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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4122995 No.4122995 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /vr/ approved re-releases, remakes and ports of older games?

>> No.4123005
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Sonic Jam is the way I play Sonic games nowadays.
It does have some issues, particularly in Sonic 2 with some extra slowdown, but I can excuse that since these weren't emulated but actual ports to the Saturn hardware, Sonic 1 and 3&K play flawelessly, and my favorite thing about it is the time trial modes. I've played the Sonic games too much as a kid I know them by heart, so picking any act from any zone I want to play in any order and try to beat my old time score is always a fun way to play some Sonic for 30 minutes or an hour every now and then.

>> No.4123634


>> No.4123663
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>> No.4123667

For mobile DQ4 and RS2

>> No.4123719
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The lack of the promised remixed OSTs and redubs of X4 and X6 because con man wanted to focus on the PSP remake that never went anywhere will always sting a little, but overall they're still pretty solid ways to play the original X games. WAY better than the Anniversary Collection at least.

Also, if I have a hacked 3DS would you recommend playing Front Mission on a DS flashcart or through emulating the SNES version?

>> No.4123762
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this was pretty good

>> No.4123923

DS version of Chrono Trigger is alright by me.

>> No.4123927
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>DS version of Chrono Trigger is alright by me.

This. DS Chrono is the definitive version.

>> No.4123940
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Anything Sega Ages 2500 on PS2.

>> No.4123943

Love that!

The OST was pretty killer.

>> No.4123968

As far as I can tell X6 wasn't actually redubbed, they just took out the Jap audio and left the cutscenes silent.

>> No.4123973

Supposedly it was going to be but con man pulled the plug on it because they wanted to save that for Maverick Hunter 6 (lol)

>> No.4124013

I have panzer dragoon on ps2 and it's not that good, controls are weird, rather play it on Saturn.

>> No.4124024
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Only from Vol 18 onwards, the majority of the older releases are really terrible remakes.

>> No.4124041

hated it, but i don't like bionic commando to begin with.

didn't they redo the translation? that turns me off. i thought the translation on snes was fine.

FFT on the PSP is extremely good.

>> No.4124065

>didn't they redo the translation?
Yep. It's a fine and arguably better translation, though if you have nostalgia for the original it can be hard to look past that. Same with FFT and the GBA SNES FF ports.

>> No.4124108
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Opinions on this? Best $10 I ever spent on a 360 arcade game. It fixes everything that was shit about the N64 version.

>> No.4124153

The framerate is such an improvement over the original's but I wish there was an option for original graphics. Not that the new ones are bad or anything, it'd just be nice to have the choice. Makes me wish the Goldeneye port didn't have a ton of legal shit surrounding it.

4J is a pretty good porting studio overall, their Banjo, Oblivion PS3 and console Minecraft ports are great for what they are too.

>> No.4124174
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>> No.4124178
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>> No.4124184

PSP has several, like Tales of Eternia, Star Ocean Second Evolution, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, Lunar Silver Star Story Comlete and Breath of Fire III to name a few.

>> No.4124186
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Cant believe no one posted this yet

>> No.4124194

Lenneth PSP sux hard, doenst have any of the NTSC U improvements and is stretched widescreen

>> No.4124286

didnt like the ds version, it added in a new scenario but the game play was kinda limited to begin with even on the snes, and the ds port didnt add anything else to it

A+ remake

>Also, if I have a hacked 3DS would you recommend playing Front Mission on a DS flashcart or through emulating the SNES version?

This was another great remake, my friends and I had a blast when it came out and actually got to the very top of the leaderboards and in Gamebattles

>FFT on the PSP is extremely good.

It was pretty good for its time since it was re-released 10 years ago. I did appreciate the script rework and the translation corrections they did, as well as adding extra character space (16 was not enough in the original!) The only gripe i have is the HEAVY spell slowdown which makes the game at a snail's space.

I heard SO2 remake was actually bad for some reason. I never got around to playing the remake but i did play the shit out of the original, and i heard there were some changes that made the game worse overall. The VP remake was solid, but i didnt play the original so i can't say if it was better or not. LSSSC on the sega saturn was the best version, PSX was a close second.

>> No.4124385

It made SO3 canon to that game's universe through an unlockable character.

>> No.4124459


apparently Star ocean 2 had cut content due to censorship, and I´ve seen people shit on LSSSC here, I dunno, Lunar has so many ways to play it I never know wich release to play

War of the Lions is a good way to play FFT if you get the anti slowdown patch and dont mind the more flowery translation, Im a bit mad that they added goddam Luso instead of Marche as an additional character, but I guess they did it because FFTA2 was more recent, I just wanted to remove escapism.

The port of the orinal Persona is pretty great, but I suggest you patch in the music from the original game, while the k-pop style stuff is nice it does not fit with the early games

>> No.4124467

It's got some problems but I kind of like the DS remake of Mario 64. I like the controls of the original better but the new content is neat, so I usually alternate between the two versions when I replay the game.

I can also vouch for the Sonic CD remaster as well. The ports of 1 and 2 are great as well but they're only on mobile, which is a damn shame.

>> No.4124632
File: 374 KB, 1500x1500, sega-3d-fukkoku-archives-1-2-3-triple-pack-489927.5.jpg?ofw8wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ports were fucking great, too bad we never got 1 and 3 in the West.

>> No.4124662

I was never entirely clear if it's using an emulator or if it's a bona fide port, but yeah, it's pretty great.

>> No.4124667
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 250px-SMBDX_Boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a great re-release of the original Mario bros. Has tons of extra content, a save function, and though a simplified version it comes with the Lost Levels.

>> No.4124668
File: 10 KB, 250x223, FF4DS_NTSC_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is pretty great. Adds a plethora of nice features and subverts the expectations of people who played the prior releases by changing up boss strategies.
The eShop SEGA 3D classics are wonderful. Only games I've ever felt compelled the 3D on for because it incorporates a CRT mode that has a very convincing curved screen effect that pops out of the screen.

>> No.4124675

Except the Fantasy Zone remake was alright.

>> No.4124705

>Fantasy Zone in there twice
well damn, must be good game

>> No.4124708


>> No.4124729
File: 31 KB, 256x362, Wild_ARMs_Alter_Code_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of /vr/ disagrees, but I felt the original Wild Arms was way too stiff and a remake using the WA3 engine was a welcome change to me.

>> No.4124739

The game is fine. It's script on the other hand desperately needed an editor.

>> No.4124763

The 360 version is a port, the Bone version is the 360 version being emulated. Wrap your head around that.

>> No.4124785
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>> No.4124851
File: 96 KB, 720x960, Wild Guns reloaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Rebuilds" are better than remakes or ports.

A "rebuild" is taking the game's original assets and models, putting them into a new Engine, and giving it various enhancements, such as 16:9 aspect ratio. This keeps the game familliar, so it doesn't look like some alien game, while giving it new features and enhancements to modernize it. It's the best of both worlds. It looks like the old game, but better.

Rebuilds that I know of that are great are:

>Sonic 1/2 (mobile only)
>Turok 1/2
>Wild Guns

>> No.4124854


I never played it for 64, but often think about what a nightmare that could potentially be like if i do go back and try.

>> No.4124872
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How much did they censor it?

>> No.4124885

Sonic and Turok are definitely rebuilds

but is Wild Guns one? They improved some of the backgrounds. It doesn't look THAT different, but doesn't that make it not as much as a rebuild compared to the others?

>> No.4124972

They improved ALL the backgrounds. Also added two new characters, new levels, 16:9 mode, remixed music, etc.

>> No.4124976

>but is Wild Guns one? They improved some of the backgrounds. It doesn't look THAT different, but doesn't that make it not as much as a rebuild compared to the others?

It's a new engine with some new assets that blend into the old ones. It's not running an emulator. And I doubt they'd have the source code for an old SNES game back then so they'd have to rebuild it.

>> No.4124983

Sonic CD also added new characters, 16:9 mode, and "all" music, since it's optional i think of those as just nice extras
but new backgrounds makes me feel iffy on calling the game a rebuild

Either way it looks fantastic, and i prefer shit like that over major remakes like Zero Mission (although that's awesome too, maybe NES games needs remakes and SNES needs rebuilds)

>> No.4125003

I agree completely. I'm much more fan of the rebuilds than the complete remakes. I have said many times in some forums: more companies should do like Sega and make Ages version of their games with new stages, enemies and options. Also, port the 3DS sega ages to steam or other consoles.

>> No.4125004

FF I & II remakes for WSC/PSX
FFIII & IV remakes for DS/Mobile/PC
FFV & VI ports for GBA fanpatched
FFIX port for Mobile/PC

>> No.4125045
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>> No.4125067 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 100x100, d05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ hates the GBA

>> No.4125103

Different versions, but yes. It really is.

>> No.4125107

>/vr/ is one person.
The fact GBA isn't retro doesn't mean people here hate it.

>> No.4125110
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It got a lot of hate for some reason, but I really love the DS version of FFIII. It's different from the NES, but wonderful in it's own right.

>> No.4125138 [DELETED] 

>The fact GBA isn't retro

2006 the Nintendo 64 a 1996 console populated with 3d games was "retro".
but in
2017 a 2001 portable SNES is not "retro".


>> No.4125145

>2006 the Nintendo 64 a 1996 console populated with 3d games was "retro".
[citation needed]

>> No.4125151

Read the rules of the board. Don't like it? Go to other boards, /vr/ isn't the only place on the internet.

>> No.4125158

the battles are okay. they're not really "better" but they're not "worse" either.

on the other hand, the design of all the towns and dungeons suffers immensely and the script, story boards, and animations are completely fucked up, as are the actual models for the characters, and the whole romance subplots and internal conflicts of the characters are hammed out the ass with autism turned up to max

it is one of the worst remakes I have ever played

>> No.4125164


Ocarina 3D is one of the best and most respectful remakes I've ever seen.

>> No.4125181

Read the sticky

I was adressing this bit.

>/vr/ is one person.

As you pointed out is on the board rules. GBA isn't welcome here. That's it.

>> No.4125208

Wrong, the updated graphics make everything look more moe-shitter. The added features were all bloat. The GBC version is still much more fun.

>> No.4125215

Mario 64 DS is very nice to play on a 3DS because of the circle pad

>> No.4125217
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>> No.4125243

Apparently compared to Fates and TMS it got off pretty light on the censorship? I don't know know to what extent but I rarely hear complaints about it like I did the last two games.

>> No.4125251

Yeah, that's actually when I came around to liking the DS version. I know it's not perfect, because it's still not true analog movement but it at least feels more comfortable and that went a long way for me.

>> No.4125289
File: 151 KB, 1306x803, HEY HEY IT'S TIME TO MAKE SOME CUH-RAZY MONEY! ARE YOU READY... HERE! WE! GO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mod the soundtrack back in, the Steam rerelease is pretty much perfect

>> No.4125295

I wish they put 2 on Steam as well. It's my favorite because it was the one I had on Dreamcast back in the day. I did the whole fucking pyramid and everything, I still have nightmares about some of those challenges to this day.

>> No.4125315

My nephews heard me playing Crazy Taxi and said "hey it's got old people music!"

I wanted to die.

>> No.4125519

Don't the newer versions have physics issues?

>> No.4126486

It didnt get censored

>> No.4126489

Different localization team

Echoes was handeled by the team that localized Awakening and Shadow Dragon

Fates was done by Memehouse and TMS was supervised by them

>> No.4126527

Good. I always have to assume the worst these days, unfortunately.

>> No.4126539

I think it may be something similar to playing Doom in a source port...it's the same game, they just shoved a bunch of high res textures and new lights in it.

>> No.4126913
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>> No.4127017

I've never seen someone be this wrong
I bought a DS for SM64DS, and it's still quite playable despite the extreme negativity surrounding that port.
Such a fantastic game

>> No.4127032

Sup /v/

>> No.4127038

I can't blame you, but a lot of people have been pleasantly surprised by Echoes. It's got problems, but most of them were inherent to the original release so the game feels a lot stronger overall.

>> No.4127297

They fucked the art.

>> No.4127357

>NDS releases
>Resolution: 256 × 192
>Playstation resolution: 256 x240 or 320 x240
>literally losing 20% of your screen

>> No.4127371

I think they improved it.

>> No.4127383

Welch is a dimension hopper, dude.

>> No.4127384

is this a /vp/ meme?

>> No.4127475


Crystal had the better female player design

>> No.4127496

This is THE best 'remaster' ever. It's the only example where 99% of the new textures and models are in the exact same style as the originals. Every other remaster tries to update the visual style to some degree, which makes it look like a totally different game. Halo CEA is probably the most famous and offensive example of shitty visual redesigns but even Nintendo has made this mistake

Perfect Dark 360 looks like what you remember Perfect Dark looking like.

>> No.4127502

>Why hasn't anyone posted Zero Mission?
Because it isn't a remake or remaster. It's an entirely new game that borrows very loosely from the original, like a reboot.

>> No.4127508
File: 1.23 MB, 1548x1387, d3d7b91d-e267-4fe5-8b1c-5558085f4edf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare I say, this is the best Kirby game.

The DS had a lot of remakes, didn't it? I wonder why.

>> No.4127513

So like what Shattered Memories is to Silent Hill?

>> No.4127520

>better female player design
certainly not a make or break feature, especially when the rest of the game is everything a remake should be. It even has the GB Sounds item, which should be in more Pokemon games.

>> No.4127521

Mega Man Powered Up on PSP is pretty great.

The ability to play as a robot master and level editor are fun ways to extend the play time.

>> No.4127525

So this is the power of waifu faggotry.

>> No.4127615

>qt as fuck character designs
>playable Roll
>Roll has like a billion costumes
God's gift to mankind.

>> No.4128941

Same localization producers at NOA overseeing things and calling the shots, regardless of who localizes.

Awakening still got censored, after all.

Did everything right compared to the Devil Summoner 1 PSP port.

>> No.4129134
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Is DS1 on PSP port bad? I was planning to play it.

>> No.4129175
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My nigga! That's how I first played all the classic Sonic games (too poor to afford a Mega Drive). I'm embarassed to admit it took me a long time to realize that easy mode only lets you play the first level from each area, I spent many years thinking these games were much shorter than they actually are

>> No.4129181

Never understood the hate. I loved the basic 3D graphics, the games were somehow the same but different at the same time which made for a refreshing experience. I particularly liked Golden Axe

>> No.4129358

>there will never be a Powered Up remix of Megaman 2 and 3
>neither will any of the X sequels get one
I didn't like the chibi art style but imagine if they actually put in such content in some later Megaman games. I really wish Capcom didn't mess up that franchise.

>> No.4129545

Because it's a shitty version of the worst game in the series.

>> No.4130061

Not a bad port, but an incredibly lazy one in comparison.

>> No.4130063

>added in a new scenario
That was a carryover from the PlayStation port.

>> No.4130091

I think I'll just play it on Saturn instead, also might replay Soul Hackers just to get the original CRT experience.
I still haven't beaten the Raidous boss fight on 3DS Soul hackers.

>> No.4130339


Blaster Master Zero is another rebuild.

>> No.4130523

What game is this a remake of? I wasn't even aware of its existence.

I'd love to play a fire emblem game on 3ds that isn't a load of bullshit. That mechanic in awakening where 2 units can take up one tile and both attack in a single turn while only one takes damage breaks the game and makes it too easy, and the sequels trying to compensate by giving enemies the same ability was just frustrating and stupid.

>> No.4130534

It's a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden. I only played the first chapter (back before the Western version was out) but from what I played it has the best gameplay system of all of the 3DS games

>> No.4130539

>fe gaiden

That seems like a weird choice for a remake. Never played any of the nes games, but I was under the impression that it followed the nes sequel trend of simon's quest / adventure of link etc and had completely different gameplay from the rest of the series

>> No.4130545

I wouldn't say that it's as drastic as those other examples but there are a few things that set it apart from the other FE games. It's still a FE game at its core though.

>> No.4130554


Extremely low cost to produce them. When there isn't much risk then there's only gain, no matter how small the gain.

I think the 3DS and Vita crossed that line to where developers get turned off from that.

>> No.4130881

>Such a fantastic game
Seconded. The best Mega Ten game period imo and a fantastic port

>> No.4130891


>DS: Two screens
>PS1: One screen

>> No.4130893


My niggers. This game and HeartGold were the best Pokemon remakes, with Firered/Leafgreen a close second. Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby were fucking pieces of turds though. They nerferd the difficulty WAYY too much so that the game is unspeakably easy, even for a Pokemon game not to mention how blatant the waifufagging in the game was.

>> No.4130902

you lose about 10% of you pee ess ecks screen due to overscan anyway, ds has no overscan

>> No.4130930
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Getting the obvious one out of the way.

>> No.4130936

FF4 remake was rock hard, though. Some of the bosses are a struggle even with a walkthrough. Still one of my favourites for the system, mostly due to the A+ soundtrack.

>> No.4131327

SJ is my personal favorite but SH is up there for sure. Also SJ isn't retro. I'm hoping to replay SH when my *new* Nintendo 2DS XL™ comes in soon.

>> No.4131338

frenchie pls go

>> No.4131378

I always disliked the FF4 DS remake. I don't think the chunky 3d graphics add anything to the game, and I actually think the remastered soundtrack is one of the worst things about it. Some stuff sounds ok, but none of it really sounds better and certain tracks were completely butchered.

>> No.4131478

I disagree. While the FF3 DS remake is fantastic, they just fucked with FF4's balance for no reason. The PS1 version of FF4 is much better.

>> No.4131484

>for no reason
It makes for a much more enticing remake if you've already played FF4. It's like a whole new game and arguably became the hardest game in the series.