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4103092 No.4103092 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer Final Fantasy 8 or 9?

>> No.4103136


FFVIII isn't as terrible as some people make it out to be, but I definitely enjoyed IX a lot more than VIII.

>> No.4103164

I guess in the end I slightly prefer VIII because at least it is it's own thing instead of trying to be like the older games like IX does.

>> No.4103171 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.4103181


>> No.4103203

i prefer the music in 8

>> No.4103204


>> No.4103214


>> No.4103215

Why not?
both came out on PS and both came out pre-2001

>> No.4103246


>IX tries too hard to be like the old games!

Every single faggot that parrots this outs themselves as having played 0(zero) FF titles to completion.

>> No.4103282

The problem here is that if I want to play an old-school FF game I might as well play one of the SNES titles instead as they are what FFIX tries to be like especially when I have more nostalgia towards them than I do towards FFIX.

>I like FFIX because it is just like the older games!!!1!
Every single faggot that parrots this outs themselves as having played 0(zero) of the pre-FFVII titles to completion. FFIX is a good (but ultimately failed) attempt to combine the best parts of older and newer FF games. The setting alone doesn't make it an old-school FF game and in some ways it manages to combine the worst of both worlds, a good example of this is combining the encounter rates of old games with loading times of newer games.

>> No.4103290

toughest decision in the franchise.

I prefer 8 for its focus on a mysterious story and world building.

9 should be the basis of the next MMO though

>> No.4103291

FF8. As a completionist, FF9 is a living fucking hell for me.

>> No.4103293

Tall people > little gnome people with no knees

>> No.4103312

Only good ff is 5

>> No.4103326

8 was my first FF so I'm nostalgic for it, but 9 probably has a better battle system and story.

>> No.4103331


>FFIX tries to be like the old games!!!!
>okay, explain
>uhhhhhhhh... h-has random encounters... and uhhhhhh

Every single time. The only old FF game it has any similarity to is 4, and even that that's only because it's got more rigid roles for the characters battle-wise. It introduces plenty of new systems, has its own minigames, and the most it "tries to be like old FF titles" is by having a few references and bosses here and there.

>> No.4103347

aesthetics are everything anon. What do you think drives the final fantasy fanbase?

>> No.4103360

8 even though it's broken.

9 is more solid accessible gameplay.

8 had janky ass junction system that could break the game. stupid long ass summon scenes that really had no penalty to use so you wanted to use them...but hated sitting through the same long ass shit over and over.

but it had better music (9 was good too). awesome and unique setup and world. being students was fucking cool. I don't know...more memorable.

9 was solid. I love both but would pick 8 all day between the two even though I'd understand if someone had the opposite feelings.

>> No.4103362


But it's its own game aesthetically, too.

>> No.4103374
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I only like V and Tactics.

>> No.4103384
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Serious question: What is it with FFVIII and FFIX and the constant argument between which one is better between the two? Seriously this bullshit war about this has been going on at least for last 5 years now.

>> No.4103394


The FF fanbase is completely divided because the games are different enough that liking one doesn't mean you'll like the others. So every conversation about multiple FF games always devolves into "game x is shit!!! game y is the best!!!!"

Except XV, which is the new game that's agreed to be the worst in the entire franchise.

>> No.4103401

8 has the best roster of summons in the series. I'm not alone in thinking this right? It has almost all the classics, and almost all of them have good designs (not too basic like earlier titles, not too overdesigned like later ones). And learning all the special abilities and stat boosts from them was a nice incentive to use them, even if you don't actually summon them in battle.

>> No.4103405

There's a marked difference between the aesthetic of the two games.

VIII has modern-day, slightly futuristic tech. IX has a storybook, medieval setting. Neither is objectively worse or better. But people have their preferences, so they will eternally argue about it.

On top of that, I think VII brought an influx of new fans to the series in the west, VIII followed up with a similar aesthetic, but IX didn't. To people who didn't experience a Final Fantasy before VII, this was a jarring change.

>> No.4103571
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9 > 8 all day erry day. 8 is a good game, but it's a slow burner and the characters aren't the most likeable aside from maybe Zell and Laguna. It's not a good sign when only the comic reliefs are likeable. FF9's cast is pretty damn wholesome. You got your womanizer thief who gives zero fucks. The perfect and best ass in the series. Absolutely adorable and surprisingly deep black mage. Furrybait, token loli, badass monk with the most meh personality, and Quina. Oh and Steiner, the best character.

Mechanically FF8 beats FF9, but do people really play these just for the gameplay? FF9 is classic FF4 style combat while FF8 focuses more on the limit breaks and junctioning shenanigans.

Play both. Go with FF9 first.


It's based on Amano's concept art for what the old FF's looked like, plus it has constant nods to old designs like the black, white and red mages. It makes a bunch of FF5's jobs part of the world. There's recurring characters from past games.

Also it's not an emofest of girlyboys fighting their feelings rather than saving the world. And it has a great sense of humor and pretty damn good characters. Probably the best in the series.

>> No.4103573


If FFXV is the worst in the series, the bar is pretty damn high. That game was far from being actually bad.

>> No.4103652


>> No.4103785

Acting like XV is the worst game ever seems to have become a /v/ fad over the last month or so. Not sure when or why it started, most people thought the game was great when it came out.

>> No.4103803

Ooh, soft.

>> No.4103808

>>FFVIII isn't as terrible as some people make it out to be,

Its pretty damn close, though.

>> No.4103839

Not him, but are you really blind to how FF9 is like the older titles? 6, 7 and 8 all had futuristic elements in them, mech suits, rockets, industry, etc. 9 was a throwback to the Medieval aesthetic of 1-5. Not to mention it brought back the class role designation to the individual characters after the last few titles had really just let you customize the characters to fill whatever role you wanted.

Your mistake is that you get offended when people point out that 9 is a love letter to the classic games as though it's a bad thing.

>> No.4103868


If I react to it as if it were a criticism, it's because it often is used as one. "IX tries too hard to copy older FFs" is often thrown around, and never substantiated on. While it has plenty of nods to older games and goes back to a mostly medieval aesthetic (though it's not devoid of machinery and futuristic stuff ex Lindblum, Terra, the Invincible), it mostly does its own thing. I feel that people fail to grasp how much cool new stuff it brings to the table and instead dwell on "b-b-but it takes so long to get into a fight" and "b-b-but it's just a pile of references." The only way to mistake the game for being a hollow copy (as is often said on this board) is simply to have limited experience with the franchise. No other FF game has item synthesis, the mognet, a meaningful use of chocobos, ATEs, and so on and so on.

That's not what this thread is about, though.

>> No.4104478

8. Dispite pushing in the cinematic direction gameplay and player agency isn't stunted like in 9. You can explore a lot of the world really early on in 8. In 9 you can't go fucking anywhere without either playing a really monotonous choobo minigame or waiting until the end of the game when you have an airship, at which time you find that there's pretty much nothing in the world beyond the places you visted during the always-on-rails plot.

8 is a good game with flaws. 9 is a bad game with very few redeeming features.

>> No.4104582


>The perfect and best ass in the series

It's insane how a single throwaway line can lead to delusions of this magnitude.

>> No.4104589

IX fags are such cucks
And why arent 7 and tactics choices in the op?

>> No.4104602

7 is a decent story and a great adventure with a memorable cast, soundtrack and skill system. it's one of the quintessential jrpgs.

tactics is great, if you wear a fedora. it's Japanese people attempting to do social commentary through plot devices they have no real familiarity with, it's also incredibly broken and easy.

8 is a masterpiece. plain and simple.

9 is cozy and beautiful and is the FF game most similar to the feeling of adventure DQ gives you

>> No.4104654

>tactics is great, if you wear a fedora
>it's also incredibly broken and easy
uh-huh, okay

>8 is a masterpiece. plain and simple

>> No.4104693
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Spoonyfags please go.

>> No.4104710

9's characters are a lot more fun, the plot feels a lot more timeless, and I in general like the structure the game takes a lot more. VIII has my second least favorite cast in the series and I didn't really care for the way the game was structured. I put it in the same category as II; a novel but failed experiment

>> No.4104731

neither, VI is the only good one.

>> No.4104741


>> No.4105959
File: 165 KB, 1000x668, ffvi_amano_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 is kino

But 6 is for the true patrician

>> No.4105963
File: 198 KB, 600x849, opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit didn't realise that was a fanic-tier version of amano's work

FF6 produces a lot of nice art though

>> No.4105983


I've yet to see a better candidate for the best ass in the series.

>> No.4106053

8 is highly under rated.

It's a slow burn till late disc 2 but Goddamn the plot goes into high gear. All the small character moments start paying off in spades.

9 is good, but the ending is almost meh. Fantastic opening though.

>> No.4106684

I loved 8 so much

The ending still gets me

The whole time travel compression
Chaos theory multiverse thing
Really hit me hard in my teens

It's not for everyone + gets into cheeseball territory often and has a ridiculous magic system -
Despite its flaws and shortcomings -
It will always have a special place in my heart

>> No.4106704
File: 143 KB, 545x760, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFIX is still my favorite.

>my waifu for 17 years

>> No.4106708

I would've liked her more if she wasn't a rat.

>> No.4106712


8. 9 is too cutesy. That is the crux of my argument and has been for years even though I come up with pseudo reasons for my preference time to time.

>> No.4106714
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Also when I think of poor character design, this pops into my head immediately.

>> No.4106719
File: 309 KB, 692x720, 7fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boots with no socks

>> No.4106721

steiners cool though

>> No.4106723

>he's never heard of pop socks

>> No.4106724

his appearance completely fits his character though.

>> No.4106728

that would be even worse

>> No.4106940
File: 287 KB, 454x1511, garnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ashe, Fran, XIII-2 Lightning, X-2 Yuna, and arguably Terra based on her Trance form. Yoshida needs to be spearheading character designs more, because FF has a dangerous ass deficiency.

>> No.4106943
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Forgot to add, Shiva is pretty much the only exception since she's always bodacious. Thankfully the based Italians are trying to fix this.

>> No.4106997


Don't you dare talk shit about Steiner.

>> No.4107012
File: 483 KB, 1000x984, Steiner 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4107125


Having bought both games the day they came out (even bought Musashi for the 8 demo), I can tell you that I did not remember anything at all about 8 when I replayed it a couple years ago. And I remembered the first half of nine- forgetting all about the "twist" etc.

I like 9 more. 9 feels like more of a Final Fantasy game than 8. 8 should have been titled Phantasy Star 5.

I think 8 has some good parts but as a whole are poorly executed. Didn't like the crafting- but I do like crafting options. Liked drawing magic- didn't like the junction system. Did like the crit minigame- didn't like that it wasn't for everyone. Liked the Gf booster. Liked how the GFs level up and unlock skills. Liked being able to turn items into magic, and cards into items. Liked the difficulty scaling with level- didn 't like how it's easily abused. Didn't care for the character design. Wasn't impressed by the weapons or combat- forced to choose between good stats and using magic is a bullshit choice.

>> No.4107135

I love Shiva. I should start fapping to her again.

>> No.4107178

I like FF1 and FFX

Didnt care for the rest

>> No.4107295

I like both, but VIII by a mile.

>> No.4107331

I came to say this

>> No.4107979

Either way you're eating shit.

>> No.4107993

I highly like I, VI, VII, and X.

I prefer VIII to IX though.

>> No.4107997

She literally has the smallest ass in the series. Smaller than some males.

>> No.4108005

Implying IV-VIII were completely identical to FFI-FFII.

>Complains about people outing them self
>Outs own self as massive cuck that is ignorant on FF

>> No.4108013
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>somehow worse than XIII

>> No.4108014
File: 125 KB, 395x488, Beatrix-battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post the wrong knight
>in charge of nuking 3 cities and got zero repercussion
>try to make us feel sorry when she complain that the queen doesn't recognize her war crime
>hurting the princess and not knowing about it, right in front of her face, until she won for the third time and got cocky
Only waifufag seem to defend this fucking cunt. At least Steiner has a proper character development

>> No.4108035


In what way am I implying that you literal, actual retard?

>> No.4108039

this is truly the face of a man who's had to trek across the planet in steel boots sockless

>> No.4108985

I have no strong feelings for either one, or any FF for that matter, but I prefer VIII overall.

VIII has a more solid identity, IX is just a recollection of tropes and themes from the NES/SNES days, as much as I vastly prefer the IX cast and overall art direction, it doesn't really stand out much and ends up being more forgettable than VIII on a simple visual level.
VIII has some of the best and more original music in the franchise, IX has some good tracks too but Uematsu kind of fucked up and indulged too much in referencing The Queen and stuff instead of making something more personal or musical throwbacks to previous FF like he did in VIII.
VIII gives you more freedom in building your characters, I personally value it more than a supposedly more solid but much more restricted character building, both are horribly broken and simplistic, but so is every FF.
VIII was hella slow during battles and IX manages to be even slower, that isn't good.
While I was pleased with the amount of sidequests in IX the vast majority of them were uninteresting laundry list shit, VIII was more concise and consistent in its side quest despite having way less.
Triple Triad>>>Tetra Master, also, way too many stupid minigames, that time and budget should have went to making a better battle system or just making battles faster.
VIII also tried to spice up things a bit, like having summon using their own HP, the general junction system and the various GF abilities that gave you unusual commands or properties, IX is much more standardized, I personally prefer games that at least try to go a bit further than the status quo, even if they fail miserably.

IX got romance absolutely right though, compared to the misshapen abortion that was VIII.

>> No.4109069

>For months everyone agrees: "FF15 looks gay and stupid"
>Come to /v/ the week ff15 releases
>people going "oh hey guys the game is gud"
>a month later "FF15 is gay and stupid"

Are you new? That's how it always goes.

>> No.4110843

I guess it's hard for me to choose, I've probably fapped equally to both Rinoa and Garnet.

I didn't like when Garnet cut her hair for "character development" though, so I guess VIII wins even though Rinoa is a slut.