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4193674 No.4193674 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly do people like about Chrono Cross?

I've usually seen people take the approach that people who don't like it are Trigger fans, but I didn't say anything because I hadn't gone and looked at it critically.

So what happens if you pretend this wasn't a Chrono game, and removed all the influence from Trigger? Thinking of it like that, the idea that Trigger fans are jaded against it doesn't make sense to me. Most of the emotional weight in Cross's story depends heavily on concepts or characters pulled from Trigger. Dead Sea, which people usually call the best part of the game? If this wasn't a Chrono game, it wouldn't exist. And the already-tenuous connection between Serge and Kid would be even moreso without her backstory in the orphanage.

If it disentangled itself from Trigger, you'd remove 1/2 of the villains in the game and be left with a boilerplate JRPG environmentalist story with dragons as the final boss and a bunch of dimension-hopping. And the environmentalist part is executed in a famously clumsy way.

It would fix the crowded infodump-heavy nature of the endgame, but also take away the few "good" parts of the story. For most of the game the story is extremely bland - either doing a fetch quest of some kind, or infiltrating a random military base (manor, fort) for the Nth time.

The party members rarely have any real agency in the story, and no small amount of them unironically look like they could have been pulled from Deviantart. Look at a picture of Grobyc and tell me I'm wrong. There's the "accents," too, but that's localization, so I can't harp on it too much. Whatever little development they get often requires you to be playing with a guide in your lap - which is a common problem for RPGs in this era, but in Chrono Cross it also bleeds into the main quests sometimes. I'm not gonna nitpick on plotholes, but this story is far from tight.

>> No.4193676


Gameplay-wise the game is actually nice, when you first pick it up. But the novelty wears off, especially due to the lack of diversity between party member playstyles. It's one of those battle systems that seems great on the surface, but in practice ends up turning every battle into the same battle, and every character into the same character. Most of the time people just end up stomping everything, and if an enemy actually gets to act it's an "annoying enemy."

It might have fit a lot better as a setup for a Tactics-style game, where there's usually more room for character progression. Final Fantasy games did better with the blank-slate party members idea.

Overally the game is a lesson on concept vs. execution. It's like if you took a big-idea guy from a thread somewhere and actually gave him a team to make his game without editor interference. "What if you actually play as the villain for half the game and lose your whole party?" "What if you can actually ditch the heroine?" Might as well throw in some real character deaths, too!

But as mentioned before, the party members don't have development/agency. Who would actually care if Viper dies? So he magically lives. Instead, the game puts the deaths on Chrono Trigger characters, even though there's no reason given for the party members to care about most of them. The scene in Chronopolis is the most blatant one. So if the game leans on Trigger so much, I think it's fair for fans of that game to complain about its treatment.

I don't think I need to get into that argument myself. Cross seems like a weak enough game on its own merits. So I wonder, what in particular sticks out to people for them to remember it fondly? Was it the graphics/music? Did they actually connect with the characters or enjoy the battle system?

>> No.4193682

*insert post about how Chrono Cross is dogshit here*

>> No.4193689
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Part of it is CT fans being disappointed they didn't get a "real" sequel, but another factor is the fact that these two games represent a very spot-on sampling of the shift in tone and style of jRPG's through the nineties.

Going in blind, people could like the more innocent, tangibly adventurey and old-school (storywise) feel of Trigger and be put off by the solemnity and -successful or not- pointed "profoundness" of Cross, or vice versa.

>> No.4193693

Most of Squaresoft's classic PS1 RPGs are failed experiments gameplay wise. People usually only look back on them fondly for their aesthetic value.

When's the last time you saw anyone praise Chrono Cross for its combat rather than its music and its visuals (which are both gorgeous, but is that really what makes a game?)

>> No.4193702

>What exactly do people like about Chrono Cross?
The music. I don't think I've ever finished it, the furthest I remember was fighting the evil Serge with white robe/Linx inside Serge in a futuristic tower?, I think it was already close to the end, and I don't think I'm going to touch it anymore. But I still listen to the OST regularly. It's a fucking piece of art I tell you.


>> No.4193705

Always felt like it was like Kato was trying to make "a point" but I have no idea what that point was.

Mitsuda is one of the best. It's a shame that his work (outside of Trigger) is never attached to better projects.

>> No.4193758

cross definitely has a better battle system and magic system than trigger, which was just ATB with everyone having palom/porom's twincast gimmick from FFIV
and I'd take FFT, Vagrant Story and Parasite Eve over most of the stuff they did on the SNES

>> No.4193887


You know the answer already. Graphics, music, some single plot points. I still remember the first time i entered shadow forest. The atmosphere was great. So were many other locations. The story initially is quite interesting and you expect it to expand and cover great distances like Trigger, instead it falls on itself pretty badly.

Your argument is ultimately really flawed. "Why do people like Cross" is the wrong question. "Why would a RPG fan NOT love Cross instantly?" And the answer is there is no reason. It has an interesting setup, it's the sequel to a fan favorite, it has great graphics and music, and the battle system is more than tolerable for jRPG standards. However many people were really dissatisfied with the second part (and disk) of the game, let alone its poor treatment of Trigger. That answers your question.

People who can overlook the bland second half of the game and the failure of its plot to be memorable love it, others obviously despise it. Both are right because the game has moments of great atmosphere and production value, yet falls badly in other areas.

>> No.4193894



I think everybody unanimously agrees that the soundtrack is *fantastic.* And that's about it. Trigger fans (that sounds like a pejorative, but whatever) are rightfully upset that Cross takes a huge dump on its predecessor's cast, its story, and its messages. Apologists for the game try to insist that as a stand alone it works better.

But even if it was standalone I always felt there was something screwy about having nearly 40 characters, but you can only have two in your party at any given time (since the protagonist can't leave) and only two permanent members can steal items (one of which you're locked out from getting depending on choices you make) so it really makes the huge cast pointless and that's not even getting into how you've pointed out the characters have little agency or impact on the plot.

As for the plot itself, it's a gigantic railroad that forces you to comply with the "guilt the audience with pro environmentalist" messages. You simply have no choice but to massacre wildlife to make a necklace, be witness to ecosystem collapse and get blamed for it, and the villains have the moral high ground over you/humanity. With or without Trigger ties, it's a terrible story.

>> No.4193971
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What's there not to like? Stellar music and setting aside, Cross is unique with its individual-centric storytelling approach. There is no big evil that you set out to fight, you're out on a solitary journey of self-discovery. The cast that joins you on the way is large but many have their own agenda, which masterfully adds up to the atmosphere of isolation.

Whereas Trigger just glosses over the countless lives you trampled over on your self-righteous journey, Cross makes it a point to remind you of the consequences of your actions. Then, at the end, when you actually understood what the game is about, you beat it not by murdering like a redhaired retard, but by playing a song. Schala rewinds time, leaving you with the experience but none of the consequences, so you can live life the right way.

Also anyone who bitches about Trigger's efforts being undone was obviously too dumb to grasp even the basic premise.

>> No.4194005
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>What exactly do people like about Chrono Cross?
I like this dragon

>> No.4194020

I never played much of Trigger. Found it boring combat wise and have never liked toriyama's designs.

I did play through Cross and enjoyed it though. Story was interesting, combat was fun and the music was really nice. Didn't love it, but was glad I played.

>> No.4194204

Except that they were. Lavos isn't going to destroy the planet any more but the paradoxes caused from routing him came crashing down into the past/present and caused all this mess.

Chrono and Marle and Lucca are still *dead*. The Porre military subplot is a fucking slap in the face and pointless in the long run because all they do is invade--with varying success depending on dimension-- and then leave.

Robo's efforts are basically for naught especially with the middle finger the plot gives you for being a terrible smelly destructive human. You can't even enjoy the fact he replenished an entire forest when the game forces you to kill wildlife for a necklace.

I wish I knew what plot you're talking about. it starts strong and visiting your own gravestone is chilling, I'll grant you, but then an annoying-as-shit Aussie girl comes along and forces you to break into the local fortress. The whole sense of discovery and intrigue is trampled on because from there the plot delves into trying to save Kidd, and then everything centers around the Dragon Fortress and going after the dragons in some capacity or you're trying to set things right with your identity.

And don't give me any shit about CT trampling lives. You kept the world from *ending* and saved fucking countless more lives and ensured a future for the planet. Unless you're a Dragon/Dinosaur apologist, and that's equally bullshit. The dinosaurs were willing to burn down huge tracts of land, oppress any race perceived as weaker and then Cross tries to paint them in a sympathetic pro-environmental light.

>> No.4194219

>...left with a boilerplate JRPG environmentalist story with dragons as the final boss

Funny, for a minute I though you were referring to GoldenSun. Enjoyed the game tremendously up until the final boss battle.

As for Chrono Cross, i've never played but definitely watched from the sidelines as Trigger fans bashed it.

>> No.4194258

>CT fans being disappointed they didn't get a "real" sequel

This is by far the biggest factor, had Chrono Cross bot been declared by Square as the spiritual "sequel" to CT, this game would have gotten nearly as much hate. If Square had declared it a spinoff, CT fans would not have lost their shit.

If you can get past the connections to CT (or you're not a CT fanboy) the game is pretty good. Its actually based on a CT spinoff project and was pretty solid.

People who complain about this game would due well to remember that Square has been pulling shenanigans for a while. The FF games on gameboy, the fact that FF2 ang 3 on the American Snes were actually FF4 and 6. This wasn't the first time that Square tried to pull a fast one.

>> No.4194276

Leena's legs

>> No.4194284

Looks and sounds great. Well, aside from the burn victim portraits.

>> No.4194304


I have to say the treatment of Leena is pretty weird. It's like they wanted to let you choose your waifu but never went through with it.


>had Chrono Cross bot been declared by Square as the spiritual "sequel" to CT, this game would have gotten nearly as much hate.

I think that's the key argument point of this thread. There's also the point of view that the game would be more forgotten if not for the Chrono name, like a Legend of Dragoon or something.

>> No.4194330

I love CC mostly because it had the balls to come in and take a massive dump on CT's storyline.

CT was great, but if you take the plot of an SNES RPG so seriously that you get upset when another game comes in and messes it up, then I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.4194358

Duh, CC is the hidden ending to CT, where everything's been New 52'd. It's good as a meta-sequel.

>> No.4194368
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I agree with this. If CC was called something else and had the direct references removed it probably would have been better received.

I don't think it would suddenly be popular, but it would be like Dew Prism/Threads of Fate where no one expected anything more of it.

Trigger fans yearning for more and then getting teased has put a black mark on it forever.

Norris rocks.

>> No.4194385

I like the graphics and music. The story and battle system are garbage though. Still played the game like 20 times as a kid but looking back I should have been playing something better.

>> No.4194456

New Game+ is good too. Can explore different party set-ups and what not.
Holy shit. It's Heads to CT's Tails. Instead of a shit load of endings with a small group of people, it's a buncha stories with different people and one ending.
I only beat it once, so I don't really know. Started ng+ but haven't gotten back to it in a bit.

>> No.4194468

love the music, characters, graphics, story, gameplay, its one of the rare cases where everything is tops

>> No.4194626

She's not even showing her legs

>> No.4194957
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>> No.4194974

I always thought of it as a stand alone game, but still found it to be a dull game in action.
Combat,rather than having any strategy to it, was repetitive and obtuse. Where simply having mp would have done just fine, they make you "power up" first. Basically just making spells take longer to use, but having no actual cost to cast. All of which being pointless, because you can win every single battle by mashing x and spamming generic physical attacks.
Then there's customization. The element thing was a neat idea, but the grid element was just pointless. Stronger spells taking ridiculously long to power up to... Other than that, you can give anyone almost any ability at all and fuck it.
Lastly, the color thing. Having weaknesses is generally a copout. Games like the newer smt series exemplify this. Just spam weaknesses and wipe everything out CC tries to overcorrect this, by incorporating all kinds of tricky fuckery where you can change enemy colors and turn the environment against them and all that. Well again, just spamming generic attacks is faster, easier and less boring.

I feel that CC overall is an game that had interesting ideas, but failed at all of them.
And then it's a "sequel" to one of the most solid JRPGs on top of all that...

It's not a bad game, just dull, obtuse and disappointing.

>> No.4195071

>the music
no with that shitty battle theme

>> No.4195318

While you are welcome to your opinion, you are by FAR a minority here. Cross's battle system was terrible, always using attacks from weakest to strongest because of the hit%, going negative into stamina is actually negated between turns so it's best to go as heavily into debt as possible despite the game never hinting at this. The tons of worthless spells, the 6 dual techs for no reason. The fucking elemental grid that expands randomly so you may just never get a slot because RNG. The random stats on level up, play through the game 3 times to see what you end up with, it's so lolrandom isn't that fun? It was a disaster.

>> No.4195656


New Kato interview regarding Chrono Break/Reflect

>> No.4195696

you could easily disentangle CC from CT without changing the plot too much. in fact, cross would've been a better game without those connections.

the problem is that it's presented as a sequel to trigger. the connections are shoehorned in, and the overall game subverts everything CT stood for. the whole tone and spirit of it is completely different, except for the Zeal chapter.

as a stand-alone game, cross is pretty good, although it still has issues with characters, plot, and pacing. as a sequel to CT, it doesnt work very well.

>> No.4195795


>> No.4195797

>The dinosaurs were willing to burn down huge tracts of land, oppress any race perceived as weaker and then Cross tries to paint them in a sympathetic pro-environmental light.

the Reptites were willing to genocide the human race, as seen in one of the bonus endings.

>> No.4195827

It was my second experience in that style of JRPG, the first being FF7. I found the music, setting, encounters, character personalities, etc. to be so much more pleasing than Final Fantasy, so I immediately fell in love with it. The opening FMV is still my favorite game related FMV to date.

>> No.4195856

Every time I see this guy in battle, his belt looks like a dong hanging out.

>> No.4196039
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>If it disentangled itself from Trigger, you'd remove 1/2 the villains in the game
wtf are you talking about? this isn't even true

>we're left with a boilerplate JRPG environmentalist story
Anyone who thinks the main point of Cross was to get across an "environmentalist message" is fucking retarded. That was just developed in tiny portion of the game at Hyra's Swamp. If you were able to pick up on the actual major themes of the game regarding individual value in relation to the seemingly infinite vastness of the universe, then maybe you would've been able to understand and appreciate the story.

cherry picking, many of the character designs are great

Cross is great and absolutely stands on its own outside of trigger. Also, it has the greatest pre rendered backgrounds of all time

>> No.4196247

The stamina system is explained by the manual and mentions you get it back as your other characters use theirs. Even if you're a nimrod and didn't read it, anyone with half a brain can figure out how it works. It's far less complicated than you're making it seem.

The spells aren't useless, I don't even know what you're referencing here. Most of them are levelled offensive magic and you will probably use almost all of them.

The elemental grids don't expand randomly, that's a lie. You can go to any character FAQ and it maps out exactly how and when a character's grid expands.

You're likewise lying about random stats at level up. Every time a new star level is gained, you gain some (but not all) of that new level's stats upfront, and the rest by fighting a few encounters. What you end up with is the same every time - characters that were knocked out or not in the party when the star level was gained can earn those stats purely from encounters. A character at any arbitrary level will be the same as your buddy's character assuming they've topped off all their gains through encounters.

The hit percentage is a basic risk/reward system. Physical characters would do well to hold back from using elements ro keep their percentages high, magical characters just need small reliable hits to build up their element level. I get it if you don't like it but don't act like it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.4196385

What I remember from it was mostly seeing Crono and co and how the Masamune turned evil. Kind like a twisted epilogue to Trigger. The ending animated cutscenes from the Playstation version probably helped fuel that

>> No.4196481

Increase it with accessories and elements. I regularly start turns with Strong and Fierce attacks and ignore Weak attacks once I've gotten a short way into the game.

It's obvious this is exactly how the stamina system works after one or two battles, and the combat tutorial explains it very clearly. Pay attention.

>worthless spells
What element was useless? They all have substantial uses, from weaker damage spells that help turn the field and get chip damage in, to status changing moves. Nothing is useless.

>element grid is random
No it isn't. It expands exactly the same PER character. Every character has a unique grid that expands in its own way. Similar can be said for stats.

Every problem you list is either a blatant lie or you just not understanding how anything works.

>> No.4196493

I just like the game. I like almost everything about it.

I like almost all of them. Yeah, they definitely could have been fleshed out more and I see why someone wouldn't be into them, but I like how they all have their accents written out in their dialogue, how unique their designs are, and I like them as actual characters when they are fleshed out a bit. So many characters always changes playthroughs and never makes it feel the same twice, and I love that you cannot get every character in one go.

I will admit the team size should have been larger given you have 45 potential party members. I think the item that lets you swap out Serge should have been an unlockable for NG after finishing the game once rather than exclusive to the pathetic NG+.

It's unique and I find it addictive. I like that you have to weigh damage vs accuracy, and I like that you can create combos each turn followed by a spell, rather than the usual "one action" system most JRPGs have. It makes it feel more like fighting and less mechanical.

I love this system. It offers you the chance to build characters literally however you want to, and offers a constant sense of progression. It's not perfect, and I think this system sort of lended to the characters feeling a little less unique from each other in battle than they could have, but at the same time you can build them to behave however you'd like, so... I really don't mind. In the long run I feel this system fleshes out the replayability a lot better.

Most people, even people who hate on Cross, seem to acknowledge that the OST is great. I'll admit the battle theme isn't the best but I never minded it.

The story was really interesting to me for a while, and if you really look into it the lore and plot CAN be fascinating. It has horrendous pacing issues, though, and it's plain needlessly confusing after a point... but I'd argue this is a problem TONS of JRPG's have.

>> No.4196501

To conclude... I just think people are way too harsh on Cross and many (not all) aren't letting themselves see its high points. I like Trigger, and I acknowledge Cross could have done a MUCH better job as a follow up. I'm actually of the camp who thinks it should have been its own IP and shouldn't have been related to CT at all, except maybe little easter eggs just nodding towards it or something.

Is it perfect? Far from it, but almost every JRPG out there has glaring, awkward flaws. I find most JRPGs to be huge messes of good, bad, great, and terrible. But Cross is one of the few I can consistently play through over and over and genuinely have fun doing so. Most others I can't even stay interested to complete them once... especially Final Fantasy games.

>> No.4196512

>While you are welcome to your opinion, you are by FAR a minority here

What are you basing this on? Most people who hate on CC do it because of it's relation to CT and bash anything that isn't like that game. As someone who wasn't interested in CT but did play this, the battle system is one of the most interesting things about it.

>> No.4196518

I think the problem is mainly that Chrono Trigger is an extremely deliberate and polished game that tells a neatly contained story with a point and a pace and a lot of purposeful and fleshed out characters.

Chrono Cross is basically "what if a 15 year old kid who loved Chrono Trigger got into a plane crash on his way to hawaii and was in a coma for 3 years" and then "lets make that a game"

Which is to say, it has the loosest concept of structure and execution in terms of plot and flow that you could imagine. You sort of just wander around all over the place and shit keeps happening, and you can barely detect a coherent theme or level of technology or background story to the game, and everything that comes out is convoluted and bizarre. Chrono Cross is a wild trainride, and it aggressively inhibits you from forming a sense of familiarity with the situation. You party is constantly changing, the environment is constantly changing, your protagonist turns into a fucking pantherman halfway through the game. At some point, you will either just let go and start to ride the wave and accept that things are going to happen and you have little control over the world and little ability to predict what's going to happen next, or you will become frustrated at the lack of structure and decide you hate the game.

And the game does not give a shit if you hate it.

You could also sort of consider the game to be a prototype for FFX, and that's fine too.

>> No.4196520

Also forgot to mention the environments. I think the game's absolutely beautiful with an extremely interesting world. Granted I really, really like water... so that's probably got a lot to do with it.

Still, even the areas that have nothing to do with water are very interesting and usually aesthetic as hell. Only place in the entire game I'm not too crazy about visually is Viper Manor, and even that has interesting enemy designs and some really gorgeous views in certain parts.

>> No.4197279

It looked nice, had fun combat, had great music, and even if all the party members it was a novelty to have so many of them available.

First played it as a kid when I had no idea what Chrono Trigger was.

>> No.4197318


>> No.4197549

Hi Zoah

>> No.4197691

I never hear this mentioned in complaints, but I think the single worst decision in CC is making Serge a silent protagonist. The romance the plot leans so heavy on is totally shot by the total lack of chemistry that exists because of this. The game also puts serge in tons of really interesting situations that never feel fully explored because you don't hear what Serge think of all the crazy stuff that happens to him. The body swap with villain idea is great on paper but so much more could have been done with it for example.

>> No.4197727

you're supposed to use your gosh darn imagination anon

>> No.4199507

I'm playing it right now and I like everything about it except the battle system. Not because it's hard, it's actually pretty fucking easy even if you don't know what you're doing, but it was just poorly thought out in general. Like, why do I have to mindlessly spam attack before I'm able to use a single spell? Why are enemies suddenly allowed to interrupt mindless attack spam and thus breaking the flow of the battle? Why can't I use healing magic outside of battles?

>> No.4200507

CC: The biggest love it or hate it game of all time?

>> No.4201814

It was like Final Fantasy. It is a certain "concept". Chrono "series" follows certain ideas and styles.

The continuation of the story was not the point. There is references/cameos to feed the fans, but the idea is that the worlds are related and connected but not the same. It has been a long time since I have done cross, and I have never beaten trigger.

I was looking at playing cross again. I enjoyed the character development system. It is pretty open ended, and it has a slick way of battle/casting.

Lots of the concepts are crono.

>> No.4202084

It has a very, very strong beginning. The whole dream sequence and foreshadowing of Surge stabbing Kid in the prologue, the mystery of the two timelines, and really just good music in general do a very good job of sucking you into it. Having a large cast of characters does make the world seem really lively. It really isn't until later in the game you really start to understand the shallow the vast majority of character interactions have to be to account for the large cast. I never did care too much for the gameplay, either, but there has been worst gameplay in rpgs.

>> No.4202089
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The best soundtrack Square has done on a game next to Final Fantasy VII

>> No.4202093

I somewhat remember buying Chrono Cross brand new when it first came out, driving to Wal-Mart with my own car and buying the game with my own money.
I was 16 and Chrono Trigger was one of my favorite games I'd ever played (it still is)
Playing Chrono Cross was confusing, to say the least. I kept waiting for the tie-in to Trigger to appear somewhere in the story. "Set 20 years after the events of Chrono Trigger" it said on the back of the game.
Well, I played CC and slowly beat it, but was massively confused by the story. To this day I don't think any single video game has every confused me as much as Chrono Cross has.
As another anon said, CC is a great game but a terrible sequel.
I replayed Cross sometime in the past few years and thought it was good but not great. Still to this day don't understand the story.

>> No.4202756
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>> No.4202837

There is a website and forum dedicated exclusively to making sense of the chrono cross story. It makes evangelion sound like a my little pony fanfiction.

I forgot the name of the site, but i remember that after many years of analysis and a few developer interviews they managed to piece it together. It was actually pretty decent, but the game simply implied or skipped 90% of it.

>> No.4204198

Anon, by reading this post you have KILLED all the future versions of yourself that never read this post. Feel the guilt of all that murder.


I dunno. Fate is like 1/2 Trigger because it depends on the time travel backstory. The other half is Lynx. I don't need to explain which camp the other two main villains fall in.

And the environmental thing was pushed before, during, and after the final dungeon. It was the dragons' whole sticking point, how the humans were supposed to be Lavos-corrupted and not as close to the planet as the dinosaurs were. In the dungeon they complain constantly about where their forests went.

But Cross doesn't have problems with the themes themselves so much as the execution. It doesn't matter how deep it is when it's as much of a mess as (for example) anything Schala says ever. Although I can't tell if that's the translation's fault, but I doubt it.

>> No.4204209

Also alternate solutions to final bosses were done better in other games such as Earthbound. It wouldn't be unreasonable for someone to miss the ending without a guide.

>> No.4204457

All antagonists hinge on Trigger's backstory. Fate = Mother Brain, Dragonians = Reptites, all of them need the time travel/crash backstory to make sense. Sure, the game could just provide an alternate justification for their existence, but it'd need to alter pretty much all story details to do so.

People who claim Cross can exist wholly and coherently without Trigger can't read. If they weren't connected, you would need even MORE text infodumps to make sense of the story. It only makes sense because it expects players to be familiar with Trigger already. I mean, the final battle is supposed to be emotional and it's counting on you being familiar with Trigger to pull at your heartstrings. Without Trigger, Cross would make no sense at all, not without a massive rewrite.

>> No.4204470
File: 53 KB, 620x420, Chrono Trigger - The Court Room-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I love the gameplay
2. I love the music
3. I love the graphics
4. I love the writing
5. I love the character designs (Having grown up with SNES JRPGs, the character designs in FF7 and FF8 were fucking awful.)
6. I love that it has a ton of replay value with its endings and characters like the original Chrono Trigger.

So yeah. Great game. Next question.

>> No.4205016

>Fate is mother brain!
Oh come on, mother brain was hardly even a character in Trigger. She has like what, 5 lines of dialogue? Fate was basically a new character. I guess technically a lot of villains are tied to Trigger, but at the same time they're essentially their own characters. Certainly no boss or villain in Cross felt like it was from Trigger, and that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned

And true I forgot bout that, haven't played the game in years, but the point is any retard with two eyes could see that "environmentalist message," which you clearly took to be the main theme of the game since you called it a "boilerplate JRPG environmentalist story." I honestly suspect the writer inserted this theme for the kiddies who were bound to play this game. The main theme of the game was far more subtle, as all leading themes should be. Calling Cross a "boilerplate JRPG environmentalist story" is totally unjustified, and proves you didn't fully understand it. So I don't think you're entitled to talk about the execution of the game's themes

Honestly I don't even see Cross as a sequel to Trigger, more so its own game, as I can easily imagine a rewrite for most of the plot elements. I do agree that the final boss is dependent on Trigger, but maybe they coulda just made a different, actually fun final boss? That boss was shit anyways

>> No.4205035

>Also alternate solutions to final bosses were done better in other games such as Earthbound
>guessing you have to use an otherwise worthless command in the last phase of the fight

lolno, giygas is a terrible boss only noted for his creepy theme and appearance
CC at least had the criosphynx to tell in which order to use the elements
and at least you can fucking beat CC even if you don't know what you're doing

a better example is the final boss from Sweet Home

>> No.4205648

Chrono Cross is fun.

>> No.4206391

Played it as a kid and absolutely loved it. Too scared to play it nowadays, honestly. I want to keep remembering as the great title I think it is.

>> No.4207338



Before you could ever have any idea you'd need to remember it.

>> No.4207346


I didn't say environmentalism is the main theme. I said that's the bulk of the plot we'd be left with if we removed the time travel elements in the story.

The person you were responding to was a different person, for the record. I was the other person they replied to.

>> No.4207473

Chrono Cross is a Radical Dreamers fanfic.

>> No.4207735

Jesus christ, stop talking about stories like they're the most important part of the game. They're not. Not even for RPGs.

The game was designed to appeal to autistic completionists with "gotta catch 'em all" mentalities. The Chrono part was nothing more than a marketing ploy.

>> No.4208187

>Cross is unique with its individual-centric storytelling approach. There is no big evil that you set out to fight, you're out on a solitary journey of self-discovery.
1985 called. A Mr Garriot wants to have a word with you.

>> No.4208201

It's too bad about the battle music if you ask me. The standard battle music is really just silly sounding and probably the worst battle theme of any square game.

>> No.4208267

>Cross is unique with its individual-centric storytelling approach. There is no big evil that you set out to fight, you're out on a solitary journey of self-discovery.

I'm a big CC fan, and I never felt like that was what most of the game was about. The story is basically Serge being chucked into a large and grand story blind, and trying to figure out why the fuck every power player in a bizzaro world El Nino wants him dead. It's not about him, it's about "why are these people trying to kill me and how can I make them stop?".

>> No.4208276

>ponybrah + plus some other shit
I just don't understand like bronies have to just flaunt their degeneracy. Just recently I beat FFVI Brave New World, I open up the unlock me with the "cupcakes" password and start reading it. Of course they explain in the readme that password for all the unlock info is a brony term since the modders are fucking bronies.

>> No.4208295
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>> No.4208320

>a better example is the final boss from Sweet Home
Agreed, with Giygas you just have to pray it away, there's no real thought or strategy required by the player. With Mamiya you need to actually pay attention to the story, to what she's saying, and to whatever crap you have collected during the game.

Chrono Cross' final boss had, thematically, a great concept and idea, but the mechanics of it were very poorly explained. During Terra Tower, hints start to pop up about how you shouldn't just bash your enemy and be careful on how to fight, and there's talk of having to create a melody with the Chrono Cross, but the actual order of the "notes" you need to use is in the background. And for a first time player, all those hints are obscured by the massive and neverending amounts of infodumps you get them with. As it is it's just too obscure, you KNOW you need to something but you're never quite sure what it is.

Which is a very fitting theme for the game's story as a whole, I suppose.

It's all about the instrumentation. The violins just sound way too shrill and it's tiresome to listen to after a short while, especially for something as a recurring as a battle theme. Radical Dreamer's version of the theme was a million times better.


>> No.4208336

I think the Cross battle theme is alright, I just wish it was used more sporadically.

>> No.4208412

What the fuck kind of retarded point are you trying to make, dipshit?

>> No.4208413
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>What exactly do people like about Chrono Cross?
I like it because it pisses off casuals.

>battle system
>Serge is easy to meld with as a player

>> No.4208416

Did Kid have some weird accent in the nip version like the aussie speak in western release? Or was that something purely added by the localization.

>> No.4208496
File: 219 KB, 355x422, 1495350468914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not about him,
>it's about "why are these people trying to kill me

So it is about him

>> No.4208559

Yeah, she speaks with a Kansai dialect in the Japanese version. In case anyone isn't familiar with what that entails,
>The characters speaking Kansai dialect are often associated with the stereotypical Osakan image of being humorous, miserly, epicurean, gaudy, vulgar, energetic or even involved with yakuza.

>> No.4208692

sup /v/

>> No.4208740

I liek corno cross because of pretty colors and music.