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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 639x495, e9fa5a933973cda419fe7e29dcdda8dc_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4213930 No.4213930 [Reply] [Original]

They are updating their design and put a octagonal gate into it!

Yet, it's still not perfect, the octagonal wasn't "perfect", like the one they are producing, it was a little distorted on the diagonal edges.

That's the only thing they need to nail the controller down.

The A+B tilt is ergonomics, and will probably feel great.

>> No.4213934
File: 43 KB, 728x456, lv4gl2H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of the original gate.

That's the only thing left. They're claiming that their analog has no dead zone and is calibrated, they also commented a comment about testing it with the N64 controller homebrew.

I guess they'll release a pretty perfect controller.

There are people complaining about the change, though. I fucking hate normies.

>> No.4213941

I find the C-buttons strange, they have that "delta thing" instead the triangles on the buttons.

I hope they fix that.

>> No.4214439

People are complaining about having octagonal gates? Do they have any idea how uncomfortable using a stick without a gate is? Holding the stick in any particular location is difficult because your thumb will get tired and start to drift little by little. You'll be constantly correcting for the small amount of drift which is tiring and frustrating.

>> No.4214445

I'm surprised they are designing it by themselves and not importing Chinese bullshit for us market.

Would buy one if it was wireless.

>> No.4214510

I kicked them 20 bucks because why not. If it's a good controller, great. If it's garbage, it's only $20

>> No.4214545

Looks a lot better than the last design, I'm just hoping they get the analog deadzone and range correct which the cheap gamecube style replacements screw up.

>> No.4214586 [DELETED] 

Yes. Fucking normies.

But must people are saying that they will more than one because of it.

I'm not sure if they are retooling their original mold or are creating a new one.

Because if that's the case, they still have their older one, which makes possible a second version of it, which would be pretty cool.

>> No.4214590

Yes. Fucking normies.

But must people are saying that they will buy more than one because of it.

I'm not sure if they are retooling their original mold or are creating a new one.

Because if that's the case, they still have their older one, which makes possible a second version of it, which would be pretty cool.

>> No.4214701

It's great that new controllers are made that aren't just inferior copies of the original ones.

>> No.4214932

Yes, I'm really hyped for this project.

I hope they do the Genesis/SMS/Atari Next. (These are compatible with one another)

>> No.4215040

The shilling here is over the roof

>> No.4215686
File: 294 KB, 1600x1352, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you add 60$ to that you would have hori controller

>> No.4215720
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Or add $60 to that and get three more.

I love my Hori mini but god damn are they overpriced as fuck now. Only reason I'm even considering this.

>> No.4215721

Because there are plenty of people who like the N64, and even if you do like the original controller, controllers with good sticks are getting hard to find at an acceptable price these days.

>> No.4215760
File: 264 KB, 1196x1080, N64_Controller_W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the placement of the face buttons ruin it.
n64 was a 6 button pad with 4 slightly smaller c-buttons which sucked.

ideally the buttons would be the same size and lined up properly.

>> No.4215868

The C-buttons are used as a directional control in a multitude of N64 games. Having the buttons arranged similar to a Saturn controller would be superior for fighting games, but would make a large portion of the library much more difficult to play. Also the N64 really only has a few good fighting games, so it would be a tradeoff not worth making since it would be much harder to play FPS and less intuitive to use camera controls in Platformers, both of which have a large presence of great games on the system.

>> No.4216515

You know what the biggest problem is with these controllers? They don't give you a way to use the analog stick with your right hand while you use the dpad with your left. This is the only way I can play FPS games on N64, and admittedly it's because my introduction to console FPS was on the OG Xbox.

>> No.4216675

Yes, I think that the placement of the A+B button on Retro Fighter is even better than the original, since it looks more ergonomic.

>> No.4216692

>You know what the biggest problem is with these controllers? They don't give you a way to use the analog stick with your right hand while you use the dpad with your left.
My negrosexual. I think most people were retarded and just used single stick for games like GE and didn't care about being able to look up or down. Quake 64 and Perfect Dark play perfectly with dpad+analog. Pretty much the same damn thing as two analog sticks. Anyone who bitches about controls in N64 shooters was too fucking stupid to change them.

>> No.4216707

You know you can do the same thing with the Control stick and the C-Buttons, right?

>> No.4216747

That's completely ass backwards though. I could turn the controller upside down, but I don't think there are any games that can accommodate for that.

>> No.4216750

I'd be used to it if I started playing FPS games on N64, but I didn't. I do movement on the left, aiming on the right. That's just the way she goes.

>> No.4216846

any game that uses the left/down C as normal buttons is going to feel awkward with the new "ergonomic" A+B placement.
this even effects oot of all games. only a small portion of n64 games use the C buttons as camera control.

>> No.4217157

What do you mean?
You can use the C-buttons to look up and down, and strafe.

I used them.

>> No.4217162

hmm... It's possible that it could be a problem.

Should we call their attention to that?

The octagonal gate is wrong, it should have 10% more diameter in the diagonals compared to the UDLR gate.

>> No.4217313

There are so many stupid fucking idiots in the comments bitching about how this is going to take "additional time" and that no one wanted the octagonal gate.

>> No.4217324

The shilling in this thread is real but if people really want a good modern style controller they should want it done right. The n64 isn't going anywhere.

>> No.4217330

Why would anyone shill this?

It's way past it's goal and it's 20 dollars, which is literally nothing for /vr/ collectors.

>> No.4217354
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Evan Stapelkamp 2 days ago
Noooooooo!!!! Do I have to get the octagon? I can use my own N64 controllers if that's the case. It takes away from the modern feel of the controller.

>> No.4217434

What N64 fighters does this even matter for? Killer Instinct?

>> No.4217990


>> No.4218616

What's the difference?

They commented that they are looking at the gate proportions, they'll fix it.

>> No.4218656

Great, now if they can only make the face button placement not absolute shit. "Ergonomic" my ass.

>> No.4218706

We all need to spam that on their pages.

>> No.4218795

I had to go at the comments for myself, there's actually a lot of people butthurt about this change. The main complaint is that it looks ugly and not modern.

>> No.4218797

If these bros were really about the n64 theydve kept the original design

>> No.4218806

That's what I was wondering. There's Mortal Kombat and Smash but do they even need diagonals?

>> No.4218845
File: 900 KB, 2117x2280, 0620171952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: gen-Z can't cope with ergonomic design to play games from the golden age of gaming so they bastardize the controller into a "modern" design instead of making concessions and getting acclimated to the original

Get in line. You won't regret it.

>> No.4218879

Those dead zone ass sticks? lmfao.

>> No.4218885
File: 49 KB, 405x307, 1332350225916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot.

I'm acclimated to the original. Too bad half my fucking controllers have dead, loose sticks, and all the "replacement" sticks for N64 suck dick and don't come close to OEM.

You best be trolling.

>> No.4218949

Here's hoping these things are better than just getting a cheap Gamecube-to-N64 adapter. Not having to make multiple configs for games and use of the controller pack is nice, but the question is whether they can nail the joystick.

>> No.4218987

You can find N64 controller for 5$ if you're not retarded. "Not being retarded" being the actual failure point in your entire reply.

>> No.4219004

>You can find N64 controller for 5$
With a half broken stick, dried semen on the DPad, and penut butter shoved inside of the controller slot, sure.

>> No.4219010

Nope... So I guess there are just some huge KI64 fans out . Who knew?

>> No.4219040

I guess it's just their company name. A dreamcast controller would make more sense but also attract less rich idiots.

>> No.4219053

Except Killer Instinct on N64 was shitty. It's hard to imagine anyone still playing it that much.

I'm just trying to figure out who would buy one of these controllers with do little on the system that would make good use of a gate like that. Am I missing something?

>> No.4219091

The controller appeals to people who don't like the original design, want something different, or just want a brand new controller.

As far as why octagonal gates? The games were designed around this and I imagine certain games would be harder to control without them.

>> No.4219149

>poor, misinformed idiots

There is no deadzone on steelsticks. They have more coverage than OEM and the stick itself is even lighter so the throw is faster and less jarring when it snaps to center. Not to mention rubberized grip to reduce slippage. (I thought it wouldn't be noticeable, but my thumb virtually never has to be repositioned to hold a steady direction anymore.) These are about as good as you can get, unless you buy new, and even then I'd argue these are better because they won't wear nearly as quickly, if at all, when greased occasionally.

>> No.4219173

The module is 125 fucking dollars for a "steel stick"

>> No.4219176

I always just opened up the stick chamber and dumped all the crud out and they're back to new. Someone told me that only works for so long though.

>> No.4219182

I remember headshotting aliens in Perfect Dark being hard as shit. Then it came to 360 and I had no difficulty whatsoever without any practice.

Just my anecdote.

>> No.4219203

And it's on a god damn wait list.

>> No.4219204

Not gonna lie, if it came in fire orange I'd probably buy it.

>> No.4219215

Consider the time it takes to make one, or hundreds. Now consider the cost of materials, a lathe/milling machine, and the electrical components used to test the module for accuracy. 125 is justified, easily. It also took months of R&D in which he wasn't getting paid. To recoup that time, I don't feel like Tm that's a bad price. And I'll bet once the test modules(like mine) are met with acclaim, he'll mass produce them, likely reducing the cost.

>> No.4219276

Well the thread title talks about fighters and that's usually the genre where people actually care about the shape of the gate. It seems bizarre it would be intended for fighting games when there's really only a couple that even make use of it.

What other N64 games are there that need that kind of precision?

>> No.4219282

Know what's weird? I can play mario64 with a dpad just fine and even better than I can with the stick.

>> No.4219291

you know what's weirder? i can vaguely smack my erect penis in the general direction of the n64 controller and play mario 64 just fine and even better than i can with the stick

>> No.4219302

Definitely weirder.

>> No.4219324

So it's a new N64 controller with a fancy high end gate which no one can even think of a use for Except KI Gold and Clayfighter....

>> No.4219514

The original controller had octagonal gates.

>> No.4219645

been thinking about cloning the design of these and selling them for like 50. My father has worked CNC for 30 years so he know's all the ins and outs.

>> No.4219735

Good luck buying a piece of overpriced hardware while waiting for 1 year+ (literally) on the waiting list.

>> No.4219737

They're easily justified if the Retro Fighters nails the stick. They're almost there.

>> No.4219738

No, good luck to (You). I was already on the list and have mine now. I was 46th in line. It was worth it.

>> No.4219739

WTF anon, I wasn't understand your posts, Retro Figthers is the name of the BRAND of the controller. WTF.

Are you trolling?

>> No.4219741

not easily*