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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4116230 No.4116230 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned that the Switch pro controller can also be used as a PC controller. Any one try it out for emulation yet? How is it?

Discuss other PC controllers here too.

>> No.4116235

I will never understand why they don't put the two joysticks next to each other.
dualshocks are the only sane modern controllers.

>> No.4116362

I cannot for the life of me fix this thing's calibration. Everytime I move the stick, it doesn't reset to neutral unless I wiggle it back down to the middle. I've tried calibrating it a thousand times over and it just won't work.

>> No.4116373

it literally doesn't matter

>> No.4116392

well it literally makes a literal little difference aesthetically and it literally creates an asymmetrical experience.
does it literally matter? no, it literally doesn't. it's literally perfectly usable. did I say it literally matters? I literally didn't. it was literally just a remark.

>> No.4116402

It is nowhere near as good as X1. Triggers alone are a problem and quality is lower. It has connection issues on lots of hardware and overall since it uses the more basic connection software it is nowhere near as usable or adaptable as the X1.

You are just confirming you have tiny child hands. If your hands were adult sized you would have your thumbs rubbing tips together all the time.

>> No.4116405

I said software, but more directly it has the same driver/software issue as PS4.

But seriously fuck digital triggers.

>> No.4116480

XBox One controllers are the best you can get for PC.

>> No.4116505
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wii u pro controller is a godsend
that or dualshocks

>> No.4116523

Meh, the triggers are pretty bad imo, the feeling you get fron then isn't very good.

>> No.4116530

The triggers are SEGA style triggers. Doesn't get better. The shoulder buttons are fine.

>> No.4116590

I use DS4 for everything.

the build quality is infamously awful. Most people got broken dpads, including me before I returned that shit.

>> No.4116626
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I like this for six button fighters on my Pi and this >>4116505 for everything else, it's so good.

>> No.4116662

ive always preferred the layout of the xbox controller with the joysticks not parallel because with the left hand, your main function is to use the stick to move, with the d-pad being a secondary function
whereas the right hand needs to be able to comfortably access the buttons from a natural hand position, with the stick as the secondary function.

>> No.4116664

I like it, and of course M$ likes it so it's usually no trouble to make it work.

>> No.4116678

see, now that's a response I can appreciate. your point is completely valid and very good argument.
In fact, I stand corrected. If you look at it that way it's indeed better for most games except shooters or some of those modern hi-bit games but who the fuck plays shooters on a console anyway right.

>> No.4116750
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>xbone controller
pfft, you must be a fucking toddler to use that tiny ass toy. now THIS is a mans controller.

>> No.4117507

>How is it?
Never used it but given that the dpad position is fucking terrible, it's fucking terrible.

>> No.4117517

I've got shamefully small hands and this controller was not a problem to use at all

>> No.4117518

>ive always preferred the layout of the xbox controller with the joysticks not parallel because with the left hand, your main function is to use the stick to move, with the d-pad being a secondary function
Which is why I prefer the analog stick below. Analog sticks have always been easier to manipulate lower rather than higher. Similarly dpads easier to roll on higher than lower.
Having two low analog sticks is just natural feeling. Plus with the dpad up top it's easier to swing up and tap it if you're using it for extra buttons with the analog being primary rather than reaching downward.

Similarly your argument for the right hand being comfortable to access the buttons switches with 3D games that utilize heavy camera movement like first person games in which case the right hand stick analog becomes pivotal and face buttons secondary and it still works fluidly between them in a natural sense.

>> No.4117589

>no analog triggers
almost perfect

>> No.4117592

It is also compatible with the 8bitdo retro receivers on the original NES and SNES.

>> No.4117641

The Buffalo SNES USB controller is my go-to pad for emulating and for 2D "retro indie" games. Pretty good build quality, cheap, readily available, and it works with a surprising amount of modern games.

>> No.4117648

>Having two low analog sticks is just natural feeling.

We must be holding the controller differently cause thats just not the case for me

>like first person games in which case the right hand stick analog becomes pivotal...

Since this is /vr/ I'm mostly talking about retro games like side scrollers and other genres that dont have dual stick camera controls (most pre 6th gen consoles didnt even have dual sticks)

>> No.4117678

I love it but I prefer the Wii Pro since the dpad and buttons are on top and the sticks have octagonal gates which are better for a lot of older 3d games.

>> No.4117692

are there any playstation clone controllers with a good dpad?

>> No.4117735

Is it better than ds3?

>> No.4117793

>claims other people have tiny hands even though only literal underages own Xboxes

>> No.4117824

dualshocks aren't even remotely modern, they haven't changed the design in 20 years. They've been terrible since they tacked on analog sticks as an afterthought.
Statistically, the PS4 has way more 'underages'. PS4 is the underage console of choice this gen; the COD box. We're talking about controllers anyway, and the DS4 sucks compared to Switch Pro and X1 controllers for retro and all other games.

>> No.4117921

I use mainly three controllers: NES controllers with adapter, my buffalo snes(and occasionally the 8bitdo one) and for the rest games I usually grab my logitech f310 or ds4. I got to admit, the proper way to go would be with real controllers + adapter, and more all round would be either getting modern controller from Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft based on your preferences with button placement and ergonomics(I just happen to like dualshock -style button placement personally due to familiarity).

Logitech ones are passable, altough there are other issues with them. Why not dualshock1/2 + usb adapter?

>> No.4117942

This plus the wirless adapter makes for an easy setup. Makes 4 player games comfy as fuck. I actually have a setup with the 360 version of the controller since i dont like using the dpad. I like using the analog stick for my all my games. Cant stand using the dpad on any controller.

>> No.4117960

The controller is shaped so you can actually get more than two fingers around the grips, so infinitely.

>> No.4117962


Good luck getting 240p out of you pc, regardless of the controller.

>> No.4117967

>muh screen lag

>> No.4117968

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.4118009

The updated X1 controllers than launched with the 1S have bluetooth as well as Microsoft's proprietary connection, so they are just sync-and-play in Windows 10 over bluetooth, no need for a dongle anymore.

>> No.4118018


>> No.4118051

Is this bait?

>> No.4118247

I use this for most emulators but random emulators have problems with wiinusoft, not many but off the top of my head Kega Fusion doesn't detect them at all and Bizhawk will never detect more than one. Have you found any fixes for these or do you use a different method to get your controller to work on Windows? Currently I just switch in a GC or Xbox One controller when I run into those

>> No.4118335

Sweet! Good to know.

>> No.4118367

Yeah it's pretty handy. If you have an actual Xbone, you have to re-sync it to the console afterwards, which is a mild annoyance, but not a big deal.

>> No.4118375

How cute, babby's afraid of pixels.

>> No.4118430
File: 42 KB, 1000x600, HORI-Fighting-Commander-for-Xbox-One-Officially-Licensed-by-Microsoft-Xbox-One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discuss other PC controllers here too.
I bought this gem the other day. It works like a gem with 2D emulated games. I'm thinking to get another one for friends/gf.

>> No.4118554

I work at a video game store. Children (and their normie parents) are unanimously more drawn to Xbox shit. Children don't care about exclusives which is why Xbox wins.

>> No.4119119

>thread full of autistic weirdos who can't handle buttons being in a different place
>No one mentions that the dpad on OP's controller is objectively terrible.
You trigger diagonals impossibly easily. Forward, back, forward is legit tough to pull off, for instance.
Whether that's a deal breaker or not depends on the game, obviously.

>> No.4119203

Is the Switch pro controller better than the Wii U pro controller?
I know the Wii U one has better battery life but does the switch one have other ergonomic advantages?

>> No.4119230

I think your hands must be fat rather than actually big in bone structure because me and all my 6ft+ friends can use even the small dualshock 3 absolutely fine, let alone the perfectly reasonably sized dualshock 4


>> No.4120468


Hand base to end of finger is 7.5".

I know because I use it as my dick measuring reference.

>> No.4120482


Is the D-pad as good as it looks? That's my biggest gripe with every controller I've tried. I'm thinking third party may be the way to go.

>> No.4120508

dpad sucks, don't bother

>> No.4120510

The dpad is awful and the sticks are squeeky

40 hour battery life and solid build quality.

>> No.4120514

It works great for me but I see so many people claiming it can accidentally press up without you wanting it to. I don't know if those are detected units or a design flaw, but I haven't had this problem on my switch yet

WiiU better controller for emulation due to symmetrical d-pad and face buttons

>> No.4120517

>it can accidentally press up without you wanting it to


That happens with every controller I try.

>> No.4120771

never buy one of the cheap bluetooth controllers
>ask retrofag friend for advice on a wireless controller
>"yeah dude, this one is great i never notice delay"
>delay is actually very noticeable, over 20ms
old farts dont notice shit, their brain is too slow

>> No.4120880

the last nintendo home console and controller you should get is the wii with the remote and classic controller. after that their systems and controllers both became derivative trash

>> No.4120885

I wish the analog sticks were like the Xbox but with the right one where the buttons are. I used to like PlayStation controllers but then I got carpal tunnel and Xbox is more comfortable.

>> No.4121041

They need to git gud

>happens with every controller
A good craftsman doesn't blame his tools. Git gud.

>> No.4121319

how hard is it to get a ds4 to work on pc using a wire

>> No.4121368

Haven't used the Wii U one, but do NOT get a Switch Pro Controller for retro gaming.
It has no internal pivot to prevent more than two directional inputs being depressed. So not only can you mash the whole thing and press all 4 inputs at once, diagonals will trigger very frequently unless you make a dedicated effort to press only the very edges of the pad.
This, as you might suspect, is a problem.

>> No.4122082

There is no wireless controller with less lag then 20ms. That's less than 1FPS and you are probably playing on a LED display that has lag.

Buy a new LCD screen.

>> No.4122089

How is the Hori Fighiting commander D-pad and buttons?

I want to buy this one.

>> No.4122120

Does it work with android without having to root? I honestly would prefer a PS3 controller but it needs rooting. So this seems like the second best option.

>> No.4122175
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I wish I had devil robot hands, but I could never transition to stick. I prefer to use the Sega Saturn controller for almost all my emulation needs. I find the YZBC buttons map to the familiar diamond shape of SNES face buttons or N64 C-buttons well. The six face buttons, while I wish the XYZ are the same size as the ABC buttons, works great with Street Fighter games, Genesis, and of course Saturn games. Even in MAME, I can use the L&R for insert coin and start, with the start button for pause, and still have enough face buttons for most games.

>> No.4122208

That might be the worst controller i have ever used

>> No.4122292

I love the Duke controller!!!

>> No.4122303

The D-pad looks like a charm for me, it kinda reminds me the gameboy controller for the GC on a larger scale. And yes, grip wise is amazing for adults with big hands.
No complains whatsover for both. I'm very satisfied with it. I'm waiting a second one now.

>> No.4122354

tfw my wired Xbox 360 controller disconnects for 1 sec and reconnects, if I move it the wrong way. What do?

>> No.4122473

any idea where i can order this, other than ebay?

>> No.4122516

That sounds great, I've found this project that let you use PS4 controllers on PS2, and I'm thinking about using it with ToToTek PS2 adapters so I can play on retro consoles.

I think it works with third party PS4 USB controllers too.



>> No.4122653
File: 2.22 MB, 2304x1728, Until_I_can_afford_a_Wii-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the Hori 360 controllers? The ergonomics of a 360 controller, 6 face buttons (2 are just repeats of the bumpers up top), asymmetric analog sticks for those who prefer it that way, analog triggers, and a better D-pad than stock 360 controllers. The only negative was that MS was not willing at that time to share their wireless technology, so it is wired with a 10ft long USB cable. Should be pretty good for most modern emulation machines, if you don't mind wired.

Yeah, I think it is nice with the analog sticks in a natural position for both thumbs for twin-stick shooters (like Smash TV or Alien Carnage), for modern console styled-games I guess should work in theory too with majority of actions performed with the shoulder buttons to leave the thumbs naturally on movement of both avatar and camera. Featuring the wonderful shape of a 360 controller with a Nintendo-quality D-pad.

Yeah, if only it had analog triggers, like those of the Gamecube, it would make a lot of those arcade racing games which had analog pedals for speed more playable in MAME That too is my one major issue with it.

I drove to a far off town and visited a used bookstore, and they were almost $27USD each. I thought it was a decent price these days, as controller costs are as much as a brand new game these days. I miss when spare controllers were just an extra $20.

>> No.4122783

That's nice, I don't own a PS4 nor I have tried to use it on a PS4. I don't see why it should be an issue using it there.
>How about the Hori 360 controllers?
I also own a gem pad ex 360 version, I do enjoy PS1/PS2 emulated games with it. Both MediEvil games play amazingly good with it!

>> No.4122939

Can you get the official USB Sega Saturn controllers anymore?

>> No.4122985
File: 437 KB, 1139x655, PinkSScontroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hori does make some pretty good controllers. Their D-pads tend to be a lot like the Nintendo design mechanically inside where it pivots on a hemisphere underneath. That Xbox One controller is $40USD at amazon which is a nice price these days for a controller. Looks very functional for emulation too since it can switch to 360-styled wireless X-input.

New ones are very hard to get now for any reasonable price. Last one I got was the pink one last year, but I had to gamble and pay an untrustworthy seller that can just lose the item in the shipping or just forget it all together. I was fortunate to get it in. I am glad now there are replacement conductive rubber/silicone membranes in case they tear from overuse (would have loved them for the NES back in the day, as I had to junk the controllers because there were no replacement pads). I would suggest a Saturn to USB adapter now, since official Sega Saturn pads can be had for less than $13 each, but the authentic USB variations can get costly. I also do not recommend the generic ones everywhere like on amazon or branded with "retrolink" as my hands are sensitive to non-SLS/Sega Saturn pads (it is a curse).

>> No.4123042

I'm assuming the Assign button is only to program the pad and is not usable in games, correct?

>> No.4123115

Wii U Pro Controller with Mayflash adapter a best. Great dpad, battery life, xinput with no bluetooth/stack/wrapper jank. However, you will need wrappers for xinput if you plan on using the same adapter for multiple controllers, or will have to buy multiple adapters. Which blows. Best gamepad experience on PC by far, though.

>> No.4123278


>> No.4123656

>no analog triggers
okay so it's worse for racing games but better for shooting games right? Firing a gun with squishy triggers would suck

>> No.4124249

My biggest gripe with it, is that it leaves marks

>> No.4124256

That's on the smaller size for hands.

>> No.4124259

Just get a Mayflash adapter anon

>> No.4125336

Hey are you the Saturn controller guy? I also love the SS controller, I own three genuine USB ones, but I also fail to find any others with a reasonable price.
Do you recomend some realiable Saturn third party usb controllers? I've tried two so far but they're nothing compared to the real deal.
Correct its a programmable button, however you can asign to games if you're using some kind of third party software, such as joytokey.

>> No.4125461
File: 2.09 MB, 2304x1728, If_only_I_had_devil_robot_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the Sega Saturn controller a lot. I cannot claim to be "the Saturn controller guy" but I do like using them. I too cannot find any 3rd party replica controllers that feel (to me) what the authentic Sega Saturn and SLS controllers do.

I did say that I wished the XYZ buttons are the same size as ABC. Others have done so, but they have some small shortcoming to me. On Dreamcast I like the Ascii pad FT aside from the back grip feel and looser and flat feeling D-pad. On the Playstation, the Nubytech Street Fighter 15th Anniversary pads are serviceable, but flawed with a D-pad too close to the left edge to make room for the lenticular artwork in the center (they chose the art over the functionality, poor decision IMO). I just adapt the Sega Saturn pad to other machines because, I am cursed to only like authentic Sega Saturn controllers.

Dammit, I got my hated Ken on my SF4 controller, I'd rather my main of Vega/M.Bison as you pictured instead. The smaller SFxT one at least is Cammy+Bob vs. Chun+Julia, I guess these controllers are good for people with gigantic thumbs, but I feel the D-pad is a bit too soft. They are 360 USB controllers, so I guess they work well for emulation.

>> No.4125474

DS3 works natively with arch linux

>> No.4125496

Why are you using a meme os anon?

>> No.4125546

>meme os
it's not a 'meme' os. ricers just use it.


don't use the word 'meme' like that you fucking millenial. I bet you also talk about 'layers of irony' and other retarded shit like that.

>> No.4125576

>triggered arch user doesn't accept a critic
Why am I not suprised? I'm glad I leaved that shitty linux community months ago.

>> No.4125578

>meme os

sure thing.

>> No.4125582

and I was more annoyed by the use of the word meme if that wasn't clear.
maybe spend some time learning how to read

>> No.4125594

Sounds like you have some lingering insecurites about your use of linux, my friend

>> No.4125601

You see, that's kind of elitism. This mentality of:we are better and our os has 0 problems

>> No.4125615

nobody has said anything like that now.
you really are insecure

>> No.4125729

>telling other that they are insecure while you are the most insecure person

>> No.4126294

The Duke fits me better than the slim and I still don't understand how

>> No.4126376

and it just 'werks' period, without the need to install drivers or any of that bullshit. I have yet to see any computer it won't natively work on

>> No.4126392
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, SF.US.4230314e345043545634.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this, and I love it. Just a SNES controller with triggers and slight ergonomics.

>> No.4127313

What's the best dual shock to use?

I want to use it on my PC, but also on my PS1. So I'm trying to decide between DS1 and 2, I'm mostly concerned about the D-Pad, as I'm really, -really- used to the Sixaxis one and haven't used official PS1/2 gamepads in a long, long time.

>> No.4127319

I could only make it work properly with xboxdrv, and plugged. I couldn't manage to make it work over bluetooth despite having done everything right. Sure, the gamepad is recognized "natively" but that means that in many, many games it will be recognized as a random generic gamepad that will register directional buttons when pressing the face buttons on the right. Let's not even talk about WINE.

>> No.4127382

I don't know what to tell you, it justwerks© in mednafen for me

>> No.4127396

Yeah, it works fine in RetroArch as well. Try some games on Steam. You'll see what I mean.

>> No.4127405

asymmetrical layout is awful for using dpad+buttons

>> No.4127413

>no YOU are insecure ;_;

>> No.4127448

DS4 is pretty comfy desu

>> No.4128107

I really don't mind it, man.

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.4128135

I bought some 8bitdo controllers and the DS4 is still the best.

They may look great but the DS4 reactivity is the best.

>> No.4128808

xinput isn't supported in linux

>> No.4128961
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X1 uses the same type of controller as the Mark 3/Famicom, it's nothing special.

>> No.4128964

He is talking about the Sharp X1.
The X1 lacks any type of wireless as it was released in 1982.