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File: 495 KB, 1800x1200, analogue-nt-mini147a0419[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4166275 No.4166275 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of splurging on an Analogue NT Mini. Can anyone vouch for the accuracy of gameplay reproduction?

Also are all games compatible when playing NES games off the SD card? Or does it have issues with games that use certain mappers like the N8 Everdrive and PowerPak do?

>> No.4166304

But dude u could just get a real nes

>> No.4166312

If I got a NES I'd want one with either the HDMI mod (very expensive) or the RGB mod (also expensive) and then on top of that an Everdrive cart. I wouldn't mind spending a little bit more for newer hardware that will have a longer lifespan. Which is why I'm enquiring to the accuracy of the thing. Also it can be jailbroken to play games from other 8-bit systems.

>> No.4166316

>not using RF
Why tho

>> No.4166319

Because it's current year.

>> No.4166337

Ok so I'm watching this dude's video and he says it has better mapper support (when jailbroken) than any of the current flashcarts.


>> No.4166369

Can't even pull off FDS audio accurately.

>> No.4166371

That guy literally designed it, not particularly objective.

>> No.4166384

That's not kevtris

>> No.4166391


>> No.4166409

Isn't game tech US affiliated with Kevtris?

>> No.4166415

Consider the following:

- it's ugly

>> No.4166465

If you want to splurge, the NT Mini is the best shit, but it's an expensive way to play the library.

>> No.4166690

>If I got a NES I'd want one with either the HDMI mod (very expensive) or the RGB mod (also expensive)

Dude. The NT is $449. I highly doubt it's the cheaper option. NESs are like $60 at the most. It's not going to cost $300+ to mod a console.

>> No.4166707

Yea this.
A classic frontloader will look gorgeous on top of your VCR

>> No.4166713

It actually supports more mappers than both the N8 and Powerpak do.
It also supports larger Roms than both the N8 and Powerpak, which only have 512KB for each CHR and PRG, whereas the NT Mini has 1MB for both (I don't think there's any commercially released games that big but some hacks like Mega Man Minus Infinity.
The FPGA core for it has been developed by Kevtris. The guy is pretty much a fucking genius when it comes to how the NES works and FPGA programming.
Everything should be running perfectly fine, even with the core loading roms from the SD but there have been problems in the past though they were fixed by Kevtris as soon as he got the time to.
The fact that you get an HDMI Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Gear and some other stuff is also pretty neat.
If you're crazy enough to shell out that money go ahead but it's definitely not for everyone.

>> No.4166782

Pay too much for what it does, it's not an official one

>> No.4166890

Mapper support is virtually perfect and lightyears ahead of both Everdrive and PowerPak.

On a 1080p display the experience is as close to perfect as you can expect. Obviously you won't get 8:7 (2240x1680) integer scaling (both due to the limited TV resolution and the limited scaling of the hardware), but if you hook it up to a CRT it's all gravy.

The only legitimate complaint I heard that was raised (I believe by RetroRGB) was that the Famicom accessory port was too cramped to accommodate the 3D lens connector.

>> No.4166897
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Bitch please.

>> No.4166918

The only two thing I dislike about the AVS are actually that it only does 720p and it's awkward design.
I know I'm not the only one that thinks like that about the design. It is smart how it prevents you from putting in both a Fami and a NES cartridge at once though.

>> No.4166926

Door does not close or fold away when playing Famicom games.

720P max, HDMI only.

Does not play Gameboy, Game Gear, Master System, or any other 8-bit system. It even needs the Everdrive N8 to play ROMs off a SD card.

At least you can sell it for more than what it officially costs and turn a profit through eBay.

>> No.4166931

I'd buy one if it wasn't for the price. Cool system.

>> No.4166949

Does it also play .fds roms when jailbroken?

>> No.4166958

It actually doesn't at this point.
Kevtris has stated on several occasions lately that he is currently very busy until sometime next year because he's taken on some kind of other paid project.
That's also why the release of new 8-bit FPGA cores has stopped a while ago. Since he does all that work independently and for free though I don't really see how one can complain and I'm sure he'll continue work on it later on.
Anyways, he does seem to have his own list of stuff to improve and add that he gets from people's suggestions. I can't link on which page exactly it was but over on his thread on atariage he did respond to someone asking about FDS rom support that it's on the list of stuff he wants to add it at some point. Since this is Kevtris we're talking about I won't doubt it'll have that functionality at some point.

>> No.4166961

Found it!

>> No.4167459

why not get a Rpi3 or Orange Pi for like $50 or less?

>> No.4167497

The NT is brand new hardware though so the chance of a second hand nes out lasting it is extremely slim. Dunno bout u.s but here in the u.k nes sells for like 70-90 quid a fucking unit.

>> No.4167502

My wife's son says it's very accurate.

>> No.4167516 [DELETED] 

Your wife's retarded son probably can't even afford it :(

>> No.4167534

If you don't have any carts, why not make an emulator box? It's not like the NT is any more accurate than a good emulator.

>> No.4167726

It's supposedly far more accurate, but it's way too expensive regardless. Especially so since everyone is factoring this 'jailbreak' into how good of a 'deal' it is now, and with the jailbreak it can't even play Disk System games. If I was making the 'perfect' NES/FC, I would focus on supporting all the games made for it over Game Gear support.

>> No.4167740

Go back to facebook, faggot.

>> No.4167756

But the input lag man !!

>> No.4167776

>It's supposedly far more accurate
Maybe in terms of internal workings, because for gameplay purposes there are half a dozen NES emulators that are pretty much perfect.

>> No.4167824

Last I checked, the NES CPU/PPU hadn't actually been decapped and reverse engineered. So from what I understand, kevtris' work is just his best guess, the same as any emulator dev.

>> No.4167857

Counterpoint: the FDS RAM adapter is quite inexpensive and fully compatible with the NT, and the FDSStick is only like $15. You can fit all the roms you need on that

>> No.4167865

I don't disagree, but it's pretty silly that this thing supports 5 other systems with the jailbreak, but not the whole library of the ONE system it's supposed to do 'perfectly'.

>> No.4168176

720p is fine when dealing with blocky NES graphics. Also most modern TVs can upscale 720p to 1080p with no additional processing lag. My issue is that it doesn't do proper horizontal integer scaling so you get some shimmer with horizontal scrolling graphics. This may have since been fixed in a firmware update though, I'm not sure. Either way, the NT mini doesn't have this issue.

>> No.4168183

The NT is proper hardware, albeit FPGA circuitry, so no additional lag that you would get from software emulation.

>> No.4168192

>this thing supports 5 other systems with the jailbreak, but not the whole library of the ONE system it's supposed to do 'perfectly'.

The jailbreak is only semi-official though. When used as originally intended it still plays all original carts and FDS games (with the FDS unit attached of course) so it does support the entire library in that sense.

>> No.4168307

I absolutely understand, but I still think it's a valid point. No one is buying these for their stock functionality anymore.

>> No.4168319

I'm torn between an rgb nes + OSSC and an AVS >>4166897

I already have the OSSC so the cost is about the same. Analogue NT is out because it doesn't work with everdrive N8

>> No.4168325

You are completely missing the point.

>> No.4168331
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>> No.4168336

RGB modding an NES is a waste of time, if you absolutely can't live without inaccurate colors, a hacked Wii is a lot cheaper. AVS is the better deal, and you don't have to ruin an NES to do it.

>> No.4168340

>RGB modding an NES is a waste of time
how so? can't you get proper colors with some of the mods? the advantage I see with it over AVS is that I can still play on a CRT if I choose to.

>> No.4168357
File: 1.75 MB, 2592x1936, rockman fc comp pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NES was never designed to do RGB, so RGB mods are sticking an FPGA in the console to fake it. The color palettes are wrong, just some guys idea of what they 'should' look like. The only accurate RGB palettes for the NES/FC or the Playchoice-10 and Famicom Titler ones,and even they were afterthoughts; the console was designed 100% for composite and quite literally doesn't have a defined color palette. The 'correct' colors are wholly subjective, and that's how it should be played. NES/FC composite looks great on a CRT, and will work with any CRT on earth. The AVS would get you your HD fix, and you can use a real, unmolested console for CRT usage. Just my 2 cents; If you're going to stick a small computer inside your NES to intercept PPU commands and alter them, you might as well be emulating, or using an FPGA system to do the whole job.

>> No.4168391

So how does AVS get around the issue then? Defending composite feels strange coming from /vr/ but maybe you are right, and it wouldn't cost me anything.

>> No.4168409

The AVS doesn't use original NES circuitry. It implements the chipset in an FPGA and sends the AV output through HDMI instead of composite.

>> No.4168412

The AVS is all FPGA; the entirety of the NES hardware is simulated, so it just generates a digital signal with whatever color palette(s?) they decided on. Look, I use RGB, or at least S-video on consoles I own that support it, but I don't see the point in modding a console to do something it wasn't designed to do. Master Systems, Super NESs, etc, are all RGB native devices. You'rejust taking the raw signals that machine is spitting out and upscaling them with an OSSC or whatever. The NES can ONLY spit out composite, it's all it was built to do, so I just deal with it. It looks nice on a CRT, and I know it's the real deal. If I want to play NES on my HDTV, I use a Wii with an HDMI adapter, and have been thinking about an AVS for a long time (they're kind of ugly, and I don't actually need NES cart support). I'm kind of a Famicom obsessive, but those are my thoughts. Of course you can do whatever you want, but give composite on a CRT a try before you spend 100s to mod the thing. I think you'll be surprised at what a pleasant gaming experience it is.

>> No.4168427
File: 126 KB, 2048x1152, 20615752_281213229023989_1359886205611536319_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you gonna hardware fag just get the real thing

>> No.4168432
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>> No.4168909

>and you can use a real, unmolested console
>a real, unmolested console

>> No.4169330
File: 58 KB, 132x140, 1379188233133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even >>4166713 is a far better deal at this point.

>> No.4169373

Eh, if I were going for a fully modded console I wouldn't really go for the Toploader.
The fact that it is considered at least a bit rare (drastically increasing the price) and that it doesn't already have a fitting socket makes it kind of a bad choice.
The best choice you can make is getting an AV Famicom. If you're patient you can get lucky and get one for pretty cheap.
The already built in Multiout makes the NESRGB Mod a fucking breeze and even if you're going for the HiDef kit it doesn't interfere with anything and all you need to do is cut a little rectangle out of each the bottom and top shell (The Frontloader is a bitch to cut that hole into compared to that).
The fact that it also supports expansion audio to begin with is a big plus.

If you're not doing everything yourself or you have a reasonable modder you're gonna get fairly close to the price tag of the NT Mini though.
You're right about that. Especially if we count the fact that the NT Mini doesn't need a flash cart.

AV Famicom: ~90$
NESRGB: 99$/HIDEF: 120$
Modding Service: ~100$
Everdrive N8: ~118$
Shipping for everything: At least 50$ though prolly more depending on where you live

That'd be at least 457$ for the NESRGB or at least 478$ for the HiDef

Doing it yourself obviously drastically cuts the cost down.

>> No.4169557

You can set an AVS to 4x3x multipliers to avoid shimmer, but the pixel aspect ratio isn't as close to the NES on a CRT as the 5x4x multipliers possible on a 1080p output device is.

>> No.4170017

Wow thanks Billy Mays! I've never seen a better deal in my life! I've asked the wife and they want to spend mt money on the NT.

>AV Famicom: ~90$
>NESRGB: 99$/HIDEF: 120$
>Modding Service: ~100$
>Everdrive N8: ~118$
>Shipping for everything: At least 50$ though prolly more depending on where you live

>That'd be at least 457$ for the NESRGB or at least 478$ for the HiDef
I don't know where you get those numbers from but they're wrong, besides you could aslo get a normal Famicom for 20 - 30$. Modding service that I used was about 60 or 70$ (and as with most modding services they have also have the option to install one of their own so you won't even have to buy the NESRGB) in the end it all comes at quite a lower number than this Quasimodo thing your trying to shill.

>> No.4170147

You can go as far as 6:5 PAR on 1080p (albeit with a small amount of cropping on the top and bottom edges of the screen, which may or may not matter depending on the game).

>> No.4170737

A normal Famicom can not fit the NESRGB nor the HIDef NES. At least not without a crazy hackjob and potentially removing the cartridge removal switch.
You won't be getting an AV Famicom (which is objectively the best choice) for your crazy pricing.
Compared to your one (probably shitty) modder I compared several, especially the ones on game-techs recommend list (if you don't use these for instance, you won't get insurance)
and the AVERAGE lands on 100$ (average in all uppercase since you're seemingly too stupid to understand the sign ~)
Oh and even if you take the option to have the NESRGB included (Def not the case for the HiDef anywhere) it's still not like they're gonna gift it to you. You're still gonna pay the same no matter what.

>> No.4170781

>A normal Famicom can not fit the NESRGB
>removing the cartridge removal switch
Well that happens to be removed (only the switch itself is there) but it definitly fits in a Famicom.
>You won't be getting an AV Famicom (which is objectively the best choice) for your crazy pricing.
How so?
>Compared to your one (probably shitty) modder I compared several, especially the ones on game-techs recommend list
How is he shitty? It works perfectly. Seems to me that your list is one of people who ask too much (or just trying to make your shitty system seem the more reasonable option)
>it's still not like they're gonna gift it to you. You're still gonna pay the same no matter what.
Of course, but it's cheaper than buying the thing and THAN let it be modded by someone.

>> No.4170791

Currently selling my famicom to pool towards this. The best thing about it imo is that each audio channel can be controlled (volume). So I can pretty much bass boost my shit, and set the proper audio levels for expansion audio.

>> No.4170865

Look at this. Any modder would definitely charge extra for this kind of ugly hackjob .
I have seen an install of a HiDef kit into an original Fami on some japanese site though.
You'll literally have to saw off some stuff on the Mainboard of the fami though and use a whole lot of jumper wires.
So yeah, not only are both installs on an og Fami really, really ugly, there's also a good chance it's gonna cost you more (If you find someone who will do it).
>How so?
I don't know. Have you ever heard of something called 'Supply and Demand'? You normally learn about it in school at some point...
>How is he shitty?
Again 'Supply and Demand'. If your work is good enough to establish a certain reputation for how good your work is, you'll get more people interested in your work => You can increase your prices.
>Of course, but it's cheaper than buying the thing and THAN let it be modded by someone.
Only thing you're gonna save some money on then is gonna be shipping and I already stated a way too low amount of shipping for everything anyways.

>> No.4171407

>Look at this. Any modder would definitely charge extra for this kind of ugly hackjob. You'll literally have to saw off some stuff on the Mainboard of the fami though and use a whole lot of jumper wires.
So yeah, not only are both installs on an og Fami really, really ugly, there's also a good chance it's gonna cost you more (If you find someone who will do it)
Why the hell would any logical person cares about it looks when it's INSIDE the case? And for the record I bought a Famicom for 25$ and let it be modded to RGB for a total of 193$ (which included shipping) IF I would take an Everdrive it would still be a lot cheaper than the NT
>I don't know. Have you ever heard of something called 'Supply and Demand'? You normally learn about it in school at some point...
OG Famicoms are cheaper than AV ones dumbfuck

>> No.4171439

>Why the hell would any logical person cares about it looks when it's INSIDE the case?
Wow. This is a pretty fucking retarded statement. Any logical person SHOULD care what it looks like on the inside.
I'm gonna go ahead and go somewhere else for an example:
Let's for example take a look at Multimeters. You can get a perfectly working and accurate enough one from china for less than 20$
You can also pay up and get a quality one for at least 150$+.
No cheap multimeter will have the input protection or HRC fuses a nice expensive one have though.
But since you don't care about how it looks on the inside, the earliest you would know it doesn't have such safety measures is when the thing catches fire/explodes in your hands.
It might not be as extreme for a video game console but I still wouldn't blindly trust something electric modified by a hobbyist.
>And for the record I bought a Famicom for 25$ and let it be modded to RGB for a total of 193$ (which included shipping) IF I would take an Everdrive it would still be a lot cheaper than the NT
Good for you. My statement still stands though. You got a good price from the person who modified it. No matter if he did a shitty job or not it's still not the norm.
>IF I would take an Everdrive it would still be a lot cheaper than the NT
I'm just counting in the features the NT mini has that you get. Maybe I should also count in all the other systems you get? GB, GBC, Game Gear etc. It's still ok value in my opinion even if you think I'm shilling it. It certainly isn't for everyone as I previously said.
>OG Famicoms are cheaper than AV ones dumbfuck
No, you're a dumb fuck having no reading comprehension whatsoever.
You responded 'How so?' to my sentence 'You won't be getting an AV Famicom (which is objectively the best choice) for your crazy pricing.'
As you can see I clearly specified the second model Famicom, aka the AV Famicom.
Why are you now talking about the OG Fami again? You a 'lil slow?

>> No.4171467

>the earliest you would know it doesn't have such safety measures is when the thing catches fire/explodes in your hands.
I'm sure even the most retarded modder will mod things so that it works without any safety problems
>(which is objectively the best choice)
How is the AV better?

>> No.4171510

>I'm sure even the most retarded modder will mod things so that it works without any safety problems
People like you are the ones who would blindly pay guys like Drakon and the like.
They might not exactly be safety hazards but chances are, even if they function at first they might fail at some point in the future.
Take a look at this for instance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiQcDQf_3F0.. He doesn't seem to mod for money anymore nowadays but back in the day plenty of idiots blindly paid him to do this to their consoles. People with seemingly the same mindset as you.
>How is the AV better?
The objective reasons are:
No hardwired controllers, which means you can use american ones with reasonable length cables.
The plastic used in the shells of the AV Fami's seems to be much less susceptible to yellowing.
The case has much more empty space inside which makes modding much easier.
It has a more modern Multiout and offers composite right from the factory. Makes hooking up RGB a breeze + you dont need to drill a new hole for another connector. Heck even if you wanted RF that badly you can get an RF adapter for the AV Fami that plugs into the Multiout.
The whole thing is just much more versatile.

>> No.4171513

>using RF or composite in this day and age

That's some next level retardation

>> No.4171803

>playing fucking NES in this day and age
See i can say it too shitter

>> No.4172258

>muh HDMI
>m-muh RGB
Modifying a console for minor display variation is what's really fucking retarded. It's a shame that you're caught up in the fad. Let me put this into words you can understand though: You've fallen for a meme.

>> No.4172259


>> No.4172390

Here's the thing, it's not some 'minor display variation', and anyone that's experienced it will 100% agree. With RGB you get a uniform, clear image, a huge reduction in signal noise and accurate, vivid colours. If your console can natively output an RGB signal there is absolutely no reason not take advantage of that. If it doesn't, like the NES, it's a very wise upgrade.

It's not the 90s anymore. We're not ignorant little kids. Why settle for anything less than the best when it's so easily available?

>> No.4172437

Daily reminder that if you RGB mod an NES you're literally a fucking hipster. You're not playing the games, you're staring at the a screen and jerking off, and then posting about how much money you spent on 4chan, like it's some kind of status symbol. All you're doing is ruining your console for the sake of a meme, and it's really, really gross. The console does not support it and was not supposed to be played that way. Remember, you're putting a tiny, modern computer in your console to offload PPU work to, so authentic right? """""it's the real hardware!!!"""""" If you need fake, inaccurate colors made up by one guy based on his idea of what the """"ONE TRUE PALETTE"""" is, emulation would do the trick for free, and has a wider selection of bad color palettes available to feed your profound sickness. Don't fucking wreck another AV Famicom for your meme, and don't pretend what you're doing is in any way an authentic or legitimate NES/Famicom experience, it's not.

>> No.4172442

Wow, you're pretty mad. Okay, if you think it's hipsterish nothing I can say will change your mind but as I said, the RGB standard is easily attainable, usually without extra modding or spending loads of money. I like playing retro games but I also them to not look like crap too. That's all I have to say.

>> No.4172447

I play lots of machines with RGB or at least s-video, it's great! I have no issues with it at all. I do have an issue with faking it on a console that cannot, and was not designed to ouput RGB. Almost all consoles do, the NES/FC does not and that's OK. It doesn't mean one should literally stick an FPGA inside it to fake an RGB signal. It makes no sense, it is straight-up hipster bullshit, and the cost involved proves that. It's like buying expensive rare vinyl to stick on a shelf so you can say 'look what i have'. It's for making youtube videos and posting pictures on the Internet to show you have a lot of money and no respect for the medium you claim to enjoy. This is all especially true when things like the Analogue NT and AVS exist, or even a fucking hacked Wii. They all give the exact same, inaccurate results with 'YouTube approved' video or whatever, but it's fake from the get go, instead of pretending you're still using real hardware. Just bugs me is all (obviously), the Famicom is basically perfect and needs no modifications. There's nothing to make 'better' and modifying it says a lot about one's respect for the machine and what they claim to 'love' or 'enjoy'.

>> No.4172452
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Eh, your definition isn't really correct.
The FPGA take any workload off the PPU. The PPU itself still works exactly the same, generates it's own composite signal and interacts with the CPU and other components exactly the way it would without the NESRGB.
The FPGA merely intercepts the data sent from and to the PPU and from this data generates it's own video signal. How authentic that may be I won't argue about.
By the way, how do you stand towards using the real RGB Palette on an NESRGB or even the real RGB PPU like in this photo then?
(Before you say the photo is destructive as well I'm gonna go ahead and say the old PPU is still perfectly fine, the RGB PPU is socketed and everything is easily reversible)

>> No.4172458

Now it sounds like you're the hipster, railing against anything 'inauthentic' and 'fake' or that doesn't stack up against your own self-defined standards. You're the elitist that has no time for normies that care not about 'keeping it real, man!'.

>> No.4173128

>I know you are but what am I!
Literal gore, but yes that is actually authentic. If you're going to use an RGB palette on some other FPGA device, be it an NT or a NESRGB, PC-10 is the only option.