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File: 122 KB, 640x444, supergng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4091264 No.4091264 [Reply] [Original]

>slowdowns out the ass (thanks, Super Nintendo CPU)
>double the amount of autoscrollers from Ghouls 'n Ghosts
>green armour weapons and gold armour magic are too overpowered
>rehashing Ghosts 'n Goblins' final boss for stage 5/6's boss designs

I give this game a 3/10. The first two arcade GnG's were far superior.

>> No.4091310

You forgot about having to play through the game twice to get to the final boss.

>> No.4091340

Worst GnG but still 8/10 minimum, play a version that fixes the slowdown.

Only serious problem is that most of the weapons are garbage even by the standards of the series.

>> No.4091354

>play a version that fixes the slowdown.
Does one actually exist?

>> No.4091373

Capcom Generations on Playstation X.

>> No.4091382
File: 747 KB, 246x177, sandyass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, my dude.

>> No.4091389
File: 633 KB, 1023x763, what game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play Demon's Crest

>> No.4091874 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 320x240, shit-design3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It suffers from the same problem as SCB: too much emphasis on tech-demo gimmicks, not enough on actual good design.

>> No.4091884

You made several videos? You sure poured some time and dedication into hating a video game.

>> No.4091890

I hate how it's so heavily designed around the double jump. That precision platforming on the fire level can go fuck itself, in particular.

>> No.4091917

Game was slow so they added the double jump to make up for it.

It's also easy. The SNES started the easy games era.

>> No.4091920

>starting the easy games era
Fuckin' Casual! That started when video games stopped being about score.
In fact, screw video games, they're for normie casual scum, Pinball is the real deal for hardcore bitter old men like me.

>> No.4091937
File: 45 KB, 389x259, 75.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's also easy

>> No.4091946

It is easier than the nes or even the arcade version.

Difficulty in most games for the snes is lowered, even more so for western releases.

Only people with shit muscle memory and bad eyes think this is super hard.

>> No.4091951

Careful guys, we're in presence of a legit HardCore Gamer right here. Don't try to outwit him.

>> No.4091976

No Ghouls 'n Goblins is Easy, man.

Also, you have to be really delusional to say that Genesis and PCE have no easy games. Do you think that things like Sanic, Streets of Rage 2 or Blazing Lazers are really hard? I'm sorry, lad, they aren't.

>> No.4091983 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 320x240, shit-design3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It suffers from the same problem as SC4: too much emphasis on tech-demo gimmicks, not enough on actual good design.

>> No.4092013

Best GnG game is Ghouls n' Ghosts arcade. Great Genesis port with the added ability to change directions while ducking. Giving you a slight controllable edge compared to the arcade.

Super Ghouls n' Ghosts isn't bad. Its just an early SNES game before they figured out how to speed up games and they focused a bit too much on gimmicks like transforming environments and mode 7 effects. The powered up crossbow is a big help most of the time.

>> No.4092053

Super is and later portable ones with adjustable modes. Easy means in a slighlty toned down version.

Sonic isn't ultra hard, but Super Mario world is very easy comparred to other platformers.

The 90s consoles would get toned down arcade ports, certainly morevso for fighters. There was also the trend of less nintendo hard games as Iwata said.n

>> No.4092679

>Best GnG game is Ghouls n' Ghosts arcade.
I disagree, I feel the level design is tightest in the first game. It's been a downward spiral since then, the PSP game was awful.

>> No.4092698

>the PSP game was awful
But that's the best game in the series.

>> No.4093084

Top Tier:
Great Ghosts 'n Goblins

High Tier:
Ghosts 'n Goblins

Mid Tier:
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins

Low Tier:
WS Ghosts 'n Goblins

Trash Tier:
Super Ghosts 'n Goblins

>> No.4093091

>Great Ghosts 'n Goblins
Why would you ever call it that

Most of the slowdown is fixed in the GBA version, but only if you play in Arrange Mode.

>> No.4093104

>>the PSP game was awful
>But that's the best game in the series.
How do you play that? is PSP emulation "there" yet, or will it ever get ported to anything? Not really in the market for a PSP...

>> No.4093106

The "Dai" in Daimakaimura means great.

>> No.4093108

PSP emulation was perfected like few years ago

PPSSPP plays just about everything

>> No.4093113

so makaimura means ma = ghosts, kai = and, mura = goblins? this makes sense, thanks anon

>> No.4093118

No, Makaimura means Demon Village, but more people know of it in the west as Ghosts 'n Goblins (or Ghouls 'n Ghosts, but I think Goblins sounds better).

>> No.4093123

>thanks, Super Nintendo CPU

I love how everyone clueless fucker who thinks he knows stuff keeps spouting this when an old game lags.

You know how for modern games we just call games "unoptimized" instead?

Well it's the same for old ones. Lag is most often caused by unoptimized programming. Some old games have romhacks which reduce lag, and guess what, they work on real hardware. All they did was optimize the code.

Stop blaming the console.

>> No.4093163

Why don't you post a screenshot of Demon's Crest then?

>> No.4093204

It was fixed in capcom classics for ps2.

>> No.4093296

that's a Grade A dick move from the developers

>> No.4093297

The only good game in the series is Daimakaimura

>> No.4094006
File: 8 KB, 124x114, sonofsatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only good game in the series is Daimakaimura
And the first game.

>> No.4094029

And the other ones

>> No.4094048

Except the mobile games. FUCk that shit.

>> No.4094228

I have a Macbook from 2012 and PSP emulation is perfect.

>> No.4095494
File: 913 KB, 276x256, arthur.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the Mega Drive's BLAST PROCESSING maks hitboxes bigger

>> No.4095497


>> No.4095572

Jesus christ that's quite a severe difference

>> No.4095595

I was just playing through Ghouls n Ghosts (Arcade) and thinking to myself that the hitboxes were pretty generous. Apparently someone at Capcom thought the same thing.

>> No.4095605

So Genesis is actually the hardest version of GnG2?

>> No.4095991

Haha come on segafags, don'¡t play the HardCore Gamer card to justify the port's inaccuracy.
Feels good to be a NECbeard.

>> No.4095994

>someone at Capcom
The port was made by Sega, not Capcom.
Same as with Strider.

>> No.4095997

The first thing I noticed is that the fireball sprite on the Sega version doesn't rotate.
Also Arthur seems to be more pissed off on the Sega game than on the others.

>> No.4096004

I didn't mean I wanted the hitboxes to be bigger, it was just a passing thought while playing the game. If I was a segafag I would have been playing that version to begin with

>> No.4098441

Poor taste, m8.

>> No.4099714

Nah, he's right. Only the Fujiwara-designed GnGs (1 and 2) were any good.

>> No.4099719

Auster, did you take your pills?

>> No.4099724
File: 35 KB, 302x341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock, yank.

>> No.4099732

Take the pills and go to bed. Good for you, good for /vr/.

>> No.4101597

Played it in PPSSPP and can confirm, it's silky smooth.

>> No.4101620

>PSP emulation was perfected like few years ago
It's good but no, it's not yet perfect.

>> No.4101625

Hoyl shit, that's awful.

>> No.4101837


>>slowdowns out the ass (thanks, Super Nintendo CPU)

true, but it's part of the game, if you can't deal with it just go play your genesis or arcade versions

>>double the amount of autoscrollers from Ghouls 'n Ghosts

again, part of the game design, and the game is all the more interesting for it. if you've got a problem with the design of SGnG that's fine but the autoscroller levels are objectively well designed its just personal preference.

>>green armour weapons and gold armour magic are too overpowered

they're almost all useless and situational and rarely can you use them much also the best one is the scythe which is also the worst weapon in the game

>>rehashing Ghosts 'n Goblins' final boss for stage 5/6's boss designs

Still was fun and challenging, get over yourself kiddo. I'd like to see you 1cc it.

>>The first two arcade GnG's were far superior.

Oh golly, the arcade versions were superior to the home console versions? Who woulda thunk?

>> No.4103221

You can thank the meager 4Mb cart for that...

>> No.4103241

the only gng game i've beaten and gotten the true ending for is genesis ghouls n ghosts (professional mode). i couldnt get past stage 2 on super gng

>> No.4103285

Genesis G'nG is made so much easier with infinite continues. It still takes a lot of work to battle your way through but it's more of a test of endurance.

>> No.4103321

Agreed. I remember burning a Genesis rom pack for my Dreamcast about 10 years ago and picking random games to play with friends. We spent the most time with G'nG since it was a perfect drinking game.

>> No.4103323

Yeah, stage 2 in Super is awful. One long, boring autoscroll slog. Have no idea how anyone speedruns that game.

>> No.4103334


>> No.4103502

I have beaten the game, i also think the lag was pretty shitty... but FORTUNATELY i'm not autistic enough to disregard everything else that is good in the game because it has a few things I don't like. Fortunately.

>> No.4103504

There is something to like about Super Ghosts 'n Goblins? Huh.

>> No.4103530

Just say it out loud the same way you would say "great googly moogly!" and it becomes a fun title to say.

>> No.4103569


The only thing worse than an alcoholic is a straight-edger with a smug superiority complex.

>> No.4103575

Super feels very bland. The level design is boring and uninspired. A lot of flat ground with simple enemies. Everyone knows the PSP game is the only outstanding GnG game

>> No.4103589

The soundtrack.


>> No.4103606

I don't think sonic is that easy lol I might be casual scum but I found 96 exits in mario world wasnt too hard but I still cant get all the damn chaos emeralds in any sonic game

>> No.4105319

What's up with people saying the PSP game is best? That game doesn't even play like a proper GnG and has ugly graphics.

>> No.4105430

>>slowdowns out the ass (thanks, Super Nintendo CPU)
actually it had more to do with bad coding, there's a couple threads about fixes to make it work better and the most effective way was to remove unused 16x16 code. also the game used cheaper 100ns rom chips, which limited the already slow snes cpu to only 2.5mhz.


>> No.4106467

The Wonderswan game is underrated. It probably best utilizes the gimmick of the hardware (being able to play in horizontally or vertically positions) based on what level you're on.

>> No.4106746

While I do not like polygons, it really is a good game. The pacing is turned up a notch and the music blasts through those tiny speakers.

>> No.4106827

its hard because there is no save game

>> No.4108446

>green armour weapons and gold armour magic are too overpowered

The fancy magitech weapons are mostly downgrades though. Lance goes from excellent to mediocre, axe goes from decent to barely usable, crossbow goes from good to slightly suicidal (because the automatic tracking will occasionally stop you from firing and get you killed), scythe just gets slower and clumsier. And the magic, while strong, is mainly good (for all weapons) because of how it makes you temporarily invincible--and exploiting this is awkward enough that it isn't especially overpowered I think; you only need to time it wrong once and there goes your armor.

The biggest problem by far with weapon balance, I think, is the dagger. It starts off as the best weapon and becomes like twice as good when you upgrade it. Nothing else competes. That's lame.

The developers seemed to underestimate the benefit of having several projectiles available simultaneously (as with the dagger), and to overestimate the benefit of having a strong individual projectile (as with the upgraded lance).

Sage because this is just a crappy wrasslin'-over-difficulty thread and I'm only using it to wax autistically about simulated weaponry, not to actually try to converse with anyone.

>> No.4108450


--oh I guess you're supposed to use the adjective version of the word when you use "wax" like that, not the adverb. As long as I'm indulging my inner autist I should acknowledge that (before leaving this crappy catfight thread, never to return).