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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.81 MB, 3780x1420, 34534576756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
404717 No.404717 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/, what are some of the greatest games on the PS1. Any games apply, whether they be blockbuster hits, cult classics, personal childhood gems, or any other game that you enjoyed.

I'll get some of my favorite out of the way right now
>Crash Bandicoot
>Megaman Legends
>Digimon World 1/3

I don't know if they've aged poorly or not, but damn did I enjoy them as a kid.

Obvious PlayStation Emulator Recommendation thread

>> No.405181


>> No.405228
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Resident Evil: Director's Cut Dualshock edition

>> No.405243

Obligatory Lunar and Lunar 2

>> No.405265
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>> No.405276

Valkyrie Profile is pretty good.


>> No.405296
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Silent Bomber is a must, great gameplay and awesome FMV(for its times).

>> No.405304

Final Fantasy VII-IX
Tomb Raider I-IV
Metal Gear Solid
Breath of Fire III / IV
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee / Exodus
Gex: Enter the Gecko

>> No.405314


>> No.405329
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dat black jack minigame

>> No.405332

Trap Gunner is a must if you like 2 player games. Also Bushido Blade and Psychic Force.

Evil Zone's pretty fun too.

>> No.405353

Despite it being just average, I always had a softspot for Akuji the Heartless.

>> No.405346

Crash Bandicoot 1 & 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

>> No.405380
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This game.
Now it's pretty subpar, but as a young boy I was blown away by the choices and consequences in your kids stories whether you saved a maiden or the other.

>> No.405394
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I will beat you one day, Einhander

>> No.405474

Gex 2 is one of the better platformers out there.

>> No.405510

Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, takes it easly.

>> No.405539
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Parasite Eve

>> No.405554

THPS2 and THPS3, though the PS1 versions were kind of sub-par compared to those on other consoles and Windows.

Tekken 2 and 3. 3 has the better gameplay and 2 has the better aesthetic.

>> No.405657

Final Fantasy IX
Tony Hawk 2 (fucking sick game I know you weeaboo faggots don't take to sports very well but I don't care its a damn good game)
Star Wars Demolition

>> No.405693
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>> No.405718

The THPS series hasn't aged very well when compared to THUG or THUG 2.

>> No.405734
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I don't care about the difficulty spike personally

>> No.405751


>Final Fantasy IX
>calling anyone a faggot

>> No.405767

3&4 can hold their own against THUG 1 & 2

>> No.405784

personal favorites -

Symphony of the Night
Legend of Legaia
Valkyrie Profile
Vagrant Story

>> No.405821
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>Final Fantasy IX
>weeaboo faggots

>> No.405854
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Vigilante 8 is one of my favorites. This games developer Luxoflux was bought by Activision in 2002 and "suprisingly" they only made horrible shovelware after that.

>> No.405956

Resident Evil 1-3
Silent Hill
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis 1-2
Fear Factor 1-2
Lunar Silver Star Story I-II
Final Fantasy Tactics
Legend of Mana
Vagrant Story
Tenchu 1-2
Ridge Racer Type 4
R-Type Delta
Syphon Filter 1-3
Final Doom
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Tekken 2-3
Marvel vs Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Armored Core, phantasma, masters
Die Hard Trilogy
Future Cop LAPD
Abe's Oddysee & Exodus
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen, Soul Reaver
Suikoden I-II
Rival Schools

>> No.405969

forgot one

Hearts of Darkness

>> No.405978
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>Liking Die Hard Trilogy and Driver


>Liking DD Raw

I love you both.

>> No.406105
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This. Still my favorite game.

>> No.406140
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>> No.406149

>short cat ears girl


is there a waifu element?

>> No.406170

I had one of those promotional demo discs back in the day and this game was one of the ones on it. I never had the full game but I played the shit out of the demo.

>> No.406190

One of the main gimmicks of Star Ocean is that you can make your characters pair up in almost any combination.

>> No.406193

Ditto, its the my favorite game and I never really owned it until PSN
2nd one is great too

Also, Diablo PS1

>> No.406197

I'd add Klonoa, Colony Wars, and Ace Combat.

>> No.406203
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Really underappreciated little gem.

Unique fast paced gameplay that rewards learning the ins and out of the system, the stages and the controls. Well designed through and through.

>> No.406206




>> No.406215

Sweet. another guy here, only played 3.

By god the voice acting was annoying. is the ps3 version worth it?

>> No.406209
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dragon warrior vii if you're a bad enough dude

>> No.406221
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>> No.406225



that's a shota son

>> No.406239
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>No Crash 1-3

>> No.406232

If you've ever wanted to beat the shit out of Steven Seagal or Robert Smith, check out Kensei: Sacred Fist. One of the most amusing Tekken clones out there.

>> No.406234
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never did finish this, but enjoyed the hell out of it back in the day. shame more games didn't utilize the sticks like it.

>> No.406235
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Other side...

>> No.406230

>tfw most of my PS1 game cases are in shit condition

I really should have been a more responsible kid

>> No.406241

>liking crap bandicoot

>> No.406250

>harboring such an opinion
>Not having already been shot

Welp, time to track you down....

>> No.406243

THUG 1 and 2 were travestial.

The series has not been properly improved upon since THPS4, and I'd argue that it peaked at 3.

>> No.406248

even better

>> No.406252

I also don't have any of the Spyro games :-(

Though to be fair, I grew up originally with an N64 and didn't get into collecting PS1 games until I owned a PS2.

>> No.406263

Very nice set there, i enjoyed finding Valkyrie and Suikoden 2 tucked away, but
> very obviously a serious PS1 collector
> all those greatest hits
Not enough buckets to hold all this vomit. Will post my own in a sec, got a couple more games today. Don't hold your breath, it's much smaller.

>> No.406272

I never understood the deal with greatest hits, whats so bad?

>> No.406274
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I see it.
I would grab a copy, but I have way too much shit to buy as it is

>> No.406292
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You honestly don't see what's bad in this?

Not to mention rarity/collectible value. You can get some of the GH FFs sealed and straight from Squeenix to this day.

>> No.406285
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>> No.406286

>still giving a shit about "greatest hits" vs. "black label."

I ain't planning on selling this shit, and I actually play my games. But, if you do actually VOMIT, please make not to mess up your parent's carpet. They're sick of cleaning up after you, at your age :)

>> No.406303

not that guy but the sentences following the first were unnecessary

>> No.406316
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Holy shit, this nigga mad as fvck.

>> No.406326

>go on eBay
>FFVII - 40 bucks for black label, complete
>FFVII - 20 bucks for greatest hits

Gone are the days when FFVII black label was actually worth $80+, buddy. Get off your high horse.

>> No.406321

I play my games too, and i like my collection untainted by GH. It's the equivalent of having a stamp collection and buying a 1950 stamp that was reprinted in 2012.

I won't touch the rest of your "hurr ur new" and that emoticon with a ten-foot pole.

>> No.406334

Even less reason to have the fuck-ugly green reprints.

>> No.406337
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>still didn't deny he lives at home with his parents
>"untainted by GH..."

They're so proud of you!...

>> No.406338

is this actually good, or more of a novelty? been reading about it for ages.

>> No.406349
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>Box fetichism

>> No.406343

I heard that, aside from controls, it fares pretty well.
If you just want the story, go watch Galerians: Rion. It's a CGI OVA

>> No.406354
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If you want to skirt around the actual issue that badly, yup, i do live with my parents. Second best university in the country happens to be on my hometown, and i'm not going to waste nobody's money to live alone just for the sake of living alone.

Sage for straying off-topic.

>> No.406357


It's okay if you're into tank controls.

>> No.406351

wait, that's the game were you take a bunch of drugs and hallucinate right? or am I misremembering?

>> No.406359

You take drugs as weapons, no hallucinations.

>> No.406381
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Old picture, but this is some of my collection.

Some of my absolute favorites that I think don't get enough attention are:
Brave Fencer Musashi
Deception series (Kagero: Deception II is a good one to start with)
King's Field
Threads of Fate

Anybody know of any good japanese exclusives for the PS1? I recently got a JPS2, and currently the only PS1 game I have for it is Sexy Parodius.

>> No.406374

You take that the fuck back, nigger. There was nothing wrong with THUG 1, and THUG 2 was pretty good as well. They improve upon the old games in every way.

>> No.406386


I kinda disliked the first one, it was horribly broken.

Second one was all around better in my opinion.

>> No.406389

hahaha lmfao u liv wti ur prarents u nerd :)))))
lol ur a ghey nred looser :P

This is a very eventful discussion, rife with meaning and intellectual debate.

>> No.406403

Lemme ask this.
What do you play your PS1 games on?
If it's 3D, usually my PS3
If it's 2D/Light Gun, a CRT with a fat PS1

>> No.406405

>skirt around the actual issue

YOU are the one making an issue of having greatest hits vs. black label, kid. I could give less of a fuck.

But if you're going to be act like a typical /v/irgin, which you are right now, I'm going to knock you off your high horse.

Enjoy your virginity though, with your mountain of PRISTINE black labels! All hail the Fairy King!

>> No.406410
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Ace Combat 2 is great, though it's a shame the flight controls are a little awkward and you have no view control

one of the best soundtracks on the PS1

>> No.406414

I can't think of a single survival horror that doesn't have awful controls. at least not from back then.

>> No.406426
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>resorting to childish name-calling
>telling others they are acting like typical /v/irgins

The year is 2013. 2013, and we haven't evolved enough to cut this shit out. Unbelievable.

>> No.406428


But it was

Once you built that one perfect gun every encounter was a formality.

>> No.406441
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> mfw everybody has Galerians
Rock solid collection there, m8, and i love your mention of Deception, though 3 is certainly my favorite.

As for japanese, try Umihara Kawase Shun, Bokandesuyo and Super Adventure Rockman.

Except i'm not the one throwing around "virgin" and "lel i bet u live with parents", am i? I expressed disgust about part of your collection and you went full analhiroshima there. This place went to hell mighty fast.

>> No.406452

is /vr/ /v/ 2.0 now?

>> No.406453

>mfw everybody has Galerians
Again, I'm catching on to that.
I only saw it once, and now everyone but me and that one Anon has it

>> No.406448

If you manage to ignore all the pointless clutter, then yeah, I guess.

THPS4 had some of that too but the Spine Transfer and re-balanced air/grind score ratio was enough to offset the lack of focus that the series suffered as a result.

When THUG came out it was clear that the series could only grow sideways and downward. By American Wasteland everyone had gone way back to the peak of the series or moved on entirely. There's value in cutting out every extraneous facet of gameplay, but instead of further improving an excellent system, Activision shifted the focus of the series to hooligan antics because they honestly thought it was the reason people played these damn games.

>> No.406449
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All of the obvious ones have already been named, I think, so I'll just add:

Tales of Phantasia

>> No.406463

Seriously, back in /v/ i was like the only guy that had it, and now i'm yet to see a PS1 collection that doesn't have it. Makes me happy, because i LOVE that game, but my hipster side itches a little.

>> No.406468


It was always going to happen. New boards are good for a short while and then they become the same sort of shitfest that every other one is.

>> No.406490

Why does it always take so long for people to mention Monster Rancher 2? Aka the superior monster battle franchise.

>> No.406491

Any tips for me?

>> No.406494
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>taking pics of his video games
>calling others virgins

>> No.406497

Maybe so, and I'm not a fan of the Jackass influence that took major effect with THUG 2. But the games control better, they look better, the levels are larger and more detailed, and the soundtracks are bigger. What's not to love? THUG 1 didn't have any "pointless clutter". Everything worked, and it worked well, and it worked as it should in a skating game. Sure, by AW, with dumb shit like parkour and biking, that could be called clutter, but certainly not THUG 1.

>> No.406515

>Tenchu 2
>level creator
Endless fun. Anyone happen to have any neat levels they can share?

>> No.406519

Your insistence that THUG1 isn't such a step down from THPS4 has moved me to give the game another run-through. Going to fire it up first thing tomorrow to refresh my memory.

>> No.406525

You're going to play the game now? Well, i'll try to keep it spoiler-free.
> there's an anger bar that keeps charging whether you like it or not and you need limited items to cool it down, so i suggest not idling around
> whenever stuck, scan EVERYTHING with triangle
> avoid combat. no, really, in most survival horrors you don't need to avoid combat, but this one runs really short in ammo and HP at some points
> SKIP items make you stronger but they wear off if you get under 50% HP, so only use them if you're sure you can handle it long enough
> SAVE AS MUCH MOTHERFUCKING BLUE AMMO AS POSSIBLE FOR THE LAST LEVEL. Honestly, you don't want to be caught without it.

>> No.406527

I have Driver lying around here somewhere on PC. Goddamn, that was one of the greatest games I ever played. Also, I have the Die Hard Trilogy for the Saturn but haven't played it yet.

>> No.406529

dat front mission 3,legend of mana and vagrant story!!!

you only need tactics ogre and suikoden 2

>> No.406534
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My collection
If anyone points out the cracked cases, sorry. I don't wanna talk about it

>> No.406547

>there's an anger bar that keeps charging whether you like it or not and you need limited items to cool it down, so i suggest not idling around
Knew this
Knew this
>avoid combat
Kinda had a feeling
>SKIP items make you stronger but they wear off if you get under 50% HP, so only use them if you're sure you can handle it long enough
>SAVE AS MUCH MOTHERFUCKING BLUE AMMO AS POSSIBLE FOR THE LAST LEVEL. Honestly, you don't want to be caught without it.
Mind explaining this bluntly
Also, not playing it right now. Just for later on

>> No.406550

For so few games, you have a damn impressive lot there. Dat Braindead 13.
And you can get replacement jewel cases DIRT cheap, m8. I have a box here for emergencies that i bought for $0.25 a pop or something.

>> No.406552

Whoah, thanks man. Bokandesuyo looks fucking amazing, and it doesn't hurt that my favorite genre is shoot-em-ups. Umihara Kawase is one on my wantlist, yeah, and Super Adventures Rockman looks pretty weird. I had no idea something like this existed, I might have to get a copy.


>> No.406579

Mind linking me?
Yeah. Though I'm desperate for money, I've been thinking of selling BD13, but I don't have the heart to do it.
Hell, playing it's a bitch
PS3 has audio issues
PS2 won't let you switch discs due to there being no real "scripted event" for it
PS1 is the only system that works with it

>> No.406585
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Don't worry, my nigga. I've been on a JAP PS1 binge lately, managed to filter out a couple good titles (the rest was too text heavy for me to understand). And Rockman is worth the giggles.

Also, if you like Bokandesuyo, there's also Bokan to Ippatsu! Doronbo, which is EVEN BETTER, and also Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!! Eternal Wings (racing game with RC cars, amazing), Night Raid (bullet hell) and Slap Happy Rhythm Busters (some weird mix of fighter and DDR).

Last level has red-demon-enemy-things that pretty much can only be damaged by the blue (D-Felon) power. You DON'T want to run out.

>> No.406616

Yeah, I really want a copy of Night Raid (Fuck yeah, Takumi!), but I heard it has some bad input lag if playing on the PS2. Know of any others I might be interested in? Anything unusual is great.

I already of course know about LSD, and another one I'm looking at is Speed Power Gunbike.

>> No.406619
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Sorry mate, no links, i bought them locally. I can assure you any store that still sells 'virgin' CDs and DVDs will have those empty jewel cases.

And seriously here, if you ever want to sell Braindead 13, assuming it's complete and not scratched to high heaven (and hoping you don't want ALL OF THE MONEY for it, ebay's $50 is way stretching it for me), i could get it off you. Put up your e-mail and i'll contact you if it tickles your fancy.

>> No.406624

Ah. Thanks.

>> No.406636

Sorry, but I might not.
There are some mild scratches, but nothing that breaks the game.
Though the fucknut that sold me it never put Disc 2 in a sleeve, so that's why it has more scratches than Disc 1

>> No.406640
File: 49 KB, 350x350, pepsi%20man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepsiman has to be one of my all time favorites for the PS1.

Fun guaranteed.

>> No.406647

As much as i'd want it too, that game is NOT worth the $300 price tag. Also i'm afraid i already told you the good ones i've found. 'The Conveni' seems like a good store-management-type game, but very text-heavy, and Speed King: Neo Kobe 2045 is an okay Wipeout racer by Konami, set in the world of Snatcher to boot, but i'm starting to be convinced physical copies of that don't exist anymore.

No worries, mate.

>> No.406669

Good thing it's pretty easily found for a third of that, then. I'm really into stuff like that -- Yume Nikki is one of my favorite games of all time, and I've sunk hours upon hours into LSD, and would be glad to do more. Thanks for the recommendations anyway!

>> No.406689

If you don't mind telling me, where do you buy JP games?

>> No.406769

For stuff like that, usually just on game forums with friends and stuff. I have some awesome friends who live in Japan who are willing to act as a middleman on YAJ stuff, too.

>> No.406785

Do you like kart games (as in games with similar mechanics to mariokart)?

because the ps1 has tons of those and as a kid they were the highlight of the ps1.

Examples which I played and enjoyed are:

>Crash team racing
My favorite one - it stands the test of time and the difficulty is just right imo (even now as an adult) - Best tracks of any retro kart racing game in my opinion. I don't know what else to say - you like Crash Bandiccot so it'd be a crime if you don't at least try it out (if you haven't already)

>Buggy ("Team losi rc racer" in the US)
probably my second favorite racing game - I'd say it's the most challenging of the kart games I'm listing as it requires a bit more thought than the rest - your power-ups are built up by combinations of colours as you go through coloured gates - so you need to memorize the combinations and adapt your stratergy of which combination to go for as you go through the track - it's a little hard to explain, I suggest just give it a shot. I'd also say it probably has the most potential playtime as there are 3 modes to complete and a lot of secrets to unlock (levels, areas, and race-cars) .. I still haven't worked out how to unlock most of the race-cars


>> No.406780

Ah, what a shame. I'm due to go there in about two years (if no shit hits the fan), going to take an extra empty luggage just to bring back vidya.

>> No.406809
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i grew up on the playstation, the very first game i played was spyro 1. back then i could never get the last fucking dragon, or the last gems. i have alot of favorites, so ill list em down. some of them, like FFVII i never owned, but i played.
my favoites:

spyro 1, 2, and 3
crash bandicoot 1, 2, and 3
metal gear solid
legacy of kain soul reaver
dragon valor
mortal kombat trilogy
marvel super heroes
megaman x4 and x5 and mm8
rayman 1
tomb raider 1 - 4
frogger 1 and 2
crash team racing
driver 2
tekken 2
guardians crusade

>> No.406842

>GTA 2
>Die Hard Trilogy

You can literally get better versions of these on the PC for free (or cheap for MDK)

>> No.406860



>Toy story racer
This is my least favorite to be honest - it doesn't really stand out from the others, but I'd say it's still worth a shot - The controls at first may be a little awkward - I find it's best to turn by analog stick nudging as opposed to held steering - but once you get used to the controls it is still very fun today - lots of levels (both battle and racing levels) and lots of characters to unlock.

>Lego racing
You can make your own car and character - great soundtrack, great powerups, and great levels.. It's been a while since I've played so I'm not sure what else to say - but I'd definitely recommend it - it's one of my favorite ps1 games (not sure why it's been so long - I'll have to remedy that)

>Looney Tunes Racing
Really fun to play and I find myself going back to it quite a bit. They really got the Looney Tunes atmosphere perfect - the music, the characters, the power-ups, the character dialogue..even the sound effects are authentic. It makes me feel like a kid again.

In conclusion - if you're going to try some kart games, my top 3 recommendations are:

>Crash team racing
For the all-around fun - if you just try one, try this one
For the most challenge and for the longest playtime
>Looney Tunes Racing
For the atmosphere

But of course, I'd recommend trying them all at some point if you take a liking to kart games.

>> No.406892
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Top Shop is fantastic.

>> No.406971

Oh god, those generic Agetec games. I played Racing, and it was pretty awful, so I made sure to stay away from anything with that banner on it from then on.

>> No.406984

Ben, go get a job mate.

>> No.407031

Oh, forgot.
Here are my PS1 Classics
Abe 1
Parasite Eve
Silent Hill
Rayman 2 (the physcial copy was free)

>> No.407038
File: 782 KB, 1536x1152, PS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my BIG PRISTINE MOUNTAIN OF BLACK LABEL GAMES etc etc people are cunts. I vouch for the quality of all these games, except maybe Bushido Blade 2, Ehrgeiz and Lucky Luke (not bad, just not must play).

Also ignore that retarded camera cord to the right.

>> No.407054

>personal childhood gems
I'm sorry, but nostalgia goggles do not make a game "good"

>> No.407061
File: 42 KB, 418x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bushido Blade was one of my favorites at the time.

Especially the demo, I remember it came on some PSX magazine disc and was 2 player versus. It was only one stage I believe but me and my buddy played that demo to death.

They should make a reboot.

>> No.407070


>> No.407078

I'm the one that gave you the game tips, ahaha. Told you.

>> No.407079

>Tales of Destiny/II
ma nigga

>> No.407087

I like this game too but
>that art
>that voice acting

>> No.407089

I'm not even trolling. It's a very addictive board game.

>> No.407091

Ohhhh, go figure.

>> No.407097

>Wild 9


>> No.407110
File: 85 KB, 620x607, 093155121805F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that I have this.
It's so bad, I only have it to serve as a swap disc

>> No.407113
File: 5 KB, 262x192, imagesCAAOO8VE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single Greatest Hits in sight
You did well, Anakin.

>> No.407134

I have that too!

>> No.407143

Does Spyro: YOTD not use the analog sticks? If it does, how do I enable them? Using epsxe

>> No.407157

I don't think YotD uses the right stick, but you can try, i think the analog <> digital hotkey is F5.

>> No.407167

Hm weird it's on but it's not responding
I thought I remember using the left stick to move and L1 R1 to turn the camera

>> No.407176
File: 138 KB, 256x254, Front_Mission_3_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.407178

Yeah, you can use the left stick to move. If analog controls aren't working, try remapping the controls (and make sure they're in dualshock mode).

>> No.407195
File: 46 KB, 480x476, Crash-Bandicoot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to use a controller while emulating this? Or do I need to use the keyboard. I'm using ePSXe. Every other game's been fine. (crash 2, 3, CTR, spyro, RE2, etc.)

>> No.407254

Ah I know what's up
Forgot to enable the joysticks with motionjoy first

>> No.407263

This game had no dualshock

>> No.407278

I would avoid motioninjoy at all costs. Shit's sketchy as fuck.

>> No.407286

Was how I got my dualshock3 to work
Never had any problems with it

>> No.407373

go to

>> No.407491
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, 765867fcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found some more of my old games, any of these worth a shit?

currently playing parasite eve and it's the shit

>> No.407624
File: 18 KB, 356x371, 1359686635131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i loved most about the game. don't even get me started on the music.
the nostalgia is too much, i gotta stop. damn, i loved that game, still probably one of my top three games.
>tfw i'll never know if rena and claude kissed or just hugged because of the blocky graphics

>> No.407664


Are you me?

>> No.408503


So they've been delivering shovelware to the masses for some time, I see.

>> No.408514

Seconding this, been replaying it lately and it still holds up. Fond memories of spending hours messing around with different wanzer builds as a kid

>> No.409583
File: 335 KB, 960x680, Drunk on games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never owned a Playstation as a kid because I was practically a Nintendo Hitler Youth
>bought a PS2 like last week

Thank you so much for all of the great games!

>> No.409938

My favourite PS1 game is Crash Team Racing still fun to this day has not aged a day in my opinion

>> No.409994


Nitrous Oxide!

>> No.410465

I just started a new game with this a few days ago. been fun so far.

>> No.410472

Good game. I used to play the shit outta it with a few friends back in the day. I should pop it in again soon

>> No.410476
File: 106 KB, 640x640, darkstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool Diablo clone

>> No.410482

King's Field
These two got me through so much.

>> No.410573

I used to play the shit out of this for pc.. mods and skin packs included and a ton of user content. damn shame I lost it all. I had hundreds of megs of the stuff. Probably the biggest reason I havent played it since.

Awesome game and I love the 2 people team combo

>> No.410664
File: 188 KB, 950x950, Casper 3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides what I've read so far...

Casper: A Haunting 3D Challenge
PaRappa The Rapper
Um Jammer Lammy
Ghost in the Shell
Fighting Force
MGS Special Missions (/VR Missions)


>> No.410680

How can anyone above the age of 14 sincerely recommend Metal Gear? Worst convoluted story ever that only a pre-pubescent can enjoy.

>> No.410698

Go watch Escape from New York and Escape from Los Angeles.

If you like those movies, Metal Gear is a good game.

>> No.412735

Wow, I'm glad this thread is still up after all this time, even if /vr/ is a fairly new board and therefore somewhat slow. Thanks for the suggestions everyone

>> No.413007

yeah, since you came here.

>> No.413084 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 600x588, Blaster Master - Blasting Again [U] [SLUS-01031]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here ever played MB:BA?

>> No.413096
File: 103 KB, 600x588, Blaster Master - Blasting Again [U] [SLUS-01031]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever played BM:BA? I haven't seen anyone bring it up.

>> No.413884

Not the guy you're talking to, but I've been trying to do that with my collection as a whole. Some of my friends thought me only buying original label games, and only if they have the case/cover art and manuals stupid, and said I should just settle for more modern games in whatever condition the local Gamestops had them in.

>> No.414021

ctrl+f tomba
no reasult
160+ replies

Deer lord in great heaven wtf is this bullshit

tomba 1 and 2 are both great games for the ps1.

>> No.414056
File: 91 KB, 640x639, 79803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.414321

pls forgiv me anon
no, really, tomba's fantastic

>> No.414797


I KNEW SOMEWHERE OUT THERE SOMEONE ELSE THOUGHT FUTURE COP LAPD WAS AWESOME!!!! I still have the disc! The amount of times I got stoned and played the multiplayer game against sky captain.....

>> No.414850

AKA the only game ever to be set in Aberystwyth

>> No.414863
File: 62 KB, 594x600, Castlevania_-_Symphony_of_the_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't own this game for the PS1, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.414879


I remember renting this and having a blast

>> No.414924

I still have this game sealed in the shrink wrap. Should I bother opening it?

>> No.414919
File: 27 KB, 616x452, gran_turismo_2_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best driving game I've ever played. It's like a driving RPG.