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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 604x604, 24897_341791721023_2385078_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
400868 No.400868 [Reply] [Original]


Looks like we are getting the next Umihara Kawase title in the west, for the first time ever. (I know, I'm a little behind on this).

In celebration, let's have an Umihara thread.

>> No.400887

Ah, I was going to make a thread too.

Anyways, how am I supposed to play the DS compilation on the 3DS? This console has horrible ergonomics. My hands hurt after 10 minutes of playing. Inconsistent diagonals with the d-pad as well. I don't have my original DS working anymore, either. I'm thinking of just caving in and learn to play the games with a keyboard...

>> No.401034

Is it really that bad?
I'm considering getting a 3DS XL for it.

>> No.401132
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I have never owned a 3DS myself, however I plan on it soon enough. I guess the best thing you can do is man it out for Umihara.

>> No.401158


The 3DS XL is perfect, just the original 3DS had really shitty ergonomics if you tried to play anything with the d-pad.

>> No.401401

This news came at the right time. I was dangerously close to importing a 3DS until I saw it. Now all I hope for is a simultaneous release so I won't go crazy waiting those extra few days.

>> No.402901
File: 48 KB, 512x448, umihara2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we are finally getting an Umihara game? I have mixed feels... On the one hand I'm glad, on the other hand this game looks a lot more generic to me. The first game had a very distinct art style that emphasized elements from every day life. This game looks more like Pokémon or Mario, like they are trying to give it a more mainstream look. The other characters also make it feel like they are appealing to the lolicon crowd or something. I keep getting the feeling that this will be the last game because of the name, which makes me sad because I just found out about this series through /vr/.

Anyway I've been emulating the original SFC game on Android lately and it's a blast. I only wish I had known about it sooner. Why are all of the Japan-only titles on SNES so high quality? Like Parodius.

>> No.402940

Western companies seem to be reluctant to localize games that are "too Japanese."

But come on, let's make sure Sayonara sells well. I don't want it to become one of those niche otaku games that only sells ten thousand copies to people who wanna scalp it on eBay.

And hey, if it sells well, we might be able to get the other games on virtual console.

>> No.404940


Didn't they plan to bring the DS game over too, and it never ever happened?

>> No.405143

The real weird thing is that there's practically no dialogue in Umihara yet they still seem to be hesitant to bring it over.
I mean if they just put it up on the online store there's barely any costs at all involved.

>> No.405405

It's a reflection of the times. Those neat games with experimental art styles tend to repel a lot of people, looking at who plays video games nowadays. Everything's gotta be made cherry and predictable. No room for surrealism or any real darker themes.

>> No.405467

I imagine that Agatsuma will probably release it as a digital-only game in the west, like they did with Code of Princess in Europe. I imagine that'll get it out to a wider audience, since they're apparently pleased with how well releasing CoP themselves went.

I imagine that Agatsuma also owns the rights to the older games, so getting the SNES game on the VC and subsequent games on other services would be a no-brainer if lightning struck twice for them.

>> No.405506
File: 110 KB, 509x382, Sayonara Umihara Kawase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the cheapest place to get the DS collection?
Will they bring that over, too?

>> No.405514

Reading the comments on some of the first google results was fucking infuriating.
Guess fans are gonna have to help spread the word of how awesome it is once it gets closer to release?

>> No.405521

Cheapest would be probably ebay or something but if you want new one this place is pretty good.


>> No.405565

How often do they restock?
Also, the DS component of the 3DS is region free, right?

>> No.405619

Can't really help on that as I bought mine like two years ago and it was in stock at the time.

And yep, DS games are region free so you shoudn't have any problems playing them on 3DS.
It's just the 3DS games that have region block.

>> No.405857

sauce on this picture?

>> No.410267
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Apparently, there is going to be two new characters in the game; a blonde loli named Emiko and a blue-haired teen named Nokko.
captcha: heretical Iconces

>> No.410336

>But come on, let's make sure Sayonara sells well
This. Why do modern games suck or why do we continue to get horrible remake, rehash, port, etc of the same basic games? Because we're buying them. Lets get some other genres and series popular here and show the industry we're not all after the same game over and over again.

>> No.410754
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>dat music
Can't wait for the OST.

>> No.411015
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You mean I will actually be able to play this without spending 400 bucks on it?

There is a God.

>> No.411750

Those 3D models looks really bland. I wish they would settle on 2d characters in a 3d world.

>> No.412604
File: 159 KB, 700x466, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but my main concern is whether the physics are there, and in the video they look right.

>> No.412843

It's because video games have gotten bigger and more popular. The bigger an industry gets the safer it plays. This means pandering to the lowest common denominator. Most of those who grew up with video games have moved on. We're no longer the target audience like we were when playing video games was a niche hobby for nerds.

>> No.415114

>Most of those who grew up with video games have learned how to pirate them


>> No.415123

>Looks like we are getting the next Umihara Kawase title in the west


>> No.416726

lel, maybe they will re-skin it as Bionic Commando.

>> No.419865

>Looks like we are getting the next Umihara Kawase title in the west
no, it doesn't. They're jumping the gun here. Even their own translation on the subject says
>“Yes, we are planning to release [Farewell Umihara Kawase] in future, but not fixed anything yet. Maybe we will discuss during E3 with other new titles?”
There's nothing fixed at this point, wait E3 for news.

>> No.419869

No, that was for the abysmal PSP port.

>> No.421172
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True I guess.

>> No.421247
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 34808891_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a Umihara thread without the mediafire dump, come on...


>how am I supposed to play the DS compilation
Me too, I prefer Shun on the PS1. A lot of people gripe about the smaller rope, but I think it's perfect.

danbooru or pixiv, try

Yeah, they're going to have different abilities as well. I think Noko can slow down time or something.

Dude, you can buy the Super Famicom game for >$50 on Yahoo JP auctions. You just have to hustle and do a little moon language.

I think the 3D models look terrible, but maybe it's not so bad when they're actually moving. I don't think we've gotten a gameplay video yet? Either way 2D would be better.

>> No.421269

Good to see my archive gets shared, but don't share it too much. Otherwise the officials will step in.

>> No.421324

Understood. Official as in mods or game company or mediafire? I figured it was okay in an Umihara thread.

>> No.421363

Oh it's okay to give the link whenever somebody asks for, it's just that MediaFire has been really stingy lately.

>> No.421462
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True that, it's getting rough these days. I would host it on my server but you just never know with 4ch users.

>abysmal PSP port.
Was it that bad? What was so awful about it?

>> No.421468

They goofed the physics

>> No.421478
File: 91 KB, 608x640, 489614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot an image
Also, >>421462
>my own server
you wouldn't happen to be badlose would you?

>> No.421475

>Was it that bad? What was so awful about it?

>> No.421523

People tell me this is the best series of platformers ever made. I'd love to get the DS one (called the definitive version by some) if it weren't so damn expensive.

I hope this doesn't join the litany of other 3DS games that remain behind the 3DS's retarded region lock.

Like Kokuga (maker of Ikaruga)
and Treasure's new game they're working on (like hell will it be brought over)

>> No.421545

>like hell will it be brought over

>> No.421576

I feel that with the way the 3DS is doing (mediocre) and Japan's yen-to-dollar ratio, most games will stay in Japan, behind the region lock curtain.

>> No.421793
File: 2.43 MB, 1774x1392, 0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you or anyone tell me what those TECH Playstation discs are? I already have a physical copy of Shun and the ISO. What is this?

>> No.421804

They're basically demo discs. TECH PlayStation was a magazine.

>> No.421839
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 24f7d0920ea06cb53488b110.L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wouldn't happen to be badlose

I am actually curious now, just to see. Don't have a PSP though and emu isn't all that great right now. I'll take your words for it.

>I'd love to get the DS one
If you have a DS, you should have a R4 card or flashcard or whatever. They're cheap, available, and easy to use. ~$30, instant access to import games (roms) which play perfectly.

Also, someone was asking in some other Umihara thread, maybe this one, if it was ever confirmed that the SFC Umihara was the younger version of the Shun Umihara. This image from the Shun soundtrack would seem to confirm that, I think.

>> No.421849

Oh, anything else interesting on that? I guess I'll just download it.

Thanks to the guy who put that MF dump together, you are totally Bro Tier.

>> No.421907
File: 109 KB, 340x920, poidasaku01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The parody comics tell how broken the PSP game is. Japanese sites a filled with examples how its broken. Like this wikia. http://www32.atwiki.jp/kawasepsp/

>> No.421937
File: 76 KB, 340x920, poidasaku02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421945


>> No.421950
File: 50 KB, 350x273, pic50arien01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the rope doesn't just attach itself to a surface, but sometimes it just goes through the ground, making some stages impossible.

>> No.422059

Is that a pun on the splashing sound?

>> No.422230

Could be. Hard to tell.

>> No.425079

They were demo discs for Umihara Kawase Shun, except instead of just copying levels straight from Shun, they're completely original levels that are ONLY on the demo discs.

>> No.426747

Now that's just fucking awesome

>> No.426778


Those must go for a fortune now. It's amazing someone ripped them.

>> No.428569

Not really, Japanese are well known to archive this sort of stuff.

>> No.428579

Not Treasure games. Especially since it's looking to be an original title instead of the mediocre sequels and licensed games they've been putting out for the last 10 years (which were all localized, by the way).

>> No.429656
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>> No.430763
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>> No.430790
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Why not?

>> No.431619
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>> No.433816

I made this

>> No.436043

wanna share more of it?