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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4107907 No.4107907 [Reply] [Original]

>Aladin for SNES sucked because they took away his sword

>> No.4107909

>all modern games are trash, no exceptions.

>> No.4107926

All modern games are trash, no exceptions.
Indie devs are lazy to work and they produce utter shit. Sometimes they try hard to look like retro games, but it ends to be shit, because they have unexistent system requirements. AAA games are too huge so they don't have any worthwile things aside of graphics.

>> No.4107928

3 posts in and someone's already been triggered!

>> No.4107934

>All games being made currently are either indie retro pixel 8bit or big AAA cinematic productions for PS4/Xbone/Steam
Love this meme.

>> No.4107936

>Real castlevania ended with _________________, the rest doesn't count
>Real megaman ended with ________________, the rest doesn't count

>> No.4107938

Prove him wrong then.

>> No.4107941

No need, it's a retarded sentiment for children and they'll only learn through experience.

>> No.4107946

Nah it'll just turn this thread intro every other thread like this
don't bother engaging those hopelessly lost into nostalgia
They need to be this way to cope with the failures of their current life

>> No.4107948

Don't wear those nostalgia goggles too tightly, faggot. You'll ruin your eyes.

>> No.4107976

The complaint about Aladdin not using a sword (which by the way he doesn't use in the movie except at the end against Jafar, he mostly fights guards using his parkour skills, like on the SNES game), the Virgin Aladdin's way of using the sword isn't all that great, enemies just explode in a cloud of dust, they don't even cut in half or something, even if cartoony. It doesn't feel badass at all and makes combat less interesting, especially since the hitbox detection in that game isn't that great.

And no, I don't dislike the game, I still like it because of the visuals and music, but as a game I don't think it's as tight as the Capcom game (which itself isn't the best platformer ever or anything, but it has a much better gameplay, design and flow, graphics and music ain't bad at all either)

>> No.4107995

It's pretty hard to see all of the good games when your head is so far up your ass.

>> No.4108078

>X aged like milk

>> No.4108172

burden of proof

>> No.4108176

you can't prove a negative, moron

no non-indie and non-AAA games are made anymore

>> No.4108183

Not all indie games look like shit because they are trying to be "le retro", some of them look like shit because they're made by 1-2 guys who absolutely can't do better art on their own and don't have the money to hire someone that would. It's not that different from old games looking like shit because of system restrictions, only instead now people have team/skill restrictions, which also happened with old games, some did look like shit because they were created under similar conditions.

Besides, doujin games in Japan have mostly looked like shit since their inception and continue to do so and nobody has ever given them shit for it.

>> No.4108186

You faggots always for proof and then go on to dismiss everything.
>nope, this one doesn't count.
>not this one either
>yep. another one that doesn't count
repeat ad infinitum + add some shit reasoning and cherry picking on top of that

>> No.4108192

Stay Mad

>> No.4108196

Still not seeing any games, m8. Could it be, I'm right?

>> No.4108202

I wish you were right but the inbetween of those is shrinking more than expanding

>> No.4108205

Quite the opposite, I'd really appreciate if dojan games stopped trying to be fancy 3D and went back to being all shitty 2D pixel art that I could run on my netbook. Their 3D games never seem to work quite well.

>> No.4108251

>aged like milk
>turned into delicious cheese
I'm ok with this

>> No.4108253

Holy shit guys we've just be owned, we've been owned so bad, how are we ever going to recover from this i'm crying right now

>> No.4108260

Thats not how arguments work. The burden of proof is on you, I might as well say there are no good retro games and ask you to prove me wrong

>> No.4108263

You have 20 dicks in your ass right now, prove me wrong, burden of proof

>> No.4108267

Come on anon, just one good modern game is all I'm asking for here. It's not like I'm asking you to prove god's existence.

>> No.4108268



>> No.4108283

titanfall 2
nier automata
doom 2016
zelda breath of the wild
splatoon 2 is coming out in two weeks
odin sphere leifthraisr
ori and the blind forest
rainbow six: siege

>> No.4108303

I'd hardy consider Yakuza, Nier, or Nioh to be AAA You don't realize how much money AAA games cost and how aggressively they're marketed, do you?. Those are the only games in years I've been interested in.

>> No.4108421

Yakuza is getting into rehash syndrome territory, NieR2 wasn't as good as the first one (just another generic PlatGames hack 'n slasher desu), and Nion was Casual Souls: Weeb Edition.

>> No.4108546

that's literally not how it works. You have to back up your original claim with evidence; it cannot be accepted as fact without such. Burden of proof is not a mechanism you shoulder on someone to assert an unverified claim as fact.

>> No.4108548

There is never a point in mentioning such things to people like you because all you do is paint everything as shit. So piss off.

>> No.4108550

Both versions of Aladdin are garbage shovel ware games who the fuck cares? This has just become a proxy SNES vs Genesis war, instead of being about the game itself. People will always just say the version they like is the one on the console they prefer.

The 16 bit era Disney games are just mail it in effort cash grabs.

>> No.4108553

>zelda breath of the wild
Can confirm. got my Switch a week ago and I've been playing it six hours a day, every day.

>> No.4108558

That sprite work though

>> No.4108559

Actually, burden of proof is on the guy originally claiming that there are still non-AAA and non-indie games being released today.

>> No.4108560 [DELETED] 

this is true

>> No.4108582

Lion King was pretty good, mate.

>> No.4108584

Actually it would be for >>4107926

>> No.4108585

Actually it would be for >>4107909

>> No.4108593

This. Burden of proof lies on the greentexter for implying that all modern games aren't inferior to '80s and '90s games.

>> No.4108595

I'm going to have to disagree. In a lot of ways things are worse than they were before, but I've still found plenty of games I like. I understand where you come from, but I don't feel the same way.

>> No.4108962

>SNES installment in any franchise is someone's favorite installment.

>N64 cited as the number one retro console

>> No.4108969

As much as I think there's SOME truth to this (an overwhelming majority of indie games are pretentious as fuck bullshit, usually with """8bit""" graphics. and while it's not a bad as it used to be there is still a ton of cinematic bullshit games.)

But what this sentiment fails to realize is that there were ALWAYS shitty cinematic games and shitty games similar to indie games today. For cinematic, look at almost ANY rpg, and for the other one, just look at jaleco's lineup.

>> No.4109000

I'm the greentexter in question and I would just like to say that you're fucking retarded. Tremendously so.

>> No.4109185

>The 16 bit era Disney games are just mail it in effort cash grabs.
Not the Capcom and Sega developed ones. Those are genuinely great games.
The Virgin DIsney games are okay.

>> No.4109478

> Rondo of Blood
> Megaman 7

>> No.4109517

I don't even get that complaint he barely used it in the movie. The only thing the Genesis version had going for it was the amazing presentation making it feel like you were playing a Disney movie however the game has some serious detection issues with the platforming that can cause you to float through them if you're not precise enough.

>> No.4109549
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>Genesis version
>literally worked with Disney animators to digitize animation into 16 bit sprites for almost everything in the game, having graphics that looked incredibly similar to the movie


>> No.4109553

What is Ducktails?

>> No.4109618
File: 24 KB, 542x419, 1499122208259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entirety of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is fundamentally flawed because I got bored in Marble Zone

>> No.4110309

I'm so fucking tired of that shit, pretentious dickbags.

>> No.4111973

this so hard.

>> No.4111979

Might and Magic VI was the last good game of the series.
Heroes of Might and Magic III was the last good game of the series.

It's true though.

>> No.4111982

>CVX is totally a port of Rondo gaiz

>> No.4112003

>Yakuza is getting into rehash syndrome territory
So basically since Yakuza 2?

>> No.4112151
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other than that your list isn't that bad

>> No.4112216

degenerate cuck game for SJW kike reddit millennial /utg/ faggots. kill yon self

>> No.4112348

Nah there's a couple good ones out in the last decade.

>Space Pirates and Zombies 1
>The Legend of Grimrock
>Mass Effect 1
>Dragon Age 1
>Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
>Starcraft 2

and thats just a handful

>> No.4112350

starcraft 2 was a turd. not even the tourneyfags wanna touch that shit anymore

>> No.4112369

the always on DRM was bullshit, but they didnt fuck up the franchise like they did with warcraft 3 and diablo 3.

>> No.4112771
File: 11 KB, 224x291, 1437055732472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entirety of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is fundamentally flawed because I'm too stupid to press down while running when an enemy pops up

>> No.4112790

>N64 emulation is bad!

>> No.4112801
File: 669 KB, 500x586, tumblr_m08qdksaiU1rqk6rlo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally no in game clues that tell you how to beat this game, you cannot beat the game if you don't have a strategy guide.

I'd grant them the 2nd quest, but the people that say this aren't even the kind of people who'd play the 2nd quest.

>> No.4113206

It's far from ideal. Let's say Mario 64 and OOT work, the rest of the games is a mixed bag.

>> No.4113237

>"My statement is correct."
>"Prove it."
>"I don't have to, it is evident."

You sound like a liberal.

>> No.4114478

>The entirety of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is fundamentally flawed because I'm too stupid to remember that I'm playing a fucking platformer

>> No.4115302

You know maybe if you didnt speak only in buzzwords people might understand you.

>> No.4115303

>HURRRRRR everyone who disagrees with me is speak buzzwords (((because I said so)))
You know maybe if you didn't speak like a gay millennial /utg/ cuck people might understand you.

>> No.4115847

If you keep trying somebody might eventually fall for your bait, law of averages and all.

>> No.4115851

> Prince of persia and its port are good game

no it's a shit game with shit controls and bad graphic in general and a very weird gameplay that is not fun nor intuitive at all, fuck off.

>> No.4115947
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>> No.4116159

>This entry in a long running franchise is my personal favorite and therefore the rest of the games in the series have no merit

>This entry in a long running series is my favorite but it's not the most popular one, therefore the popular one has no merit and i'm the one who doesn't have shit taste

>> No.4116167

>shit taste
There's one right there. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one, I'd be rich.

>> No.4116181

I like the character graphics, but the controls are absolute trash

>> No.4116190

But anon, Internet Video Game Guy told me that Sonic was a rollercoaster simulator!

>> No.4116193

Even a faggot is right twice a day.

>> No.4117913

>Kill yon self

Granted that last one is questionable, but you just strung these words together, with no context as to why this game was ny of these things, and when I call ou out on it it's apparently because I disagree with you(???, I don't) and you do the same thing again by using more random buzzwords. I know this is bait but c'mon man put in some effort.

>> No.4117917

Underrated post

>> No.4117923

You're in another thread? Can you fuck off back to the Donald or something?

>> No.4117927

Is he really? Fucking hell this guys an idiot.

>> No.4117938
File: 904 KB, 480x360, Are you this stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy how all you've all done in this thread is just whinge about who has to contribute - while none of you have actually contributed.
Congrats, you're the fucking problem.

>> No.4119097

Shut the fuck up you degenerate cuck sjw kike reddit millennial /utg/ faggot kill yourself.

>> No.4119452

Here he goes again spewing out buzzwords like a slot machine that just hit jackpot.

>> No.4119630

>HURRRR everyone who disagrees with me is buzzwords because i said so
>HURRRRRRRRR everyone who disagrees with me is bait because i said so
total non-arguments, fuck off back to your containment thread.

>> No.4119632

t. samefag from the /utg/ IRC
it's time for you to go back

>> No.4119635

Stop fucking responding to it. This is like telling a junkie to go away while handing him a bag of coke.

>> No.4119683

ArmA 2 & 3 and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy tho