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4112498 No.4112498 [Reply] [Original]

Would the Dreamcast have survived if it had a DVD drive and you couldn't pirate games on day one?

>> No.4112504

>you couldn't pirate games on day one?
The Dreamcast sold more software in its short life than the XBox one did in the same time. When the DC came out it was still very expensive to burn CDs/DVDs. Piracy in actuality wasn't that big of a problem.
>Would the Dreamcast have survived if it had a DVD drive
It would had been the cheapest non shit player out there and the fact that it had VGA out too would had been another selling point. I'd imagine SEGA wouldn't be able to keep them on the shelf.

>> No.4112512

Surprised a second analog stick wasn't on your to do list.

>> No.4112513

Might've survived if it had games worth pirating

>> No.4112642

It would have been a lot more expensive as they would have had to pay licensing fees to Sony for DVD's so idk

>> No.4112648

I never saw an original game.

In here the closest to official games were Brazilian bootlegs.

>> No.4112657

Yeah even if it had survived multiplays would be hobbled on it by 2002 for that reason

>> No.4112658


>> No.4112660

You live in a shithole. What do you expect?

>> No.4112663

I don't complain we had cheap games, lots of them.

>> No.4112676

nah the dvd drive wouldnt of changed its fate

The console had too many arcade games and mainstream america does not enjoy anything that requires actual skill or intelect.

>> No.4112686

>video games
Slow down there jimbo

>> No.4112857


Also read up on the subject a bit. Dreamcast failed due to absolutely horrible marketing. It also prove that it's a bad idea to release a console inbetween generations, hence why nobody did it since with success either.

>> No.4112858
File: 4 KB, 418x225, 4uOMZrW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreamcast failed due to absolutely horrible marketing.
What? Really I thought DC had one of the most memorable advertising campaigns ever.

>> No.4112859

the dreamcast didnt just die, it was fucking MURDERED

>> No.4112863
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>> No.4112864

Goddamn you're a fucking retard

>> No.4112865

Clever commercials dont equal to great marketing sadly.


>> No.4112868
File: 123 KB, 604x426, dreamcast_dvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.4112869
File: 4 KB, 225x225, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is painful to read

>> No.4112871
File: 93 KB, 440x414, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the games are shoddy

>> No.4112873
File: 97 KB, 960x540, 05-ARSENAL-DREAMCAST[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is anon.

>> No.4112878

That whole article sounds more like they tried their best rather than did "horrible marketing". 100 million dollars in 99 money is quite a lot of an investment.

>> No.4112881

>we want to market to the hardcore games because we are aware that they are sega's core audience
>hey here take this 100$ mil and drop them on fucking MTV and superbowl bullshit because 90s geeks totally watch normie tv

>> No.4112889

Sports games were very successful on the Genesis. They expected EA to release NFL on the Dreamcast but they never did. Didn't matter anyway since Sega coded their own football games in-house.

>> No.4112891
File: 40 KB, 500x428, 5659_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, Sega only published it, they didn't develop shit.

>> No.4112895

But yeah I agree, Maddenbros are fucking disgusting.

>> No.4112898

Sadly I think it would have still failed if it had a DVD drive, couldn't pirate games, and had a second analog on the controller.

Sega was in a bad financial state already and they pretty much threw everything they had left at the Dreamcast. Anything short of PS2-level dominance and sales would have probably still caused them to exit the market.

It's a shame, but I'm very glad it has the dedicated and passionate fanbase it does. Most consoles don't have that luxury.

>> No.4112906

>When the DC came out it was still very expensive to burn CDs/DVDs. Piracy in actuality wasn't that big of a problem.

What retard Youtube celeb did you hear that from?
Piracy was incredibly rampant, I was in grade school, in a lower middle class family and we had a CD burner, and could afford media to burn. Most the kids I knew had CD burners in their computers- Store bought computers, out of the box.

While piracy wasn't the only issue, you cannot tell me with a straight face that piracy wasn't rampant on the Dreamcast if you actually grew up with it. I currently work in a mom and pop game store. I have Dreamcasts come in for trade in with stacks of bootleg games. Please stop talking about shit you clearly don't understand.

>> No.4112908

Lemme guess, you were mucking around with the Dreamcast in 2001? That's not when it came out you stupid fuck

>> No.4112916

I remember pirate games being available online weeks before they were officially released.

>> No.4112918

Like what? Shenmue 2? Headhunter? kek Dreamcast was already dead by then

>> No.4112923

Look at the crack release dates, dude, they were pretty much simultaneous with the official release.

>> No.4112924

lol, linky no worky

>> No.4112925

Fixed link

>> No.4112931

San Francisco Rush 2099 for instance was released September 6th and cracked in September 9th

>> No.4112935

>Most consoles don't have that luxury.

Hell id even say orginal xbox too. You seem to be equating "well shit, SOMBODY likes the dreamcast" with cult following.

>> No.4112940

>b-b-b-but how did you download 1GB GD files through 28k dial-up modem??
I've posted this numerous times, Dreamcast CD-R images are usually around 400mb~650mb not 1gb, they were split into a bunch of 20mb zip files that you would download separately and join with a third party program

>> No.4112945

Aww shit nigger I remember those days. Downloading Sonic R in a thousand parts just to play it with no sound to make downloads smaller. Don't miss those days, nope

>> No.4112954

>why nobody did it with sucess since

>> No.4112957

what success? there is literally one fucking game for the system. the shit will die faster than wiiu.

>> No.4112964

>dude it haz no GAMEZ

>> No.4112970

Just because the games were ripped at [insert date] doesn't mean many people were actually downloading and pirating them.

>> No.4112978

Nope, DC was simply not powerful enough to survive and the joypad was REALLY horrible, only ONE analog stick?? REALLY??

In before "B-B-BUT MUH RE CV AND DOA2"

>> No.4112979

>DC was simply not powerful enough to survive
Daily reminder Dreamcast's GPU was more powerful than Voodoo 3 and TNT2

>> No.4112985

yeah yeah..
Too bad is 2017 now and we all know, hardware speaking..

XBOX > GC = PS2 > DC

>> No.4112986

Literally yeah. I could go out and find a cheap WiiU and play their best hit right now.

>> No.4113012

All of those consoles you listed are but a very small fraction of consoles. The console market is littered with many failures that have been for the most part forgotten.

>> No.4113013

I remember having a CD burner to burn PS1 games back in 99"/00".

>> No.4113019

I have had a dreamcast laying around and never got around to using it much. I always heard pirating/using burned cds kills the drive quicker. Is that true? I want to use it and play some games that are way too expensive to buy. I just burn the iso into a disc and thats it?

>> No.4113024

Lets face it anon, if your console didn't exist between 1985 and now, it disn't matter.

>> No.4113047

I bought one for myself, and one for my cousin DAY 1 from the Babbages in the Ocean County Mall in NJ.

felt good giving it to him on his birthday a month later. He's still got the whole thing in box.

THPS 1&2 were fucking awesome on it.

>> No.4113327

As if a dual analog controller couldn't be released after the fact? The Dual Shock wasn't always standard issue

>> No.4113338

>When the DC came out it was still very expensive to burn CDs/DVDs

lol no it wasn't

>> No.4113371

> intellect
> wouldnt of

You didn't like DC either, i guess.

>> No.4113969

Yeah it could have, but then millions of dreamcast owners would have to buy new controllers just to play new games. It really should have had one out of the gate, I mean the dualshock had already shown the future of console controls and sega comes out with a pad with less buttons than the 3D saturn pad? Not sure what they were thinking

>> No.4113991

It might have, but it would still fall far behind once the PS2 came out. People bought the PS2 for the DVD capability alone, especially the Japanese.

>> No.4114026

>if it had a DVD drive

It would've cost $250 or more likely $300 then. On top of the dvd drive, it also would've needed a hardware mpeg2 decoder (the hardware can only decode mpeg1 fast enough), and pay a shit load for the DVD license. On the up side, games could've been bigger and have better quality FMVs.

I'm not sure if that alone would've helped with sales. Part of the reason it was huge was because of the $200 launch price.

>and you couldn't pirate games on day one?

You couldn't. It took a good year or two for pirating to be possible at all, and another year for selfboot titles to appear. And even then you needed a CD burner (very expensive in 2000), and an internet fast enough to download the games (56k was hi-end at the time).

>> No.4114034

>My bad, Sega only published it, they didn't develop shit.

They owned the developer company fully and published their games. It was part of the reason why EA never published for the console, they wanted sports exclusivity, and Sega just bought that developer for its sports games.

>> No.4114035

>Look at the crack release dates, dude, they were pretty much simultaneous with the official release.

Yeah, by 2002.

Dreamcast came out in 1998, last time I checked.

>> No.4114072

>Pirating games on day one
Confirmed underage
>DVD player
Sega didn't have that kind of money. Dreamcast would have been $500 unless Sega took a loss on each console sold, which they couldn't afford. Sony only did it because they had huge funds, and roots in the film industry. I remember The Matrix being touted as a showpiece for DVD, and it's because Sony owned the film. Just consider how expensive a DVD player would have been in 1998. Aside from the MIL-CD problem (which was only a serious issue later in the system's life) and the lack of a second analog stick, Sega did about as well as they could given the situation they were in.

>> No.4114147

Find me a sub $400 cd writer in 98 or 99 with software, kiddos. Find me sub $3 CDs that aren't shit either.

CD burners didn't become cheap until the very end of 99 and 2000 when DVDs became the rage.

>> No.4114207

even nintendo failed without dvd why should it be different for sega just saying

>> No.4114216

Sega would have survived if they hadn't pissed off devs by killing the Saturn early with the rushed DC launch.

Thanks, Stolar.

>> No.4114245

I think DVD would have been huge for it. Probably the biggest factor even.

Sadly though, even though DC is almost my absolute favorite system, it's library just isn't that good overall. The gems it does have makes it completely worth it today though.

>> No.4114313

>if you couldn't pirate games on day one?

You literally couldn't. SEGA poured loads of money into having GD-roms be pirate-proof and it took a little while before the format was cracked. Hell you still had to use the Utopia Boot CD for years after. It may have took a small fraction of sales but had to have been marginal considering the know-how and technology required. From what I remember the homebrew scene was kicking off just as SEGA was closing up shop.

>> No.4114509

Here you go, kiddo

There were selfboot releases in you 2000, summer

>> No.4114524

>November 5, 1999
Nice reading comprehension, kiddo. And the cheapest one there is just under $200.

>> No.4114849

>Find me a sub $400 cd writer in 98 or 99
>reading comprehension
Top kek kid

>> No.4114874

>top kek
And confirmed underage.

>> No.4114918

the real question is if sega could afford to put a dvd player on the dreamcast

>> No.4114921

It would've survived if it was the PS2

>> No.4115101

Confirmed assmad at being proven wrong, kiddo.

>> No.4115103

I wasn't proven wrong. You can't read.

>> No.4115106

>Blaming Stolar in 2017

>> No.4115107

>confirmed underage
confirmed topkek

>> No.4115110

Actually, it took people a bit of tinkering to find out how easy it was to pirate a game. The DC had a little bit of encryption but it was cracked and the rise of CD burners definitely played the primary roles

>> No.4115113

Anyone spoonfeed me on burning games? i've had my dreamcast in storage since i only have thps2 and unreal tournament. i hear that you have to use specific pc programs and certain cd brands work better than others etc

>> No.4115702

what the fuck is going on with this board

>> No.4115703


>> No.4115705

Dat joypad is sexy as hell

>> No.4115780


>> No.4115798

I'm personally glad Sega told EA to fuck off. The 2K series was vastly superior to Muhdden. The 2K games were the only foozeball vidya I enjoyed.

>> No.4115809

Yep. used winrar for that shit. NTSC-J game burns worked in US consoles. Only way I could play Ikaruga before the GC release.

>> No.4115810

The Dreamcast would have survived if the Dreamcast owners would buy the games instead of pirating the games like fucking cheapskates.

>> No.4115832

It does kill the drive because the original GD-ROM data took up the whole disc where as burned CD-Rs usually cover barely half a disc. So the laser has to strain to read the disc because it was designed to read the outer edge of GD-ROMS instead of having to move back and forth for smaller data.

Usually reseating the drive's ribbon cable to the system board fixed this but mine is so dead from my CD-R days, the laser barely functions on retail games.

>> No.4115883

I was living in poortown too asshole and no one out of my 10 friends who had DC had pirated shit. So no, it wasn't "widely pirated". And yes, cd burners were expensive. Fucking children....

>> No.4118056

The Dreamcast's death wasn't due to any fault of its own. Sega was getting torn apart from the inside and was doomed from the start. It could've sold PS2 numbers and it wouldn't have mattered.

>> No.4118059

No. Love the Dreamcast but a lot of the games that make the console so special were really niche experimental games or ports of arcade games which weren't really what people wanted anymore by the time the rest of the sixth gen consoles came out.

>> No.4118063

>Piracy in actuality wasn't that big of a problem.
It was big enough to make the console lose a fuckload of third party support.

>> No.4118064

Agreed. Also it was quite expensive in Oceania for CD-ROM burners + discs. Perhaps if you were a mid-20's yuppie on the Gold Coast it was cheap, but for your average family definitely not.

>> No.4118069

Just because you only like one game for a system doesn't mean the others stop existing.

>> No.4118075

What the actual fuck is a yuppie?

>> No.4118095

Not him, have you seriously never heard that word?

>> No.4118098

>It was big enough to make the console lose a fuckload of third party support.

It lost a fuckload of third party support because Sega announced it in 2001 that they are killing the console.

Before that, it had no problems regarding third parties, other than EA giving the finger.

>> No.4118109

Too bad power isnt everything
Its all in if the games are fun of not

Id rate my enjoyment with every system:

GC > DC = PS2 > Xbox

>> No.4118123 [DELETED] 

people that are responsible for gentrification

>> No.4118129

it's a derogatory term used for the people responsible for gentrifying a poor or working class area of the city, usually out of towners that move to the city for some kind of corporate job and don't have any ties to the area.
it came in to use in the 50s.

>> No.4118148

A DVD drive might have helped a bit, but the financial damage from the Saturn was still there.

Keep in mind, the sheer damage Sega did to themselves by releasing the Sega CD, 32x and then Saturn within a short time period. (and the Saturn being terrible with 3D and an absolute bitch to develop for.)

Honestly, the Dreamcast was basically screwed from the get go. Maybe if they had made the Saturn a combo of the CD/32x that new people could buy, with older buyers being able to just upgrade their old genesis?

>> No.4118160

>Maybe if they had made the Saturn a combo of the CD/32x that new people could buy, with older buyers being able to just upgrade their old genesis?

This would have been interesting. The problem is that the 32x/CD are still highly limited from the Genesis's old hardware limits.

However, I'm not against the idea for a system receiving updated hardware through expansion ports. (With new all in one models produced for new buyers)

I kinda wish the whole thing had caught on better.

>> No.4118309

Honestly, the Dreamcast probably wouldn't have been powerful enough to run some of the later 6th gen multiplats and the lack of a second analog stick wouldn't help matters either. It was doomed from the start.

>> No.4118314

Name one game on Dreamcast that wasn't worth pirating.

Also, let's not forget, NesterDC and such made for a pretty good experience.

>> No.4118318

I sincerely doubt that anything that could run on PS2 couldn't be made to run reasonably on Dreamcast and almost every console has had a controller revision at some point during its lifespan.

>> No.4118345

>ITT: People who weren't alive at the time

I mean, seriously, who paid for burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?

Okay? That has nothing to do with what they said. Most failed consoles were released between 1985 and now

I remember doing this shit with PS1 games. 70 files 10mb each.

>> No.4119523

1. analog stick was bad, uncomfortable and no grip.
2. vmu was stupid
3. cord attached to bottom of controller
4. console was too fat
5. disk drive was extremely loud
6. dpad felt like a lego
7. ps2 was coming out

>> No.4119528
File: 292 KB, 500x370, 1499112976649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good free burning software in 1999
K, summer.

>> No.4119532

What they needed to do was sell VGA cables for it at launch and market them as well, so that people could enjoy Naomi arcade-quality 480p graphics on the computer monitors that everyone had at that point.

>> No.4119574

CD burners used to be expensive as fuck, like $200 as opposed to the $16-$20 you now pay for a burner that's about 100x better.

>> No.4119589

Another thing kids and summer forget is you could get a DVD drive for the price of a CD burner. Which is what a lot of people did instead of getting a CD burner. The PS2 in 2000 was the price of a lot dvd drives in 99.

>> No.4119624

>I mean, seriously, who paid for burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?
> seriously, who paid for burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?
>who paid for burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?
>paid for burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?
>burning software back then when you were already pirating shit?
>back then when you were already pirating shit?
>when you were already pirating shit?
>you were already pirating shit?
>were already pirating shit?
>already pirating shit?
> pirating shit?

Nice reading comprehension there, bucko

>> No.4119641

>some of the later 6th gen multiplats
You mean early

>> No.4119643

I said free for a reason, dumbass. You weren't getting any quality shit downloaded in 1999. Unless you had someone copy it for you good fucking luck.

>> No.4119647

It's really sad DC hasn't survived, so REALITY will be never SLAPPED ON THE FACE OF SEGAFAGS

>> No.4119749

>I was alive at the time

The little third party support Dreamcast had dwindled after launch and other companies who were considering it got cold feet. Namco went silent after Soul Calibur, Square had a dev kit and did nothing with it, and (as we already know) EA didn't support it due to not having sports exclusivity.

>> No.4119812

Fake oldfag got BTFO and is having an autistic fit.

>> No.4119813

>Maybe if they had made the Saturn a combo of the CD/32x that new people could buy, with older buyers being able to just upgrade their old genesis?
Even if it were an amazing deal I feel like people would've had enough of Sega constantly releasing new hardware in such short periods that they'd totally overlook the deal factor and just be pissed Sega yet again released another console.

>> No.4120026

That's what kept me a sonyfag in the post ps1 world. A new ps2 was the price of a machine that only played dvds when it came out. Ps3 was the price of a blue ray player.

>> No.4120047

an actual revisionist in person. I'm impressed.
7/11 (You) got plenty.

>> No.4120551

This just in! Piracy costs money!

>> No.4120782

Wasn't until 2000 that the MIL-CD exploit was uncovered, and even then, you had to wait until people found ways to compress the game from a GD-ROM onto a CD. Stop with this "unlimited Dreamcast games on day one" meme.

>> No.4120795
File: 115 KB, 1586x861, Yizk2TG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Sega was losing too much money.

>> No.4120824

How did SEGA make less than a million in the 80s? Is this home consoles only or something?

>> No.4120854

I had a black sports edition DC that lasted some 10 years of heavy daily usage. I admit that a good portion of my library was retail, but there were still some 100+ burned games that cycled through it a lot. Before that I had a DC that lasted 2 years and only played retail games (aside from Unreal Tournament). Last October I replaced the sports edition and have only played the replacement a couple of times.

I've been conditioned to think that the version of DC you get matters a great deal in its longevity, but really I have no clue. That's just my experience.

>> No.4120869


Wasn't there a bunch of corporate reshuffling and a buyout in the 80s? Maybe it's just measuring one part of Sega.

Maybe the graph's bullshit.

>> No.4120990

Google the phrase burn Dreamcast games the top two or three results tell you everything you need to know

>> No.4120994

Think rich Silicon Valley people with slicked-back ponytail hair and money to burn.

>> No.4121312

Where exactly did I say anything about unlimited dreamcast games on day one? Not even a single post I responded to said anything about pirating games on day one.

>> No.4121421

Impressive back pedal. Considering the first post was about about Dreamcast on release and burning cds. You failed but good attempt.

>> No.4121545

>Impressive back pedal. Considering the first post was about about Dreamcast on release and burning cds.

"Lemme guess, you were mucking around with the Dreamcast in 2001? That's not when it came out you stupid fuck"

Nothing there about unlimited games at launch, but nice try.

>> No.4121565

MIL-CD was found a month after the US release of the console. You don't need to compress a game that fits on a CD to fit on a CD. And that's 90% of the library. Sounds like you're butthurt anon called you out on your age, kid who wasn't alive at the time.

>> No.4121569

Impressive mental gymnastics. Too bad that wasn't the first post ITT.

>> No.4121573

What does that have to do with my post? I didn't respond to the OP one way or the other regarding piracy on day one, so I don't see why I'm being dragged into this autistic fit you are throwing.

>> No.4121578

>That wasn't me echz dee
And we're done here. Nice attempt at a history revision.

>> No.4121581

It die because Sega was out of money.
Continuous loss from Saturn to Dreamcast
and Arcade reduce popularity.
That why except Microsoft no one try to fight with SONY anymore because they must broke if they not win.

>> No.4121780

nothing except every person ever buying a DC could have saved Sega in the console market -- having lost a fuckton in every market except like Japan on the Saturn, even moderate success like the DC had (which would have been more than fine if they weren't bleeding out) wasn't enough to keep them going

a CD burner stopped being way past expensive by 2000
it's not like I didn't have one at the time (had a wonderful machine with 2 disc drives in 2000, one of which was a CD burner, made copying CDs a breeze)
hated Windows ME (so this was pretty late into 2000, but hey)

man, I remember how it even came with software to use plain CD-Rs like a normal rewritable disk drive (of course, you lost space every time you wrote to it since the old data was just marked as hidden -- and you couldn't actually delete anything permanently, but having 600MB of space for like $1-2 a disc instead of spending a ton on Zip disks (which I had like 1GB worth of back then) was nice), loved that shit

the problem with both the 32X and Sega CD (moreso the Sega CD) is that it has to go through the much slower Genesis
although, the 32X actually suffered more from timing than concept -- it wasn't supremely powerful, but it was basically made to be something like the SVP or SuperFX on steroids, and with games like Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racing, it succeeded brilliantly at that
but the Saturn was about to come out, so fuck that shit
it also suffered from supply issues

The Sega CD had advanced scaling hardware that couldn't actually put things onto the screen at a decent framerate because it all went through the Genesis VDP, it had to be copied into VRAM first. When they made the 32X, they bypassed that by directly putting stuff on the screen itself and mixing Genesis video in, which also allowed them to add more color.

>> No.4121897

If you think the average consumer in 1999-2000 was going through the absolute cluster fuck that it was to pirate games on a Dreamcast you are a literal fucking retard.

1. Barely anyone had a CD burner in 1999. By 2001 only ONE person in my high school class had one and was charging people $10 a pop to make a 15 track music CD.

2. Even with the Dreamcast games split into small chunks it still took god damn forever to download them on a 56k modem, which 90% of the country was still using.

3. You then had to pray you got all of the parts and none of it was corrupted so you could actually reassemble it all.

4. You then had to hope the burn would go correctly and you didn't buy shit CD-RW discs so you'd burn at like fucking 1X to make sure.

Yeah guys, this is what the majority of the Dreamcast owning public was doing in 1999-2000.

But then we have the ultimate fact that refutes it: The Dreamcast's software attachment rate.

The Dreamcast had a software attachment rate of fucking 6.3:1 with only 18 months on the market in the U.S. The fucking PS2 only had 6.4:1 attachment rate over the first 30 months.

By the numbers we have available Dreamcast likely had THE highest software to console attachment rate in the 18 months it was on the market than any fucking console in history.

So the idea that pirating hurt it's software sales is not only objectively false, if anything pirating had the OPPOSITE effect.

>> No.4122053

>if you think the average consumer 1999-2000 was going through the absolute cluster fuck that it was to design an produce a Dreamcast you are a literal fucking retard.
>ergo the DC can not have existed
Cool kidlogic kid.

>Barely anyone in my grade school owned a car in 1999
>ergo cars can not have existed
Cool kidlogic kid.

Young, dumb, and full of shit.

>> No.4122312

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, kid. Sorry you got BTFO, but again, none of the posts I responded to said anything at all about piracy at launch, and I never responded to the OP. It wasn't me. I'm not OP. What part of this aren't you getting?

>> No.4122318

>Denying that piracy had no effect on DC's failure
>Piracy is one of the few major causes that led to DC's demise.

>> No.4122336

piratefags are desperate to insist piracy has no impact. They often say this with eyes full of tears as they pirate the latest releases as a form of protest against DRM meant to combat piracy, all while lashing out at the people who made the game they are pirating.

Sad existence.

>> No.4123834

So true.

>> No.4125132

The real sad thing is there are no modern games worth pirating.

I played maybe one or two good new games last year.

>> No.4125159

People still pirate modern games, just not console versions of it. I've seen GTA 4 & 5 on The Pirate Bay before.

>> No.4125502

>buying a $300-$400 cd burner at the end of 98/beginning of 99
>$5 a cdr
Spot the summer.

>> No.4125776

I think a DVD drive could have helped, but the main issue was lack of money and the insane PS2 hype. Sony had such a good brand image in the market due to the success of the PS1 that no matter what it would be extremely difficult for the Dreamcast not to get steamrolled.

I think attempting to moneyhat some exclusives from Japanese devs like Square Enix or Komani would have helped tremendously. It's too bad that Castlevania game got cancelled.

Graphically the Dreamcast is weak in comparison to the rest of the 6th gen but I don't think it would be an issue until past 2002, more Dreamcast games still looked good at the time it was out.

>> No.4125930

Look in the mirror when you say that. Since you support piracy, instead of buying legit copies of games. I got thousands of games, movies & CD's legit paid for. How about you?

>> No.4126030

Great comprehension of my post.

>> No.4126738
File: 722 KB, 851x777, Dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega were actually going to release a DVD addon for the Dreamcast. It's actually really funny to look at all the shit Sega were thinking of releasing despite the cost and the situation of the company at the time.

Still, in some cases they had some amazing ideas that never came to fruition, which is a massive shame.


Knowing Sega they probably would've just released a controller with a second stick, a select button and a dedicated Z and C button to help with Black/White and R1/R2 on Xbox and Playstation.

>> No.4126743
File: 53 KB, 712x980, dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had a Dreamcast since launch that was used pretty much every year until 2016, when it finally died.

It was going strong until I decided to burn tons of games for it this year to show it off to my uni's video game society where we played tons of random games on it for a few hours every week. It probably died after the 4th or 5th week of playing burnt games.

I don't really regret it much, since I could replace the drive with some effort (which I might do), plus I got someone into Shenmue from playing a bit of it and showing off how cool and funny the game was.

Funnily enough, I got a new Dreamcast for £20, from some shady guy on Ebay who listed it as "Untested Dreamcast" and then sent it to me in a beat up box that was half torn at several places, although the fucker works. Best £20 I've spent.

>> No.4127452


I'm 33 years old. This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. What a faggot.

>> No.4128819

Stick around. The summers are just getting warmed up. By mid August fake oldfag will be >9000 years old and be the uncle who worked at nintendo because he's electronics.

>> No.4128889

Only time i ever saw a dreamcast here in australia was on some kids TV show, they did a review and the only thing they focused on was sanic and the fact you could go online..

I already had a PC and a PS1 so saw no need.

Nobody i knew had a DC, they all had sony's or N64's

>> No.4128910

You must be pretty naive if you think the Switch is not going to print money for Nintendo.

>> No.4129620

>XBOX > GC > PS2 > DC