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File: 26 KB, 379x262, StarFox64_N64_Game_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4169607 No.4169607 [Reply] [Original]

Masterpiece coming through.

Why did Nintendo shit the bed with later entries in the series? It's such a seemingly easy formula to not fuck up. Assault wasn't terrible and it had some great Arwing missions, but the game as a whole was sub-par compared to SF64. Command and Zero however are an absolute fucking joke.

>> No.4169614

Zero is amazing.
Assault was good but those on-foot missions weren't necessary.

Never played Command.

>> No.4169615

>Zero is amazing.
It could have been amazing were it not the fucking atrocious forced gyro controls. I don't understand why they didn't just let you toggle them. It ruined the entire game for me. Other than that, it was pretty much SF64 copy pasted with HD textures and a few new vehicles.

>> No.4169629

You're trolling, right?
Zero is bad, but the gyro controls were great.
Way too many open stages, really lacked those fun on-rail stages.
and the branching paths felt like bonus stages, rather than alternate paths. If that even makes sense, I might be explaining that one poorly.

>> No.4169631

Meh, I preferred the Star Wars Rogue Squadron games

>> No.4169638
File: 67 KB, 399x121, Falco listen to that monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of the appeal of 64 is in the campy voice acting?

Don't get me wrong, I adore the rail shooting and all that. But when I think of that game I think of the funny animal characters spouting one-liners.

>> No.4169640

>You're trolling, right?
You do realize that actually liking this game, let alone the gyro controls, puts you in a very small minority right? This game is notoriously shit upon.

>Zero is bad, but the gyro controls were great.
What exactly was "great" about forcing me to constantly look down from the screen just to shoot things? It breaks immersion and is far less accurate than the classic control method.

>> No.4169642

>How much of the appeal of 64 is in the campy voice acting?
Oh yeah, the voice acting and retarded characters a huge appeal. Were it just a bunch of generic military douches talking over the radio, the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. However, the gameplay is rock solid too. The controls were tight as fuck and not only intuitive for new players but also had a huge learning curve that made mastering them a delight for veterans. On top of that, the levels were incredibly well designed, with branching paths. There are 15 possible routes to take, not including the "forks in the road" in the levels themselves, and combined with the slew of random things that can happen depending on player input, it creates an experience that is fun and unique with every playthrough despite the short length of the game.

>> No.4169646

Using kb+m puts me in a minority considering console vs pc software sales.
Doesn't change the fact if you play Doom on consoles, you're probably a dumbass.

>Looking down at the screen
You never have to do this. I don't know why you're saying that. You should be bitching about
>What exactly was "great" about forcing me to constantly play in first person just to shoot things
Although I prefer first-person, it'd still be a super reasonable complaint. It was dumb they made 3rd person mode inaccurate

>> No.4169648

>Using kb+m puts me in a minority considering console vs pc software sales.
>Doesn't change the fact if you play Doom on consoles, you're probably a dumbass.
I do not see the relevance of what you're saying here at all, but okay.

>You never have to do this. I don't know why you're saying that. You should be bitching about
Uhh yeah, that is what I'm bitching about, that's kind of the point my dude. You don't look down at the gamepad and see yourself in third person, you're looking through a first person perspective... that's literally the complaint.

>> No.4169650

> You don't look down at the gamepad and see yourself in third person, you're looking through a first person perspective...
You what? You can if you want
but why the fuck would you wanna look at the gamepad? lower resolution and a smaller screen. you never have to look at that stupid screen

>> No.4169656

>You what? You can if you want
>but why the fuck would you wanna look at the gamepad? lower resolution and a smaller screen. you never have to look at that stupid screen
I'm not really sure whatyou're talking about here, so let me just restate to clarify: in SF64, you had one screen, wherein you were always (unless you switched to first person manually) seeing your ship from a third person perspective. That perspective lends itself best to this series. By comparison, in Zero, they designed the game such that you aren't able to effectively aim in third person by looking only at the TV screen. You "can" do it, but it's incredibly inefficent and not nearly as accurate as it was in SF64. As a result, you are forced to look at the gamepad, through a first person perspective, if you want to actually hit the broad side of a barn. That's my complaint.

>> No.4169659

1 was better

>> No.4169661

>1 was better
There is literally not one single thing about the original that was objectively better.

>> No.4169663

See, I'm 100% understanding what you're saying about how SFZero forces first person view on you, because it's true. They make you inaccurate in third person, so it's a pure hindrance.
But then you say you're forced to play on the gamepad screen and that part confuses me, cause I never once looked at the gamepad screen

>> No.4169665

>But then you say you're forced to play on the gamepad screen and that part confuses me, cause I never once looked at the gamepad screen
Because the first person view is on the gamepad screen.

>> No.4169674

It's on whichever screen you want it to be
preferably the big screen

I have a huge bias againsts handhelds if you couldn't tell. i hate small screens

>> No.4169679

Are you saying you can switch to first person on the TV and not just the gamepad? Did you play with a pro controller or something? If so, that sounds even worse than having to look down constantly. Fuck these controls.

I agree, handhelds are shit by and large. The WiiU is a decent console but the gamepad screen has very little to do with any positive qualities it has.

>> No.4169683

No, I played with the gamepad.
I don't know why you think you can't change the camera. Even SF64 let you do that

>> No.4169685

>I don't know why you think you can't change the camera. Even SF64 let you do that
Because first person view is mapped by default to the gamepad and the entire selling point of the game was that you could use the gamepad to aim in first person with gyro controls.

>> No.4169690

Gyro controls is BAD if you use it on the device with the screen on it
Gyro controls and having a 2nd screen has nothing to do with each other. The 2nd screen in SFZero, like 99% of WiiU games, is useless. Failed gimmick (and rightfully so in my opinion, it just makes you move your neck up and down for not enough of a good reason to do it)

>> No.4169703
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, hanna_barbera_s_star_fox_by_jonasdrawsstuff-d8iezmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are endearing characters critical to longevity?

>> No.4169709

I would generally say yes but the Call of Duty franchise casts doubt upon this opinion.

>> No.4169715

Interesting, I didn't stick with the game long enough to even figure that out, it left such a bad taste that I dropped it after the first few missions. Maybe I'll go back and try this, but it just feels very stale to me. Shame, because it did have some cool aspects.

>> No.4169759

That's not necessarily true, CoD had some well loved characters in the Modern Warfare games and a lot of people were upset when one died and the installments that didn't have that particular cast didn't do as well. Probably a weak correlation
Falco looks especially good here, I like Nintendo's Sci-fi, wish Pikmin got a book or something

>> No.4169779

>Probably a weak correlation
It had Soap and Sergeant Moustache, which nobody gave a fuck about outside of CoD4 and MW2 to a much smaller degree. None before or after that. Characters have never been a pivotal point of attraction for the series, the simplistic gameplay overloaded with features and customization is literally the only reason people continue to play it.

>> No.4169784

>I would generally say yes but the Call of Duty franchise
And the Mario franchise to a certain extent...

>> No.4169792

>And the Mario franchise to a certain extent...
Uh, I guess, aside from the whole "having the most recognizable character in gaming history" thing. "Endearing" might be subjective in this case but there's no doubt that many people find Mario endearing and without him the games wouldn't sell, at least not nearly as much.

>> No.4169819

>Uh, I guess, aside from the whole "having the most recognizable character in gaming history" thing.
I thought we were talking about in terms of actual personalities, not popularity. Mario as a character is Mickey Mouse levels of bland, and more often than not it's the characters around him that people find more interesting. This isn't really much of a criticism though, as it's justifiable given the franchise was mostly "gameplay-driven" anyways.

>"Endearing" might be subjective in this case but there's no doubt that many people find Mario endearing and without him the games wouldn't sell
It's not that they find Mario himself endearing, but that's how they felt about the actual gameplay of the games he's in (going to to the whole "gameplay-driven" thing here). Even if he actually had a good personality, his games wouldn't sell much if the gameplay on them sucked hard.

>> No.4170087
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 20643616_1785620691467778_1780654754_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 was near perfect. It's still tight as ever and smooth as fuck.
Adventure wasn't terrible just different and had a ton to follow up on.
Assault was close to a good redemption of Adventure.
Command was hit and miss.
Zero was radical even with the shit controls.

Going deeper into 64, It would of been crazy if their was a proper sequel to it on the N64. I feel the game would of been hot on its coals at the time and after being out of the loop for a couple of years and being rebranded into another game really slowed down its potential.
>Pic related, it's something I found recently.

>> No.4170090

Would have
Would of makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.4170094

Excuse me for my shit grammar. Plz don't hit me.

>> No.4171902

By "found", do you mean you physically found that in real life? If so, dude, that's fucking awesome. It must have been a promotional display or something.

>> No.4171905

My favorite game of all time. Nothing quite like it.

>> No.4172048
File: 93 KB, 1280x721, 20684405_1787864994576681_277226750_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so I learned more about it, I got a hold of the guy who had it and it turns out they were painted/molded in my area. He even told me how they were made and how he also made the Mario/Pikachu ones too.
>Pic also related, he gave this to me of the statues being painted at his shop.

>> No.4172053

That's badass. Hold on to that fox statue, that could be worth something someday if it isn't already. I've never seen anything like this stuff, I wonder what it was used for? You'd think Ninty would just cheap out and use cardboard displays if it were just for advertising, this kind of stuff took serious craftsmanship and resources. Very cool.

>> No.4172061

Thanks! I hope to keep a hold of it for a long time it was worth picking up too just to find out about the story later on.