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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 227 KB, 418x308, Super_Castlevania_IV_North_American_SNES_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4180501 No.4180501 [Reply] [Original]

How autistic do you have to be to think this isn't a good game?

>> No.4180502
File: 13 KB, 290x290, EVEN CASTLEVANIA 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty good but i prefer almost all other castlevanias except for the 3d ones and game boy ones.

>> No.4180504

>stupid mode 7 gimmicks
>easy bosses
>easy gameplay
>ugly aesthetics
>mostly boring soundtrack
>quantity over quality stages

I give it a 3/10.

>> No.4180521
File: 2 KB, 256x224, Akumajou Densetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the easiest castlevania game ever made making it therefore the favorite of normalfags and casuals everywhere. it's not bad, just embarrassingly easy. pic related is supreme castlevania goodness

>> No.4180614
File: 127 KB, 400x397, Castlevania_chronicles_na[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just being the best retro Castlevania.

>> No.4180615

It's usually Trashure fans hating it

>> No.4180619

Babby's first Classicvania. Sad.

>> No.4180659

It's a good game, it's just inferior to Rondo.

>> No.4180663

How horrible and cruel to tell unsuspecting people that Castlevania games are actually good.

>> No.4180664


>> No.4180684
File: 192 KB, 400x300, snes68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer dracula X, still i love Dance of the holy man

>> No.4180685
File: 260 KB, 1280x847, 1489954988806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>stupid mode 7 gimmicks
>>easy bosses
>>easy gameplay
Yup. Waggle whipping was a mistake.
>>ugly aesthetics
I thought it looked fine.
>>mostly boring soundtrack
Disagree. It was good. Bloodlines blows it out of the water tho
>>quantity over quality stages

Overall I enjoyed IV and if I owned a snes it would definitely be in my collection.

>> No.4180735
File: 275 KB, 640x436, 1499067139305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahh wahh it has to be brutally difficult or it's shit!!!

>> No.4180738

Don't over dramtise this shit anon.

Its a good game, in a good series. Its just not as good as other games in the series even though it gets praised as the best game in the series. Much like OoT. Hence why both get topics like this calling out people who do or dont like it all the time. Cause its an easy target, they both have lots of fanbois even though the game just aint that good.

>> No.4180743

Are you seriously expecting me to decipher those moon runes

>> No.4180768

You should probably just go back to /v/, hombre.

>> No.4180829 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 768x672, castlevania3-spot1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it anon. It has improved controls, actually reasonable difficulty and it's James Rolfe's favourite game in the series. That means it's SHIT.

Seriously, you can actually whip UPWARDS. You have more control over your whip in general. You should have LESS control! Because I fucking hate myself! Also, there nothing as obnoxiously frustrating as pic related in the game, and that means it's fucking casual shit for casual babies from /v/.

Did I mention that the AVGN likes it? Because he does. And if you like it too, maybe you need to go back to plebbit or [insert other website that recently banned me for shitposting]. Who's autistic now? Heh. Your move, kid.

>> No.4180845

To fail to appreciate SCIV is to fail to appreciate beauty and challenge. Seconded only by SotN in its majesty

>> No.4180858

But it's ugly and easy...

>> No.4180860

Mode 7 ruinned another game.
That's the reason I enjoy Alien wars on gb more than snes.

>> No.4180863

SEGA levels of autism.

>> No.4180867


compared to the others sure but compared to current gen shite?

>> No.4180870

Why are you comparing it to contemporary games in the first place? It's still easy either way.

>> No.4180872

It's fantastic other than it is too easy. The art, music, and atmosphere are superb.

>> No.4180873
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why does he still walk like a living statue that needs to shit, why can't he dash like mario?
also, what the fuck is up with the knockback, that's bullshit and should be removed
also, make him wall jump like in ninja gaiden
oh and make him slide like megaman
and add some rpg elements

then maybe this would finally become a decent game

>> No.4180882

/thread. This sums up everything bad about CVIV pretty nicely. It's a bad game after all. Man I hate AVGN, such a casual babby.

>> No.4181221

Easy, sure. But how tf is it ugly?

>> No.4181342
File: 13 KB, 480x360, SAet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Castlevania thread on /vr/

I'll sum it up for ya

>Shit game with shit controls and shit design, overrated.
>Shit game with obtuse secrets, unbeatable without nintendo power
>Shit game with bad level design and casual gimmicks like flying with Alucard
>Shit game with too easy controls, shit level design, because I'm a Hardcore gamer and I only play Hardcore games for Hardcore gamers such as myself, also Nintendo, also AVGN
>Shit game with bad level design, casual item crash and easiest Dracula fight, also overrated
>Shit game that feels like a generic action game with castlevania logo slapped on it, shit level design, also Sega
>Shit game with worse controls than even CV1, bad level design, and liked by hipsters
>Shit casualest of all casual CV games, the King of Casualvania, god, did I mention I hate this one? Fuck Igarashi, fuck konami, and fuck your mother

I could go on, but you get the idea.

>> No.4181362

too many brown stages, and the sprites are too big and poorly animated (aside from simon himself anyway)

>> No.4181369

This is why Castlekino 64 is the patrician's choice, since it doesn't get memed on by tryhard contrarians.

>> No.4181380

Castlevania (N64) > Legacy of Darkness. There, I said it.

>> No.4181384
File: 141 KB, 640x480, CVX68K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same could be said about Chronicles though. In fact, both IV and Chronicles have very similar art direction, with the big sprites and the use of brown. Chronicles Simon is in fact all brown.

I like both games though.

>> No.4181387

4chan angsty hipsters with their unpopular opinions are auch shitty thing for the world. Castlevania 4 is fucking cool, also rondo of blood is worth checking.

>> No.4181468

It's a good game, just not a good Castlevania game.

Giving the player an 8 way whip was a mistake and removes a lot of the need to play with skill since you can just stand in one place and kill anything that's coming at you, regardless of trajectory.

>> No.4181474

Assuming you mean Original/x68K mode, yes.

>> No.4181487

I think the level design and enemy placement is actually designed accordingly with the new whip. Castlevania 4 has more bats coming at you from an angle, than in any other CV game (in fact, in most CV, bats come flying at you horizontally, only doing a slight up and down pattern).
And honestly I feel like the platforming on CV4 is among the most tricky in all the series. There's nothing as challenging as Stage B on games like Rondo.
IV is still easier than the NES titles, but I don't think it's easier than, for example, Rondo. Rondo is the real easiest classicvania.

>> No.4181632

Yeah, but Chronicles is good...

>> No.4181642
File: 283 KB, 748x398, x68k_vs_scb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4181648

This game is fine until the second stage where you ride the floating platform up...that part is shit and I can't get past it so I dropped this shit hard...everything up to that point was fine, it's just bullshit for no reason.

>> No.4181649
File: 59 KB, 554x416, castlevania-dracula-x-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both good anon, but neither are the best Castlekino.

>> No.4181653

The problem with the ride level isn't that it's hard (just duck and mash whip), the problem is that it's a boring ass gimmick part.

>> No.4181658

Imagine being so huge of a Nintendo autist that you have nostalgia for this shitty game instead of the vastly superior Rondo.

>> No.4181661
File: 24 KB, 400x301, galactr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so huge of a console war faggot that you don't like the sequel of Rondo with harder, more challenging levels and bosses.

>> No.4181671

Australia-kun, go home.

>> No.4181673

>the sequel of Rondo
But he didn't post SotN.

>harder, more challenging levels and bosses.
>harder = better design
epic meme

>> No.4181687

What about mermen RNG where they come up under the raft and hit you? You have to do more work in that section than the shitty rotating room in IV at least, or the raft autoscroller in Rondo that takes over a minute each to get through.

>> No.4181695

SOTN is the Rondo sequel without challenge and Super Metroid design.
>epic meme
What are you talking about? I didn't mention the word "better". Freudian slip?

>> No.4181718

I remember this Castlevania I had on a bootleg cart, it had 4 castles I think, one of them had these sand mummies coming out of the sand, anyone knows what I am talking about? Which one?

>> No.4181720
File: 35 KB, 330x400, mana0178vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV is Mana's favorite Castlevania, so it can't be bad, at least from an artistic viewpoint.

>> No.4181724


>> No.4181726
File: 168 KB, 400x400, Castlevania_II_Belmont's_Revenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's Belmont's Revenge

>> No.4181738

You implied it was better than Rondo because it's harder, though.

>> No.4181772

p weird you bitch about easy-ness then post the easy version of castlevania 3. weebs make terrible patricians

>> No.4181774

I didn't, I just implied not liking Dracula X is a silly console warrior thing to do, more so if you do like Rondo.

>> No.4181806

>Belmont's Revenge
It is, thanks. Is it worth playing?

>> No.4181812 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 1000x500, fuck-igashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your fuckin fresh OC, fags.

>> No.4181834

Is that the MSX Akumajou Dracula?

>> No.4181842


>> No.4181948

That's some cool cover art.

Yeah it's pretty good.

>> No.4181978

Both Adventure and BR are great, avoid Legends though, that game is fuckin trash.

>> No.4181995

It's not bad, but it's really easy and very slow-paced, not the stuff I like in my castlevania.

>> No.4182005

If you don't like slow-pacing, what's your favorite CV then?

>> No.4182178

Barrel room mode 7 and Korofnot was tight.

>> No.4182182

The barrel segment is pretty cool, I like that it's basically a cylinder crypt. The only bad thing is the slowdown, funnily enough it could have been avoided, the slowdown is caused by all the small sprite bones that splatter across the screen when you kill the skeletons (seriously Castlevania 4 goes crazy with all these little bone sprites flying everywhere, it's like a Mortal Kombat brutality). They should have disabled that animation at least on that segment to make it more fluid.
That and the rotating room are nice surprises the first time you play the game. They are indeed gimmicky, but they're just a small part on an otherwise fun level full of platforming challenge. The first time you play through those stages, you actually try to go fast on the cylinder crypt because you think the floor is falling behind you (it doesn't actually fall completely, it always wait for you to advance, but you won't know this the first time), and on the rotating room, first you might not figure what you really need to do, and then you aren't expecting the medusa heads either. Medusa heads on IV are really inoffensive though, same with the ones on Rondo and Bloodlines, they aren't as annoying as they are on CV1 or 3, or DX.

>> No.4182184

love this meme

>> No.4182215

What meme?
Calling him out got old though. Seeing him bitch because mods delete his posts and whine because the whole world is a Nintendo conspiracy against him got a bit stale a while ago. It's better to just let him be, he's obviously got some problems. Making fun of the mentally disabled is kind of shitty.

>> No.4182228

>making up this elaborate backstory for a boogeyman

Nah, only one with mental issues here is you.

>> No.4182237

>What meme?
the 'don't hold a pro-nintendo opinion? ha, you're just australia-kun!' meme

>> No.4182370
File: 989 KB, 2048x1536, 20170810_204736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol' Hsu and Chan.

>> No.4182416

it's okay, nothing crazy. too much purple, orange and green. Simon's Theme was the best song and almost everything else was just ambiance

Why do people shit on Bloodlines?

>> No.4182431

>And honestly I feel like the platforming on CV4 is among the most tricky in all the series.
Is it? None of the platforming is all that challenging to me. Yes, you have to jump at the very edge of some platforms, but you had to do that in all of the games. III has the most challenging platforming in the series.

>> No.4182448

What made up story?
It's more like "oh, look, it's australia-kun again posting the same old pictures and complaining again about mods deleting his posts".
>i-it's just someone else, not the real australia
Now THAT's making up some background for things that never happened.

>> No.4182504

Do you guys think an 8-directional whip can work in a pre-SOTN Castlevania game? I mean, IV was good, but it is pretty easy, and Rondo felt like a step backward in control.

If there was a Castlevania game with the difficulty of Chronicles, with the controls of IV, it would already be 7/10 at least.

>> No.4182917

The sound design in this is my favourite of any game ever I think. That alone makes it at least good

>> No.4183042

>Why do people shit on Bloodlines?
-easy bosses
-It's not IV 2.0
-no whip waggling
-boss rush
-did I say that it's not like IV yet?
-most of all its on [spoiler[Genesis[/spoiler]

Honestly Bloodlines feels like the proper first step for 16bit Castlevania. It feels much closer in spirit to 1 & 3. Unfortunately it came out in '94 and people were already used to the more "atmospheric" vibe that IV gave. In the end both games are fantastic in their own ways and most shitposting about either game usually boils down to console war faggotry.

>> No.4183325

So having an opinion is autistic?

FWIW, I love the game.

>> No.4185045

Pretty much all of the old Castlevanias, aside from maybe GB ones, are good and lovable to me, ranging from 8/10 to 10/10. Why there is so much infighting around the series that barely had any bad games in its prime?

>> No.4185053

Console war faggotry.

>> No.4185502

>No Rondo of Blood
I mean, it is your opinion man. It's like comparing SMiLe to Smiley Smile.

>> No.4186431

But LoD is literally an improved version of C64.

>> No.4186703
File: 175 KB, 620x350, 2578100-e955bc88fbb00e11212f22c6c96048a318b93697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffs, this again.
Most of us had to pick one, ONE (Nofriendo, SOGAY, or No One Cares 16. There were others, but not really.) As a Nofriendo fan, I chose reliability and handling over raw power and gimmicks.
Not like today. And you spoiled brats can indulge in alllllll the shit that we couldn't for basically free.

>> No.4187173

This. Same pattern can be observed in other /vr/ threads too. It's painfully obvious that people who go with "my favourite game of the franchise is [insert Japanese title] released on [insert computer or console released only in Japan], only total plebs can enjoy [insert name of the game everyone knew and liked]" haven't played them in their prime time and learned about them through emulation. Now, I agree that Rondo ans X68000 are fun games, absolutely worth being played today if someone hasn't done that yet, and that quality does not always correlate with popularity, but checking franchise for the least known installments and insistign that they are only good games in it while the rest is just for uneducated masses is as pretenious and pathetic as it can be. Almost all Castlevania games range from decent to really good and creating a strife by trying to be a cool internet guy is, in fact, not cool.