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4070571 No.4070571 [Reply] [Original]

This wasn't THAT bad

>> No.4070663

ljn defender was never right

>> No.4070926

Yes it was.

>> No.4070927

I don't remember this part of Punch-Out, what's this guy's gimmick?

>> No.4070931
File: 42 KB, 250x386, Maximum_Carnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Just because you're too retarded to read the manual or have common sense or learn to play like someone who's not retarded doesn't make the game bad

>> No.4070936
File: 1 KB, 224x104, Friday_Megami_Tensei_II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe the guys who went on to make the megaten games did this shit

>> No.4070954

It's bad however I don't think it deserves a lot of the hate it gets because it at least tried some really neat ideas which I'll always appreciate more than if it were just a really shitty bland beltscroller.

>> No.4070959

It was a co-production with Westone, so the Wonder Boy guys were part of it as well.

I'd chalk it up to rushed dev time and poor communication. The basic ideas are good, but the implementation is trash and, more than anything, the game is just really repetitive and annoying.

>> No.4070972

I agree. Still trying to beat it today

>> No.4071030

what am I looking at? Did they screw up a SMT game by giving Jason a chainsaw?

>> No.4071038

not-jason has a cameo in megami tensei 2 for the famicom

>> No.4071052

Wew this game

I remember it was only $10 brand new during a Christmas game sale sometime in 1989 or 1990. Not only did I get it for Christmas, many of my friends did as well.

None of us could figure out what the fuck we were supposed to do. I was around 7 years old at this time and just couldn't understand what the damn game wanted me to do. We tried the instruction manual and guides but it was just such a shitty game.

>> No.4071063

It tried some interesting things, but the execution wasn't very good.

>> No.4071083

It could have been fixed by balancing the counselors a lot better.
As it stood only 2 were worth a shit.

Also the sense of direction could have been much improved by having a minimap showing the direction you were traveling or keep the direction relative to the screen, rather than the player perspective.

It was shit. But with a little extra effort it could have been just 'bad'.

>> No.4073128

Fighting him indoors was easy mode. He always telegraphs his hits so you can have a 100% dodge on him. I've taken him down with rocks and never gotten touched.

>> No.4073147

i always liked this game

>> No.4073254

i like how it seems like they took some inspiration from this game's music when you play as purple jason in the new one

this game had genuinely creepy music

>> No.4073317

For those still trying to kill Jason...


>> No.4073649


>Text in-game tells you what you should be doing
>Still confused.

You must live a very difficult life, Anon.

>> No.4073849

I always liked the graphics for the different time changes and that it was a gradual change unlike Simon's Quest.

>> No.4073908

Same here, I just explored until Jason inevitably killed me.

>> No.4073939 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 1203x850, 1498142233853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best "Friday the 13th" game coming through.

>> No.4073967

amazing music, especially during the intro

>> No.4073971

btw is this a subtle advertisement thred

>> No.4074093

why is Ash's arm a giant shit?

>> No.4074186

Why the fuck did I have a dream where I interviewed the developers of this game last night

>> No.4074641

This game and Hylide were the first NES games to drop to 15 bucks. Pretty much Every one got both for X-mas that year.

Friday is an ok game. It just has a few bad flaws.

>> No.4074873

Yes it was.

>> No.4075028

that game kicks ass

>> No.4075139

Good taste, this thread reminded me of SH. What are your thoughts on Wanpaku Graffiti?

>> No.4075170

Just because James Rolfe is a scrub, doesn't mean the game isn't trash. Even by the standards of 1989 it's not good.

>> No.4075301


Yeah, but the game is far better and far less broken than what everyone made it out to be. From what other say, it seems as though they spout the same thing that James Rolfe has said almost verbatim. The game obviously has its flaws. Nobody denies that. But considering that the game is not as cryptic, doesn't cripple you, and is overall beatable without the use of a FAQ shows that the game is very much playable.

The main flaws that I notice are the map system and how it can disorientate the player, the unbalanced characters, the RNG item drops, and the rowing mechanic. The rowing mechanic is particularly glaring because Jason can plow straight to you even when he's attacking the children in the cabins at the same time, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.4075305

I mean, yeah some of the stuff in the game are weird but when I was a kid playing it, I just sucked it up because I had rented it for the weekend and had nothing else to play. F13 isn't any more obtuse than Goonies or Dr. Chaos or any number of other games with poorly explained mechanics.

It's weird, all the supposedly difficult NES games never bothered me as a kid, I just powered through it without really thinking about how hard it was or how much I sucked.

>> No.4075383

James is hyperbolic..i hope people understand that.

Anyway, he did point out some of its major flaws, stone throwing arch, the map/walking orientation, the rowing.

And its not that hard. Some trial and error playthroughs and you pretty much have it sewn up, its actually a rather short game.

The jump scares are repetitive but they kind of nailed it on them, exploring houses is generally creepy, and the tone of racing against time creates a good amount of tension.

>> No.4075398

It was, fuck you. I got that piece of shit for $1.95 in 1997. I feel I paid too much.

>> No.4075558

>The jump scares are repetitive but they kind of nailed it on them, exploring houses is generally creepy, and the tone of racing against time creates a good amount of tension.

I would have liked to have seen the player be able to run away when Jason pops up outside, and hide to a cabin. Also have Jason randomly move from one random cabin to the next looking for you instead of just picking on the kids and the other counselors exclusively.

Think of it like how the X parasite was hunting Samus in Metroid fusion. That would have been far better for tension since you're actively being hunted instead of basically playing a babysitter.

Well yeah, you were a kid then. You had limited access to games so you had to make each game count and get the best out of all of them. You couldn't afford to take them for granted like kids these days do since games are far more plentiful and far more accessible.

The reason you didn't see those flaws then was because a lot of games had them, but the thing is you didn't have your expectations raised as much as people do now so they weren't as apparent.