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4131497 No.4131497 [Reply] [Original]

>Start of the game is a cyberpunk story about the resistance to the Shinra company
>After Midgar it turns into standard Final Fantasy Fare, and could fit any Final fantasy game and mostly ignores the cyberpunk stetting
>The story of Seph + Jenova + Meteor could be transported to FF5 with no problems
>Shinra falls by the wayside
>Shinra is irrelevant in the sequels

>> No.4131524

shinra stays very relevant though. did you play the game?

there's also the discussion whether ffvii is cyberpunk and not dieselpunk

>> No.4131527

and fuck the sequels btw.

>> No.4131549

>shinra stays very relevant though. did you play the game?

They're just reacting to Sephiroth+Jenova though. They never accomplish anything. They're never a major threat. The party treats them like a joke and steal their shit and kill their soldiers like its nothing. They're clearly secondary antagonists at most.

>> No.4131557

There is absolutely nothing "dieselpunk" about FF7. You can argue it's not cyberpunk because there's nothing "cyber" about it, but the aesthetics and setting are much closer to cyberpunk than dieselpunk.

>> No.4131571

>They're clearly secondary antagonists at most
well yeah..., that's part of the story..

sephiroth becomes the larger threat, threatening em all so they want to kill him. bringing down shinra in the beginning was just the motivation for the characters until sephiroth was brought into the story.

>They never accomplish anything
they destroy the first weapon and allow the heroes to fight sephiroth

>The party treats them like a joke and kill their soldiers like its nothing
they don't but what did you expect? that they'd still have the same trouble with shinra's footsoldiers after they've become so much stronger

>> No.4131573
File: 71 KB, 400x240, FF7_Train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aesthetics of the vehicles, and midgar in general is. mako enery == oil

>> No.4131575
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>> No.4131581
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>> No.4131584
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>> No.4131587
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>> No.4131598

FF7 is dieselpunk.

>> No.4131608
File: 305 KB, 1440x2560, 803b32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just revisited and beat the game after a 15 year break from it.

The game feels like it was designed by a number of different teams each with their own vision for the final product. The Midgar section always felt like it was a different game altogether. When you finally hit the world map the game opens up all sorts of new options. The sheer number of unique mini games allow a player to find something that works for them personally.

An example of this would be the Fort Condor defense game. It was completely managed and designed by one guy, and was such an optional part of the story too.

I think the reason FF7 runs so deep with fans is because so many different people injected their different passions into the game. It plays like a music mashup.

The story barely holds together at the end though, but the theme of "you are who you want to be, rather than the person you used to be" is an easy and fun premise.

My only request would have been for more blue materia combos.

>> No.4131641

>well yeah..., that's part of the story..

And I'm saying it's pretty conventional FF storylines, and far less interesting than the cyberpunk story they set up in the beginning. Shinra is way more interesting than Sephiroth.

>> No.4131650

that I can agree on but basically every ff game has plottwist which exposes the true enemy.
it's almost something that makes a ff game a ff game. but I agree shinra adds more freshness than sephiroth

>> No.4131651

maybe not 'makes' it but it's definitely part of it

>> No.4131658
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF7 is dieselpunk.

Would you fuck off cocksucker? The game is HEAVILY anime. It has humor typical of 90's shows. Aestetically, Midgar is clearly emulating Cyberpunk anime of the 80's. Venus Wars, Cyber City Oedo, Akira, Bubblegum Crisis. Any shots of these cities could be Midgar.

>> No.4131671

>The game is HEAVILY anime.
wtf, that doesn't mean anything. that's like saying
"the game is heavily movie"

aestetically midgar is clearly dieselpunk and it doesn't look like cyber city oedo at all.
wipe the shit out of your eyes.

>> No.4131673
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>> No.4131686
File: 477 KB, 1920x922, dieselpunkcityy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4131687

>first seven hours of the game is more or less a blueprint of Blade Runner

>> No.4131690

FF7 is Dieselpunk.

>> No.4131693

I didn't read the rest of those animes.
midgar doesn't look like anything in akira or bubblegum crisis either.
I didn't know venus wars but it does have some similarities at first sight. that said, venus wars looks more like dieselpunk than cyberpunk as well.

>> No.4131703

story wise? not at all
aestetically, ffvii looks more like blade runner than any of those animes anon listed. that's because blade runner has that neo noir vibe which is a throwback to movies from before the 60's.
which happens to be same era dieselpunk deals with.

>> No.4131710
File: 101 KB, 750x400, neo-tokyo-750x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FF7 comes from a specific historical context. A dark smog covered dystopian city, often with a powerful megacorp is a common element of that era. The Japanese LOVED Blade Runner, and cyberpunk setting became a common one, even to the point of cliche.

If you mentioned "disel-punk" to the Japanese, they'd have NO Idea what the hell you're talking about.

FF7 is the first, and only, to take art design, story, and setting heavily from animation. It's the only one to have big "anime eyes".

>aestetically, ffvii looks more like blade runner than any of those animes anon listed.

Aestetically it's Blade Runner --> Anime inspired by Blade Runner --> Final Fantasy 7.

>> No.4131715

>story wise? not at all

A big Mega Corp rules the city, with their giant headquarters which looms menacingly over the city. Civil government has been rendered irrelevant, and it's the corporations that really run things. There's a rebellion against this mega-corp of scrappy youths who live in the shadows. These are ALL cyberpunk themes, and a lot of it comes from Blade Runner.

Bubblegum Crisis stole the Mega Corp HQ in the center of the city from Blade Runner first.

>> No.4131724

>if you mentioned "disel-punk" to the Japanese, they'd have NO Idea what the hell you're talking about.
yes you are an expert on japanese people and you can speak on behalf of all of them. broad statements like that just make you look like a retard.

>a powerful megacorp is a common element of that era
yes and that's why it's probably in there but megacorp doesn't automatically mean cyberpunk.

>Aestetically it's Blade Runner
it has similarities because of the neo noir vibe but there are still huge differences.
blade runner is much more hi tech than ffvii ever was which is a requisite for cyberpunk.
ffvii doesn't look as neon as blade runner or any other cyberpunk setting.

give it up, I've shown enough that it's clearly dieselpunk. you're just being stubborn.

>> No.4131728

>A big Mega Corp rules the city, with their giant headquarters which looms menacingly over the city. Civil government has been rendered irrelevant, and it's the corporations that really run things. There's a rebellion against this mega-corp of scrappy youths who live in the shadows.
> There's a rebellion against this mega-corp of scrappy youths who live in the shadows.
not a part of blade runner.
blade runner deals with androids wanting to live longer and it questions where being a robot ends and being a human starts.
again Mega corp is an element of cyberpunk but having a megacorp rule everything in your story does not automatically make it cyberpunk

>> No.4131732

the pictures speak for themselves and anyone who isn't crying because they're in a losing fight will agree that it looks a lot more dieselpunk than cyberpunk
mako is diesel/oil and after midgar this whole discussion becomes moot because it stops being either. (although the dieselpunk aestetic continues in places like junon)

I'm done here because you will never admit you're wrong and I don't feel like having this discussion anymore with some random tard.

>> No.4132032

>FFVII is a Final Fantasy game
>Somehow this is basis for a complaint.

lol this place



>> No.4132036

I probably would have liked the game way better if the entire thing had taken place in Midgar. I was disappointed with how generic the setting became after you left the city.

>> No.4132046

You thought an abandoned city made of giant seashells was generic?

>> No.4132090


It's more that it's a tried and done story, and doesn't take advantage of its setting. I really wanted to see more of Midgar.

>> No.4132120

>It's more that it's a tried and done story
so is zelda

>> No.4132158

That "harmful" warning symbol on the spray can is non-dieselpunk.

>> No.4132172

I like that Midgar was just the starting area. You spend a decent amount of time there, and the often cramped, somewhat linear hallways do a good job of establishing a totalitarian personality for the city. Then the game opens up a lot when you're out of the city.

If the whole game had the aesthetic Midgar did I would have gotten tired of it. I think you visit enough Mako factories, military bases and that one big cannon city that the technology side of things stays well represented. With how environmentalist the game is, I think it works better to have a lot of natural and man made stuff represented, rather than just sticking with one.

Now that I'm thinking about it, is there any FF game that's pure fantasy and not a blend of fantasy and some other genre? Most of them seem to have some level of sci fi elements in them.

>> No.4133302


>> No.4135871

All the snes games had some advanced technology (Tanks and aircraft in FFIV, old advanced technology in FFV, and FFVI had lots of technology) but I can't remember if FFIII had anything. I haven't played FFI and FFII.

>> No.4135882

And yet faggots still whinge non-stop about muh fantasy setting.