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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 1024x302, famicom_pulse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4073032 No.4073032 [Reply] [Original]

And thus, gaming was revived.

>> No.4073034

>le videogames industry crashed in 1983 maymay

>> No.4073412
File: 22 KB, 241x284, sumsumsum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this, retarded underage posting was revived.

>> No.4073418

Reminder: home computers were doing just fine around this era.

>> No.4073452

It was mostly just gullible ameriburgers who fell for the box art meme.

Gaming was alive and well in the rest of the world.

>> No.4073492

Arcades were still going strong too.

>> No.4073504
File: 903 KB, 1880x920, Atari2600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup underage and 3rd world europoor. You here for summer? Just ignore that the fastest growing company in history crashed because of the home console console crash.

>> No.4073540
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>> No.4073647
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>Just ignore that the fastest growing company in history crashed because of extremely poor management decisions.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4073663
File: 23 KB, 356x205, 2013%2F01%2F23%2F16%2FAtariRetro.24e20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never really needed to be revived outside of the united states. it's funny how you only get threads arguing over whether or not it was real in the summer...?

>> No.4073664

look at this phone poster. THIS is why the last two summers never ended

>> No.4073679

I think OP just wanted to make a pun due to the Famicom's pulseline logo.
As usual, /vr/ spergs out and starts another USA vs Europe shitpost war.

>> No.4073687

this place has really turned into a subreddit lately

>> No.4073963

Yeah, Yurogaming was really something. I remember getting up on Saturday mornings to catch the Manic Miner 2-hour cartoon block and my Lode Runner themed 5th birthday party and who can forget the Sabreman happy meal toys, collectible trading cards, capsule trinkets, breakfast cereal, and presence on every magazine cover, television commercial, bus, billboard and advertising space that existed.

>> No.4074092

>who can forget [...]
Gee, we get it, gramps, you're old as balls. I mean, not that that's a bad thing, just stop rubbing it into people's faces like this. Next to nobody here remembers any of this because most of us were not even born back then or still shitting our diapers.

>> No.4074228

Lode Runner didn't come out in USA?
I grew up with a Famiclone and it was in every multicart, I also like that it's connected to Bomberman (at least the Famicom version, which I think was converted by Hudson)

>> No.4074235

I get the feeling the reason this berk likes to reminisce about "the good old days" every chance he gets is because his life has since turned to shit.

See his apparent omipresence on here as further supporting evidence of this assertion.

>> No.4074264
File: 876 KB, 1066x1500, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go that far, to be honest. He does sound rather cheerful and lighthearted in most of his posts, and he can help out with specific knowledge sometimes.

My assumption is that it is the same deep-rooted desire to distinguish himself from the masses, which compels him to use a tripcode, that also forces him to time and again distinguish himself from the common poster with personal characteristics. Of these, his age is the most obvious choice and communicated the easiest. He gives it a positive connotation by implying thereby increased experience and wisdom, as is the popular belief, though it is only a correlation and not necessarily a causation.

He's a bit of a narcissist, basically, but I've seen worse.

>> No.4074276
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That's interesting, but you're analyzing him as a one-dimensional individual.

>> No.4074287

The FC version, which was indeed a Hudson joint, unfortunately never got a US release. Lode Runner saw most of its action on the Apple II and DOS machines in the US.

>> No.4074292
File: 60 KB, 434x217, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, but the analysis is based on a very limited data set, as I do not know him personally and all I know are his posts. No interactive probing into his deeper personal characteristics is possible this way, as I do not usually directly engage in conversation with him. He does however seem to be keen on presenting himself in that very one-dimensional manner.

He cares more about what other people think about him than he'd like to admit.

>> No.4074295

What is it with Americans loving corporatism?

>> No.4074298

Why wouldn't we? Shit rules.

>> No.4074305

This is why we say you have no culture.

>> No.4074309

It still needed constant medical attention. Nintendon't paying attention anymore.

>> No.4074316

Have? We direct culture.

>> No.4074319

Direct to video.

>> No.4074325 [DELETED] 

Oh that's weird, because every 1st world nation on earth emulates us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4074326 [DELETED] 


I think it's because he's a fag.

>> No.4074329 [DELETED] 

Not really, that's just corporations trying to spread influence. It rarely if ever changes culture. It just results in a few short fads.

>> No.4074332 [DELETED] 

That has nothing to do with culture. You fucking dumbass, besides theres many cultures that thrive in america and a few that were created here. You just need to look for it. most people tend to fake shallowness, because its easier to deal with the day to day bullshit when your not trying to please or talk to everybody. Those same people usually have a heritage or cultural background thats celebrated with family and close friends. Its not out on blast for everybody to see. Thats why europeans are narcassists, you just love to push youre culture in everybodies face. Go fuck yourselves with thay ego shit. Hope you all like muslim culture, cucks.

>> No.4074335

Are you dense fucks REALLY going to start a yank vs yuropoor shitfest? Really?

>> No.4074337 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 528x960, 11041678_10206411843161029_8421908729243418162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is just different now. I'm married, I have a son, a house, cars. Responsibilities. I have less time for my hobbies but that's because as much I might have enjoyed it I DIDN'T let my life turn to shit. I like /vr/ a lot because it lets me reminisce since I lived practically the /vr/ ideal lifestyle at the time and i sincerely like the summerfags, bandwagoners or whatever negative thing people call the younger /vr/ posters because I can relive some of those experiences vicariously as they're experiencing them with fresh eyes and in return I try to make their experience deeper, more authentic.

I mean it's just posting on 4chan it's not like it takes up THAT much time.


>> No.4074338
File: 72 KB, 517x768, 1497237453056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occam's Razor strikes again!

>> No.4074341 [DELETED] 

Yet you have someone glorifying television shows and fast food promotions in this thread. American "culture" is just a corporate landfill.

>> No.4074346
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>> No.4074351
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, asuka-famicom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Asuka's wonderswan had a cart with the Famicom pulseline on it?

>> No.4074352 [DELETED] 

Lol, everybody eats fast food, in your shit hole country too. We forced. Hange upon you, but that doesnt take away from what i said which obviously went over your culture filled, ego driven head. We pretend to be shallow for day to day shit, but behind the scenes therea alot if culture. You just have to look for it. You better get used to the taste of muslim dick, cause your culture is getting hijacked day by day, eurocucks.

>> No.4074356 [DELETED] 

Yet the US is only 40% white last I checked.

>> No.4074365

>doing something they do on reddit

The fact you're still active on this site makes me wonder if the mods still give a damn.

>> No.4074384 [DELETED] 

It's not like I started it, that's all these threads ever end up being. Euros can't seem to fathom the fact that their economy is different than ours, and that Americans on an American website may have had different experiences from them. The crash did happen, it's not disputable, it just didn't happen everywhere. It was still a significant even that shaped gaming to-day.

>> No.4074386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4074392
File: 39 KB, 330x363, sigmund-freud-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you adopt the tripcode? How did the way you feel about posting on this imageboard change after adopting it? How does the thought of going Anonymous again feel, and why don't you do it?

Do you consider yourself narcissist, at least to some degree?

>> No.4074425

he was making a point about how gaming in Europe wasn't nearly as influential you fucking idiots. God why is everyone on this board so fucking stupid. Its obvious as fuck he is contrasting stupid European games with Mario. He isn't reminiscing about the old days you god damn fucking retards

>> No.4074426

>on an American website
Not anymore, onii-chan.
Seriously, don't engage into pointless shitposting. Or if you're gonna OT; at least don't make it miserable for others to read, the same goes for the other guy.

>> No.4074429

When I turned 40 at the beginning of this year.
I feel like there's an immense knee-jerk hate of tripfags here, more than on many boards for reasons I won't speculate on.
Feels fine, but I think the board overall is improving somewhat as a result of my and other older gamers tripping up.
I'm definitely some kind of narcissist but in a limited scope. I like to be a big fish in a small pond.
Not bothering with much reply since the new janitors have been being pretty brutal with my posts. Presumably, all the posts they delete will be reviewed sooner or later and they'll calm down.

>> No.4074430

Yes I understand his sarcasm and irony, I was just surprised to find out Lode Runner didn't come out in USA on the NES. Thought it was considered a classic.
Also, I'm also surprised to learn it's a European game, I thought it was japanese due to the Bomberman connection, but that was just the Famicom ver., which was indeed japanese.

>> No.4074434

yeah its a computer game and Irem kind of went crazy with it

>> No.4074436

He's assuming (as yanks are wont to do) that his upstart country is the centre of the universe. Aside from this, he presents his (often erroneous) assertions as incontrovertible fact and impressionable anons tend to take them as gospel because of some assumed authority resulting from his adoption of a persistent identity.

brb, donning flamesuit.

>> No.4074438

With Pac-Man too

>> No.4074443
File: 118 KB, 437x600, vball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impressionable anons
What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.4074471
File: 49 KB, 685x475, freud1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, very interesting. You confirmed my suspicion there. The theme of explicitly mentioning relationships with females past and present also fits into this general theme.

You see, the interesting thing is, spotting a narcissist is surprisingly easy: All you have to do is ask. (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0103469).).

Again, from what I've seen and read, it's a rather mild expression of the trait, but still noteworthy.

>> No.4074472

Sorry I forgot to mention the impressionable name and tripfags too.

My mistake.

>> No.4074476
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Analysis Anon

>> No.4074601

Plus of course it's an element of the primary "one" dimension of my pseudonymous persona.

>> No.4074607
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Family21zubVbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family, that sounds more like home.
Still my favorite console, this little buddy was a great, no, the best video game console I played. And it wasn't my first one.

>> No.4074608

I don't, he can take his jewish freudian psych 101 bullshit and shove it up his arse.

>> No.4074619
File: 682 KB, 3500x2587, 05d6a00d8341bf8f353ef017eeacb1b2e970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Cabbage Lamps

>> No.4074621

It did get a US release.

>> No.4074623

>I feel like there's an immense knee-jerk hate of tripfags here, more than on many boards for reasons I won't speculate on.
Dude how fucking new are you? Trips have always been frowned upon if they aren't used for a good reason (like uploading OC or something). The whole point of imageboards is being anonymous and trying to be recognizable with a username or profile. There's a shit ton of different sites where you can do that if that's what you're after.

>Not bothering with much reply since the new janitors have been being pretty brutal with my posts
Translation: I can't stand it that people don't give me an online hug or that I even have to follow the guidelines of an imageboard. What a pity.

Seriously dude, either contribute something meanful with that trip or turn it off and be anonymous like the rest of us. If even that's too much to ask for you than get the hell out of here.

>> No.4074629
File: 49 KB, 720x400, Winniethepooh2011dvdrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Presumably, all the posts they delete will be reviewed sooner or later and they'll calm down


>> No.4074634
File: 104 KB, 437x430, pyFY72V.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen I do believe we may be about to witness a complete mental breakdown in real time.

>> No.4074665

It's more intense and groundless than on other boards. I'm a pretty nice person and I make good posts. As that kind of thing was becoming rarer and rarer I decided to take responsibility for mine and give /vr/ a little character

>> No.4074679

Excuse me, last I looked his name was Garbage Swamps.

>I'm a pretty nice person and I make good posts.
There's that narcissism again. Personally I don't mind you and your posts - you do occasionally contribute to discussions in a meaningful way. But going by the popular vote, a lot of posters here might disagree with you.

But yeah, at least you're being polite, I like that. I'd take you over those shitposters derailing threads by slinging insults and slurs anytime, Baggage Cramps. <3

>> No.4074817

I loved the Famicom back then and I still do today.

>> No.4074858

>When I turned 40 at the beginning of this year.
I turned 40 last month. Glad there's other geezers here.

>> No.4074869

>When I turned 40 at the beginning of this year.
And I turned 39 back in March. And I'm hardly unique for this particular board. And neither are you.

>I feel like there's an immense knee-jerk hate of tripfags here
Yeah, in a place where anonymity is considered an essential part of the culture, you'll have that. I really don't understand why you wouldn't just go to some other forum where everyone has a name. Or would your ego suffer from no longer being one of the few named contributors in an otherwise anonymous community?

>I like to be a big fish in a small pond.
And yet you're just another nobody, just like everyone else here. Using a name in some misguided attempt to garner attention or fame doesn't change that.

>> No.4074875

There are people even older than us here. We're the same age exactly as console games and they have always been largely geared toward us but I had a really interesting conversation on here one time with somebody who was one of those teens I thought was so cool when I was a kid, with a $5000 C128 at home to practice on before hitting the arcade and being a legitimate arcade scumbag then going home to and playing all the deep shit all night. I wish that dude had a trip.

You couldn't even smoke in my arcade by the time I was old enough to, 14.

>> No.4074882

I ain't gaining jack shit, in fact I get shit on constantly for no reason beyond wanting to take responsibility for what I post. I may be just one of many posters but I try to be exemplary.

>> No.4074887
File: 173 KB, 630x720, what a deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe this thread is still up. /vr/ is a slow board but I think janitors maybe underestimate it a bit, this really should've been down by now. This board is slow but isn't /toy/ tier slow.

Anyway from I can tell is the main reason all the arguing is happening is the OP thinking that the famicom/nes saved the gaming market as a whole and not just the US console market. As seen in >>4073504 he is an obvious troll and not someone misinformed, you guys really should just have ignored him.

>> No.4074893

So honest question then, why do you feel the need to namefag? Assuming you're being truthful and actually in your 40's I would think you would be actually responsible and realize namefagging is pointless unless you need to be identified in a threaf (which you don't) and just is you needing attention.

>> No.4074932

I just call him underage gramps. I turn 50 next year.

>> No.4074945

>I get shit on constantly for no reason beyond wanting to take responsibility for what I post
you know, there's a solution to that: turn the fucking trip off.

>> No.4075027

These threads always bring out posters claiming gaming was doing well outside the US.

What notable games came out during this time?

>> No.4075147

In the early-mid 80's in eurostan? Pong clone #1, Pong clone #2. etc. Wogs start at Calais.

>> No.4075159

Famicom cartridges are so strange from the American perspective, it feels like anything goes in color, shape, and artwork...NES cartridges feel very assembly-line by comparison. NES cartridges look better on a shelf, in no small part because they have end labels and they're so consistent, but there's something nice about the color pop of your pink-ass Kirby cartridge.

>> No.4075164

It gets repeated a relative lot but the NES tried to imitate the aesthetic of the VCR while the Famicom despite its name really looks like a toy for kids.

>> No.4075327

I prefer Famicom carts because you can fit twice as many of them in a storage bin.

>> No.4075351

Aside from the fact that top-loading VCRs were anachronistic by '85 the whole redesign simply served to make it unreliable and prone to damage.

>a toy for kids
That's exactly what it was and everyone knew it. Why gild the lily?

>> No.4075360

Ackchullay he is tripping and not just naming.

>> No.4075519

>unless you need to be identified in a threaf (which you don't)
How else do you filter the cancer?

>> No.4075525

By anonymising all posters and filtering the content instead.

>> No.4075950
File: 82 KB, 1280x974, fami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op made a pun because of the famicom logo being a pulseline
>thread devolves into a psycho analysis of a tripfag

/vr/ is weird sometimes.

>> No.4075993

Nah, it's a yuro vs americans/japanese thread see yuros like to believe that their early computer gaming scene was adequately filling the gap during the mid-80s between when American consoles "crashed" (this term is a huge trigger for yuros) and Japanese consoles became ubiquitous

>> No.4075997

It also has a fucking Apple Pippin logo on it.

>> No.4076331
File: 4 KB, 638x385, Tetris-VeryFirstVersion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you mean by notable. Not every important game became so widely known to classify as anything but niche in the eyes of some ppl.
But that is also somewhat understandable.
Nintendo is to blame. Their success was so great, it skewed the standards. It Didn't just skew them, rather re-transplanted games back into mainstream popular medium territory. Kinda problematic to judge a game's importance or success, when you think anything not "popular" (as in pop culture relevant) ain't worthwhile.

Some rather important "computer" games released in the years of '83 - '85. First version of Tetris was '84. Came out on IBM-PC, C64 and Amiga before the NES. 1984's Elite was a hugely important milestone in games. Bomberman was '83 for home computers in Japan. Older series like Ultima and Wizardry had a steady supply of sequels. There were quite a few others (feel free to check wikipedia).

Reminder: The Famicom released in Japan in the Sommer of 1983. Regarding the 1985 US launch year as the beginnings of the console can be considered as America-centric in a way. When you talk about '85 as THE year for Nintendo, you are of course talking about Super Mario Brothers.

>> No.4076473

That was a coolio informative post without shitposting, finally. Thanks anon.