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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 640x416, deep+fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4144405 No.4144405 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people overrate the state of 90's "survival horror" games so much?

Seriously, even the shittiest games (which almost the entire genre is composed of) have nothing but people who would defend them to this very day.

>> No.4144412

Because what else is there now to take their place? And once upon a time they were very atmospheric and exciting games. Survival horror was a very unique genre.

>> No.4144416

>I don't like thing

Swell. Where do I sign up to subscribe to your blog?

>> No.4144427 [DELETED] 

let me guess, another nintoddler crying over a genre the n64 didn't have

>> No.4144448

This is an 18+ site, kiddo.

>> No.4144498

The graphics didn't bothered us, on the contrary and the luxury of having action, music and plot was very atractive, same with early rpgs, that are just painful in retrospective.

>> No.4144517 [DELETED] 


>> No.4144518

Not really, this is a blue board.

It's not overrated. I don't really don't like shmups and platformers. But I'm not going to open a thread to shit on them, I just don't play those games.

My vr collection are all jrpgs and survival horror games.

>> No.4144581
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>> No.4144593

The big N. no, not Nintendo: NOSTALGIA

>> No.4144624
File: 31 KB, 640x360, wrap-your-head-around-this-jill-valentine-cosplay_gwre.640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Survival Horror games in 2011.
Is it weird that I like them now? I was curious about the games that I was scared to play as a kid.
I'm 29 now.

>> No.4144665

People defend all kinds of things othets don't like. Heck even Spyro the dragon still has fans. Who cares?

>> No.4144671

Blue or pink doesn't matter. All 4chan is 18+. Blue is just worksafe.

>> No.4144718

Shit, you are right.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.4144752

It always works too.

>> No.4144774
File: 236 KB, 850x444, Dark Souls Marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep Fear is ackshyully pretty sweet

I couldn't have said it better myself

RE came out when I was 19 so I got to enjoy them at the perfect time in my life but I think it's cool that you wanted to go back and conquer your fear because that's what the payoff is.

>> No.4144986

I finally got around to playing the original Resident Evil a year ago, it's now in my top ten. None of these Amnesia clones can fucking come close.

>> No.4144992

>fixed camera angles
That will be a NEVER-play for me.

>> No.4145074


>> No.4145227

Bad camera = bad controls = bad game

>> No.4145229

Its not DMC, you dont even have to aim. Theyre about exploration more than anything.

>> No.4145250


I played RE1 to completion for the first time a few weeks back. I had fun. This genre is dead 'thanks' to RE4 (fuck that game).

>> No.4145294

Because Silent Hill and Resident Evil. Seriously without those two franchises the genre would be far more niche than it is now. Although youtube e-celebs have done a decent job at bringing attention to them again. The shitty FPS non-combat ones though.

>> No.4145315

Because the cinematic camera angles made it look cool and atmospheric; played like a movie. even survival horror games now like The Evil Within and the new Resident Evil don't have it anymore. I miss these types of games.

>> No.4145323

>People defend all kinds of things othets don't like. Heck even Spyro the dragon still has fans
Because both those things manage to attract sizable followings during their heydays, making them far from something that "others don't like".

>> No.4145485

There needs to be a survival horror renaissance but I feel like that would be a monkey paw wish.

>> No.4145497
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banned memories, a recently made third person survival horror game for the playstation

any good?

>> No.4145513

>for the playstation

it's for PC

Thoughts about checking a video:

the camera angles look like shit, completly missing the point of what makes of SH1 cameras

the models look like shit

it mimics SH1 way too much, but not in a good way

>> No.4145545

>There needs to be a survival horror renaissance

You haven't been paying attention have you?
>Zombi U
>Alien: Isolation
>Resident Evil 7

All these are best sellers or incredibly well known too.
in b4 you try to convince me those aren't survival horror. First person survival have existed before the Alone In The Dark style, existed along side the Alone In The Dark style, and outlived it.
The first 'real" survival horror (with enough survival gameplay elements to call it, if you ask me) was Zombi, a first person game, which Zombi U was a reboot of.

There are also been modern 3rd person survival horror games but people have been so blinded by the camera angles that they dismiss everything else and call them "pure action" when they're not, and reject them. It doesn't help that most people have always been retarded when it comes to giving a definition ot the genre. This is one of the reasons why the first persons one are the only ones that get made and sell these days.

>> No.4145620

Maybe in another decade or so indie devs will start making low poly clones of N64/PS1 games to cash in on the new wave of nostalgia.

>> No.4145628

There's another one on Steam called Back in 1995, but it sucks pretty bad, sadly.

>> No.4145630

4chan is 18+ now get off summer pleb

>> No.4145631

NESfag's opinions on survival horror shouldn't really be taken seriously
he thinks Homocumming is a good game

>> No.4145632

Homecoming is the best Silent Hill game as far as survival gameplay mechanics are concerned

Everyone calls it a "RE4 clone" because of the camera angle, which is about as stupid as saying that the Onimusha series are survival horror

Not retro though

>> No.4145659 [DELETED] 

>doesn't like skill based genres

>his fav genres are idiot friendly time sink story driven shit for plebian retards

Imagine my shock.

>> No.4145690

This is still an 18+ site. If you're underage, get out.

>> No.4145705

In a decade it's gonna come off as played out the same way 8-bit nostalgia piles are right now. Why wait when the window is already wide open?

>> No.4145876
File: 138 KB, 620x400, MiTwKGZmmQN7drxXetLTWU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psst... dino crisis was capcom's masterpiece

>> No.4145906

Retro survival horror aged but the good games remain good. Technology is in favor of survival horror, just play Dead Space on hard difficulty, I bet you'll shit your pants (not retro though)

>> No.4145958

Anyone every play Nocturne it was like RE but more gothic theme instead of zombies.

>> No.4145994

fuck off

>> No.4146008

It's decent

>> No.4146030

do you know if it works on modern windows? it scared the fuck out of me as a kid and I would like to try it again

>> No.4146134

RE series died for me the minute they lost the tank controls.

They ensured you had to make real deliberate movements and running paths. Imagine shit like Hunk's scenario with CV controls.

>> No.4146140

Nocturne's setting is more interesting than the game itself.

>> No.4146143

I think I remember it being praised for its shadows and "cape physics" but not much else
you're probably better off skipping ahead to Rustin Parr

>> No.4146179

I was a time and a place in 3D computer game history.

We hadn't worked out how to move characters in a 3D space and make it palpable.

So fixed camera angles and tank controls were the answer and to make the "action" interesting it was made limited so as to compliment the rigid movement.

Then over the shoulder camera was invented and it became completely outdated and obtuse

>> No.4146189

I agree. Anyone else wanna recommend some survival horror titles?

>> No.4146198

The only thing scary about 90's survival horror, is that people accepted terrible controls as a gameplay feature

>> No.4146267
File: 41 KB, 620x417, elijah-wood-back-to-the-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you gotta move around like a tank?
>that's like a baby's toy

>> No.4146615

The genre is dead because REmake didn't sell well on Gamecube. Then they made RE4 and sold a lot of copies...

>Because Silent Hill and Resident Evil
They don't know how to do survival horror anymore.
SH1 and RE1 - if you see an enemy can run pass it or you can fight it.
Amnesia - running is your only option.
Alan Wake - fighting is your only option.

3D Monster Maze did it earlier than Zombi.

Been here since 2006, never bothered to read the rules.

I like the fixed camera angles. Some spectacle fighters still use it.

>Everything that deviates from the current standard are terrible controls.
During the 5th and 6th generation of consoles every game had a different control scheme and you had to learn the controls each time you grab a new game.

>> No.4146675
File: 43 KB, 300x225, Jamesvspatient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else wanna recommend some survival horror titles?

Blue Stinger
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (careful, you have a couple of points of no return so maybe you want to use a walktrough)

Deep Fear
Resident Evil 1
Enemy Zero (I don't really like it, but it has its fans around here)
D (is like an interactive movie)

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Silent Hill 1
Parasite Eve (It's a mix of RPG and survival horror)
Parasite Eve 2 (this one is a RE clone)
Dino Crisis (the second one is a fun shooter, but not a survival horror game)
Alone in the Dark the New Nightmare (also on ps2 but still is an ugly game)
Chaos Break
Countdown Vampires
Clock Tower the First Fear
Clock Tower 2
Koudelka (another RPG and survival horror mix)
Martian Gothic: Unification (hasn't aged well, you are going to get lost and die, you don't have a map, the enemies respawn and you have limited ammo)
Overblood (It's so bad it's good)
Alone in the Dark (I think this version is an expansion but they released for the PS1 as just AitD)
Alone in the Dark 2
D (is like an interactive movie)

I prefer the 5th gen survival horror games over the newer ones because the gameplay feels more focused. You have 6 hours of gameplay and you are done.

>> No.4146751

Fear Effect was my favorite one because of the targeting
No game with fixed camera angles and manual aiming is playable

>> No.4146761
File: 1.12 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep that dark souls shit off our retro board.
Love your posts otherwise thanks

>> No.4146792

It was weird towards the end, but It wasn't a survival horror. Wasn't it?

>> No.4146798

Now that you mention it I guess not. I guess I just lump it in with Resident Evil and such because it's so similar

>> No.4147514

Isnt most games that were released for psx and dreamcast are generally better on dreamcast.

Woudlnt Resident Evil and Dino Crisis be better on DC.

>> No.4147523

>SH1 cameras

SH1 didn't have fixed camera except in one spot in the beginning

>> No.4147683

It goes like this
PC > Dreamcast > or 5th gen consoles

>> No.4147693

Way to miss his point. He's saying the actual direction is shit.

>> No.4147725

Mostly nostalgia. At the time, they were the top of their game. They had great story telling, creative creature design, and when the people talking fondly of them today played, them, they were 17-27 years younger and could be scared by those old low poly monsters burst through windows and fumbling with the now restrictive controls.

The 2001 game Extermination was the perfect evolution of the classic survival horror. It played like Resident Evil 4 four years before there was a Resident Evil 4.

>> No.4147731

RE4 is famous so it's awarded all kinds of "innovations" to it. It's kinda like OoT, you know.

But what RE4 did in a way was a natural evolution. Think of Cold Fear for instance, everyone will tel you it's a "RE4 clone", well tough luck, it was developped at the same time as RE4, and they had all those ideas before any RE4 showed its new face to the public.

Same with the AITD reboot, it was in development for so long, they had a similar approach to RE4 during development, like Cold Fear.

Then there is the fact that taking survival horror and turning it into pure action has been a tradition ever since after the first AITD: AITD2, which is about as "survival horror" as RE4 is, or even less. Then of course you have all the games like Parasite Eve 2, Vampire Hunter D, Onimusha 1-3, Devil May Cry etc etc

>> No.4147745

>taking survival horror and turning it into pure action has been a tradition ever since after the first AITD

and AITD2 turned out to be crap compared to the first one
not all traditions should be upheld

>> No.4147746
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, re2 score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the comic is generally representative of the kind of relationship I and many others enjoy having with games that have steep difficulty like retro survival horror had - especially combined with the real tangible horror element.

Back in the day when the genre was fresh and you sat down alone in the dark with nothing but the game audio through your house stereo, you suffered through a lot to start really understanding how the games were played, the meta of it.

We didn't have multiple distractions constantly as a way of life. If my pager went off or God forbid my phone (with a real bell, by choice) rang while I was playing Silent Hill I'd about have a heart attack.

Also, we didn't have fucking YouTube celebrities joking around over top of experienced full playthroughs of these games. There were certain people in a social group (i.e. me) who had seriously played RE enough to sort of understand what to do and we'd get the new game at release then people who were too scared to play themselves would come and watch and learn and collaborate and the fanbase grew like that. It was awesome.

Now a 9 year old kid can sit down and learn more in 2 hours about RE2 than we figured out in years even with gamefaqs.

>> No.4147758

They were aesthetic as fuck too! Nothing will match the late 90s pre-rendered backgrounds.

>> No.4147879

Im playing threw REmake right now because i just beat CV recently. Im doing my first pplaythrough as chris. Just beat the big plant fellow in the house and the battletoads have started to show up.

>> No.4147954
File: 40 KB, 300x300, HELLNIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would add Hell Night to that list, its pretty under rated.

>> No.4148152
File: 43 KB, 540x405, looksfamiliar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of Chaos Break featuring not Jill Valentine.

>> No.4148160
File: 46 KB, 640x650, thenote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should play The Note at least one time. It was one of those EU releases that got little attention, but has pretty unique gameplay. You use the environmental lighting in odd ways, having to open windows, shutters, light candles, make fires etc to find items and clues.

>> No.4148178 [DELETED] 

>So fixed camera angles and tank controls were the answer and to make the "action" interesting it was made limited so as to compliment the rigid movement.

Nope, fixed camera angles were a way to show player beautifully rendered backgrounds full of details that look gorgeous even today.

It was photorealistic and no hardware of the time, not even PC could pull it off.

Fixed angles were the only way this would work (although sometimes camera moved along prerendered background or background was an FMV playing in the background)
Since angles had to be fixed each and every time devs tried to position camera such way it would look cinematic or at least contributed to the mood of the game.
My fav cam angles were that on a cluttered table showing everything in details, comfy as fuck.

Tank controls were the only way to let player control character in a consistent way or for player to run from screen to screen and not loop between them with controls changing as screen orientation change.
You could say now there are a bit better way of doing it but back then even fist person shooters had the most retarded controls so it was a success.

So yeah, its not the desire to set the mood or to increase difficulty, everything was decided by the use of prerendered backgrounds.

At least thats how I see it.

>> No.4148180

>So fixed camera angles and tank controls were the answer and to make the "action" interesting it was made limited so as to compliment the rigid movement.

Nope, fixed camera angles were a way to show player beautifully rendered backgrounds full of details that look gorgeous even today.
It was photorealistic and no hardware of the time, not even PC could pull it off in real time

Fixed angles were the only way this would work (although sometimes camera moved along prerendered background or background was an FMV playing in the background)
Since angles had to be fixed each and every time devs tried to position camera such way it would look cinematic or at least contributed to the mood of the game.
My fav cam angles were that on a cluttered table showing everything in details, comfy as fuck.

Tank controls were the only way to let player control character in a consistent way or for player to run from screen to screen and not loop between them with controls changing as screen orientation change.
You could say now there are a bit better way of doing it but back then even fist person shooters had the most retarded controls so it was a success.

So yeah, everything was decided by the use of prerendered backgrounds and technology used to bypass hardware limitations.

At least thats how I see it.

>> No.4148719

underage poster=retarded anon=bad at vidya

>> No.4148725

Let's be honest, tank controls sucked. We just tolerated them at the time.

>> No.4149009

>Extermination was the perfect evolution of the classic survival horror.
That's because some of the designers did Deep Fear before.

I don't know what to do in that game. I just keep walking until something kills me.

It's not Jill, Mituki moves far better.

>> No.4149746

I don't see how youtube "e-celebs" have anything to do with the popularity of survival horror

>> No.4149774

Youtubers screaming in fear when Amnesia came out heavily contributed to its popularity, and that trend kept on

>> No.4149962

I retract my statement. Makes sense now boss. Thanks

>> No.4150135

I've tried to find an iso of this online a while back and couldn't find it. I'm really curious about this and would like to play it some time.

>> No.4150151


I've played it. I enjoyed it a lot, if you like first person adventure PS1 games, you'll like it.

There was just ONE "puzzle" I couldn't slove and I had to look up, when you hav eto use the rope on teh balcony, and you have to be pixel perfect too

There is no NTSC-U version so you won't be finding that if that's what you're looking for

>> No.4150154

BTW, the main character is voiced by the McCullock, who voiced Chris in RE1 and Richter in SOTN, it's fucking classic

>> No.4150293

Well, I don't think regions matter much when emulating. Not every iso has been uploaded online, especially with obscure games like this. Glad you enjoyed it, it makes me want to play it more now.

>> No.4150303

I did download an ISO of it, although I think I have the PAL version somerewhere in my collection....

anyway "isozone" and "ultimarom" seem to have it

>> No.4150310

I does matter since most games are not optimized for pal 50hz, etc, etc.

>> No.4150334

You can fix that with one click in your emulator.

>> No.4150343

That's not true for PS1 games because sounds and musics are played at the same speed regardless.

Anyway IIRC The Note PAL version ran fine.

>> No.4150801

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.4150810

It's been a while since I seen that pasta, best post in this bread right now

if only tripfag attentionwhores would take the hint

>> No.4150826

You're a fucking retarded faggot. It's been explained nothing short of a thousand times in /vr/ threads why tank controls can't just be dismissed as "bad".

Remove the tank controls, and you remove the most important gameplay aspect of survival horror games. It's supposed to be difficult. Every room with enemies is a movement puzzle. it's not supposed to be some kind of red carpet joyride, pampering you all the way to your next objective.

You're acting as if dying or having difficulty in a game is some kind of unintended glitch, something that needs to be "fixed" or "tolerated".

>> No.4150838

Difficult controls are not a good form of game difficulty.
Leave that to ammunition management, AI, and the level layout.

>> No.4150840

True, but Amnesia isn't a 90's horror game. I don't think jumpscare fps and pewdiepie contributed much to the popularity of PS1 titles. They are simply just good games that deserve praise and recognition, which they have been getting since release. I don't see anything disproportionate about it

>> No.4150848

tank controls exist because 2D controls in a game with fixed camera angles are garbage
have fun realigning your character in REmake after every fucking angle change with 2D controls

>> No.4150867

How so? Why not let the difficulty be rooted in player actions, rather than just having agressive enemy AI?

How can you have ammunition management, if you don't need it to get out of a sticky situation? What does the AI matter if you can swerve around enemies with ease? Who cares about level layout if it doesn't factor in how you traverse each room?

You're like everyone else who complains about tank controls. You can't comprehend pressing forward to go forward, and you can't adapt to different styles of gameplay because you've been brainwashed by mainstream third person action shooters and Skyrim. Survival horror is about strategy and puzzles, not high-octane shooting sprees.

>> No.4150915
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 2762595-9125111398-7895_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often see people ask "Why don't they make more games like classic RE?"

Oh boy did they ever. Digging around on the PlayStation, there's a metric shitton of them.

Hard Edge
Countdown Vampires
Deep Freeze
Vampire Hunter D
Chaos Break
Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn

I'm sure there's many, many more.

At least they are fun and interesting games as they all seem to mimic the atrocious campy voice acting and story.

>> No.4150947

>atrocious campy voice acting and story

Were all japanese mid-90's games like this? The lines in Resident Evil 1 were apparently written and translated from japanese, by a japanese guy, so a lot of it is literal translations. The voice actors are clearly over-acting, possibly to make up for the nonsensical dialogue.

>> No.4151139

As I recall there's an interview somewhere with one of the VAs, who says the Jap director specifically asked them to EMPHASIZE specific WORDS because that's what sounds good in Japanese, hence all the "don't OPEN that DOOR" delivery in RE1.

>> No.4151250

REVII is absolute garbage.

>> No.4151259

Just because it's not retro doesn't mean it's not good.

>> No.4152262

Is Code Veronica (including its various ports) any good? Is it worse than the psx games?

>> No.4152282

CV is worst than 2 and 3, better than one. Still is one of my favs survival horror games.

>> No.4152289

Except from Countdown Vampires, none of the games in that list are survival horror. They're action-adventure games inspired by survival horror, like AITD2, Dino Crisis 2, Parasite Eve 2, Onimusha...

I love them though, especially Vampire Hunter D which I love to death. Such a great game once you get the hang of the gameplay, and realize turning off the auto-lock is for the better...


It's shit. Stay away from it.

>> No.4152297

It's big and spartan, long and bleak and taxing. I personally like those qualities in my survival horror.

>> No.4152387
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 1481026196459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a reddit meme

>> No.4152404

I've never been a huge fan of this genre besides resident evil 4 (>inb4?), but doesn't stuff like Outlast carry the banner of survival horror today?
>jump scares
>underpowered player character

>> No.4152407

and you know that because you browse reddit.

>> No.4152449
File: 4 KB, 125x124, 1499580886861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP didn't make themselves OP'd and couldn't survive.

>> No.4152453

it's verbiose and wearisome, opinionated and obnoxious and attention-seeking. I personally hate those qualities in my tripfags.

>> No.4152465
File: 40 KB, 460x430, azLbGpp_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest; people like you sucked then and now. We just have to tolerate you for the rest of our lives.

>> No.4152508

>Why do people overrate the state of 90's "survival horror" games so much?

Without 90's survival horror games there would be no survival horror genre. Granted they are the greatest by modern standards. You above statement is akin to saying why do people overrate vinyl records so much. Without those records we wouldn't have some of the forms of audio media we have to day. So people place importance on history and the evolution of electronic media.

>> No.4152527

If something 90's horror game lacked the visuals for convincing jumpscares, *jumps on you, drool on your face - Andromied tier bullshit.
Controls for RE over shoulder frantic shooter.
MGS4 cinematic -let me show you history of the world and repeat everything multiple time in deep philosophical voice - so.
Everything was build around atmosphere, story, gameplay mechanics and puzzles.

Even Evil Dead psx game as shitty gameplay as it has you cant deny that the mood is true to the movie gameplay is still scariest thing about it but its a nice memory trip otherwise

>> No.4152562
File: 258 KB, 640x480, DOSBox 2014-09-30 16-38-42-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bashing on any survival horror game
>Before resident evil horror was niche and rarely in 3D before 1995
>pic related
I always expect my horror games to be a little bit "bad" in some respects because it allows the space for fun to be had. Survival horror games that take themselves too seriously are most often try-hard edge lord experiences.


>> No.4152653

> tfw retro style survival horror games will never come again, with fresh plots that make sense and awesome gameplay

also would definitely make a jill sandwich with that

>> No.4153238
File: 789 KB, 687x673, 1684417-wardeadcover[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to survival horror, I think War of the Dead might be one of the first.

It predates Sweet Home by two years and is an action-RPG about fighting the undead with limited resources.

>> No.4153246
File: 8 KB, 240x170, WotD1MSX05[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female protagonist
>Part of special forces investigating a zombie outbreak
>Start out with a gun with limited ammo and a combat knife

Man Resident Evil got some INSPIRATION

>> No.4153271
File: 156 KB, 378x347, 1500026865384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great story telling

Only a handful of games in this genre have it, most of them are fucking garbage beyond belief

>> No.4153554
File: 46 KB, 400x477, c_HauntedHouse_Picture_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I almost bought pic related for my colection. I don't have an Atari. Almost felt for the meme.

>> No.4154021
File: 10 KB, 320x200, 174076-zombi-atari-st-screenshot-an-ad-for-a-3-year-old-amstrad-only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombi predates War of the Dead
Its first version is from 1986

>> No.4154137
File: 10 KB, 160x144, 622424-resident-evil-gaiden-game-boy-color-screenshot-female-zombie[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks interesting. The Amstrad version reminds me of Resi Gaiden with that bar that goes back and forth for shooting.

To think that Ubisoft was the first...

>> No.4154385

just started paying RE2 for the first time. Got up to the first typewriter and got owned by that beast with the tongue. I realised I should have got the shotgun off the store guy. Should I just start over?

>> No.4154389

There is another shotgun a bit later on. The first one is optional.

>> No.4154553
File: 86 KB, 612x480, forever alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which are the best AitD games?

>> No.4154567
File: 43 KB, 598x300, personalnightmare[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always liked horror games but I think that for the purposes of genre definition "Traditional Survival Horror" games should be considered to exclusively refer to 3rd person games with fixed or semi-fixed cameras.

Alone in the Dark is good but primitive, 2 is more combat focused and I think I'm coming to like it the best of the original trilogy. 3 is complete fucking madness, only tangentially related but it IS the final game before the RE influence set in and something like New Nightmare was produced, which you might like the best just because it's closes to "Traditional Survival Horror"

>> No.4154576


How could a game so terrible get a series of even worse sequels?

>> No.4154638

1 and The New Nightmare are the only really good ones, really. And TNN isn't even that good either, but as far as "RE clones of the PS1 era" are concerned, it is one of the better ones.

> I think that for the purposes of genre definition "Traditional Survival Horror" games should be considered to exclusively refer to 3rd person games with fixed or semi-fixed cameras.

Everyone and their mother have their definition of 'survival horror'. Probably because 1) it's a sub-sub-sub genre 2)it's an expanation in VG genre defining because it introduces the notion of "theme" on top of gameplay mechanics 3) pro vg reviewers have gone full retard with it ever since the genre name was established

I've though about it through and the only definition which makes sense to me is this:
>action-adventure (literaly how AitD was called before RE came up with 'survival horror') with a horror theme and survival gameplay mechanics

Some survival horror leans more toward the "action" mechanics, like RE, some others lean more towards the "adventure" mechanics, like Echo Night, but in any case it HAS to have mechanics from the others.

That definition embraces absolutely everything from Zombi to Echo Night to Resident Evil to Amnesia etc, but by this definition, these aren't survival horror contrary to popular belief/pro reviewers/etc :
>Sweet Home (no action mechanics)
>House of the Dead (no adventure, no survival mechanics)
>Parasite Eve

And by that definition, Onimusha isn't survival horror either and that's exactly how it should be if you ask me.

>> No.4154676

Already have The New Nightmare. I was curious of the rest. I remember playing the first AitD in the early 90s but I was like 6 so I don't remember much.
I will try the first two, then.

>> No.4157054
