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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 144 KB, 658x520, FFVII-early-concept-with-characters-from-FFVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4185486 No.4185486 [Reply] [Original]

What is the game that should have been released in the retro-days but never was? Not only canceled games or postponed ones, but that game that you wish was made.

>> No.4185624

That ice hockey RPG for NES
Castlevania Resurrection

>> No.4185681

Final Fantasy V, Dragon Quest V, and Tales of Phantasia really should've made it over here.

As for games I wish were made...

>Mega Man X4 on SNES
With the SNES games graphic/music style.
The music probably would've been even better and more rockin', and X's and Zero's sprites were a hell of a lot better looking in X2/X3, would've been badass as fuck to play as SNES Zero through the whole game.

>Castlevania 5, SNES
Same gameplay style as 4, with more whip-swinging mechanics and higher difficulty, maybe a second character like in Bloodlines but one that uses magic (one of Sypha's descendants?) with the music style of Michiru Yamane.

>Lufia 3, Playstation
I heard a Lufia 3 was being worked on, but was canceled, and they just ended up making Lufia:The Legend Returns on GBC (which is a good game, although dungeons get incredibly repetitive). Lufia:TLR has a great soundtrack, it makes me wonder how good Lufia 3's soundtrack would've been.

>Super Mario 64 2
>Star Fox 64 2

And one of my ultimate desires to this day, a game I still wish would be made, is Gauntlet Legends 2.
Oh Gauntlet Legends, how I love thee.

>> No.4185694
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Super Mario Bros. The Movie: The Game.

>> No.4185810
File: 136 KB, 462x349, Double-Take-Phantasy-Star-IV-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star 5 for Sega Saturn.
A wish list for a game that never was...
- generally plays like PS4 except
- 3d dungeons like in PS1, which were originally planned for the cancelled PS4 Sega CD game
- anime-style cutscenes like PS4
- longer than PS4

Let's face it, I just want more of PS4.

>> No.4185820

>Let's face it, I just want more of PS4.
Then go out and buy one ya goon.

>> No.4185901

Sonic Xtreme

A proper Mario 64 Sequel would be rad. I guess the one for Wii U is supposed to be like that.

More 2D N64 Games....

>> No.4185920
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> Sonic Xtreme
That would have been a clusterfuck; the fisheye concept looks completely unsalvageable in terms of basic playability, specially in a Sonic game -which is supposed to be fast-

>I guess the one for Wii U is supposed to be like that
Sunshine and Galaxy ARE proper Mario 64 sequels; the WiiU is a sequel to the 3DS Mario Land, which was the first Mario that actually felt like a 3D reimagining of the original 2D gameplay

>> No.4185925
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The Matchbox 10

>> No.4185945

Mario 64 2

>> No.4185951

>Gauntlet Legends 2.

>> No.4185971

Found you, Rich Evans.

>> No.4186012
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....surree, I'm some famous guy you've heard of....totally.
None if it matters unless YOU MAKE THE GAME!
>Here's a Bison to get you started

>> No.4186024

There were plans to localize "Dragon Warrior 5" aka dq6. It never happened which is a shame since the DS version stinks.

>> No.4186025
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A port of Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder for the Sega Saturn or Dreamcast.

>> No.4186036

Saturn would have made sense

>> No.4186104
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Dunno. Some Saturn ports have loading screens for everything like pic related.

>> No.4186242

Game Boy Color has so many cool unreleased games.

>> No.4186246

Daytona USA 2/Scud Race for Dreamcast.

>> No.4186258

That's coz it only used 1/4 of the memory in the RAM cart instead of all of it.

>> No.4186413

I would have liked to have seen a 2D Sonic game for the Saturn. A 3D one wouldn't have worked well at the time because the technology wasn't there yet for a good one. Plus I liked Adventure as a kid when it released for Dreamcast so I wouldn't have changed this. Looking back on it I know for a fact I would have loved another 2D Sonic game this time with improved visuals for Saturn.

Sega really fucked everything up didn't they?

>> No.4186545

Doom 3 should have just been like 1 and 2 only more of it. What we got was a mistake.

>> No.4186603

Princess Crown never getting localized...same with all the PC-98 stuff, I'd like to one day play at least the first 3 Brandish games translated on PC-98.

A good Terminator game...same goes for Predator...an AVP game on a console that wasn't shit and just licensed games in general being better than they were for franchises that were at their peak at the time that have no chance of getting a good game now.

>> No.4186612

Blades of Steelvania?

>> No.4186628

>A 3D one wouldn't have worked well at the time because the technology wasn't there yet for a good one

It's a shame then that everyone expected a 3d one.

And Sonic Jam and Sonic R proved that you could've done a good 3d Sonic game on Saturn.

>> No.4186630
File: 99 KB, 562x800, tf2promo1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn Team Fortress 2 1999
It was to be long before the influx of military themed FPS of the 00s. It looked cool as shit, I remember some people actually pre-ordered it. From what I understand they just ended up dumping some of the assets into DoD and TFC.

>> No.4186639

>proper Mario 64 sequel
Nah, played completely differently from 64 and Sunshine. Odyssey even with it's hat gimicks looks closer to 64/Sunshine than Galaxy ever did.

>> No.4186829
File: 154 KB, 1024x1332, snes cd.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would have been cool to see the completed Secret of Mana released for SNES-CD.

>> No.4186914

The CPS3/Naomi Darkstalkers that was rumored around 2000.

>> No.4186939

>And Sonic Jam and Sonic R proved that you could've done a good 3d Sonic game on Saturn.

But it still couldn't have been as good as a Sonic game on Dreamcast. You need speed for a good Sonic game and only racing games could properly convey this in a 3D environment for that time. Not saying that the Dreamcast games are perfect or anything just saying that what we got on Dreamcast was always going to be far better than what the Saturn could have possibly given us for a Sonic game.

However there was still some great 2D games during the fifth gen of consoles and a 2D Sonic would have been infinitely easier to do then a 3D Sonic game. It also would have made for a much better game guaranteed. The problem though is that 3D had all the hype and Sega was beyond incompetent at this point anyways so it really is for the best they didn't give people a 3D Sonic game as it could have done irreparable damage to the brand. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 regardless of what people think of them got decent enough reviews and were good games for the time. So no a good 3D Sonic game for Saturn wasn't going to be possible really unless it was gimmicky. Which that cancelled Sonic game was. Which is also why they rightfully cancelled that game.

>> No.4186945

I remember being hyped for this as well, this was when tacticool action was still super fresh, mostly done by mods then.

>> No.4186954

Oh yeah and one more thing. A lot of games back then didn't have good enough draw distances. Especially so with many N64 games. Many games used this weakness to enhance atmosphere but this was still a real weakness for all of these consoles since 3D was in its beginning stages here. Now imagine Sonic running at super fast speeds with poor draw distances on top of that. Plus throw in the fact many developers didn't even know how movement should work in a 3D game. There was a lot of experimenting but also plenty of great unique games came thanks to this (imo at least).

Remember Saturn controllers originally had no analog stick. Only a d-pad for movement. There is good reason why the Saturn never got a 3D Sonic game and these are the reasons. It would have sucked major balls and Sega knew it.

>> No.4187054
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It's coming out any day now, right?

Seriously was there any good reason for not releasing majority of the Kunio/Crash games outside Japan back in the day?

>> No.4187061
File: 556 KB, 640x480, spelunky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited my brother last week and we played this game called Spelunky. I had heard about the game before, but never seen any footage of it or played it. I swear to mi mum bois, it's one of the greatest games I have ever played. It's a indie game released in 2008, but it's designed tastefully like 80s and 90s platformers.

I wish this game had existed when I was a kid.
>randomly generated levels
>classic platformer enemies: bats, bees, cavemen, etc.
>simple goal: get to the end of the level

No forced story, no DLC bullshit. Just run, jump, dodge enemies, and try to make it to the next level. Don't let the random level generation scare you, it's also made very tastefully.

This game would had been the instant classic if it was released on SNES or something.

>> No.4187162
File: 31 KB, 640x480, spelunky-pc-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear roguelike-type randomization implies a deceptively complex code architecture; I'm not sure if consoles would have been able to handle this sort of thing back then.

Anyway, the original lo-fi version is probably more appropriate, pic related

>> No.4187196


Crystalis 2

Kunio-kun as a fantasy action rpg

Final Fight, 2 player launch title SNES

>> No.4187209
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>minus random levels

>> No.4187242

I think there should have been a Dungeon Explorer game for a more current system. 1 was fun but kind of busted on TG16, and 2 was not easily obtained for Turbo Duo.

A proper 3 for a newer system would have probably been played more than my group played Gauntlet.

Also Rock and Roll Racing needed a sequel. Not a remake but just a more current game with similar gameplay.

Last would be LAPD future cop. Could have been better if it wasn't on the PS1. Really all my complaints are that it was on that system and needed more juice to be a better game (although still a great game)

>> No.4187523
File: 17 KB, 511x381, roomofmonsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. There were some decent console roguelikes on limited hardware.

>> No.4187885
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Agartha was a cool looking horror game for the dreamcast

>> No.4187912

That's the infamous shit game that the Japanese people liked. Doesn't really compare to Spelunky.

>> No.4188149


>> No.4188216
File: 52 KB, 800x600, loose-cannon-cancelled-x06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose Cannon.

But Microsoft fucked it up, like so many things.
This was prior to GTA 3.

>> No.4188825
File: 1.60 MB, 1279x825, Indian Version (Samurai Electronic TV Game System) Disk System.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its worth noting that Spelunky is a bit of a special case when it comes to procedural generation the game actually has a predefined set of rooms. So when the game generates a level it really just pulls a bunch of rooms from a list rather than actually place everything individually.

>> No.4188835
File: 8 KB, 200x138, 2719789-9719156623-10574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks rad
guess M$ turned this into necessary force and then crackdown

>> No.4188845
File: 121 KB, 775x1000, 712-on-Tourist_Bus-g-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIM MARS, if only for these cool Ron Cobb designs.

>> No.4188849
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>> No.4188852
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>> No.4188860

>But it still couldn't have been as good as a Sonic game on Dreamcast.

That's not a really high standard, since Sonic Adventure was mediocre even for its time.

>> No.4188861
File: 103 KB, 612x781, 701-on-Advanced_Greenhouse-g-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I could tell, It's a sim game where you run a interplanetary tourism company and establish a mars tourist resort/mining base a la total recall.

>> No.4188871

>Remember Saturn controllers originally had no analog stick. Only a d-pad for movement. There is good reason why the Saturn never got a 3D Sonic game and these are the reasons.

They packed in one with Sonic Teams first Saturn game. If they made a Saturn 3d sonic game, then it would've been packed with that.

And if they keep the music as chiptunes like in Nights, then they could've used the cd drive to keep loading and loading and loading parts of the levels, allowing for gigantic stages. Think of the levels in Sonic R, except partially linear, with mid-level break points where the game loads. Said break points could be anything from entering a door, to running down the wall.

>> No.4189732

River City Ransom underperformed during its release, so ATI never bothered to localize the subsequent Kunio games after that one (Nekketsu Soccer was localized by Nintendo) until Street Challenge, which came out late during the NES's lifespan.

Personally I don't know why Ice Challenge didn't come out before Street Challenge, since it's based on a much older Kunio game.

>> No.4189767

>What are Terminator CD and Terminator: SkyNET

>> No.4190095



>> No.4190104

Powder <3

Underrated roguelike.

>> No.4190849


All English-language Final Fantasy games that didn't get translated until much later. I mean we have them all now, but it's too late for me anymore because I've outgrown JRPGs. I want to be a kid playing and loving them. I cannot love such easy games or such simplistic stories anymore.

>> No.4190858


Well, there were actual roguelikes back in the day, of course.

But yeah it's awesome that roguelikes have FINALLY gotten around to becoming accessible and having good UIs and even realtime-action-type engines (instead of turn-based ones only). Spelunky is great, The Binding of Isaac is great, FTL is a classic, Tales of Maj'Eyal is relatively faithful to the old ways yet features a usable modern UI... it's a great genre and I love that it's flowering so well these days, out of nowhere.

>> No.4190896

What, you'd post POWDER but not Shiren the Wanderer? And that was on 16-bit hardware.

>> No.4190967

I don't know if this is possible, but I feel like Outrun 2 was destined to be on and released for Dreamcast.

In terms of games that were cursed to miss the /vr/ cut off by less than a year, that would definitely be Diablo II, The Sims, Deus Ex, and some other shit I don't remember. Maybe NOLF? I mean NOLF is fucking dead and we can't even talk about it here.

>> No.4190971

This would be valid if we never got Doom 64, but that exists.

>> No.4191005

7800 versions of all of Activision's 2600/Intellivision/Colecovision titles.

>> No.4191040
File: 25 KB, 321x242, megama6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always disappointing we didn't get the GBA Mega Man Anniversary Collection with the colorized GB games.

>> No.4191080

>since Sonic Adventure was mediocre even for its time.


Please shut the fuck up now. Never ever post again faggot.

>> No.4191094

Chrono Break would have been awesome. Also wish the content and original chapters from Mother 3 weren't removed.