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4097332 No.4097332 [Reply] [Original]

>a ton of the saturn's best games are from japan
okay, games like?

>> No.4097339


Watch all those

>> No.4097340

A: Who are you quoting?
B: Every console's best games are from Japan.
C: Guardian Heroes and NiGHTS, fag.

>> No.4097341

shit question shit answer.

>> No.4097343

>who are you quoting
imagine being this new

>> No.4097353

There are none. All the best ones are available in English. Unless you like adventure/romance games with no gameplay and can read Japanese there is nothing worthwhile in the Japanese only Saturn library

>> No.4097363

unless you like shooters?

>> No.4097368

Well anon that's what I was thinking, what good is a game if you can't even read the language

>> No.4097370

Did that deep super mario on Nes lore do that much for you?

>> No.4097374

Like you?

>> No.4097378

No anon but generally speaking NES games are much easier to pick up and play

>> No.4097382

Well, there's a plethora of shooters and fighting games on saturn never released in the west. They are pretty much pick up and play

>> No.4097387

Yeah but shooters and fighters are beyond bland and hopelessly generic

>> No.4097403

Best Japanese Atari 2600 games?

>> No.4097491

Ok, play the PS1 instead then?

>> No.4097549

Guys, stop bullying the Saturn.
Anyway, Psychic Killer Taromaru is pretty rad.

>> No.4097553

>B: Every console's best games are from Japan.


>> No.4097559

>video games

pick 1

>> No.4097562

Xbox's best games are japanese.

>> No.4097580


>> No.4097581

Donkey kong, better on Coleco Vision anyway

>> No.4097584

princess crown
nanatsu no shima monogatari
probably a lot more i dont know

>> No.4097590

That would be implying that XBox actually had a good library of games instead of just a bunch of ports of PC and Arcade games, terrible sequels, and FPS blockbuster crap.

>> No.4097594


Nekketsu Oyako is like Final Fight on drugs, I highly recommend it. Anarchy! in the Nippon is pretty good too, it's a fightan from several ex-Sega developers.

>> No.4097601

That would be implying that Xbox didn't have the best version of every multiplat!

>> No.4097623

There was never any reason to own an Xbox though. Every game worth playing had a better version for PC. The only people who owned Xbox were teenage douchebags and normalfags who just play COD and racing games.

>> No.4097624

Psychic Tomato has wonky gameplay though.

Anyway, OP sounds like a JRPGfag (m-muh storygames!), so I'll recommend Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean.

>> No.4097628

I despise JRPGs you stupid shit. I like unique fun games, not dated movie games, not RPGs, and not shovelware

>> No.4097630

>wonky gameplay
Didn't have problems when I played it.
You mean because of the auto-lockon or something else?

>> No.4097634

Jet Set Radio Future, Ninja Gaiden Black, Panzer Dragoon Orta
Need I go further?

>> No.4097637

>PC Gaming

>> No.4097642

Radiant Silvergun.

>> No.4097654

Ok play your version of, panzer dragoon oorta, otogi 1,2 or crimson skies, crimson sea, project zero 2 and gun valkyrie.. and that's just from my broken ass game shelf

>> No.4097663

There was a time there where Outrun 2 was Xbox exclusive. Eventually, Outrun 2006 happened, but until then, Outrun 2 was legitimately an amazing exclusive for a console to have.

>> No.4097665

Shovelware isn't a genre.
JRPGs are for patricians.
Movie games are terrible.

>> No.4097668

Yeah. I didn't like how you had to wait for the target reticle to move around before your zappy hit.

>> No.4097671

>unique games
Like NiGHTS?

>> No.4097674

Space Invaders

>> No.4097678

Yeah that's maybe the only complain I'd have about it, but all things considered it actually worked, and you didn't really need to lock on every enemy, you could also do melee attacks.
Overall I thought the game was very tight, the auto-lock on would have worked better with a dual-analog/dual d-pad control scheme, a shame it never got any sort of sequel.
Regardless, Taromaru is a Saturn exclusive I'd recommend to any fan of games like Shinobi, Castlevania and that sort of action side-scroller games.

>> No.4097681

Sorry, I'm not a weeaboo. I have standards.

>> No.4097684

Popeye, DK, DK Jr., Frogger, Space Invaders

>> No.4097695

Well, if your'e a trump fellow. The Amped games are really good snowboard games only available on the xbox

>> No.4097696

yes, I love nights. I already have it though, along with the three other games I was interested in

>> No.4097710




>> No.4097778

No, I like lots of Japanese games, just not every random one, or think that the best game for every system is Japanese. I don't like any sports or FPS games whatsoever.

>> No.4097794

>Xbox's best games are japanese.

Last time I checked Halo and Fable were not Japanese.

>> No.4097812

Halo is cancer and Fable is mediocre as fuck, so I don't really see your point.

Also, both were better on PC.

>> No.4097827

>All the best ones are available in English.
That doesn't mean they didn't come from Japan.

>> No.4097835

I meant Ninja Gaiden Black and the Sega games.
People stopped caring about Halo 1 and Fable 1 once the sequels came out, they're disposable games, like most western games.

>> No.4097836

>Best game for any system


>> No.4097841 [DELETED] 
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>People stopped caring about Halo 1

Plenty of people still care about Halo CE on the PC.

>> No.4097850

>I don't like these 40 exclusives for the xbox... irrelevant..

Sucks to be you

>> No.4097853

Morons. Exclusively morons.

>> No.4097860

Halo is like Ikaruga for this board... i mean.. It's not hte best. But far, far from the worst. I like halo and i'm old enough to have lived through the birth of the fps-genre

>> No.4097920

Having been alive through the early 90's is not an impressive feat anon.

>> No.4097964

>ALL OF THE DAY BRO: The thread

>> No.4097969

That's the problem. It's so painfully mediocre that there's no reason it gets all the hype it does.

>> No.4098306

Bulk Slash, Taromaru, the Gundam Side Story trilogy, Gungriffon 2, Radiant Silvergun, Soukyugurentai. It's less than most people say, but
there's a handful of things that are better on Saturn than PS1 but didn't get a western Saturn release (Silhouette Mirage comes to mind, Grandia does as well but I dunno if it's actually better overall on Saturn and it doesn't matter because it's not in English)
certain all-region games are loads cheaper in JP format too (Burning Rangers comes to mind) that are still playable without knowing how to understand nipspeak

there's also a fuckton of JP only arcade ports, which matters a lot less this day and age since there are often better ways to play those games than on the Saturn now

>> No.4099032

2d fighters and shoot em ups are the Saturn's muse, most of them are very good (and from Japan)

>> No.4099124


>> No.4099126
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>> No.4099130

Just because you got replies doesn't mean we didn't already know you were baiting, you don't have to act thirsty.

>> No.4099132

The sequels, sure. But the first game was pretty good. First time an FPS game had a decent AI, too.

>> No.4099138

Halo basically suffers the Seinfeld effect. It did a lot of new things for the shooter genre that people take for granted now because they've become so common.
That's not a good reason to call it mediocre. You'd think someone on /vr/ would know as much.

>> No.4099149

Well, that's the answer to the question. Just because OP doesn't care about those genres doesn't mean those games don't exist. For people who be DO like those genres, that's what the Saturn's Japanese library has to offer.