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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4129560 No.4129560 [Reply] [Original]

Rondo of Blood gets a shitload of discussion on /vr/, but the PC engine not nearly as much, except certain games like Ys, Soldier Blade and Bomberman 94. Curious to see where people toe the line.

>Was Rondo the first PC Engine game you've played
>Is Rondo the only PC Engine game you've played
>Do you own a PC Engine. If so, what model
>Is Rondo you favorite, or the best PCE game?

>> No.4129592


>> No.4129602

No, Splatterhouse was
Yes. Modded turbo duo
Yes. But Legendary Axe is a close second

>> No.4129649

I think my first PCE game was Princess Maker, never actually played Rondo.

>> No.4129654


Had a Turbografx back in the day. Never had CD. Never played Rondo 'till the PSP.

Had a card adapter for Japanese HU Cards.
Gradius was my favorite shooter on that console.

>> No.4129686
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The first PC Engine game I played was Moto Roader on TG-16 at a slumber party in 1989. I got a TG-16 of my own in the mid-90s but I've never had a CD-Rom I still think Rondo is the best game on it though.

>> No.4129705
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Nah, I bought a TurboDuo in '93, was the first game system I bought for myself as opposed to receiving as a present, but I've never played Rondo. Never really got into Castlevania in general.
My brother had a TurboGrafx-16 without the CD, and I played a few things on there like R-Type and Neutopia.

These days I have a PCE Duo R, but now that I'm in my 40s I prefer games focused on cute anime girls so most of the Castlevania franchise isn't so appealing. (Though I think you can play as Maria in Rondo?)

>> No.4129712

Yes, 4 original models and briefcase rig with a broken CD-ROM2 drive I need to get repaired.

>> No.4130132

No,i played at least half the library by now
Yes,there are some PCE games that are up there with RoB but they don't surpass its quality

>> No.4130142

Have you played Quiz Avenue?

>> No.4130157 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, a regular old TG-16
No, my favorite is pic related

>> No.4130172

>Bonk's Revenge

mah nigga

>> No.4130173

black pc engine duo
not my favorite, but definitely one of the most impressive action games on the console.

>> No.4130185

>Was Rondo the first PC Engine game you've played
i think so
>Is Rondo the only PC Engine game you've played
No, I also liked New Adventure Island, Air Zonk, Splatterhouse (I know it's not better than the arcade, but still decent)
>Do you own a PC Engine. If so, what model
No, I use a Wii on a CRT though, close enough.
>Is Rondo you favorite, or the best PCE game?
Yeah probably.

>> No.4130262

I got into PC-E because I love Hudson games like Dragon's Curse.
Fuck Cucklevania

>> No.4130268

Nah, Legendary Axe

>> No.4130276

>dragon's curse
>hudson game

wonderboy is a sega/westone ip

>> No.4130485
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>> No.4130503

- No, that was Bomberman '93 or Splatterhouse
- Nope
- Mednafen's PCE emulation is so good I never felt the need. The console was never released in my country either.
- Yeah pretty much that and Battle Lode Runner

>> No.4131467

Ok, all this wants me to play this game.
How do I install Mednafen?

>> No.4131547

Devil's Crush

>> No.4131792

Either start reading mednafen's manual or just use retroarch. Everything you need to know can be found in the wiki linked on this board's sticky.

>> No.4131817

>telling someone who can't install an emulator to use retroarch
when will this meme end?

>> No.4132319

RA's UX has improved in recent years, so I don't know how you'd conclude it's more difficult to use than mednafen.

I don't give a shit about anything that doesn't have a libretro port though desu

>> No.4134130


>> No.4134823

How do you like your Rondo, /vr/? Original recipe, extra crispy, or on the Super Nintendo?

>> No.4135004

Original of course. With a side helping of Bloodlines

>> No.4135084

The SNES version might be the worst classic Castlevania. Its only competition is Simon's Quest.

>> No.4135124
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Speaking of Bloodlines, I know this is a noob problem and I had figured out how to solve this before but I just can't seem to find a fix for this again.
I tried to emulate Bloodlines earlier today and some scenes get split in half with only one half of the screen showing the game, it also happens when I'm actually playing so it's all compressed into a phone-like screen.
Anyone remember how to fix this? I'm running it on RetroArch with the PicoDrive core.
>mfw I gave up and fired up a different castlevania game instead

>> No.4135145

It runs perfectly in Fusion.

If you were in Stage 6, there's one room with an illusion effect that sort of splits the screen in half. It doesn't sound like that's what was happening to you, but there is an area where there's an intended effect like that.

>> No.4135151
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Yes, actually, I didn't even knew the console, I played an .EXE of the game on PC
No, I've played at least another game: Cadash

>> No.4135154

It happens during the opening scene of the game, in the char select screen and during gameplay.
The screen is split in half and the left side has the game in it, the other is pitch black is if waiting for player 2.

>> No.4135158


What's the worst Metroidvania?

Outside of Simon's Quest, I mean. SotN-onwards.

>> No.4135181


Different guy here

I'm playing Bloodlines in Fusion but I'm using a 360 controller. I feel like the squishy d-pad is disadvantaging me and using the right bumper in place of the C button is leading to me forgetting to use my subweapons even when they would be useful.

What would you recommend as an alternative controller? I'm genuinely considering getting a Genesis and Bloodlines in order to play on original hardware, but if I decide to just stick to emulation what should I use for Sega?

>> No.4135229

I don't know, I only played SotN and OoE, both of which I felt were good but for completely different reasons.

>> No.4135241

When I play with a 360 controller I bind A B and C to X A and B to be more similar to a real Genesis controller. The d-pad is bad but it's enough to get through the game on expert mode.

I like using an arcade stick though. The one I've ever owned is a Hori Real Arcade Pro V, which is nice, but I don't have any frame of reference for how it compares to other arcade sticks.

>> No.4135312
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Fuck it I'm just gonna play it on Fusion. Works like a charm here.

>> No.4135321

I played it on Wii VC but i never had a pc engine so i dont know any better.

Is the wii vc emulation quality good for PC Engine games?

>> No.4135324
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PSP remake > SNES re-imagining > CD Engine original

>> No.4135348

>SNES re-imagining
>better than anything


>> No.4135392
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>SNES re-imagining > CD Engine original

>> No.4135412

To go into more detail on this, the worst and most far-reaching of Dracula XX's sins is that Richter moves something like 60% of his speed in Rondo. That alone makes the game nearly unplayable, just getting from one side of a room to another is painful.

Its levels lose to Rondo both mechanically and aesthetically. Also Rondo has a cool system where there are two paths through the game with lots of opportunities to switch between then, so you can make your own route where you play through all of your favorites. Dracula XX has alternate levels too, but you have to suck it up and go for the bad ending to play them. You can't crisscross at will and if I remember right there are fewer alternate levels in XX.

Oh yeah and you can't play as Maria. She's insanely overpowered, but still fun and totally optional.

The only noteworthy positive of Dracula XX over Rondo is that its versions of Death and Dracula are far more threatening.

>> No.4135465

What can I say? It puts up more of a challenge, and it looks and sounds damn good for a Super Nintendo game.

>> No.4135503

Circle of Moon by far

>> No.4135540


>> No.4135836

of course, it's perfect