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4189507 No.4189507 [Reply] [Original]

Step 1:
Go to HG101

Step 2:
Find an ill-informed opinion, or false information

Step 3:
Post it here.

>> No.4189510


>> No.4189513


Site is sloppy, with writers often just some 20 something who fired a game in an emulator played it for a bit and then wrote their opinions down. They make little errors all the time, and occasionally some big ones, and despite being called "Hardcore gaming" they whine about petty bullshit that isn't a big deal.

>> No.4189514

Step 1:
Realise the only entertainment you find in life is stoking your hate boner over things that don't matter. At all.

Step 2:
Kill yourself.

>> No.4189515
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They credit Inafune-san for designing Rockman, when he only did the illustrations.


t. HG101 writer.

>> No.4189521

I can go to /v/ for that kind of stuff.

>> No.4189545

Sweet, it's one of these.

Eh, the articles don't bother me as much as the way it's another groupthink hellhole like NeoFAG. But for the record they mostly fire up emulators and source wikipedia.

I was on their podcast and was on the forums for almost 10 years but was banned for life for making fun of how stupid a trigger warning was in an article.

>> No.4189569

>calling Megaman "Rockman" because thats how japs refer to him
You are not Japanese. You will never be Japanese. No matter how much Japanese lingo you use, no matter how many sushi restaurants you eat at, no matter how many times you remind people that most sushi is actually "maki", no matter how many times you tell yourself you enjoy the taste of mochi, you still won't be Japanese. You are a 37 year old white virgin and you are worthless, and you are were, are not, and will never be, Japanese. Stop saying gay, cringey things like this. That is all. Good day.

>> No.4189578

>The game also adds promotion quests for various classes
Promotions were already in the 6th game.

>> No.4189584

Every thread goes like this so I'll just go out and cross this one out of the to-do list myself

HG101 did a great interview with mai waifu Kaku but they hurt her honor in the biz forever, so now I hate them, a lot.

>> No.4189587

>Find an ill-informed opinion, or false information
You forgot when they straight-up spoil the game out of fucking nowhere.
Already happened with some games I wanted to check.

>> No.4189593

>they straight-up spoil the game

>> No.4189620

Honestly, how hard is it to do spoiler text?

>> No.4189623

Or even a simple *SPOILERS AFTER THIS* disclaimer, or a spoiler-free review if applicable

seriously, wow, they should be doing readers a service, not ruining a potential first play...

>> No.4189719

>HG101 did a great interview with mai waifu Kaku but they hurt her honor in the biz forever, so now I hate them, a lot.
To be fair, she kinda didn't shot herself in the foot by complaining too much about the games she worked on on her personal site.

>> No.4189763


Oh like you're gonna play any of these games

>> No.4189781
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Just popping in to say you made me laugh with your infantile post, sorry.

>> No.4189793

And you're a sad subhuman piece of shit who gets inordinately enraged by people on anonymous imageboards. Guess who's less unbearable.

>> No.4189832

Holy fuck I'm listening to the podcast and it's fucking bad.

Like a special kind of bad. Like the garbage dump on a hot day kind of bad.

>> No.4189848

Easy ..

>> No.4189970
File: 38 KB, 1024x892, zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The graphics are pretty bland, but this is typical of a BS game. The sprites have smooth animation, but overall, they're rather ugly. The stages are somewhat boring and static, and only a few have multi-layered backgrounds and parallax scrolling. (The first stage does have some stores called "Super Aniki", a reference to NCS's Cho Aniki series.) The music is fairly catchy, like in all the previous titles, but going from CD format to chip-based sound hardware is a difficult thing to accept, even though it does sound nicely like a Mega Man X title. Despite the lax presentation, the great gameplay makes Schbibinman Zero one of the better games in the series, if not the best, and one of the few good games available on the Banta Satellite. All in all, Schbibinman Zero closes out what was one of NCS/Masaya's best franchises.

All of these complaints are asinine. It's a great looking SNES game, and is anything but bland. Characters especially look great.

>> No.4190020

Recent, or an old episode? I haven't listened to it since they kicked me off to have cucks and sluts on it.

>> No.4190021

>Banta Satellite.
Do these morons even do any ounce of research of what they're talking about? There's no such thing as a "Banta Satellite." It's a BS-X Satellaview.

>> No.4190024
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I'm not going to that shithole. I would just have to copy paste here the first thing i see anyway.

>> No.4190069

They were alright when they actually told me about old obscure 8 bit games instead of the latest indie visual novel on steam

>> No.4190075
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>Getting this assblasted about a shitposter

>> No.4190076
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>All in all, it's a good game, but something feels amiss. The game feels somewhat rushed and broken. It lacks any sort of solid structure and constantly jumps from one thing to the next without any sort of transition, which is fairly jarring, a flaw that makes it the weakest of the quadrilogy.

>the weakest of the quadrilogy.
>Schbibinman 3

>> No.4190132

This. Nowadays, the site's just swathes of lame, pretentious indie shovelware broken up by Your Weekly Kusoge and, once in a while, a decent game series that everyone's already heard of.

>> No.4190319

They're usually pretty okay, but their recent article on Catherine was cringeworthy.

Whole article literally criticizes the game's story for its promotion of toxic gender roles. Fuckin hell

>> No.4190324

To be fair, they're probably running out of obscure 8/16/32-bit games to cover at this point, including most of the EOP-friendly imports and fan-translated JRPGs.

>> No.4190327

I like the part where they bitch about how unrealistic the gender roles of the game are. It's a game about a guy who cheats on his girlfriend with a succubus. The entire premise is fucking unrealistic by nature.

>> No.4190371

The whole site is an ill-informed opinion

>> No.4190404

I still use their old articles on entire franchises as a reference when getting into a series. Nice to see various versions of games compared and contrasted, like in the Ys article for example. I don't follow their current articles though.

>> No.4190406

Mochi is great dude.

>> No.4190415

>It's a great looking SNES game, and is anything but bland.
I thought it was a Genesis game lmao.

>> No.4190425
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This is going to come as a surprise but people who are lol mad online probably aren't actually really as mad as you seem to think they are. Even when posting reaction faces they're probably just killing time between tabs

>> No.4190510

Most recent episode.

>> No.4190512

>running out of games
I doubt that very much. They've just given up.

>> No.4190518

Dude i was replying to the guy talkong about hg101, what are you on about. Well at least i got a you!

>> No.4190521


care to elaborate

>> No.4190536

A bunch of know it all fuckbois talking about kings field.

There was lispy mc lisp. foreigner, and someone who I can only assume is the overlord who told people to shut the fuck up if they deviated.

They tried to call Kings Field a metroidvania, and said it's not a dungeon crawler, because you leave the dungeons.

It was awful, just the worst.

>> No.4190547

>38 replies
>nobody has posted this yet

Ill-informed opinion is kinda subjective, but when it comes to false information, HG101 is single handedly responsible for the entire retro gaming community believing that Granstream Saga is part of the "Soulblazer series", when even the most casual playthrough of GS shows that's not the case and when the developers themselves have explained in depth it's not the case. The only reason it's included in the article for the "series" is that the writer had an unusual hard on for it. When it comes to WHY it's linked to the other games, the writer just goes "just play it through the end and you'll get it, lol" (spoilers: if you play it through the end, nothing connects it to any other game).

>> No.4190552

>RPGs weren’t cool during the 16-bit era. You never could talk storylines or combat systems with kids at recess because only one or two kids in the whole friggen school played them. After Final Fantasy VII changed all that, people then decided they didn’t like 16-bit RPGs. I guess they never saw things a select few of us did.

Literally 1 sentence in and I want to burn this whole site down.

>> No.4190562
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I couldn't even make it past the "(except where noted, screenshots taken from fan translation)" without getting triggered.

>> No.4190579

I like HG101. I don't take everything written in an article as 100% fact, but it is good to get some knowledge about some games you know nothing about. Recently read through the Wizardry article having never played any of the games and thought it was decent.

>> No.4190590

Was she the idiot who got mad that she couldn't rewrite a bunch of the script for MGS2 rather than reformatting it to make sense for an English speaking audience? Cause if so she deserves to get blacklisted and not because I like MGS2 but because of the clear disrespect towards the source material she was in charge of which would make anyone who knew about her question how faithful her localizations actually were.

>> No.4190602

I've been noticing a trend lately with reviewers just assuming people reading or watching it already played the game making it a pain to get their opinion without ruining any surprises for you.

>> No.4190634

That's pretty shit to be honest. Whenever I tell people about a game I make it a point to talk about the story in broad strokes as not to spoil anything

Story talk with spoilers is fine, but should absolutely be spoilered, or put in a warning section.

>> No.4190641

I think the absolute worst is the articles that will cover the series and the author will jerk off the dick of one of the games while shitting on the others.

One of the most extreme examples I remember was the Breath of Fire series articles. For what are suppose to be objective articles the entire article of Breath of Fire IV boils down to "It was too different from Breath of Fire III and therefore shit.". The blatant fanboyism is seen in even the character bios where the first thing the author does is compare the characters to previous characters.

It's such a trainwreck of a article, I can't put it into words.

>> No.4190662

Yeah, I haven't been on since they changed it from gc9x to whatever the fuck it is now. I listened to one episode and the new format was shit.

For the record, the older episodes aren't too bad, some are pretty decent like the Wonder Boy one and Hybrid Heaven one. If you do listen, I'm the one that doesn't sound like shit.

That's kind of redundant, we'd done an episode on the Kings Field games about three years ago. Also, did the overlord sound like an autistic Christian Slater?

But yeah, basically nobody gets paid to do it - yet they have to shill the patreon. Losers. It's pretty sad because most of them are unemployed.

>> No.4190663

>dungeon crawler

KF3 and 4 aren't dungeon crawlers. Arguably KF2 as well, although the game does primarily take place inside the island labyrinth. The series is more along the lines of action RPG.

Dungeon crawlers stick you in a single dungeon, or a series of interconnected dungeons. The first KF game is like this, but everything after that is fleshed out more like Elder Scrolls. There are several distinct outdoor areas to explore, including villages and wilderness areas that are stand-ins for dungeons. None of the dungeons are necessarily interconnected, except in a few cases like Orlandin's double dungeon in the High Elf Ruins.

Well, that's just blatantly wrong.

Their article on the KF series wasn't terrible, though. Whoever wrote it indeed appears to have played the series.

Stop listening to their podcasts?

>> No.4190664

You're the guy who used to come here from time to time to ask for feedback about the podcast, aint you

>> No.4190667

So is there a site better than HG101? I like it as a way to discover older games I might have never heard of, and I don't take their opinion or anyone else's as a fact anyway, wouldn't be the first time I like something other people hate and vice versa. Already know about racketboy and retro-sanctuary but they don't seem to be updated very often and probably don't have as many games listed.

>> No.4190728

>stop listening to their podcast
I listed to literally 15 minutes of one, and I'm never going to watch it again.

>> No.4190745

Projecting so hard it's like I'm at a fucking drive in movie theater.

Though you're both cringey and autistic.

>> No.4190770

Yep. Sorry about that, by the way.

>> No.4190773

I thought Metroidvania only applied to free-roaming 2D platformers.

>> No.4190792

To be fair I learned about some good games through HG like SNK Vanguard or other japanese titles. They sometimes shit the bed but you must take everything with a grain of salt, just like 4chan

>> No.4190821

Nothing to be sorry about, at least someone cared about audience feedback.

>> No.4190832

How much views do the CG9X podcast get on Youtube? Last time I checked, the numbers were pathetically low.

>> No.4190861
File: 32 KB, 632x595, CZiq32pUUAA_6pg.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. To be honest the best (only) feedback we got was from here, and I appreciated it.

More than when I was there (since they do more content) but it's really low, they aren't making shit. That was one thing that made me bitter about it, we didn't get paid, didn't get comped for stuff, and they didn't even advertise it on the main site. Me and the show's head guy shilling it on Twitter was the only exposure we got. Last time I checked, that hasn't changed.

So I guess looking at it that way, like >>4189514 said it really doesn't matter.

>> No.4190941

What would they comp you anyways?

I kind of wanted to start a podcast, but until things get up and running and you get exposure, then it's a massive timesink with no possibility of income.

>> No.4190947

Catherine is relatively new but back when it came out nobody gave a fuck about all that SJW crap yet. What went wrong?

>> No.4190970

Eh, their twitter guy is a massive SJW faggot but their articles are okay for light reading, it's not like you'll be quoting these guys on your essay or something

>> No.4190986

This is the opposite of the experience I had. Everyone I knew got really into checking out 16 bit RPGs after FF7 popularized the genre. Hell most of Square's 16 bit RPGs got PS1 re-releases to capitalize on the newfound popularity.

>> No.4190993

>What went wrong?
Two things: Feminist Frequency and GamerGate. The latter in particular was when Kurt started pushing for more blatant censorship of his forum and disassociation with people who sympathize with GG.

>> No.4191003


Came here to mention this.

>> No.4191017
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>> No.4191023

It's really not that bad of a site. It's perfectly fine for skimming and getting some information on a series before you check it out.

>> No.4191025

HG101 shills going full damage control ITT.

>> No.4191027
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>> No.4191039

>opinion fairly divided between positive and negative

>> No.4191042

ok partial damage control then

>> No.4191048

I almost never post, but you were my favorite poster. Forum isn't the same without you around.

>> No.4191071

Never played BoF but this is lame. Imagine being such a huge loser that you write so many paragraphs to bash a game and say the one you like is better

>> No.4191083

All my friends loved Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Earthbound. Sure, we didn't play them together, but we did play stuff like Secret of Mana.

And fucking Pokemon, like holy shit.

>> No.4191109

What I think kills me the most is that HG101 could actually be a great site. I think we can all agree that at the very least they do seem pretty knowledgeable in regards to general gaming, the content they cover genuinely is pretty interesting at times and brights light to bscure games forgotten. It just sucks that the writers are some of the most incompetent, biased assholes. I used to use the site years ago and quite enjoyed it then but as the years went on and I would return to articles I would see articles are not only dry, but misinformed, biased, or just plain badly written. I get these guys are game enthusiasts, not writers, but they just can't write for the life of them.

>> No.4191176

So whats the ideal solution?

What kind of coverage is worth it? How deep do you go?

I always thought the Character bios in HG101 were fucking terribly implemented, but if you actually took time they could be really good.

>> No.4191238

>clear disrespect towards the source material
to be fair she was right about Kojima being a hack writer even if she is equally a hack

>> No.4191304

Exactly, that article (and many others) is like a NEET writing out his internet life fantasies.

It's a classic example of nerds tripping over each other to be able to say "Hey, i write for HARDCORE GAMING 1-OH-1" while shitting on all the source material to rush out an informed-sounding article.

Absolutely despicable.

>> No.4191681
File: 7 KB, 623x191, Quality_HG101_writing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, most of the site reeks of contrarian signaling than anything else.

For someone who claims to be a professional, she should've known better than to shit where her money comes from.

>I always thought the Character bios in HG101 were fucking terribly implemented, but if you actually took time they could be really good.
I still can't believe this made it in an actual article.

>> No.4191905

I miss you guys (that is, the ones on the forum that aren't on Twitter etc and I can't contact anymore).

>> No.4191926

The vast majority of their articles are the best by far you'll find about those particular games second only to your own after playing for yourself plus a healthy lack of objectivity.

Their forums are their own brand of shitheap but so is any popular forum q.v. 4chan.

>> No.4192406


Cheap, lazy, articles by nitwits. You can do better.

Has anyone read Retro Game magazine? I hope it would be better.

>> No.4192505

She brought it on herself by being totally unprofessional. At the same time, so was Schizo for turning on her for shooting him down. The way Kurt protected and defended him for that (because he was making money off the book / dvd) was one thing that made me start to loathe the place.

>> No.4192654

In light of Kurt's (newfound?) feminism and stuff it was especially hypocritical of him to protect Szcz. That whole fiasco happened around the halcyon days of gamergate, and I remember Szcz contacted one of those alt right pro-gg ""news"" sites, I think ralph retort, and they were the ones who spread Szcz's side of the story, alleging that video game websites were colluding to not give the book any coverage after Kaku told them to do so. But Kurt still took Szcz's side and pretended nothing had ever happened while still banning people on the forums over being pro-gg.

Honestly the whole thing was a shit show. I think Kaku was extremely unprofessional, and I would put the most blame on her for sure, but Sczc's mental... whatever just made the whole thing explode in a way it really shouldn't and wouldn't have if it had happened to a normal person.

The books are pretty awesome though. Szcz's autism or whatever makes parts of them awkwardly charming. I especially like how obsessed he is with how the office layouts used to look like, and how nobody else gives a fuck about it, lol. Great reads all around.

While stuff like the CT and Earthbound articles are cringey as all hell, THIS is the one entry that is a complete trainwreck because of its laziness and bias. It's obvious even to a layman that Breath of Fire IV's team put a lot of thought to the art, plot and world design and used buddhist/toaist themes and aesthetics that to this day are virtually unheard of in any other video game, and the guy simply dismisses it all with "the world is boring, the art is daft".

Simply unbelievable.

I simply use mobygames' browser, you can look for games by genre, platform, theme, etc. It has way more entries and it's easier to tell if it's something you'd like to play or not. Browsing the games' credits on that site is also a great way to find out what the team behind one of your favorites put out later on.

>> No.4192802

The difference is you see less of a bias here depending on the janitors. There it's an echo chamber.

>> No.4192821

>In light of Kurt's (newfound?) feminism and stuff it was especially hypocritical of him to protect Szcz. That whole fiasco happened around the halcyon days of gamergate, and I remember Szcz contacted one of those alt right pro-gg ""news"" sites, I think ralph retort, and they were the ones who spread Szcz's side of the story, alleging that video game websites were colluding to not give the book any coverage after Kaku told them to do so. But Kurt still took Szcz's side and pretended nothing had ever happened while still banning people on the forums over being pro-gg.
I kinda regret not calling Kurt out on that when I submitted a question to him on Ask.FM a few years ago when GG exploded. That was when his ask.fm still accepted anonymous questions.

>> No.4192915
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>you see less of a bias here
>There it's an echo chamber.
So basically how ever community thinks of themselves and how they think of other communities.

>> No.4192935

That depends on a person - I mean, there isn't exactly a book on that.
Some people apply it only to platformers, some people use it to generally describe a style of progression where you're dropped in an open world where you need to acquire items and abilities to unlock parts of the world and progress, so games like original Zelda, Batman: Arkham Asylum and System Shock 1 qualify too.

>> No.4192998

That's why gaming jargons like that are a mess.

>> No.4193048

Last time I checked nobody was banned from accessing /vr/ for expressing conservative or moderate political views. The same can't be said for the hg101 forums or NeoGAF.

So yes, less bias, and those two communities are objectively echo chambers.

>> No.4193113

Dunno about /vr/ specifically but goobergators were banned on sight from /v/ last I checked, which is why they all fled to 4+4. Most political speech is banned, really. As it should, because it's not motherfucking video games and I don't see how the flying fuck is it relevant in this particular situation either. Really sick of how these days everything devolves into politics.

>> No.4193117

Shubibinman 3 felt like an unfinished beta, but it wasn't as bad as the primitive and slippery first game

is Zero worth playing? My favorite is 2 but even that has a couple issues

>> No.4193123


This post reeks of alt-centrist republicrat bias....

>> No.4193127


>> No.4193174

>is Zero worth playing?

Yes. It's gorgeous, fast paced, and really polished. No clue why this wasn't given a proper release. They pulled out every bag of trick to make this.

>> No.4193228

But you can't criticize any retro game on /vr/ unless you want to be labeled an underage and/or baiter. Unless it's a game widely agreed to be bad, though you can't call those good either because /vr/ will blame it on recent e-celeb activities, or also bait.
Honestly I just hate how most people on 4chan assumes everything is bait. It wasn't like this, man. Even a few years ago it wasn't like this.

>> No.4193242

Alright, that's true. I just find that elitism and other autistic crap easier to ignore than political stuff I guess. The latter has killed friendships and destroyed most places you used to be able to go to and relax / take your mind off things - of course YMMV.

>> No.4193659

>trying to build a website for this sort of thing
>realize it's going to take a long ass time
>getting a temporary site up in the meantime
>look at HG101's site
>it's literal shit from like 1998

I guess I'll just make a shitty variant of it and then just make that my temporary site.

>> No.4193713

Thanks OP, let me just shit on one of the most comprehensive retro gaming resources online because one of their voluntary writers said something you disagree with. I'm sure most of the 17 year old faggots here haven't done all of their learning reading HCG101 articles either.

>> No.4193717

You know what would make me want to read HCG101? Bloated CSS, infinite scrolling or listicles with one item per page.

>> No.4193719

That's some sick shilling.

>one of their voluntary writers
Articles are bought. They are compensated with money, as in, they paid for them.
>said something you disagree with
It's not just one. It's a whole slew of them bringing garbage completely unrelated to the game.

Kurt "The Cuck" Kalata getting triggered by Trumps election is truly the testament of a dead site.

>> No.4193736

>Kurt "The Cuck" Kalata getting triggered by Trumps election is truly the testament of a dead site.
When I saw "that" (which I cant seem to find anymore) post on HG101's main page I was like "this is so cringeworthy that it's actually laugh out loud funny"

I hope they give us more autismo-tier pearls in the future.

>> No.4194141

>When I saw "that" (which I cant seem to find anymore) post on HG101's main page I was like "this is so cringeworthy that it's actually laugh out loud funny"
I would post a screencap of it, but I got banned the last time I did it. It's probably somewhere in the archive though.

>> No.4194160

>Was she the idiot who got mad that she couldn't rewrite a bunch of the script for MGS2 rather than reformatting it to make sense for an English speaking audience?

Wasn't that the precedent, though? Jeremy Blaustein rewrote plenty of MGS1 and nobody complained.

>> No.4194164

>Last time I checked nobody was banned from accessing /vr/ for expressing conservative or moderate political views.

No but you'll be shitposted into oblivion for expressing liberal or leftist views.

>> No.4194173

IIRC, she wrote the CODEC conversations like they were talking over a radio. So everyone said "over" at the end of every single sentence.

>> No.4194175

>Jeremy Blaustein rewrote plenty of MGS1 and nobody complained.
That's a common misconception. Aside from Mei-Ling proverbs, which were rewritten under Kojima's request anyway, the EN script of MGS1 doesn't really differ that much from the JP version.

Snatcher on the Sega CD probably had a lot more rewrites made to it.

>> No.4194176

This is how she wanted to rewrite the first CODEC conversation in the game.
>This is Snake. Do you read me, Otakon? Over.
> Loud and clear, Snake. Over.
>Think I'd wait forever [the comment is directed to the player]? I'm at the infiltration point [SP for 'sneak point']. Over.
>Everything going okay? Over.
>The stealth camo's busted. Landing impact. Over.
>We did use the hell out of that thing. Sorry, but you're gonna have to deal. You're not in the military-industrial complex anymore, Dorothy.
>Right. I don't plan on relying on this gadget either way. Over.
>Hey, the private sector's not so bad, though, huh? Privacy guaranteed...
> I'm happy as long as no one slips a Mickey Finn in the morning glass of OJ.
>You mean that thing with Naomi?
>And I can't say I miss the chattering nanny.
>Mei Lin's not so bad. That reminds me, I have to get in touch with her again about that new Natick flashware.
> Diverting toys from the SSCEN (U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center) again? Someone will find out, sooner or later. She's better off assuming it's sooner and quit while she's ahead. Tell her I said that.
>The mission objective is to make visual confirmation of the new Metal Gear being transported by that tanker and bring back photographic evidence. No destruction, please. Got it?
>Don't worry. I know the drill -- we're not terrorists.
>Very good. We're a 100% UN-recognized 'Opposition to Metal Gear' aka OMEGA*. Don't you forget that you're a part of an NGO and can chew granola with the best of them.
>Recognized, but still fringe, Otakon.

>> No.4194186


>> No.4194195

fucking kino!

>> No.4194203

>Don't you forget that you're a part of an NGO and can chew granola with the best of them
>chew granola
What the hell did she mean by this?

>> No.4194214

Not great, but not really worse than all the anime-sounding shit in the final game.

>> No.4194225

I agree and "Still better than Kojimas writing" could be a thing

>> No.4194226

https://docs.google com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/tmA5F_QiM7zVTvKVSdvS3wA/htmlview?pli=1#
>batrider below un squadron
>kiddy console shit in top
i don't know why the fuck i still listen to this, probably becouse other podcasts are shit too

>> No.4194239

I think she tries too hard to make the dialogue seem wittier than it actually is.

It's still technically Kojima's writing, only filtered through localization. Unless you've played the Japanese versions of the MGS games and understand the language with enough fluency, then you're not really seeing his writing in its purest form.

What is this supposed to be a ranking of?

>> No.4194248

>I'm here to take pictures and chew granola, and I'm all out of granola, over

>> No.4194249

I would totally pay Hayter to say that line.

>> No.4194308

>What is this supposed to be a ranking of?
their new podcast is about ranking every game ever made

>> No.4194327

Based on what? Games they covered or just everything ever made? Are the votes audience-submitted? The ranking is all over the place at any rate.

>> No.4194413

The MGS1 script changed a lot of awkward/japanesey lines into something more cliche, but also more comprehensible in English.



>> No.4194458

Nice! Have an upvote!

>> No.4194494

Except you're not comparing the English translation to the Japanese original. You're comparing one English translation with another. They're just different wordings of the same base sentence.

>> No.4194960

You know what would make HG101 better?
>proper css
>search functionality with a database
>a bunch of new web stuff

Yeah, be like Maddox, and think basic html is fine in 2017.

>> No.4194961

>go on a board for video games, and or retro games
>talk about politics

Keep politics out of video games.

>> No.4195127

As far as I'm aware the TTS translation is more accurate

>> No.4195131

Not really, they're just different choices of words.
t. I've actually played the Japanese version.

>> No.4195180

>They're just different wordings of the same base sentence.

Really? Even Mantis' "It feels nice" vs "It feels nostalgic"?

>> No.4195421

Most of the other guys on the show were unemployed and / or students and had shit for income; some expenses I remember trying to push for them to get comped on were things like extra dropbox space or a new mic when Snarboo's broke, etc. Mostly I was just pissed because they didn't promote us for shit but they'd put a damn banner up for some shit on Youtube Derboo did, etc.

As for the podcast thing I keep talking about doing one too but it's like you said, no income, no listeners, why bother.

A lot of NGOs are hippie stuff traditionally.

If you find it too restrictive here then you really should check out those two forums I mentioned. Also, we've got more than enough liberal / left shitposts here to match the right wing ones.

I'll second >>4193719.
1) The writers are paid.
2) Most of the regular contributors are in lock-step with the site's creator when it comes to expressing unsolicited leftist / socialist political opinions in articles about games where politics have no place.
3) Since Gamergate, Kurt has been hellbent on impressing Leigh-senpai and other social justice wannabe game journalists, and as a result they've been writing more and more crap about walking sims. Sorry, "walking sim" is ableist, I'm sure there are wheelchair sims at this point too.
4) The head guy Kurt will edit articles arbitrarily, often invalidating opinions and fucking up facts. There's another anon that has talked about this before on other hg101 related threads.
5) As mentioned, if you mention anything slightly right of far left you are dogpiled and ridiculed at best, banned at worst.

I actually like Schizo's books FWIW, and I'm glad he's not holding volume 3 hostage much longer. Not a fan of the other books, they're more or less those bullshit things on Amazon where someone printed a Wikipedia article, but with color photos and a generic cartoon cover.

>> No.4195531

This is how the scene plays out in the Japanese version.

懐かしい (natsukashii) is the adjective form of the verb 懐く (natsuku), which means to yearn or missed something. "nostalgic" is a common translation choice, but "it feels kinda nice" fits as well. It all depends on the context.

The line changes in TTS are kinda weird in any case. There were actual liberties take in the original translation, but most of the changes were more rewordings than anything else. Liquid Snake's line about Big Boss being in a coma was kept in TTS, despite being a translation mistake.

>> No.4195536

>I'm sure there are wheelchair sims at this point too.
The only ones I can think of are the Harman Smith segments of killer7.

>> No.4195612

Then why would TTS ever choose "every time I looked into her eyes I trembled with fear!" over "every time I looked into her eyes I saw her parents' eyes staring back at me" The old line sounds so much better.

>> No.4195627

it was hilarious the admin had to take time off when trump won

>> No.4195681

Holy fucking shit dude

>> No.4196041

I read this yesterday since I'm playing Dragon Quarter and I wanted to read about the previous BoF games, I'm surprised by how mad he is at BoF IV, during the whole article he's shitting on that game.

I have a small question by the way, after Dragon Quarter, should I start with BoF 1 playing them in order? I'm asking this because I read that the only thing that links the games is the mythology behind them

>> No.4196071

>just everything ever made?
whatever game is submitted by listeners
>The ranking is all over the place at any rate.
it's not meant to be taken seriously, but i still don't like the top.

>> No.4196084

I don't know what you mean by "mythology", but Breath of Fire III is a direct sequel to Breath of Fire I. Its entire plot hinges on the events of I. The game even begins with a mural depicting the final battle of I.

Breath of Fire II is not as directly involved with the overall "mythology", but the main antagonist very clearly arises from the ending of I, and another large, specific plot point very clearly comes to be because of things that happened due to the first game (you even get to talk to one of the characters from I).

So the first three games are very much linked. Does it matter? Not really, they're mostly self contained and the links are either explained or not that relevant. But it's always neat to notice the continuity bits.

IV is its own thing and people can't seem to agree on whether it takes place before I or after III. But it's an awesome game nonetheless.

I'd say just play them in order. Even if the story isn't that big a deal (the first game has this boring story that only picks up near the end, and only so much) you'll appreciate how the mechanics evolve and change if you play them in order.

DQ is a great game btw, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

>> No.4196101

Thanks man, I'll follow your suggestion and I'll play them in order
>DQ is a great game btw, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
Yeah, I'm enjoying it a lot, I played a lot of JRPGs, so when I see an experimental one I'm always willing to try it out, since it's going to be a breath of fresh air. I can see why people usually don't like it though, it's quite unique and, as far as I know, very different from the previous BoF games

>> No.4196103

> a trigger warning was in an article
Fucking what.
Please tell me they took it down.

>> No.4196109

No, they locked a thread that had been going for years, though, and booted me for "whining".

I forget which one it was, it was some RPGmaker "art game" and it was written by "hey did I remind you that I'm being oppressed" jdarkside. Of course all he writes is shit about pretentious indie games though so that's not narrowing it down any.

Yeah, just play 1 through 3 in order. A lot of people hate 2 and hate the original shitty translation but I like both. I didn't care much for the dragon mechanic in that one compared to the others, but I liked the characters and the tits the best.

>> No.4196139


>> No.4196434

I can imagine him in front of.the computer vicariously hand fanning himself and chanting a mantra about muh anxiety

>> No.4196756

That's interesting, thanks.

>> No.4196810

They're just opinions. I've been reading HG101 for years and always knew they were opinions, but they still describe the games pretty well. It's OK to disagree, you don't have to sperg out about it to strangers.