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4187996 No.4187996 [Reply] [Original]

Things you didn't understand?

>> No.4188004

Dislikes: The fandom.

>> No.4188057
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Only ever got through Earthbound. Played 1 on the Virtual Console, but it feels like a chore.

I did like the mechanics of the turn based combat, particularly during the late game. They weren't overly complex but still very engaging, encouraging players to think on their feet whilst not giving them several menus to flick through.

The story was quite charming as well. The character design in particular stood out - none of them were the boring bland ones you would see in a regular RPG.

Hated that dinosaur part though. That sucked.

>> No.4188059

mother 3 is a bit over the top with its communist propaganda. The first two games just aren't very good in general.

>> No.4188072
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>communist propaganda
If you're not baiting, Mother 3 is precisely against totalitarian regimes like communism.
Anyway I don't think M3 has a strong political message as most westerners like to imagine.
Yeah, the Porky army is a totalitarian regime, yes it has some commentary on economy (how it was introduced to Tazmily by the pigmask army) and media/propaganda, but at its core, Mother 3 is about the weaknesses of humans, not about a specific political movement.
Mother 3 was influenced by The Notebook by Agota Kristof, which is a novel based on the misadventures of twins Claus and Lucas in a communist country during WWI, but like Mother 3, The Notebook is more about human psyche rather than politics.

>> No.4188170


- UI
- inventory
- graphics
- 2deep4u bits of the story
- fandom

>> No.4188178

What is it that you don't like about the UI?

>2deep4y bits of the story
Well, this is a given for any fandom, so moot point.

>> No.4188207


Just gonna start mother 3 right now. It's my first time into the series, I hope it's good people praises them a lot around here.

>> No.4188215
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>Just gonna start mother 3 right now.
Good, leave this thread now and don't open any Mother threads until you finish that game.

>> No.4188375

Like? Absolutely everything.

Dislike? I was really into this series, super autistically into it, played all of them at least twice and was thinking of making my own translation of MOTHER 2 into Latin American Spanish. As time passed, my love for them didn't die, I still find this games amazing, but I'm not that big of a fans nowadays. I'm sad this has changed, but I guess that's what happens when time passes and you play many other games.

>> No.4188380

I like the friendly graphics, music, modern setting and the humor.

I dislike the over-reliance on humor and how silent your party is. The latter didn't bother me when I was younger since I would just make up conversations between the characters in my head but older me definitely takes a note of it.

I don't get the Giygas thing desu, but I guess that's because I only played 2 and 3.

>> No.4188386

>I guess that's what happens when time passes and you play many other games
Sometimes I wish I could forget things I've watched/played only to be able to replay them all over again. Nothing will ever beat my first playthroughs of certain games.

>> No.4188396
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teddy best party members

>> No.4188481

My favorite thing is how open the first one is. It has that fully integrated overworld that none of the other games really emulate to the same extent.

If there's something I really can't stand I'd have to say it's the fandom, specifically because many of them just tote Mother 2 as the best game ever without playing basically any other game.

>> No.4188485

I only ever played Earthbound, got as far as Threed then got stuck and didn't know what to do or where to go, and promptly dropped the game.

>> No.4188495

it's more zen buddhist cynicism than propaganda of any sort

>> No.4188692

do you even know who shigesato itoi is? he was a member prominent of the largest japanese communist party.

>> No.4188693

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.4188716

How is that Mother 1 anniversary romhack? Should I just play the GBA translation patch?

>> No.4188738


Dumbfucks out there can't decouple authoritarianism from leftism, and then can't see when their own politics is authoritarian.
Shit is embarassing.

Read some Murray Bookchin ffs

>> No.4188748




Dumb retarded split timeline in Mother 3
No dialog between party members in Earthbound
Giygas should've been more involved in the story
Porky seems insignificant in Earthbound, didn't really give out that annoying shit vibe too well
No Mother 4

>Overall series score: 8/10

>> No.4188818

you don't even know who itoi is you retard

>> No.4188834
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Ugly, play the gba patched. Also use the color restoration patch.
>Dumb retarded split timeline in Mother Elaborate, all three games are in the same timeline.
>Porky seems insignificant in Earthbound, didn't really give out that annoying shit vibe too well
I overall agree but you can see his influence in the world. There are various npcs in the game who tell you about shitty things he's done, it's pretty cool.
>No Mother 4
Mother 3 gave us a proper ending, let the series die with dignity. Itoi has said that tbe development hell of Mother 2 and Mother 3 has put him off developing videogames.

>> No.4188958


>> No.4188987

Shigesato Itoi, japanese essayist and all around interesting fellow. Looks kind of like Shinsuke Nakamura when he was young.

His famous writer opposite is Mishima, who killed himself after failing at a pathetic fascist coup.

C'mon nigga, crack a fuckin book now and then

>> No.4188992
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>His famous writer opposite is Mishima, who killed himself after failing at a pathetic fascist coup.

I don't even know who's baiting who at this point.

>> No.4188994

He's a retard, this is what he's talking about.
It's like calling Bernie Sanders a Marxist-Leninist.
Fucking sad shit my dudes


>> No.4188996


Here's another fact, kekistanis can't fucking focus long enough to read anything other than comic books and the backs of cereal packets.

>> No.4188998

Of course I know who Mishima is, I just didn't understand what kind of bait you were crafting implying he was the "writer opposite" of Itoi.

>> No.4189004

....but..but... russia and china and north korea!

they told us communism is fascism in school :(

>> No.4189010

So far, Communism has been mostly authoritarian.

Yeah, Stalin, do you know him?
>North Korea
More capitalist than USA, but somehow they still claim to be communists, weird bunch.
They've still commited a lot of war crimes and anti-human rights exercises under the "communist" claim.

I mean, look at Ernesto Che Guevara, he is the definition of authoritarian
>b-but he was fighting for freedom!
No, he wanted power, and executed everyone who didn't agree with him.

>> No.4189012


Serious question, why do people get upset over the fandom of this game, or in the fandoms of other artworks?

Really not trying to shit on anyone who gets upset about these things but I have cared about the subcultures that surround pieces of popular culture. It's just a totally external thing to me that I could participate in if I wanted

>> No.4189060
File: 97 KB, 960x532, bookchin-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far Capitalism has been mostly authoritarian as well, chief.

We can do better.
Social Ecology, you doublenigger.

>> No.4189068

The difference is that I'm not defending capitalism.
>Social ecology
Okay, that isn't communism.

>> No.4189070
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Mishima is a fascist who is known outside of Japan for his novels but not his multimedia stuff, and died stupidly for the emporer and other dumb spooks-- Itoi is intelligently alive and a social democrat, and is known outside of Japan for his multimedia work other than his actual writing.

They are bizarro versions of each other.

>> No.4189072

You are bizarro yourself.
>social democrat
Post source or stop trying to force your impure western ideologies onto Itoi-sama.

>> No.4189075
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Well, it kind of is though.
You're talking about a Social Democrat, Itoi, and I'm talking about similarly democratic socialism in Social Ecology, and Marx was all about personal freedom, but here you are trying to call Communism authoritarian when you're only talking about three countries in particular that were authoritarian.

And that's fine, just giving some actual reading to the discussion.
If you had READ Marx or Bookchin, or a lot of other things, you would know that communism and Stalinism and Maoism are all distinct things and that Social Ecology is absolutley communist. Libertarian Municipalism is all about communal aka social cooperation on a voluntary basis.
But you're just going by Molyneux-tier memery.

>> No.4189080

>You're talking about a Social Democrat, Itoi
Yeah, you still haven't posted any source for that claim.
>i-it's not real communism! it's all about theory, not practice!
Typical hipster college kid who thinks communism is some sort of bohemian paradise.
You'd get shot by your communist leaders.

>> No.4189083
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I'm 34.

Read a book, Sean Hannity, damn

>> No.4189089

The source about Itoi being a social democrat is in that book?
Also, again, I'm not defending capitalism.
Both capitalism and communism/socialism are never gonna work out.

>> No.4189095

>If you had READ Marx or Bookchin, or a lot of other things, you would know that communism and Stalinism and Maoism are all distinct things
Heh, typical leftist excuses.

>> No.4189096

I'm not the anon making this claim, and google isn't being forthcoming atm.
I remember reading it in an interview a few years back, not even sure what year it was written.
However, we all know he protested the Vietnam War and so on, and we all played Mother 3.
It's obvious he's a libertarian socialist on that alone. I'm not going to do your homework for you, fag.

>> No.4189101
File: 25 KB, 480x360, SanFranciscoRUSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a RUSHpost, baitposter

>> No.4189130

>thread gets derailed because dumb amerilards don't know what communism / socialism is

>> No.4189151

earthbound has the worst story of the three

>> No.4189156

>- 2deep4u bits of the story
literally fucking how?
The first two games are nearly 100% feel good games. About always trying your hardest and loving yourself and others.

These aren't games with complicated moral lessons to teach.

>> No.4189172

Likes:music, nostalgic sentiment, some design choices (enemy models,rolling HP,)
I would be one of the few to defend the art style as intentionally childlike.

Dislike:mechanical parts (combat balance, B.S. Status effects.) The "BEST GAEM EVAR" crowd, they are good, but to this this day ChronoTrigger is the best SNES RPG.
I've played all the way through M1 up to the graveyard, beat Earthbound 2 twice, played M3 and got stuck at Porky
All in all it is one of my favorite series

Critiqueing captialism does nor equate to supporting capitalism

>> No.4189179

I meant supporting communism

>> No.4189193

>literal member of japanese communist party
>re-read a b-book!

You aren't even making sense now you babbling retard.

>> No.4189235

Kumatora is best girl

I would father the fuck out of her

>> No.4189245

>a state is communist because they say they are

>> No.4189250

Cite your source on that or stow it, CIA NIGGER

>> No.4189448
File: 9 KB, 227x299, Itoi_War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So because Itoi made an anti-war ad, that means he's a libertarian socialist (although the other anon said Social democrat).
You could just say he's a hippie, or maybe just a guy who doesn't like war. I mean, who likes war other than tools and belic nerds?

Stop trying to /pol/itize Itoi, anons.

>> No.4189470

is that one fan game cognitive dissonance any good?

>> No.4189773

>that three hours of playtime where paula is absent from your party

>> No.4189852

Used to love it
Not so much anymore, Itoi is a huge SJW fag and the gameplay inferior to DQ

>> No.4189932

>Itoi is a huge SJW fag
Source? Is it because you interpret the Magypsies as being transexuals and somehow you interpret some sort of social statement out of it, or something else?

>> No.4189951

>I mean, who likes war other than tools and belic nerds?
Jews, Muslims, the wealthy elite of almost any country

>> No.4189958

maybe you should look into itoi's history you idiot

>> No.4189960

>you idiot
Wow, nice ad-hominem, but yeah I've read his history, and many interviews, I didn't find any SJW/communist/social democrat whatever you're trying to meme.
I think he stays away from political ideologies.

>> No.4189969
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can at least still buy Earthbound(Mother 2?) from Nofriendo E-shop.
was IMPOSSIBLE to find, rent, buy, or borrow back in the day, literally.
>things you didn't understand.
now I gotta wait.
(sorry, don't emulate)

>goin back to Ninteno this generation, by going back one and moving forward.
>the rest have hurt me TOO much. > at least Nofriendo remembers what vidgegames is.

>> No.4190057

Eeven if he was, why would it matter? If they are so wrong then just ignore the "SJW" parts

>> No.4190081

Kekistanis can't associate themselves with things created by or maintained by those ideologically opposed to them.
I guess since peanut butter was invented by a "shitskin" they stop enjoying pb&j sandwiches too.
I mean go to /g/ and see 150 threads about how "there are no good browsers" because "devs are sjw commies" whatever the fuck THAT even means.
SJWs are the ones fighting hardest for the continuation of the worst parts of oligarchy, none of this shit stands up to even a moment of legit inspection.

>> No.4190171
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>> No.4190179

This is why /pol/tards ruined this website

>> No.4190182
File: 13 KB, 475x445, pauladoodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man. what did I do?

>> No.4190305


>Kekistanis can't associate themselves with things created by or maintained by those ideologically opposed to them.
I guess since peanut butter was invented by a "shitskin" they stop enjoying pb&j sandwiches too.

Totally not a strawman

>I mean go to /g/ and see 150 threads about how "there are no good browsers" because "devs are sjw commies" whatever the fuck THAT even means.
SJWs are the ones fighting hardest for the continuation of the worst parts of oligarchy, none of this shit stands up to even a moment of legit inspection.

Browsers have sucked for years. You just havent payed any attention to them.

>> No.4190356

It looks like complete falseflag/baiting though.