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File: 198 KB, 1024x576, ff7_wallpaper_by_artgerm-d992rh3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4115631 No.4115631 [Reply] [Original]

Girls who played FF7 liked Aeris
Men who played FF7 liked Tifa
Degenerates and pedos liked Yuffie

>> No.4115638

i only liked jessie

>> No.4115642

hnnng tifatits

>> No.4115663

>horny teenagers who played FF7 liked Tifa

>> No.4115667

The intended audience since FF8 has been horny fujoshit whales instead, which is far far worse.

>> No.4115673

Furries liked Red, kids liked Cait, old men liked Cid, edgy teens liked Vincent?

>> No.4115681

Girls who played FF7 liked Aeris
Boys who played FF7 liked Tifa
Degenerates and pedos liked Yuffie
Men didn't play FF7 because grown adults didn't play videogames in 1997


>> No.4115706

Tifa is boring as fuck. Just a walking pair of tiddies. Aerith is pure waifu tier

>> No.4115709

This game has to be the biggest meme of all /vr/. Either that or CV4. It's a close match.

>> No.4115731

define meme

>> No.4115738

People are free to like whoever they want. The problem is people who say Cloud was better off with Aeris. Because those people clearly didn't pay attention to the story and who Cloud REALLY is

>> No.4115759

Everything I don't like.

>> No.4115771

But anon, I like Yuffie

>> No.4115802

People with actual good taste skipped 7.

Also, Jessie best girl.

>> No.4115820

contrary, the post

>> No.4115830

>spikey anime hair protag who hates everything, only cares for himself and slices his own wrists because EMO
>momy issues villain
>predictable plot and cliche characters like the pure one and the sexy one

Dude c'mon you can have better taste than this.

>> No.4115889

>spikey anime hair
yes it's a japanese game so that's like complaining about how western art is drawn.
you can like it or not but that's not really something bad about ffvii

>who hates everything, only cares for himself and slices his own wrists because EMO
he didn't start out that way and it's revealed why he's like that.

>momy issues villain

>predictable plot
plot is hardly predictable. you may get hints of what is to come before it's actually reveiled but it's not predictable as in you can guess what's coming based on other plots.
environmental activists/terrorists is pretty original even now.
large corporation draining the planet is pretty contemporary and relevant today.
the earth cleansing itself using massive weapons is pretty original
summoning a gigantic asteroid in order to absorb the lifestream is pretty original
cloud actually having Zack's memories is not predictable
bla bla bla the plot isn't predictable nor generic. yes it boils down to hero saves the world but you can boil every story down to some basic plot. even the old Greeks knew that.

>cliche characters
red, cait, yuffie, tifa, valentine, barret are all pretty original characters. especially compared to previous ff games.

>the sexy one
there is no 'sexy one'. you're probably referring to Tifa but she's never portraid as the sexy one, she wears manly clothes and punches people. people drool over her because she has big tits but that doesn't mean she walks around in tight dresses and bikini's or something.

maybe actually try playing the game.

>> No.4115937

I liked Cid when I was young. Nigga has a spear and spears are the best martial weapon to use. He also pilots and airship, constantly smokes, and he's hot. What a fucking badass.

>> No.4115975

Tifa is perfect.

>> No.4116016

She is inherently imperfect due to being a female.

>> No.4116020

This is the gayest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.4116023
File: 251 KB, 480x396, Screen-Shot-2014-07-26-at-12.58.39-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man, double daggar is where it's at.

>> No.4116026

>Girls who played FF7 liked Aeris
>Cucks who played FF7 liked Tifa
>Real men liked Yuffie

>> No.4116028

he called cid hot, why would you think he was straight?

>> No.4116031

Jokes on you kid, I fapped to Tifa the most but I also fapped to Yuffie a few times. I never fapped to Aershit

>> No.4116045

Overrated game that did some interesting things and is at least decent and noteworthy, but eventually gains such an amount of praise because people just hear others say it's good, causing spread of popularity for something that didn't really deserve it in the first place. Many of the people who then shill the game as a result haven't even played it or if they have, they haven't played much else to compare it to.

>> No.4116048
File: 7 KB, 256x224, 1484475641655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JRPGs are not about fapping on anime tiddies, you know.

>> No.4116080
File: 439 KB, 640x360, laughing Iori Rinko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks people buy Final Fantasy clones for anything but the anime tiddies

>> No.4116083
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1498849256307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposters didn't play the game - The Thread

Aeris is not pure and Tifa is not a slut. It's the complete opposite.

Aeris already had a boyfriend, spent all her life being chased by the turks and manipulated Cloud once or twice to get what she wanted.

Tifa is "the childhood friend", so of course she's never been with anyone, depends on Cloud to do stuff and whenever Aeris implies something lewd, she feels embarassed.

But she has big tits and a skirt; and aeris, a pink dress. So it's easy to shitpost about this game and being wrong about it.

>> No.4116107

I fapped to all of them. I even fapped to Cloud in a dress a couple of times.

>> No.4116108

I like Beefaroni

>> No.4116113

Nobody said that did they?

>> No.4116115

Tifa was definitely the hottest.

>> No.4116119

>I was 8 when this came out
>The game is older than Yuffie
>A sizable chunk of us were probably younger than her

Are you one of those people who think that a kid playing doctor with another kid is a pedophile?

>> No.4116180


>> No.4116185

Why would you think he's a "he"?

>> No.4116204

REAL Men who played FF7 liked Barret.

>> No.4116228

I like Tifa and Yuffie, and dislike Aeris with a passion.

What am I.

>> No.4116236


Except Cloud was mindfucked by Shinra and actually got out of his emo phase near the end, and turned into a real hero with no ragrets. His emo phase was actually just his brain being jumbled to fucking bits by the Jenova project, and not some "boo hoo the world is cruel to me" shit.

>> No.4116243

A homophone

>> No.4116250

That's not a meme you mongoloid.
You could have just said that it's overrated and would have gotten your point across without sounding like a faggot.

>> No.4116251


That's not a fucking meme. What the fuck are you on?

>> No.4116253


I like Tifa since she's a tomboy, and I feel bad for her. I always super identify with her believing in Cloud and waiting for him to come back.

>> No.4116394

nobody liked tifa not even in late 90s (maybe only in Japon or die hard weeabos)

>> No.4116397

This, only fags liked big tits, short skirt and long legs.

>> No.4116619

>only fags like big tits
I'm pretty sure that's a heterosexual thing. Homosexuals hate tits period.

>> No.4116635

I'm pretty sure that was a joke

>> No.4116957

Tifa is the reason why FF7 will always be the best FF

>> No.4117000

what a rather misandristic claim to make.

>> No.4117009

>Girls who played ff7 liked the canon slum whore
>Men who played ff7 liked the pure girl following and saving herself for the MC
>Degenerates who played ff7 liked the underage ninja that gets molested by a pimp in game

Spot on, OP.

>> No.4117034

I liked all 3 when I first played, but looking back Aeris was easily the most interesting character, I mean, the original sassy and self-resilient Aeris, not the pure nun from the Compilation. Yuffie was both amusing and annoying and Tifa was the typical childhood friend who was in love with the protag, a decent, but not remarkable character (apart from her nice rack).

>> No.4117235
File: 59 KB, 850x1277, Trap_Cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only liked Cloud.

>> No.4117382 [DELETED] 

*Men with patrician taste who played FF7 liked Tifa
*Men with decent taste who played FF7 liked Yuffie
*Cucks who played FF7 liked Aeris

>> No.4117394
File: 955 KB, 1065x1502, 2715478-2718871114-Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. cloud is best girl. traps are cuter than ugly bitches anyways

>> No.4117405
File: 30 KB, 208x240, JESSIE_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4117919

Pancake tits.

>> No.4118093

>maybe actually try playing the game.

Nah, I don't want to play Linkin Park: The Game. feat. every emo cliche ever.

>> No.4118164

Who the fuck else played FFVII?

>> No.4118167
File: 343 KB, 326x400, 1466909822622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boi gets it.

>> No.4118169

You sound like literally every person who's ever known nothing about FFVII but blindly hates it anyway because he wants to go against the grain.

>> No.4118242

>no Aeris' mom

>> No.4118258

>prejudice based on misconceptions
>gets corrected
>still can't get over prejudice
you're genuinly a narrow minded fool. enjoy your shit life or do the world a favor and kill yourself

>> No.4118271

the tard even said he prefers Jessie because he wanted to sound like he knows what he's talking about.
it's sad how hard some people pose for e-peen

>> No.4118305

I'm definitely a guy and I'm gay af

>> No.4118326

PS1 or Steam?

>> No.4118338


If this came out in the 64 it would be hyped today as the savior of gaming, you know this to be true

>> No.4118349

Aeris may not be necessarily pure as in the sense of being chaste but she needs to be someone of good intentions otherwise the story doesn't make sense.

>> No.4118351

Its a good game / movie

>> No.4118361
File: 470 KB, 1371x2048, Elena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a kid I liked Aeris Yuffie and Jessie.

psychoanalyse me up bruh

>> No.4118957
File: 74 KB, 150x332, Ff7_jesse_artwork (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rude bitch. Jessie is pure unlike those other thots.

>> No.4118967

>kys for not liking my game
Jeez dude, taking a game too seriously, aren't we?

>> No.4118972

What, can't you accept someone with an opinion different than yours?
Is liking Jesse wrong according to you?

>> No.4118976
File: 154 KB, 1000x760, a917a7b3618f2a4592ed7b57a901a069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elena is cute and looks like that russian girl Natalia Poklonskaya. So were the Turks right wing? Hopefully they were the opposite of "the young turks" fuck them. Avalanche was basically Antifa faggots because they are terrorists and got half the city murdered. Rufus did nothing wrong.

>> No.4118985

I didn't tell him to kill himself because he doesn't like the game. read the post again

>> No.4118989

did I say liking Jessie is wrong? do you have the reading comprehension of a toddler?

>> No.4118998

just to clarify because either you seriously can't read properly or you're playing dumb on purpose. I don't have an issue with the opinion. I was making fun of him liking a minor character while talking shit about the game as if to say 'i know this game' but then it turns out he didn't play it and he doesn't know shit.
idgaf if you like Jessie or not.

>> No.4119018

there was no right or left wing in the game. the Turks just worked for a corporation and avalanche fought for a clean planet. 0 leftwing/rightwing views.

>> No.4119223
File: 2 KB, 125x59, squall-whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, no
that's FF8

>> No.4119246

I dunno "saving the planet" sounds like environmental hippy dippy bs. Im just joking btw.

>> No.4119247
File: 70 KB, 608x342, 7X1sSwj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zidane is the biggest emo cliche of them all at the end of disc 3 when he goes suicidal so it's actually FFIX but hey whatever!

>> No.4119264

I remember back in the days before there was an English release and most people online translated the name as "Turx"

Anyway, the Turks are basically what you would call in the real world the "Secret Service" a covert police squad.

FF7 takes place in a world where the Corporation™ rules everything so there isn't really a political alignment anywhere.

>> No.4119298

its called capitalism. the life stream is just one of gaia's resources why not use it?

>> No.4119397

Um, I liked Tifa. Aeris is a fucking bitch.

>> No.4119451

>Degenerates and pedos liked Yuffie
Where do you think you are?


>> No.4119529

>red, cait, yuffie, tifa, valentine, barret are all pretty original characters

Red ill give you him, hes neat.
Cait is annoying mascot character #1264. His real intrigue is who's controlling him, who should've just joined instead of a stupid looking out of place animal, and in FF7 screwy world thats saying something.
Yuffie is typical genki shit, except not really funny or even tries to be helpful.
Tifa is literally just punch Rosa, except dumber.
Vincent is a typical emo faggot who didn't even try to do anything until you showed up.
Barret is pretty much a big well meaning doofus over his head. Likeable but not really original.

>> No.4119731

Tifa is an archetypal shonen heroine: brave, strong, but has a fairly feminine personality

Aeris is the kind of girl we call "ten-nen" (natural) in Japan. Seems innocent but has a bit of inconsistency with personality traits. Maybe suffers from mild form of developmental disorder.

There you go, I can make better analysis because I'm Japanese.

Barret is a ripoff of Mr T and you should better when you are American

>> No.4119774

I have no idea who/what punch Rosa is so can't really comment on that.
valentine is optional so it's pretty normal he didn't do anything.
yuffie is optional as well so she can't be too helpful since she's not essential
you not liking cait doesn't make him unoriginal.
a big black dude with a machine gun for a prostethic arm is pretty original dude come on

you are mixing original and 'do I like em'
you may not like the cast but they're all original FF characters.

>> No.4119950

I liked Aeris the best.

>> No.4119952

I'm a girl

>> No.4119971


She is also boring and only popular because she dies in a popular game during a time when a character dying off midway through a game was a bigger deal.

>> No.4119975

Which one is which? I never played these games and came for tits.

>> No.4119987

post tits

>> No.4119995

I am a flat chested girl

>> No.4120006

Aeris was really sweet, Tifa is nice and hot but a league below her.

yeah, she was a cute.

>> No.4120009

Squall was aspie, but also right.

>> No.4120010

I love dfc. probably why I love cloud so much.

>> No.4120090

Cloud's mom was hotter.

>> No.4120161


>> No.4120220
File: 8 KB, 229x220, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame Advent Children. FF7 was just fun. It had tons of silly humor as well as sad moments, brutal moments (Sephiroth escaping Shinra HQ) - a well-done, balanced story overall.

Ofc Japs then had had to infest it with popular "visual" (sic) style that fujoshi dumpsters and emo boys adore so much, MC and villains are now skinny pretty emo boys and girls who like like boys, Cloud so sad and pure, Aeris so pure, Sephiroth mysterious and sad! shit to 10000%.

Working out for SquarePenix with FF15 aka Fujoshi Fantasy aka Gay Paradise making huge sales, but still.

>> No.4120223

*look like

>> No.4120263

because it literally kills the planet you retarded corporate shill

>> No.4120286

fairly sure the Turks are based on Yakuza. only time they really fucked up was taking out sector 7, and that was Rufus father. (and Reno...) technically they are good people. ish.

>Barret is Mr.T
I knew it!

Elena is cute, this hardly needs stating.

>> No.4120769


>> No.4120804

I wish we could've seen Barret's lard-ass, mammy stereotype Mom in North Corel.

>> No.4120823

Cloud is rarely, if ever, emo in the game. He's kind of an asshole sometimes, selfish and reluctant etc, but certainly not emo.
In all the further fanservice involving him, however, he is a spineless whiny fag. I'll give you that.

>> No.4121531
File: 9 KB, 194x144, ultros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of Priscilla

You can't edge four hours at a time while giving a little girl mouth to mouth? Why live.