219463

My PAL copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends I guess since the price on it has remained double RRP for a couple of years now. I bought mine back on release due to Final Fantasy withdrawal between X and XII

>> No.4219471

Heh. Didn't know it had got that pricey.

Glad I hung onto it when I sold off most of my pleb collection of PlayStation games back in the day.

>> No.4219504

James buster douglas knockout boxing sms. cost me 550$

>> No.4219528

OP, are you ever going to get tired of making stealth e-celeb threads?

>> No.4219660

Magical Chase.

>> No.4219668

>now it's around 200

No shit? I got mine complete for about $80 3-4 years ago. Retro game prices are getting way out of hand.

>> No.4219672

The rarest? I guess Splatterhouse(PC version, Japanese import)

>> No.4219679

Easy answer: Panzer Dragoon Saga

But I'm sure lots of the more obscure stuff I have is actually rarer

>> No.4219684

At least with Bangai-O is understandable because it actually had a limited run. It's pricey because of that, and also being a good game. Since you can still get the loose cart for $80 or so, I don't think it's an insanely overpriced game, in fact I think it's fairly priced considering, again, the print run.

>> No.4219685

I got the Dreamcast version back when it came out. How come nobody ever talks about that one? Wasn't it a better version?

>> No.4219690

I've got Marauder for the 2600, seems kinda rare.

>> No.4219695

>Wasn't it a better version?
Yes, the scoring system was revamped, you gain special attacks by landing hits instead of collecting fruit and you earn health by doing explosion combos instead of shot upgrades. It's the better version.

>> No.4219709

People talk about Dc Bangai-O too. It's just not a very popular series sadly.
Treasure should release it on Steam or something.

Well depends how you look at it, DC's upgrade and scoring system makes the game a bit easier, also since it drops health with explosion combos.
All in all I think the DC version is better for a first time playthrough of the game, and N64 original for a more challenging run. It's fine anyway because both games are different enough, DC looks and sounds better overall, but all the graphics and music is remade, and I thought the N64 original has very pleasing graphics too, they feel more old school, like a 16-bit game.
I also felt the sprites were better on the N64, even if they're very small, they had better details. For example I prefer Bangai-O's explosion animation better than on DC's.
But anyway, if you like Bangai-O, you want to play both versions.

>> No.4219710

>What's the rarest game you own /vr/?
Ogre Battle 64 w/Strategy guide.

OB64 was a very limited us release. The value is not high, but is worth "more then" what I paid for it new, so I am happy. Its a shame my dumb ass lost the box and all the paperwork.

"Rare" is subjective, as these items can be found all over....Price is more of the issue. I think "expensive" is a better metric of judgement. Something is harder to "acquire" when it is costly.

>> No.4219803


bomberman 64 the second attack

>> No.4219804


I also have one copy. Got mine from japan for 100$

>> No.4219810

tripfag/wanna-be jap detected.

>> No.4219816

No idea on actual rarity, but my game that's """""""worth""""""" the most is probably super bowling for n64. I got it in a lot with an n64, 2 controllers with rumble packs and a memory card and ten other games for $100. The game itself is usually around $145 right now

>> No.4219836

No idea who you're talking about, but I'm guessing it's some e-celeb.

>> No.4219841
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2 sealed perfect dark my bro got for $1 each.

>> No.4219853

Keio Flying Squadron 2 PAL, I'm not exactly sure how many were released but it's a fun game and I wish it had a US release

>> No.4219858

Yeah I was kinda surprised too. It was pretty damn common. I did buy like every fighting game for the ps1. SF Ex2 trumps it but I think Conker might be my rarest game.

>> No.4219863

Back in the day I had the chance to get it for $100. What a damn fool I was.

>> No.4219870

My NA copy of Keio 1 goes for more.

>> No.4219875

how much does it go for?

>> No.4219886
File: 436 KB, 1500x1125, 100_4225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheapest complete version on ebay at the moment is ~$1100 USD. PAL Keio 2s are in the ~$200 range.

>> No.4219894

>$1100 disc
>accidentally step / sit on it / snap it somehow

>> No.4219895

Destruction Derby 2 for Saturn.

>> No.4219896

I got mine at retail and I even had a second copy for a while when I was doing a lot of trading.

>> No.4219902

What kind of a dumbass would keep such a valuable commodity in a place where it could easily be broken? You must be a fucking slob.

>> No.4219904

Im not trying to compete with you dude, it was a legitimate question

>> No.4219916

Those are not rare games, just stupidly overvalued ones.

An actual rare game would be something that turns up once a year or so on ebay.

>> No.4219953

You must be very fucking idiotic and clumsy to snap discs easily. I keep mine very well taken care of by storing them in a safe place & I've had them for years. These discs are worth $100 to $1000 or more.

>> No.4219969
File: 143 KB, 600x720, metal jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthbound for the snes mini

>> No.4219973

This guy has been meme posted here so damn much lately that I'm actually thinking of checking a couple episodes of his show out just to see what all the fuss is about.

>> No.4219979

The copy I wanted ended up going to some dude in Philly. Apparently they got close to nothing up there so he wanted it more.

>> No.4219983

"Metal Jesus Here and I am Back Again with another Patreon question. Dear Metal Jesus What's the rarest Hidden Gems you own?"

>> No.4219985

Damn I want to be part of the Metal Militia so bad.

>> No.4219989

he's the pinnacle of everything bad with retro gaming.

>> No.4219991

Pretty sure it's Panzer Dragoon Saga.

>> No.4220001

Gayest dude on youtube(besides Ian from Pat the NES Punk's youtube channel)

>> No.4220063 [DELETED] 

So Karl... do you own any rare video games?

>> No.4220067
File: 316 KB, 1920x700, 150422-the-ricky-gervais-show-1920x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Karl, do you own any rare video games?

>> No.4220068
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>> No.4220081
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Not that I know of.

I mean, I've got some games you wouldn't normally see in any retail store. More like you're at a flea market or a pawn shop and a copy of Vanguard Bandits just happen to catch you're eye.

I don't really get what defines a game as "rare" though. You can't trust the internet to define that, because they're the ones that marked up copies of Earthbound. You can find that anywhere. Unlike Earthbound, I'd define a "rare" game as something really hard to find.

>> No.4220086
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Alright, alright.

So do you have any rare games going by your definition, Karl?

>> No.4220087

Ducktales 2

>> No.4220093
File: 9 KB, 182x268, MV5BMTQ3NzEzNjI4OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTcxNDM0MjE@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a week trying to find a working copy of Tetris Plus

>> No.4220095

Some of my arcade PCBs and prototypes, if only because the former were meant only for commercial use and the later of which many are very few of a kind. In terms of retail games, maybe Kirby's Dreamland 3 and RC ProAm II.

>> No.4220097
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>> No.4220098
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>More like you're at a flea market or a pawn shop and a copy of Vanguard Bandits just happen to catch you're eye.

I know that feeling all too well. I found this copy of Azure Dreams at a pawn shop for $5. It's a shame that it is missing the manual, though.

>> No.4220156

This. Literally every reseller shop/booth/flea market I go to has at LEAST one copy of Earthbound. Some have even had two or more, but honestly if they were smart, they would only put one on display at a time and hide the rest in back.

I've seen used copies of Earthbound for sale more often than I've seen Super Metroid or Kirby Super Star.

>> No.4220159

Used to own a copy of Jack Bros for virtual boy that I got along with the console and 5 or 6 other games (most of the games that existed for the thing, really) for $20. Flipped it a few months ago for $260 because cash was getting tight though.

I've probably got Mega Man X2/X3 sitting in a box in my garage somewhere, but haven't seen them in at least a decade or two.

>> No.4220164
File: 66 KB, 420x480, 68835-Game_Boy_Camera_Gold_(USA)-1442628481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say Harvest Moon 64, which isn't really THAT rare, but it's definitely pic related. They were only ever sold through the Nintendo Power catalog, and I recall the description saying it was a limited edition of only 2000 units. It didn't even come in a box, just a plastic bag with some instructions (probably because GB camera boxes indicated what color was inside, and they weren't going to print up new boxes for such a limited run that wasn't even in stores).

In the grand scheme of things, these should be hella rare. I'd be interested to know if anyone here has one. They don't even show up on ebay searches.

>> No.4220170

I'm a normie, I don't really have any rare retro games. I think the rarest game I own is Legendz: Sign of Necrom for GBA, simply because it was really unpopular and never sold outside of Japan.

>> No.4220175

I wanted one but they were all out when I ordered.

>> No.4220180

Oh also I think I MIGHT have Demon's Crest and EVO, though I'm not 100% on that since I might have just rented those, but DC was one of my favorite SNES games for a long time so if so I must have rented it multiple times. Really should try to find that stuff one of these days.

>> No.4220195

Harvest moon 64
StarCraft 64
Ogre battle 64
Bomberman second attack
MegaMan legends 64
MegaMan legends 2

>> No.4220203

I don't anymore, I sold all my games to buy flash carts. But I used to have some good stuff. Snow Brothers was probably the rarest, but Earthbound was the most valuable.

>> No.4220208
File: 56 KB, 502x512, gunnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this, which I assume is pretty rare since listing are always high as fuck for the complete package even used...got it years ago for $30 when the average price was $100.

>> No.4220217

I guess Syndicate Wars and Diablo, both for PSX, would be the rarest I own. That probably means I don't own any rare games.

>> No.4220226

Pat is far worse, he whines about piracy all day and everything he says is done so to protect the value of his incomplete collection

>> No.4220228

But I thought he had a full NES set collection? That was the catch phrase he used to sell his book. It was a lie?

>> No.4220230

True. He shouldn't be complaining about piracy. I still collect physical copies of games & I download them onto my PC & PSP, so that I don't have to risk damages to my cartridges or discs to play these games. Pat's just a whiny bitch & an idiot.

>> No.4220368
File: 68 KB, 390x420, PntYA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a copy of Harvest Moon on the SNES. Pretty cool too considering I bought it from my old job that used to rent the game out.

>> No.4220372

He doesn't have Stadium Events. But that's okay, it doesn't bother him... r-really it doesn't....

>> No.4220374

Team Buddies i guess? Apparantly it goes for about $150

>> No.4220406

Retro related: Einhander. Found it at a flea market a few months ago for $3
Not Retro: Gotcha Force or .hack//Quarantine

>> No.4220412
File: 1.56 MB, 2048x1536, NES - Mr. Gimmick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this as far the prices on online auctions go. Even here on yurop where this game was actually released this one usually goes for over 500€.

>> No.4220462

Yet he's firmly stated it's better to emulate sometimes. He bitches about resellers though without even a hint of irony.

>> No.4220897

Philly is the kind of place that gets all their soon-to-be-cool stuff like retro games siphoned off by coasties.Then a year or two later when that culture gets to them they're starved for local shit.

>> No.4220989

>another week of TOP 5 MOST OBSCURE GEMS ANONS
>a week later there is a video containing every game mentioned in a thread
makes you think

>> No.4220990

Who's the girl in all the thumbnails? Is it his daughter or something?

>> No.4220991

Sometimes I wonder if the people who're constantly talking about him and other e-celebs like Pat are either jealous or just a bunch of teenages who have to let the whole world know how much they hate something. Seriously, even if you're underage at least try to act a little mature, kids. And with that I mean civil and not "dude swearing LMAO" or shit like that.

>> No.4220993

Probably my Gundam Ex Revue board. Seems like 1 or two pop up on YAJ every month or so but I can't recall seeing it on any western sites,.

>> No.4220994
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Uniracers. Developer went on to become rockstar, believe it or not.

>> No.4221013
File: 368 KB, 1215x1455, firefox_2017-08-28_11-58-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game only went on to become rare because they got sued by Pixar over the main character's likeness

>> No.4221041

He has a lot of stuff, but his actual knowledge level is very, very low, especially for someone who used to work in the "business"

Don't watch him if you don't want your weaponized autism to flare up.

>> No.4221052

Personally i consider print runs of less than 1000 rare. I own some more expensive games, but none of them are rare.

>> No.4221064

Scarcity is always artificial.

>> No.4221071
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Had it, sold it.
As a fan of Turrican I had to check it out. Not worth the $1000+ price tag

>> No.4221073
File: 1.19 MB, 3392x3391, 1432221343.or.94062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a game, but a CD that came with a rare edition of the game. So far only my copy is known publicly, so yea... rare, I would say.

>> No.4221136

lel yeah we're all just jealous.

Go away Pat.

>> No.4221204

rarest game I own now is the Night Trap Collectors Edition from LRG.
Debating whether to sell it now while the hype is still fresh or take a chance on it getting more valuable in years down the road.

>> No.4221208

The RAREst games I own are the Donkey King Country trilogy, the Banjo games, DK64, Conker, and Blast Corps

>> No.4221274

Really? It's rare? Because it can be easily picked up for no more than 15 bucks.

>> No.4221280

Only 300k copies exist.

>> No.4221292

Huh, so we're just one eceleb review away from that game becoming $100 a copy.

>> No.4221331


none of those are rare.

>> No.4221337



that's almost a best seller back then.
Rare is 10k or under

>> No.4221338

I've already seen Uniracers on some le hidden gem video.
Also this article >>4221013 says "Unirally" and not Uniracers. Are they different things? Because Uniracers is cheap as fuck and I see it for sale all the time.

>> No.4221350
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>the joke
>your head

>> No.4221357

I don't own anything rare. I don't even own anything particularly expensive, my game that costs the most is probably Skies of Arcadia (DC version).

Had a lot of opportunities in the past to buy games like PDS but decided against it because it was too expensive, now the price is 3x that. But I actually don't really care that much, piracy is just as good

>> No.4221372
File: 1.67 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170808_180052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a gameboy player+disc and a copy of azumanga daioh for GBA

Rarity of these is probably arguable

>> No.4221382

Gameboy player definitely isn't rare (I have one, and I have nothing that's rare), don't know about the other thing.

Also not retro

>> No.4221414

(of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often.

Just sayin.

>> No.4221446
File: 149 KB, 480x444, FB_IMG_15039316310097049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Guns and Super Mario RPG, both CiB. Also a PSP MH 3rd edition.

But, the real answer is Wild Guns

>> No.4221448

Super Robot Wars 64 with box and manual

Never played it because didn't know you'd need a JP N64

>> No.4221453

I've got, at best, uncommon stuff: SNES Sunset Riders. Megaman Legends 2. Wild Arms Alter Code F, Xenosaga III.

>> No.4221459
File: 69 KB, 600x450, lunar-2-goodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got both collectors editions of the Lunar PSX games. Both fully complete. (Also have the reprint of SSC with the fanart)

>> No.4221745
File: 350 KB, 1632x1224, footcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want something actually rare? you want the good stuff? well well well dont tell anybody im showing you this or else... dreamcast web browser 2.0 is almost as rare as the NES 001

metal jesus & pat the nes punk should totally do an episode so I can see how short pat is next to jesus.
Sunset Riders is rare?
>those sexy bath scenes and posters

>> No.4221754

Doom (Black Label Jewel Case for PS1) ---> $250
Klonoa PS1 ---> $180

>> No.4221756

amazing taste

>> No.4221761


>> No.4221772

I have copies of radiant silvergun and sol divide for saturn with the st key. are those worth anything?

>> No.4221781

I have a few unreleased prototypes. I guess that's as rare as you get.

>> No.4221782

when you turn x360 and walk away

>> No.4221823

isn't there just like a plastic clip or something that prevents jp cartridges from fitting in NA 64s?

>> No.4221841

yes you can unscrew the grey base inside the cartridge slot and play jap n64 games.

>> No.4221923

Yeah. I passed up on one of these a long while back for about 300 bucks. Sucks now because I literally cannot find them anymore. I think at such low numbers, it's very likely they've all settled into the hands of happy owners who are unwilling to sell. It's sad to think what percentage of them may have been lost or destroyed.

Unrelated thought: I often wonder how many Game Boys are at the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.4221953
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Why would anyone be jealous of Metal Jesus Rocks? The guy is a total idiot who doesn't know his stuff at all, just buys whatever he gets on his hands because its WAY COOL. Hell, the guy was telling people to buy that poorly built Gamecube HMDI adapter and guess what? Fried his Gamecube because didn't see the major faults being the exposed pins.

>> No.4222026

Tech Romancer

Fighting game with giant robots. Shame I don't have anyone to play it with.

>> No.4222041

>Sunset Riders is rare?
All I know is a loose copy goes for about $80.

>> No.4222063

Metal Jesus sucks so much dick it's unreal

>> No.4222072

I think he hasn't mentioned n64 Bangai-O on his channel.... yet.

>> No.4222080

Any videogame that had a multi-page spread in Nintendo Power is in no way a hidden gem.

>> No.4222117

LSD for PS1, bought it on eBay in 2006 for $38. Back before youtubers started playing on their channels. Now that game goes for around $240 complete.

Always buy a game before a youtuber has the chance to play it, or else you will be paying top dollar.

>> No.4222589

I've got a copy of Shantae, pretty sure it's the most valuable piece of my collection (last I checked they're clocking about $300 these days)

>> No.4222594

rumor has it that he lurks here for hidden gems

>> No.4222712
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>> No.4222717
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>> No.4222858
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I guess this is some of the rarest stuff I have.
I probably have some that are even more rare,
but not as "valuable".

>> No.4223021

the fuck? azumanga for GBA? i need to freshen up on my azumanga lore

>> No.4223076

i will never not be butthurt about the travesty that was legends three, but i like your collection m8.

>> No.4223098

I don't understand why you blow up the houses in that game

>> No.4223102

N64 version looks a lot better

>> No.4223127

PAL version of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Unfortunately I lost the manual, so that brings the value way down. Complete sales are around $200.

>> No.4223197
File: 214 KB, 800x1028, 50203-time-paradox-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time Paradox by Flaire Software. Not sure how much it's really worth.

>> No.4224038

sculptors cut, but i have a feeling it isn't as rare as people make it out to be considering I see it both locally and online quite frequently

>> No.4224052
File: 47 KB, 320x200, 524953-nihilist-dos-screenshot-kiss-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if its rare but I never saw it ANYONE playing or making a thread about it on /vr/ or other forums.

It is this one:

It was utterly funny and I loved the shit out of it, when I finally prepare my old win95 pc it will definitely replayed.

>> No.4224057

None of the BB exclusives are really that rare. Considering how many there were and how they sold everything including the shelves when they collapsed.

>> No.4224097

Nice collection anon I wish I owned a virtual boy

>> No.4224116

severely underrated posts

>> No.4224120

she runs pink gorilla games in some hipster-city on the west coast. she's very qt.

>> No.4224175
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, pika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Pikachu N64 with box and a cool charizard watch. It also came with a microphone and a shitty Pikachu game.

Very cool stuff, goes for over 1500 of my currency, which is like 10 dollars or something.
Probably the best one of my country.

>> No.4224191



>> No.4224195

>came with a microphone and a shitty Pikachu game.
Hey You! Pikachu! is a fucking triumph.

>> No.4224201

................sigh..................................oh god..........


please punch him in the face.

>> No.4224213

I didn't enjoy it. Feel very awkward to do everything. Maybe will give it another try someday. I like the console better, his cheeks light up and the reset button is his cute foot.

>> No.4224239

I have Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus in great condition, seems to be going for a pretty penny now days.
Fuuuck, I'm almost resentful of people with a copy of Shantae. The last time I saw gameboy color titles in a Toys R Us the games that most interested me were Metal Gear Solid (Ghost of Bable outside of the US), Resident Evil Gaiden, and Shantae. Got Metal Gear and while it was a solid game (heh) Shantae ended up being a better and much more rare gem.
I have the disc for the NA version of PoR in mediocre condition, picked it and a copy of melee for $5 each at a thrift store recently. Ebay has the disc like that alone going for $50~80, it's ridiculous.
They're pretty damn cool, with the only truly bad games being Water World and Red "I can't see shit" Alert. I'm even thinking of commissioning a Flashboy Pro from the guy that makes them.

>> No.4224265 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 640x360, 1504045585569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody say hidden gems?

>> No.4224280
File: 78 KB, 640x360, reggiewantsucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this hidden gem

>> No.4224284

Memers go home

>> No.4224452

not really rare but i have the wii version of xenoblade in english

>> No.4224459

Not defending the bad design, but his system only got fried because one of his dumbass drunk friends tripped over the cords.

>> No.4224467

The girl isnt even that hot, pretty average but man i'd go to town hard

>> No.4224475


Also, he is obese and looks like a melting swamp monster.

>> No.4224484

I picked Shantae up years ago when it was $120, at the time I thought it was a mistake and that I'd just sell the game again when I beat it. Only a few weeks passed and the price went up right around the time that it got a virtual console release for the DSI, so I decided to keep it. Turns out I made a good call.

>> No.4224486

No idea, I'll just list them
>Majora's mask
>Shadows of the empire
>Mario kart
>Rampage 2
>Cruisn USA
>Goldeneye X2
>Perfect Dark
>Soul Reaver
>Dino Crisis
>Resident Evil 2
>Lego Rock Raiders

>> No.4224501
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1492875752467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the bomberman n64 games so expensive/rare? When I was a kid it was my favorite game to rent from blockbuster so I wanted to finally play them again but prices are too high.

>> No.4224513

I own bust a groove 1 and 2. I have the case to team buddies.

>> No.4224518

I wish people would stop confusing rare with valuable

>> No.4224546

I wish newfags like you wouldn't try and split the terms, as they are usually synonymous in regards to older games.

>> No.4224560

literally is the same

if something is rare it's valuable

>> No.4224569

kys reseller scum all nintendo prices are artificial inflated. There are rare games that nobody gave a shit about or were not valuable until some cuck like Pat or Mike makes a vid about it.

>> No.4224573

>nintendo prices
boi something tells me you consider $20 for LOZ 'overpriced'

>> No.4224578

indeed. zelda is a shit game mike. not even worth $1

>> No.4224581
File: 35 KB, 732x297, suikkoden 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably pic related. Sometimes I love Ebay prices.

>> No.4224585

lmao call down newfag, just buy a flash cart if you're that concerned about game prices kid. Not out fault you were in daipers when most /vr/ games were cheaper.

>> No.4224586

mom buys all my games confirmed

>> No.4224592

not if it doesn't have demand
demand causes value, rarity only plays a small part

>> No.4224597

F-Zero for SNES in box, with manual, safety manual, and Nintendo Power sign-ups sheet.

>> No.4224603

I have a sealed copy of Christmas Nights into Dreams. Is that rare or am I treasuring it for no reason?

>> No.4224608

The horror of realizing most of snes, gb, and 64 boxes were trampled or discarded made me hoard GBA boxes like crazy in middle/high school.

>> No.4224628

F-Zero got a reprint a few years after its initial launch. It is decisively not rare.

>> No.4224669
File: 178 KB, 322x405, [Dracula Chuckles].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe someone's this retarded in the modern era. Supply and Demand, newfag. I bet you don't even own an NES

>> No.4224675
File: 820 KB, 637x850, 20130414_104139[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always post this

because it is what is truly rare;

not your fucking Stadium Events
not other shit
fuck you, its pic related

>> No.4224685

i got my OB64 from a video store in 2004
its still got all the stickers on it because trying to remove them would be impossible

>> No.4224691

only second attack is that high, the others aren't as high at all

>> No.4224694

leave the blockbuster stickers intact. its a part of the games history. I hate when collector fags try to peal off stickers only to rip the label and ruin the game.

>> No.4224696



>> No.4224698

its not a BB sticker, its from a mom and pop place

>> No.4224713

My dad found that blockbuster exclusive Clayfighter for the N64 in a storage auction a couple years ago but we decided to just sell it

>> No.4224716

Forgot to mention it was with the box and everything so it was worth quite a bit

>> No.4224738

That could conceivable be just as common as Stadium Events.

>> No.4224739

even more important to preserve. never remove that sticker.

>> No.4224780
File: 1.45 MB, 800x1000, 20130331_231857[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a newer pic of my N64 shit
i picked up a ton of boxes in a trashbag last year

>> No.4224796

I'm going by the prices of how expensive they sell on ebay, so I consider these games rare...

Batman Forever The Arcade Game (PS1)
Power Stone 2 (Dreamcast)
Lobo (SNES, it's a reproduction copy though. So it might not count. Sells for $300 now on ebay, I bought it for just $70. Would be worth a lot less than that if someone can please make better reproduction carts of this game for cheaper.)

>> No.4224797

Actually the obese whale is what caused that Gamecube to fry. She should know better than to cross over wired controllers, that stupid fat cunt.

>> No.4224804

legends 2 is cheap now
like $40 loose, its sad

>> No.4224812

picked up a copy of Road Rash for sega CD with a ton of other shit the other day, paid $20 for 2 big boxes of retro shit

i can't believe its like $70, is it better than the genesis ones?

>> No.4224813

fugggg. nice score

>> No.4224821

named different, probably is why you got it

>> No.4224823

I got an unboxed english pal verison of terranigma is that rare/valuable?

>> No.4224835
File: 366 KB, 1000x750, shantae01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shantae owner here, posting the same pic again. Bought it in high school with my own damn money. It was really popular on the IGN vnboards, so I picked it up based purely on that.

Thinking about selling it...

>> No.4224839

i regret not grabbing one i saw in 2006

it was 14.99 new at GS and they had complete copies of FFA and FFL2 for 6.99 each

i went back like 1-2 weeks later and it was gone and i've never seen another copy since.

>> No.4224840

3 different anons own shantae. Im starting to think its not very r@re.

>> No.4224851

its not

i went to a con recently and saw at LEAST 20 of them, both cart and in box with 1 guy having 2 carts and 1 boxed

>> No.4224885

>more that one person has this thing, it must be common!
God, I heard that /vr/ was going the way of /v/, but god damn I never would have imagined something so retarded could be posted.

>> No.4224895

yes thats the definition of common when there is more than 1 of something.

>> No.4224897

Well now I know you're trolling. 10/10

>> No.4224898



>> No.4224906


and then he kills himself later!

>> No.4224958

Conquers bad fur is pretty valuable, but not that rare.

I do have a sealed Japanese power glove which is pretty rare but that's of course no videogame.

>> No.4225017
File: 452 KB, 1328x747, 20170829_225145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4225023

you win.
>swedish erotica
what did they mean by this?

>> No.4225025

I don't know but I expect interracial cuckold.

>> No.4225078

kill fuck marry?

>> No.4225086
File: 79 KB, 756x672, muh dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Jew
QT shortstack
REGGIE seems like a cool dude

>> No.4225091

I have a snes copy of ogre battle

>> No.4225095

Rule of Rose.

>> No.4225096

What emotion was she trying to convey with that facial expression?

>> No.4225104


>> No.4225121

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Rule of Rose and I guess Earthbound and .Hack Vol 4.

>> No.4225128


i don't understand you people
if you already know all the games why are you watching the guy?

does hearing some old fat guy describe titles you already know about make you happy?

>> No.4225131

I have the Driver 1 and 2 double pack for PSX, that edition is supposed to be rare. I guess Vagrant Story too?

>> No.4225134


>> No.4225139
File: 7 KB, 184x184, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's worse - Metal Jesus or Mike?

>> No.4225147

Probably MM7, X3 or ninja gaiden trilogy for released games. If going by numbers it would have to be my copy of donkey Kong country, it's a not for resale demo copy. Can't be more than a couple thousand made and probably way less that survived. Only paid $3 for it.

>> No.4225152

All three of those were released as greatest hits. Automatically not rare.

>> No.4225157
File: 348 KB, 2029x1261, 474021-starcraftcollectorsedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my gems

>> No.4225158
File: 26 KB, 500x373, B6E9DB42-B955-FDC0-E4B3B136427C3EE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a copy of sculptor's cut.
Pic is not my copy. Too lazy to take a picture.
I'm a big N64 fan (fight me) so I'm trying for a complete set. Didn't plan on buying sculptor's cut until the very end of my collection build and after I saved up the money but I got really drunk one night and bought it off of ebay. Of course I had buyers remorse because (as anyone who has played the game will tell you) it's not that good of a game and it didn't complete my collection. Still about 200 off. Not even close to completing.

>> No.4225186

Hey someone know why the nes version of last action hero and The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles are so pricey ? Last action hero it's not even a good game...

>> No.4225201

That might be mine as well. SoAL is one of the more expensive Gamecube games.

Depends on what you define as 'rare' though. I have a few limited edition games which are rare by definition but which aren't necessarily worth much. Conversely, games like Earthbound aren't particularly rare but are worth a lot.

>> No.4225206

could you please uploadethe video on it/ make a rip?

>> No.4225208


>> No.4225210

Mike seems like a cool guy but is fucking useless and should do something else of his time, juwt nobody likes him.

>> No.4225217

All done long ago
"Official Making Of CD"

>> No.4225220

Mikes an actual shitty person. Jesus is just stupid and ugly.

>> No.4225223
File: 13 KB, 356x364, bricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in solomon key you basically have 2 break brown bricks

>> No.4225235
File: 3.69 MB, 3024x2268, 24fb6997-8561-49a2-be51-baf796fd3580..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got quite a few more N64 games: goldeneye, the first two turoks and both zeldas for instance. also, super mario world for the SNES.

I used to have a rare 1.00 version of Revenge of Shinobi for the genesis complete with all the blatant copywrite violating bossfights but I gave it to a friend a few years ago.

Not sure how rare any of these things are but i suspect there are some good ones here.

>> No.4225258

I have (PAL shit inbound)

"New: Ghostbusters 2
Mystical Ninja 2 starring Goemon
Space Channel 5 part 2 on PS2
Aus print Galgun/Senran Kagura on Vita (Galgun never made store shelves)
Cave Story 3d Aus print
Stubbs the Zombie
Jruassic Park Operation Genesis on Xbox

Tengen Tetris.

>> No.4225261

sweet collection

>> No.4225264
File: 38 KB, 281x240, 1497731166993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this copy, it only got a limited realease in PAL reigons. I'm aware that the games themselves are common as fuck

>> No.4225313

bought final fantasy 9 from a second hand store when i was 10 for 30 bucks, i thought it was a great deal at the time because it had 4 discs. had no idea about final fantasy other than what i'd heard about it at school, and it turned out to be my favourite game ever. still have it in near mint condition.

>> No.4225330

Just a few "rare" Wii games

>Kirby's Return to Dream Land
>Skyward Sword

>> No.4225348
File: 24 KB, 250x250, BattleGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen another person other than myself that owns a complete (US) copy of Battletoads in Ragnarok's World for Game Boy?

I swear I've checked amazon/ebay etc; but to no avail; unless I'm overlooking them. What's the deal?

>> No.4225358

Is SS actually rare? That doesn't sound right.

I do have a Legend of Zelda 4-game compilation for Gamecube (OoT, MM, TLoZ and AoL), I'm told that one's pretty rare. Collector's Edition, I believe it was called.

>> No.4225361

he probably means the collectors edition?

>> No.4225370

Not retro, but when the fuck did Solatorobo complete with OST hit $200+?

Thank god I snagged a sealed copy from ebgames when they were getting rid of them for $5 years back.

>> No.4225396
File: 185 KB, 256x366, Gotcha_Force_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not technically retro I guess but probably Gotcha Force.

>> No.4225406

>Mikes an actual shitty person
Really? What does he do that's so shitty?
All I've ever seen him do is sit around and play video games with James.

>> No.4225483

Too bad the Atari market dropped like a rock.

>> No.4225494

Those mystique games are still incredibly rare and sought after. The Atari market is very niche, but it's there.

>> No.4225503
File: 96 KB, 800x585, IMG_1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conkers Bad Fur Day, I don't even own a N64. It was so cheap ($30) I couldn't pass it up, I'm going to import an N64 from eBay soon 'cuz autism.

>> No.4225508
File: 66 KB, 629x556, 227845-faselei-neo-geo-pocket-color-media.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a bunch of Neo Geo pocket games with no labels. After I bought them I asked the guy where they came from & he said they were review copies sent out by SNK for a magazine a friend of his worked at, & that's why they only have these small circular labels with the names in pen. I wish they were prototypes but they're not. Did come with an English copy of Faselei though, & thy only made between 5-10 thousand copies of it, so that's something.

>> No.4225537
File: 3.43 MB, 2255x1024, Fire Pro Wrestlin G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never checked for the rarity of my games since I didn't bought them to collect but to play in the first place.

And guessing the rarity of games without some database as reference is pointless, since
and the butt ugly
aren't really helpful, because either the game isn't in their database or doesn't have a rarity status at all.

But OK I will do some guessing anyway:
- Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling: Toukon Retsuden 3 (both regular and limited edition, I have Toukon Retsuden 1 + 2 too but both version are in bad shape)
- Stahlfeder: Tekkou Hikoudan (jap. Shmup)
- Einhänder (jap. Version)
- Ehrgeiz (PAL Version)
- Fire Pro Wrestling G (japanese, I got this game for 4 fucking Euros + MemCard)
- Power Move Pro Wrestling (westernized version of the first Toukon Retsuden game, is it rare? I don't know)
- Zen Nihon Joshi Pro Wrestling: Joou Densetsu: Yume no Taikousen (All Japan Females Wrestling game)
- Zen-Nihon Pro Wrestling: Ouja no Kon (AKA AJPW: King's Soul, by far the fucking best PS1 wrestling game)

- Fire Pro Wrestling D (First Run Limited Edition including some extras)
- Giant Gram 2 and Giant Gram 2000
- Shin Nihon Pro Wresting: Toukon Retsuden 4

For most of the japanese Games I also have the spine cards.

And of course I have some older games too. But I have even less knowledge about the rarity of C64, Amiga and GameGear Games.

>> No.4225551

don't fucking bother man
a full set of any system is stupid as fuck

its mostly shit games and sports titles, you won't play either unless the shit games are shitfun games and sports are like NBA Jam, aka, fun.

i gave up NES set collecting because once i emulated most of them, it was like, shit these aren't fun at all, why would i want 600 or so shit games and 200 good ones?

>> No.4225574

has anyone listened to Pat's solo podcast? he literally just has more successful YouTubers on and bitches about how he's less successful

it's very legitimately pathetic

>> No.4225579

>needs both grey and gold nwc carts to be complete
>stadium events doesn't count because it was re-released

Pat's a faggot

>> No.4225589

is stubbs actually rare? I got it in highschool for like $10

>> No.4225609

if not rare its uncommon as fuck.

At least in PAL regions, since it came out 05ish.

Oh, Also have an Aus print Manhunt on PS2.

not as rare by anymeans compared to Xbox.

>> No.4225632

RC pro am

>> No.4225651


Panzer Dragoon Saga
steel books and a clipcase for Pandora's Tower, The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles
Boxed copies of the Marathon Trilogy (although Durandal is the PC one)

not a game:
Blood Omen strategy guide with Nosgoth map

>> No.4225656


google "loco bandito"

>> No.4225660

>The Last Story
The game that I hate to love. It had a steelbook?

>> No.4225664
File: 48 KB, 799x531, TheLastStorysteelbookblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The PAL special edition came with one

>> No.4225667

That looks as shitty as the game itself. I want it.

>> No.4225782

They may not probably fit the definition of "rare", but The most expensive games I have are probably Earthbound, and boxed copies of Metal Warriors & Mega Man X3. They only have the box because I'm a lazy fuck who never threw shit away. I love them too much to get rid of them so I guess it doesn't really matter. They were purchased back in the day so I didn't pay the retro tax

>> No.4226076
File: 42 KB, 320x447, metal wolf chaos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Wolf Chaos, probably.

>> No.4226173

Supposedly they're all houses owned by the SF Cosmo gang, which is why you get fruit when you blow them up. But that's probably just an excuse, they're there because it's fun as fuck to blow up houses, buildings and cars with hundreds of missiles.
I love the little screams you can hear when you destroy them.

>> No.4226179

Hell just look at how many people own it in this thread.

>> No.4226234

Not sure if it counts as rare, more like expensive but Conker's Bad Fur Day is the rarest I own. Holy grail of my N64 collection (I.E most expensive game I'm willing to pay the price for. I'd buy Bomberman The Second Attack, Worms Armageddon or Starcraft 64 if it was MUCH cheaper) and a game I wanted for years and years until I finally bought it in 2016, I'm still kicking myself for not buying it in 2012 for $40 when I had the chance (We were struggling to eat so priorities) but at least I finally own it. My two other expensive games albeit not /vr/ are Fire Emblem for the GBA that I found in a bin at a pawn shop for $3 which was ironically right next to a retro game store and Megaman X Collection for the GameCube which I found for $3 aswell

>> No.4226292

well I've come across at least 10 TPs but I haven't seen a single SS so far

>> No.4226332

>racist comic makes someone a shitty person
Methinks you should find a new hangout that isn't 4chan.

>> No.4226376

Rockman Strategy I think, don't believe there's been anywhere online where you can buy it for a while now

>> No.4226510

>Own a rare game
>Send it to Mental Jewsus FOR FREE
>Mentions my name in passing for giving away an ultra rare game FOR FREE

>> No.4226527

>donate to his patreon
>have an erection as my name quickly scrolls up at the end of a video
Worth it.

>> No.4226537

Mike. As much as I hate Metal Jesus Rocks, he seems like a nice guy. Mike is just a douche.

>> No.4226552

I hate anyone that has to laugh at their own jokes.

>> No.4226562
File: 478 KB, 1224x1632, inb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4226571

It saddens me to know that there are people out there who genuinely feel this way. I guess they do it because they feel it improves or speeds up their output? Guess I'm just weird, but I know I have at least one real life friend who I'd give my rare games to before I'd send them off to a stranger on the internet who probably doesn't even give a shit.

>> No.4226590

When you put it that way, yeah, it's pretty fucking sad.
Probably people without real life friends who have a lot of extra money. They think by sending rare games to e-celebs, they'll befriend them. And even if they don't, they probably do the needed mental gymnastics to find a way to find the passing name mention to be worth it.
So yeah, in resume, it's sad.

>> No.4226594
File: 317 KB, 1920x1074, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kelsey's virginity is the rarest one I own

>> No.4226596

>Pokemon Snakewood
What did she mean by this?

>> No.4226610
File: 68 KB, 640x360, 80s_Hair_Metal_Bands-THUMB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Metal Jesus's wife know he is hiring chinese camwhores to film videos in his basement?

>> No.4226623
File: 206 KB, 405x224, Screen-Shot-2016-09-01-at-3.30.25-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4227113

Complete copy of Terranigma.

Also the PAL version of Metroid Zero Mission which is apparently worth a fuckton now for some reason.

>> No.4227121

what makes The Last Story so bad? Been meaning to play it

>> No.4227142

It's not 'bad', it's just not...good. It's a largely forgettable experience with gameplay that doesn't want to take risks, characters you're not going to care about, a plot as generic as you could imagine, and a 'plot twist' that you see coming a mile away because they basically tell you it's coming.

The game has a sudden difficulty spike right at the end that it does not prepare you for. If the entire game was slowly leading up to that point, I could see it being fair, but most of the game is "attack now and you're good to go", whereas the final few fights require some actual strategy that you never really need up until that point and requires you to master a combat system that you previously had no incentive to play with.

Plus the not-final-villain is just Ganondorf. He's not 'like' Ganondorf, he IS Ganondorf.

Fuck I beat this game twice and I don't even remember any of the main character's names, they're that generic and forgettable.

I'd say give it a shot if you can, but don't expect it to blow your mind like FF7 or Ocarina of time did.

>> No.4227338

Demon's Crest for SNES
It's my favorite game from childhood. I still play it about once every 6 months all the way through. I'll remember that endgame save code as long as I live.

>> No.4227810

You can argue as to if its rare as you can find it at a con easily enough but it's expensive, its my copy of Chrono Trigger.

However, Metal Storm and Bucky O'Hare might be up there. Also got a bunch of obtuse Sega games that you don't see around frequently.

>> No.4227841

You know it's fun finding out something unassuming in your collection happens to be highly sought after, though now I feel stupid for recommending The Dark Spire to people without flashcarts, and then there's shit like this;


What the fuck, literally the worst game on the system.

>> No.4227857

What country is that?

>> No.4227874
File: 92 KB, 600x600, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much rare as 'uncommon'.
I also have the EU-only PS2 version of Monsters inc Scream Team.

>> No.4227883
File: 1.28 MB, 4160x3120, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap I got a Pikachu N64 as well along with that pokemon controller.
I think it came with Pokemon Snap in the UK instead of hey you pikachu.

>> No.4228139

>Lobo SNES, it's a reproduction copy though
Are you that fag from a year or two ago who made a thread pretending he was going to dump the game in order to advertise his shitty youtube channel?

>> No.4228154
File: 148 KB, 825x953, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I knew this game would jump up in price at some point because it sold like total crap but I didn't know it'd get this high.

>> No.4229514

You pay fmv?

>> No.4229621

Take care of your shit you dirty fuck.

>> No.4229803

some demo psp games

>> No.4229825

It's true. It baffles me when people have the gall to sell something like Pokémon Red, cart only with the sticker faded and torn, for 40 bucks. There's like a million of these on the market, why would I spend this much?

>> No.4230028

>It baffles me when people have the gall to complain what price a buyer and seller mutually agree on. jk. Not baffled at all. I know it's angry jelly poor babies.

>> No.4230095

I'm not angry, I still have my own copies of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow. I just don't understand why anyone would pay forty bucks for a shitty copy that'll break down in a year anyways, aside from being able to jump on the bandwagon.

>> No.4230413

>break down in a year
Ooooor you could not treat your games like shit?

>> No.4230437

I don't even own anything for the mega drive other than the console itself (since i got it from a friend)

>> No.4230734

Out of games I've purchased recently to rebuild my collection, Secret of Mana CIB.

Out of stuff I've held onto since childhood, Tecmo Cup Soccer. Never would have expected that one to be worth $50+/

>> No.4231097

Stop posting this shit tier youtuber please. His intro is poorly made, his reviews are poorly made, his content is poorly made, just like jj-just, stop posting this youtuber.

>> No.4231263
File: 61 KB, 700x393, dank lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know if they are rare. But I noticed they are rather expensive considering no fucking body I ever met played them. But I got all the old Koei 3 kingdom games for PS2. I've seen them sell from 50-90 dolls. Off the top of my head that's what I got.

>> No.4231276

I don't have a youtube channel. Wasn't the game already dumped?

>> No.4231285


Sick, I'd take Snap instead of Hey You anytime. But I'm cool, because it's cute as fuck.

>> No.4231289

Should probably mention that I have the original box, along with manuals and all that shit, which hugely inflates the value.

Not that I plan to sell it, I mean, just look at that little motherfucker.

>> No.4231620
File: 1.28 MB, 967x1746, Metroid_Tril_3d_FRONT_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rarest game would probably be Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii complete with all the special packaging, artbook, and manual--which I realize isn't /vr/, but it's the rarest (or at least the most expensive) game I own. Picked it up for the normal Wii game retail price of $50 back when it launched, before I even realized it was a limited run deal, so I'm pretty glad about that.

Otherwise, maybe a yellowing Chrono Trigger cartridge with a fading label.

>> No.4231624


I love you.

>> No.4231629

Uhhh... I'm not sure.. Non-retro wise would probably be Cubivore.

Retro would be.. Is Pocky & Rocky considered "rare"?

>> No.4231630

Nothing crazy but my most rare/valuable is

Kirby's Dreamland 3 followed by a complete Pokemon Stadium 2

>> No.4231636
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>YWN fuck Kelsey

God shes cute AF.

>> No.4231645

>shit brown eyes
>bad teeth
>oddly proportioned face
>awful highlights
She's really not.

>> No.4231646


>> No.4231654
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>> No.4231657
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>> No.4231660


>> No.4231682

You fucking disgust me, tripfag.

>> No.4231692

This stupid thing actually doubled Sega CD console prices

>> No.4232508

game is fine, shut up fag

>> No.4232797

I dunno. You tell me. From the top of my head.

Batman: the Animated Series
Mega Man
Mega Man II
Mega Man III
Mega Man IV
Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man Xtreme 2
Power Quest

Dark Arms
SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium
SNK vs. Capcom: Cardfighter's Clash SNK Version
Samurai Shodown! 2
Metal Slug: 2nd Mission
King of Fighters R-2

Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3

Resident Evil: Director's Cut
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil Survivor
Rival Schools
Silent Hill
Street Fighter Collection: Vol. 1
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Valkyrie Profile
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2

Blue Stinger
Tech Romancer
Project Justice
Power Stone 2

>> No.4232813

>implying fat men aren't allowed to have standards

>> No.4232973
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>> No.4233000 [DELETED] 
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Kinsey's hidden games are in there.

>> No.4233017

They certainly aren't allowed to have standards above their lard asses unless they have money.

>> No.4233027
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I have a copy of Action 52.

>> No.4233052

nice. Did you actually get that when it came out or more recently?

>> No.4233063
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I found it through a local barter group about 2 years ago. He was selling 10 NES games for $100.

>> No.4233424

underrated post

>> No.4233452

Too bad you're full of shit. Those who brag, lies the most.

>> No.4233457

>Resident Evil Director's Cut
That game is awful. The original is better.

>> No.4234210


I am tired of seeing this fatty's face in the catalog. His sidekicks are also irritating-looking, although not nearly to the same extent. How can you people stand watching these freaks?

>> No.4235012

Hello. Please do not use my photos on this site. Thank you.

>> No.4235061

If you stop making youtube videos, it's a deal.

>> No.4235073


I have that too. Bought it complete for like 40usd a year ago.

>> No.4235153

Fuck off, you stupid fucking cuck. I can do whatever I want. Expect a DMCA complaint.

>> No.4235161

The Chad Metal Jesus
The virgin anon

>> No.4235168

Yeah fuck off. You're just jealous. If you made quality content, maybe you could have gotten my dad's complete Wild Guns. Metal Squad for lyfe.

>> No.4235174

>putting a $1100 game on the carpet
what a fucking retard

>> No.4235185

Thanks for backing me up, dude. My name's Jason though, not chad.

>> No.4235198
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oh shit, new to 4chan u must be

>> No.4235226


There are 4 bomberman games on the N64. Only second attack is rare/expensive. It came out in the end of the n64 life and had a very limited production.

>> No.4235230
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Atari 7800 Commando.

For some retard level reason, they're often north of $50. Is it a good game? Sure. But is it worth $50? Nah.

>> No.4235250
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I guess this?

>> No.4235257

I know you guys hate e-celebs but did you really have to make a trip code just to make fun of him?

>> No.4235263

sure it's not really him? a lot of these guys (and real celebs even) and pretty much anyone i guess these days basically live on the internet
its sad desu
we know avgn's tagalong mike goes on here

>> No.4235273

but mike is cool

>> No.4235278

Japanese bomberman 64 (the 2d one) is rare from what I understand

>> No.4235449

Simply sitting a disc on carpet will do nothing to it.

>> No.4235454

Fuck off, Mike.

>> No.4235465

The N64 version only ever comes up because it's a rare collector's item, and the Dreamcast one is on the Dreamcast, so it's absurdly easy to pirate.

>> No.4235513

The Virtual Boy stuff being expensive even for shitty games makes sense, there's only 12 games, so if you get one, and then all 5-6 games you actually want for it, then why not just go for a complete collection anyway? You're already halfway there.

>> No.4235605

Hahaha, I get it. Thanks!

>> No.4235641

Tales of Phantasia/Destiny for the PS1 I guess. I purchased them years back for $50 each and now they are commanding retarded prices. My complete Wild Arms Alter Code f is going for ~$80 for whatever reason as well. I usually just have to emulate rare games unless I get lucky at a thrift store since I don't like to spend over $60 for any game.

>> No.4235656

Auto-aim anon, auto-aim.

>> No.4235663

Wasn't there a demo disk of this that ended after the 1st level but they didn't disable the level select cheat so you could play the whole game?

>> No.4235668

Happy Console gamer>>>>This boring fuck.

>> No.4235697

That was the very last NES game available for rent from my Blockbuster as a kid, and the last "new" game I played on my original NES. Just half a rack lined up with JUST that title, it was the weirdest thing.
Makes sense, but is it really that much more rare than other Virtual Boy games? At least I have that shit game but of course I'm still kicking myself for missing out on NA Jack Bros back when I first heard of it and it was still below $80 online, if I had gotten it then completing the rest of the VB's library would have been a virtual cake walk (heh),

>> No.4235703

Is Kelsey really asian or is just her makeup?

Her nose looks too pointy.

>> No.4235714

why didn't you just emu to try first? its a good game but none are worth that.

>> No.4235827

He's just an idiot who doesn't know what hes talking about.

I mean come on, she doesn't look even remotely Asian.

>> No.4235832

shes probably mixed with jew. Metal Jesus is definitely full merchant.
His leaf wife is cute but kinda dumb and he forces her in his videos because shes hot. His videos where he talks about the past are pretty comfy.

>> No.4235836

what the fuck happened to Robman? Wife and kids must take away from his video game time.

>> No.4235863
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>> No.4235864

Yes. That is the one.

>> No.4236209

post your wifes nudes

>> No.4236215

not a game but a boxed fairchild f

>> No.4236253

Not /vr/, but I've got a sealed copy of Drill Dozer. I found a couple sealed copies at Meijer a few years ago and picked both up.

>> No.4236308

Auto-aim doesn't make up for that awful soundtrack.

>> No.4236309

Funny, I'm not married. But I will surely fuck your wife and make you one.

Says the Metal Jesus fanboy.

>> No.4236423

>not Wavebirding
What the fuck are you even doing Jesus?

>> No.4236965

What I like about this Jesus guy is that he just genuinely enjoys games, I don't agree with his taste a bunch of times but he seems to have fun with it so it's cool.

I like how black guy is a weeb, kek

>> No.4237003

Kelsey is qt

>> No.4237635

No thanks. I rather have a controller that allows you to recharge it. I don't want to keep buying batteries. That was Nintendo's mistake with the Wavebird & the Wii-mote.

>> No.4237660

is a CIB country-exclusive n-gage rare enough? one mad collector was asking me $500 for it.

>> No.4237664
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No special or expensive ones.
If anything, I don't see this one being sold that often, so maybe this.

>> No.4237932

Why would you want an N-gage?

>> No.4237939

Metal warriors for the snes and duck tales 2 for nes

>> No.4237938

I have a sealed collector's edition of Kowloon's Gate, which is apparently pretty expensive these days.

>> No.4237969

I got bad fur day sealed and and a separate bad fur day cart

>> No.4238090

I don't know about rarity, but Fire & Ice, Metal Storm, and Duck Tales 2 are the top 3 most valuable carts I have.

>> No.4238125

Nobody is jealous of metal jesus. He's hideous for one thing and obviously has no interest in what he does. He's living in hell.

>> No.4238129


Trolls on Treasure Island would like a word with you.

>> No.4238314

>never seen a wavebird rechargeable battery pack
>never seen a wiimote rechargeable battery pack
Exactly how underage are you?

>> No.4238316

>no one jealous
>anons talk about him for no reason

>> No.4238445

>wavebird/wiimote rechargeable battery pack
No such thing. Nintendo is so ancient, they have no clue that people nowadays recharge their controller via USB cable.

>> No.4238458

Are you just baiting or are you actually too mentally retarded to realize that recharagable AA batteries exist?

>> No.4238564

Who the fuck buys batteries?

PROTIP: it's called "rechargable".

>> No.4238696
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>> No.4238727

To play a mobile version of Tombraider back when it was new? That was the only reason it had anyone's attention anyways.

>> No.4238764

Play without the music.

>> No.4238781
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I own pic related. Toshiba made the best games.

>> No.4238786

I have a beta version of the Skull Girls engine which has Marvel and Capcom characters running in it.

>> No.4239025
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>> No.4239026
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>> No.4239037
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I have a very early version/prototype of The Lion King for SNES.

>> No.4239103

This. If nobody actually cared about him or even think he's the "embodiment of everything bad about retro gaming" then why the hell can't you guys stop sucking his dick and shilling him on this board? Like I said before, you act like teenagers who need to tell everyone how much they hate something because they're too insecure to admit that they actually love it.

>> No.4239138

>anytime somebody talks about something they hate, it's really because they love it
I feel bad for your parents.

You know, having to raise an autistic child and all.

>> No.4239880
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Oh God, lads. I want Kelsey gf so bad, IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!

>> No.4239925

You're calling me autistic while you're missing my point yourself. Really. I'm not the one who keeps bringing him up and has to declare that several times, you know. If anything it would be more "autistic" to keep doing something without a reason to do so.

So, do you have a real reason to keep bringing him or pat or whoever e-celeb there is and need to tell everyone how much you hate it or you just going to confirm my statement that only teenagers do something dumb like that just for the sake of it?

>> No.4239934


She's extremely rude in person if you've evr been to her shop, you're not missing out my man

>> No.4239947

Does the Zelda Collector's Edition count? If not, then I don't have shit.

>> No.4239950


prob D for dos all in original box that's slightly beat up, the kenji eno game

>> No.4239968

I've banged women better looking than her. She's average at best.

>> No.4239991

Better Dead Ratification.

>> No.4239995

Panzer Dragoon Saga

Wish I had the NetLink version of Daytona USA CCE just for keks.

>> No.4240020

>She's extremely rude in person if you've evr been to her shop, you're not missing out my man
lmao so she affected the same attitude that every cute girl in a public-facing job does when confronted with a stuttering mouthbreathing NEET. nice self own.

>> No.4240041

Roastie detected.

>> No.4240135

She was very friendly when I met her

>> No.4241156

I would like for you to describe some of the finer points of the game please.

>> No.4241175

I dunno why but i thought rechargable aa batteries were bad for wavebirds and wii remotes?

>> No.4241180

No you haven't

>> No.4241216

Except that I have, it's a fact. The hottest one I've banged was is 18, a redhead and a nice set of breasts on her. I'm lucky she's into older men, instead of guys her own age.

>> No.4242485

>No jokes about Kelsey's Chad boyfriend
>No photoshopped pics of Kelsey eating anything except a burrito
I'm disappointed /vr/.

>> No.4242693

>I'm disappointed /b/

>> No.4242864

I'm a psx babby, so all my rarest games are for that platform.

Most valuable game I own is probably a japanese MGS premium package. I also have both Team Buddies and Tombi/Tomba 2 as PAL releases, both complete in box.

>> No.4242876

Not him but it's not that hard to believe.
Every girl I've fucked has been better looking than her.
Not everyone here is a sperg virgin.

>> No.4242908

Ishtar. The whole saga. Dunno if it's THAT rare, tho.

>> No.4244120

>posting on /vr/ like youre on /k/