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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4077787 No.4077787 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever picked a repro?
I've got a Columns repro, but the repro was only in the box. I didn't care, it was like U$3 so fuck it.

>> No.4077797

bootlegs, yes I have played them

>> No.4077812

Kirino wouldn't approve.

>> No.4078542

>Columns repro

>> No.4079302

I have a Star Ocean repro because at the time I was unaware that I could have gotten it to work on my flash cart. But whatever. It's okay, the fact that it uses artwork from the remake is awfully shoody though.

>> No.4079310

If it's not the ORIGINAL, it isn't worth it.

Sorry anon, you just got a literal bootleg a.k.a. actually paid for trash.
Buying a hotdog with that'd have been better

>> No.4079329

Have a few.
FF5, Terranigma, SNES Tactics Ogre, Brandish 2, and Front Mission Gun Hazard.. basically my favorites that werent released here on the original platform.

But yeah, in general repros are a waste. Get a flash cart, or get original, don't half ass it.

>> No.4079423
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1920, Poverty_gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to pretend I was a kid in China who did not know any better and the parents/grandparents got bootleg imitations. As an experiment, could I be happy?

>> No.4079429

Oh god.

>> No.4079432

>third world
China is actually second world.

>> No.4079597

>stuff literally no one ITT claimed
Time to up your meds champ

>> No.4079613

I made a few on my own.

Once I move I am going to make a few more for fun.

>> No.4079621

i was thinking about buying a earthbound retro just so i can have a copy
is it worth it? aliexpress has them for like 40 or 50

>> No.4079627

Earthbound Retro? What is that?

>> No.4079629

i meant repro

>> No.4079630

I have, but I ended up giving them to a friend with a bootleg console

the pcbs were huge and woulda damaged my console

>> No.4079631

Like a SNES repro of Earthbound?

>> No.4079635

yep sorry thats what i meant

>> No.4079643

Well, I was about to strike a deal with you and have you pay only like 20, since I made my own repro of Earthbound (but with that debug menu ATM card hack and region locking disabled), but all my stuff is in storage :(.

But buy one from here for 18 bucks.

>> No.4079649

its cool thanks man ill have a look
a friendly person on 4chan who would have thunk it

>> No.4079962

I just picked up a repro Conker's Bad Fur Day because I'm a poorfag and I'm not willing to drop more than $70 for a game

>> No.4079968

How do you own everything

>> No.4080025

It is fun, and fun can be had. The bootlegs are just $3-5USD shipped, but in the end, flashcarts are still the cost efficient way, even the Chinese bootleg versions.

I imagine the parents would work hard at the Foxconn factory making iPhones without committing suicide for their $10USD a month along with the hard working siblings sewing Nike shoes for their $2 a month all chipping in to make sure the one good kid keeps earning good grades and got the bootleg system and games as a reward on Chinese Christmas. However, the one cannot play the games for more than the 2 hours of electricity Chairman Mao allows because the kid must study.

>> No.4081628
File: 29 KB, 270x188, 1475674653116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES "best 100 games in 1" cartridge is seriously a great fuckin value.
Came with 143 games even duck hunt worked just like the original - weve been playing the shit out of this little cartridge over here $30 cheaper than an everdrive n8 and all the games function normally

God tier
Also I recently picked up Zelda 2 in a clear case shell with a modified board (supposedly original) that has the battery compartment altered so you don't need to desolder Everytime it dies

Generally, fuck repros as they aren't that much cheaper than auction hunting

Just be patient eBay is the only app I fuck with nowadays

CiB life even if I can't afford everything I want all at once , it gives me something to look forward to each payday

>> No.4081670

buying repro is the "I don't want to pay 500$ for an overpriced outdated game but I still want the nerd creed" level of denial

just pirate the games and report to the officers whoever sells the glorified bootleg games

>> No.4081709

Some are actually worth it though?

>> No.4081728

I have two repro ps2 games. Sly Cooper and Katamari 1. Just wanted brand new, because all the used real copies are scratched to shit.

The games work perfectly, no need for modded console. Only thing that gives it away is low resolution print on manual and lack of memory card holder in case.

>> No.4081736

When I was a teen I bought two copies of Zelda A Link To the Past for the GBA, one of them was a bootleg but I still had tons of fun playing Four Swords with my brother, I still remember how he was feeling all down and sad because it was a bootleg but once we started playing it stopped bothering him

>> No.4081763 [DELETED] 

why are bootlegs some new mythical thing to americans, every place else they were common as shit

>> No.4081794


>> No.4081863
File: 9 KB, 219x200, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're implying that instead of a cheap alternative it's better to pay a scalper reseller $200+ for some rare limited release game?

Are you a reseller?

>> No.4081867

No, he probably suggesting that you use those $200 on a fucking flashcart.