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4115718 No.4115718 [Reply] [Original]

Just started Final Fantasy Tactics for the first time. Looking at all the stats and jobs, I'm not really sure where to begin--what jobs are good/bad, what not to spend the party's money on, etc. How forgiving is it for a player who doesn't know much about min-maxing? Is it possible to play it by ear or do I really need to plan everything out right from the start to avoid constant TPKs?

>> No.4115739


Best jobs for a casual playthrough are Ninja's. Monks are also good because they're economical.

General Tips:

Secondary Action: Item on everyone is a good
idea for your first playthrough.

Chemist: Learn Phoenix Down on everyone. Auto-Potion is a nice addition if you can get it.

Squire: Learn Gained JP Up, Move+1, and Accumulate

Knight: Knights are terrible. Get to Level 2 for Monk, learn something like Weapon Guard/Parry.

Archers: Also kind of suck. Nothing really useful besides Concentrate.

Monk: One of the best jobs. Punch Art is good and versatile. Punching is better than most weapons early on.

Priests and Black Mages are good, but they require a huge amount of JP for the different spells which makes them really lackluster unless you're using the JP trick to avoid grinding JP.

>> No.4115746

experimentation is half the fun OP, just keep two save files

>> No.4115756

math wizards are super broken but you should probably avoid them for your first time since they are a bit tricky to use

>> No.4115783

Yeah, I would like to figure most things out for myself and enjoy the ride. I just want to make sure I don't accidentally fuck up the early game so hard that it makes some unforeseen part of the late game unbearable.

>Knights are terrible
Well, darn. I always did like knightly characters in my RPGs. The Samurai sounds like it could be pretty fun to mess around with, though, so I'll probably bring at least one Knight to level 3.

>> No.4115787

Knights are okay, the issue is they're outclassed. FFT is wonderful in that you can use anything you want and still beat the game. So just feel free to use what you want, experiment, and have fun.

>> No.4115817

That's a relief. I was afraid of a Wasteland 2-esque scenario where only a few character builds were viable. Thanks for the tips, anon. I'm only half an hour in and I'm already falling in love with this game.

>> No.4115824


That's the best advice I can give you.

I don't give a fuck if that action is throwing a rock at your teammate, take a god damn action every god damn turn.

>> No.4115848

This is actually not great advice.

It's generally true, but occasionally you can multi-turn your enemy if you simply do nothing. Check the Turn Order often.

Knights are just bad for several reasons.
>Shitty Action skill
>Can only wear heavy armor, which is outclassed in usefulness by clothing (Yes, clothing is better, it provides stats, and often special effects like Cancel: Dead while only being marginally less HP gained)
>Only moderate PA

The only redeemable quality of knights is they can equip Knight Swords. That's literally it. By the time they become available in Chapter 4, you have Ramza's Super Squire available and Agrias as a holy knight. Then you unlock Orlandu and Meliadoul who basically never need to change jobs.

>> No.4115861

>after you've maxed out your AP for all your required jobs, it could potentially be a more optimal path to stack turn boosts to control a synchonrized burst attack on some troublesome bosses.

But this nigga is still on his way to Dorter, and needs all the JP/AP he can get.

Use an action every turn OP.

>> No.4115982

I'm not arguing Knights are amazing or anything, I'm just saying it's more than viable to finish the game with one on their team if they're determined enough. Battle Skill isn't bad either, it's just far better when paired with dual wield or a range weapon. Breaking stats can be a life saver depending on what OP does.

>> No.4116089
File: 74 KB, 1221x663, Class Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a chart I put together that should help with deciding on which classes are good or bad for you. Every character has hidden base stats that you'll never see in-game. Those stats are increased by the numbers at the end of the chart, the growth rates. Note that those refer to speed of growth tiers, not specifically numbers gained per level. For example, a Wizard's MP Growth of 5 doesn't mean 5MP/level, it just means he gains much more MP/level than say a Knight who only has a Growth score of 2. Some stats just grow faster than others, like HP and MP while others you'd only notice the difference in growth every 30 levels or so, like Speed.

Now, the multiplier stats tell you how strong your current class is with your base hidden stats. For example, a Squire has 100% on HP. That means if you're playing a Squire, you're seeing your actual base HP. But if you switch over to a Monk (135%), you're seeing your base HP with an additional 35% tacked on. Some classes, especially Bard, have very low class multipliers, making it look as though your character is abysmal, just remember that its the multipliers (also, Bards have infamously low stat growth rates).

In the end you'll notice that Wizards have the highest Magical Attack multiplier of any core class. So, even if you want to make a healer, it would generally be better to be a Wizard that just takes White Magic as a secondary skill. This holds true of any attacks determined by Magic Attack, like the Samurai's Draw Out ability. Whereas Monks with their 20% Class Evasion, 135% HP multiplier, 110% Speed multiplier ans 129% Physical Attack multiplier are generally the best martial units.

>> No.4116116


When asked if you want to save between consecutive battles, always use a secondary save slot. You'll thank me later.

>> No.4116120

I think you're shortchanging Knights a bit. They're intended to be the "tank" characters of FFT and they fill that role admirably. They've got a good HPM, use Heavy Armor which stacks HP higher than the other types (and status ailments aren't all THAT prevalent, especially early game), plus they have Weapon Guard and Shields. I feel a lot of people really underestimate Weapon Guard's value. Just throwing a dime-a-dozen Defender on a Knight with Weapon Guard grants 60%(!!!) evasion and that's before factoring in class evasion, shields or mantles.

And honestly, their real value is their Break Skill. Trying to steal those items off a tough fight? You're better off having the Knight break the guy's speed down to 1, along with his Physical and/or Magical Attack to ensure you have as many attempts as you want. Enemy is going to kill one of your party and your Knight can't kill him in one hit? Again, breaking Speed can make the difference for your character to escape, or breaking attack to make the damage low enough for your character to survive through.

>> No.4116169

>using stealing equipment as the example of Knights being useful

Nice meme.

I used to play like this, didn't want any missables. Most of the rare stealable gear is garbage. Elmdor's Set is useless since armor sucks compared to clothing because Thief Hats and Black Costumes are disgustingly overpowered. His Genji Gauntlet is only +2 PA and MA, and you'd be better off just using a Bracer for +3 PA for most physical characters since rarely do you have magic AND physicals.

All clothing in Chapter 2 onwards shits on Armor. Armor is fucking trash in FFT.

Meliadouls stuff is alright, since it's an early defender, but you'd be better off just duping Orlandu's Excalibur later on.

>Break an enemy's speed
Again, nice meme. Most bosses in FFT are easily killed by just spamming your strongest attacks on them. IF there was an extended boss fight where lowering speed actually had some impact I would give it to you, but you're almost always better off just rushing them down. Especially bosses like Velius and Elmdor/Assassins.

>> No.4116223

Get a monk, learn Earth Slash and Wave Fist, then save up for Hamedo.

You know have your best character.

>> No.4116271

>he ignores unique missables
Jesus Christ. I heard people like you existed, but I always thought it was some horrible fairy tale. Not even just the uniques, but when I think of the early access to Knight Swords, accessories and other items you pointedly ignore because of some asspained bias against Knights... disgusting.

Besides, Elemental uses both PA and MA along with Punch Art and Guts. And that's assuming you don't want to create hybrid characters which you'll notice Ramza is specifically set up to be.

And it's funny that you're sitting there advocating people exploiting game glitches and you're not aware of the fact that Battle Skill is one of the major combos for infinite JP/XP.

>> No.4116309

don't auto battle

>> No.4116318

Bro, I've played thousands of hours of FFT. There's no reason to get any of the rare gear as it's just not better than anything else.

>> No.4116323

Yeah, I never went out of my way for that shit either.

I'd pick up some of the hidden location items, but not like the actual steal RNG items.

I tried to get that BloodSword off Gafgarion one time, and I just got too pissed off to ever try that shit again.

>> No.4116341

Just grinding JP for steal weapon, helmet, armor, accessory, and shield takes the entire fucking game.

You're gimping yourself to have a character who can steal everything, for equipment that isn't better enough to justify the time investment in stealing it

>Blood Sword on Gafgarion
I literally do 2 turns of attempts on stealing it if I have a character with Steal Weapon, otherwise I just give up. Blood Sword in FFT is actually really good since it's not gimped like in other FF games.

>> No.4116382

Bro, I've played tens of thousands of hours of FFT. And if you're even reasonably competent, NONE of the gear in the game matters. I can field a group of naked anythings and clear any battle in the game. I assume a good third of the posters here can do likewise.

So, if we've established that you don't NEED any gear, why bother getting any of it at all? I understand getting the best because its the best and its unique. The Maximilian, Genji Armor, Secret Clothes, etc.

>> No.4116476

>Just grinding JP for steal weapon, helmet, armor, accessory, and shield takes the entire fucking game.
Or one fight. Someone teach this kid about spillover JP.

>> No.4116592

Whats the JP trick?

>Knight: Knights are terrible. Get to Level 2 for Monk, learn something like Weapon Guard/Parry
They are super good in the beginning.

You're free to try whatever you want since the game wont punish you. If you're not liking your actual party you can always grind. Actually grinding is utterly sad but vital unless you like real challenges. A good idea is to have someone with brave 97 and then teach him/her blade grasp. Also take a look at the zodiacal signs of your characters, they have a big deal in the damage formula, spell efficiency or % chance for some skills.

>> No.4116602

>Whats the JP trick?

Works on any of the classes with a ton of abilities to where the screen needs to scroll.

>> No.4116756
File: 30 KB, 512x480, oh shi-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it's funny that you're sitting there advocating people exploiting game glitches and you're not aware of the fact that Battle Skill is one of the major combos for infinite JP/XP.

I think it's the best, personally. You take your five man party - Ramza, Rad, Lavian, Alicia and Boko (or really any four and Boko) and equip Battle Skill as their secondary ability. Have them wipe out all the enemies except one that you break the Speed and Strength to nothing on, so they don't get a turn ever and when they do, they do no damage.

Then you have all four of them break one another's strength down to 1 and stand in a circle around Boko beating him for 1dmg over and over. Boko heals on his turn, ensuring any counter attack damage is cleansed along with whatever small inconsequential damage he takes.

If the four of them are the same class, the spillover JP is enormous and you can master even harder classes in virtually no time. And it has the added benefit of normalizing levels. People too high a level get less XP for hitting Boko, people too low a level get more XP.

The Accumulate spam tactic is good, but it fails to address XP inequalities. The people a handful of levels ahead will forever remain so, and it only works on non-special NPCs and non-monster NPCs, so it's a whole lot more limited.

>> No.4116807

Because a Thief Hat and Black costume shits on anything "rare". We've established that. It's all stuff that's purchasable from shops.

>teach this kid about spillover JP
>sitting there and grinding JP in FFT
Why would you bother grinding JP in FFT? It's so fucking easy that you never need to bother. The -only- reason to grind in FFT is if you're doing the fucking retarded War of the Gods fan-hack which is so fucking shit that I can hardly believe it exists.

>not aware of it
This is a sick meme. I don't grind JP in FFT because it's so fucking easy that I don't need to waste time grinding JP. Your "infinite JP" setups are worthless when you can burn through FFT in about 8-10 hours without grinding at all.

This argument that you spend an entire battle as thieves to master it on everyone, to steal rare equipment that you simply don't need for the sake of "completion" every playthrough, is straight up fucking retarded.

>> No.4116818

>Thief Hat
If you're not innately faster than your enemies, it's because you failed in building your character. +2 Speed is nothing. And the immune to Stop clothes? Are you sure you didn't mean Power Garb?

>why would you grind JP
Once you quit being shit at the game, you'll understand. No matter what mods you put to it, the game will always be easy. You'll start just seeing numbers and percentages and that's all. The end-game for any FFT player is concept builds.

>> No.4116824

>don't play classes that use armor REEEEE
>don't play weak anything REEEEE
>only use the best items REEEEE
I don't get players like you. Do you just field Orlandu every mission or what?

>> No.4116832

>Hating on Thief hats
>Immune to Don't Act, and Don't Move
>more health than a crystal helmet
>+2 speed

If you need +2 PA it's because you failed in building your character. +2 PA is nothing.

>End game for any FFT player is concept builds
>all you want to use is Power Sleeve Twist Headband Ninjas

Yeah OK Chief. Kill yourself.

>> No.4116841

Armor is objectively inferior to Clothing. Period. Nothing to discuss. The minor health increase is greatly outweighed by any status and status immunity granted from clothing.

>don't play weak anything
Use whatever you want. Go ahead and use Oracles, but they're garbage.

>only use the best items reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No reason to use garbage. The best gear is purchasable.

>> No.4116843

>more health than a crystal helmet
>100 is more than 120

>If you need +2 PA it's because you failed in building your character. +2 PA is nothing.
You're the one pissing your pants about everyone taking clothes. I'm telling you that +2PA is infinitely more useful than Immune: Stop. There's what? 3 encounters in the game where it MIGHT come up? And even then, Black Costume is your-go to block Shadow Stitch?

Git Gud
>all you want to use is Power Sleeve Twist Headband Ninjas
I could've sworn I was advocating ALL the gear and you were the autist shrieking about
>muh wasted time in getting anything but BiS for the strongest classes!

Kid, you're outmatched here.

>> No.4116849

Why do you feel like you need that crutch? After thousands of hours, don't you think you'd have surpassed it?

>> No.4116859

You're right, every single playthrough should be a solo ramza, no equipment, no abilities.

That sure is fun.

>> No.4116870

But that's not what you said. You said no one should use "garbage" gear, IE- anything inferior to the statistically best item available for any one given class.

Do you really think there's no difference between solo Ramza with no equipment and no abilities, and spamming all special characters with duplicated Excaliburs, Two Hands, and Blade Grasp?

This game is pretty easy, bro. You don't need to have played thousands, or even hundreds of hours to have advanced past a point where you feel like you have to avoid classes that use Armor because it's slightly weaker.

>> No.4116872

>There's no reason to get any of the rare gear
That's not true at all for weapons. Your other posts seem to suggest you're only talking about non-weapons, but this is worth pointing out for the newbies reading.

>> No.4116878
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>boring, difficult to use class is broken

>> No.4116891

You're putting words in my mouth.

>> No.4116898

Fuck you. So you know more about the game than me, what does that actually win you?

>> No.4116921
File: 29 KB, 400x600, 5tyxyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming that Autism-kun and his war on Armor is over, anyone have any fun builds that they want to share?

>> No.4117006

Autism-kun got a point though: Thief Hat + Black Costume will carry you through a lot of battles.

>fun builds
97 brave + blade grasp on your "tanker" guy is quite nice; calculator is based too.
I love magic but the low % chance on a lot of interesting stuff makes it a risky choice, so you can risk getting mad very often.

>> No.4117016
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, ramzamunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ramza monk was pretty great. I used 2 monks and a knight with the excalibur and save the queen as my main attackers. If you use cheer up and a mediator with solution you can min/max brave/faith and blade grasp everything. Just tried out my old save and beat the end boss pretty easily and only had like 25 hours played.

>> No.4117312
File: 66 KB, 500x375, 71d55fa55ffbd8444f48179c3369a6c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite builds and one that's sure to trigger Autism-kun since it features a Knight and some stolen gear, is the Mage-Knight build.

Battle Skill
<Any Magic> (Summon, Black Magic, Yin/Yang, etc.)
Magic Attack-UP

And equip them with Runeblade, Aegis Shield, Wizard's Robe (or Lordly Robe*), Magic Gauntlet (or Genji Glove*), Crystal Helm (or Grand Helm*).

All of that gear raises his Magic Attack and combined with MAU compensates for the low multiplier. Then the Abandon skill gives him a 100% evasion against magic spells.

It's a lot of fun to go teleporting around the battlefield, freezing goblins, incinerating treants, and shocking people during rainstorms and still have the Knight's beefy HP and attack damage to fall back on.

*Superior unique gear requiring stealing and the like.

>> No.4117426

Speaking of item theft, are there any signs I should look out for that indicate when a particular enemy has something worth stealing? And how does JP distribution work? I noticed that my party members had some JP in other jobs after completing a couple of encounters. Do Knights, for instance, still earn JP for the Squire job when they do stuff?

>> No.4117429

There's not really an indicator as to whether some gear is unique or not.

As for the JP, what you're experiencing is "rollover" or "spillover" JP. What that means is that if you have a Squire in your party and everyone else is a different class, a portion of the JP the Squire earns will go to everyone else that participated in the combat as well. Having multiple classes in a fight means you can slowly level up many things at once, though the real value of this mechanic is stacking an entire group of the same class. All five will be feeding one another spillover JP, mastering the class several times faster.

>> No.4117464

>Having multiple classes in a fight means you can slowly level up many things at once,
Is it correct to assume that an individual's spillover JP gets distributed to classes that aren't currently being used in an encounter? For instance, if I have no Squires in the party during an encounter, does a character still get some Squire JP from spillover?

>> No.4117476

why don't you use the actual numbers instead of this made up and misleading 1-5 scale

>> No.4117482

your characters only get spillover jp for jobs they have unlocked.
the amount of JP the job starts with is randomized and always less than 200.

>> No.4117493

No. The way spillover works is that if, say, you have a Knight, when they earn JP, the others in battle earn a small amount of JP for Knight as well. The only way you'll earn Squire JP from spillover is if an actual Squire in your group is earning JP in the fight.

>> No.4117546

The only way you could "screw yourself in the long run" is "being too weak" in the middle of the few consecutive battles in the game, but a lot of people have won those battles with extremely meh setups.

Monks are a bit overrated IMO - can't deny that an early Equip Armor Monk is good until the Stat Boosting Light Armors start showing up, but I think Punch Art only really stands out because most of the Physical Job Tree skillsets are just so bad - it has some pretty crippling weaknesses like complete lack of vertical tolerance for its support skills.

As a main class, Ninja generally does much better, which matches up with it being unlocked much later in the class tree.

On the PSX version, the Summoner class is the powerhouse of the early game - it's not even as JP hungry as it would seem because you really only need 2 spells for it - Ramuh and Leviathan, and then Short Charge from Time Mage.

A huge factor into making your units more effective is a good Reaction command - rather than grabbing more niche abilities after your bread and butter, something like Auto Potion can increase your survivability a lot more.

>> No.4117587

I think Monk > Ninja until you get end-game weapons. Lets be honest, monk is super cheap and deals a LOT of damage barehands.

>Enemy is distant
Earth slash or wave fist

>Need healing

>Need to cure status
Stigma magic

>Allied is KO'd

Of course the class isn't perfect due to low HP and support spells works on allies only when they're on the same height, but you can't deny the class is absurdly strong, specially when your weapons are shit.

>> No.4117610

Like I said- I don't disagree that it's one of the better Physical side units in the early game, mostly because Knights/Archer are pretty bad.

I just think there's no point in not changing over to Martial Arts Ninjas once you get done unlocking it.

>> No.4117768

>The only way you could "screw yourself in the long run" is "being too weak" in the middle of the few consecutive battles in the game
As a kid, I went into the Riovanes battle unprepared as fuck, saved over my single save file after the first battle, and after failing about 50 times, had to restart the fucking game. Lots of lessons for little me that day.

>> No.4117781

On the flipside, it's people like you who make me question humanity.

>> No.4117786
File: 40 KB, 400x300, malak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Malak is crimnally underrated. His abilities are stronger the lower his Faith is, so you can use a Mediator and drive his Faith down to a 4, super charging his abilities and essentially making him immune to magic. So, with Blade Grasp and pumping his Bravery, you have a character that's largely immune to just about every attack in the game.

Also, the Accessory 108 Gems was all but made for him. It boosts all Elemental damage and all the attacks in his Un-Truth skill are elemental. Taking the Support ability Magic Attack-Up further increases the damage they do, and since Malak uses Poles which are based on Magic Attack, it actually increases his attack damage too. And the Gokuu Rod when hitting an enemy causes the Innocence status, which lowers their Faith to 0, again super charging his Un-Truth abilities. Since your character is largely immune to physical and magic attacks, you can use weaker gear like the Wizard's Robe and Triangle Hat to boost your Magic Attack, once again shooting his effectiveness through the roof.

And finally, Elemental is an excellent secondary Primary ability. It also gets a boost from Magic Attack-Up, the Magic Attack gear and 108 Gems.

Using this exact build, I've cleared some of the hardest late game fights with Malak solo.

>> No.4117797

Autism-kun, why so salty?

>> No.4117809

Why, though. FFT is ridiculously easy as is, to the point of people beating it solo with the worst classes and self-imposed level/ability limits.

You do have to go out of your way to make it challenging since the game literally throws cheat-tier stuff at you at every chance.

>> No.4117814

Why, what? Malak is generally accepted to be the worst character in the game and the Hell Knight the worst class.

>> No.4117821

Martial Arts Ninjas are better than Monks with Dual Wield.

Ninjas get headgear, so you can wear Twist Headbands for +2 PA it also makes them more resilient, and have innately higher speed, movement, and jump over Monks.

Ninjas are the best melee class. They should be used the second they're unlocked.

Rafa and Malak's problem is they're incredibly unreliable. They have the highest single turn damage potential in the game, but you can also whiff.

So you could deal 400+ with a character with a sword skill, or bring Malak and deal 0 to what, 8 x whatever per hit damage his spells are.

Consistency is important. Malak is just unreliable.

No he's not. Where did you fucking get this?

Tbh Beowulf is worse than Malak in almost every way.

>> No.4117827

Beowulf is one of the strongest characters in the game, what the hell are you on about? You don't even have to go out of class like Malak to make him useful, his core abilities are just wildly OP on their own.

>> No.4117840

He's a fucking buffed up Oracle. That's it. He's not special.

>> No.4117845

That insta-casts with a much higher success rate and better range and has access to better gear. Beowulf has like five attacks that instantly locks down enemies from a huge distance away, and can fill his own mana up.

>> No.4117848

Learn auto potion, sell all potions then buy 99 hi/x potions. You will have no problem for most of the game. And learn steal, talk skill to get monsters and non shop items

>> No.4117854

While I've seen some people argue Beowulf isn't the strongest NPC, although he usually places in the top three, I don't think I've ever heard anyone call him weak. And you might be the first person on the internet who isn't aware of the overwhelming stigma on Malak being the worst character in the game.

>> No.4117873

God you sound like such a little bitch. You were probably that kid that no one wanted to play anything with.

>> No.4117879

Holy shit, how can someone be so wrong?

>> No.4117910

>using special characters
Generics all the way, bro.

>> No.4118008
File: 485 KB, 750x541, Rad Lavian Alicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indisputably, this is what your roster should be, AND in this exact order:

1 Ramza
2 Rad
3 Alicia
4 Lavian
5 Boko
6 Mustadio
7 Agrias
8 Rafa
9 Malak
10 Orlandu
11 Meliadoul
12 Beowulf
13 Worker 8
14 Reis
15 Cloud
16 Byblos

No other generics, no monsters, just and only them.

>> No.4118028

how and when do you get cloud?

>> No.4118035


Don't they join after the first chapter? I thought it gave you random generics for filler in the first few segments of the game.

>> No.4118045

Late game, like after T-God and shit IIRC.

You gotta buy a flower from the girl in some location I don't remember, then go somewhere else after a job or something, and badda-bing-badda-boom, now you got a level 1 Soldier, so then you gotta go get his shitty sword, and then you gotta level him up to your end game parties level.

>> No.4118057

That doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.4118065

Rad/Lavian/Alicia are worthless. Your standard generics will be so far ahead of them by the time you get access to them that it'd be a waste.

Cloud's sidequest isn't difficult or too far out of the way to get. The issue is that Cloud isn't good or worth using.

He's not worth using, but his sidequest is fine.

>> No.4118128

That made me want to play this game all over again. gee

>> No.4118649
File: 32 KB, 512x480, Rad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rad/Lavian/Alicia are uniques, not generics. Outside always having the same names and being mentioned in-game, they have dialogue when you click their names. Ergo, they're inherently more value than the "............" generics.

And Cloud is crazy good. You just need to learn about Finishing Touch + Short Charge. An ability that fills the area of a summon, has the same cast time as the likes of Bolt1 and insta-kills everything in the range.

>> No.4118673

By the time you get cloud you have mastered jobs on all your characters. To spend more time powering up a new character that has his own set of over powered garbage is not worth the time.

>> No.4118675

I wish Tactics had a 5v5 generics only, expanded jobs, bracketed PvP mode

>> No.4118676

>not worth the time
Why do you play a game you so obviously can't stand?

>> No.4118683

Justify Rafa and Malak. And Boko.

>> No.4118719

Malak here: >>4117786

Rafa is the perfect treasure finder for your group. Normally there's no good reason to have a low Brave, it just means weaker attacks and lower Reaction percentages. But ol' Rafa comes in with a shockingly low 32 Bravery, and you can drive that even lower. The Move-Find Item ability is predicated off low bravery, the lower it is, the better the chances of rare items spawning on traps. Since every other named NPC out there has a pretty high starting Bravery, Rafa fills that role of being the one person in your 16 person group that go fetch those rare treasures. Also, like Malak, it's not impossible to make her Heaven Knight class worthwhile, it just takes a bit more effort.

And Boko is like Rad/Lavian/Alicia. He's a unique unit with unique dialogue that actually had some (minor) story relevance. It's pretty fun to own Wiegraf's chocobo. He's also a great avenue for grinding JP with a group: >>4116756

>> No.4118731

If you want to recruit monsters, get to Talk Skill ASAP by going from the Priest side of magic onwards.

It's possible to play it by ear because they tier the jobs. The only ones that aren't directly tiered are Mime, Bard, and Calculator. Experiementation is the main fun of the game anyway.

>> No.4118767

Brave only affects bare-handed attacks

>> No.4118781

Protip for monks: Make it female, monks cant use weapons, but any female character can use the purse/bag weapon line, even monks, making them pretty OP.

>> No.4118786

Unarmed attacks, monster attacks, Knight swords, and Reaction ability percentages.

>> No.4118790

wait what that's new to me

god damn my sexism and making all my females white mages or some shit

>> No.4118794

>trading one of the strongest weapons in the entire game, the Monk's unarmed attack for the worst weapons in the game, the handbags

For what purpose though?

>> No.4118961

Why is the order important?

>> No.4119146

I'm not sure that exact order is possible, considering your generics from Chapter 1 would have the early number slots. Though, if you slowly kill them off prior to the final battle of Chapter 1, maybe.
I'd rather crystal farm the early generics later on and actually benefit instead of rush-killing them before Zeakden. But, that's just me.

Also, if you never have any other units, good luck getting weird poaches like Wildbow and such. Easier to poach your own monsters than try to chance encounters.

>> No.4119174

It's the order they join in.

>Chapter 1
>after initial fight, buy two additional units
>now have units 1-8 filled with Ramza and 7 generics
>delete units 2, 3, 4
>have four generics to beat Chapter 1 with
>beginning of Chapter 2 Rad, Alicia and Lavian all fall into respective unit position
>delete remaining generics
>acquire Boko for position 5

And you should do all your self-poaching BEFORE acquiring the 5 end game optional characters.

>> No.4119323

Sexism works pretty well given that Males have a boost to PA/HP and Females have a boost to MA/MP anyway

That advice is just dumb. At most the advantage of Female Monks is using Perfumes and Ribbons, but losing PA hurts more on a Monk's exponential PA formula than on weapon classes

>> No.4119651

I love FFT, its one of my favorite games. Doesn't mean I can't be critical of it.

Also, I'm not a kid anymore and can't be assed to spend time grinding characters to level 99 just for the sake of "100%" completion. I just play it, and shelf it when I beat it. Is that such an absurd thing?

>> No.4119660

When the sole enjoyment of the game is you rushing to the end and ignoring 90% of it on the way? Yeah, that's pretty absurd. A massive portion of why this game is so great and replayable are the various classes and ability combos, the side quests and the hidden characters.

You claim it's one of your favorites, but you play it like it's a chore you can hardly tolerate.

>> No.4119671

I don't know, I've known people like that before. The kinds of people that claim SMB3 is their favorite game, then warp whistle past all the levels. Or say that they love Suikoden and skip recruiting most of the side characters. I don't doubt that they really do love the game, even if they play like they hate it. It's just how some people are.

>> No.4119682

I've done everything you could possibly think of in FFT. So yeah, I usually burn through it doing whatever the hell I want at this point.

Quit getting so fucking butthurt people don't want to play the game the same way as you.

>> No.4119687

Didn't this whole exchange start because you were asspained at the idea of people getting a character that was quote- "over powered garbage [that's] not worth the time"?

>play the game my way!
>>that's pretty dumb
>don't tell me how to play!

>> No.4119694

No, you guys all got asspained because I stated that Clothing is objectively superior to Armor then continued to move the goal posts with the
>muh fun

>> No.4119697 [DELETED] 

Oh, it's Autism-kun. That makes sense, you wouldn't think there'd be TWO posters here that threw bitchfits about using armor AND using Cloud.

>> No.4119803

Good luck. It's one of the most autistic games i've ever had the misfortune of playing. Hope you like grinding.

>> No.4119997 [DELETED] 

Are you STILL complaining about armor vs clothes?!

>> No.4120550
File: 42 KB, 450x550, rafa_by_akira_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, once more redirecting from Autism-kun and his gripes about armor, here's a continuation from making Malak good: >>4117786
Here's my take on making Rafa useful.

As was mentioned, Rafa is your group's one low Bravery character intended for using Move Find Item to get the rare items. Now some people aren't aware of this, but Bravery doesn't govern ALL the Reaction abilities. Two of them are automatic - the Knight's Weapon Guard and the Ninja's Abandon. Weapon Guard is actually a good choice for Knights, since the Defender gives 60% to evasion and their class uses Shields to pump that number even higher. But for the Heaven Knight, it's not so great. She can't use Shields and her two weapon choices are Staves (all have 15% Ev) and Poles (all have 20% Ev). So, even using a Pole and the best Mantle, her Evade is only ever going to be a 56% (10CEv + 40AEv +20WEv - remember, multiplicative, not additive). We could give her Equip Shield and switch from Poles to Staves, but even with a Crystal Shield her Evasion will only be 72%. Good, but not great; and the Crystal Shield doesn't really help her as a Heaven Knight any. Now you could turn her into something like a Ninja and dual-wield Main Gauches to get that number closer to a 90% Evade, but this is about making the Heaven Knight class worthwhile too.

So, since Weapon Guard won't be much use, the Reaction ability of choice is Abandon, an ability that doubles all Evasion bonuses from all sources. Right off the bat, a Feather Mantle puts her Evasion at 80% before anything else is factored in. Now, revisiting the Equip Shield option of before, let's say she used an Aegis Shield and a Wizard's Staff (or Mace of Zeus, since that requires Move-Find Item). Both the Shield and Staves grant bonuses to Magic Attack, which effect her Heaven Knight abilities and the strength of her weapon attacks (Staves deal more damage the higher your Magic Attack as opposed to Physical Attack).


>> No.4120554
File: 285 KB, 1000x1197, 1232411 - Final_Fantasy_Tactics Rapha_Galthena Tsukudani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly, the Aegis Shield has the highest Magic Evasion in the game at 50% and with Abandon, it becomes 100%. That makes Rafa essentially immune to magic attacks. Now with Abandon, her Evade is (C-Ev 20%, S-Ev 20%, A-Ev 80%) which multiplicatively comes out as a 87% physical evade. Now defensively, she's pretty beastly.

Adding to her offense, we already have a couple of extra Magic Attack points from her Staff and Shield, so it'd be good to compound those. I recommend the Wizard Robe (+2MA), and the Flash Hat (+1MA, +1 Speed). The 1 point of Speed trade-off from the Thief's Hat is worthwhile for that Magic Attack bump. And since her Heaven Knight powers aren't increased by a lack of Faith like Malak's are, AND you don't need to worry about enemy casters nuking her with her 100% Magic Evade, you can pump her Faith up to an 80 (at 85+ you start getting annoying messages of her threatening to leave) and make her a great caster as well. Personally, I'm a fan of either Time Magic or White Magic. She's usually only in your group in a support role for grabbing items, so this helps emphasize that.

The end result is her Truth abilities being strongly buffed from the Staff, Shield, Hat and Robes; being quite hard to hit with her 87%Ev/100%MEv; having very powerful support magic and being arguably the best character for finding rare magic items.

>> No.4120590
File: 17 KB, 227x327, FFT_Mediator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fun trick for getting your character's Faith and Bravery up quick. Talk Skill chance is ruled by Magic Attack. The Mediator itself only has an abysmal 75%MAM making it actually one of the WORST classes to use Talk Skill ironically. Instead, put it on a Wizard who has a 150%MAM and immediately your chances spike much higher. Then just stack your best Magic Attack gear on the Wizard; Magic Gauntlets, Wizard's Robes, Holy Miters, Wizard Rod, etc. You should find that even without Zodiac Compatibility, your Talk Skill chances have spiked from 20-something% as a Mediator to well over 50% and often times a great deal higher.

Since you're going to be sitting in that fight for awhile anyhow stacking those skills over and over, you might as well help it along. The Wizard taking the Reaction ability MA Save from the Bard tree will grant a +1MA every time he's hit. Have people with Battle Skill beat down everyone's physical attacks (once the encounter is handled enough to be safe to do so!) and then start slapping the Mage for 1dmg and spiking his MA higher and higher. It only takes a few rounds to get his Talk Skill chances to 100%.

An alternative for this is equipping Ramza's unique Squire class with Talk Skill. He can use the same Wizard's Robe, Magic Gauntlet and Holy Miter along with the Aegis Shield and Runeblade to actually have a higher overall MA from gear. His starting MAM is only 102% compared to the Mage's 150%, but he has the Scream ability which naturally raises his MA and Speed. Using the Bard's MA Save in conjunction with Scream will usually be a faster alternative than using a Wizard, especially when Ramza gets several more turns than everyone else and can rapidly use Talk Skill on everyone without needing to wait several turns.

>> No.4120683

>that titty monster


>> No.4120841

> talking about someone's autism
> using weebspeak and having anime images saved on your computer

>> No.4121204
File: 352 KB, 533x526, 1403856742045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan isnt a weeb site

>> No.4121208

>file names are clearly from google image
>autism-kun being this triggered
Why won't summer end?

>> No.4121226

That wasn't me. Glad to see you understand that 4chan is more than one person.

>> No.4121252 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 475x360, 1456967166340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, the IP on both posts are the same. Weird, huh?

>> No.4121268

Oh lawdy. That's fucking hilarious. Must be some next level damage control going on over there.

>> No.4121281

>on a site literally called "4CHAN" discussing a Japanese video game

>> No.4121325
File: 254 KB, 750x1050, meliadoul_wip_by_ebynfel-d7fi0uu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, once more trying to draw the thread back from arguments with Autism-kun and back to discussing the game. Another one of the worst "special" characters is Meliadoul. Personally, I'd argue that she's even worse than Rafa and Malak. Her Mighty Sword ability sunders the equipment you might otherwise want to steal from human AI. Plus, if they don't have anything in said slot, like a Monk, it does nothing. Worst of all, it does nothing to monster units which are 99% of the game.

Now Meliadoul does have one class trait that's a little different from the other special "Knight" NPCs like Agrias, Beowulf and Orlandu. The Divine Knight has some very weird weapon proficiencies. Swords, Knight Swords, Crossbows and Lances. Outside Lancers, the Divine Knight is the only class you acquire that can innately use Lances, same with Crossbows and Archers. So, Meliadoul becomes quite possibly the only character in the game that REALLY benefits from the worst Support Ability - Equip Change.

Between swords, crossbows and lances, they all have the same formula of just Physical Attack pumping their damage. Regular bows require a good speed, but not crossbows. And since Divine Knights have a 120%PAM, all three are effective choices and all three can be utilized with shields. So, in areas where movement is difficult, like Dolbodar Marsh she can post up on an unassailable island and mow people down with her crossbow. And in other maps where there are plenty of monsters and no humans, she can utilize a Spear for the 50% bonus to Jump damage that it has and Dragoon around the map. And finally, she remains a Divine Knight with her swords for cleaving through human AI with unimportant gear. And so, you have one of the most versatile physical units in the game.

As an aside, being a Shrine Knight that Jumps is also terribly appropriate for her character. You fight her brother Izlude in Orbonne, and he's a Knight that uses the Jump ability around the map too.

>> No.4121331

>insisting on Autism-kun even though he is long gone
what does that make you? Autism-sama?

>> No.4121402

Why bother with Equip Change? If you're going into a Story Battle, you should already know that it's mostly going to be human-centric. Reverse goes for most of the randoms. There generally isn't an even split between enemy types and even if there was, 1 turn to change weapons is a pretty high opportunity cost.

So the support slot should be Attack Up if you're using a Mighty Sword build for the stage. Spears builds have a small niche over a Generic Male Lancer since Mel can wear Cloths and Perfumes but really I think only the latter matters.

Toss-up between Jump + one of the Defense Ups in your support slot or Doublehand + useful Secondary like Item.

>> No.4121456
File: 159 KB, 500x514, 1367307585490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot actually responded. Everyone point at him and laugh.

>> No.4121498

>talking about yourself in the third person
>pretending to be multiple posters

I would have the sword equipped going into a Story Battle you know has human AI and otherwise default her to the spear. And I disagree about using a half-turn to switch weapons being a high cost. If you're looking at the difference between being able to attack the next round vs having to spend several more rounds to close and get into position, Equip Change is the obvious winner. Or in the case of having killed the human AI and now being reduced to just regular attacking monster units, the cost of switching weapons and using Jump is completely made up by the second Jump and becomes exponentially more valuable after that.

But again, the reason Meliadoul is generally looked down upon is how awful she performs against non-humans. The idea of this build was to keep her a Divine Knight and give her the ability to become effective against monsters as well on the fly. Equip Change + Jump is what makes that possible. After all, you're going to have a LOT of competition for the best Knight Swords, but unless you happened to have made a generic a Lancer, there's not really any infighting for the polearms, and the Javelin II is the second strongest weapon in the game.

>> No.4121508

Because the actual numbers are within a range and not precise. You don't get a bonus to speed every level as a Ninja, despite his growth being four times faster than most every other character. But you DO get a bonus to HP and MP every level.

In the past 20 years, I don't think anyone has ever actually catalogued the exact ranges (you'd have to level 1-99 hundreds of times with each classes to get a good enough sample size) to do anything more precise than the growth rate chart which is what you'll find on virtually every FFT website.

>> No.4121525

The argument.

>> No.4121536

the speed growth factor of a ninja is 80, a thief is 90, almost every other job is 100, almost every job's MA growth is 50, except mime which is 35, and special jobs who are all very special. a Knight's HP growth is IIRC, 9, and their MP growth is 16.

this data is not hard to find. it's right beside the data for job stat multipliers

I'm pretty sure it's even in the actual BMG

>> No.4121539

Shit, everyone else on the internet was wrong then. Better start firing off some emails.

>> No.4121543
File: 64 KB, 1407x944, Screenshot_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so there's really no excuse for making up your bullshit numbers
Knight's HP growth is 10 and MP is 15, so I was sort of close.

>> No.4121547

literally converted into decimal from the game's internal hex values

>> No.4121550

in my experience if you play through like a casual rpg you get wrecked.

you can easily have an unwinnable party as early as dorter.

>> No.4121551

Dorter is the game's first casual filter so that's kind of to be expected.

You can't actually fuck yourself unless you save over your file in the middle of orbonne or riovanes or something though

>> No.4121557

Those numbers represent an inverse though. The Knight's HP growth isn't 10, as in 10hp/level, it's HP = [Raw/(10+Level)] meaning the higher the number, the lower the stat. A Bard, for instance, has 20 which actually means he has far less HP/level.

And that formula doesn't quite fit in a single cell Excel in an easily understandable way.

>> No.4121571

This. It's even worse when you look at Speed, Magic Attack and Physical Attack where you're looking at literal fractions of point per level, and only if you level in the same class every time.

That's why 99% of sites provide the growth chart for ease of use, and then include the actual formula breakdown underneath.

>> No.4121828

>talking about yourself in the third person
>pretending to be multiple posters

Excuse me but no? Its just that you don't have to mention it all the time, its like you're as autist as that person was which I don't care, you can just keep talking about strats you find good instead of vangloriating yourself anonymously like its a big deal... r-right?

>> No.4121834

>it's not me, but here's a tirade about how asspained I am on that other guy who totally isn't me's behalf

Fine, I believe you. Can we move on?

>> No.4121839

that really doesn't change the fact that the numbers given provided a misleading ratio and pretty arbitrary sense of scale that does nothing to actually help a person who's new to the game. you could just tell them that jobs have different growth and mention which ones are explicitly bad rather than make up bullshit numbers.

>> No.4121851

Which port is the best?

>> No.4121890

1, the Station of Play

>> No.4121974

I know you're just learning, but I love this game, and have played it since release.

If you plan to have dedicated magic casters apart of your team, a nice set-up I use quite often is this
Female Wizard in
Black magic
White magic
Blade grasp/absorb mp
Equip guns/arcane strength
Move mp-up

This gives a strong offensive magic skill set with some support, and never really have to get too close gun has 8-panel range horizontally and Infinite vertical range. Blade grasp avoids melee attacks/arrows but not special monster attacks (choco meteor as an example)
With absorb mp and move mp up they are essentially always in mp to cast.

At my point in the game, she's wearing the following
Level 55 92 br 88fa
Mythril gun 8 dmg + 5% evade rate

Golden hairpin (immune silence) +50 mp +80 hp
Black robe (boosts fire, ice, lightning damage) +30 mp + 60 HP
Chantage (auto reraise and regen) or
Japa mala (partial immunity to status effects boosts most elements including holy)

If you go the arcane strength route and equip a wizard rod with 4 attack +2 ma instead of a gun your spell's will do massive damage. It really shows if you know monsters weaknesses too.

>> No.4121995

>make up
You're aware the chart that he used is on virtually every FFT site on the internet, right? Gamefags, Final Fantasy Wikia, GiantBomb, etc. I remember downloading that chart back when dial-up was a thing. And honestly, it's still a good idea. It gives beginners an approximation of what classes to be in to get good results in what stat. Your autism in needing the specific formula spelt out doesn't mean everyone else in the world is suddenly wrong.

>> No.4122467

it's autistic to care about the growth rates in the first place
it's autistic to play a videogame about moving little cartoon soldier dolls around for over a hundred hours
using a completely wrong set of numerical statistics as a reference when playing that game and then recommending it to others and defending yourself for several days on an image board made for the appreciation of mongolian moving picture cards is actually incredibly fucking stupid

>> No.4123047

I like this post

>> No.4123084

Not him, but you both show the bane of caring about a game more then playing it.

I was doing my own version of optimism/autism, thinking one of you two might have had a point. It turns out that, as usual, that no, but we are stuck in this perverted cycle.

The only edge that I can have is that I spend maybe 5 minutes total on this which is peanuts compared to you.

I hope you can find enjoyment in whatever you do.

>> No.4123087
File: 107 KB, 600x600, 771096209_zps9c99cb6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you can REALLY do wrong is saving in one slot.

Further down the ladder is missing unique stuff - always have a thief or someone with thief skills so you can grab the shit. Later on (none in the main missions) there'll be gay walk-find shit you can miss, which is less easier to get.

If you REALLY want to keep all the unique stuff, don't let the "generics" (Brad, etc.) that join you go - they have unique lines in the menu.

All in all the game's not exactly hard, you can pretty much wreck everything with a little preparations. Monks are monsters an so are chemists with guns or ninjas. If you want more fun, use weaker classes that manipulate stats (oracle, mediator, thief, Mustadio).

>> No.4123146

>its autistic to play a video game for hundreds of hours
Where the fuck do you think you are? And again, since you're obviously too crippled from a DNA pool riddled with cousin-fucking to understand, the chart is correct. The gripe was that it wasn't precise enough. Now, assuming you actually understood that time, maybe you ought to go to /v/ instead? They hate videogames just as much as you do, and the notion that people would play a game for tens or even hundreds of hours triggers them too. But you're clearly a shitty fit for /vr/.

>> No.4123180

anon i'd love to blow you the fuck out again but I'm afraid I'd have to start repeating myself and it just isn't worth my time.

>> No.4123306

Good, then you can leave and the rest of us can keep discussing the game in peace.

>> No.4123323

Oh I'm not leaving. You are. You're the one that everyone wants to leave. Go.

>> No.4123787
File: 858 KB, 500x382, IMG_1348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Ramza all the Samurai Draw Outs, then turn him into a priest or wizard with draw out as secondary.

(I chose priest cos healing magic)

then equip him with all magic attack boosting equipment. his draw outs will be stronger than any special chars.

>> No.4123794
File: 68 KB, 500x380, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instants, and with a buffed faith and magic attack plus items, means instant high % petrify.

>> No.4123803
File: 108 KB, 634x743, merctay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk skill is MA*PA

>> No.4123829

>talk skill is MA*PA
Geomancy is the only skill that uses both PA and MA

Talk Skill is MA only.

>> No.4125640

If you want to be a god, make your main characters master Calculator + all magic spells and use it in your secondary slot.

But for a beginner, just focus on monks, dancers for females (a single lucky nameless dance can win an entire fight), and always keep 1 or 2 people who can revive a dead person so that you aren't permanently losing your hard work when an enemy gets a lucky hit.

>> No.4125680
File: 8 KB, 225x225, uli thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ulillillia has a good max stat guide
I miss Uli playing vidya

but do you really want to go down this rabbit hole?

>> No.4125717
File: 183 KB, 2048x1739, DBX5W_wUQAA9Hu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramza is fucking swole

>> No.4125741

why is ramza so kewl bros?

>> No.4125745
File: 58 KB, 256x240, FFT-UnusedChars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Teta wish you could have saved her delicious brown ass from that racist fag Algus Sadalfas. FFT beta is so interesting since you can tell they planned a lot more content but it got rushed. I wish Matsuno would make the real FFT2 and stop making ios games.

>> No.4125759
File: 184 KB, 750x1334, DBfoyAYUQAAn3Zd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will rekt ur shit and yell at you. he is a savage

>> No.4125795

FFT has such a good stat gain system it's a shame I'm going to rebalance by setting stat gains to the lowest possible rate for all jobs

>> No.4125801

why would you want low gains bruh?

>> No.4125813

Gotta maintain that trapcore physique

>> No.4125815

to minimize the effect of levels on balance as much as possible and remove the possibility of overcoming any of the story battles by grinding

I was going to even make it so that grinding was detrimental by making all monster and lucavi type characters retain scaling growth

but I'm thinking I might try to set them so that they're at a relatively fixed difficulty doing damage and taking damage at a ratio based on the equipment you'd have available at that time so they'd always do about half the hp you should have with this or that attack and such

>> No.4125846

This sounds retarded. If you don't want levels, just set all exp gains to 0.

>> No.4125929

I think I trapped myself in a never ending battle

>> No.4126076

No, I'm actively going to punish exp gain

>> No.4126475

OP, you may have already gleamed this info from some posts but it was hard to tell with all the autism happening. One of the most important things you'll want to do on your combat characters REGARDLESS OF WHAT SETUP YOU USE is to raise their Brave stat. I often wondered why my characters never seemed to use the cool reaction abilities I had set on them - it turns out your brave is the % chance of them activating. For every 4 points of brave you change in battle, 1 point will remain permanent afterward. By using mediators to repeatedly do this you can get up to 97 brave (because 100 is the max and you can't gain 4 at 97). NOT ONLY is brave used for game-winning reaction abilities (stuff like Blade Grasp is absurdly strong) - it is also used in some damage calculations as well. The only use for low brave is for finding rare items but that is more of the post-game craziness not to worry about yet.

Faith affects both how much magic damage you do, but ALSO how much much damage you receive. A unit with 3 faith will take very little magic damage from most attacks, and while your white magic won't heal them for much, you can still use potions for the full value. Lowering your faith to 3 is a bit of OP min/maxing you shouldn't worry about, but can think about if a battle is too hard for you.

Probably not the most efficient, but one of my favorite set-ups was a Chemist equipped with a gun and using the Battle Skill command. He can break enemies stats or items from 8 squares away, can provide damage from that far, or can throw items to heal and support your team from a distance as well. The range on all the abilities gives you a lot of options and freedom to play how you like.

Finally - also OP but something to consider, the movement ability Teleport is absurdly strong. You retain your normal movement range, and every tile outside of that you try to move to in 1 teleport decreases the chance of success by 10% every tile. So 1 extra tile is a 90% chance to succeed...

>> No.4126482

...2 extra is an 80% chance, etc. So you can easily squeeze in an extra 4 in an emergency or something. But most importantly it ignores height completely, it's like having 99 jump (except for fall damage, the game is complicated) so vertical tolerance becomes nothing to you. You can also maneuver around enemy units who would otherwise block your path even if you had move 99.

>> No.4126491

Boring story. I'm sleepy!

>> No.4128246

l i t t l e m o n e y

>> No.4128482

Why? All that encourages is taking down fights instantly or suicide bombing them and discourages strategies where you safely grind enemies down. Fuck that.

>> No.4128495

I really got to wonder why so many FFT mod creators are really obsessed with "punishing grinders" because some of them have interesting ideas but the overall product end up being crippled by that asinine philosophy

>> No.4128521

Draw your sword, Ramza

>> No.4128558

Because fuck people who want to use classes like Oracle to strategically disable enemies and take them out methodically but safely over time, you've gotta use retarded suicide bomb tactics to deny yourself XP.

I don't get it either.

>> No.4129116

Because this is going to blow your mind, but guys who mod don't have original thoughts.

They want people to play the game how they play it, and punish all other styles. If you want levels to not be a defining factor of battles, you can, you set exp gains to zero, or set everyones level to 99 and modify the stats of characters.

This guy doesn't understand good game design, which is why his mod will fail.

>> No.4129138

idunno infecting enemies with status effects is the most fun part about FFT after you have reached god statues which is easy with the JP glitch. I love turning enemies into chickens and frogs and stealing hearts.

>> No.4130234

actually if you use oracles (or mustadio) to end battles by petrifying enemies you'll get less exp

the main reason is that thematically, Ramza as a character is not a person who actually wants to solve all his problems by killing people, actually, he doesn't want to kill anyone, except for when he's still brainwashed by the juden in chapter one.

conversely, the lucavi are explicitly bound to the blood magic of ivalice that's literally powered by death and bloodshed, their goal in the game is literally to create as much violence as possible and that's the entire reason they orchestrate the civil war, to pour blood on the ground and resurrect their leader

aside from that, my favorite part of Berserk is when Guts is just a somewhat special ordinary human without any special powers (other than his willpower having a subtle effect on reality), and he's forced to contend with a host of supernatural forces.

what I want to do is create a scenario where human beings are by themselves especially mortal and mundane, but utilize technique and sorcery prepared and accumulated before the battle to contend against overwhelming odds and win through grit and perseverance.

I'm of course going to measure a sample for the amount of experience you get if you were to take a single party straight through the game without detouring for random battles, and I'm going to be nice enough to make Ramza start with Invite, and it's going to be set up so that if you kill everything you come across that the weight of your sins will make the demons very very strong (but not impossible), and if you fight intelligently and accomplish the stated objectives and defeat leaders or incapacitate enemies without getting the kill exp, and if you avoid unnecessary conflict (random battles), they'll be a lot more reasonable.

and if you bitch and moan that it's too hard and you can't beat it well then I guess you're just a filthy casual

>> No.4131972

cool fanfic bro

>> No.4131982

>necroing a thread
Neck yourself.

>> No.4131985

/vr/ is slow so its fun to necrobump

>> No.4132823
File: 167 KB, 267x200, 1426040462950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buff spells can miss and miss often
This makes the support casters futile at best. Great game, but what a shitty, rage inducing mechanic.

>> No.4132841

what buff spell? yell and accumulate never miss.

>> No.4132848

Protect, Shell, Haste. Are you retarded?

>> No.4132852

oh those ones. You need more faith son.

>> No.4133115

>you just need to believe in yourself and it will work
you think I'm some kind of fucking idiot?

>> No.4133285

No you need to literally have more faith in god and also have a high MA

>> No.4133335

>Shilling for religion instead of giving decent advice
Holy shit are you for fucking real
are you seriously doing this right now

>> No.4133336

are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.4133351
File: 2 KB, 505x21, ebea2509d8ade18ad81f8e93195c63d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise jesus or you will never be a good mage. REPENT SINNER!

>> No.4133364


People that min max is not a common thing, nor is needed.

Simply get auto potion and spam focus the level classes.

>> No.4133632
File: 73 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1500559033923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's a Let's Play the above link is lousy with spoilers, but I found it to be one of the better walkthroughs for Tactics, especially for something like the Velius/Belias fight. Because I hadn't built my party quite the same way the LPer had, I had to resort to some fairly major cheese to pull it off. Kind of breaks the immersion, but the cheese was delicious. Pic above is cheese.

>> No.4133675

Why won't they resurrect this game in a non-gayboy advanced version? Literally my favorite game of all time.

>> No.4133680


Animals have no God!!

>> No.4133707

make ramza a monk, in chapter 2 you will get a squire skill which helps you to boost your bravery. more bravery means more damage you can deal to enemies.
also recruit and raise a female mage. her zodiac should be compatible with ramza's zodiac. raise a female black mage too. then make let her learn samurai skills.

>> No.4133741

there's a PSP port