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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4113856 No.4113856 [Reply] [Original]

They're only good games are on the N64 desu

>> No.4113861

Ikaruga is the greatest shooter of all time, bro.

>> No.4113868

Sin and Punishment is their best game, but most of their Mega Drive games are awesome too.

>> No.4113872
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>Ikaruga is the greatest poozle of all time, bro.

>> No.4113878

That's not DOOM faggot

>> No.4113880

It's the best at every genre, that's how good it is.

>> No.4113883

>Ikaruga is the greatest shooter of all time, bro.
That's like calling David the world's greatest statue of a guy's dick.

>> No.4113884

Not that kind of shooter

>> No.4113890

Ikaruga is objectively a better eff pee ess than Doom with an objectively better community.

>> No.4113896

nice puzzle game

>> No.4113908

Still better than Battle Garegga.

>> No.4114046

MD games > Saturn games > GBA games > N64 games > PS2 games > GC games > DC games

>> No.4114050

They are overrated, but i do commend them for their originality.

>> No.4114268
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And wow you're retarded. Their best game by far on N64 has a better version on Dreamcast

>> No.4114270

Everybody knows Raiden DX was the pinnacle

>> No.4114286

>DC Bangai-O
Casual detected.

The N64 version is much more challenging.

>> No.4114289

Isn't it the other way around? DC has no level up shops.

>> No.4114329

Yeah that guy is full on retarded or never played both versions.

>> No.4114339

Never understood the love for Mischief Makers but I did have fun with Sin & Punishment.

Everything else they've made, ever, has been fun for ten seconds but ultimately gets repetitive and boring

>> No.4114349

Name some games you actually like.

>> No.4114428

The stuff you can get in the level-up shop drops normally instead. Also the bomb is more spammy in the DC version, whereas you had to collect fruits on N64.

>> No.4114439

Yeah energy and invinciblity items are dropped every 100 and 500 chains, you can't get shot upgrades anywhere.

>> No.4114461

Alien Soldier is practically a perfect game, fuck you.

>> No.4114480 [DELETED] 

More like Trashure.

>> No.4114482

>spam dash to win
>perfect game

>> No.4114523

Both versions of Bangai-O are amazing, but yeah the N64 original is more challenging.
The upgrades on the DC version aren't necessary because you start with full power, and Mami and Riki both have the same power (on N64, Mami's shots are always weaker, unless you decide to upgrade her and not Riki).
Also, getting the upgrade shop to spawn is not that easy.
There's many other mechanics that were changed and made the DC version a more easy ride, but you know what? I love both versions, it's a different approach and both are enjoyable, I'd recommend playing DC version first, and N64 later for more challenge, also try to play it on the real hardware with a real N64 controller. The left-side position (move with d-pad and shot with the stick) is the best way to play this game, and the one the devs recommend to use.

>> No.4114695

Besides, Missile Fury is better than either N64 or DC games.


>> No.4114713
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I actually haven't played Missile Fury, but unlike the N64/DC game, that one is completely different, it's a sequel.
I liked what I've seen, but they got rid of the wacky characters and dialogues.
I also kind of regret not giving the DS game another chance, I thought it was boring because it was more puzzle than action, but I didn't know it had a level editor, that alone makes that one worth it, you can also share levels with other people easily just using the DS' microphone, don't know what kind of sorcery they used there.

Another thing I have noticed about Bangai-O is that the mech itself was always redesigned in each installment.

>> No.4114732

I remember the DS one having pretty poor controls, and much lazier level design than the other games. What the hell happened to Treasure after the GBA days? They made a couple alright sequels and then just faded away.

>> No.4114837

>i'm asshurt that you don't like thing that i like
>you should say some thing that you like, so i can shitpost about them regardless of how i feel about them
What did he mean by this?

>> No.4114842

Maybe he wanted to recommend you some Treasure games you haven't tried that you might like based on your taste.

>> No.4114853

I'm not the guy he was trying to bait into posting. But nah, he really just wanted some games he could bomb on because someone didn't like what he liked.

>> No.4114859

How can you be so sure?

>> No.4114861

Because I'm on 4chan.