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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4190929 No.4190929 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4190932

Was I the only one that liked War Zone more than the aki games?

>> No.4191165

>he had a PS1

>> No.4191228

WWF Royal Rumble best retro wrastlin' of all time. World Championship Wrestling is honorable mention status.

>> No.4191258

There will be no disqualifications in this ...LADDER MATCH

>> No.4191297

Not a real sport, scripted like a soap opera.

>> No.4191493

Just like boxing.

>> No.4191498


>> No.4191502


>> No.4191503


>> No.4191510

What the fuck! That shit aint real!?

Mind blown

Thanks wide anon. You have changed my life.

>> No.4191513
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>> No.4191515


>> No.4191518
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>> No.4191520
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This is the first time I heard this. My childhood is a lie.

>> No.4191525


>> No.4191562

Giant Gram 2000 on the Dreamcast is a good Arcade style Fighter disguised as a Wrestling Game. Good Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzPa0ARR0hs and good unlockables https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGBa77NenB4

>> No.4191575
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>tfw Star Wars isn't real history either even though the beginning of the movie clearly states "a long time ago in a galaxy"

>> No.4191612
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But it's fun!

>> No.4191621


friendly reminder that the Undercarder never drew a dime

>> No.4191979

You make it sound like "real" sports aren't scripted.

>> No.4191989

I remember when I was a kid in the mid 90's I remember seeing a Arcade game for WWF at a local Water Slide Park. The characters were cartoony looking but for the time looks AMAZING.

Anyone know what game it was?

>> No.4192107



>> No.4192249

>scripted sport
>all the cool moves are banned
>writing is literally "Blue's Clues" tier
>everyone even the viewers are in on it
>fans do nothing but bitch, yet still tune in every week
>have to resort to wrestlers from 20 years ago, just to gather interest
>main events are nothing but over-the-hill has-beens

that shit is for literal bottom-of-the-barrel mouthbreathers

>> No.4192265


You're talking about WWE, sport. Your description fits fans of their current product to a T but there's nothing wrong with appreciating wrestling in general. Especially 90s Puro which is half this thread.

>> No.4192301

Sorry, kiddo

but "pro" wrestling is for mouthbreathers, backwater-hicks, and 6-year olds

It sucks as a sport, because its all scripted

It sucks as a drama, because its written for retards

It sucks as entertainment because there is nothing compelling about watching fake fighting in a shit drama when winning or losing has no consequence because the belts aren't earned. The higher ups just choose who will hold it for the time being.

but hey, i wont stop you from watching

I mean, if shit like MLP has a fanbase, so why can't wrestling

>> No.4192482

It's a live-action shonen anime you little normalfag bitch.

>> No.4192490


The funniest part of these posts is you keep outing yourself as knowledgeable on the current events, internal politics and fundamental problems plaguing wrestling. Y'know, the way a tenured wrestling fan would be. Honestly man, it's fine, glad you (presumably) grew out of it and found something else.

>> No.4192516

>Vince never made Mr.Perfect (who was GOAT) the heavyweight champs
>instead fuckers like Diesel get it

>> No.4192642


This becoming public knowledge thanks to vince mcmahon's court testimony in 1984 has ruined pro wrestling as a medium.

We know that magic shows are fake but we're entertained by them anyway because most of us don't know how the shit they work. Because we now know how it works in the background, pro wrestling has lost its oomph and crowds have become postmodern neckbeard smarks that keep breaking the fourth wall for no benefit of the medium.

>> No.4192680


Since you're clearly a disappointed wrestling fan, watch some NJPW.

The belts mean something, the drama isn't WWE soap opera bullshit, the athleticism is extremely impressive because they try to push the envelope as well as introduce less fake-looking wrestling.

The narrative of wrestling is simple as hell, but you don't need a complicated narrative to tell an archetypal struggle between good and evil. WWE fails at this because they overcomplicate the storylines with stuff that has nothing to do with what's happening in the ring as a competition, but NJPW is almost nothing except about the drama of pro wrestling as an athletic competition, and the capacity for heroism and villainy within the structure thereof.

>> No.4192708

>live action shonen

wew lad, this is sum highly concetrated autism

>> No.4192746
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It's what?!

>> No.4192761

Stop reddit spacing.

>> No.4192818

Kenny, is that you?

>> No.4192853

All Japan Pro Wrestling in the 80's and 90's was the closest I've seen to a wrestling promotion having their matches like they were a video game.

>> No.4192869
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>tfw Kenny OmeGOAT posts on /vr/

>> No.4192914


>> No.4192956
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How is it not?

>> No.4192968

Stop posting forced memes

>> No.4192992

Quit posting like a faggot who doesn't know any better.

>> No.4192996

I don't even "reddit space" but I do know "reddit spacing" being a problem is much newer than Reddit being a problem is

>> No.4193006

There was no loading on the N64 version.