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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 945x925, Zeldas Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4169707 No.4169707 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from the awful voice acting and annoying load times, is this game really THAT bad?

Note: I'm only talking about Zelda's Adventure. I'm not asking about the other two CD-i games.

>> No.4169710
File: 432 KB, 1611x702, Zelda vs Zeldas Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful graphics aside, is the core gameplay really all that different from the first game? I've never played it, but the combat and the top-down exploration look very similar to me.

>> No.4169743

It's fucking shit, mate.

>> No.4169829


>> No.4169831

>i'm an eceleb watching faggot

>> No.4169835

Nobody can really play these because the CDI is fragile and expensive and these games are expensive too, so doubt many people on /vr/ have a straight answer. Don't know how CDI emulation is.

>> No.4169837

Go back to the Game Grumps comment section

>> No.4169864

>knowing that Game Grumps are playing this at the moment
>accusing other people of watching Game Grumps
How would you know unless you're also following them?

>> No.4169870

He's not the faggot bringing the eceleb flavor of the month/video of the day to /vr/ though. You are. He's guilty of watching the same thing but you and you alone are bringing it to /vr/.

>> No.4169871

Youtube recommendations. Now fuck off.

>> No.4169873

>is this game really THAT bad?
yes it is, not every game is an hidden underappreciated gem
face it

>> No.4169878

Literally the cancer killing /vr/ as well as retro gaming.
>hmm is this game that's obviously a huge piece of shit good? let me ask 4chan then proceed to buy it an inflated price, thus keeping its value artificially high

>> No.4169879

This, eventually /vr/ is gonna start calling the CDI an underrated console
People are just still in shock because they actually had resources to find good games on a console like the Saturn or Master System

>> No.4169885

>discussing retro games is bad because somebody famous is playing them
I'm not the one who mentioned Game Grumps. This wasn't an e-celeb thread. It was a thread about a retro game. You're the faggots who brought Game Grumps into it. I literally just wanted to know if this game is as bad as people make it out to be. I don't care which YouTube faggot is playing it right now. I just want to talk about the game.

>> No.4169895


>Don't know how CDI emulation is.

Absolutely awful. The only non-MAME emulator is $35, stopped being updated 10 years ago, and is controlled entirely with mouse movements. It is the most frustrating emulator I've ever used,

MAME is better, but last I checked it didn't support video decoding, so no cutscenes played. And why else would you play a CD-i game?

>> No.4169898
File: 34 KB, 322x282, asr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. I'm actually curious about the game, and you retards have already derailed it.
>somebody starts a thread about a retro game
>wants to discuss gameplay and mechanics

>> No.4169921

Can we actually talk about the damn game instead of bickering? I just want to know how it plays. Does it control well? I know the graphics and sound are shit, and I know it has awful load times, but how is the combat? Is it responsive? I don't mind waiting for the next screen to load if the combat controls well. I don't mind having to select items either. Link's Awakening did that, and I love that game.

>> No.4169929

No one has ever actually played this but this apparently is the best of the three.

>> No.4169986

It's the best CD-i game, but that's really not saying much.

>> No.4170049

The load times between screens are nightmarish when you need to backtrack

>> No.4170054

Too fucking bad, this shit is ruining /vr/ and it is bad enough with 12 year old casual fucks like you poisoning it

>> No.4170056
File: 7 KB, 250x250, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys I was totally thinking of this game out of nowhere
>Nope, no way I saw this shit somewhere else today in any way

>> No.4170079

>hmm is this game that's obviously a huge piece of shit good? let me ask 4chan then proceed to buy it an inflated price, thus keeping its value artificially high
All of this. It's like going to see a shit movie. Why would you want to pay for something you know is going to suck.

>> No.4170085

no it's not, you are, by your /v/ like complaining.

>> No.4170097

>can we discuss a retro video game?
>on a retro gaming board
Why are you actively trying to stop people from discussing a retro video game on a retro gaming board? Go shit up an emulator thread or something if you want to be a purist. This is a legitimate /vr/ discussion.

>> No.4170101

Guys, I seriously want to discuss this game. I'm a huge Zelda fan, and these games have always fascinated me. I don't give a fuck if Game Grumps are playing it. Nobody was even talking about them until you faggots brought them up. Can we just talk about the game?

>> No.4170103

Why do you care what made him post the thread? Are you autistic? OP didn't even mention Game Grumps. Even if that's what inspired this thread, why does it matter? The thread isn't ABOUT them. Its about the game.

>> No.4170104

Nobody has played it because nobody fucking has a CDI

>> No.4170115

Let's get this thread back on track. OP, tell us, what are some things you think are good qualities in this game, let alone, have you even played it?

As for me, playing it at a friends house (fellow retro enthusiast) and after watching him play it I can say its not very good. With some exceptions, (key word some) it really feels like the developers didn't know what the fuck they were doing with the material they were given.

To me, it's a very unsettling game, like the monster models look like shit but kinda disturbing, not to mention when your on the surface world the wind just makes everything feel unnerving. I don't know how to explain it, it's just a very unsettling, not cozy whatsoever game and it should just vanish, along with the CD-I.

>> No.4170118

People often blow things WAY out of proportion. Did you forget that normies think Adventure Of Link is a bad game? I fucking love that game. Most people act like the Water Temple in Ocarina Of Time is the hardest level ever created or something. Despite the fact that changing the boots is a bit tedious, it's actually one of the best temples in the game. I was just wondering if maybe, if you can ignore the awful graphics and load times, Zelda's Adventure isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Maybe there's a decent game underneath that shitty exterior.

>> No.4170124

Through the years, I've seen many opinions about the CD-I games, some say they are masterpieces (yes, there's a guy who said that the CD-I games are the best zelda), some say they are absolute garbage. For me honestly Zelda's Adventure's visual doesn't appeal to me at all, the graphics are godawful. I'm not saying the other two are great, but they're much better art direction wise yeah including the cutscenes, those are some crazy shit.. I can't say much about gameplay, but as another anon mentioned the load times when you change screen is pretty long, and would kill you if you have to move fast somewhere.

>> No.4170125

Does it control anything like a Zelda game? I can play pretty much anything with good controls. I consider a game decent (not "good," just decent) if it's mechanically solid. Good story, music, and graphics are a bonus, but the most important thing is being able to fucking play it. Is Zelda's Adventure playable?

>> No.4170128

It's nice to see some optimism in this thread, I didn't think it would be about Zelda's Adventure though.

I forgot about the weird cut scenes where they used real actors. The direction that these games were taking just didn't feel like a Zelda game in general. An example being Star Fox Adventures with it being another game slapped with a Nintendo character.

Funny story, when I walked into the room and watched him playing the game I asked him, "Is this some weird Lord of the Rings game or something." and he just laughed and told me it was Zelda.

>> No.4170136

>Does it control anything like a Zelda game?

Kinda? Like it has a menu, top down look, swing at enemies.

It's just.... tedious....all of it... from having to move around with that shitty TV remote controller (because he didn't even have the game controllers) and then having to wait for a loading screen of 3 inches of play field and navigating a garbage menu, it just boils down to how much you want to beat it.

>Is Zelda's Adventure playable?

>> No.4170239


the combat is shit and the opposite of "responsive". the entire game is a steaming pile.


it's the worst of the 3 IMO.

>> No.4170264

I have this game as well as Faces of Evil. Both are utter shit. Played both for a few hours and got bored.

As to why I have them: I'm a Zelda fan and both games were pretty cheap in The Netherlands about ten years ago or so. Probably because Philips is Dutch. I picked up Zelda's Adventure for 20€ and Faces of Evil for 10€. Faces of Evil even has a Dutch translation which is hilarious (Gezichten van het Kwaad).

The CD-i was a meme console and they tried to get a slice of the emerging multimedia market with their so called "interactive" CD's. The games and educational software were supposed to demonstrate that you could do anything with this machine. They even had an expansion cards to get some crappy MPEG1 playback on the thing. Obviously personal computers quickly outpaced these machines.

>> No.4170268

link to Dutch version of Faces of Evil:

>> No.4170362

Nothing for the CD-i was ever good.

>> No.4170367

>the CD-I controller has a I, II, and a I+II button
>this is why Wand of Gamelon has terrible controls


>> No.4170820


>> No.4170847

no it's not, I actually preferred when we had the e-celeb general too because we could keep that shit contained in there shit post to our hearts content and still discuss this game in its own thread without retards freaking out. I also hate mike so am glad the thread is gone so he can't shill himself but will miss ripping on him constantly.

>> No.4170859

What were the reviews like at the time? I know people hate it now, but what did people think in 1994?

>> No.4170928

just got back from a trip to 1994 in my time machine, they said it sucked shit

>> No.4170939
File: 205 KB, 816x1356, 1472128940468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4171212 [DELETED] 

Like other anons have said, it's the best Zel game on the CD-i.

>> No.4171218

Like other anons have said, it's the best Zelda game on the CD-i.

>> No.4172210

That analogy doesn't work in these threads, though, since they're just incredibly flimsy e-celeb threads. Like that guy who would watch whatever monday video was posted on AVGN channel and just go "I FOUND THIS AT A GARAGE SALE IT'S A FUN GAME LET'S TALK ABOUT IT"

They never had any interest in talking about the game at all, not until their favorite internet children's entertainers talked about it first.

Don't believe me? Look at any thread about Tomba.

>> No.4172219

Nobody had to fly into an autistic fury over e-celebs that you hate but keep constantly up to date on anyway. You could've talked about the game or simply ignored the thread, you chose to bump it so you could complain about pancakes.

>> No.4172365

Face of Evil actually had good reviews

>> No.4172371
File: 180 KB, 480x625, 1455544708-725-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.4172649

it's very slow

>> No.4172676

Rolfe gives honest review


>> No.4172784

This. Nobody mentioned Game Grumps.

>> No.4172790

Yes, the combat is very similar to the first game, but autists won't admit it because nearly everything else is awful.

>> No.4172791

>somebody buys overpriced shitty game
>getting this assblasted over it
hide the thread and let them waste their own time and money

>> No.4172851

>come in from IHOP, wearing an IHOP t-shirt, smelling of pancakes, half chewed pancakes in your mouth

>> No.4172862

Even with that strawman, you brought up pancakes first. The blame still falls directly on you.

>> No.4172907

No. Publically shame and ridicule them. Ignoring a problem doesn't fix it.

>> No.4172916
File: 28 KB, 640x448, change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the ironic thing about this post is that nobody even mentioned ecelebs until you did; now a noticeable chunk of the thread has spun off into arguing and bitching.

Why not just keep your mouth shut next time?

>> No.4172953


>> No.4173039

4chan needs a eceleb containment board so bad. Fuck off OP.

>> No.4173051

Where did OP mention e-celebs?

>> No.4173429

It's the best of the three worst Zelda games.

>> No.4174243


>> No.4174696

>the combat is very similar to the first game

that's not true. at all. have you ever even played zelda's adventure or are you just talking out of your ass?

>> No.4174817

>is this game really THAT bad?



>> No.4175549

It's literally just The Legend Of Zelda, but shit.

>> No.4175585

>It's literally just The Legend Of Zelda

except it looks and plays nothing like Zelda whatsoever. literally.

>> No.4175881

>Why not just keep your mouth shut next time?

Because that was his intention all along. Autistically screeching about e-celebs is the new tactic for vr/ shitposting addicts; few things derail threads faster.

>> No.4176345

Are you kidding the PC-I game were much better than the N64 shits.

>> No.4176525

u wot m8?

>> No.4176526

It does play like it, except slower and buggier.

>> No.4176548

>its an epic bait and GG shit posting thread
You can never appreciate how bad the CDI games are unless you've actually played them.

The CDI has hands down one of the worst controllers ever conceived and the controls for any of the CDI Zelda games manage to be even worse.

The load times in Zelda's Adventure are bad even for a CD game and it makes the game near unplayable

>> No.4177202

OP never mentioned Game Grumps, you fucking sperg.

>> No.4177256

Are you implying the Tomba memes aren't great? Faggot

>> No.4177596

>It does play like it, except slower and buggier.

how does it play like LoZ? . because it has an overhead view? because you swing a wand that kinda looks like it might be a sword?

>> No.4177607

you even get the ladder item that can be used to cross gaps

>> No.4177637

I love Tomba and Tomba 2 and Ive never seen an eceleb play them. I played them as a kid. So you watch your dirty pirate hooker mouth.

>> No.4177749

You also get a weapon that shoots a projectile, at the cost of rupees. You get a candle that you use to light up a dark room. At the end of each dungeon, you get an extra heart container and a triangle.

>> No.4178185


>> No.4178262

Hit boxes are garbage and it controls like dick.

>> No.4178427

This. The hitbox issue is really bad.

>> No.4178669

Hey, I love Tomba as well. But try and make a thread about it.

>> No.4180035

I actually like Zelda's Adventure.

>> No.4181732

I can't believe this shit thread is still going.