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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 300x168, PatNesPunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4138213 No.4138213 [Reply] [Original]

Like holllllly fuck does it get anymore autistic than this video?
Holy shit, who cares if someones game is mostly missing a label and they want to make themselves a new one, who cares?

>> No.4138214

Why are you posting this thread again? You don't even care about what /vr/ users think, you just want to see another shitstorm like in the last thread.

>> No.4138215

This. He just wants a backdoor eceleb thread.

>> No.4138247

Fuck off Pat, you literal who.

>> No.4138323

It's a collectible. It has value based on it's original state.
>let's just change it with fake stuff
Hurrrrr why does this effect value
Summery fag you made me sad

>> No.4138345

Haven't seen an eceleb for retro video games that wasn't creepy

>> No.4138353

But the 8 bit guy never said he cared about its value, it was his wwf wm cart so he wants to look at a label when he puts it in his nes, its no different then say getting a ps2 game from gamestop with their generic sleeve, and replacing it with printing the insert online.
Also shitstorm?

>> No.4138387

I had a Catlevania 4 with a shitty torn up label and replaced it with a new one. Whoop dee fucking doo. I would rather have a new repro label than a shitty destroyed one.

>> No.4138416

Yea if it's your own stuff I understand but places that into a resell market would be akin to bootlegging

>> No.4138424

Would replacing the entire cartridge be an alternative? Say your Felix the Cat is all beat up so you rip the label off a Top Gun, put a replacement Felix label on it, then take the Felix guts and put them in the old Top Gun's cart.

>> No.4138429

You'd be better off just get a reproduction cart at that point.

The whole point is to keep shit original. Taking another game and ruining it so you can get a slightly nicer version is retarded.

Keep the originals original. Make a new label on a new cart if you care so much.

>> No.4138440

That´s exactly what he´s doing. He will keep de originals for future selling if needed but also have a good looking one for himself and for display.

That´s a very good idea imo. I prefer to simply have the original though and do that only if needed.

>> No.4138448

Amen. Pat The NES Punk is an idiot. How is creating end labels for N64 cartridges okay, but not reproduction labels to repair the damage on the label you have on your cartridges? Nintendo fanboys like Pat are hypocrites.

>> No.4138456

One is obvious after market one is not. One is for connivence the other is to make it appear to be in better shape that in it is. I hope that answers your question.

>> No.4138464

Again pats whole video is in response to a guys video that seems to like being craft and making labels and had 2 carts or whatever with beyond shitty looking labels, so for himself he made new ones, not to sell them, not for profit.
He's not putting them on ebay saying "ORIGINAL GAME CART LIKE NEW" so when pat acts offended not only as a collector but personally offended, sorry but the dude's super fuckin autistic.
It's like when I buy used cd's if the case is shit, has a crack, damn right I'm going to replace it with a new one.

>> No.4138478

I got a TMNT 2 for the NES with a torn label and heavy damaged shell with two missing screws.
I m going to put the board in a nice new case and slap a new label on it.
The fuck is Pat gonna do to me?
I ve already modded my spare consoles into an advanced AI fighting force to gaurd the property.
He might get past the PlayStation s bit the he won t be able to shoot the NESes, they will end him
Don t forget to buy a certain NES guide book

>> No.4138480

I don't care for pat but holy shit... did you even watch the video?? He clearly says that it becomes a problem when these games end up in stores or online and I've seen both and they were never mentioned that the labels were fakes. Also, there is nothing wrong with end labels on 64 games because they are REVERSIBLE, no damage is done to the cart and they can be taken off by the next owner if they don't want them. Replacing labels is permanent and forever diminishes the value.

>> No.4138496

I've replaced the backs of SNES carts that have yellowed with backs from cheap sports titles that were in great condition, come at me.

>> No.4138501

Wow you guys are fucking retarded today. Did you really just compare oem videogame labels to generic cd jewel cases that can be bought at every electronics store on earth?

>> No.4138502

I get that point, and yea I guess if they end up in stores it sucks.
And I guess a cart with a badly damaged label would still sell for more than one with a repro label?

>> No.4138508

>Fucking pube stuck to it

>> No.4138516

This is the problem with "collectors"

They care too much about shit that doesn't matter.

A label should be -at most- worth 5 dollars. Being from no label, to perfect label.

So getting fucking butt devastated that the guy put on a repro label is fucking retarded. If the game is legit, that's where the value is.

>> No.4138520

>If the game is legit

If it has a fake label then it isn't 100% legit. Some games cost 100's just for a lose copy and if anyone expects full value return it better be legit in every way.

>> No.4138526

collectors is cancer
most stupid people i ever seen

>> No.4138535
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>> No.4138536

t. neet poorfag with no games.

>> No.4138537

It doesn't make sense. Nobody would buy your shit-stained teared-lable copy of earthbound, no matter how "original" it is. Better a convincing repro than sticky paper. In case you wonder the seller should open the cartridge to show you the motherboard or quit such a fucked up business.

>> No.4138540
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>> No.4138546

>stolen roms on shitty generic poorfag emulators with mommies internet in mommies basement

Means nothing kid.

>> No.4138549

>collector butthurt

>> No.4138550
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>> No.4138551

>owning a house with all the games you love on physical

I don't think you understand what that word means neetkid.

>> No.4138554
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Question, since this thread is bait anyways:

I own the Sega Megadrive/Genesis collection on steam. Is it legal to put these roms on a flash cart and play them on my Genesis?

I'm not talking bullshit like the cops are coming to kick down my door. I legally own these games.

>> No.4138565

you don't have anything
i have all NES games

>> No.4138567

No you don't Pat. You don't have a copy of Stadium Events and no matter how many times you say it doesn't count you'll never have a complete set.

>> No.4138568

You don't have any NES games.

>> No.4138579

I have a raspberry pi 3 and play on a lcd tv and don't give a fuck, better than this lame wotchunt to get a $40 copy of a nes game.

>> No.4138582

Denial is bliss. Poorfags unite.

>> No.4138607

Nah, because yea I had a NES when I was a kid, but stupidly gave it to my friend then, only had maybe 10 games for it. So I was like 11 years old in like 95 when that happened, so or me, yea its nostalgic but I dont remember the intricacies you MUH ORIGINALZ people say, I have a famicon usb controller from ibuffalo that feels nice (and their snes one too).
Also while I have 100+ sega genesis games, still, I played sonic 2 on the pi and it was fine.
I dont want to get a crt tv and lug it, and Im at the on the fence moment of raspberry pi genesis games looking better on a lcd tv than a genesis through a/v.

>> No.4138613

i hate pat so fucking much

i just want to punch him in his big dumb face. guys like him are everything wrong with the 'retro community'... him and his autistic creepy friend who he runs his podcast with.

they seem like the exact opposite of chill people, they expect everything to go their way, they don't understand that other people might not hold the same autistic opinions about shit as they do, and they sperg out about it all the time.

>> No.4138630

Let me ask ya this, how is buying a game with a bad label, and replacing it any different then Someone buying a junker classic car or any antique refurbing it and selling it for top dollar?

Aren't their entire TV shows like American Pickers devoted to people doing just that?

>> No.4138635


This has to be a troll. There is no way anyone could be this stupid.

>> No.4138643

No I'm asking, seriously explain it to me. How is it different? Taking a damaged collectible, and cleaning it up to make it like new. I'm not even trying to ask like a smart ass, explain it to me.

>> No.4138649

The restored car has a title with it that will say if the car was ever rebuilt or something like that.
Video games you just have to hope they tell you the label is a repro

>> No.4138652

It's not. The retro community is just a bunch of cucks who don't want their shit devalued.

The video game market is absolutely insane, because everyone has had access to the entire libraries of the biggest consoles for decades.

You can download and play every single rom from the 2600, arcades, nes, gameboy, genesis, master system, snes, colecovision, intellivision, gba, whatever. Theres only a handful of systems that have spotty emulation.

So the idea of spending 200 for a copy of earthbound with a mediocre label, or 250 for a pristine label, or god forbid, 1000 for a box and players guide, isnothing short of autistic fuckery.

>> No.4138659

Yeah I get that much, but that's really not what I am asking. The value only goes up doesn't it? From junker to refurbed.

How does replacing the label hurt the value of a game vs one with a damaged label?

>> No.4138671

Alrighty then.

I agree with you. Pat acts all paranoid & shit, when really there is nothing to worry about, especially you're just collecting these games, it shouldn't matter if the labels were repaired with repro labels or not. It keeps the game from being thrown away.

Would you buy a cartridge with a badly damaged label? It will be cheap as hell, but ugly to look at. As long as the game is legit, I see nothing wrong with a repro label replacing the damaged label. It's like buying a custom case when you have a badly damaged SNES or N64 box. Does it diminish the value because it doesn't have the original box? No.

>> No.4138675

The funny thing about the NES, is you don't even see the label when it's in the console, and when it's on the shelf, you usually can't see the label anyways.

It's literally the most autistic thing to care about.

>> No.4138676

Holy crap, almost nearly $40 for that game. A repro label would definitely make the game look nicer.

>> No.4138679

It makes the collector, even if for a fraction of a second, realize that their "hobby" is retarded and is based off of hoarding labels, plastic, and boards made 30 years ago

>> No.4138685

Just because you're broke and can't afford to collect video games, doesn't mean the rest of us are. Hell my Batman Forever The Arcade Game for PS1 sells for $150 on ebay.

>> No.4138695
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>mfw i sell rare games with repro labels to collector autists and they never know the difference

>> No.4138701
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Post yfw most "collectors" don't even own gamebits.

>> No.4138703

>Would you buy a cartridge with a badly damaged label?

No. Pretty much everything I own is pristine so why would I diminish that by buying a game with a shitty label? I don't have to have it that bad, I can wait.

>I see nothing wrong with a repro label replacing the damaged label.

I don't have a single one out of 100's of games so why start now? They're devalued and tampered with at that point. If someone doesn't care and never plans to sell it then good for them, I don't give af what someone else does but I have my own standards and don't want it for myself.

>It's like buying a custom case when you have a badly damaged SNES or N64 box. Does it diminish the value because it doesn't have the original box? No.

It doesn't diminish the value... it's just the same. Having the original box makes it obviously worth way more but I see nothing wrong with game cases because it doesn't hurt the cart and keeps it clean/dust free and looking neat still. Much better than a bunch of loose carts rubbing up against each other constantly. UGC's are great and original boxes are overrated.

>> No.4138704

I expected this thread tobe the OP of the previous thread talking about a different case of relabeling carts and being just as retarded but no, it was about THE SAME CASE but deeper.
I'm guessing OP is the author of this new video and is spamming his work for free exposition.

Even if it isn't spam those guys are really assuming too much to be considered objective.
They sure have reasons to disliking relabeling but their reasons do not apply to the vast mayority of the public and even when applying it doesn't hinder the real purpose of a physical cart at all.

>> No.4138716

In that case it's not a problem so long as it's made clear that it's been restored.

It's the same with classic cars. No one throws an autistic shitfit over a 57 Chevy being restored so long as it isn't being passed off as mint

>> No.4138841

>It's a collectible. It has value based on it's original state.

This is what ruins the retro game market. The collector mentality. If people didn't treat/compare games to comics and baseball cards (or other collectibles) most of the people buying games right now wouldn't bother. The fact that collector status has been attached to retro games is what has ruined the market.

>> No.4138856

Friendly reminder to report all eceleb threads.

>> No.4138859

I hope youre at least playing those on a flashcart

>> No.4138871

Thats exactly why the toploader goes for more money
So you can show off what game youre playing

>> No.4138889

I don't understand people who insist on "collecting" games. I have a retro games for various systems, but they are the games I still play to this day. I just don't get collecting games. Unlike comics and cards, games are eventually going to stop functioning. Consoles eventually die. Shouldn't it be more about playing and less about collecting?

>> No.4138961

>games are eventually going to stop functioning.

Not in your lifetime unless you're an idiot. Comics and cards will eventually fade into dust.

>> No.4139003

>Not in your lifetime unless you're an idiot

Internal batteries don't last forever, parts sometimes need replacing, hell the laser on my ps2 died last year, and the gear for the lid on my sega cd needed to be replaced 3 years ago. That doesn't make me an idiot, its wear and tear. The oldest US relesed NES tops out at 32 years old. As for comics and cards, I know guys with 50-60 year old baseball cards and comics. They haven't have to replace any port of their collection, or fix a card or comic.

What I'm saying is that collecting games is idiotic. You buy them to play them. If you aren't going to play it don't buy it. If you play it once then never again, sell it. The collecting concept for games is stupid.

>> No.4139031

It's just a battery anon and most games don't even have one. Take it apart and replace it. Why do you assume people collecting games aren't buying the games they've played 100 times in the past and plan on playing over and over the rest of their lives. Very little wear and tear occurs on cartridge based games, cd/dvd/blu ray based games will be fucked in the future though so I'm not talking about those. If you had kids you would understand a little more too... I want my kids to play the games I love and grew up with the same way I did. Obviously people who are just collecting for an autistic full set are retards and hurt the community but I can't imagine too many people are actually going for that and not just the games they really really want.

>> No.4139047

I collect & play them. It's nice to show off on my shelf and then take it out to play on my game consoles. It's something the PC Disaster Race will never understand.

>> No.4139050

Probably not, but who fucking cares? It's not like the Rom police will come knocking at your door. If you want to do it, do it, if not don't. Companies don't bother with individuals, it would be a waste of money and a pr disaster.

>> No.4139063

Didn't watch the video but repro labels are scummy and lame.
The only reason people do it is to pretend their stuff is worth more or to resell it.
If you genuinely only care about the game inside the cart, the label doesn't matter either way.
So get rekt you shallow morons.
>It's the same with classic cars. No one throws an autistic shitfit over a 57 Chevy being restored so long as it isn't being passed off as mint
Except for the major difference that cars are machines and are meant to be disassembled and reassembled to function at peak efficiency and performance. Where games are products and aren't meant to be disassembled to keep functioning. That's why your Nintendo tapes have funny screws, Grandma.

>> No.4139083

A mint condition untouched car will bring more money than one that's had work done. It's autistic faggotry but some people like things and need to feel they have something exclusive. Of course this makes them right and everyone else are just idiot plebs.

>> No.4139091


/co/ here. Collector mentality destroyed comics. Be vigilant.

>> No.4139093

Who gives a fuck abkut a stupid damaved label being replaced. The hardware in the cart is still original. I can undrstand the arguement if you have an ultra rare game like Gimmick or Bubble Bobble 2 to keep the original label on there. But if its a common game like Castlevania or Mario I don't see why it would matter. Its your property and your game. Do whatever the fuck you want with it.

>> No.4139102

Depends. Capacitors will bulge and or leak and need replacement eventually, this isn't a console killer, but there's going to be a few problems with Disc based consoles eventually within our lifetime.

>lasers go bad
>laser assembly motors go bad
>Disc rotating motors go bad

As far as I know nobody makes decent replacement parts for Disc systems. There is this Chinese company that makes replacement PS1, PS2, and SEGA Saturn parts, but they suck ass and go bad in weeks. Obviously this isn't a problem now because these systems are easy to find and just buy another. But later down the line this won't really be so. There's also Disc rot, and Disc flaking to consider.

Cartridge consoles will be better off in the long run. They will outlast Disc consoles.

>> No.4139114

I have a top loader I bought at a garage sale for 12 dollars in the early 90s. I just like it since it has no 72 pin issues. It just works. The trouble is without mods I think it's rf only. Great little system, but like all retro stuff the price has become stupid.

>> No.4139131

The thing is, the collector mentality doesn't even make sense with games.
Comics: you read them
Baseball Cards: you look at them
Vidya Gaems: You PLAY them
who cares about a stupid sticker on game

>> No.4139137

I have saved hundreds of dollars by buying cart only and disc only games with no manuals. I then print high quality inserts or instruction manuals for some of them because it saves money and I can sleep at night knowing I at least kwn the original game even if there is no original box or whatever. Collecting has gotten so retarded expensive that I am willing to buy fucked up carts and diss only to save hundreds. It just isn't worth it to be autistic about 'zomg original'. As long as the game is original I couldn't give a shit less.

>> No.4139142

The rom police erased the save from my metroid two remake.

>> No.4139217

Already did that when there were only a handful of replies.

Zero fucks were given.

>> No.4139240

>The thing is, the collector mentality doesn't even make sense with games.

It does make sense, because most people are greedy or easily influenced (or both).

>> No.4139364

>Where games are products and aren't meant to be disassembled to keep functioning
in that case, neither are cars because those too are fucking products you git

>> No.4139403

>The only reason people do it is to pretend their stuff is worth more or to resell it.

I don't know about labels, haven't had any messed up labels, but I have printed box art for some of my saturn games, that were missing the box art. I didn't do it to make them look better for resale (I don't sell my games), I did it so I can identify them on my shelf when I'm going to switch games, I'm playing.

>> No.4139417

having intact labels when keeping carts on a shelf makes it so much easier to identify what it is, having fucked up labels makes things like that aggravating as shit, its why I always print new dvd case sleeves or the like when I buy I a used game without the original sleeve, or if it has a generic sleeve like in every used game from eb

>> No.4139476

My description is apt, if you could read I already explained it well enough.
Try using your car without regularly changing the oil, replacing break pads or tires and tell me how it works out for you.
>I have printed box art for some of my saturn games, that were missing the box art...I did it so I can identify them on my shelf when I'm going to switch games, I'm playing.
You could've just written the game name on the spine but you chose to reprint box art because, and I'll refer to my original post:
>The only reason people do it is to pretend their stuff is worth more or to resell it.
You want to pretend it's worth more because that's what that original art signifies visually.
Again, could've just written the name on the spine. Why does it matter to you if you're "not going to sell" it anyway?

Do whatever the hell you want with the games you guys "don't plan on selling" but don't pretend it's not shallow and stupid. Because it totally is.

>> No.4139484
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>restoration okay for pinball machines because they're games meant to be played

>> No.4139486
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On his Not So Common podcast with Hancock, Pat stated that Playstation will never have hardcore collectors like NES has.

Hes dead wrong, I know people personally and you can check online there are plenty of people who are going for full sets of PS, PS2 and PS3 games.

>> No.4139539

>Pat's a moron
News at 11.

His only claim to fame is his incomplete "complete" NES set. Everything else he says is there to help it retain it's value, or pure hypocrisy.

>> No.4139550

No one cares what you do to your own stuff. Except Pat and Ian because of the "he's going to bring it into the store" boogeyman.

I mod my own shit all the time. I do whatever I want to my stuff. People can get assblasted about it all they want, they can't stop me so they're really just intentionally cucking themselves.

>> No.4139554

>Why does it matter to you if you're "not going to sell" it anyway?
because having things that look nice makes it much more valuable on the personal level, it is a bit nitpicky but its not really shallow.

>> No.4139626

I swear Ian is gay for Pat.

>> No.4139706

>You could've just written the game name on the spine but you chose to reprint box art because, and I'll refer to my original post.

Yes but the thing is if for what ever reason I decided to sell one, I would be honest, and remove the box art. That's because I'm not a greedy asshole.

I'll side with you on the sticker labels and here's why. The sicker labels are applies to the physical game, I'd consider it akin to CD labels. It's almost considered part of the physical game. Where as if I reprint the back cover art on a sheet of paper, its easily removed without causing further damage to the game or box as it's not attached to the game or case.

>> No.4139748

>It's a collectible. It has value based on it's original state.

See thats you're problem, games aren't collectibles, people are trying to push that, but there is no regulation and a lot of people reject the collectible idea.

I don't consider games to be collectibles. If I want to repro my labels I see no issue to that. Likewise if I buy a counterfeit as long as it works I don't care if I know weather its real or not. The idea that games are collectible is what I would consider the absolute worst thing that could happen to gaming.

If games are collectible that means people are going to be pretensions assholes about their "collections" going out of their way to prevent others from gaining access to certain titles. You'll have a limited number of people who own legit Little Samsons and no one else will be allowed to play the games because the collectors don't repro Samsons because they may be confused for legit copies. Likewise you can repro label because it may hurt the value of the legit copies.

So I sincerely wish every retro game fan out there would reject the idea of games as collectibles or having collector value.

>> No.4139760

Love them
Repro games too
I love it

>> No.4139762

Agreed, its the only way some of these titles are ever going to get played given the prices of the legit copies.

>> No.4139765
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This is my favorite

>> No.4139769

does it function the way it should?

>> No.4139830

There's been functional repro compilation carts since forever anon, while I don't know that specific cart it should still work no problem.

>> No.4139837
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>> No.4139843

It does but if you improperly remove it it wont work anymore

>> No.4139868

Then that's all that matters, if it works as it should then that's all the legitimacy a game needs as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4141179

I don't give a shit, I am not a picky faggot.

>> No.4141228

Is Ian still dead

>> No.4141249

Wouldn't be the same to say that if you only cared about the game you wold download ROMs or buy them from the virtual stores? I thought for a collectionist would have been essential at least a CIB condition.

>> No.4141267

I always love this reaction.

>calls someone "literal who"
>knows who that someone is

>> No.4141276

A repro label on a cart is literally the same as the cart not having a label.

>> No.4141281

I don't even want to imagine a girl kissing him.

>> No.4141368

Exactly, value wise or whatever yes but to the person that owns the cart it looks better to them.
Its cause his fuckbuddy ian has a retro video game store and wants to charge people $50 each nes game and $100 for n64 games.

>> No.4141401

Pat is one of the most creatively bankrupt youtubers out there. Seriously, the guy can't write a joke to save his life, and he seems to think "I'm going to act like an idiot on camera" is the ticket to comedy gold. AVGN is about as lowbrow as it gets but Pat somehow managed to lower that bar even further. Then in the podcast he starts talking about "the writing process" and all this shit like he can actually write anything, it's kind of infuriating.

>> No.4141635

Because they do more than clean it. If you were a "car collector" and you were looking for original engines, paint, seating, etc. you would be annoyed if you were looking to buy a car and have the seats replaced, but it was advertised full price as the original version.

>> No.4142281

You know I am so sick of collector mentality, I sincerely hope that repros destroy any value that retro games may have as collectibles. Games are entertainment, not collectibles.

>> No.4142303


I love watching Pat the NES Punk videos.

>> No.4142326

1 day later, 100 replies
Yup, eceleb cancer.

>> No.4142335


>> who cares if someones game is mostly missing a label and they want to make themselves a new one, who cares?

the types of people who buy these games spend $1000's on shit, stuff like flinestones at dinosaur peak, little samson, etc, these games cost hundreds if not thousands each, and the owners are TERRIFIED of fake ones flooding the market, and devaluing their collection.

>> No.4142363

That is because collector mentality, if people were not obsessed with collecting they wouldn't care if the cart was a fake.

>> No.4142367


Can hardware fags just stop already?

>> No.4142815

The whole label deal is a catch-22 for collection. Either the label is fucked up, and a collector doesn't want it, or the label has been replaced and the collector doesn't want it.

>> No.4143418

>collector doesn't want it, or the label has been replaced and the collector doesn't want

This is why I dislike collector mentality. If you're in it for playing the games, it shouldn't matter if your label is a repro or not.

>> No.4143421

Or not there at all.

>> No.4143423

Ye just get a flash/multi cart already

>> No.4143592

Except if you read the thread, every reply is on-topic regarding repro labels you dumb cunt.

>> No.4143638

Can PC fags stop worrying about what console gamers are spending their money on?

>> No.4143643

>no damage is done to the cart
Wrong. There was an unofficial modification done which ruins the integrity of it and being reversible doesn't fix that.

>> No.4143660

Labels are one of the biggest red flags for if a reproduction cart is trying to be passed off as a legitimate one or not so yeah I'd be way more likely to buy a game with a real badly damaged label than a nice reproduction one because the moment I start having doubts on the game's authenticity is the moment I back out from buying.

>> No.4143669

It's pretty much a given that you're going to have to restore your pinball machine at somepoint if you frequently play it due to the nature of metal balls flying into my face before a massive bukkake session over and over again.

>> No.4143682

>Wrong. There was an unofficial modification done which ruins the integrity of it and being reversible doesn't fix that.

Who the hell cares, this shit only matters to assholes who ascribe some bullshit value to the games beyond what they are actually worth. You piss and moan about labels and ruined integrity, its a fucking game, an entertainment device. What "ruins the integrity" of games is assholes like you who want to attach some greater value to the product so you can feel superior as you parade around showing off your over priced copy of Erathbound, Little Samson, or whatever. You know what I'm glad people out there repro labels, it damages the idea of collector value. I'm glad people repro games, in fact I hope the market gets flooded with them, because then maybe, just maybe, people who just want a game so they can play it won't have to pay 10-50 times the value just to be able to experience what the game is like. Ane maybe just maybe, every "collector" asshole out there will finally realize how pointless collecting games is and can join the rest of us in just enjoying the entertainment and not the investment.

>> No.4143687

>I don't consider games to be collectibles
Nobody cares what you think words mean. A collection is a group of objects that have been gathered together. If you don't think people collect video games, then I imagine you must have daily struggles with the English language.

>> No.4143747

>A collection is a group of objects that have been gathered together
By dictionary definition yes that is true. However if you do not get the inference that collection in this conversation includes a valuation of the objects beyond their individual prices then you don't understand the English Language.

Alright let me dumb this down for you, right now there is a split in the loose grouping of people who play older video games, who are commonly referred to as the retro gaming community. This split is at its base about weather or not games should have a value beyond what they are actually worth. Worth in this case being market value.

There are those in the retro gaming community who believe that games should have a higher market value, that due to nostalgia, perceived scarcity, and age they should have "collector value". This is a term applied to objects which have a higher than normal market value due to perceived interest and/or rarity. These people condemn reproductions of games, as they would "damage" the value of the original copies of the games, by reducing scarcity. As said above it is usually in these people's interest to do all they can to protect the "collector value".

Then there are those who reject the idea "collector value" of games. People that believe that owning a reproduction is fine because it means you can enjoy the game without paying the added "collector value". They reject the notion that a game which would ordinarily have a market value of approximately 15-100 US dollars instead has a market value of anywhere from 150-2400 US dollars, due to "collector value". It is in these people's interest to damage and ultimately destroy collector value. To bring prices down by reducing scarcity.

So yes people do collect games, but there are people who collect and do not ascribe a greater "collector value" to games

>> No.4143752

>tfw I refer to my games not as my collection, but as my library of available games.
>tfw I hate collecting
>tfw groups of people ruin everything they touch the second they label themselves.

Collectors are fucking scum.

>> No.4143951

>restore vintage car
>no one takes issue
>restore vintage game cart

>> No.4144146


What the fuck is up with you hoarders defending your hobby so proudly? Do you even fucking play the games you are """"collecting""""?

>> No.4144434

I feel sorry for these guys. Maybe it's just their bad posture and stilted speaking skills, but there's a certain naive demeanor that seems like the last remnants of childhood innocence and wonder towards video games. But it's piled under and steamrolled by a few decades of "serious" collecting and monetizing games that they can only talk (complain, really, since business inherently sucks) about their cherished games as a kind of investment. And now they're just stuck in this rift from attempting to make their childhood obsession a career, where the passion's gone and the money's bad.

>> No.4144440

Honestly I'm fine with reproduction labels as long as they're done in a restoration sense. AKA exact copies of what was done back in the 80s 90s.

Pet and the rest of the Retro Community just don't want their s*** devalued because it's been so jacked up the last few years.

Their comic example is just sad. Comic cover reproductions are much harder to get right then f****** labels.

>> No.4144450

I feel these guys don't understand that most of the old stock labels are not archival-quality. They will fade and degrade with enough time. Another few decades most will probably be disintegrated.

Faithful reproduction is actually the ideal solution to this. Especially for cartridge games.

>> No.4144465

This collectors are a pimple on the ass of gaming.

It's not the people who buy games to play them, it's the people who are all "muh collection" that are the problem.
>buying a game you're not even gonna play
>turning gaming into a gotta catch em all meme
>being a hoarder but trying to justify it
>being the equivalent of that one guy on American pickers who has a barn full 100s of bicycles just rusting away

YouTube e celebs and collectors have turned retro gaming to shit. They drives prices and scarcity to retarded levels.

>> No.4144470

The fact that people want a rating system setup for cartridge labels is really sad. The ROM board should be the most important thing. Especially in this day and age when emulation is so easy.

It reeks of collectors trying to Lord over the hobby and create a Haves and Have Nots system.

>> No.4144485

People who actually care about playing the original games will just emulate. Or if they must for the 100% pure experience, use an original console with a flash cart or reprocarts/whatever.

>> No.4144493

>Implying collectors don't play the games they own.
I still play every game I own. The real pimple on the ass of gaming is the PC Master Race fags who think pirating games is okay.

>> No.4144503

Downloading ROMs is okay and everyone is doing it. Sorry if you feel that delegitimizes that huge dint in your wallet.

>> No.4144534

This. He's just mad other people can play these games besides him. Making his wasting money on old games pointless.

>pirating is wrong
>games no longer in production
>for consoles no longer in production
There's no problem with it.

>> No.4144537

Fuck Pat and Ian trying to push the collectors narrative onto retro-gaming.

The last thing the retro community wants is for it to turn into the comic book industry.

We want to be like the pinball community were faithful reproductions are accepted and cherished.

>> No.4144552

Sadly I think it's going to turn out like comic books, unless there's too many reproductions circulating in the community to stop collectors from finding any meaningful investment..

>> No.4144610

>cali hipster wants to turn the retro community into an eliteist club where he can look down his nose at others.

Why am I not surprised...?

>> No.4144634

I download a ROM, if I like it I buy a copy of the game.
Most of the time is a second hand game so the creators are not getting any money anyway.

>> No.4144653

Comics and games are inherently different.

Comics as a whole are worthless. The only ones with any real value are the big names. Spiderman #1, Detective Comics 13, Action Comics #1.

Your random comic is worth nothing.

Comics also are much easier to degrade than games. A mint condition comic is much rarer than a mint condition game.

Regardless, you have multiple avenues to actually play video games, so it's a non-issue.

>> No.4144680

I don't about the other guy, but the comparison I'm making is based on the idea that comic collectors see comics as a sort of financial investment, and there are people collecting games that see games as a sort of financial investment. The comparison is in the fact that in both cases it drives up the prices of games.

>> No.4144681

They may not want repss right now, but wait another few decades. Prices are going to be even more insane and we're going to see a large die-off of cartridges and systems.

Especially cartridges when the connectors oxidize.

>> No.4144689

This is why the collector's mentality destroys hobbies.

It inevitably turns communities into, "I got mine screw you".Terrible hoarding practices are encouraged and cause prices to leap up for no good reason.

And I'm not even counting the fact that we're in a retro game bubble at the moment.

>> No.4144701
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>> No.4144703

8 Bit Brody is my favorite reseller scum

>> No.4144709

Anyone who seriously wants to buy into Retro Gaming right now should probably hold off. Prices are runaway wild at the moment and a lot of shitty market practices are going on from the fad.

ROMs and emulators are absolutely the better option right now.

>> No.4144719

Agreed, which is unfortunate.

>> No.4144725

>delegitimizes your wallet
Don't worry about my wallet, I got plenty of money in it. Unlike you PC fags downloading games you can't afford out of your own pocket. So how's that buggy glitch on your pirated version of Batman Arkham Asylum working out for ya? Gliding must be a bitch to master. LOL

Nah. I think you're just mad because I got more money than you & can afford these games out of my own pocket. It's not my fault you're a poorfag that has no job to buy the games you want, living off your parents. You do realize they won't live forever, right?

>> No.4144732

You realize that the Arkham crack was perfected only a few months after the game was released right?

You're almost 10 years late with that joke.

How embarrassing for you.

>> No.4144775

"""status""" and greed killed the hobby. you cant casually go to a flea market or a thrift store on a weekend afternoon and anything aside from a handful of sports games anymore because every autist in the area picked up all the good shit early

>> No.4144790

Not sure what you expect. People buy games to keep them usually.

>> No.4144791

used to be able to go to local pawn shops and find games until they were bought out by a guy who moved from cali who opened retro game store here, and all the prices are based on amazon now.

>> No.4144810

Doesn't matter. The fact that developers are combating piracy with adding bugs & glitches maybe even a virus shows that poorfags will have to wait a few months until they get a patch to fix the new game. While legit buyers like myself can buy new games & play it right away & not have to worry about that bullshit.

>> No.4144830

Doesn't matter because it'll be patched. Oh no, I can't play it the second it comes out. That's what the other games I downloaded are for. So you go ahead and spend that money you have plenty of, I'll just play the games for free and keep mine.

>> No.4144940

>Who the hell cares
Real retro gamers unlike your /v/edditor bandwagoning ass.

>> No.4144942

If everyone let refugees who ran around and raped innocent white women would you do it? Yeah that's what I thought loser.

>> No.4144979

>Real retro gamers
That bait was so good even me who isn't the guy you were replying felt like laughing.
Just remember who is the one bandwagoning once you can't buy a factory perfect copy of a game you need or you don't find a buyer for a game you want to put on the market because every day there's more competition between resellers.

More like watching a movie at a friend's house, somebody owned the original and is letting you use it because once it is outside the store the creator will not get any more money from that copy.

>> No.4145048

Only difference is that by the time I'm done with these games, I'll be able to sell them for a lot more than what I originally paid for. Some of them are worth over $300 or more due to how rare it is.

>> No.4145049

Don't care, I buy repros and rom hacks when I'm interested enough

>> No.4145137
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>no paper and adhesive doesn't devalue a game
>add a custom label that's just as good, if not, better
>suddenly it's "destroyed"

Is it because it's "ruining history" as some put it? Or is it obsession over artificial value?

>> No.4145185
File: 134 KB, 500x373, 1466895589205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met pat 3 times now and he's even worse in person, complete asshole to his "fans" and he acts like he's a fucking god who should be the most famous person on youtube. Completely intolerant jackass.

HI co host Ian is actually nice in person surprisingly, very calm and civil unlike his appearance on the podcast.

>> No.4145190

Even if its cheaper and works just the same?

>> No.4145197

Thing ill never get is collectors who spend shit tons on games. And never play them. Least something like art you can hang up and display. Game carts are fucking ugly anyway.

>> No.4145328

My money is on the latter.

>> No.4145542
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>The physical cosmetic condition of the game has more value than the game itself

>> No.4145972

this, fuck the autistic cunt you were replying to

>> No.4146062

only faggots care about if a sticker is factory original or not. What does that autistic shit have to do with video games. You fix up a classic car because it looks nice and its fun, you fix up a video game cause it looks nice on your shelf and its fun. Only other neckbeard losers care about some sticker you guys are definitely the minority.

>> No.4146094

go fuck yourself I like these threads. Better than the fucking doom circle jerk and the millionth why is links hair pink thread

>> No.4146097

fuck that is spot on lmao especially that triforce tattoo.

>> No.4146120

You guys care about a sticker that came original from the nintendo factory but are okay with replacing a save battery that obviously isnt a nintendo original. I am going to start paying less for refurbished games because I want muh original battery

>> No.4146139

This was basically /thread.

>> No.4146173

It's a fucking sticker. It's not the same as modifying the hardware itself. It's a cheap five dollar sticker that you can print in identical or better quality at your local staples. Restoration of cosmetic shit like that isn't devaluing a game, the same way restoring a car or a painting doesn't suddenly make it worthless.

If the game has a repro label its original sticker was likely in unsalvageable condition in the first place, so just fucking remove it. If you're the kind of autistic collector who needs everything in pristine mint condition you're likely not buying loose used copies on ebay or at a garage sales anyway.

I've never seen a solid argument for why it's bad to use in a personal collection anyway. Who cares if you're devaluing your own property if it's not extremely rare and you don't intend to sell it?

>> No.4146190

>tfw my Mega Man X3 had no label when I bought it
>put a reproduction label on it
>The label is obviously fake you can tell

Obviously, if I took a photo of it on a potato I might be able to fool someone, but the adhesive on it was garbage, which makes the top come off occasionally.

I'm literally like the guy in the OP. It's my copy and I wanted it to at least look somewhat presentable.

>> No.4146230

James is actually likable though, i mean, it's AVGN is very objectively shit, but that doesn't mean it isn't comfy as hell. James seems to at least get that his jokes are corny, and that his effects suck.

>> No.4146408
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>The fact that developers are combating piracy with adding bugs & glitches maybe even a virus

Holy shit, please be bait

>> No.4146438


Games have value because people want them.
Their value is increased by scarcity. Nintendo is not making new copies of Earthbound.
The have value due to their perception.

Yes, you can play Earthbound on Virtual Console for $5, but you do not OWN that copy of the game, and it has no value.

Also, Virtual Console emulation is shit.
It's SNES 9x tier.

>> No.4146445

The original is worth more because it is original.
The reprinted label is worth less than the sum cost of what you used to make it.

What gives it value is scarcity, and demand.
This is basic jr high level economics.

This is why reproduction carts don't sell for the same are originals.
They hold lower value. They are not scarce.

>> No.4146453
File: 52 KB, 640x480, METAL JEWSUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are jewtubers all so fucking hideously ugly. Dont they realize people dont want to see up-close HD vlogs of their ugly as sin 40 yr old mugs talking about kids toys?

>> No.4146529

Do any collectors even play the fucking games?
To me it seems like the same situation in some films. Talk to a film student about one take shots and he will go on and on about the one from Goodfellas. But he will have 0 idea about how Goodfellas is a true story with real people behind it. They have 0 clue about what makes the film good in the first place.
Same deal i see with collectors of games. They have never played Earthbound they just want it because "it costs so much man" "it's rare" and other bullshit.

>> No.4146540

I can assure you, they don't.

Pat "did", but only because the book required him to.

Guys like MJR know absolutely shit all about games. He's fucking admitted he hasn't played Final Fantasy Tactics despite having it for like 5-7 years. He wants you to believe he plays his games because it makes him credible, but everyone knows full well 99% of that shit sits on his shelf. If he was actively playing and beating the games he'd be letting you know about it.

>> No.4146550

What fucking wastes of oxygen. Games are ment to be played and enjoyed. They are an expression of the developers time and story. Granted some are very shit. But we should get plesure from playing them not just stairing at the boxes on a shelf. It is insulting to the devs to just let them rot as a "colectable".

>> No.4146556

the fact that goodfellas is based on a true story isn't what makes it good lmao

>> No.4146568
File: 319 KB, 1008x756, IMG_0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually really interested in this thread, since my second hand copy of DKC2 looks like shit. It probably needs a whole new cartridge, but I won't even bother if the repro stickers don't look convincing. I might just look for a new DKC2 cart. Thoughts?

>> No.4146569

Going off topic but yes it is.
The leftanza heist, Tommy De'somone all the things that happened to Henry made Goodfellas good. Not just the cam work or the direction. The story behind goodfellas made it great. Like i said the film school student is to up his ass about good cam shots to see the story behind the actions.

>> No.4146575

>Guy on the left fidgets his legs so much it looks like he is playing with himself
>Guy on the right is wearing a shirt with his own face on it
>Logo in the lower left corner where they are drawn like handsome comic book characters
I think I already know everything I need to about these two. Comparing games to comic books is really not that apt of a comparison. Games are handled much rougher in general than comics are simply due to their construction. Technology has caught up with conventional printing so it makes sense to replace a worn label with with an indistinguishable copy. I mean, how could you know a professional reprint? Test the ink and paper of the labels to find they were made in a different, adjacent Asian country?

>> No.4146587

I've had Batman Returns for the SNES since 1993, it still plays well & hasn't rot at all. I mainly keep it on my shelf because I can just as easily play Batman Returns for the SNES on an emulator, which I do on my PC. I do that with other retro games as well. There's nothing wrong with collecting physical copies of games. I still play them, just not the traditional way in order to keep my cartridges & discs in good condition.

>> No.4146595

Ian has a tummy ache dont be a meanie to him. he is sensitive and needs patreon money because trump is a meanie how else is a reseller going to make money. give mark some patreon money too while your at it.

>> No.4146603
File: 70 KB, 365x345, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying pat he has a complete nes collection buy his book right now

>> No.4146604

I don't think you got what i meant. I mean to rot as a collectors item. In the typical way just sat on a shelf "mint" never touched or played. Fucking comic book guy levels of shit. It is an insult.
Take MGS for example. It's themes of genes and memes and other concepts would be wasted on an assholes shelf. It's only value is "it was the first MG game on the ps1" to a collector.

>> No.4146629

Why don't you start a channel and dazzle us all with your beauty then

>> No.4146635

Im not an attention whore that needs youtube welfare to feed his masturbation habbits.

>> No.4146659

Ah. That makes sense. The fact that both Pat & AVGN has thousands of these games, I doubt either of them had took the time to play all of them.

>> No.4146674

I will say i am more sympathetic to James but Pat can fuck off. Both of them seem to not have a clue. But in James defense he does not claim to be anything but a "movie" guy. Half of James's collection is stuff sent him by fans hoping he will do an AVGN ep on it. So i would not put him in the same boat as Pat.
My personal collection is all the games i have played and enjoy playing again. I looked all over the UK till i found a copy of Ar Tonelico 2. I found it and still play it today. Not because it is "rare" but because i like the game.

>> No.4146676

>Pat the Manlet
Is he truly so short?

Why are all these manlets into video games?

>> No.4146684

Pat can fuck off. I've used repro labels on my legit carts in the past. I like my carts to look nice and neat; it's not my fault the video rental store(s) I purchased some of muh vidya from put a fuckload of stupid ass labels on it.

>> No.4146704

Repro labels shouldn't exist, they should only exists for ultra rare games that you can't get outside of reproduction carts, and they should be clearly labeled as reproduction.

>> No.4146710

I love repro labes, they are great.

>> No.4146720


I have a physical copy of Resident Evil for PS1 that I still play on a PS1 instead of a PS3. Mainly because my PS1 has a Game Shark attached to it on the back, I like using codes for it. Couldn't quite figure out how to use a PS1 emulator on PC, nor could I figure out how to get game shark working on there. So I'm thankful I still have my game systems, there are some things emulators can't duplicate. Which reminds me, I did buy Power Rangers The Movie for the Sega Genesis recently, complete in box. I played it on my Sega Genesis, even though I could have easily played it on my PC. I just like the feeling of powering up my Sega Genesis & playing on it.

>> No.4146729

>My personal collection is all the games i have played and enjoy playing again. I looked all over the UK till i found a copy of Ar Tonelico 2. I found it and still play it today. Not because it is "rare" but because i like the game.


>> No.4146804

To me, that's why these whole "retro collection" scene is stupid. It's primary problem is that it's basing itself off the comic book collecting mentality, which, in turn, is based off the baseball card collecting mentality. The only problem is that comic books and baseball cards both have 50+ years on the retro games community and have real reason to charge ridiculous prices. The one thing that is just atrocious to me is that the whole point of "mint condition rarity" makes since with cards and comics more than it does video games. Action Comics #1 being in mint condition after nearly 80 years is pretty astonishing. Finding a literally who game made in the number of +100,000s for global release from less than 30 years ago in its shrink wrap in some warehouse isn't.

>> No.4146835

Agreed, but there are people pushing for that collecting mentality, most likely trying to drive prices as high as they can to either cash out before the market crashes, or because they just want the bragging rights of saying I have X-game and therefore I am better than everyone else.

>> No.4146836

The butthurt comes from the idea that no collector actually collects to have a collection. They collect so they can sell their collection later for money to someone else who wants to sell THEIR collection to someone else, so on and so forth. The idea is more that they literally don't believe that ANYONE'S collection is their own property, but the property of the person who buys it from them.

>> No.4146881

I have several old games mostly RPGs that I have had for in some cases more than 2 decades. I guess you could call it a collection, but I don't sell my games, nor will I. I still play them, to this day. Occasionally I may add a new title that I have never played before, but its rare. I'm not overly picky as to weather its digital or physical, legit or repro, I don't view games as an investment, but rater a leisurely activity.

>> No.4146957

Then, as far as the collector's market is concerned, you don't exist except for to benefit their ideas of "scarcity". Since your copies are "out of circulation" they basically count as not even existing, leading to a lower overall number of copies attainable.

We're all trapped in their stupid game; even those of us who just want to play old video games that we like/are interested in.

>> No.4146959

Every time i see this thread I want to punch this guy in the face. I have no idea who he is, but he looks fucking weird.

>> No.4146964

Thank you for that it's good to know where I stand in the game as you call it.

>> No.4146976

No hobby has ever been made better once collector's enter the mix.

Literally none.

They come in, and shit on everything. Thankfully, video games are different. Emulation and Rom dumping allows us access to all of these games for free.

So the collector's can go play in their corner. Anyone actually interested in playing games has had the means to do so for decades at this point.

>> No.4147012
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So what is the best way of making repro labels?

>> No.4147036

just print them out on shitty printer paper and put tape on them like this guy.

Better yet make all your labels with the Casio Loopy

>> No.4147038
File: 562 KB, 1280x828, 1410579976775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pat and Ian went full autism; however, I don't really see the point of repro labels when you can just find a better copy of a game. The only time it makes sense is on expensive games and it really doesn't matter how you feel about the issue. The fact is, if someone puts a reproduction label on an expensive cart, it will affect the value. If you don't care about that or can afford it, do what makes you happy.

>> No.4147048

Yeah but here's the thing.

If you replace PS1 jewel cases, it doesn't effect the value, in fact, it increases the value since teh case is in better condition.

Same thing with Saturn or CD cases. If you replace the cases the value goes up.

>> No.4147061

I guess that'd be comparable to replacing a label with an unused official print.

Cases are just generic parts.

>> No.4147089

A better analogy to PS1 games would be a reproduction manual. Would you pay the same amount for a PS1 game with a manual that someone printed out and stapled together?

>> No.4147107

>If you replace PS1 jewel cases, it doesn't effect the value, in fact, it increases the value since teh case is in better condition

Its funny you mention that, I have three sega cd games that were missing the back box art. A thing that can easily be removed because its not glued it just sits there. I have a few friends that are collectors that practically lost their minds when they saw it. Told me it damages the value. I've had the discussion with a number of retro store game owners most who say the same thing. I have only found one store owner who said as he doesn't care as long as I remove the printed material if I go to sell it.

>> No.4147115

It's the housing.

If you have a legit copy of little samson, but the shell is fucked beyond belief (like that ebay listing where it looks like someone took a fucking hammer to it), and you took a shit game like Double Dribble, and put a new little samson label on it, it would be worth more, DESPITE the repro label, because teh Cart is good.

There are no standards. It's all just bullshit opinion. It's why collecting is retarded.

You want to know the funny thing? Pat thinks no one will be going after a complete PS1 or PS2 set, and only cart games are going to be valuable. This chucklefuck is so obsessed with his collection being his retirement fund that he will put down other forms of collecting just to try and preserve the value of his shit

>> No.4147123
File: 252 KB, 734x787, 1488836290613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there some guy in Japan that had a full PS1 NTSC-J set once?

>> No.4147138

>You want to know the funny thing? Pat thinks no one will be going after a complete PS1 or PS2 set.

I know shit all about making repros but it always seemed like it would be easier to repro a disc based game than to repro a cart based game. I could be wrong, but it just seems like it would require less work. If thats true then I could imagine the shit fit that collectors will throw if repros flood the ps1-ps2 craze.

>> No.4147140

Also, it's super fucking easy to make a repro label look legit.

Everyone fucks it up because they're too perfect. It's so easy to weather a label that it looks natural.

>> No.4147142

>flood the PS1/PS2 craze

Repros will never flood teh PS1/PS2 because it's so easy to burn games that it's literally pointless to repro them.

Carts are pointless to repro as well, but at the very least, they're something you can't easily make yourself with your current PC.

>> No.4147149

repro meaning making cib copies. It's going to be interesting if the ps games become the next big fad.

>> No.4147151


How triggered did Pat get over this? https://1upretro.com/product/nwc/

>> No.4147160

Already triggered I think he talked about this guy already.

>> No.4147161


>> No.4147165

Good point, but the case is still an official nintendo part that they manufactured. A repro label isn't. That is an interesting argument about the value though. I'd probably prefer the swapped case as long as it was from an official game and the sticker on the back matched vs one that was destroyed.
When Pat started comparing games to comic books and talking about the need for some official grading agency I double facepalmed. And why wouldn't someone want to collect a complete PS1 or PS2 set? They both had great libraries. He's too much of a nintendo fanboy I guess.

>> No.4147174

I like having games with perfect labels, because mine from when I was a kid still have perfect labels. I can see which games I had let people borrow because the labels are slightly fucked up, especially for gameboy.

The funny thing is that nobody can ever make stuff as good as nintendo did in the first place. Replacement controller pads/joysticks don't feel right, power supplies seem cheap, etc.

I would be surprised if someone could print labels that are indistinguishable. There's things like the gold on the nintendo seal that would be hard to duplicate.

>> No.4147214

>power supplies seem cheap

I'll take a modern switching power supply anyday. Even good ones feel "cheap" because they're lighter as a result of not needing a huge fuckoff linear transformer. They're more efficient, have better failsafes and the output supply is regulated which means less stress on the console's power circuitry.

>> No.4147221
File: 180 KB, 500x658, 1487611987667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like repainting a car using it's original paint code. What's the problem if its the exact same label? Better to have a nice label that looks exactly the same as factory than a shitty one I can't read. Same goes with cars, if you repaint it in it's original factory color (or one of them) then isn't that better than having the original faded and chipped paint that's missing clearcoat?

I guess it would be nice to mention in your ebay ad that it's a replaced label for turbo autists but why bother? Not like they know the difference anyway.

>> No.4147428

If I'm buying something I want the real thing otherwise I'll just use a flashcart or emulation.

>> No.4148361


>> No.4148971

I would absolutely buy that assblasted label copy of Earthbound, because nobody else will and I can get a good deal on it, and a repro label for $5 from eBay. I found a Contra Hard Corps with a label that was 95% unrecognizable but I fucking know Hard Corps when I see it, so I got it for $5 because the guy didn't even know what game it was.

>> No.4148985

I fucking hate that cunt. He's like the epitome of Nu-Male Nintendrone and he started showing up in my feed recently.

>> No.4148990

I can literally buy a Little Samson repro cart on ebay for $40 right now. Market's already caught up to them. Sadly it's not doing much

>> No.4148997
File: 23 KB, 834x411, autismjames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one has more severe autism?

>> No.4149000

why do they all wear those cuck glasses?

>> No.4149003

Spiderman #1 isn't even the big one you tard, it's Amazing Fantasy #15

>> No.4149006

Warning coloration

>> No.4149007

I dunno.

It's retarded, because he's obviously shilling this thing.
>thanks to so and so for giving me this shit to pimp out to these youtube retards

It's basically a shittier single game flash cart, that requires it's own external board to map roms to it. It's especially bad becasue you actually have to put in the right CIC chip too.

Say what you will about Krikkz, but the guy made a good fucking product.

>> No.4149010

Wow I actually like how the DKC2 art looks in black and white

>> No.4149016

I love Goodfellas but I gotta be honest, the fucking mob shit that happens in it is kind of incidental. None of it is gone into in a lot of detail and the movie doesn't spend enough time on the real results of it on his life. Shit just happens to Henry it looks like. Really the only 2 good sequences in the movie are the prison and the entire end scene where he's avoiding the helicopter.

Sopranos is better.

>> No.4149035

The difference is that AVGN is intentionally "so bad it's good" whereas Pat is just bad.

>> No.4149053

>"so bad it's good"
It's more like he's the one who made it mainstream so even if he's shitty we can't really say he's doing it "wrong" since he more or less made the rules so long ago to suit him and the rest only leeched.

Both are bad but AVGN has merits even if those aren't good at all.

>> No.4149057

>AVGN is intentionally
no hes just a dumbass and other dumbasses like him. he is better than pat but thats not saying much.

>> No.4149058

Have you seen his special effects? He's intentionally using shitty 60s-70s era Tokusatsu style effects because he likes the style.

>> No.4149063

>He's intentionally using shitty
There it is, he's doing a low quality job.
But he has some merits that only count if you want to while it's perfectly justified to consider it bad if you don't care.