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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4172956 No.4172956 [Reply] [Original]

I'm planning to buy Link's Awakening for 3DS Virtual Console, but only DX is available and I liked the original more. Should I buy DX?

>> No.4172962

Seeing as it's 99.9% the same exact game, yes.

>> No.4172970

DX isn't bad. I'll list the differences for you, and let you decide.

>DX added the optional color dungeon, and colored tunics
>DX added the photography side quest
>DX changed the stone slab dungeon item to the stone beak
>DX made the Genie boss a bit easier
>DX features a different ending screen

You can read up on all of the minor things here.

>> No.4172991

Ya. Almost identical but added another dungeon. Good game.

>> No.4173002

Unless you're really nostalgic for the Gameboy version and hate seeing colors added to it and a few things as mentioned in >>4172970 you should be good to go with the DX version. Even then I'd still buy it on VC instead of paying around 20 bucks for a loose cartridge. Haven't bought anything on the Eshop yet but AFAIK there's usually a digital manual included when you buy games there from the VC store.

>> No.4173114

>I liked the original more
Wut? DX is just the original with improvements.

>> No.4173123

original is better because of screen-warp glitch.

>> No.4173225

Spotted the faggot speedrunner

>> No.4173263

Hey OP, I prefer the mono version as well, because nostalgia. I recently played through it again, and it was excellent.

Buy the orig. if you want. It's like $15 on eBay

>> No.4173297

never tried to speed run that game in my life. it is just a mysterious thing to explore after beating the game. i played the GB version with my friend growing up, and bought the DX version later, which isn't bad by any means, but them fixing the screen warp bug always made me sad.

>> No.4173467

It allows you to 'b' out of the found a piece of power/defense nut and you need power bracelet to lift that messages.

>> No.4173471

No, it doesn't.

>> No.4173482
File: 534 B, 64x128, hippo tiddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DX version is the better version. BUTT, you dont get to see mermaid and hippo tiddies. HAHA BAKA americans get censored every time. Links Awakening is great for learning moonrunes.

>> No.4173486 [DELETED] 

If you honestly prefer the original Link's Awakening over the DX version, you are quite literally autistic as fuck. DX is basically the same game but with in glorious colour and with optional added content.

Buy the DX version, you fucking sperg. I swear to god, some of you people here are fucking ridiculous sometimes.

>> No.4173516
File: 52 KB, 480x480, The-Legend-of-Zelda-Links-Awakening-DX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing inherently wrong or "autistic" about preferring the original version. The colors can sometimes look a bit clashing, and make tilesets a lot more obvious. It doesn't look bad, but I personally prefer LA in monochrome. There's some nice custom palettes you can make with the super gameboy too.
That said, if OP needs to ask if he should buy it denotes that either he's a tool or baiting.
As others said it's basically the same game. He's maybe complaining that Nintendo isn't selling the original version. It would be nice if you could switch between original and DX within the same VC purchase, but that's too much to ask I guess.

>> No.4173552 [DELETED] 

Nope, it is autistic and it is wrong. It's the kind of thing that's entirely fueled by either mindless nostalgia or an immature urge to be contrarian for the sake of it. Saying that the colours 'clash' is a fucking bullshit argument, and you know it too. The DX version looks perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong with the colours. It's literally better in every fucking way.

There's no argument here. It's pure autism. To make a more modern analogy, it's basically like saying that you prefer the original base game PS3 version of Skyrim to the dolled up PS4 version with all the DLC included (and yes I know, hurr durr skyrim sucks). It's literally the same fucking game but it looks better and has more stuff. Anyone with an opinion like this is either irrational or dishonest. It's pure faggotry and it's the kind of thing you can see here every day, spouted from the mouths of some of the biggest turboautists on the entire site.

>> No.4173563

you could hack your 3ds and play the original via injected vc rom or retroarch.

>> No.4173571

The only sperg here is you that chimps out because others want the original game
And a retarded piece of shit that uses the word autistic incorrectly
Kill yourself nigger

>> No.4173573

Calm down, it's just my opinion. I do think the colors are a bit clashing, but I said: It doesn't look bad. I just _personally_ prefer it in monochrome, I think the game was designed to look good even in monochrome. Of course it looks good in color, but on top of the colors being a bit clashing (not all the times, but in certain parts like the one I posted), it also makes the tilesets bland with each other in a less subtle way. Again, this doesn't make it look bad, but makes me prefer it in monochrome myself.
The autistic thing here is to not comprehend that different people might have different ways to appreciate stuff, while not being necessary to shit on an otherwise better alternative.
However, I do admit nostalgia influence me, but not to the extent to avoid playing DX. I have played and liked both versions.

>> No.4173578
File: 218 KB, 385x400, Kiki_(Link's_Awakening).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B&W is better aesthetics fight me

>> No.4173602
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I agree actually.

>> No.4173702

>sword on B

>> No.4173708

The original does so. I own a copy and have done it. Don't be a ponce.

>> No.4173721

Just do what I do when there's multiple versions of the same game: play them all and note the differences. Do your homework, figure out the release order, and play them from the first and on up. Why choose when you could just play them all?

>> No.4174519

Eh. The changed texts in some locations break the mood. That you're not outright told you're getting a second sword in exchange for mussels is... underwhelming. Like being told what you get for christmas in mid-july. The additional hints make the dungeons too easy.

None of this really matters for someone who simply comes back to the game, but for a first-time players, I definitely recommend the original.

>> No.4174659

+Has the monochrome B&W color palette. Great if you prefer a dream world aethestic.
+Lots of fun glitches not available on DX
+Can be played on the Super GameBoy with a unique border and custom colors
+Some small text and design differences

+Everything has GBC color
+Added the optional color dungeon
+Added colored tunics with unique stats
+DX added the photography side quest

>> No.4174685


I'm not OP but I don't consider the awful cotton candy colors to be an improvement over the black and white (green) original.

>> No.4174706

>give some random guy money for a second hand piss stained product.

Yeah I don't like giving you kind of faggots money. I'd rather buy it digital or just run it on a 3DS gb emulator.

>> No.4174725


>+Has the monochrome B&W color palette.
>+Lots of fun glitches not available on DX

Graphical hardware limitations and unpatched bugs are not positive features. Stop trying to portray the two versions as if they're roughly equal. Sometimes a newer thing is better than an older thing. Take off your fucking nostalgia glasses.

>> No.4174738

>Sometimes a newer thing is better than an older thing.
Why the fuck are you on /vr/ if you hate retro games?

>> No.4174762
File: 673 KB, 569x802, 120565902253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit being a twat. I prefer DX as well, but can totally understand why some like the original more.

>> No.4174875 [DELETED] 

>sometimes a newer thing is better than an older thing
>speaking in this case about two versions of the same retro game both released before '99

Pure cancer. This is what's wrong with this board.

I can understand why some like the original more too. Usually just to be a contrarian elitist cunt. Also sometimes because their turboautist levels of nostalgia have them convinced that an objectively inferior version of the game is somehow better than the one with extra content and the vast graphical improvement of actually having a colour palette this time around.

Either way, they're not exactly rational opinions, are they?

>> No.4174881

Anon, calm down. You're getting all worked up over differing preferences in vidya.

>> No.4174885

Welcome to /vr/. Everyone here does it, and usually to a far worse extent. Aparently everyone is super open minded and mature all of a sudden when I highlight the absurdity of actually wanting to play an 8 bit game in monochrome instead of colour. See what happens if you post a pic of Castlevania II and complain about how it's too obtuse for your tastes and you fuckers will start sperging out and foaming at the mouth.

Yeah, fuck off. It's nobody's preference. They're just being contrarian for the sake of it.

>> No.4174887

Most people tend to prefer the original, though.

>> No.4174908

Do you mean most people on /vr/? Because that doesn't count. This is an entire board infested with contrarian hipsters. Fuck, you could even extend that mentality to most of the boards on 4chan.

Offer any normal person to either play Link's Awakening in monochrome, or actually play it in colour (and with added content for good measure). What do you think they'll choose? In fact, why do you think, according to OP, that they only have the DX version on virtual console? Nobody who isn't either a contrarian or absolutely blinded by their own nostalgia would prefer the B&W version of the game. And that's most people.

>> No.4174924
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>> No.4174928

Yeah. I hear it's a really shitty site. I've never been there myself, but you've obviously spent enough time there to know how bad it is. Maybe you should head back there yourself if you want to get really butthurt about an opinion you disagree with and downvote them into oblivion.

>> No.4174950

>n-no u
the peak of redditor """""""wit"""""""

>> No.4174984

No seriously. How would you know how bad reddit is if you've never spent a significant amount of time there yourself? How can you hate it's culture so much without having been a part of it for some time? All I know is that I prefer the anonymity of 4chan, so I've never been interested in making an account there. But you're making it incredibly obvious that you''ve migrated here from there.

Stop advertising your website here, nobody cares and it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

>> No.4174994

>How would you know how bad reddit is if you've never spent a significant amount of time there yourself?
love this meme. "how would you know how bad africa is if you've never spent a significant amount of time there hurr durr"

>> No.4175006

>a website is the same thing as an entire continent now

Nice false equivilance there. Seriously, just stop. This whole 'website wars' thing is cringey as fuck and it's only the reddit migrants who give this much of a shit about it because you're so desperate to fit in here. Well anon, I regret to inform you that you don't. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.4175014

yeah well at least I fit in your mom's meat pocket just fine ;^)

>> No.4175026

With a dick that small, who wouldn't?

>> No.4175031
File: 47 KB, 506x552, 1338407280296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4175043

You can inject new roms into VC on any system. You can't rely on Nintendo with virtual console games.

>> No.4175321

Nice discussion.

>> No.4175332

>I'm planning to make a life altering $5 decision. wut do?
Come back when 18+ summers have passed

>> No.4175352

Why would you play the regular version over the color version?

Nostalgia and the screen skip glitch are the only 2 reasons that come to mind, neither of which sway me to play the original over dx

>> No.4175437
File: 10 KB, 894x786, hoemere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot of a reaction image

>> No.4176927

Tangential question here, but what did Metroid II DX have that Metroid II doesn't?

>> No.4176935
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1479005725060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sword on A
>jumping with B

literal autism

>> No.4178340

There is no Metroid II DX anon :(

>> No.4178345

just get dx on 3ds. And remember to hold start while booting the game

>> No.4178590

there was a rom hack made called dx
and nintendo is remaking it for release in october