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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 400x400, mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128927 No.4128927 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4128928

By the order of obscurity (and, therefore, quality)
3>1>Shit like FF>2

>> No.4128929
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They're all shit. Play a good JRPG

>> No.4128931
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>> No.4128959
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>1 better than anything
>3 being worse than fucking 2
Mother 1 had shitty dungeons with random encounters up the fucking ass, overpowered enemies that will instant kill you on dozens of playthroughs, a nonsensical goal that is never fucking explained to you, ironically makes fun of JRPGs despite using every JRPG gameplay trope in the book and more, and a fucking horrible end game area that is incredibly bullshit.
I can understand liking Mother 2 more than 3 since both games are good and bad in their own ways, but 1 is undeniably the worst in the series and probably would be considered dogshit if it wasn't glued to the Mother brand.

>> No.4128962

meant to say
>3 being worse than fucking 1
As I said before thinking Mother 2 is better than 3 is very justifiable, I prefer 3 but both of them are my personal favorite games of all time.

>> No.4129003
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Do people really play these games? You realize that there are way better JRPGs out there, right?

>> No.4129010
File: 73 KB, 1164x805, jrpg tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy understands

>> No.4129013

>dragon quest
there are more bad dq's than good dq's tho

>> No.4129015

if you count remakes, there are no bad dqs

>> No.4129058

3 > 2 > 1 is the only correct order

>> No.4129067

3 > an entire world filled with dogshit >>>>>> powergap >>>>>>> 2 = 1

>> No.4129084

I always get so triggered when reading this list

>> No.4129091

>Mother 3 is more obscure than Mother

>> No.4129095

What shitty fucking li-
Oh, ok.

>> No.4129317

Is 3 really that good? Most people say that 2 is an absolute masterpiece and 3 just pales in comparision

>> No.4129587
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>> No.4129604

shallow RPGs

>> No.4129805


>> No.4129817



>> No.4129843

only right order

>> No.4129857

The creator of Pokemon worked on the first Mother game.

>> No.4129870

You sure you ain't confusing the musician?
Wikipedia doesn't mention him anywhere.

>> No.4129879

This. It's a pretty rare case of a trilogy getting significantly better with each installment.

>> No.4129884

*You sure you ain't thinking of the musician.
Fixed for clarification.

>> No.4130131

3 is overrated. Feels random only for the sake of being random while Earthbound has genuine charm. Also feels like 3's assets were made before the actual plot and randomly thrown together.

>> No.4130136


More like italoboo, many of the SRW series features were more popular in Italy than on nipland.

>> No.4131427

>Srw was more popular in italy
U wot? I live in italy and every gamer I know doesn't even know the existence of the series

>> No.4131430

They're all the exact same game.

>> No.4131501
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Two thumbs up in pooper

>> No.4131520

This is my favorite EB art ever.

>> No.4131725

The real question here is "which robot is the one that was left out?"
my bet is paula

>> No.4132457

>mother is shit-tier
>Mana is GOAT-tier

This list is fucking disgusting

>> No.4132484

Yeah, mother 3 has good writing with actual themes unlike mother 2, and it's actually fun to play with memorable boss battles, also unlike mother 2

>> No.4132521

>3 feels random for the sake of being random while 2 has actual charm
>muh subjectivity

>> No.4132527

Three is a good game, but it's a borderline "in-name-only" sequel as far as setting goes.

>> No.4132789

How can you say that? Mother 2 is a good game, but lacks of a deep story; it's only "to
search for the eight melodies to defeat a unknown evil in the past"; to be honest, the major popularity of the game resides in its final battle. However, Mother 3 has a intrincated story, with issues related to society, politics, and so more, with the influence of a child-ish dictator's ambitions. Talking in terms of argumental content, M3 is a lot better than M2, so you can cut the crap about "Mother 2 is better than 3" and that fucking nonsensical stuff

>> No.4132797

>to be honest, the major popularity of the game resides in its final battle.
I'd say it's more from the "quirky" humor and contemporary setting.


>> No.4133146

Dis gayme is bad its a dragon warior clone, play a reel rpg u ninnies

>> No.4133153


2 didnt feel original compared to the others

>> No.4133657
File: 73 KB, 290x200, 1385056602627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real rpgs

>> No.4133665


>> No.4133668

>shitty dungeons
>random encounters up the fucking ass
>overpowered enemies
Sounds like you might prefer Call of Duty anon.

>> No.4133935

you must be 18+ to use this site

>> No.4133979
File: 693 KB, 915x1024, 14890292075_e9450c4ccf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all three but I guess I have to say 2=3>1. Both M2 and M3 are equally good for different reasons in my opinion, I can't choose a favorite and both tie as my favorite games ever made. While I personally love M1 I can admit it has aged a considerable amount.
>"my opinion is a fact"
Dude shut the fuck up. I love all of them but sometimes deeper isn't better for everyone. For some collecting eight melodies is enough.

>> No.4133990
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>> No.4134014
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Same order as Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.4134024

souls isn't even a jrpg

>> No.4134042
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They're pretty different games, anon. Mother 2/EarthBound is more open-world and explorative, with the series trademark wackiness, yet is kinda dry on the story aspect. Instead of motivating you through story, it ends up being more "what crazy location/event will I take part in next?". And while Mother 3 still has the wackiness, it's not to the same degree, and the story does a much better job at motivating you, yet it is a bit more linear.
Overall I like both, and while I find EarthBound to be more replayable due to the openness, I still enjoy Mother 3 just as much.
When it comes to the Mother series, it always comes down to your personal preference. Some prefer more story, some prefer more zaniness, and some even prefer the more innocent charm of Mother 1/EarthBound Beginnings, and that's perfectly fine. There's also a lot of series veterans that were "insulted" by how much Mother 3 changed, especially the Japanese fans, but really it's their loss. A game doesn't have to be traditional to be fun.

So in the end, which one is better? Again, all based on your own preference. Some prefer one of the three games over the others for what they want to see in a game, so just play it. I hope you really enjoy it!

>> No.4134956

>There's also a lot of series veterans that were "insulted" by how much Mother 3 changed, especially the Japanese fans

>> No.4134992

I played them all in order recently after spending years convinced that I loved Earthbound after playing it when I was a child. My ranking is

3 > 2 > 1

If 1 and 2's humor don't hit the right notes for you then they're nothing more than mediocre JRPGs with friendly graphics and an above average soundtrack. The first two games are more "fun experiences" than a "good game", because that's pretty much all they have to offer. They both fall back on their humor to make up for an otherwise boring game and the formula actually got annoying for me halfway through me marathoning them.

Mother 3 is an all-rounder. Backing its quirky humor with a likable cast, a setting that you get to know, and by extension of those two things, making you actually care about where the plot is going rather than just being bored out of your mind and waiting for the next humorous moment.

I really don't get the praise. Yeah, they're different and give you a great feeling of nostalgia, but they're very meh games overall. Hence "fun experiences" as opposed to BEST JRPG EVER MADE

>> No.4135014

There were lots of fans who grew up with the Mother series when it came out, and since it was more prevalent in Japan, most of these fans are Japanese. Mother and Mother 2 are very similar in structure, but when Mother 3 came out, they were disappointed because of how different it was. Itoi himself said before the game came out that he was sure some fans would be disappointed, but wanted to make the game anyway. I respect him for that.

>> No.4135031
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When the game released it was well received by critics but the fanbase was pretty split on it. Japanese culture is pretty weird, the two big complaints were "it is different" and "it is emotional".

You have to understand, the Japanese are HUGE nostalgiafags. They judge by brand name alone. Japan didn't like that Mother 3 was actually a new game and not just a rehash of Mother 2. The game being completely new with little of the older games being referenced or shown, they didn't want to play a new game but play a game that made them remember Mother 2. I don't mean to make it sound like all of them are this way but quite a lot of people.

However the other issue was that the game was emotional. In Japan there is kind of weird image of emotions, typically you're looked down upon if you're emotional or show emotion. Mother 3 wasn't made to be uplifting, at least not in the traditional "everything will be alright" sense. Mother 2 was a pretty uplifting game, little drama happens and the the game ha s a hopeful and optimistic ending. Meanwhile Mother 3's cast are meant more to be taken as characters, they have set personalities and problems they face. The ending of the game is pretty melancholy, it isn't a especially optimistic ending but hope is restored. Overall the Japanese don't like media that says "life is kind of shitty, nothing is certain", thy like media that "things will get better, everything will work out in the end'.

>> No.4135035
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Part 2 (I really didn't mean to make this so long)

For awhile Mother 3 actually sat in bargain bins in Japan, a lot of retailers overstocked on the game. It sold considerably okay, 420,000 copies, but still the damage was done. In recent years though it seems like it has a better image now there. On Earthbound Central Tomato did an article where he looked at comments from Japanese forums regarding the game. While some quite generous, like "I wish they’d have put more time into it, but I love Mother 3. I hope it gets localized. I think remaking it to fit Mr. Itoi’s original vision would be the best.", some other comments were pretty hateful, such as "I’m sure Nintendo wants to bury this failure of a game in the darkness forever. I bet they’re thinking on the inside, “Dammit, mind your own business and don’t bring this game back up!”. Honestly the game seems to be generally well regarded there but not as popular as either Mother 1 or Mother 2.

>> No.4135052

It's always interesting when certain japanese products and media end up more beloved by countries other than Japan.

You see this a lot with anime. IIRC stuff like FLCL and Gurren Lagann aren't terribly popular over there, but we consider them entry level anime.
I feel like the Mother series as a whole is like this, where because of Smash Bros and the obscurity and perceived quirkiness of the franchise, it rocketed itself into popular internet culture.

>> No.4135059
File: 412 KB, 691x565, 46865219_p19_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother is moderately popular in Japan. Itoi is a huge celebrity there, if anything people know it as "that game Itoi made". It definitely is not on the level of final fantasy or dragon quest but it is mentioned. I remember Itoi telling a funny story where during the development of Mother 2, it went through development hell and took way longer then planned, he was at a baseball game when a group of kids came up to him and all of them asked him when Mother 2 is coming.

>> No.4135292

>tfw brainlets that don't understand using buffs and debuffs will never be able to know the joy that is completing M1 without stopping to grind at all

I feel like the people that cry about grinding in JRPGs are the same people that just mash attack and either lose or win the fight based on how much time they've wasted.

>> No.4135443

anybody who doesn't think Super Mario RPG is great is honestly a complete fucking poser

>> No.4135451

to be fair, the most part of Mother, and indeed, probably the best part of Mother, is just getting aimlessly lost and going into a sort of trance state while you imagine the big open world as some sort of real place

Best soundtrack on the Famicom

>> No.4135938

Most of the ranking seems to just be based on contrarianism. Even if this is judging the franchise as a whole on "more good games vs bad games", half of Grandia's (as well as DQ's and Mana's) library would be considered mediocre or downright bad by most people.

They're right about Tales being weeaboo shit at least. I couldn't even finish Berseria's demo.

>> No.4136002

They're all janky shit with a horrid UI

>> No.4136265

Ty for the long reply, I will play mother 3 as my next game (since I didn't played a jrpg in a long time by now) just to see what's all about.

>> No.4136268
File: 368 KB, 1280x923, d2oo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mother 1 even have any merits over the other two games?

>> No.4136269

>In japan you're looked down if you are emotional
I thought that the japaness is still very conservative and strict to traditionalism
but I would never imagine something like that.

>Overall the Japanese don't like media that says "life is kind of shitty, nothing is certain", thy like media that "things will get better, everything will work out in the end'.
So that's why the vast majority of japanese are very colorful and usually they have a happy ending? Also, have you ever been to Japan, anon? I assume so since you know a lot of stuff about the japanese society.

>> No.4136274

I wouldn't consider Flcl as an entry level anime. If someone watched has at least a little bit of knowledge on the media.

>> No.4136353

Whole game is one giant map, only places that are separate from it are Magicant and the dungeons/Mt. Itoi.
I also think the plot is more interesting than that of Mother 2. Mother 2 is basically just "the evil guy from Mother 1 is back, and now he's some eldritch horror thing".
Mother 1 also has some of the most memorable tracks in the game, I'd even argue it has the most iconic themes from the Mother series. Mainly Pollyanna and Bein' Friends.
In fact, Bein' Friends was the one used on Smash Bros. Melee instead of a Mother 2 track, despite the character Ness being from M2.

>> No.4136864


>> No.4136871

no there arent you dumb cunt

>> No.4136883

Yes, not having the le quirky bullshit. It really passes as a sci-fi rpg like the movies from that era.
Also faster battles.

>> No.4137112

Best soundtrack

>> No.4137469

I hope you have fun, anon!

>> No.4137478

...but it does have the quirkiness tho.

>> No.4138048

>the Japanese are HUGE nostalgiafags. They judge by brand name alone. Japan didn't like that Mother 3 was actually a new game and not just a rehash of Mother 2.

Man those Japanese are so frickin weird, I never understood that, how they'll sometimes just tell the same story over and over. Like yeah here's Link again, he's rescuing Zelda again, don't worry it's the same as before so you don't have to pay attention.

Clearly Itoi was very much capable of telling a new story every time with a new set of characters, but even with Mother 3 he repeated himself to some extent, like with the party setup: Lucas is Ness, Kumatora is Paula, etc. I don't know why they repeat themselves like that. Even when deliberately breaking the mold, the crazy off-the-wall idea guy, the same guy who came up with frickin Brickroad and stuff, repeats some big things for no apparent reason. I guess there is something wrong with their brains over there.

>> No.4138051


That is good, if you think you like this series or that you might like it, then you need to try both Mother 2 and Mother 3, because you don't know which one you'll like better unless you try them both. They really are strong in different ways, to some extent, and it is definitely not universally true that 3 is worse than 2.

>> No.4138052


BUT if you haven't played Mother 2 then you will be a little confused I guess by a crucial premise of the Mother 3 story. Personally I didn't like Earthbound enough to actually play it so I just watched a Let's Play... that is another way to get the story.

The three games do all tell one story, sort of, even though there are not a lot of tight connections between one game and the next.

>> No.4138432

>Lucas is Ness, Kumatora is Paula, etc.
that may have been strictly for gameplay reasons.
Besides, personality wise. Lucas is more timid than Ness, Kumator is older and more tomboyish than Paula.
Duster is pretty original, too.

>> No.4138505

>Implying legend of Mana isn't the best game, let alone jrpg, of all time

>> No.4138628

I like that Smash's Bros's Magicant is actually the Mother 1 version.

>> No.4139226

I really hope that Magicant will be in Smash Bros for Switch, whenever they decide to make it. Think about how beautiful it would look!

>> No.4139246
File: 45 KB, 480x160, Mother Protagonists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While gameplay wise the main cast of 2 and 3 are the same as characters the cast of 3 is kind of a antithesis to the cast of 2. Ness is a natural born hero and your typical apple cheek American boy, Lucas is a pretty emotional and quiet kid who keeps to himself and becomes a hero due to the circumstances he becomes faced with.

I I love both honestly and feel both are fitting in their games. In a way you can maybe even see them as all relating in a way. There is a unused line in Mother 3 where Dr. Andonuts says to Lucas " That look in your eyes, it reminds me of a friend of my son.".

>> No.4139284
File: 12 KB, 480x360, mother1fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Mother 2 have any hidden bosses? I remember Mother 3 had plenty, and Mother 1 has this deep sea fish boss, which I completely missed on my first playthrough. This made the game harder since I didn't have the onyx hook that this boss drops.

>> No.4139302

I don't think mother 2 did.
Kraken I guess was a skippable boss.

>> No.4139305

The curse of mana: Only 2 and 3 is good. And 3 is worse than 2.

>> No.4139306

in the final boss in earthbound are pokey and Giygas programmed to not target Paula at all?

I recently finished the game for the first time and she took a dubiously small amount of damage over the course of the whole thing.

>> No.4139313

Does it really matter, if all that happens is that Gary Giygas: Creater of DND, if he just spams aoe attacks?

>> No.4139319

I dunno. When Jeff and Poo take mortal damage from everything and Ness take ~50 damage it's odd to me when Paula is only taking 3 points of damage from ungraspable attacks.

I mean, she is essential to survive the entire fight, after all.

>> No.4139332
File: 70 KB, 553x767, kozi_laura2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paula is the one.

>> No.4139369
File: 96 KB, 1000x773, Giygas cries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there are no bosses in Mother 2 you can skip unless you mean through glitching.
Kraken is not skippable, you have to beat it to get to Scarraba.
Depends, when Giygas attacks it is actually Giygas performing PSI Freeze β, PSI Flash Ω, or PSI Thunder β. If she was equipped with one of the pendants that resist one of the attacks or the star pendant that resists all psi. As far as my knowledge Giygas isn't programmed to be any more lenient on Paula then anyone else.

>> No.4139394

I love you Malice Mizer poster

>> No.4139428


>dragon quest


>> No.4139468

Mother is basically DQ, if love one you will love the other.

>> No.4139525

Well I haven't played legend of Mana, but I have played seiken densetsu 1-3 and they don't hold a candle to mother 1-3. If I had to rate the first 3 games of both series, it'd go Mana: 5, 7, 7; Mother: 5, 8, 10. Is legend of mana great enough to make the entire Mana series look godly compared to Mother? I strongly doubt it, most lists I see consistently rank M3 above LoM anyways

>> No.4139551


JRPG are the genre where story is one of the most relevant aspects on the game. Thats where Mother series are superior to the generic DQ shitfest. Probably in the other aspects you are right.

>> No.4139878

I don't like the customization aspect in the later DQ games, it makes it feel like there's no proper intended strategy for the story bosses, other than to just get good with whatever class you are using or whatever... I prefer games like Mother where each character has a pre-existing role and you don't have to "create" each character's role yourself.

>> No.4139882

>ness physical attacks and heals
>paula spams psi freeze
>jeff spams bottle rockets
>poo spams psi freeze

This is almost every battle in earthbound

>> No.4139890

You forgot the step where Jeff uses Spy to see what the enemy is weak against.

>> No.4139891

This is both wrong and not /v/ at all, what the hell.

>> No.4139897

wow cool. Now I know this weak enemy is open to Paralysis and Hypnosis.
Can't wait to waste Ness's PP on status moves.

>> No.4139917

Should i give Mother 1 a chance?

>> No.4139990
File: 16 KB, 291x463, 1499913570373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother 1 is bad. But the music in all the games are pretty neat:https://youtu.be/i3z9v3FFc9c

>> No.4139997

>Mother 1 is bad.
How so?

>> No.4140002

it hasn't aged well

>> No.4140018

>horrible balancing
>bad graphics. even for the time.
>the absolute need to grind turned me off within the first few hours
More good tunes:https://youtu.be/VwYHT3tQ9gU (this one is fun to play on piano)

>> No.4140026

>>bad graphics. even for the time.
just like earthbound
>super mario world level graphics in 94
>came out the same year as Super Metroid

>> No.4140041

And.. That is not the subject at hand. We are talking about Mother 1.

I thought about that as I typed tge post. I think I attribute it to a purposeful simplicity to illustrate that it is a child's perspective. Plus it makes all of the darker elements more jarring

>> No.4140048

If you're too young to appreciate 8-bit RPGs, that's okay, but games don't age, anon jr.
The game is still the same one from 1989, nothing about it changed, if you're used to play more modern RPGs, that doesn't directly affect Mother 1, the game, it's your subjective appreciation. You can have an opinion, but your opinion doesn't affect or transform games released in the past, or make them "age".
>horrible balancing
The enemies get overpowered in the last section of the game, but honestly, Ninten's 4th-D Slip makes the game perfectly tolerable. Maybe you just mashed the "attack" command hoping for the best instead of actually planning your strategies.
>bad graphics. even for the time.
How are they "bad graphics"? Any example? I don't remember any glitches or anything that looked actually bad. Don't tell me "I think this looks ugly" because that's subjective and I don't care about your subjective opinion. We're discussing if Mother 1 is a bad game or not, opinions are irrelevant.
>the absolute need to grind turned me off within the first few hours
You're one of those guys that thinks random encounters = grinding, right?
If you die in Mother, you don't lose your progress, you only lose half the money you're carrying with you, like in DQ. That's a pretty tame punishment, there's many other RPGs that take you back to your last save, making you lose hours of progress, Mother doesn't.
Grinding = staying in the same place fighting the same enemies over and over to reach a certain level or stats. That's never necessary in Mother.

It's not that Mother 1 is bad, some of you guys just don't like 8-bit RPGs, which is fine, you're free to have your own personal taste, just don't force your taste into others by claiming this or that game is bad.

>> No.4140060
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I think it's just shitters. Mother 1 is a bit grindy, sure, but not really imbalanced. Psi is WAY stronger in this game compared to 2 and 3, there is some psi I might even argue is too powerful. The game is pretty fair, I personally feel it is the most balanced overall as enemies can be a threat but still you still have your own powerful tools. Mother 1 really does have some genuine things over Mother 2 I feel. I would say the overall plot, balance, and exploration is better in 1 then 2. Still, I love all three games equally myself.

>> No.4140063

i've been wanting to make a video game only chan site, and use fan art of pokey for the 404. Got any

>> No.4140068

My problem with people who shit on Mother 1 for "grindy" or "aged" is that by saying things like that they're actually shitting on every other RPG from the era.
As I said, Mother is actually pretty forgiving compared to other RPGs of the time.
Shit, Phantasy Star II (a 16-bit RPG) punishes you by making you go back to a previous save, making you lose all your progress if you didn't make it to a save point. Mother just punishes you by taking away half the money, and you can store all the money on the bank anyway, it only affects the money you're carrying.

Another thing, Mother 1 is one of the few old RPGs that let you move around the map in 8 directions (cardinals and diagonals), most other RPGs, even many from the 16-bit era, only let you move in cardinals.

>> No.4140079

Not that anon, but I do have some points of my own I want to bring up:

>the random encounters
Now, it's all fine and dandy if enemies are tougher so you're forced to strategize more, I like that, but... when I have to have a battle every single step I take, that's when grinding becomes a necessity. Otherwise I would've spent 2 hours crossing the street, and that's no fun. Also Mt. Itoi is a bit unfair, and not in the way that a bit of balancing could've fixed. The enemies have so many instant-kill attacks, it's not even funny. (Though balancing would've been nice too)

Personally, I like the graphics. They're simple enough that I can tell what everything is, and it kinda reminds me of a child's crayon drawing. But, then there's the dungeons. They are literal labyrinths; everything looks the same, and they're so huge and sprawling that it's impossible to find your way. Couple that with THE SPAWN RATE, and it's absolute hell. Also, this is more nitpicky than anything else, but why's Ninten's head so big? Nobody else has that kinda head; in fact, they're all pretty uniform. What's the *big* deal? ...I'll show myself out...

If you want my recommendation, download the Easy patch. It halves spawn rates, and doubles the EXP and Money drops. The only reason you should ever bother with the original versions is as a "museum-ish" experience, to see what it used to be like.

>> No.4140083

Nah I fully agree, as I said I love the game. In some gameplay ways it really was a bit ahead, non tile based movement and nonlinearity were pretty cool and while imagine other games did both it still was rare.

>> No.4140089

>when I have to have a battle every single step I take, that's when grinding becomes a necessity.
Yes, the random encounters can get pretty high, but this isn't unique to Mother, that's just how old RPGs used to be, thankfully, battles are quick (no loading times at all), if you're quick with the menues, you can swift through battles in seconds. But yeah, if you're going to play an old RPG, high encounter rate is kind of a given. Mother isn't even that offensive with that, compared to many other classics like Dragon Quest III or Wizardry.
As for grinding, I don't think it's ever a necessity, if there's a new place you're exploring, and you die, just try again, see if you can make it further and reach the other side with a save point. If you die again, try again. Yes, this can be considered grinding in a way, but it's not as monotonous as real grinding (staying in one place fighting the same enemies, without a real direction other than leveling up, to face a tough boss or whatever, pretty typical for end game or post-game bosses in many RPGs, old and new), and I don't remember any place where I got stuck for hours without being able to advance.
Mother doesn't really require grinding, and I'm going to bring up Ninten's 4th D-Slip again, this skill lets you escape battles, 100% of the time. Between the 4th D-Slip, Onyx Hook and EVE's chip, Mt. itoi really becomes a non-issue, the game gives you enough resources to not get completely fucked by Mt. Itoi's boss-tier enemies.

>> No.4140091
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>i use the literal worst way to battle

>> No.4140092

To elaborate, I like the Easy patch because it cleared up some of the issues with the random encounters so I could actually play the game. In the original, battles are so long and intrusive it feels like I'm wasting my time. This way, I can actually enjoy the rest of the game's merits.

And as for the anons complaining about people who say Mother "hasn't aged well", they're comparing the game to modern standards. What's not to realize about that? They're not saying "it was even bad for its time", just that it feels archaic today.
>by shitting on Mother you're shitting on all RPG's from that era!
No. You judge a game by it's own merits, that doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.4140096
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patrician taste

>> No.4140098

>No. You judge a game by it's own merits, that doesn't even make any sense.
But the things they're complaining about Mother (high encounter rate, mostly that) is something that practically define old RPGs. It's basically a statement about the whole genre, not just Mother.

>> No.4140102

Iunno, I don't think it's that hard to lower a spawn rate. Hell, a simple hack did it. If it's a problem spread around the entire "genre", then doesn't that mean the genre's inherently flawed?

>> No.4140103

>then doesn't that mean the genre's inherently flawed
that would explain why there are no good modern rpg's

>> No.4140104

I kind of have mixed fewlinga about this series. While many anons give good points against the quality of the games, there ia thia unmistakable attachment to them (especially EB) that I cannot seem to break. I think now its kinda silly to be upset at being called a hipster with shit taste for liking it. Also how do you think Itoi did it?

>> No.4140109

>then doesn't that mean the genre's inherently flawed?
Maybe people just have less patience.
High encounter rates make exploring a map more exciting, in a way. There's more danger, and you need to be careful with your resources (PP, items). If there's low encounter rate, then making it to the other side of the map might just be a boring walk and nothing else.
It's a subject of personal taste, I personally don't mind high encounter rates, I enjoy battles hordes of enemies and try to be as efficient (and fast) as possible. If I die, oh well, tough luck, that's the beauty of video games.
>genre's inherently flawed.
Again it's not a problem if it doesn't make the game actually unplayable. Some games do suffer from real balancing issues, some games can't even be finished, some games have a lot of dead ends.
I'll give you an example, outside of RPGs: Sierra (and other companies) adventure games from the 80s and 90s.
A lot of people think those games are actually, objectively flawed. Why? Because they have a lot of dead ends. In old adventure games like King's Quest or Maniac Mansion there's a lot of ways to hit a dead end, making you lose hours of progress and having to restart. For a lot of people, this is inexcusable and makes the games inherently flawed. But still you have a lot of people that enjoy these games, that love these games, and that don't mind the dead ends (even if those were actually an oversight from the developers - an actual flaw). But these games were still popular and lots of people love them, and they think that's just the way adventure games are.
Most old RPGs aren't that flawed, they might require a lot of time in random battles, but it's hard to hit an actual dead end, and as I said, Mother doesn't even suck time from you by making you lose progress, you still keep all your exp points, items, etc even if you lose.

>> No.4140117

top tier dialogue, story and presentation
the only real problems people have with the mother series is either with the graphics or the gameplay, if they remaster the games with updated graphics and polished out the gameplay, the mother series would be best series of RPGs of all time

>> No.4140127

I dont know, anon... im glad that it works for you. People like me though just want to explore the world, absorb the story, feel immersed in the world you're presented... and you can't do that when the enemies halt your progression every second for anywhere between a couple seconds-5 minutes at a time. RPG's have to strike a perfect balance between the exploration and battles, otherwise it ends up feeling boring either way.
When playing EarthBound or Mother 3, did you ever feel you were too strong? That there were too little enemies?
Did you ever feel as if progression was a slog of popup virus ads?
I didn't.

If you managed to enjoy the balance Mother/EarthBound Beginnings struck, more power to you. But sadly, I believe a lot of people, me included, don't want to see more games in this style.

>> No.4140135

No, that's fine, what I mean is that it doesn't make the games inherently bad. If you don't enjoy old-school RPGs, that's fine, just don't call them bad.
As for EB and M3, those games had visible enemies on the screen, which was a great change, I also love how they run away, or you can sneak from behind (or get ambushed), but the fact I think those changes were good, doesn't make me look at Mother 1 and go "oh, because other games made it better, then this old game is now bad". I still enjoy Mother 1 in its own way.
Again, I think the game gives you plenty of resources to manage the battles. Among older RPGs, Mother 1 is actually kind of easy, and has an appropirate lenght of about 20 hours. Most people reach the ending with Ninen around level 30 or so.

>> No.4140169
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>> No.4140604

>not /v/ at all, what the hell.

>> No.4140819

Most of /v/ places the "weeaboo shit" Persona over mainline SMT because sale numbers is what they consider when measuring quality, fir example.
They accept Ys, Atelier and Tales so far they appear on the OP, otherwise they bash them as generic games.
Most of the entry level tier is loved by them only exeption being some shitposters in FF threads and Pokemon being /vp/ material.

Like pretty much everything on /v/ this is more a graphic on the author tastes more than a consensus.

>> No.4141180

teddy is a pretty cool guy

>> No.4141191
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Damn straight

>> No.4141331

>triangle shades
>dies in the game

Is Teddy prototype Kamina?

>> No.4141597

Wasn't Teddy's weapon a good ol' knife?
But yeah I see what you mean.
>dies in the game
Well, actually he doesn't, but in the orgiginal Famicom release, which had an incomplete ending, you can think he actually died, but the full ending shows he's alive and performing with his band.

>> No.4141606

You get multiple weapons in the game, anon... the katana is his strongest weapon...

>> No.4141621

Cool, I forgot about that.
I bet Teddy is a weeb (the good kind of old school weeb who obsessed over martial arts and stuff)

>> No.4141650

It isn't that Teddy is a weeb, it's that he's an American character written by japanese writers.

>> No.4141668

wait I think I misread that.

IIRC Teddy canonically owns the biography of some japanese musician. So yeah he's weeb as fuck.
Then again, doesn't Mother 1 take place in the sixties?

>> No.4141672


>> No.4141691

The manmade Mother 4 was seemingly supposed to take place in the 70's before it shat itself

>> No.4141692


>> No.4141694

I mean, you probably weren't wrong in the first place.

>> No.4141967

mother 1 hippie battle music >>>>>>> Earthbound hippie battle music

>> No.4142325

Kuma is best Girl though

>> No.4142614

1 is just an unpolished and blander version of 2.

>> No.4142769

Or rather, 2 is an improved version of 1, since it came out 5 years later.