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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 163 KB, 809x477, spike1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
413794 No.413794 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /vr/ troopers, let's put our heads together.
Earthbound's price jumped appreciatively at the end of 2010.
It's been on an upward spiral ever since. But why then, specifically?

>> No.413808

When was the Mother 3 english translation released?

>> No.413810

Same as records I would say OP, and possibly other trends I personally am unaware of. I don't know how retro (and record) collecting took off again though, that is a total mystery.

>> No.413817

Indie hipster faggots jumping on the "omg so retro nerd" bandwagon

>> No.413818

>sold this for $75
>a year later it's going for $200+

I have to hide this thread, I'm sorry OP, but it just hurts too much.

>> No.413829
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Google search metrics for 2010 for "earthbound".

Stays pretty average, with 3 noticeable spikes.
May and August; and Dec ~18, just before Christmas.

>> No.413831

I think OP's point is how those trends took off.

What started the fad or the bandwagon that has caused such stupid price inclines?

>> No.413832


>> No.413834

What is the obsession with the game? I'm not criticizing anyone on here, I just don't really get why it's so pricey and always considered a commodity.

>> No.413849

Because despite Nintendo's best efforts to advertise it it still sold like shit. Now many people want it that never bought it originally.

>> No.413851

October, 2008. The second version in July, 2009.

Was there a review, like AVGN or Game Grumps or something that sparked this interest? I don't personally follow 'le /v/ culture' so I honestly have no idea.

>> No.413847

Considered one of the best rpgs off all time.
Flew under most peoples radar back in the day.
Hasnt had a rerelease on another console and its not available on VC. The common person doesnt want to emulate.

>> No.413860

>The common person doesnt want to emulate.
Yet VC is nothing more than that.

>> No.413852

Question about this game: I'm at Happy Happy Village (or whatever) right now. Is the rest of the game worth seeing? Are towns like Threed and Fourside really neat? I love the feel of towns like Onett but not crazy about the gameplay.

>> No.413856

It's a fashion thing amongst hipster nerds and some retro collectors.

>> No.413864

It sold pretty poorly and disappeared, then Ninty put the characters in Smash Brothers and everyone decided it was a great game.

>> No.413865

More like
>is too stupid to know how to emulate
>can't emulate on a mac

>> No.413875


starmen.net have always been a very loud crowd. They're overzealous fanatical asses have been advertised on the news and acknowledged by Nintendo themselves. It's only natural that people feel curious as to why they feel the need to impose their blind love for their game, and inevitably made a couple of unsuspecting people into new fans of the series.

>> No.413871

Peaceful Rest Valley is the real 'hump' of the game. Once you get to Threed, the game picks up noticeably.

>> No.413882
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>> No.413885


>> No.413879

How is it true that this game is not that rare, but still really expensive? That makes no sense to me.

>> No.413904

That's the purpose of this thread. To figure out what happened before Christmas Shopping season 2010 to cause such a huge spike in price that hasn't gone down, this 'price bubble'.

>> No.413941


i think, as the complaints about it not being on VC more and more, it raised awareness and demand.

>> No.413950

because people will pay absurd amounts for it.

if they just refused, the price would go down.

but even for a ripped cart, fools will pay upward of $125

>> No.413951

HCBailly did a Let's Play of it, but he's not that popular.

Exactly. It's so rare that there are people selling ten copies at once, and always 100+ for sale on E-Bay.

>> No.413952

Storage Wars premiered.

>> No.413964
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>sonic da mexican

>> No.413960

Really high demand
"retro gaems"
"so indeh"
see fancy cupcakes, reddit, and introduction of "hipster" and "nerd" to the mainstream

>> No.413987

I'll also add that this is not just EarthBound suffering from this. It's everything -- particularly Nintendo related merchandise that has risen to absurd values. EarthBound is just the poster child for this. Games that used to cost $5-10 are not $30-40 and so forth. Just look at Bad Fur Day within the last few years. These garbage reality shows letting the masses know that video games are worth something, even with as much misinformation that they give, hurt the collecting scene a lot. Now every idiot can go on their smartphone and look at eBay for what's worth money when they're at the flea market or thrift shop or whatever. Everything's open to everyone now; you no longer need to be knowledgeable about video games to know what's worth money.

>> No.414003

>are not $30-40

Meant "now" $30-40, herp.

>> No.414006

Witness the epic discovery of the fabled NES 001 ... OR IS IT?

>> No.414007

there are mac ports of almost every modern/still maintained emulator

>> No.414024

>be round at a friends' for drinks a couple of weeks ago
>turns in to a party
>girl with NERD jumper is there
>end up in conversation with her
>she says she loves battle star galactica and how nerdy she must be for it!
>calls me a geek in an offensive manner for saying i like archer because it's a cartoon
>wearing a nerd jumper
i can agree it is mainstream and it hurts my very soul

>> No.414037

I don't think Storage Wars has anything to do with it
They've only touched on video games in one episode and that episode wasn't even out when the spike hit

>> No.414051
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Sonic Da Mexican

>> No.414069
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>Bad Fur Day
PewDiePie played it. That alone caused the price to spike.

Reality shows aren't a big problem in my opinion, yeah they're pretty stupid (someone in another thread said a show said that an original Xbox was worth $100) but I doubt people with the actual know-how to collect games know what it's worth.

Really it's just this "nerd culture" shit. Did ANY show or popular YouTube faggot feature Earthbound between now and 2007?

>> No.414062
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The Earthbound FanFest that Fangamer did in 2010 brought it to a large number of people's attention when a few YouTube channels (not YouTube celebs but fairly popular) did live streams of the game. The FFSTV stream was actually pretty funny.

>> No.414063

Goddamn I am sick of /vr/ EB price wars generals. Carry on, brethren.

>> No.414083

I've seen it before, but it hurts watching it every time. How could he be so misinformed?

>> No.414109

IIRC, the game really wasn't that well advertised when it came out. The only reason I was remotely interested in picking it up was because of a review I read in Gamepro or some old videogame magazine.

>> No.414103

I don't even want to watch, what is it, did he think the part number signified it was the first NES ever made?

>> No.414106

May have found your 'May' spike for 'earthbound':


>> No.414116

>Reality shows aren't a big problem in my opinion
They contribute to the notion that anything "retro" is worth major cash.
>I doubt people with the actual know-how to collect games know what it's worth.
But it fucks with the market because now any non-vidya playing idort who sees ANY old game thinks they can sell it for a large amount, and so common SNES carts in shitty condition are getting listed on ebay for $40-50. Those shows are definitely a factor in price inflation.

The thing that started this was Starmen.net, who were hyping the shit out of the game everywhere for years and years. Then Mother 3 got translated and boom, here we are today.

>> No.414121
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>mfw I got earthbound for $200 with 8 other games

>Zelda LttP
>Super Metroid
>Super Mario RPG
>Battletoads & Double Dragon
>Kirby Super Star
>SMW2: Yoshis Island
>Legend of the Mystical Ninja
>Top Gear 3000

>> No.414127

It's not responsible on its own, but it is a huge factor in getting the word out to middle aged white trash that video games are worth something. I've seen many people buy storage units and sell off the Nintendo stuff on eBay or Craigslist.

The nerd culture marketing doesn't help, either, and that's probably the biggest factor of all, but I think it's a combination of the two. The fake nerds are the ones paying absurd amount of money on things that should never cost as much as they should, the white trash are the ones finding it before anyone else because they buy all their junk in bulk.

>> No.414132

I say you over payed.

>> No.414136
File: 1.49 MB, 2592x1456, 2012-02-24_15-25-16_912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i got all these games for free from some guy at work after i told him I was a collector of old games.

>mfw I'm not posting a face because i'm posting pic of games

>> No.414138

I don't know about Earthbound, but I've noticed game reviewers like Grumps and Pewdepie influence prices. Check PriceCharting for the day a video is released, and there's generally a spike right after. I'm not sure how that affects the games in the long term, but there's definitely something there.

>> No.414142

yes yes i know, it's been clean since I took this picture.

>> No.414139

Dat Chrono Trigger needs cleaning.

>> No.414141

that poor CT needs some loving

>> No.414143

Well the guy liked ass play.

>> No.414150

Ahh, now I see how you got them for free

>> No.414152

It was actually fairly decently advertised in magazines back in the day. It had no television commercials to speak of, but it had a lot of single page spreads in EGM and the like with scratch-n-sniff cards.

The only problem is that when the reviews came around nobody knew what to think of it. A lot of the reviews consisted of thoughts like "This is quirky and nice but very simplistic and awkward". Remember, Chrono Trigger just came out, and that game looked, sounded, and played like a dream in comparison to EB so it was tossed to the side in favor of the more flashy titles.

>> No.414153

People actually believe Earthbound is one of the best RPG's of all time now?

Sure it had it's quirky and unique world and characters, but that's pretty much all it had.

>> No.414147

Dirty CT and you lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.414160

This isn't earthbound but general question; how come some older games like mario or zelda or so cheap? you see games like SMB3 or SM64 for like less than 10 bucks. with the rise of game collecting wouldnt people be clamoring for these games?

>> No.414158

Interestingly, that coincides with one of the lowest search valleys for 'earthbound' for 2010. Not the best metric, but good information. This kind of thing is what we're looking for.

Late October 2010, just before Holiday season.

>> No.414164

The market is literally flooded with them, they are 2 of the biggest selling franchises of all time

>> No.414167

Earthbound looks like it was drawn in paint, maybe that's why it sold like shit.

>> No.414171

When was that Samtron girl that was the internets favourite woman for a while popular? She had a thing for Earthbound.

>> No.414174

Because there are millions of those games sold. They are not even a tiny bit rare.

>> No.414176

Because there are millions of those games in existence. Millions. Even taking into account cartridges that may have been lost or destroyed, that's still a nearly endless amount of copies for anyone interested in buying them.

>> No.414183

When did that whole "call Nintendo and request EB on VC" thing happen?

>> No.414179

>Why is Combat on the 2600 so cheap?

>> No.414180

yet every faggoty ass reseller sells mario 3 for 15 bucks, even though it's common as fuck

>> No.414181


I'm surprised people think the game looks so shitty. And I'm not even a huge fan of it, but I rather like it's visual style. The battles look like shit but the overworld looks pretty nice.

I think it didn't sell well because it just wasn't that fun to play. Didn't help that the first few parts of the game are among the worst and even hardest parts of the game.

>> No.414192


It has lack of detail. Too many paint buckets.

>> No.414189

In addition to there being millions of them out there they have also received a number of remakes and ports.

>> No.414195


That bitch is on suicide watch right now. She looked so depressed in her last video.

>> No.414217
File: 780 KB, 3594x3082, twoson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of shading does not necessarily mean a lack of detail. EB has some beautiful looking backgrounds.

>> No.414223

Different anon. I also don't care for it.

>> No.414224
File: 51 KB, 350x600, >earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.414234


Textures are flat.

>> No.414237

how did you get a ">" in your filename

>> No.414230

Does it flush?

>> No.414232


>can't emulate on a mac

But I have it on my Macbook Pro right now.

>> No.414248


It's just a sideways >V.

>> No.414245

For $200 yeah

>> No.414260

Lets also not forget that games that are household titles are jumped in price. Good condition copies of games like Super Smash Brothers are going for 40+

>> No.414261


This man killed himself, literally. I think he had a serious drug problem. A shame this is all he will be remembered for.

>> No.414254

I think he saying that some mac people think that they can't emulate on the mac.

>> No.414256

No really, Windows won't let me save with a >

Is it Windows' fault?

>> No.414259
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>> No.414265

April, 2008.

>> No.414269

I'm sure Cracked mentioned it in an article a few years back, maybe that coincides?

>> No.414271


Nah. I feel pretty good about it.

>> No.414273

Because the 90's are retro now. The same generation that was downloading nothing but 90's pop and got "The 90's are all that" on TV started having money to buy old games.

>> No.414274

or people with a Mac don't even consider 'piracy'. I mean, they have disposable money, obviously, and iTunes- why 'steal'?

>> No.414275

A few reasons:

It sold poorly and so it was already relatively rare

Retro gaming's had a huge upswing in popularity in the last five years, and it's only getting more popular every year.

The unofficial Mother 3 translation came out.

Characters' appearances in Smash Bros have given the series a lot of exposure. The series was also namechecked as an inspiration for Homestuck.

>> No.414290

>The series was also namechecked as an inspiration for Homestuck.

homestuck is such a spot-on fanbase for liking earthbound

>> No.414282

Why 2010 specifically? Technically, the country was in a recession.

>> No.414287

>The series was also namechecked as an inspiration for Homestuck.
When did this happen? Because I'd pin this as the most likely candidate on a completely retarded price increase.

>> No.414292
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Holy shit how could they be this retarded

>> No.414297

>Super Metroid
This also sparked a bit.
Any reason why?

>> No.414308

Very first Nintendo DS made.

>> No.414298

>homestuck is such a spot-on fanbase for liking earthbound
I don't know if I'd say "liking earthbound" so much as "omg im such a nerd and owning a copy of earthbound really increases my nerd cred!"

>> No.414301

Apr 30, 2011. After the first spike.


>> No.414305

It does make since, Homestuck's target audience would be the the new-wave "nerd culture" crowd

>> No.414317

what if I said.. liking the cart?

>> No.414318

Homestuck seems like a likely offender.
April 13, 2009 was the first post of HomeStuck.
This would be a year and a half later, nearly.
Any HS fans want to point out where in the story this would be, approximately?
Pre or Post Chapter 5: Trolls?

>> No.414337


What is homestuck anyways?

>> No.414339

It's not.
Earthbound has no appearances in HS as far as I recall.

>> No.414341


>A film adaptation of the series titled Scott Pilgrim vs. the World starring actor Michael Cera in the title role was released in August 2010.

>> No.414332
File: 326 KB, 1600x1063, $T2eC16Z,!ygE9s7HJ+DgBRY2(gzj6Q~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god

oh god

>> No.414347


>> No.414351

The entire premise of HomeStuck (originally, anyway) was an Earthbound-esque creation story. At least, according to Hussie. There's always been tie-ins and subtle references.

>> No.414354

Oh god and someone PAID for it.

>> No.414364

Nothing that would spark the giant Earthbound price jump. Hell, I've played EB and read HS and honestly haven't seen that much in common. Except that they start with children leaving their hometown.

>> No.414365
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Brah, why didn't you bang her.

>> No.414372
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Hamsteak here, though I don't really read it anymore. The series doesn't do much EB referencing, aside from the name (and one of the flash games had hidden EB characters in it). I don't think HS influenced prices much, if any. Though I'd say the fanbase has money to throw around. Look at the Homestuck kickstarter.

>> No.414379
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>dat yellow SNES

>> No.414385

The movie had zero Earthbound references.

>> No.414395


The Chaos Theatre?

>> No.414390
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Haibane_Renmei_01_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[8AA17B0E].mkv_snapshot_02.21_[2012.07.16_12.19.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm absolutely sure it influenced the sales somewhat. I believe Homestuck fans are capable of anything after meeting them IRL at a con this year


>> No.414392



>> No.414404

I don't think it was externally influenced.
It could have been just a series of ebay auctions where the price got pushed up because of a bidding war.
You just need one lucky fucker that actually sells his copy at a high price to get new sellers to follow suit.

>> No.414405

>the fanbase has money to throw around
It's less that and more that fanbases have no idea how to manage their money correctly. It's the same with MLP and furry fanbases. That being said I own a Dave and Hero of Life shirt

Seeing as we're talking about homosuc, what about the rise of 'nerdy' social networking like tumblr? I think that might play a role.

>> No.414409

>my local con in Stony Brook, NY was 90% Homestuck
>meet a bro cosplaying Sissel
>agrees that the influx of Homestuckers is fucking ridiculous

>> No.414410


You fucking retard, it's a reference to Dirt Imprisoned

>> No.414412

And everyone reading the comic would make such a backward conclusion?
Those are opposites, genius.

>> No.414421

You can't beat his logic with just a statement you smelly turd.

>> No.414424

>Those are opposites, genius.
I'd like to hear what you think each of those words means.

>> No.414427

I'm not him but "bound" is synonymous to "stuck"

else words like "boundless" and "boundary" wouldn't make sense

the "genius" here is you

>> No.414439
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>Those are opposites, genius.

>> No.414432

Bound has two meanings, one meaning 'on course for' or 'heading towards' and another meaning stuck in place e.g. bound with rope.

>> No.414437
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They are... certainly a group. I go to anime cons quite a bit, and they're consistently the biggest group there. Also they always wear that messy grey stuff. I'm always afraid of getting on my cosplays.

>> No.414442
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>even if you prove me wrong you can't prove me wrong because I'm right

>> No.414452


From Marriam-Webster
Bound- 2 : intending to go

Stuck- Kept in place

Secondly, >>414410 is correct in that it IS a reference.
Stay mad.

>> No.414462


>> No.414463


>> No.414464
File: 252 KB, 417x429, LinkPotion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ troopers is the dumbest fucking board-goer title.

"Hey guys, let's name ourselves after a shitty Power Rangers knockoff that only lasted 2 season! That has SO MUCH to do with retro video games, right?

Off-topic, but saging myself wouldn't bump the thread for you guys to continue talking, so I won't.

>> No.414456


>> No.414473

Use Bound in a sentence
bound1 [bound] Show IPA
simple past tense and past participle of bind.
tied; in bonds: a bound prisoner.
made fast as if by a band or bond: She is bound to her family.
secured within a cover, as a book.
under a legal or moral obligation: He is bound by the terms of the contract.
destined; sure; certain: It is bound to happen.

>> No.414474
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It really is


I always try to avoid them




And actually read what they typed

>> No.414475

>what is a homonym

i take it english isn't your first language? shut the fuck up.

>> No.414478

Go here, and press Ctrl + Alt + T when the flash loads to see the major EB reference. Also talk to the clown, a lot of the music is heavily influenced by EB.


>> No.414486

Video Games > EarthBound

>> No.414484

Then you obviously didn't fucking read very much


>past and past participle of bind

>a limiting line : boundary —usually used in plural
>something that limits or restrains <beyond the bounds of decency>

>fastened by or as if by a band : confined <desk-bound>

While they aren't quite exactly the same "bound" and "stuck" mean very similar things

>> No.414492

Holy shit. This is my thought exactly.

>> No.414494

You people are seriously dumber than I thought.

Do you honestly think Earthbound means
Stuck on Earth?

It means Earthbound i.e. Moving towards Earth.

That is why that statement is incorrect. The usages of the word are totally different.

>> No.414495


it's got a silly but shallowly appealing story with some twists and a lot of colorful details and some hooks for especially generous players to hang their emotions on, and an appealing presentation, and a lot of RPG-style grinding-based gameplay that rewards you mainly for putting in time rather than for playing skillfully

in other words it's pretty much the same as every other highly acclaimed JRPG, so if you accept that any JRPG could be among the best RPG's (which maybe you don't but a lot of people do at any rate) then yeah you should probably accept Earthbound as one of the best RPG's

>> No.414519

It could mean either, jesus christ

>> No.414530


Okay, that's a fair point but it's easy to see where the inspiration from the name comes from when bound also means "stuck"

Was just misunderstanding

>> No.414539

it could still mean either in the context of the game, it's a matter of perspective.
Again, you're doing nothing to help make your point.

>> No.414541
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You know I've always wanted to read Homestuck but the fanbase really puts me off

>> No.414547

Kids and fun.

>> No.414548

If you knew the plot of Earthbound, you would probably understand.

>> No.414554

Alright, cool. It's nice to have some mutual understanding.

Not in the title of Earthbound.
Not only does it not make sense as meaning that the party was stuck on Earth (As they are pretty much anywhere but), but the tone of the game is totally one of freedom and advancement. I doubt they'd name suck a colourful and (character) personally building game inflecting with a negative adjective.

>If you knew the plot
Do you honestly think I'd be in this thread if I hadn't played through EB multiple times?

>> No.414567


I thought the plot of Earthbound was about aliens coming to invade Earth, not about living in a world where space travel is outlawed

>> No.414561

How's that stopping you? It's not like you're forced to interact with them or anything.

>> No.414571

*name such

>> No.414572


August 2010 was the reveal of the final troll in Homestuck, Feferi, the Pisces. This completes the 12 Zodiac cycle of trolls, one of the most popular chapters in Homestuck.

>> No.414574

It's fanbase is indeed horrendous.

The comic itself is... okay. It's very experimental, in that the author just generally does not give a fuck and throws entire characters and plot arcs in just to see how people react to it.

Because of that, it's really spread out in its presentation. Its painfully bad at some parts, and spends a lot of time on stuff like that while its good aspects sit back unused for thousands of pages.

It's sort of interesting. I wouldn't call it good on any front, but I think interesting qualifies.

>> No.414585

THE_WORLD if you're reading this, please come back

>> No.414589

It's gotten weird and confusing, also the fanbase is full retard, so I stopped reading. I keep hearing it's supposed to finish soon. Maybe pick it up after it ends and the shittier fans move on to something else.

>> No.414610
File: 43 KB, 255x448, 1346809763082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, there's twelve new ones now.

>> No.414604

It's also possible, that Hussie knowing the double-meaning of "bound" intentionally chose the 'opposite' meaning, because that made more sense for his story whilst still being a reference.

OP here, need to go for a bit.
Please avoid escalating into word usage arguments.

>> No.414605

There's a theme of being bound to the Earth. As in drawing power from it and sharing its fate.

>> No.414618
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you clean up well man

Not old enough to purchase alcohol but I'd buy you a drink

>> No.414626

follow this mans idea because reading it after it ends is probably the best idea now
but if fanbases put you off things thats pretty retarded

>> No.414639


4 chosen kids, quests, meteors, aliens, a final boss incapable of rational thought.


4 chosen kids, quests, meteors, aliens, a final boss incapable of rational thought.

>> No.414637


>> No.414648

* 8 humans alone

>> No.414642
File: 145 KB, 600x450, story1116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironic Homestuck discussion

>> No.414643

I got Earthbound in 1996, and it was probably one of the most frustrating games I ever played as a kid. That said, it's also possibly the greatest game I've ever played.

That might be nostalgia talking, but I recently played it again and aged perfectly for me.

Unfortunately, the jump in sale of the game is mostly from retro hipster shit.

>> No.414658

theyre in different fucking universes
sage because this is not an excuse to post homestuck

>> No.414660

>unironic x discussion
>Prequel gif
Get back in the thread you piece of shit we don't need to ruin this fine board

>> No.414668



>> No.414674

So we currently have:

>Reality TV

Anything else?

>> No.414679

Back to your quarantine board, cretin.

>> No.414693

that SD dancing shopkeeper is pretty neat

>> No.414696
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We talking about shitty things that exist?

I am opening that can of worms; MLP: FiM

>> No.414697

homosuck is shit

>> No.414683
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>> No.414684

how dare you
this is not comics and cartoons you dumb fucking idiot

>> No.414687

It's not EB the comic, it's convoluted bullshit with too much pandering to shippers the comic

>> No.414689

Except record collecting never died...

>> No.414715

It's alright.

>> No.414724




fuck OFF lelmotep


He's a juggalo

>> No.414718

Enough of your bandwagoning. Bandwagon is why we have so much smut on the bookshelves right now.

>> No.414723


>> No.414731

I smell cancer

>> No.414737
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>> No.414730

I treat that the same way I treat Pokemon. First season was good, second season wasn't as good, third season is bleagh.

>> No.414741

So out of all the retro games to see a dramatic increase in price over the past 2-3 years, how many of those do you think actually deserve it?

I wanted to call it /vr/tua fighters

>> No.414750


Taken on its own merits yeah.

But judging it by the merits of a brony, it falls waaaaayyy short. I acknowledge that it actually gives its setting and characters backgrounds but the characters are still ridiculously bland and the plots are so predictable that you cannot even predict the outcome of many episodes. That is, you're like, "that won't happen; way too easy. Holy shit it actually happened"


I watched almost all of the first two seasons. I liked some of the songs but that's about it. Kept going because many friends were into it and talkbacks (even for shitty television) are interesting.

>> No.414758

Seriously though, does me calling it homosuck really irk you that much? Considering I was >>414405 I obviously don't dislike it. Fans like you who can't take a trivial joke really make the comic difficult to get into.

>> No.414754

Isn't secret ROM a secret of mana song?
also megalovania was intended for an earthbound romhack

>> No.414756

Oh my god I am so glad I stopped going to I-con after 2008. I dodged a serious bullet there. I still wouldn't turn down fat Vriska sex

>> No.414779

>LI Bro
Well, would ya look at that?
To be fair, last year's ICON just kinda handed me my first GF with no real effort
Plus, I got my copies of Silhouette Mirage and Skullmonkeys there
Me too, but only chubby

>> No.414804
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Another good example of extreme price increase:

NFL Blitz: SE


The price jumps definitely have something to do with the people who were kids when the game came out, now becoming older and have an interest in collecting (high demand).

This game was a blockbuster exclusive, like Sculptor's Cut, and Bomberman: Second Attack. That's the main reason the prices are high for this one, but still, $299 for an open box? RETARDED. I joined the nintendoage forum about a year ago.

I was asking for information about this game, when a few different people explained that there used to be many sealed copies of it on ebay (the amount of sealed perfect dark right now). They went on to say that these sealed copies were going for $30 or less in early 2008.

Now it's hard to find a sealed copy period. There are a few, but they go for obscene prices.

>> No.414826

I think it looks rather pretty

>> No.414858

Retro gaming is seriously taking off. There's a regional chain that deals in games all the way back to Atari where I live, and I talked with the guy behind the counter after seeing that they had an Intellivision. He said they can't keep NESs and SNESs on the shelves, and have even started selling knockoff brand Nintendos just to keep up with demand.

>> No.414871

will you guys stop bitching about how expensive Earthbound is already?

it's highly sought after and relatively uncommon (compared to other popular SNES games). people are willing to pay $200 for it so that's what it sells for.

>> No.414876

>charging more than 5¢ for a Sportsgame

Who the fuck would by that garbage?

>> No.414906

>NFL Blitz
Who wouldn't pay more than 5 cents?
Not THAT insane, but it's still worth $5-10

>> No.414920

I wouldn't exactly say an ad campaign consisting of "this game stinks" could ever be labeled as Nintendo's best efforts

>> No.414939
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>> No.414940

NFL Blitz ≠ generic yearly sports title

>> No.414958
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Well, that settles it

Did they ever play Earthbound on Big Bang Theory?

>> No.414957

You can probably edit a registry to change that

worst case scenario google it.

polite sage

>> No.414974

Honestly though Blitz is the only sports game probably worth playing this side of NBA Jam.

Although I do hate looking through game lots and seeing nothing but sports. And it pains me when people actually think these are worth anything.

>> No.414993

What the-
...oh. Nice one. You got me there.

>> No.415001

smash bros brawl was release in 2010 (ithink)

>> No.415023

I really fucking love how Earthbound looks.

>> No.415031


>> No.415046
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Nono, that's not the issue.

Earthbound flew under many, many people's radars, sure. But here's the thing.

Many people came to learn of the series one way (word of mouth) or another (smash bros.) over the years. It's still relatively unknown in the real world though, go ahead ask anybody you know that doesn't spend all day on 4chan or any other website with a sizable community of video game players if they know anything about earthbound other than that ness came from it. The general kind of person that knows about earthbound is the general kind of person who knows about emulation.

There simply aren't a lot of people out in the wild who want to play earthbound and don't know emulation is an option. For the few that fit that market, I can almost guarantee you 0 of them fit that mold, own an SNES that still functions, and are willing to pay even the absolute low end of $75 or so for a copy.

I don't like to just instantly assume everyone who likes something I don't is a retard or a hipster, but unless somebody is a collector there's really little to no reason for them to go out of their way to pay exorborant prices for a copy of earthbound, unless they want to send a message to their peers about how "obscure" their tastes are.

>> No.415059


>Never used this site before
>Check Panzer Dragoon Saga

>It was $145 in November




>> No.415112

>Honestly though Blitz is the only sports game probably worth playing this side of NBA Jam.

There are a few other ones. The various Tecmo Super Bowls, the early Backyard Sports series, and EA Sports Big titles in non-retro times all fit the bill.

>> No.415136

I saw some guy on CL trying to sell his NES Toploader for $100. Fucking really?

>> No.415161


I don't fucking get it. I got a copy at a local used vidya shop about a year and a half ago for six dollars in pretty good condition.

I mean, that was kind of a steal, and considering a few weeks later I saw another copy there for $35 I'm pretty sure they just priced it wrong, but even then, knowing that store that's the mid-high end, $40. And those are for good copies.

Who the fuck pays more than like $15 max for any game in shit condition?

>> No.415172


Midway arcade games/arcade ports in general were usually pretty awesome. Hydro thunder, cruis'n series, etc.

>> No.415173


I read homestuck up until last january or so (I'm really glad I kicked that habit I wasn't enjoying it at all after act 4) and you'd be fucking blind if you didn't think it had a very distinctly earthbound feel to it, and I don't really mean that in a positive way.

>> No.415184

Yeah, especially considering they don't have RCA jacks.

>> No.415190

super rare and retro bro

>> No.415201

>It's less that and more that fanbases have no idea how to manage their money correctly.
I hate Homestuck and nearly every fan out there, but didn't the creator say he doesn't want people to sell HS merchandise?

>> No.415220


He sells merchandise. And had that kickstarter a while back.

>> No.415257

Pretty cool. I've owned them all since release but I'd love duplicates. Very lucky haul. A dude came into a retro shop a bit back and had a bunch of stuff like this (minus EB) and several NES rpgs too, said they were his son's and he couldn't get rid of them after he died, but he was ready now.

The stupid kid running the place alone told me it'd take him several hours to price it all and to come back, but the damn store is two hours from me so I didn't. Wish I had. Story for no reason, just wanted to vent.

>> No.415284
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>You will never get a copy of EB for a reasonable price because of hipsters

They ruin everything I like...

>> No.415293
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picture related

>> No.415295


Just play it on SNES9X or whatever emulator you prefer.

>> No.415301

I have. A physical copy would be nice, though.

>> No.415323
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Not him but I am fucking terrified that I'd run into the version with copy protection and have my save games erased

I did manage to play Mother 3, and that was very good.

>mfw dat ending

>> No.415332

Really...shit. I better get to playing then

>> No.415328

You know that copy protection was cracked a long time ago, right?

>> No.415348

Just back up the save file before the end-boss and on the off-chance the rom is bad you just get another rom.

>> No.415346


You can either a) get a McJob and pay the 300 dollars or b) download the fucking ROM

>> No.415350

I think you missed the "reasonable" part.

>> No.415358


Then we're down to what, downloading the ROM?

>> No.415368

Yes, which I've already done as stated >>415301

Reading isn't your strong suit, is it?

>> No.415379


Not being retarded isn't your strong suit is it? You already have access to the game. You're supposed to play games. And you can play it.

Just let it go. It's just an SNES cart.

>> No.415384

Okay then.

>> No.415391

>Not being retarded isn't your strong suit is it?

I'm retarded because I see it differently? Some people like having a physical copy of a game versus emulation.

/v/ pls go

>> No.415398
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I hate playing on emulators, not because it's illegal though, it's because I get completely bored from playing it on a computer.

>> No.415402


So where do you guys go to find shit like this? I'd happily buy some of these titles at slightly more reasonable prices, but Ebay is just absurd.

>> No.415417


Just use a controller and some filters. None of that smoothing shit though, basic things like NTSC or (small amounts of) scanlines.

>> No.415418


Retards pls go.

It's an obscenely priced SNES cart. The games are what matter, not having a physical copy. It's not like you have DRM to worry about

>> No.415434


I fully understand the reason why having a physical copy feels different. Emulation isn't always perfect after all.

But it's not worth $200. Fuck, it's not worth $75. It's not even worth $40.

>> No.415430

I have a controller and use filters, it doesn't really help.

What's wrong with me.

>> No.415432

Yeah, but how do i know that i'm playing a cracked version or not.

>> No.415450


Still doesn't have the recognition it deserves

>> No.415456


>But it's not worth $200

That's why he said "reasonable price"

>> No.415453

>$100 a year later

Shut up. You can spend that much on a t shirt and dinner.

>> No.415476

You have different tastes, that's fine. Play the way you want to and don't let others force you to do anything.

>> No.415484

Not all of us shop at American Eagle and eat t-shirts

>> No.415486

Ah well, there's no reason to emulate this game anyway, I'm getting it from a friend tomorrow.

>> No.415508


>t-shirt and dinner

the fuck kind of fancy ass clothes are you buying? In my life a hundred bucks could get me like, two weeks worth of food.

>> No.415535

>But why then, specifically?

Because trendy. Collector prices for shit are collector prices.

Do none of you people remember beanie babies in the 90's? Crazy collector bitches were paying hundreds for $3 stuffed animals because they were hot and trendy for a few minutes. Then everyone stopped giving a fuck.

Remember baseball cards? Everyone used to collect those, then people stopped giving a fuck.

It's valuable because it's valuable. Everyone wants it because everyone wants it. That's how collector trends work.

>> No.415543

Not that guy, but you can spend $100 on dinner for two and a bottle of wine easily.

>> No.415690

I rather spend that on a prostitute.

>> No.415716

Same difference, really.

>> No.415991

You know, you guys could pick up a snes flashcart for ~90$, then play earthbound+whatever else you wanted on it. But I guess its still not the same as having earthbound in your hand or on a shelf.

>> No.417001

I totally read your post in Hank's voice...

>> No.417086


I suggested /vr/tual men in the honor of the great Keith Apicary, but no, we had to be faggots and choose the Rangers ripoff name.

>> No.417131

I thought you meant Hank Hill and I read it in his voice until I saw the picture.

>> No.417472
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>> No.417508

Resellers keep jewing because retards keep buying

The fact there's pages upon pages of listings at any given time doesn't seem to make them think "why should I have to pay $200 for something that really doesn't seem that rare"

>> No.417553

Someone should figure out a way to just start making these fucking things. Build a plastic case, a sticker logo, and upload the ROM onto a cart that would work in a Super Nintendo.
Then start selling them on eBay for 80 bucks a pop.

You'd both dilute the market and make a shit ton of money.

Provided you could figure out how to make a reasonable, working facsimile, that is.

>> No.417662
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>put unpatched piarted ROM on a cart
>hipsters saves are deleted before they beat the game

>> No.417701

I made myself a reproduced copy of Little Samson because I didn't feel like spending $300 for a cart. Fuck da police.

Also worth mentioning.


>> No.417824

Of course not. It's ether WoW or Halo.

>> No.417886

I swear to god nobody cage two shits about Stadium Events until a few years ago

>> No.417970

Probably because no one knew about it.

>> No.418530

It's a Shop, don't worry, the original was just a bunch of shitty sports games that no one likes.

>> No.421025

Best exchange in this thread.