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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1024x576, chiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4204450 No.4204450 [Reply] [Original]

Most violent, transgressive, or generally disturbing retro games?

>> No.4204461
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Custers Revenge for the Atari 2600

>> No.4204471
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Never forget the 2600 game Beat Em and Eat Em, where you played as naked women walking the streets catching sperm dropping from some dude jacking it on the roof top.

>> No.4204484
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Beast Busters for arcade had some nice exaggerated gore.

Gotta love the pixel detail in gore for old videogames.

There's were also a pair of shoot 'em ups with bizarre gore, I think the name of one was X-Multiply or something like that.
In the other you fly in a dragon.

>> No.4204496

I still can't understand how Chiller got its own arcade machine.
Someone actually invested hundreds of thousands dollars on this. How the hell?

>> No.4204503

I think this was before the ESRB ratings. That also explains games like Gals Panic or Pocket Gal just out there in the open, leaving the responsability to the owners.

>> No.4204541

Yeah, anything pre-Mortal Kombat was before the ESRB.

>> No.4204618
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Splatterhouse was pretty fun in a gory type of way
I loved the modern remake too

>> No.4204696

ESRB doesn't handle arcade games anyway.

>> No.4204910

177 I guess, but i couldn't stop laughing while playing it. it needs a remake à la crash bandicoot

>> No.4204918
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best graphically are the finishers of ethernal champions for sega cd if ya ask me.

Blood storm is gameplaywise the most brutal as you can keep fighting with missing limps.

Weapon lords fatality combo system made it very gruesome, as you gutted, and then beheaded the enemy step by step with button input.

And finally House of the dead and soldier of fortune are quite detailed in their violence functions.

>> No.4204924 [DELETED] 

Am I a normalfag for choosing silent hill?

>> No.4204926

If only a little

>> No.4204941

I always used to find the bio-horror of later shoot 'em up stages pretty disturbing. R-Type and it's pustule worm boss comes to mind.

Shoot 'em up bosses in general are weird and disturbing.

>> No.4204984
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>> No.4204998

NARC and Smash TV were both pretty gory.

>> No.4205001

Custer's Revenge

>> No.4205021

That's the one. It looks like H R Giger tried to draw a decomposing human heart.

>> No.4205026

In Duke Nukem 3D's E3L4 you visit an abortion clinic

>> No.4205050

Reminds of those vaginal prolapse threads on /d/, with the worm coming out and entering the multiple pulled-out and swollen cervixes.

Agreed, shoot 'em up from the 80s and early 90s were awesomely freaky because of the bio-horror. R-Type, X-Multiply, Gynoug, Salamander...

>> No.4205087

In Rise of the Triad you could make certain enemies beg for mercy. It had some pretty good gibs too.

>> No.4205102
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Sub Zero led to the very creation of the ESRB.

>> No.4205106
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>Most violent
Thrill Kill. It wasn't even officially released because of that.

>> No.4205114
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>> No.4205116
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>> No.4205118
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>> No.4205128

Night Slashers was kinda gory. More so in some regions with red blood instead of green goo. Even Metal Slug and Shock Troopers had some gory animations, although downplayed by the cartoony comedy.

>> No.4205139


>> No.4205289
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DreamWeb for Amiga and PC
I played it on Amiga, but the vid I used for the webm seemed to come from the PC-Version judging by the poor sound of the original video.

I still think this was one of the many inspirations for the Hotline Miami games, despite DreamWeb being extremely slower gameplaywise in comparison, since this isn't an action game but rather an adventure.

... another one:

>> No.4205303

It basically became Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style. What an end.

>> No.4205369

It's really not even that terribly violent, even by 90's standards. Seems like it never got released/got an AO more for the BDSM undertones.

Badass, I'll have to check that out.

>> No.4205383

This is a blue board anon.

>> No.4205394
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pic related had some moments iirc

>> No.4205567


>> No.4205836

Do you think her feet are stinky? And is this game any fun? I've seen videos and it looks clunky in a bad way... Was it really cancelled because they feared a backlash over its content?

>> No.4205957
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Monster Party of course, I now have a phobia of fried foods.

>> No.4206018

la rumble? iwouldn't call that one room with a medic table a abortion clinic

>> No.4206045


Was a decent fighting game if it got more dev time, I remember playing the leaked Dreamcast version.

>> No.4206071
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Biofreaks (PS1)

>> No.4206158

>Seems like it never got released/got an AO more for the BDSM undertones.
That and the heavy religious/hell/satanistic themes too.

It didn't got published because the company that was going to do so, but they (virgin interactive NA) were bought out by EA, and EA thought that releasing a game like that would be bad for their image/reputation, even if all the damn thing needed to be released was getting greenlit by the publisher.

Later on the same engine was re-used for some other fighting games.

>> No.4206210
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>Night Slashers
Couldn't remember what it was called thanks. I guess NA got "green corpses" or somesuch

>> No.4206803
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Blood's imagery is incredibly violent, even if it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Caleb's misanthropic attitude (killing innocent civilians while quipping one-liners, slapping a hanging mutilated corpse while mimicking Duke Nukem's "shake it baby" line, laughing maniacally whenever he kills something with explosives be it good or bad, etc.) is something that just wouldn't fly in 2017.

>> No.4206810

that, and theres plenty of good atmosphere if you take away monsters

>> No.4206825
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Y'all need HARVESTER


It's probably one of the most interesting FMV games because of its ridiculous premise and absolutely revolting mix of practical effects and CGI. It's one of the weirdest fucking game I've ever played.


There's a documentary and a youtube series about the development and writing of it and they go really into detail about how this game shit all over the violent video game controversy of its day.

>> No.4206970

That weird jet thing boss was literally the first thing I thought of when I read his post.

>> No.4207073
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Moonstone for the Amiga

>> No.4207092

Abe's Oddysee
Heart of Darkness
Deus Ex (I find the death sounds, brutally chopping up someone into pieces and killing kids a bit grotesque)
Conkers Bad Fir Day
It irks me how calm yet disturbing oddworld can be at times.

>> No.4207094

>hanging aborted fetuses
I love this game already.

>> No.4207097

This game looks pretty neat judging from the screenshot. I remember reading on NP they made a DS version of this. No idea it was that old.

>> No.4207115
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How about this edgy gem released for Amiga in 1996:

Damage: The Sadistic Butchering of Humanity

>> No.4207119
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>> No.4207139
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Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.4207140

I played that game about a year ago and enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

>> No.4207178
File: 107 KB, 640x400, sadist2_pc_dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SADIST series

it's like lemmings but you simply murder infinitely spawning people until you get bored

>> No.4207186

The Dungeon Keeper games have some fairly fucked up premises when you examine them.

The torture room has some funny but also fucked up bits to it. There are also audio easter eggs pertaining to this in particular.

There's at least 1 implied gang rape in the first one against the Avatar.

There is also of course blood and gore and starving people to death.

Irrespective of that you should play them because they're both amazing.

>> No.4207324

>There's a documentary and a youtube series about the development and writing of it and they go really into detail about how this game shit all over the violent video game controversy of its day.


>> No.4207706

The first Postal is probably the edgiest game I've ever played

>> No.4207746

Soft and Cuddly for the ZX Spectrum is like something straight out of a shitty creepypasta:


>> No.4207819

>those sprites

>> No.4207821

Oh man, this. X-Multiply in particular.

>> No.4208019

Did not know about this one

>> No.4208113

>rotterdam hardcore splash screen
fucking finns.

>> No.4208123

road-runner cartoons?
it's pretty amazing how much it contrasts with postal 2 in terms of seriousness. Yet postal 2 is still the posterboy for violent video games.

>> No.4209821

Why aren't there more games like this?


>I loved the modern remake too

I wanted to love the modern remake, but there's no PC version, and emulators don't support. What's a /b/rotha to do?

>> No.4209907


This guy's channel has a fuckton of breakdowns and explanations for why the game is the way it is and a lot of the really clever writing that went into it


>> No.4209931

Get a dirt cheap modded xbone.

>> No.4210221

Postal 1 & 2 (Postal 2 should be old enough to count I think)

exactly what I was gonna sugest, great fun though I never did finish it.

>> No.4210438
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>> No.4210508

Blood's setting is basically Half Life 2 except replace the combine with demons and the fact that they basically just killed almost all of humanity, and used the corpses for a zombie army to reinforce their might.

It's pitch black darkness basically, which is why the tone works so well, and it's actually kind of funny that the only reason this world was "saved" was because one guy was fucked over by the demon and got so pissed that he came back a vampire, destroying everything in his path to Tchernobog.

And yeah, no way in hell a game like this could be made today.

>> No.4210516

Postal 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, however.

Pretty much. Postal 2 is too ridiculous to take seriously, and yes, it genuinely is possible to beat the game without killing a single person, and without really engaging in exploits like with Deus Ex. There's more than just the taser, there's using catnip to just run through the encounter at super speed, using the hatchet or dismembering items to hack off a hand or a leg so that they can't chase you or they run away screaming, you can shoot them in the leg so they go down but do not die, you can piss on them so they vomit even if they have a gun up, the list just keeps going.

>> No.4210520
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To continue, postal 2 is actually really, really boring if you try to play it like a psycho. Trying to play it by acting like you would in real life is so, so, So much more enjoyable.

>> No.4210661

Underrated if you can manage some of the mind numbing "puzzles".

>> No.4210768


Really? Is the pussification of America really that complete?

I hate what's happening to society. Games like that are beautiful, are art.

On the other hand, there are plenty of recent games that are at least as gory, and Duke in Duke Nukem Forever had an attitude problem that didn't go over well with libtards and the like (but it still got made).

I haven't played DNF, so I don't know if he's as bad as Kaleb in the Blood series, but I did read one than one review that complained about that game's un-politically correct sense of humor.

There's also still the Postal games. Those haven't gone anywhere. I never did play PIII, but a new P2 campaign was released not too long ago, and apparently they're working on a real Postal 3.


>> No.4210773

that one. chiller is one of the only games i've ever played that genuinely feels like it was made by people who weren't right in the head. it's not even consistently gorey and the general theming is actually very stereotypical halloween stuff so it makes the gorey bits just that much more weird, creepy and out of place. it feels like a game someone would make up for a creepypasta or something. like it was just a regular kid-friendly shooter where you killed vampires and mummies that somehow had horrific human torture slipped into it

>> No.4210779

dnf is genuinely bad and goes against the tone of the previous games. it's edgy to a fault and the edginess is lazily written anyway.

also the gameplay's garbage. has /v/ done a 180 and now pretending it was ever good just because it hypothetically offended people?

>> No.4210782
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Zombie Raid is pretty sick too

>> No.4210797

>muh art

>> No.4210897
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No, I'm just not being judgmental since I haven't played the game. Everyone universally said it was terrible. My point was, it still got made despite the edginess.

I very, very rarely go to /v/.

If you don't think pic related is anything short of art, you can get right the fuck out.

>> No.4210936

not a single mention of the games made by bloodlust software.

>> No.4210979

It's like a good bad movie. You have to be ready for a stupid romp

>> No.4211013

Only knew them from their emulators until a few years ago, haha.

>> No.4212048

Thank you

I beat the original Postal 2 without killing anyone, it didn't have dismemberment items, so I got by with catnip and pissing. If I remember correctly, you could also throw cats to kill people and it wouldn't count as a kill (maybe only in Apocalypse Weekend?)

Postal 2 is an awesome game, surprisingly timeless

>> No.4212073


Well it is called rape

>> No.4212301

I replayed the Abe games recently, and even though I remembered all the meat grinders, I'm surprised my parents had no issues with me playing it when I was 8. My Dad even played it with me most of time. Grinding people up, eaten alive by dogs, beating slaves to death, sewing slaves eyes closed, all juxtaposed with fart jokes.

>> No.4212350
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>> No.4212361 [DELETED] 


>> No.4213795
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>> No.4215324

Has anyone, ever, had a boner from this??

>> No.4215330

He was no one untill he put on the mask.

>> No.4217375

Kinda what I was wondering.

>> No.4217385

Do you wanna know how I got these scars?

>> No.4217594

The first Bane, the biggest Bane. Small dicked Hardy literally cannot compete

>> No.4218256

Fuck yeah Splatterhouse

>> No.4218263

I have this for N64. With a memory card and rumble pak, it becomes a crazy experience that, at the time, was very innovative and different. Sure kicks Mortal Kombat's ass. Very underrated if not the deepest fighter.

>> No.4218354
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>> No.4220336

what is that pic?

>> No.4220338



>> No.4220341

>since nudity is bad, just make her torso violently ripped open
Nintendo is fucking weird sometimes

>> No.4220342



>> No.4220443

its like Space Funeral before space funeral

>> No.4220454



Because having the protagonist of your FPS be an occult-worshipping edgelord who spouts edgy one-liners while shooting innocents is perfectly kosher, amirite

If Blood wasn't released as late as it was, I guarantee you it would've caused a columbine-tier moral panic. Caleb guns down an innocent civilian saying a prayer in the final cutscene for fuck's sake, he's one step away from being edgier than Hatred's protag

>> No.4220525
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Waxwork PC 1992.

Brutal as fuck, good game tho.

>> No.4220526

I prefer the gore over the boobs personally. Adds a dark touch to some of the levels.

>> No.4220527
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>> No.4221312
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You can chop off a guy's leg, and he'll keep hopping toward you on his remaining one. While he's doing that, you can grab his chopped off leg off the ground and beat him to death with it.

I suppose it's not that shocking just saying it, but the technology showcase that the game was built around is dynamically, directly controlling your character's arm. Swinging the sword to chop something's limb off and then bashing that limb into them repeatedly until they stop struggling is a lot more visceral then just watching an animation of the same a la mortal kombat.

>> No.4221330

>Really? Is the pussification of America really that complete?
Honestly nothing has changed, there have been moral guardians for decades, all of these posts that say things like "this would never fly in 2017" are absolutely full of shit. The same sort of things still get released today and while people may sometimes whine about it, they whined about that shit being released in the 90's as well.

>> No.4221653

I rented it for the N64 a couple times as a kid and remember actually liking it quite a bit for what it was.

>> No.4221776


the music in this is fucking mental

>> No.4222298

Blood was kind of surreal and tongue in cheek. Feels like a self aware b-movie.
Hatred was deliberately made as offensive as possible to stir up controversy.

>> No.4222316

Really mods, isnt deleting this going too far?

>> No.4223464
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