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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 139 KB, 620x349, garage sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4068932 No.4068932 [Reply] [Original]

>go to garage sale this past saturday
>find random assortment of NES, SNES, N64 cartridges
>no prices indicated anywhere
>ask guy if he'll sell them for $3 each
>he says no
>he pulls out a phone and starts telling me ebay prices
Is going to garage sales and flea markets even worth it anymore?

>> No.4068935 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4068941
File: 2.77 MB, 4000x3000, IMAG0217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just not as much. Last weekend I pulled an N64 with 6 good titles and 4 controllers for 20 bucks.

That's it though. Went to 20+ houses and it's all xb360 and DS shovelware.

>> No.4068951 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 0C666316B41247727907951017984_SW_WEBM_1440455746876_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this cancer I'm seeing on this board?

For the past 2 weeks I've seen countless posts about summer and "who are you quoting"

Stop being fucking babies. I always thought of this board as a more mature board but I guess not.
You are cancer

>> No.4068957 [DELETED] 

Welcome to 4chan new friend.

>> No.4068965

>Is going to garage sales and flea markets even worth it anymore?
Yes. There will always be jews and jerks, you just gotta shrug it off -- it's part of the hustle. You go to enough of these things and you will find a good deal. Not as many these days, but it's still possible.

That said, I don't personally do second hand sales anymore, I just buy the games I want on ebay or whatever. Going to flea markets or yard sales isn't really about the money "saved" anyways, it's about the thrill of the hunt.

>> No.4068967 [DELETED] 

go play atari grampz we don't need your dad jokes here

lulz I'm so randum and I love memes memes memes memes memes memes memes memes
I'm a 4 20 retro gamer XD

>> No.4068971

IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR! THE FACT THAT I CAN'T GET EVO FOR 5 DOLLARS ISN'T FUCKING FAIR!!! Seriously OP, what do you expect us to say? "Ooh that big mean garage sale bully wanted actual money for his stuff, what an asshole." Man fuck off.

>> No.4068989

>"Are you giving me the eBay guarantee?"
>"what's your customer rating?"
>"can you even verify if these work?"
He literally cannot answer any of these unless he's willing to drag a TV on his lawn and test them in front of you. Tell the fucker people will just go to eBay if they want Ebay prices, he's a random fucker selling junk on his yard and he's lucky that someone even bothered to come out and look.

>> No.4068993

Also, learn to haggle you limp-wrist. I got my N64 at a yard sale for less than half for the asking price because it was missing essential parts (A/V cable, video cart) and I told the seller straight up "no one will buy this, it's not functional. You'll get X from me or nothing at all"

>> No.4069018


Seriously this

99% of the people complaining about ebay are resellers

Look at that faggot pat. He jews old people at flea markets, then immediately sells it for ebay prices and then makes a 10 minute video complaining about eBay prices at flea markets.

>> No.4069034
File: 72 KB, 800x583, eva_asuka023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to go to garage sales
>Can't go because it's always 8am on a saturday

Can't these fuckheads do it in the afternoon? And literally no point in going to more than one because everything of value is gone in the first 10 minutes.

>> No.4069050 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 719x279, suikkoden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having some great luck this year Ebay fishing.

>> No.4069062 [DELETED] 

It makes basement dwellers feel like they're exclusive to something.

On topic, people are fucking retarded thinking they deserve ebay prices for something you don't have to ship/lose fees to. Most garage sales I swing by don't even have video games.

>> No.4069064 [DELETED] 

Back to >>>/v/

>> No.4069073

stop staying up all night fapping anon. real men wake up at the ass-crack of dawn.

>> No.4069109

>live in dusty pisshole #353, mexico
>think maybe I can get a bunch of old games for pennies at open-air markets in town because nobody knows anything here beyond facebook and televisa
>find first seller, fat fuck who doesn't even look at you in the eye and sells over priced shit like an used and greasy xbox 360 controller for like $40
>get to next stand and find two guys selling xbox hueg games for standard prices, ask them about ps1 games and other old shit
>they tell me they are very rare to come by and that their prices have gone up to the sky
>think "what the fuck how do they know this?"
>find a different stand, mention the fat fuck and the other two guys
>apparently all the vidya sellers know each other and agree on specific game prices except for the fat fuck that simply doesn't care and sells over priced shit
>tells me every old game is now selling for a lot of money and they're hard to find nowadays
I still feel like I should keep looking but I'm afraid that I will find the same thing everywhere.

>> No.4069278

What is that shit on your wall? Your house reeks of that plastic American feel.

>> No.4069378


so not true. Hit the sales midday and you'll still get lucky sometimes.

Have a variety of garage sale interests (beyond games) and you'll always be finding something

>> No.4069384

>mom has a stall at flea market
>help her set up before it starts
>some 50 year old mexican goes around looking at stalls and buys all the vidya before any buyers get there
>puts them on display at his own stall for ebay prices

>> No.4069389

Went to a garage/yard sale last year cause it was down the road from my actual destination.

>ask how much the tg16 lot was
>prick ass motherfucker yells at me "if you gotta ask then you can't afford it"

Haven't been to one since.

Flea markets try to sell stuff a few dollars above ebay price or double. One stall was so loose I bought 20 games for $10 including a fucking Conker's Bad Fur day which I've been looking for since emulation is shit for it.

>> No.4069391


When people start whipping out ebay prices I tell them that if they want ebay prices they need to sell on ebay.

>> No.4069401


>> No.4069402

This. Anytime someone is adamant about ebay prices tell them that. Either they'll haggle or tell you to fuck off. It's always fun to mess with them when they go for the ebay jew prices.

>> No.4069420
File: 28 KB, 443x332, images-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4069472

Only worth it If the oldest thing you are buying is ps2 stuff.

>> No.4069496


Usually people have yard sales to get rid of shit they don't want. Sounds like these assholes wanted more to make a profit than get rid of their junk.

>> No.4069497

>mexican cartels are moving into games reselling

>> No.4069712

Basically this. Pawn shops / thrift stores a pretty good bet for pre PS2 games. My whole PS1 and NES collection is from thrift stores.

>> No.4069730


>> No.4069736
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>> No.4069762
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At least that way my neighbour wouldn't have been beheaded and his head left to rot in front of the children's hospital.

>> No.4069934
File: 58 KB, 220x193, Deadly_Towers_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a new retro game store that opened nearby. They were selling pic related for 20 fucking dollars.

>> No.4069936

do they offer a free blowjob after purchase at least?

>> No.4069943

You're already getting screwed so there's really no point.

>> No.4069952

I have no idea if they were just retarded, or if they were trying to trick normies into thinking all retro games are expensive.

>> No.4069960

>tfw I was in highschool my dream was having a game store/LAN center
>that dream crumbled pretty fucking fast

Man... it would've been the best

>> No.4069974

he sounds like a dick, but also you would like someone trying to rip him off at 3$ a cart, Iv had people pull ebay prices, but after you explain fee and chances of sells vs cash on the spot they mostly fold and you can still get them for a fraction of there worth.

>> No.4069980

Man, just gotta negotiate.

>Quotes ebay price
>"Thats retail, dude, does this look like a game store to you? Arent you looking to sell this stuff? What if I wanna flip it, huh? Thats $10 off right there."
>"This label is torn/This cart is dirty, thats $5 more off"
>"Ebay prices? I didnt go out lookong for this, I stumbled across it. If you want full price make an ebay listing, wait for it to sell, then package and mail that shit."
>"I was trying to do you a favor and take this shit off your hands, dont you wanna sell them?"

Be an asshole. It works.

>> No.4069984

Protip: Start collecting 6th gen.

>> No.4069987

Dont get me wrong but those examples arent very convincing. Why? You're not only patronizing the guy, you're antagonizing him, he's just gonna blow you off based on just your display of attitude. And trying to play nice at the very end, tantamount to a 180? LoL m9, seriously...

>> No.4070002 [DELETED] 

You can say that, but being an asshole at garage sales has sliced prices in half for me.

And always say thank you at the end ;)

>> No.4070015
File: 57 KB, 306x172, canadianV trooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in toronto
>yard sales start at 8am
>get there for 8
>"sorry some dude knocked on my door at 7am asking for games and bought them all"
>race to another one that starts at 9am
>"$30 for OG Xbox shovelware"
>literally dozens of retro stores in the city
>they ALL send out minions to cover every yard sale to fill their stores
>they never sell their $90 GBA SPs (AGS001)
>Retro stores just become museums with overpriced shit neckbeards can look at while waiting for their MTG/Yugioh/pokemon tournament
>Just want to play games
>guess I'll emulate

Every now and then I find a neat deal at a yard sale or a thrift store, but even now, there are thrift stores here charging $40 flat for any SNES cart, even sports. And if it's not sport shit it's always jacked to just over ebay.

This city is a cancer.

>> No.4070032

I'd have told you to pound sand, and that it'd be worth not selling my stupid N64 to not get any more lip from a cheap asshole. Now get off my property.

>> No.4070060
File: 157 KB, 960x720, CxKgjyJWQAEQnTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resellers are the scum of the earth. Nothing of value would be lost if this vermin was to be completely purged off the face of the planet.

>> No.4070067

I'm getting angry by just looking at that picture. Worst of all, because of Nintendo being so limited with stuff like this and the GC adapter for the Wii U, people are inclined to buy a bunch and resale.

>> No.4070068

What are you selling in this imaginary situation?

>> No.4070076

You would have saved time and shipping, and you're still complaining?

>> No.4070086

The guy I quoted was saying how he went all hardass on some garage sale person and told them "you'll get $X from me or nothing at all".

I dunno about you but if some stranger talked to me that way on my own property I'd tell them to get bent and they can keep their $X.

>> No.4070092

i have one of those shitty walmart TV trays americuck

>> No.4070093

THIS. In fact go at the end of the day and people will give you shit for free.

>> No.4070095

Its always a fat mexican reseller of vidya at flea markets anyone else notice this? maybe just cause I live in CA.

>> No.4070103

Overpriced crap at game stores pisses me off so much. They let that crap sit there for eons rather than let someone enjoy it at a reasonable price. Please let this bubble pop soon.

>> No.4070104


>> No.4070107

That photograph brings my piss to a boil

>> No.4070125
File: 55 KB, 660x468, 1447655849665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flea market in the hills of Appalachia
>Several game "stores" inside
>One big one and several small ones
>The big one is a horror show where everything is dirty, broken, unsorted in piles and bins all over the place.
>looking for a phat PS2 with a broken drive to use with a HDD loader
>ridiculous prices
>broken items the same price as working ones
>same scenario as OP, some lady pulls out a phone and starts rattling off ebay prices
>try to explain those items have been refurbished or are complete and I want a broken one
>accuses me of "insulting" her husbands store and yells me out of the store
>a month later the store is gone and gets absorbed by the smaller outlets which are run by younger gamers that know how to appropriately price things
>find the exact system I was looking for at the price I was willing to pay

>> No.4070140

>Can't these fuckheads do it in the afternoon?
Sitting out in the hottest part of the day is so fun!

>> No.4070154

This is probably bait, but I'll respond anyway.

When I go to a garage sale or flea market I'm looking for a deal. Nobody wants to pay full retail for your books, clothes, tea set, etc and the same goes for games. If you want full price then go ahead and put it on ebay, because it isnt going to sell otherwise.

>> No.4070161

>sleeping through my peak hours
no thanks normie

>> No.4070187

Rural PA. It's the same here. Just last Saturday I had a copy of Vagrant Story marked $3 in my hand at 6am and the fat Mexican next to me speed browsing through a pile of NES games turns and puts his hand out to me. Says, "I buy this." I said, "No I buy this."

>> No.4070204

This shit.
You pay ebay prices for the convinience of shopping from home, ebay taking their pound of flesh, the guarantee, the ability to chargeback, and feedback.

Garage sales don't have these.

So, right off the bat, having anything greater than 60% of ebay price is fucking dumb.

You save 15% right off by not paying the fees.

>> No.4070256

he must do it cause it works.

>finish up 6th breakfast churro
>head over to flea market sipping horchata
>browsing games while chowing a taco
>notice skinny numale next to you pick up vagrant story and notice the $3 price tage being as its the only thing you can read
>I buy this! spewing taco crumbs on the numale
>"o-okay" numale hands game over
>fatty admires all 60 copies of vagrant story he has selling for 60 dollars at his shop while shoveling down a burrito

>> No.4070360
File: 82 KB, 320x213, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's the same guy?

>> No.4070374


>Is going to garage sales and flea markets even worth it anymore?
No. It's a waste of time in my opinion.
If you factor your time into the equation, you're better off just buying off eBay for market value.

You only have so many hours in your life. Driving around trying to save $20 on a Super Nintendo is not how I want to spending my time.

If you really can't afford a market value SNES or something, you probably shouldn't be buying one in the first place.

>> No.4070376

You seem like the type of inept dipshit that derives a lot of pleasure from fantasizing about ejecting people from "MUH PRAHPERTEE" for minor transgressions. Get mental help, pencil dick.

>> No.4070383

Fucking Mexicans, not knowing their place. I can't stand the ones that work in Restaurants and send the money by money order back to Mexico.

>> No.4070384

Probably Farts his own riding cloud like Goku had in Dragon Ball.

>> No.4070386

Whoa, where'd you do your behavioral psychology PhD?

>> No.4070396

kek, I love it when ignorant idiots get what they deserve

>> No.4070408
File: 716 KB, 1033x1530, booby loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to garage sale
>remember I have all the roms for all the major systems on my hard drive and I don't have to pay for outdated piece of decaying electronics inside fancy plastic
>turn 360 and walk away

>> No.4070520

>will never own property
>probably european

>> No.4070563

>implying you ever even leave the house

>> No.4070574

Just take it and leave, they would never know it was gone with all that shit everywhere.

>> No.4070626

Its kind of autistic to put something out without a price and start looking up prices on the spot. Nevermind the fact that its a fucking garage sale. If he was looking to get ebay value for his shit then he should've put the stuff on ebay. Garage sales are meant for unloading crap on people with minimal effort at low prices. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.4070653

Mexican gangs were running goodwill outlets (the bins) in Seattle when I was there 10 years ago.

>> No.4070680

>decaying electronics
idk senpai my NES still works fine

>> No.4070684

Duh. No need to get physical carts if you are not going to play on actual hardware.

>> No.4070705

>garage sale 8am-5pm
>arive close to 9am
>still setting up everything. cant hang around for long, gotta go to work
fuck these kind of people

>> No.4070709

I have that same mentality most of the time unless I find something really good.

>> No.4070740
File: 38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bunch of NES games at yard sale along with some Genesis and Super NES but I already had a copy or two for most of the games and offered to buy the entire lot but the guy kept bragging about Contra being the most expensive. He didn't have a clue what the games we're worth except Contra being $10 because it's "rare" but said he would accept $60 for all the games which was about over 20 games. Not enough cash on me, I went to an ATM up the street and came back a few minutes later to see some other older guys probably resellers scoping out the same games I was. Owner was nowhere to be found but I asked him to bag up all the games for me when I come back with the cash. He finally comes outside with a trashbag and the other older guys start to offer to buy a couple of games which included the $10 Contra. I asked the owner if we still had a deal and he said he wants to sell the games to whoever had more money. I got frustrated and left but can't help but wonder if they ever bought the lot or only bought a couple of games for $20 when the owner could of sold me everything for $60.

>> No.4070756

I'm sure you'll be the life of the party swearing it up in a yard full of mothers with their kids. Lucky you don't get the cops called on you.

>> No.4070762

Daily reminder that people defend resellers.

Daily reminder that there are people IN THIS VERY THREAD that defend resellers.

Resellers are lower than panhandlers. Not only do they contribute nothing to society, they actively take away from society by scalping shit. Although, it's really a trick question of "Who's at fault, the buyer or the reseller" because the sole reason they're allowed to exist is because of capitalism.

>> No.4070860

>hit up garage sales in a nice neighborhood
>overhear a lady at one stop say that she is mainly selling her kid's old stuff while he is at camp
>walk around looking for anything potentially his
>it's video games
>pick up the controllers for PS2, the PS2 adapters to use on Xbox and GC and memory cards
>almost ready to pay up when she suddenly says I have to pay for each item individually
>assume it's gonna be cheap somehow
>she pulls out her phone and points out the highest price for each item as listed on ebay
>drop everything in the grass and leave without saying a word
>find a gutted out Falcon Northwest case in a different stop and decide it's time to go home

>> No.4070867

Don't be such a beta. Talk him down. Never take their first offer. If it's sitting and they insist, go away, come back later in the day.

If someone else is willing to pay a high price in your area, you should seek them out and bro with them, as you have a common interest.

If not, offer the dood less.

Garage/yard sales are about persistence. You have to hit a bunch to find anything good, and you have to go very very early to get the deals for things that should be priced higher.

>> No.4070880
File: 99 KB, 302x302, 1449985049149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate resellers I don't blame them one bit for doing it. I hate the effects though.The shit that pisses me off more than anything though is people who label and market their shit as rare. Conkers Bad Fur Day isn't rare. There's at least 100,000 copies floating out there. Ocarina of Time (gold cart) isn't fucking rare. God knows how many preoders there were.

I mean fuckin hell. 6 or 7 years ago you could go to any local game store, ebay, or whatever and find something decent for cheap. I was looking to buy Earthworm Jim 3d yesterday. That shit isn't worth more than $8. Ebay prices average $20 to $30. Local game store is selling it for $45. Apparently it's fucking "rare" because fucking resellers like to add it to fucking everything. I saw a black label copy of Vagrant story in their glass case for 90 fucking dollars.

I always wonder if the people who are buying shit this expensive even actually give much of a fuck about playing the game at all.

>> No.4070902
File: 471 KB, 904x1086, 1479982352329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really need to buy a bunch of PS2 and PS3 games and just sit on them for 15 or so years. I do wonder how much ps2 games are going to appreciate, some are already getting up there. GC is already getting pretty damn pricey.

>> No.4070905

>I really need to buy a bunch of PS2 and PS3 games and just sit on them for 15 or so years
You know there's all sorts of bonds and stuff you can invest in that will give you an actual guaranteed return much better than video games, Anon-kun.

>> No.4070908

Yeah, but I can't play with those can I anon?

>> No.4070916

You said "just sit on" like you were doing it as some kind of solid investment.

>> No.4070979

The thing people won't tell you about reselling is it ain't easy.

If you're on CL, people expect you to bend over backwards like drive 2 hours away, and fucking suck their dick after giving them a 30% discount.

If you're on eBay, you run the risk of getting fucked. I've sold a game tested working, the guy got it, opened the cart, and swapped it with sports garbage and returned it to me. I opened a case with eBay, and nothing. I even had time stamped proof what I sent him was legit. Nothing.

This idea that resellers have it easy and just rake in cash is wrong. The reason prices are so high is because you need to get profit margins. It's not worth the time to meet some guy who's going to jerk you around for 20 minutes for 10 dollars.

>> No.4071000

I find a lot less than I used to, but the stuff I find is usually better.

>> No.4071093

ebay fucks over sellers so hard now it's strange to me anyone would even use that site anymore. I sold a couple things in the past for around $200 each, and I think both were to Europe (from US) which gives even less protection but I was naive then and luckily didn't get screwed over. But basically the buyer can claim anything they want and ebay will 100% of the time side with them, refund them, etc.

>> No.4071159

GC games are getting pricey? I have a bunch of them just sitting there since like 2006. I also have some really good ones like SSBM and Metroid Prime 1 along with the Echoes demo disc, Super Paper Mario TTYD and a bunch of others.

>> No.4071210

Where at in rural PA? I have trouble even finding flea markets with video games anymore in the Williamsport area.

>> No.4071521

All my /vr/ consoles work, even though my Nintendo's pins are fucky that can be pretty easily fixed.

>> No.4071531

>ship joystick to Korea.

>destroyed in shipping

>buyer gets ebay money back and shipping insurance

T-thanks ebay

>> No.4071546


Thats because there will always be more buyers than sellers, and there will always be another seller selling whatever you're trying to sell. They don't lose a damn thing if a seller rage quits, but if you piss off the buyers, thats a problem to them because they want repeat customers because they make commissions on sales and they don't ever want a reputation of being "the place where you'll get fucked by some scummy seller".

>> No.4071552

and yet the small sellers are leaving in droves.

90% of eBay is chink shit since Aliexpress doesn't accept paypal.

>> No.4071557

That's not how shipping insurance works.

You insure, shit happens, buyer gets a full refund from you but then you claim the insurance + refund of shipping costs if you used a shipping company that isn't shit.

This is why you always use insurance. Always build it in to your shipping. Don't ever leave it up to the buyer because insurance isn't their problem. If they decline insurance and shit happens, it's still your ass and not theirs. It works this way even outside of ebay. Even if you owned your own store and shipped your sales out the customer's CC company will gladly do a chargeback against you if their uninsured shit gets rekt in transit.

Case in point: I ship DHL. If they fail to at least attempt delivery by the guarantee date and it wasn't a customs delay or because I fucked something up, I get a refund of my shipping every time. I pack my shit properly and they break it, I get my insurance claim AND my shipping back.

>> No.4071690 [DELETED] 

>tell tall tales on the intarwebz
>get laughed at by adults
>reddit space greentext
>get laughed at harder

>> No.4071710

exactly, that's what I was about to post.
If the guy go full retard with internet prices, ask him about the guaranties you expect from those places. If I bought some shit on that pricey retro store is because I have some guaranties, I can return the product of I want, and so on. If the guy at the garage sale can't afford that, why should I afford ebay prices?

>> No.4071723

I'd love to go garage sale/flea market hunting again. My sleep schedule has been complete trash as of late and when I am awake, it's raining or I have something to do. Hopefully I can start later this month and pull in a couple decent games, but I've finally started doing more online shopping and have two game specialty stores I go to often so I don't think I'd be going to garage sales/flea markets for nothing more than the fun of it.

>> No.4071728

>people check to see how much what they're selling is worth
>can't get them to foolishly sell you things for pennies on the dollar anymore
>this is a tragedy to the "collector"

You people are pathetic.

>> No.4071921

Reason why buy/sell threads here dont work

>> No.4072130

Lancaster County. There are quite a few around here.

>> No.4072218

I stopped going to garage sales years ago because they were asking $15 for a $5 cart.

>> No.4072239

>go to garage sale
>nothing has prices
>they check on ebay at checkout
>they think their boxless / torn label / broken cart has the same price as a NIB copy.
that's why I'm mad

>> No.4072241

This is why I don't have garage sales.

Stuff I don't want I either give it away to friends/family, or throw it in the fucking bin.

It's not worth the hassle to sell shit for peanuts.

>> No.4072310

Sure, but the flip side is OP wanting everything for $3 because he hopes the person he's buying from is too stupid to know what they're worth.

>> No.4072328

Same. The only times I have done them was when I lived in a house with several other people and we needed to spring clean. We weren't trying to make a profit, it was more of a "get this shit out of here and we will give you a deal" situation.

The best deals for electronics I have found were on craigslist or auction facebook groups. People who WANT to sell their shit go there.

>> No.4072334

Pretty much. As just a guy who has a couple games I don't want anymore ebay is bad choice, but if you have an entire online marketplace on there getting bit in the ass a couple times a year is no big deal since you will still make a big profit by selling mass numbers of games.

For a private seller I don't know if there are any good places left. Gamestop gouges you on new games and won't even touch /vr/ related stuff, craigslist can be shady as af sometimes and like garage sales people demand incredible deals. Not sure how Amazon works as a seller. I sold about two CDs there once and didn't have a problem but I have no idea what their current seller/buyer protection plan is.

>> No.4072364

I remember back in the early days of ebay you would tell the buyer to pay for insurance or else they're fucked if the item doesn't arrive or it's damaged. Then ebay eventually "outlawed" this practice and sellers were mega pissed, lol.

>> No.4072374

>Its kind of autistic to put something out without a price and start looking up prices on the spot.

Don't bitch because you can't haggle

>> No.4072380

I stopped trying to sell my stuff long ago because I didn't want to deal with obnoxious people. I just put it all in a box and take it to a donation center now, and not some scam like Goodwill, but a local one that puts their proceeds toward helping animals.

Gave away a really nice bike last year to them because none of the used bike stores in my area would buy it and couldn't be assed to go through craigslist and deal with filth coming to my house, taking it for a "test ride" and never coming back.

>> No.4072385

Yeah, fuck other people man. A bunch of vultures. I'd seriously like to make sure that no one gets my shit when I die.

>> No.4072391
File: 19 KB, 261x259, seal smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Garage sale for shits and giggles
>Old lady is selling her sons collection after he moved away and got married or something.
>lot of rare games, some neo geo stuff even
>Asshole tries to give her 20 bucks for the lot
>Yell over to her that the guy is trying to take her and stop her from getting screwed over show her some prices on my phone. Told her to call her son before selling any of them.

Fuck people like OP

>> No.4072427
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Never happened. I bet you feel good with all those imaginary good boy points you have collected in your imagination.

Scamming old people is a shit thing to do but If sellers want to charge ebay prices then why don't they post it on ebay. Oh that's right they just wanted to give minimum effort and get maximum value for it

>> No.4072452

Lmao u have no idea how to negotiate
"What if i want to flip it?"
Thats a good one if u want to never get a deal in your fucking life

>> No.4072476

Yeah right -- Neo Geo fans are insane, there's no way he'd just let his mom sell it. Those guys would marry their Neo Geo if they could.

>> No.4072503
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>Scamming old people is a shit thing to do but If sellers want to charge ebay prices then why don't they post it on ebay

Because Ebay has since become an extremely dangerous environment for sellers and most of them wouldn't want to put up with the risk of some twat saying shit arrived broke and getting ripped off.

>Oh that's right they just wanted to give minimum effort and get maximum value for it

So? It's still THEIR product. They don't OWE you a discount because you go in person. you faggots just throw tantrums because someone has the audacity to want to get money for their possessions and you can't get games you've never played before but want to buy because some eceleb said shit for next to nothing

>> No.4072518

Typing words in all caps as a means of emphasis is a telltale sign of a raging cocksucker. kys

>> No.4072520


Ignoring the actual points of a post and focusing on minute superfluous details because you can't counter them is far worse.

>> No.4072626 [DELETED] 

>trying to come off as someone intelligent while using an abbreviation only idiots would use
I know it's summer but really?

>> No.4072628
File: 197 KB, 459x341, IMTEADOFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No price tags
>Probably costs a bunch cause he uses ebay prices

>> No.4072631

Have litterally gotten a better price with that line.

>> No.4072634

I never said swear. Just be a jerk and bully them into a lower price. They still have final word and can say no, If they want to hold on to shit they obviously dont want for loger.

>> No.4072642

You sound like an asshat and will burn the regular sellers at flea markets to never sell to you again.

>> No.4072646

>Flea market seller detected

Quit trying to charge retail prices on your front lawn you mammojamma

>> No.4072647

Shit, this could be my local flea market.

>> No.4072667

That's almost every flea market, honestly. There's always that one fucker going around snapping up the games for cheap and putting them in his stall for 2-3 times more.

>> No.4072669

I quit going to my local swap meet because all the Indians carge ebay prices and don't budge even if you try to talk them down. My friends who are into retro games all have had the same experience too.

My local shops end up with all the crap games the Indians can't sell at the swap meet. Even if the shops are offering them pennies for carts they take any deal they can get at that point. I was talking with the owner of one shop recently and he was saying they're making a list of games they're just not going to accept anymore due to having such a massive stock of them.

>> No.4072684

>tfw no garage sales in europe

>> No.4072685

You have boot sales or something like that though don't you? Where you sell shit out of the back of your car.

>> No.4072689

yeah but most of the people at my local one look like drug addicts and have syringes all over the place

>> No.4072692

There is a thrill of the hunt, however it's not really cost effective driving around, spending all that time and effort, trying to beat the resellers, to save a few bucks.

>> No.4072718

ITT: /vr/ veers into /x/ when it discovers an omnipresent Mexican asshole is buying up all the games

>> No.4072721

You did a good deed anon, that will go a long way in guaranteeing you a place in seal heaven.

>> No.4072730

>I was talking with the owner of one shop recently and he was saying they're making a list of games they're just not going to accept anymore due to having such a massive stock of them.
It's so funny seeing all these videogame stores popping up and trying to do what Funcoland did, without the planning and care Funcoland put into it. If they bothered to learn, they would know the massive stock of games no one wants is what drove Funcoland into the ground. I remember Funcoland pricing SMB/Duck Hunt at 10 cents a cart, and every store still had a box full of them.

I see the same problem with new comic stores. They open full of enthusiasm and order up 50 copies of anything current, and end up holding a ton of stock that no one wants. They don't look at it like a valuables market, they look at it like a widget market. They don't stop to think that not all games/comics are worth the same, they just see a product to be sold.

On the plus side, that does make for a large selection of donor carts/cases at cheap prices. Plus I can walk into most comic shops and get a stack of outdated floppies for pennies. Sure, the e-celeb fueled retro game bubble is a bitch and a half for collectors and late comers who don't want flashcarts for whatever reason. Keep in mind it's only a matter of time before the mainstream moves onto something else, retro games stop being the popular thing, and the market will be flooded with hipsters desperately trying to reclaim some money.

Between flashcarts and modchips, the only stuff worth buying these days is the hardware.

>> No.4072756

>underage tries to be an adult

>> No.4072758

>without the planning and care Funcoland put into it
Ahh yes, the "planning and care" of Funcoland. aka hard selling cartridge cleaning kits.

>> No.4072760

more like someone watched Pawn Stars once.

>> No.4072775

>I hate capitalism
I thought this was an american board
why so many commies here

>> No.4072785

i grew up in the 909 area code area. i dont miss CA at all. but in the early 90s i used to get good deals on retro shit at funcoland

>> No.4072863

>ah, best I can do is a handful of dimes and a used napkin

>> No.4072878

a lot of shills planted here lately trying to sway public opinion. Just unemployed faggots who follow sassy socialist memes and think its actually funny

>> No.4072885 [DELETED] 

You reek of 4chan kiddie, you fucking faggot.

>> No.4072908

Guilty and selling all of my stuff

Never played most of it, Wanted them more to "have" and now i am just like, What the fuck am i doing with all of these electronics nobody even sees except me ?

definitly not everything on it, But should u say i should go lower ?

>> No.4072918

capitalism is only good when I make money. I cant make money if people charge ebay prices for dirty broken video games.

>> No.4072931


I tried selling my stuff on kijiji for ebay price minus 5 bucks (still less than I paid for it, and no shipping and handling bullshit) was harassed by 6 people over the course of a week aggressively trying to lowball me. I'm pretty sure 3 of them were one guy (a reseller I recognized from the flea market) doing a good cop bad cop shitty cop routine.

Yeah finding stuff for pennies is great but don't expect it, much less demand it, /vr/ scum.

>> No.4072935


meant for


>> No.4072964
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Fucking same on the later part
>tfw land a stack of PS1 JRPGs including a free copy of FF Tactics in the Parasite Eve case
>this was like 3 years ago
>now I just see still-sealed X360 and DS licensed games and maybe CoD

>> No.4072967

Gotta love that Sumerian Shimmy

>> No.4072978

Shitskins? This must be some kind of shitskin meme. They'll use it every fucking time if you don't get out in front of it. So here's what you do. Ask them how much they want for it. Even if there's a price tag or it's posted. When they give some stupid number say "Friend, don't insult me. I'm not insulting you am I". You've now flushed their favorite shitskin line down the toilet and made them aware that you have experience negotiating with shitskins.

>> No.4072984

Then why the fuck are you even on /vr/?

>> No.4072993

>Thunder Force 4
You lucky motherfucker

>> No.4072997

>Some old crone that couldn't even be bothered to see if what she was selling had value
>Getting this mad when she then unknowingly sells it at far below value

>> No.4073000

This is more /co/ than /vr/ but when you find the rare dude that understands this shit most other sellers hate their asses. Know a guy who runs a shop who will take everything that doesn't sell in the store to a con; starts at reasonable prices but as the day/s go on he will slash and burn prices on anything and everything down to like 90% of the original price because product that doesn't sell isn't making money, and takes up space that could go to something else that will. He outright says he doesn't want to take any of the shit he brings there back home. He's been booted out of cons by other sellers who think he's being unfair and undercutting the market. What's ridiculous is that 95% of what he brings is literally garbage, like busted up old happy meal toys or ancient, worn shitty action figures or old TCG shit. What fucking market is there for that shit?

>> No.4073103

thats just bad karma bro. If my granny went senile and tried to sell my shit (if that shit story is true her son is fucking dead and she is in denial about it) I would want a /vr/ bro to set her straight or at the very least put up a decent lowball.

I am having a good giggle at the fags on here mad they cant get nes games for $3 anymore. Scamming people to make a few bucks is actually bad for the market in the long run.

>> No.4073135
File: 174 KB, 640x480, 20170621_230118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all this for 10 bucks Saturday down at the jorsey shore.

Guy wanted 20 but after we talked alittle about games he offered 10.

>> No.4073169

I'm not saying it's ethical but I'm also not going to deny that you can hardly play the victim when you got a bad deal due to your own negligence or lack of research.
I mean there's a reasonable chance she paid for at least some of those games, if not most of them, and she ought to have at least an inkling of their value.

>> No.4073185

Are those pirated games on the far right?

>> No.4073189


ill snap a pic

>> No.4073190

>Neo Geo
Bulshit. Not a single human being who owns Neo Geo games would ever just "leave them behind". I'd sooner be buried with a copy of KoF98 than let some fag on /vr/ make up a story about my grandmother being a retard and selling it for $20.

>> No.4073239

>Hills of Appalachia


>> No.4073256

my phone is acting up

Nothing great that is burned, few sports games but Road Rash 2 is good.

>> No.4073280

Has anyone stumbled upon that dirty shithead on youtube called "alpha investments"
Ive only watched parts of a couple of his videos but the funniest shit is when he came close to reee-ing because square enix didnt limit their collectors edition of ff13-2 and started bitching about honesty and that special titles used to mean shit, as he has 200 copies of it lining his walls.
fuck reseller scum

>> No.4073283

Sounds absoluetly Jew tier.

>> No.4073287

>Check out his channel
>One of videos shows his bookcase
>The only books on it are those gaudy fucking Barnes and Nobles collections of books.
>The spines don't even look read

>> No.4073309

This is good advice. Like in that Curb Your Enthusiasm where the guy says to flip the questions around and start asking the job interviewer stuff instead.

>> No.4073419

Have you literally spent your entire life shitposting on /pol/ and never seen the outside world?

>> No.4073442

The crazy part is the ones in front at least are the newer revision, meaning he got those after the holiday period.

Don't know about the stack but he had to hunt just as hard as everyone else to get those in the front.

>> No.4073453

I guarantee you he probably got some shitty asshole of a friend who works at like fucking Walmart or something who hold a bunch over for him to buy and then mark-up.

>> No.4073467 [DELETED] 

Most likely. Even though i would never buy stupid shit like this, the reseller problem actually pisses me off. Im an emulator guy and dont really care about sega cd, saturn, dreamcast or n64 so im pretty set with games to play already, but fuck a black jew if resellers arent the fucking most piece of shit people. On top of that, there is many of them who are so diluded as to call themselves video game collectors, such bullshit. They dont care about games, they hust want money. Fucking jews.

>> No.4073501

I wouldn't doubt it.

Honestly the blame shifts to Nintendo since scalpers are just the effect. Every other company on the fucking planet knows how to combat scalpers except them. Actually they know how too since the Switch is actually available they just either don't care or are too slow to turn the ship around for it anyways.

Still surprised the prices haven't moved after the mini snes rumors evaporated.

>> No.4073506

Nintendo does it on purpose to artificially increase demand.

>> No.4073524

I genuinely think they're just clueless with the mini. It makes the most sense to me.

The artificial demand just isn't getting seized on here whatsoever. The discontinued announcement feels like Ninty is wiping their hands free of it.

Nip shareholders must have the patience of saints though.

>> No.4073550

I personally feel that is was a quick crash grab.
>Make a product that's honestly pretty niche
>Only manufacture a small amount
>Hype it up
>Sell every single one made on the limited production cycle, instead of mass producing it and risking a bunch collecting dust on store shelves
>Move on

>> No.4073556

Creepy Rudy made your taco floppy did he?

>Average Thursday:
>forget to check craigslist
>sleep the fuck in
>wake up, check craigslist
>find pockets of garage sales loaded with game and the tell-tale signs of not being a reseller
>obviously miss them
>days where I do check(like today), cue the fucking tumbleweed
>not just no games, NOTHING I want

Also, people that list "NO"(or any variant thereof), followed by "xgoodthingyouwant"(such as "NO GOLD") can deepthroat a poison ivy infested cactus.

>> No.4073594

holy heck
do ps1 games work on a ps2 slim? I need to play that Spider-man game again

>> No.4073604
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1479965826111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, people that list "NO"(or any variant thereof), followed by "xgoodthingyouwant"(such as "NO GOLD") can deepthroat a poison ivy infested cactus.
a thousand times this

>> No.4073615

from where do you hail, canada friend?

>> No.4073621

>do ps1 games work on a ps2 slim?
They do.

>> No.4073867

Thanks but I don't collect ad hominems or you's, only games I want to own and play. If you don't agree with how much they're worth in the market than feel free to emulate, mod or use flashcarts. Don't expect the rest of the world to give you anything you want for no effort all the time.

>> No.4073949

I once picked up Darkstalkers (PS1), Super Mario World (SNES), Yoshi's Safari (SNES), Metal Slug X (PS1), Street Fighter EX Alpha 2 Plus (PS1), [censor] Borderlands 2 (360) [/censor], [censor] Battlefront (Xbox) [/censor], [censor] Battlefront II (Xbox) [/censor] altogether for twenty bucks.

>> No.4074270
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>> No.4074275 [DELETED] 

your mother should have aborted you when she had the chance

>> No.4075162 [DELETED] 

But she still has a chance with you. Abortion before the 40th trimester is legal where you are. Do the world a favor and put us out of our misery.

>> No.4075228

is this a joke?

>> No.4075250

go drown in a bucket of dicks

>> No.4075273

This is literally the reason I went into emulation. I thought the NES classic was a neat idea, but scalpers bought every single one. Then Nintendo said they weren't gonna make more so the price went from 200 to 400.

At that point I said "fuck it" and just got a Raspberry Pi and through retroarch on it. Also dug out my old PSP and threw some firmware on that for good measure.

I lament the days where old carts were at most 50 bucks, but no use trying to change it.

>> No.4075291 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 450x253, FRIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny. Here in the UK the NES Classic is dropping in price, almost back to its original RRP. Guess nobody really fell for it after all.

Must suck to live in the land of hardcore merchants and hipster wannabe nintoddlers. By all accounts you didn't miss out on much though and the RPi is a much better device in the long run.

>> No.4075312

fucking Amiibo collectors were scalping that shit

goddamned Nintendorks

>> No.4076135
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>> No.4076212

>make a niche product
>do a limited run to gauge demand
>it sells out fast
>do another production run to make sure people who wanted one got one
>sells out fast
>gauge market, assume theres no more profit to be made, or the risk of having overstock is too high
>quit while you're ahead, pocketing your profits
>retards like Pat the NES punk on youtube say you're assholes for not meeting demand.

>> No.4076289

>anything Nintendo

Choose one and only one.

>> No.4076381

A&C games is the tumor on the prostrate of gaming

>> No.4076392

Virtual Boy and Color TV Game

>> No.4076403

I was thinking more from the year of our Lord 2016 since the topic was the NES mini, but I should have clarified.

>> No.4076410

>El Chupacabra is real and browses /vr/

>> No.4076413

Ah, alright. My bad.

>> No.4076430

Amazon's not QUITE as bad as eBay, but they still ream sellers in the ass and side with buyers. Buyer complaint? Doesn't matter who's in the wrong. Refund them or we'll refund them for you and charge your CC on file. They're just as asshole-ish about it, compared to eBay.

>> No.4076435

Meant to say they're just *not* as asshole-ish about it.

>> No.4076456

but will the mexican game cartells behead you for fucking them over

>> No.4076509

call ice and watch them scatter

>> No.4076585

Hey anon, A&C is a great museum. They don't even charge you to come in and look at the antiques.

>tfw they actually have a console display with little plaques for each console like an actual museum display.

>> No.4076736

Jesus Christ.

>> No.4076879

>eBay already rapes you in the ass with fees
>even if you charge ACTUAL SHIPPING COSTS, eBay takes a cut
>get a message from eBay
>Oh yeah lol, on July 1st, eBay is going to charge you sales taxes now lel.

How to destroy the few people left.

>> No.4076882

>neighbor has garage sale
>call the police because they probably don't have a vendor's license
>watch from my window as the cops come and make them put all their crap back inside

Take that, resellers.

>> No.4076919

lol bruh you really think socialists are paying people to promote their ideas by complaining about garage sales on the retro video games board of 4chan???

ill give you gold if true

It's a very small amount of cash for a huge company like Nintendo though. They need to create long lasting investments.
There's no way the NES Mini was an effective product in and of itself.

I think they probably ran into shortages (perhaps the same components they're running low on for the Switch) but I wouldn't put it as a marketing campaign out the window. That would be super unorthodox though.

Perhaps they just didn't want to compete with themselves and only have one TV Console on the market.

>> No.4076934

NES mini whatever it's called is just trying to get 1% of the money that emulation is stealing.

Most people can download an emulator and roms but for that retarded percent and ignorant population you have that NES mini. They don't have to put in any thought into it and pay a high price for a emulator in a piece of plastic spraypainted to look like an NES.

>> No.4076951

>tfw my dad got into auctions
>literally said to me that its retarded to pay 60 bucks for an NES since you can just get a raspberry pi and get roms
>modded our ps1 when we were kids and we stole every game we rented

bless you padre.

>> No.4077179

last poll done most of /vr/ are neets

>> No.4077215

You know this didn't happen

why lie

>> No.4077220

Good luck buying shit like this at your local Goodwill. Their prices get more and more ridiculous each day.

>> No.4077272

>not having multiple hobbies in the current year

>> No.4077568

Because it's a kid on the internet?

>> No.4077589

Go to garage sales in the areas where upper class people live instead of middle to low class. I have scored so much retro vidya even got a copy of Earthbound for 4 dollars at one point. Although, I haven't really gone to any chain garage sales in a very long time so maybe times have just changed?

>> No.4077590

Retro Pi is amazing, most of the games I own no longer can store a save file properly so buying raspberry pi has been the best sale I could have ever made.

>> No.4077752

>give me $100 for this copy of Mario Party or I'm going to eat your fucking goat, esse.

>> No.4077827

no socialists are paid to shitpost on 4chan, some of them just happen to come here. /pol/ is like 90% shills now some of them just happen to come in here and say stupid socialist shit. I don't think this board is being targeted though no lol.

>> No.4077830

>i want to ripoff people however and am upset that scalpers are better than me

>> No.4077893

Works both ways. Seller thinks buyer is stupid. Buyer thinks seller is stupid.

>> No.4077896

>lightening force
play that shit you won't regert it

>> No.4077918

Fuck these people wanting ebay prices for games, same with tech. If i went to a yard/garage sell and when i check out and they pull out their phone to name off ebay prices i will throw the shit to the ground and tell them that no one is going to pay for it from them.

Point of yard and garage sells is to sell stuff that you don't want.

People waste too much time on trends. This is because one, they want to be apart of something or two they think they are going to make a lot of money. People also think they don't have to pay taxes on what they make from their sales. Worst enough is when people run the sale garage sale year old and not pay taxes on it.

With anything "retro" video games and tech, people get over hype because they have something that they think they can make a lot of money from. Like that junk on esty that people sell.

Most of the time when stuff is sold at a high price no one buys it.

I remember back in the day that the only PCs that I seen for a high price was 486 and Dos machines. This was because people target factories. Its easy for a factory to replace an old PC on a old ass machine then the machine itself.

>> No.4077928

>go to flea market a month ago
>on a mission find retro vidya
>find vendor with some retro stuff
>only has a genesis model two, GBA, and, dsi in shit condition
>mentions he owns a pawn shop
>ask him if he has anymore retro stuff
>"oh yeah I have over a hundred Gameboy's and hundreds of games"
>before I could ask him if I could buy one
>"I don't want to sell them though, maybe one of these days I'll part ways with them"
>"I have a retron 5 though if you don't care about playing on original hardware"
>walked away and immediately found a working PS2 for $2 and I also found an SNES with two controllers and DKC3 for $50
Fuck that guy for hoarding shit, but there's still deals out there if you're looking for them.

>> No.4077940

I found a brand new GBC for $20 at Goodwill about year ago. I guess the prices depend on your region.

>> No.4077958

It sucks but if you even try to sell your stuff at a reasonable price, who is going to buy it? Resellers. Then they're just going to sell it again instantly for the trending price. Might as well sell at that price too, because some reseller is going to get his paws on it before a person who actually wants to play the game.

>> No.4077972

You aren't patronizing the guy unless you buy his wares, by definition.

You are belittling him.

>> No.4077978
File: 35 KB, 400x400, has_anynoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.4078000

Except that the seller is right and the buyer is just an entitled shit.

>> No.4078006

>i will throw the shit to the ground and tell them that no one is going to pay for it from them.

So you're literally a man-child?

If you did that in real life you would either have the shit kicked out of you or be charged. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4078021

You really should check a dictionary before you go around spouting off. You look like a moron when you don't know what words mean. Understandable if it's not your native language, but that's all the more reason to check. English isn't that simple a language.

>> No.4078140

>not realizing that a lot of people go to the fleamarkets to socialize.
The guy owns a fucking pawn shop. He could have a promotion where you get a free gameboy with every purchase if he wanted to move them.

The guy probably just wanted to talk to you about retro games you turbo-autist.

>> No.4078260

The prices ups because MUH E-CLEB shit
I want youtube not paying theses sassholes

>> No.4078291

Seller isnt right when they think they can get ebay prices.

>> No.4078298

>fat 400 pound women that runs the garage sell isn't going to do shit besides run her mouth and slam junk food into her mouth

>> No.4078307

I don't think that's how it works. People are just more aware of the rarity of these things nowadays, sure the e-celeb made people notice a game... that was sometimes already rare to being with. Sucks you didn't get your games when people weren't aware of the actual rarity of certain games. Now pay the prices accordingly because if you don't the next guy surely will.

>> No.4078354

Knowledge trickles down.

People are just aware of things being pricey now, and it takes 2 fucking seconds to look up a price for something. Old records? Maybe theres some good stuff in there. Old video games? Maybe some good stuff in there. Vintage toys, comic books, furniture, machinery, it's all valuable to the right people so you'd be a fool not to look up stuff.

>> No.4078606

Sorry, I should have taken into account that you're in America so acting like a disgusting sub human is just fitting in.

>> No.4078637

i hope you are a city shitter if you try this in the countryside you are going to get shot

>> No.4078661

This mexican sure likes to eat

>> No.4078839

>best sale I could have ever made
Freudian shill slip?

>> No.4079052
File: 72 KB, 227x242, 1480888707574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw resellers only care about nintendo shit in my town
>all the sega/playstation/pc/og xbox shit goes to me, usually for really fucking cheap

I've found shit like Splatterhouse 3 for 2 bucks and like 60+ Dreamcast games including shit like Skies of Arcadia and MvC1 for $40 for the lot

>> No.4079234

I think scalpers give resellers a bad name, scalping stuff like the NES mini or buying up 200 copies of one game to inflate the price is being a scumbag.

But, if I find a few games here and there for cheap and resell them for a decent profit, which is still under retail value I don't see the problem.

I made 215 bucks off of like 15 games that I didn't even pay 10 bucks for, now I could of made 350 - 400 but I gave everyone a deal so the stuff would actually sell.

The way I look at it is you'd have to be an idiot not to buy a game for 50 cents that is worth 40 bucks, I mean cmon. Sell it for 20- 25 bucks and it's still a hell of a profit and everyone makes out.

>> No.4080198

This. I would much rather buy a game from a collector who got a sweet deal on a game and wants to sell it to me for a good middle ground price. I've had good luck with one particular facebook buy/sell group in my area regarding this, people who find things out in the wild for a good price and buy it up then list it at the same price they bought it for (or maybe just a few bucks more) and wanting to find a good home for it rather than letting it sit on the shelf until a reseller finds it or it gets thrown out when it doesn't sell. It's especially sweet when they publicly shame obvious scummy resellers until they leave the group.
>guy joins group and immediately starts posting outrageously priced shit
>game + console lots that had obviously come straight from garage sales but were priced way over ebay
>"Zelda lot" which was all amiibos and art books and figures and no actual games, but priced like there were
>crappy $15 megaman figure signed by akira kitamura for seven fucking hundred dollars
>people start commenting on all his posts about how ridiculous his prices are and to take his gold to eBay
>someone starts a thread about it and everyone is shopping the seller's face onto merchants and vendors from various games
>he tries to brush it off and lists R.O.B. holding a glock for $5000
>people respond with their R.O.B.s holding guns
>he changes his profile picture to just a middle finger and leaves the group

Sweet justice was served that day

>> No.4081309

Yeah I used to sell at flea markets alot with my Dad, not video games but odds and ends so I would come across alot of video games and music. This was years ago when his health was better and I got tons of stuff that I was into for really cheap, mostly rock records and video games. I only bought records that I was going to listen too but with video games I would buy up mostly anything of value without any intent on selling. As I got older and with emulating I don't really see a need for all the old games and hardware, it's fine if you like to collect I have nothing against that. You could say the same thing about me collecting old music, why collect old records when you can just have everything digital, which I do but I enjoy having the records too and the album art.

Recently though I don't know if it's just a lack of interest or what but I've been thinking about downsizing all of my collections. I took a bunch of stuff I got for nearly nothing to a local video games show and made decent money but I still have alot. I guess I've come to the realization after my brother passed and I basically inherited all of his stuff that I should sell what I'm not really playing/listening to and just focus on what I really want to keep forever. Of course not forever but you know what I mean, what I'm going to use for the rest of my life. I have totes and totes of video games and consoles and records since I never sold anything since the 80's but trying to find buyers who aren't scumbags and get a decent price is kinda tricky. I'd much rather it go to someone who enjoys the stuff as I did than someone just trying to make max profit.

I got all my NES stuff together and not counting my childhood NES and a few games that have sentimental value I'm trying to come up with a price. I have 3 consoles, one is boxed and over 100 games, tons of controllers that I picked up over the years. I want to be fair but don't want to give it away.

>> No.4083136
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 1472786866028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yeah lol, on July 1st, eBay is going to charge you sales taxes now lel.
>every vidya spot in my area is either filled with sports/licensed trash, or charges eBay prices and sometimes higher
>everyone on CL in my area is a fucking scalper trying to lowball, is too fucking far away, or also charges eBay prices
>try to be reasonable with prices, being 20-25% below eBay prices, but lowballers still gonna lowball

Fuck it. That's the straw that broke the camel's back. Between eBay's jew tactics of commission, listing fees, SALES TAX, and being forced to be the buyer's bitch: FUCK THAT SHIT. I'm done. I'm pirating and emulating shit from here on out.

>> No.4083171

did you guys ever consider that these fat reseller fucks are low T faggots and you could probably just rob them really fucking easily because they won't put up a fight and are too cheap for real security systems

like seriously just put on a mask and break a window

then get your fat mexican uncle to sell at a flea market

>> No.4083192

I'll tell you the real reason:
Everyone who has a criminal record and can't get a real job now passes their time doing one of two things. They either do actual crimes like drug dealing and robbery and perping or they go online to sites like kijiji and ebay and craigslist and buy and sell shit second hand, robbing the people they meet or ripping people off whenever possible. They spend all day every fucking day looking shit up on their phones and lifting it from their friends houses and their family members houses and their friend's family member's houses, and all the shit they take that's actually worth anything trickles UP into Jewish households until the middle class doesn't exist anymore.

The number of these people that exists is constantly growing because the people who have the most influence in the economy give absolutely no shits about decreasing unemployment.

>> No.4083203

Depends on how lucky you are and the lack of knowledge from the seller. I picked up a Sega Genesis with a copy of The Punisher for $3 from an old lady who was selling off stuff that her son did not want anymore.

These days however I just search through thrift stores since its more convenient than just roaming around in the summer in hopes of seeing a table set up.

>> No.4083232

>rips off an old lady
>feels good about it
>advises others to do the same
holy shit be a man you fucking child

>> No.4083294

holy shit Im jealous

If you manage to find a Dreamcast and repeat games

Virtual On, Shenmue, etc. Ill pay via paypal and you can ship to me.

Steam name above

>> No.4083758

>sales tax on used personal shit

What the actual fuck.

>> No.4083759

Yes. Many foolish children like you have considered this. They don't realize that "real" security systems are cheap as fuck and we're way smarter than you.
HD CCTV cameras cost fuck all and the shit to record every place in the shop and parking lot is a PC I already have. I have HD pictures of you, your friends, what you took, your (moms) car and plates. And the door is locked with you inside (extra $10 for solenoid, switch, wire). I don't need to chase you. I don't need to fight you. I just need to detain a criminal for a while. Pull a weapon big boy. Sure. I'll let you go. You'll do time and I'll get better compensation.
Ever wonder why there's a bunch of shit games in a box priced $50+ just begging to be stolen? It's because if you steal something more than $50 you face more serious charges. Please. Steal this game. You, or your daddy, will gladly pay $50 for a broken $1 sport game and give me something extra for my trouble to keep the police out of it. Dooweet.
All the shit in the window is busted, worthless, and probably has nothing inside. If you're lucky. Of course that's not the story when the cops catch up with you. It was all mint and your uncle stripped it like beaners do. And they catch you because I have 12 months of CCTV tapes during which time you show up without your mask. And now your whole family hates you for getting your illegal uncle deported for selling your worthless stolen shit.

Yup. Sounds like you got it all figured out.

>> No.4083769

That old lady just wants company and to sell junk from her house. The fact you overvalue said junk doesn't mean she was ripped off.

>> No.4083803

Was this reaction really necessary? You're both being insufferable fucks and if I were the type to rob you, I'd do it just for sport. You sound like you gargled one too many dick in your time. Both you and he can take your e-peen measuring contest elsewhere.

>> No.4083842

thievery is degeneracy

>> No.4083894

what are you gonna do if I break the window and take your PC anon

>> No.4083903

like seriously nigga I'm just gonna brick your window and ride off in a ski mask on a stolen bike with whatever I can grab first

cops got bigger shit to worry about than your problems, I'll be long gone by the time anyone shows up

and by the time you replace that window, I'll show up just to break it again and leave

>> No.4084252

topkek reditor

You can't get my PC by breaking a window. And it's backed up off site in real time. Like I said. We're way smarter than you.

Then you got some broken shit and the cops are looking for someone that fits the description of a dumb young beaner (nigga to be inclusive) to pull over and cavity search. I'll let your "homies" sort that shit out with you.

>> No.4084302

the hivemind mentality this forum has towards resellers is retarded. practically everything you people buy is being sold by a "reseller" of some variety.
i ran a small time independent games store for 2 years give or take, a couple of years ago.
flea markets/bootsales were great places to find cheap shit when i started, but it was evident most people were getting clued up towards the end, and i pretty much stopped going after a while.
if you want some friendly advice, i'd recommend investing in PS2/xbox. it's still cheap as shit most of the time, and prices are stradilly rising. obviously theres more shovelware on them platforms than say, the ps1, but if you have a basic knowledge of whats worth buying and whats worth leaving, i reckon you could invest now and make a fair amount of £££ in say 10 years time.
pretty crumby platformers that had good brand names like spyro, crash, jak, r+c t were all being sold (even at highstreet stores) for pennies a few years ago. now they all seem to go for a fiver at least.
some argue that ps2 isnt nearly as collectible as ps1. i simply disagree.
the same thing will happen to 360 games in the next 15 years. they'll hit rock bottom and then steadilly start accumulating in value.

i think the reason flea markets/bootsales are shit nowadays isn't solely due to the average joe being aware of ebay, but moreso due to the amount of resellers these days. the trick is to sharpen your knowledge, have a bit of a gamble/awareness of good devs to invest in, and seek out that stuff. hell, most resellers don't know there shit about pc games, plenty of them are worth good money, and they are common as fuck.

tldr: if your interested in this purely from a profit angle, wisen up on the less obvious "newer" titles with a mindset of how much they will be worth in a couple of years.

>> No.4084316

I once got a bunch of Sega games at Cash Converters literally right before they were being shelved. I guess im guilty of being scalper spic scum now.

>> No.4084506
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That place is actually pretty good for retro stuff (for the time being at least)

>tfw picked up a mint CIB copy of G-Police for PlayStation and it cost me 29 pence

>> No.4085162

What's wrong with sales tax? You pay it everywhere else. I think legally you're supposed to collect a tax on stuff you sell anyway and send it to the government but everyone knows nobody does. It's just now ebay can enforce it.

>> No.4085195

What I want is to figure out how to make/import cheap repros and then con retards into paying top dollar for them

>> No.4085310

If he wanted to sell them with ebay prices, he should've sell it in ebay.

>> No.4085445

What do you even buy from fleamarkets and yard sales anymore?
Best stuff /vr/ wise i have seen have been sega md1 with a sports game for 40e. Did not buy. From time to time there is some good ps1 games for >5€. Most of the time I end up buying is just ps2 games and comics.

>> No.4085450

So you're mad that people want what something is worth? What a man child.

>> No.4085458

You sound like you've never gone out in public

>> No.4085473


>> No.4085484

The in laws had a yard sale I brought a number of playstation and snes games to. There were a number of vultures who showed up well before I even set up the game display being overly aggressive. I actually sold them for more than I was thinking to a few of the more annoying people, the ones who came off as resellers checking online prices. I still went below ebay prices though. It's worth it just to not have to ship them and deal with any technical difficulties

Some (not many) people were pleasant and new to the hobby who were enthusiastic about playing games they missed out on. Those ones are a joy to sell to. They deserve the better prices

>> No.4085514

>seller wants ebay prices for garage sale level of quality and buyer protection

Do you know how to say the word "no" politely? No explanation is necessary. Just say the word.

>> No.4085543

Sales tax doesn't apply to personal exchanges. The original owner of the goods already paid the taxes when they first bought them.

Retail stores on the other hand don't pay sales tax on the purchase of their inventory, because they aren't the consumer of the goods. They are instead required to collect those taxes from their customers and this is why you end up paying at the register.

>> No.4085589

I resell games for the same price i got them for plus shipping. But always have the feeling that some collector is never gonna play and sit on it for a millenia

>> No.4085819

Why resell at all if you're breaking even?

>> No.4085830

I mean they gotta make a living too, plus you can test the games out right then and right there.
Sometimes it's worth an extra 10 bucks just to know you don't have to deal with the ebay hassle.

>> No.4085868

There are no shit skins in that part of the US. If you ever lived out there before you would realize that dumb rednecks can be just as bad... only SLIGHTLY better.
This guy is right actually.

>> No.4086501

wow this meme sure spread fast

>> No.4086568

Pretty sure he wanted to sell his useless junk, not talk. He seemed pretty disinterested in me, and was quick to shill his shit to the next person that walked by. It seems whimsical of you to hope for a free fucking gameboy.

Nice assumptions though queer.

>> No.4087331

Nah. Just a lot of people came to the same conclusion around the same time.

>> No.4088063

>these threads
>give me what I want for the price I want under the conditions I want, otherwise I'll demand that you sell your wares in a different venue and insult you online
the entitlement never ends in /manchild general/

>> No.4088395

I've read this post on 4 different days and I still bust out laughing every time. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4088421

I'm seriously thinking of salting my next garage sale with some retro I don't use, or intentionally fucking garbage (things like Fifa 98 in a Golden Eye N64 cart).

Just to troll faggots.
>no price
>look up prices on eBay
>pick highest buy it now
>make sure to tell him it's rare
>make sure to tell him someone will pay for it.

>> No.4088458

Tell me about it. There isn't one vidya store left in my city, they all closed down in the last 5-10 years. Only big consumer electronics franchises sell them nowadays

>> No.4088459

Well, there are flea markets and shit.
There are also stores which might sell old shit but they will probably sell for ebay prices.
PAL games are fucked anyways

>> No.4088479

Except if, as others have pointed out, you actually enjoy it. It's not a means to an end, it's the thrill of the hunt. Instead of going to a park or doing sports or whatever the fuck other people do to pass the time, we prowl flea markets.

>> No.4088481

>turn 360 and walk away
Kek, haven't heard that joke since the early 360 vs PS3 wars

>> No.4088596

>how dare people want to spend less on a game loose than they spent on the system when it was brand new

>> No.4088605

don't forget shipping costs and fees for ebay & paypal, anyone that pulls out a phone and expects to get what it goes for on ebay is an idiot and anyone who pays it is a fucking idiot

>> No.4088609

how in the fuck does one even manage to get a hold of that many?opening night the local walmart only had 6 units and the local gamestop only had 8 units. that was it. how any of these people managed to get a hold of so many literally does not compute.

>> No.4088627

Well done, anon. You're proving the exact same thing he wrote about. Just because you feel it's unfair doesn't change its value for everyone else. Feel free to emulate instead of acting like a bitch online
>>b-b-b-bbut my console doesn't emulate well!
>>it just doesn't feel the same bro!
If it's really that important for you to have those games then you either save the money and buy them from whereever, just emulate them in whatever way or, even better, don't even bother playing it at all. If you care more about having something to show off than playing it then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4088783

It's not even a matter of emulation vs. collection for me. I have a sizable physical game collection too, and I also only look for good deals.

But when I encounter someone charging more than what games are worth to me, I don't giga-sperg my ass off or try to shame the seller into doing what I want. I may haggle a bit if the seller is receptive to it, but never to the point of condescension (and yes, making a rational but overly-detailed argument about what their prices should be, without being asked, is pretty condescending).

I just smile, say thank you (and mean it -- time has value), and walk away. And I don't vent about it online because it doesn't bother me that much. Personally, I just can't feel any kind of childish entitlement over what other people charge for their own belongings, regardless of how much knowledge I possess about them or desire I have to own them. Being civil is the least I can do in return to a society that allows me to enjoy such a fun hobby, not to mention my mom raising me properly enough for it to be second nature to me. I'm supposed to act like a greedy, vengeful animal over some video game (aka a toy) I spot at a garage sale? I'm a human adult, come on.

>> No.4088817
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Oldfag here, same. People can charge outrageous prices if they please and it warms my heart to watch them go out of business.

>haggling is condescending

No its not. I will say this, you get what you pay for. If you go to a clean store inside of a mall or shopping area with a trendy game name LVL UP!, GAME-ON!, XTRA LIFE! theres a good chance the systems and games are inspected, refurbished and free of stickers and scratches.

If you want a deal go to a flea market or yard sales and refurb them yourself.

>> No.4088909

>haggling is condescending
No no, I agree that it isn't. It's the guys who are insistent on trying to force the seller to "face facts" about their pricing even when "lesson time" is completely unwelcome. I've helped my share of sellers come around too, but I always ask them if they'd want to hear it first. You don't just get in their face and say "let me tell you how the real world works, you idiot."

>it warms my heart to watch them go out of business
See, I don't get this pettiness. Why even care, besides vengefulness? Their failure doesn't normalize the market values of the items they had. Some liquidator will just buy the stock whole hog and piece it out themselves at inflated prices on ebay. I've seen it. Nothing changes. And there's nothing wrong with that either.

>> No.4089054


>> No.4089171

>it warms my heart to watch them go out of business
Hey dont get me wrong, I wish their business the best but pre-emptively pricing your loose SMB3 carts at +$35 is foolish if you want people to buy your shit.

>> No.4089185

Op needs to start going to thrift stores. I've gotten most of my shot from there.

>> No.4089234

I don't begrudge anyone trying to get what their items are 'worth'
Blame the pricecharting websites. Once there was an ''objective'' value on this shit everyone went loopy.
Back in the day, RPGs were the expensive games because you 'got more game' than a platformer or something. That's how simple and quaint it was.
Now anything is expensive because idiots buy up cheap shit to trade for more expensive shit.
I've ran booths at 3 different retro conventions now and each time people walk in with boxes and backpacks full of Super Mario Worlds or Donkey Kong Countrys just to trade for some shit like an Earthbound.
Literal. Boxes. Full. Like Dozens of copies of the same game. It's absurd.
How the hell is there even a chance for carts to stay cheap with shit like that going on? It doesn't. They only people interested in taking 20 Mario Brothers off your hands are the re-sellers who will sell them all max value.
And furthermore, people will re-buy more expensive games to 'protect the value' of the games.
At one con some guy walked up with a Dracula X, he seemed real stoked about it. So I say usual shit, nice find etc. He asks if I needed it. Taken a bit aback, I say "Didn't you just buy it?" He says, "Yeah but I already got one." I asked why he bought it if he owns it. He said, "I do it for the trades, man."
So that's why video games are expensive. Everybody is greedy.

>> No.4089240

Think I read this in a green text or heard it from a youtuber but they actually have a filter for regional stuff.

Lets say you get a copy of SUPER RARE PS1 game thats going for 6 billion on Ebay. Instead of putting it on a store shelf locally they ship it to a sorting depo who will clean it up and put it on Ebay. Basically thrift stoles now take the best bits themselves and put them on ebay independent of their local stores.

>> No.4089317

Im a leaf so I dont see a lot of mexicans up here I just hear they have the highest rate of diabetes next to black people.

thanks, I tried

>> No.4089346

He's actually onto something there though.It's often good to have a couple of eye candy trades to have when you're looking to drop off some junk as well.

I used to trade magic cards and I know no one cares to trade a $1 card, but if there's a $10 they want and $5 of different junk cards I can trade for the 3 $5 I want, which never would have happened without the 1 chase card they truly cared about.

>> No.4090883
File: 42 KB, 421x500, pffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found mint condition copies of Final Fantasy Tactics and Legend of Mana at my local thrift store for $3 a piece. Didn't even have to use my AK. I'd say it was a good day.