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File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, NEC PC-FX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4108724 No.4108724 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly was NEC smoking when they gave a green light to the PC-FX?
They went from having a solid variation in their library with the PC ENGINE DUO to pretty much Otome games and lewd stuff

>> No.4108728
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x1625, rolfee mascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is SEGA,SNK,Panasonic,Nintendo and SONY even trying?

>> No.4108731
File: 1.27 MB, 1300x1619, page_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4108738

WTF I want this now

>> No.4108739
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, Team Innocent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Innocent looks completely unironically pretty interesting.


>> No.4108741
File: 56 KB, 483x1022, NEC-PC-FX-Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composhit and S-Video only was rather disappointing though

>> No.4108743

Are there even any otome games on PC-FX besides Angelique?

Yeah Team Innocent looks like an alright adventure game. It's about the only thing I care about on the system though.
I guess maybe Megami Paradise II

>> No.4108745

They were continuing the path the PCE had taken after the SFC came out.
The bigger problem was the disappointing hardware. It really didn't offer more much for 2D games than the PS1 or SS.

It had the potential for hardware upgrades but they never released any since they never established a userbase.

>> No.4108746

S-video should be good enough for anyone.

>> No.4108748

>otome games on PC-FX besides Angelique?
That's already 10% of the library.

>> No.4108749

What about Der Langrisser FX? How does it compare to the PS1 and Saturn version

>> No.4108753

I thought it's basically the same thing as those

>> No.4108767

kek, true

>> No.4108768

There's some ports that are probably fine to play if for some reason you don't own a single other platform that can play them, like Graduation II, Power Dolls, Yuna, Doukyuusei II.
Has a slightly sexier version of First Kiss Story compared to the Playstation ports with the panty shots cut.
Technically the best version of Pia Carrot 1 since it has both bare tits and voice acting. (Saturn has voices but no nipples; Windows has nipples but no voices).

>> No.4108773

>Technically the best version of Pia Carrot 1 since it has both bare tits and voice acting. (Saturn has voices but no nipples; Windows has nipples but no voices).
Saturn also has an extra character and more FMV.
The main reason to play the PC-FX version is because it's in English.

>> No.4108786

>Saturn also has an extra character
I didn't even know about that. Welp.

>> No.4108825

you left out langrisser.

>> No.4108847

Well they released it way to late, and by then the hardware was already too old, and so most developers didn't gave a fuck about the FX and moved on on all new consoles like N64, PS1, Saturn. So NEC accepted even Visual/Video Novels with Ecchi stuff for it. Even Hudson didn't even care enough for it anymore, even thogh they had developed the board for it way before.
If they had released it earlier, the console would have rocked hard. But they fucked up with the timing very hard. Better they would have scrapped it and made new hardware, then i would believe they would be in the game business even today and go even further and think they might have bought Hudson.

>> No.4108952

>They were continuing the path the PCE had taken after the SFC came out.

This unfortunately.

Once the Super Famicom came out, HuCard sales immediately slumped.

Some Japanese owners complained about the lack of arcadey games as the system gained more and more weeb shit

>> No.4109708
File: 24 KB, 300x215, image2111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli pantsu

>> No.4109712 [DELETED] 

reported to the janny that hates pedophilia

>> No.4109719
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 89439a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolfee a CUTE

>> No.4109726
File: 120 KB, 256x224, 393422-chip-chan-kick-pc-fx-screenshot-in-the-options-menu-you-can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chip chan is totally legal

>> No.4109730
File: 64 KB, 800x726, pcfxlot-1_zpsa0b948a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for my anime weeb games dad

>> No.4109736

It had shit hardware so their only choice was opening the doors and letting anyone make "games". They ended up with a lot of weeb trash.

Saturn kind of suffered from the same problem, the system has like a hundred strip mah-jong titles.

>> No.4109739

Kill yourself

>> No.4109743
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 49f189a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she even snowboards

>> No.4109745

>Otome games
My sister may like this

>> No.4109747
File: 604 KB, 1280x960, K0b2xAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry "otaku"

>> No.4109750
File: 1.09 MB, 1300x1617, page_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she cute?

>> No.4109753

she is ugly like that girl
not like I am an adonis either

>> No.4109754

Is that Famicom really big or is that TV really small?

>> No.4109762

PC-FX didn't even get TokiMemo or Sorcerer Hunters.

>> No.4109769

I think this is a catalog for stuff like posters and anime figurines, not games. Advanced VG also has a poster there, but its game only came out for the PC Engine, not PC-FX.

>> No.4109774

It's the goods you can receive for answering their questionnaire.

>> No.4109891
File: 40 KB, 280x450, tcrol02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other mascots even compete?

>> No.4110095
File: 23 KB, 239x384, 978075543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she even plays b-ball

>> No.4110573

Where do you see a Famicom anywhere in that picture?

>> No.4110714


>> No.4110724

Fucking nips

>> No.4110727

Marina Ohno voiced the PC-FX mascot character? I guess it's appropriate they'd use a VA who does nudes.

>> No.4110742

Does this mean you can connect it to a PAL TV set so you can play those games unmodded? That would be really neat.

>> No.4110747


Remember the historical context that the PC-FX came out. It was right when the FMV fad was happening. They then built an entire console around this, as it was "the future".

>> No.4110758


Bingo. Additionally, it cannot be stressed enough: they fell into the "2D for 5th Gen" trap Sega nearly did. The PC-FX doesn't simply *suck* at 3D, oh no: it's completely unfit for the genre.

You will not get playable framerates. Period. But do you know what the PC-FX is really really good at? FMVs. MPEG cinematics. Bullshit not a goddamn person cared about or wanted in the West, unless you could show them those sweet sweet 3D polygons and a whole buncha gameplay to go along with it.

Of course, we're talking about the Jap market here, but even then: no compelling reason existed to take a stiff cut in raw hardware power just for the best FMVs outside maybe a Saturn MPEG module. The "delay" one of the Anons mentioned is actually even more tragic once you understand why they waited so fucking long: their customers weren't quite finished with the PC-Engine.

NEC had "Ironman" (as they code-named it) ready to go out the door several years before it actually did. But, like a good company, they listened to their customers' wishes, and all the devs felt the PC-Engine was still viable at the time. So, rather than force an upgrade like certain *other* dickholes we Westerners might be a bit more familiar with, they put it on ice for a couple years. And were promptly slaughtered when they actually did release it.

Which just goes to show that nice guys (and companies) really do finish last.

>> No.4110787

50/60 Hz is electrical (mains/power line) frequency, not vertical frequency of video signal.
Japan has both 50 and 60 Hz electrical frequency
Anyway, most late 90s - early 00s TVs support NTSC through composite just fine.

>> No.4110820

>to pretty much Otome games and lewd stuff
Sign me up.

>> No.4110828

Did you mean "bishoujo"? Otome games were not as popular back then, and PC-FX only has Angelique. >>4108743

>> No.4110898
File: 132 KB, 372x600, tcchip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect age

>> No.4110904
File: 2.87 MB, 2095x1500, 1654497-battleheatmanual02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the thicc girl from Battle Heat

>> No.4110908
File: 291 KB, 1024x680, 125631-Cutey_Honey_FX-1456062195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4111078

They could have easily added 3D like PowerVR via the expansion slot.
The PC-FXGA was actually one of the first 3D accelerator cards.

>> No.4111203

>NEC had "Ironman" (as they code-named it) ready to go out the door several years before it actually did. But, like a good company, they listened to their customers' wishes, and all the devs felt the PC-Engine was still viable at the time. So, rather than force an upgrade like certain *other* dickholes we Westerners might be a bit more familiar with, they put it on ice for a couple years. And were promptly slaughtered when they actually did release it.
>Which just goes to show that nice guys (and companies) really do finish last.

Did you forget about the SuperGrafx? It was a brand new console meant to usurp PCE (mainly had graphical improvements but sound and cpu stayed the same). It flopped miserably.

The PC Engine could've been more successful if so many useless add-ons weren't released

>Coregrafx II (identical to Coregrafx I)
>PC Engine Shuttle (no expansion port)
>PC Engine LT (a handheld with no battery)
>PC Engine Super CD-Rom (sold piss poor compared to the Duo)
>Duo-RX (same as Duo-R but worse controller)

>> No.4111218

What is this nigga saying about Victory gundam

>> No.4111221

Doesn't V Gundam have a bit too few colors.

>> No.4111232

Thanks anon
Is he refering to the lack of shading on V Gundam?

>> No.4111383

>Fucking nips
I take it your all American vr game collection consists of Atari 2600, Jaguar and Lynx, plus an Intellivision. None of that "Jap crap" right?

>> No.4111410

No. Why settle for kinda sorta better than composite s-video? When you could have far superior VGA support? Or at the least RGB SCART.

>> No.4112028

Scart is only for eurofags

Real men watch hentai via RF on channel 3

>> No.4112081

They released a board they'd been sitting on since like 1992/1993... at the very end of 1994.
You know, when the PS1 and Saturn were out in Japan.
Oh hey, they upgraded the CPU from the one they would have used in '93, whoop-de-fucking-doo.

The only actual thing of worth on it has is the fairly advanced video decoder for the era.
They said dumb shit like:
>3D right now looks like shit, so we won't have any on-board rendering hardware
>pre-rendered graphics will look better
...but the Saturn could do all of that, the fucking playstation could do all of that, both were cheaper machines with actual support

it cost a bunch and the hardware was fucking trash (oh whoop, you can overlay game graphics over FMVs)
the best thing I can think of on the machine, Zenki FX, looks great (like a PC-Engine game on steroids) and plays kind of shit

NEC also apparently did retarded shit like only really pushing anime games on it, so no Bomberman, no Bonk, none of the PCE's mainstays.

>detailed anime intro
>okay, so the game is basically just a vehicle to deliver loli catgirl pantsu, fine
>that's what people paid for, the machine was advertised around shit like that
>actually get in game
>it looks like a low budget arcade game from like 1989-1991
>character isn't detailed enough to deliver satisfactory pantsu viewing
>this machine cost almost $500 and isn't giving me the goods
fuck this shit

It was designed when the FMV fad happened. It was released when the FMV fad had ended.

if you're spending the kind of bucks this thing cost (49,800 yen), fuck that

>> No.4112301
File: 28 KB, 599x337, tumblr_odfxrx80sN1ulp8mfo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chip Chan Kick gameplay and sprites were designed on the X68000. They just added lewd fmvs. It plays like bubble bobble which is great. Also the soundtrack is goat by Hitoshi Sakimoto who did a few other games with cybertech custom

>> No.4112317

>to pretty much Otome games and lewd stuff
So? I'm still waiting for all the lewds to get translated.

>> No.4112320

>Sega gaymer dresses like a slav

>> No.4112325

Is that an Apple logo on his hat?

>> No.4112328

>>it looks like a low budget arcade game from like 1989-1991

Looks like a cuter Snow Bros. to me. Not bad, but I might as well get a Genesis unless I really love pantsu FMVs.

>> No.4112329

he is very anal. wink wink.

>> No.4112624

That's never going to happen.

>> No.4112875

NEC figured that 3D graphics weren't polished enough yet to make good use of and that top-notch 2D performance would win out and that they could make a 3D expansion later if needed.

Unfortunately for them 3D took off like a rocket and was selling like mad and the only people who wanted their games 2D were the same ones who wanted their women 2D. That and the PCE did have a lot of otaku games thanks to lower publishing standards and cheaper media.

>> No.4112887

Tiny TVs for tiny houses.

>> No.4114506

So does anyone have one? Would be curious to see how big it is to other consoles. Any issues with plugging it into US sockets or burning games? (apparently you just burn at 4x in imgburn like dreamcast)

>> No.4115068

nah m8 i get fukken ace micro tapes on me speccy an bloody Amstrad CPC at boot sales for about 25p an its well mint innit not like that naff jap grot

>> No.4115068,1 [INTERNAL] 

Voted Rolfee-chan for Super Smash Bro.