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4166798 No.4166798 [Reply] [Original]

Games that desperately need a remake.

>> No.4166804 [DELETED] 

What's the point? It wouldn't be the same without tank controls.

>> No.4166809

Why do people keep saying that the Saturn version is superior when it's got worse level design and shit water?

>> No.4166812

Powerslave EX proves that that game with WSAD+Mouse can still be really fun, if not moreso.

I think the only thing the Saturn version has going for it is prettier colors. PS1's colors were a bit more drab... But that's pretty much it. PS1 is superior in almost every way.

>> No.4166814

what teh fuck is this anyway

>> No.4166827 [DELETED] 

That wrecks the difficulty balancing IMO. The game isn't supposed to play like Quake.

>> No.4166914

Dunno, but if the Saturn version was superior, then why was the PS1 version chosen to be the basis for EX?

>> No.4166954 [DELETED] 

>what teh fuck is this anyway

a third rate early first person shooter based on the build engine that was garbage compared to the competition on pc. It got ported to ps1/saturn with fucking awful controls and somehow managed to be much shittier than the shitty pc original. Has a following of poor faggot apologists who didnt have a pc during the golden age of early FPS games and will blindly justify eating shit like this.

>> No.4167035 [DELETED] 

It came out on console first then the build engine based DOS port was made later and is a totally different game.

>> No.4167056


the dos version was released 4 months before the ps1 release.

>> No.4167063

based DOS

>> No.4167082 [DELETED] 
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Yeah yeah apparently the Saturn version came first but the fact is that the DOS version is an entirely different game that gets rid of the metroid style upgrades.

>> No.4167087 [DELETED] 

This isn't some faggy pc vs console debate, they are different games.

>> No.4167115 [DELETED] 

PC version blows the console ports the fuck out of water.

>> No.4167396

The best Iron Maiden album if you get the American version.

>> No.4167431
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I loved Gex and I'd love to see this game get remade or get another sequel

>> No.4167449

>PC version blows the console ports the fuck out of water.
Wrong on many levels

>> No.4167481


>> No.4167498
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The only correct answer

Out of non-/vr/ games:
Jedi Knight 2

>> No.4167523
File: 85 KB, 516x648, PowerslaveExhumedCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The DOS Build game was MADE first.
When 3DRealms quit on Lobotomoty Software, they had to find a new publisher. That new publisher told me "okay, but you need to port it to console too".

Except that they quickly realized that, at the time this made, and at the moment PS1/Saturn came out, moment which lasted about 1-2 years before PC 3D acceleration cards became huge, PCs were better for 2D, and consoles were better for 3D. 2.5D engines like Build or Doom demand a lot of the CPU, which consoles couldn't handle (look at the Doom console ports). However, PS1/Saturn had dedicated 3D hardware so they were better for 3D.

Thus they quickly realized porting the game wouldn't work and decided to make a new one instead with the same assets, taking advantage of the 3D.

So they made the Saturn version, which in turn, was RELEASED first, even though the PC version, or at least 95% of it, was made first.

It is worth noting that the Saturn version, on top of its "metroidvania" type gameplay, offers Quake like 3D level design while it was being developed at the same time as Quake.

Then, the PS1 version is a port of the Saturn version, but which changes quite a lot of things included about 2-4 stages which got changed and are brand new (2 completely new ones + plus tons of parts of other stages)

>> No.4167525

PC version is fine if you want to play just another Build shooter, but the console versions are unique with their "metroidvania" approach.

>> No.4167529
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>told me "okay, but you need to port it to console too"."

Huh sorry, told THEM. I'm not Lobotomy, just not fully woken up yet.

The PS1 version is a PORT of the Saturn version made by a different programmer. The PS1 version is far from being as smooth as the Saturn version, the shooting isn't as satisfying, they got rid of bomb jumping (like rocket jumping with handbombs which was in the saturn version) and other sequence breaking possibilities. That's why the Saturn version is better.
The PS1 version is still worth playing for its exclusive levels, but I like the Saturn ones better. The only thing that's clearly better on Saturn are the hidden Dolls.

>Why does someone making a stupid unfaithful recreation based his stuff on a stupid idea?

I love the Saturn and DOS versions just as much, but for different reasons. they're such different games anyway.
The DOS version benefits from god tier Doom like level design, some of the best of the era.

>> No.4167539
File: 40 KB, 640x400, powerslave03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing that's clearly better on Saturn are the hidden Dolls.

Goddamnit. The contrary. The only thing that's clearly better on the PS1 version are the hidden Dolls.

anyway here is my speedrun of the Saturn version. Sequence breaking starts at 2mins onward using explosive pots and jumping one enemies heads, and bomb jump starts at 10mins onward with the amun bomb. Try doing that in the PS1 version you can't


and here is a map I made for the DOS version. The game came out with no modding/mapping support unlike other Build games, but a couple of friends and myself looked at it, documented it, and released a 3 maps episode for it


>> No.4167982

Where can scrubs like us get the non-beta PC version?

>> No.4167994

I just love the sound effects in this game. doors, enemies, weapons, they're all sweet and never irritating. if there's a reboot they have to call back the sound designer

>> No.4168003

sequence breaking is for autists

>> No.4168017

Who said anything about getting rid of tank controls?

>> No.4168028
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I would love to see pic related get a fresh coat of paint. Keep the controls and all of that the same, just update the graphics and maybe add online play. If i could be absolutely ensured it wouldn't detract from the original artistic direction of the game, a few new maps or weapons would be welcomed too. I would want everything else the same though.

>> No.4168058

You know damn well tank controls wouldn't fly in a 2017 remake.

>> No.4168059

Thanks for your posts mate, very informative.
I grew up playing Exhumed on the Saturn and I rarely know anyone else who played this amazingly detailed game outside of /vr/.

>they got rid of bomb jumping (like rocket jumping with handbombs which was in the saturn version)

Those monsters!

>> No.4168102

I don't know, look hard on the internet. The beta PC version has plagued this game ever seen release. Most abandonwares sites and the likes have that beta version and don't even know it. Worse, some are beta RIPS, meaning no CD music on top of it. Considering that the PC version has a total of 2 or 3 different ambient sounds (not kidding) music is very important.

All I know is, to make sure you have the retail version and not the glitched beta one, check the date on the exe. It should be;
For Powerslave
>September 24 1996
For Exhumed
>March 19 1997

Exhumed fixes a "glitch" with two of the CD musics not looping properly, but otherwise both are pratically identical aside from the name.

They could have gotten rid of it in the Saturn version. According to interviews, they realized bomb jumping was possible 1 week before deadline, but instead of "fixing it" they decided to use it and make it mandatory for some of the secret dolls.

Somehow they changed opinion when they made the PS1 version, they probably realized only then that the sequence breaking was insane

It's not tank controls. Tanks don't strafe.

>> No.4168106

It's keyboard arrow controls, then.

>> No.4168119

Are you talking about the PC version? There is a trick that allows strafing faster, and another that allows strafing+turning at the same time (which isn't possible with the default control schemes).

It pretty much plays like any other DOS FPS that way, however strafe running gives a speed boost (like in Doom or DN3D) which is unintended, and in the case of this game, allows for a LOT of sequence breaking too, because a lot of the jumps in the game are based on the jump distance without strafe running, so you gotta be careful how you use it.

>> No.4168125

REmake 2 is a thing you know...

>> No.4168127

No its not, hasnt been for 2 years

>> No.4168131

>its not tank controls
I've actually never played it; i just took the anon's word that it had them. Regardless, I don't think for a game to be remade it needs to completely overhaul the controls or engine of the original.

>> No.4168135

Delay != Scrapped

>> No.4168507

It's kinda weird how fast Gex came and went. I remembered everyone I know liking him by the time Gex 2 came out.

>> No.4169185

Capcom not acknowledging the game is a pretty good tell that the game is cancelled.

>> No.4169335

Just play PowerSlave EX, it's Kaiser's source port of the PS1 version.
Saturn one is forever lost to time though.

>> No.4169340

Watch out, NESfag gonna sperg out on you.

>> No.4169341


>> No.4169360

He likes the Saturn version and considers EX to be unfaithful. See >>4167529. Also he's a sperg.

>> No.4169369

But EX isn't meant to be faithful to Saturn, since it's a port of the PS1 version to which it is faithful.
I literally said in my original post that Saturn source is lost to time so that one you'd need to emulate.
PC version's (the one on Build engine) source is also lost to my knowledge with no available source ports.
I dream of the day that all 3 receive perfect source ports.

>> No.4169376

Yeah but the Saturn version was released first, so him saying EX is unfaithful means he considers the Saturn to be the original one, despite the DOS one being made first. Whatever though I don't really care, I played all 3 versions, they're each good in their own way.

>> No.4169379

Can you go indepth with detail on the differences between Saturn and PS1?
I never played Saturn one so I'm interested.

>> No.4169383

NESfag explained some of the differences in the prior posts, but the big ones are the Saturn version has bomb jumping which can lead to sequence breaking, which is a popular thing to do on games like this and Super Metroid, which are similarly designed.

>> No.4169395

Not interested in sequence breaking, never was in games even when I could.
Sequence breaking permanently fucked me up in Aria of Sorrow when I managed to access the clock tower area before getting the ability to slide, and I ended up stuck in an area that required slide to get out of. Fuck that shit.

Anyway I was more interested in the more intricate differences, not just generalized shit.
Like, I know levels are supposedly different between Saturn and PS1 in that their layouts are altered, but in what way?

>> No.4169702


>> No.4169908

What I meant is that it's innacurate and glitchy even to the PS1 version. Also it's not a "sourceport", it's an unofficial "port", or a recreation.

About 2-4 stages are different in either version
Most secret Team Dolls locations were changed. Also the bonuses acquired from them changed as well. That's probably the only thing that's better on PS1.

But also it was programmed by another person and it FEELS different, and if you ask me combat and movement feels a lot worse.
Also they got rid of bomb jumping, and a few other things exploits.

>> No.4171154
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Oh look, its this thread again.

>> No.4171590

>implying capcom will make good on their promises
You're delusional, pal.

>> No.4171598
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I would love to see a remake of Smash Tv.

>> No.4171991

Is it time for another "strange foreign namefag dumps walls of text over an obscure old shooter while other people talk around him" thread?

>> No.4172114

Two years without a word is usually an indicator of something being silently canned and that you'll see some very brief mention about it years later when they know no one will care enough anymore to get mad about it. See Starcraft Ghost and Frame City Killer.

>> No.4173373

Do you realize how much money they made on REmake? They would be fools not to do this