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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4054626 No.4054626 [Reply] [Original]

How come threads about Raspberry Pi for emulation are allowed when threads for using a PS2 for emulation (not talking about it's native games or the consoles native gaming capabilities) aren't?

Mods not familiar with their own rules?

>> No.4054627

PS2 is too new for /vr/ you faggit

>> No.4054629

So are Raspberry Pi's and FPGA consoles.

>> No.4054631

Not OP but I get his point.
Like disussion of PSX games is allowed, why wouldn't dissusion of PSX games under PS2 be?

>> No.4054632


>> No.4054635

Then why did my thread about PS2 for emulation get deleted?

>> No.4054638 [DELETED] 

kys you fucking nigger

>> No.4054639

Mods on /vr/ are like that

>> No.4054642


>> No.4054686

If you really give a shit and aren't just being hypothetical, emulation on PS2 is GARBAGE. Hasn't seen a shred of development in nearly a decade and is too under-powered to do anything beyond NES well, there's nothing to discuss.

>> No.4054732

>emulation on PS2 is GARBAGE

>> No.4054776 [DELETED] 

Your mom's gapeing gash is the source.

>> No.4054816

Somebody told you that a raspberry pi is much better at emulating SNES and you said that a raspberry pi is out of the question because it can't emulate PS2 games.

>> No.4054834

>because it can't emulate PS2 games.
are you retarded? PS2 doesn't emulate PS2 games
it's just a bonus that you can also natively play those

emulator threads should all be shut down then because all those platforms emulators run also have native games that are out of /vr/

>> No.4054856 [DELETED] 

There's an easy and simple solution to all of this. It's a bit of a doozy, so you might want to take a seat.

Just allow 6th gen discussion on this board. It's been in purgatory between being too "new" for /vr/ for almost 5 years now, and it's too old for /v/ to give a shit about
There's honestly no harm bringing in more consoles to this board, as I'm sure the same DOOM and Aladdin threads have gotten pretty stale. I'd love to be able to talk about games like Evergrace, Timesplitters, or Golden Sun again.

>> No.4054861

Sixth gen outside of the DC will NEVER EVER be retro.

Deal with fucking it, kiddo.

>> No.4054871

I've never seen any issues with talking about that sort of thing as long as it stayed retro, mod was probably just angry that his mommy didn't buy him the right kind of hot pockets and deleted your thread out of frustration.

>> No.4054873

>are you retarded? PS2 doesn't emulate PS2 games

You need to learn to read. I never said the PS2 emulates PS2 games.

OP wanted to know if the PS2 is a good console for running SNES emulators and stuff. Some dude told him it isn't and that the raspberry pi is a much more capable emulation box. OP refused to use a pi because he wants to play PS2 games.

>> No.4054878

inb4 404

>> No.4054879

Why would you not want to broaden discussion and talk about more games on this board?

>Deal with fucking it, kiddo
You alright anon? You should get some rest.

>> No.4054883

>emulator threads should all be shut down then because all those platforms emulators run also have native games that are out of /vr/
Does have a point though.

>> No.4054884

>Sixth gen outside of the DC will NEVER EVER be retro.
>Deal with fucking it, kiddo.
It's just a matter of time.

PS4 will be retro too one day.
Just takes a while for the new autists to make over and declare new rules, once /vr/ has mods that weren't even born when the PS2 came out, trust me, it will be retro.

>> No.4054886

What did you post?

>> No.4054887

Just that does the PS2 SNES emulator output 240p and general emulators on PS2 thread

>> No.4054893

People said "it's just a matter of time" like 3 years ago.

The fact is PS2 games are much closer to PS4 games than they are SNES games.

>> No.4054894

What are you on about? They still release Dreamcast games.

>> No.4054895

I wish fucking Dreamcast was never allowed so it wouldn't have set a retarded fucking precedent.

>> No.4054896


The SNES and Mega Drive still has games coming out for them, too. The Atari as well. By that logic, no game discussion is allowed.

>> No.4054897

Not officially. Those are homebrews.

>> No.4054898

The funny thing is most 6thgen kids never even played a DC.

>> No.4054905

3 years is nothing
try 10

>> No.4054909

>The fact is PS2 games are much closer to PS4 games than they are SNES games.
I fail to see your logic.
There is no such _fact_.

>SNES is 10 years apart from PS2
>PS4 is 13 years apart from PS2

>> No.4054913

The time doesn't make a lot of difference. PS2 games are barely different to PS4 games, but totally different to SNES games.

>> No.4054914
File: 33 KB, 477x425, 1481514106265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a world were children are so fucking retarded that they think Master Chief and Pacman are from the same era.

>> No.4054917

>Let's limit discussion of hardware to 1999 and before
>But not software
I'll never understand how the people who run this shithole made these rules up.

Let's have a thread about Intrepid Izzy, which is currently in development in the year 2017, but fuck that guy who wants to talk about Jet Set Radio Future which came out in 2002.

What a great retro board.

>I can name vidya characters and call people "kids" I'm such an intellectual you guys
What a special snowflake you are. Go pat yourself on the back somewhere else.

>> No.4054918

I'm special because I have enough brain power and logical capability that I can see Master Chief and any retro character have little to no simulates and obviously represent different eras?

Damn you kids set the bar low for yourselves.

>> No.4054919

>Intrepid Izzy,
That shit is vaporware like beasts of rage, you don't have to worry about that

>> No.4054920

I meant Age of the Beast

>> No.4054924

I was wondering why I was calling the PS2 "6th gen" and not labeling it with the Atari 2600. Thanks for clearing that one up.

It's almost as if you aren't even paying attention to what anyone is discussing here.

>> No.4054925

Because slapping "6th gen" after it makes the difference...

>> No.4054926

Dreamcast is 6th gen

We should either remove all Dreamcast discussion along with any software past 1999 or bring in all 6th gen consoles and stop having these daily threads

>> No.4054928

The DC is SEGA's last console also.

>> No.4054931


>> No.4054937

It's an end of an age and died rather early into 6th gen, so it was eventually decided to allow it here. That's something you have to remember, for a good while the Dreamcast wasn't even allowed on this site and it eventually was after a few years went by.

In spite of all the "never ever" people on this board I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of 6th gen was allowed eventually, it's just I doubt now is the time.

I personally wish it were allowed here, but in the end I don't really mind the current rules either. What I do mind is the screeching hostility any time somebody brings up the idea, it's ridiculous.

>> No.4054941

I don't like it but it's still their last console.

>> No.4054974

Holy cringe, how dare you think 90's video games characters are from the same era as 80's ones

>> No.4054976

>Let's have a thread about Intrepid Izzy, which is currently in development in the year 2017, but fuck that guy who wants to talk about Jet Set Radio Future which came out in 2002.
>What a great retro board.
Welcome to /vr/.

It's autism center.

>> No.4054979

>calls others kids
>thinks... >>4054917
>"Let's have a thread about Intrepid Izzy, which is currently in development in the year 2017, but fuck that guy who wants to talk about Jet Set Radio Future which came out in 2002. "
>...is normal
dunno if hipster or guy who wants to fit in badly

>> No.4054981

>That's something you have to remember, for a good while the Dreamcast wasn't even allowed on this site and it eventually was after a few years went by.
Same will be for PS2.

>> No.4054982

All the Nintendo faggots are doing their best that it won't happen, dunno if it's because the PS2 was a good console or that it outsold everyone else. It's so obvious, they even hate the PSX.

>> No.4054984

>nintendo fanboys being faggots
nothing new

>> No.4054992

>Holy cringe
Calm down kid.
>Master Chief
Really, calm down kid.
You tried.

>> No.4054993

Cause ps2 triggers so much autism here. Idk its got the best catalogue of games.

But it upsets people here so bringing it up gets it reported a lot so itll get deleted by an autisic janny.

>> No.4054998

Ps2 is closer to ps1 which is retro by vr standards than they are to ps3.

>> No.4055004 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4055006

pls maek this board /vxx/ already

>> No.4055376

Dreamcast stopped production in 2001-02. PS2 stopped production in 2010.

>> No.4055379

>Let's compare a lazy port

>> No.4055406 [DELETED] 


>> No.4055412

Yeah I'm just gonna start reporting all the /v/ shitposting going on on this board because it's getting old.

>> No.4055487

Mega Drives are still officially made and sold in South American markets. Shit argument.

>> No.4055515

Off the top of my head.
Sd, physical media, little to no online. No dlc, no patches, no online purchasing, made for crt.

Also pretty sure thats a screen shot from an emulator

>> No.4055526
File: 72 KB, 640x908, 3682_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kid but it was ED/HD capable. Though nearly everything ran at 480i. Games like GT4 had 1080i.
>physical media
Still got that today?
little to no online
Wrong again, slugger.
>No dlc
Not your day, champ
>no patches
Sorry kid
>no online purchasing
See pic.
>made for crt.
What the fuck does that mean bucko?

>> No.4055537


>> No.4055538

>HD capable
Capable but less than 10 games where using it.
>>physical media
>Still got that today?
Yes, and 6th gen was the last gen to use it as its main form of distribution. 7th/8th where more online distro.
>little to no online
>Wrong again, slugger.
Nope a tiny fraction of players where using online for ps2/xbox/gc. Hell didnt the dreamcast have the biggest user online that gen? OH AND THATS retro here.

Hell even the snes had Satellaview, Mega Drive the Sega Channel. Online for retro consoles was small till 7th gen. And 6th gen had it small.

>What the fuck does that mean bucko?
First day here? I guess thats why you failed to green text.

>> No.4055540

Sounds worrying similar to Dreamcast...except that "retro" system had online baked into the hardware from day one unlike the PS2.

The whole calendar-based divide is clearly a joke and whoever decided to capitulate to the fanboys who whined for its inclusion here needs their head examining.

>> No.4055548

>Yes, and 6th gen was the last gen to use it as its main form of distribution. 7th/8th where more online distro.
You're telling me the Wii used online distribution? Cmon kid you should had atleast been like 8 by the the time the Wii came out.
>Nope a tiny fraction of players where using online for ps2/xbox/gc.
PS2 had FF and XBox had Halo amount other online titles. A huge amount people were online, kiddo.
>Hell even the snes had Satellaview, Mega Drive the Sega Channel. Online for retro consoles was small till 7th gen. And 6th gen had it small.
Weren't online services. They were streaming services or mock internet providers in the case of SEGA.
>First day here? I guess thats why you failed to green text.
No really kid. Explain to me what made for CRT means?
It works fine and the DC should be treated as an exception.

>> No.4055549

Pretty sure that was moot. and that fuck head misused the word retro, when he meant old, and the clown isnt even here anymore.

>> No.4055564

>Wii used online distribution
It did. Lots of indie games, and emulated stuff. Still carried on today on ninty consoles.

Unlike the ps2 online which is the only one not using the PSN, which was introduced with psp/ps3.

>A huge amount people were online, kiddo.
Hahah might wanna back that up

ps2 had 150m units sold, less than 2m people where using its online services.

ps3 had little over 80m units sold and psn reportadly had around 70m people using it.
>Explain to me what made for CRT means
Lurk the fuck more.

thats a fucking huge difference.

>> No.4055567

The Wii is just Gamecube 2 with gimmick controllers. It's 6th Gen.

>DC should be treated as an exception
Indeed. A non-retro system on a retro board.

Oh and lay off with the schoolyard insults. It takes away any credibility from your opinions and labels you a twat.

>> No.4055568

And lets not forget the Wii was basically an upgraded Gamecube with online functions out the box, basically upgrading the GC to 7th gen.

>> No.4055570

>Oh and lay off with the schoolyard insults. It takes away any credibility from your opinions and labels you a twat.

Yeah but it makes me laugh when people lack the ability to express them selves and have to resort to throwing insults and trying to demean someones argument by calling them underage.

Or you know autism.

>> No.4055589
File: 602 KB, 983x861, xboxlive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It did. Lots of indie games, and emulated stuff.
Let me go see about downloading Mario Galaxy. Oh wait.
>Hahah might wanna back that up
No problem kid. See unlike you I was there. Or at the very least I don't put blinders up. Halo was fucking huge. As the article says, and you can get the same interview elsewhere, over 160,000 people were playing online in the first 24 hours of the NA release of Halo2. To put that into more perspective. This record was not beat until Gears of War on the XBox 360.

To say 6th gen has no to little online is the most ignorant and underage statement you can make as far as video games are concerned. Say old games look shit and aged like milk. Saying 6th gen had no online though is pure retardation. I honestly think you have mental problems.

In no way is 6th gen like 5th you dumb underage shit.

>Lurk the fuck more.
K, kid.

>> No.4055617

Did you imply you reported him?


>> No.4055620

>You tried.
...and I was right

>> No.4055625

Shitty comparison.
Lower the resolution slightly more and reduce a few polygons and it could run even on a PS1

Graphics comparisons are bullshit

>made for crt.
PS2? Are you retarded?

>> No.4055627

>You're telling me the Wii used online distribution?
I don't know if you're just too dumb about new consoles because you're a /vr/ fag or just generally dumb and ignorant

>> No.4055628

>Lower the resolution slightly more and reduce a few polygons and it could run even on a PS1
You've heard of FF7 right? Gonnah ave to cut a bit more than a few polygons and textures.

>> No.4055634

>You've heard of FF7 right? Gonnah ave to cut a bit more than a few polygons and textures.
But he did a graphics comparison.

Lets see all those game and engine functions running in the background then, but no, he didn't compare horses.
Graphics wise it could run on a PS1 looking no worse then half as bad as his PS2 FF7 screenshot.

>> No.4055638

You got me thinking of 7...

>> No.4055642

Where I can download Super Mario Galaxy?
>Graphics wise it could run on a PS1 looking no worse then half as bad as his PS2 FF7 screenshot.
What? You ain't getting a PS2 game running on the PS1...

>> No.4055643


>> No.4055659


>> No.4055669

>No problem kid. See unlike you I was there. Or at the very least I don't put blinders up. Halo was fucking huge. As the article says, and you can get the same interview elsewhere, over 160,000 people were playing online in the first 24 hours of the NA release of Halo2. To put that into more perspective. This record was not beat until Gears of War on the XBox 360.

Considering by 2004 the xbox had sold 20m units, thats a small arse number. And halo 3 had over 1m players at launch month with 10m units sold. thats a much bigger % of players using online.

hell even wow had 200k players day1

>> No.4055672
File: 88 KB, 5000x5000, 1469917724912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats a small arse number

>> No.4055679

Less than 1% of the player base is a lot?

>> No.4055685

That was nearly the whole playerbase 24 hours in dumbass. Man you're fucking retarded.

>> No.4055687

We're going to have to listen to "WAAAH ALLOW SIXTH GEN ALREADY" all summer, aren't we? Fucks sake.

>> No.4055690

No it wasnt. 20m xboxs had sold by 2004. Only 160k logged on to halo in the first day. That is less than 1%.

>Man you're fucking retarded.
You'll learn one day thats not how you demean your own argument and not others.

>> No.4055692

Then feel free to take your autism else where.

>> No.4055698

You're talking about consoles... Failed logic,

>> No.4055705

How so? And lets not throw a tantrum and more insults with your answer.

>> No.4055718

Every fucking day until your #safespace is destroyed.

>> No.4055723

By your dumb kid logic here. No one played any of the SF games on SNES because they struggled to get 15% of total console sales...

>> No.4055734

Thats not what we are talking about. We are talking about how little amount of people used online for 6th gen console compared to 7th gen consoles. Your numbers backed up my argument that fuck all people where using online services in 6th gen, hence why they are nearer to 5th in compasison.

Standard Definition, made for use with a crt and low end INTERNET usage. Like the rest of the retro consoles here.

>> No.4055742

I fail to see by anyone standards how having 160k people on at one time, not total here dumbass, in the first 24 hours is fuck all.
>hence why they are nearer to 5th in compasison.
Which had zero online?

I don't know man. You have some kind of mental problem.

>> No.4055746

Also to add again. 6thgen was not SD.

>> No.4055753

You are the kid too stupid to be "on theme" in school, aren't you? Reddit got what you're looking for.

>> No.4055756

>6thgen was not SD
90% of was 480i/480p, less than 50 games accroess the entire generation had support for 720p and above. It was a majority SD generation, designed around the use of a CRT, fuck the damn consoles all came with composite cables. None support HDMI and official component cables are rare as fuck today as they where produced in such a limited quantity.

>> No.4055759

480p is ED, champ.
>None support HDMI and official component cables are rare as fuck today as they where produced in such a limited quantity.
The XBox and PS2 were dvd players, kid. They had component cables everywhere,.

>> No.4055761

Still not that widely supported. and also supported by 5th gen and dreamcast. Not really changing my mind here.

>> No.4055762

>Still not that widely supported
See XBox.
Name one game.

>> No.4055763

>PS2 were dvd players, kid. They had component cables everywhere,.

Progressive scan wasnt even supported by the ps2's dvd player iirc

>> No.4055765

>Progressive scan wasnt even supported by the ps2's dvd player iirc

What does component have to do with interlace or progressive, kiddo?

>> No.4055769

>tfw I got a launch PS2 and hooked it up to my RF-only KV-1400.

As I recall it was the 2.35:1 Special Edition pressing of The Terminator which finally caused me to upgrade to a 28" WEGA and Blaze Ultimate SCART cable.

I digress. Component cables were not in any way widely used, at least here in europe.

>> No.4055770

about 100 games on the xbox supported 480p out of the 1000 or so released.
10% for ED and 90% SD. I'm still in the majorty. And still less than 5$ for High Def which was my point anyway cause who even gives a fuck about ED, this is the first time im even seeing it come up on this board in months, it kinda just feels like your grasping at straws now.

>> No.4055773

>What does component have to do with interlace or progressive, kiddo?

Its pretty much 0 difference running 480i to 480p with composite cables.

>> No.4055774

That's more than the whole of 5thgen.
Now sort by games people give a fuck about.

How about naming those 480p 5thgen games kiddo I'm waiting?

Oh and another thing kiddo. Just because I was curious. Of the top 25 played games in the past 30 days on steam. Only 4 have had more players online at one time than Halo2. In 2017 only 4 current games beat it. http://steamcharts.com/top

>> No.4055776

>I digress. Component cables were not in any way widely used, at least here in europe.

This had em on watch on ebay for about a year now. See like 1 a month crop up in uk and maybe 2-3 from USA, shame they have retarded shipping fees.

>> No.4055778

That's your opinion and has nothing to do with the post I made.
Them and the XBox DVD remotes were everywhere in America.

>> No.4055780

I think you'll find it's actually 100% difference seeing as one results in a picture being displayed and the other results in jack shit of fuck all.

>> No.4055789

>Now sort by games people give a fuck about.
No one cares about xbox dude. Well maybe you, you keep bringing it up.

Ps2 had GT4. Literally the only decent game that gen to support HD.

>How about naming those 480p 5thgen games kiddo I'm waiting
Just google it. Not hard. My numbers are out by a bit by some lists, but still more than your posting.

>Oh and another thing kiddo. Just because I was curious. Of the top 25 played games in the past 30 days on steam. Only 4 have had more players online at one time than Halo2. In 2017 only 4 current games beat it. http://steamcharts.com/top

Yeah some random monday vs Halo 2 launch day, real good comparison, try checking when a big game just launched. And you cry about my logic?

>> No.4055791

Composite doesn't support 480p?

>> No.4055792
File: 88 KB, 540x405, 1497113430068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one cares about xbox dude. Well maybe you, you keep bringing it up.
Hear that? Sounds like an argument crumbling.
>Just google it. Not hard. My numbers are out by a bit by some lists, but still more than your posting.
There it goes, all of those pieces that you thought were a wonderful argument.
>Yeah some random monday vs Halo 2 launch day, real good comparison, try checking when a big game just launched. And you cry about my logic?
The most players at one time are not based off the day. They are the most players online ever for that game.

>> No.4055802

>Hear that? Sounds like an argument crumbling.
How? That 6th gen is closer to 5th? Me not liking the xbox doesnt make that any less true. Since you know im not american and no one cared about that console outside murica.
>There it goes, all of those pieces that you thought were a wonderful argument.
>The most players at one time are not based off the day. They are the most players online ever for that game
3.6m players playing games on steam right now vs 160k playing on xbox live in 2004.

I think thats a big difference. Keep grasping at straws

>> No.4055805

You've lose the argument in tech specs.
5thgen was 240p
6thgen was 480i/480p or higher.

5thgen had no online
6thgen had online

Maybe you would have an argument if there was some retro analogue for Master Chief. Like any retro analogue not just from 5th gen.

>> No.4055810

>5thgen was 240p
>6thgen was 480i/480p or higher.
Both standard definitions. Not HD and all supported by SD tvs and designed for CRTS.

Both consoles look fucking terrible on a HDTV. Even the framemiseter and OSSC (whatever its called) supper 6tth gen consoles for uspaling to a hd tv.

>5thgen had no online
>6thgen had online

Both had online actually, so did the 4th, look it up, no one was using it but they damn well had it. And all around a tiny fraction of users was using online until 7th gen, which was my argument.

Keep grasping at straws, name calling and making bad analogies, youll always be wrong on this.

>> No.4055814

Again kid. 480p is not SD.
OSSC does not de interlace? COuld be wrong. Either way you're talking about de interlacing vs scaling.
>Both had online actually
If you keep saying it that doesn't make it true. Sorry, champ.

>youll always be wrong on this.
Maybe retards like you who think 480p is SD even after been told multiple times it's not.

>> No.4055827

>Again kid. 480p is not SD.
How does this not change a single point of my argument? Saturn could output in ED. And difference between SD and ED are minimal.

>If you keep saying it that doesn't make it true. Sorry, champ.

Sega NetLink

>> No.4055836

Infact EDTV is a term only americans used. 480p was SD everywhere else.

>> No.4055837

>Saturn could output in ED
Name a 5thgen game that did 480p. You keep making these claims.
>Sega NetLink
In 5thgen this wasn't an online service. There were no servers. Also in Japan it was more of a pay to play type thing were you bought minutes.

>> No.4055839

No one cares if PALshit called it SD. NTSC U and J was ED.

>> No.4055842

>Name a 5thgen game that did 480p. You keep making these claims.
I clearly never said that.
>In 5thgen this wasn't an online service. There were no servers. Also in Japan it was more of a pay to play type thing were you bought minutes.
Its still counted as online just like the PSN or the Satellaview.

>> No.4055843

Keep using poor arguments. Maybe cause your country is so poor?

>> No.4055848
File: 14 KB, 305x207, 1486312393992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I clearly never said that. see >>4055761
>Its still counted as online just like the PSN or the Satellaview.
Stream service. Not online.

6thgen was the first with online connectivity out of the box.

>> No.4055853

> it is under the direct control of another device

>free health service
Hate to break it to you, but you're a third would country by our standards.

Anyway, I'm out enjoy being wrong and your autism. Maybe you could have that treated if you lived somewhere with money.

>> No.4055857

Yes that is the definition of online. That's not what modern online services are. A moder online services does 3 things:
-Provide servers
-Provide updates
-Provide DLC

Nothing pre 6th gen does that.
>Hate to break it to you, but you're a third would country by our standards.
Ok Muhammad.

>> No.4055860

Yeah it's stupid.
Same with on pi.

>> No.4055865

>retro is a specific era

>> No.4055872

We aren't talking about retro

>> No.4055916


>> No.4055961

I did think this but a quick google came up with nothing and I'm too lazy to hook something up to test.

>> No.4056170

>What? You ain't getting a PS2 game running on the PS1...
We are talking about graphics, are you silly?

>> No.4056172

>Where I can download Super Mario Galaxy?
The online store on the Wii was shut down a few years ago.
How young are you?

>> No.4056174

>what is enhanced definition

>Still not that widely supported.
I see thousands of games with 480p support on the PS2 and Xbox, what do you see?

>> No.4056176

Never had a Wii but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a digital title.

>> No.4056179

It does.
Just not on old consoles and not well.

You can force a variety of resolutions over composite, but it's not like you will get any better picture.
Aka computers and some digital television receivers.

>> No.4056181

bought minutes to play online.

>> No.4056185

Your point is that ALL of it's games had to be online? That has nothing to do with a console being able to download games off a official store.
Even todays consoles have content on physical media that's not available in the online store.

>> No.4056186

you're moving goalposts repeatedly and it's embarrassing. Segalink was absolutely online play. and video games had online capabilities long before that, like NWN

>> No.4056192
File: 42 KB, 610x349, 610px-hd-vs-sd-resolutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And difference between SD and ED are minimal.
maybe on the Saturn, else it's pretty much day and night

>> No.4056198

You seem autistic. Being able to download some snes roms doesn't mean it used digital distribution. You tried.
No goal posts, champ. See how well it would work out for PSN or XBox live if they announced tomorrow that they were shutting all their servers down for P2P networks and you still have to pay the monthly fee. Ya that's not goalposts that just reality.
Still waiting on that 480p game.

>> No.4056205

>You seem autistic. Being able to download some snes roms doesn't mean it used digital distribution. You tried.
No, I'm not a nitpicking faggot, that would be autistic.

The point was, can it download games from an official store, does it have online services?
Yes and yes.

>> No.4056208

Was Galaxy available digitally on the Wii? Pretty sure it wasn't.

>> No.4056209

>Still waiting on that 480p game.
I have no fucking idea about the Saturn, what the fuck are you talking about? You were talking about the Saturn and saying there is no difference in ED and SD in general.

>You tried.
Who the fuck says shit like that? Is this your shitposting board? Do you imply every post is bait?

>> No.4056215

Different anon. I assumed you were the idiot from before saying 5thgen had 480p games.

>> No.4056219

What has this to do with anything?
There are games for PS4 and Xbone that don't have digital download versions, do they fit in with the Wii now?
By your definition we don't have consoles that have online stores, never had.

>> No.4056223

Galaxy was a major title for the Wii. It not being digitally disturbed is a big deal if you're trying to say all the 7th gen consoles had digital distribution as some kind of priority.
>Yes, and 6th gen was the last gen to use it as its main form of distribution. 7th/8th where more online distro.
Was the main quote.

>> No.4056226

5th gen with the Dreamcast was barely getting "online".
BARELY. Everything else before that is even more of a joke/social experiment.

6th gen consoles already came with networking support built in.

>> No.4056228

Kids wont get that. They see the shit on wiki and they think it's like PSN Lite or something.

>> No.4056229

>Galaxy was a major title for the Wii. It not being digitally disturbed is a big deal if you're trying to say all the 7th gen consoles had digital distribution as some kind of priority.
Nobody said they are 100% digital distribution only.

>where more online
That's about right though.

>6th gen GC
>Media - Nintendo GameCube Game Disc

>7th gen Wii
>Media - Physical and digital

>> No.4056236

You'd have a point if the biggest console of the 7thgen wasn't using physical media as it's only form of distribution for its biggest games.

Again the quote is
>>Yes, and 6th gen was the last gen to use it as its main form of distribution. 7th/8th where more online distro.
>was the last gen to use it as its main form of distribution
Which is just wrong.

>> No.4056256

>5th gen with the Dreamcast was barely getting "online".

So was the 6th gen. I count less than 1% of people using ngc/xbox/ps2's online as barely, apparently Im wrong though

Which was my whole point of 6th gen being separated from 7th gen more and closer to the 5th gen.

>6th gen consoles already came with networking support built in.
only the xbox, maybe the dreamcast

gamecube and ps2 did not.

>> No.4056258

>So was the 6th gen
How delusional do you have to be? Like I figured after I showed you the Stream figures it might bring you back to reality but nope.

>> No.4056272

Oh its you again. Dude that meant fuck all to anyone with a sound mind. Please check yourself into some type of facilty. I'm talking about CONSOLES, not games.

Even if anything your Halo 2 figures show one thing, that 1 game got played online a bunch.

My numbers actually show that less than 1% of people where playing online during 6th gen who owned a console. That is fucking nothing. 7th gen that went up.

>> No.4056274
File: 217 KB, 754x858, delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like I don't get it. Only 4 of these games has had more peak players than Halo 2. The top most played games in the last 30 days. Yet somehow in your fucked up 6th genner brain you still think online was nothing? That's not even consoles... that's PC gaming. As you said. Hardcore online only PC games. And Halo2 had higher peak players. Sorry if that doesn't change your mind you're either mentally deficient and or trolling. I mean wow.

>> No.4056285


>Like I don't get it

I know you dont.
Youre looking at the wrong numbers. your comparing numbers from the consoles biggest launch that brought every subscriber online at once, vs single games.
2mill online right now playing games on steam on a random monday night, vs 160k online on xbox live on the biggest laucnh of the console.

Online exploded on consoles with the 7th gen, it was fucking tiny 6th gen, your numbers are showing this

>> No.4056292
File: 99 KB, 747x494, delusionn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the top 10 games based on peak players going back to 2013. Halo 2 would beat some of these. Halo 2 would fit in a top 10 peak hours list of PC games in 2017 but you still somehow do the mental gymnastics to say it didn't matter.

Let me repeat that. A console game from 2004 would fit into a top 10 peak players list on steam in 2017.

This isn't even an argument at this point. You're mentally deficient.

>> No.4056295

Not talking about games talking about the entire 6th gen

>> No.4056301
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1497115382990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid, you have fun with your mental gymnastics. Damn.

>> No.4056307

Talking to you is feeling that way.

>> No.4056308

Tell me how many 5th gen games would fit on that steam top 10 list? Can you do that? Will you set up some mental block and ignore this post?

>> No.4056316

If you look at sales numbers vs online players in 6th gen youll see they fucking tiny. If you look at those today youll see a huge difference. Stop being a retard your halo2 example is shit and helps you not

>> No.4056317

Tell me how many 5th gen games would fit on that steam top 10 list? Can you do that? Will you set up some mental block and ignore this post?

>> No.4056325

It wouldnt. Tell me how many people when online 5th gen vs 6th vs 7th ?
Less than 1% for 5th and 6th and more then 80 for 7th

>> No.4056329

Those aren't really Mega Drives, they're the equivalent of an official Famiclone in terms of hardware and are sold only on 2 or 3 countries.
t. South American

>> No.4056331

>Tell me how many people when online 5th gen vs 6th vs 7th ?
I don't have that information.

I do have the information that Halo2 was a massively popular game both online and off in 6th gen.

>> No.4056336

>one game was popular online 6th gen

thats all you got.
and it still made up less than 1% of people playing video games at home on consoles in the year 2004

>> No.4056343

XBox live had more than Halo.

>> No.4056348

Now we both know your mkaing that up

>> No.4056352

What? You never played Crimson Skies online or anything other than Halo?

I'm done man. For real done. The dip into the crazy 6th genner world is enough for me. You kids are fucking nuts.

>> No.4056364

>So was the 6th gen.
Still a 100x more users than before

1% alone for the best selling console in history is a lot of people

>> No.4056368

>Which was my whole point of 6th gen being separated from 7th gen more and closer to the 5th gen.
It's literary in the middle ground.

>> No.4056372

I always though it's autism for calling others "kids" on /vr/, but I begin to see now it's true.

>> No.4056742


Don't bother. While most people on /vr/ are probably okay, the loud 50 year olds get triggered by the thought of PS2 games and such being considered retro. I don't get it either.

>> No.4056747


It's sad, because I really liked /vr/ in its first couple of weeks.

>> No.4056763

Sadly, /vr/ is literary the autism center of anything old that's game and it's tech related.
It has such a bad repetition on other boards and even outside of 4chan.

It sucks, it really downs everyone if the hobby you also like is being made to seem like a autism shitfest.

>> No.4056764
File: 251 KB, 569x502, 14880951532455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the loud 50 year olds get triggered
I can imagine those retarded NES fucks getting triggered and going all but-but muh-muh on here.

>> No.4056765


>It has such a bad repetition on other boards and even outside of 4chan.

Jesus, I didn't realize it was that bad. I only show up a couple of times a year now when I'm really, really bored.

>> No.4056817

I was under the impression that other boards barely know that /vr/ exists at all.

>> No.4056841

Entire thread boils down to this:
>Newfags show up
>Whine that they can't talk about certain things here
>Oldfags say "We set up these rules years ago."
>Newfags whine at what Oldfags set.

Y'know the greatest part about 4chan? All the rules for the boards were generally agreed on. Don't like it? Find somewhere else. Jesus, it's not that hard a concept.

It'd be one thing if none of those old guys were around anymore, but walking into someone else's place and telling them to change their standards is beyond retarded.

/vr/ is fine the way it is. PS2 conversation could be fun, but you can just go to /v/. All this thread comes down to is "Wah-wah pander to me."

>> No.4056898


>> No.4056924

This fucking dumb fag got exposed. LMAO.

>> No.4057527

what are you talking about? I think you are confused

>> No.4057528

Did you even read the thread?
I think you didn't even get the point.
It's talk about emulation and not the console PS2, same with Raspberry Pi.

Why the fuck should someone go to /v/ to talk about NES emulation on PS2 if there are several threads about NES emulation on the Pi on /vr/ already, seems like /vr/ should be the logical place for it.

>> No.4057531

it's bad

>> No.4057534

it's probably that some autistic mod got triggered for nothing

>> No.4057697

>PS2 conversation could be fun, but you can just go to /v/.

You cant. Thats why people want 6th gen here.
>All this thread comes down to is "Wah-wah pander to me."
True for both sides.

>> No.4057774

Got a thread going right now kiddo

>> No.4057775


>> No.4057806

Eh, not really active is it. And probs you spamming to keep it alive. Well done

>> No.4057810

I made 3 posts in it including the OP, champ. Pretty damn active considering it's E3 week.

>> No.4057825

You sound like a pedo trying to vet me.

Also nice try your topic lasted an hour.

>> No.4057828

So what you want is a slow board not actually somewhere to talk about your cancer 6th gen shit. Since clearly you can talk about it on /v/.

>> No.4057835

6th gen was amazing grandpa.

>Since clearly you can talk about it on /v/.
hahah no you just show you cant with your failed little topic on /v/

>> No.4057838

A thread up for nearly an hour and a half on a fast board like /v/ is a failure? Ok, kid.

>> No.4057848

Pi threads should be banned too, they're the worst

>> No.4057852

>A thread up for nearly an hour and a half on a fast board like /v/ is a failure? Ok, kid.

Lol, you are delusional as fuck old man

>> No.4057857

A thread lasting longer than an hour during E3 week is a long time, summer.

>> No.4057863

lol bullshit, doesnt matter when it is. ive tried too my man you cant talk about 6th gen on /v/

>> No.4057867

>my man
Dank meme, kiddo.

>> No.4057869

you cant touch my pepe grandpa

>> No.4058117

Kek. 28 replies.
Also no, they where talking about the console, not emulation on it, what was the point of the /vr/ thread.

Go away faggot, you don't understand anything that's going on.

>> No.4058125

>make a thread to make a point
>it fails miserably
Point taken.

You don't visit /v/ much, do you?

>> No.4058527

One is actually about the topic and the other is a thinly veiled attempt to hide discussion of rule breaking games.

>> No.4058535

I haven't seen anyone talking about a PS2 game in this thread

>> No.4058685

You tried, kiddo

>> No.4060148

Good question!

>> No.4060225

>thinking anyone uses kek unironically on 4chan
It's nice to see I was right and you are now stuck with your mouth full of shit.

>> No.4060295

VR really that hated in the Retro scene

>> No.4060368

Just because it's a anonymous board and retards like to spill out shit from their keyboards they have no idea about.
It's autism center and cringe inducing.

There is this special kind of retro video game faggot who's a illerate but rubs his dick over all that's retro.

>> No.4060523

>Muh childhood
>But this eceleb

>> No.4060739

We know you're baiting, it isn't going to work anymore.
Have your (You).

>> No.4061185

I swear people on /vr/ must suffer some form on arrested development. You're all trying to play the cool kid who's in some secret club, lol 6th gen console discussion isn't going to magically make the 80th FF6 thread vanish nor is it going to make conversation on here any worse (you guys and the /v/ trolls have already done a good job at that). Most of y'all who are so adamant are probably sad sacks who want to feel some sense of control over something as trivial as what constitutes a "retro" console.

>> No.4061347

PS2 games are more like PSX games and GameCube games are more like N64 games and so on and so forth. It really wasn't until AAA gaming became a thing around 2006-2008 or so, when the Xbox 360 and PS3 were out, when we started to see what looks a lot like modern gaming today. Cease with your shitty analogy.

>> No.4061365

Gotta agree, wasnt till ps3/ xbox360 till we had
day 1 dlc, on disc dlc, day 1 patches, busted games on release.

>> No.4061759

No but. Those games aren't retro because of "insert bogus and emotion fueled reason here" kid. It's like you want those dumb chads and mainstream guidos to ruin my secret funhouse. We should argue about whether it's better to play with hardware or emulate for the millionth time.

>> No.4061950

>Those games aren't retro because of "insert bogus and emotion fueled reason here" kid
I never said they weren't. I'm just saying that they have very little in common with the current gen consoles' games compared to that of the PS1. Plus, doesn't that reason basically describe every PS1 JRPG minus maybe the King's Field games and Shadow Tower?

>> No.4061953

I was mocking the type of people who'd disagree with you, lol

>> No.4061956

If you're asking this question you
>have not been here too
>were digging for a loophole

Either way you are a faggot.

>> No.4062071

probably a lazy auto-search for PS2 since it's probably the most obvious not-/vr/ thing people try to talk about
also, emulation on PS2 kind of sucks and there's bugger-all to talk about, the homebrew scene never took off on it at all, use a wii or raspi

>> No.4062393

just make /v2k/ board already

>> No.4062414

>day 1 dlc,
>on disc dlc,
>day 1 patches,
>busted games on release.
Literately (not the meme) all that was 6thgen, kiddos.

>> No.4062424
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this cunt

>> No.4062427

Sorry you're an ignorant retard but that facts are facts.

>> No.4062439
File: 682 KB, 3500x2587, 05d6a00d8341bf8f353ef017eeacb1b2e970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact is that I was already in my twenties when 6th gen was released.

You can't pull your smelly wool over my eyes bridge-dweller.

>> No.4062445

You say that but you've demonstrated your ignorance post after post about the topic.

>> No.4062458

That must have been another anon because all I've posted are the two Farages to bait you into further discrediting yourself.

It worked, didn't it?

>> No.4062462

Not really. The thread is in auto sage and me posting facts really only has one outcome. My enjoyment of laughing at retards that parrot this shit. I state facts you state bullshit.

>> No.4062470

I stated nothing besides my age and the fact that you are a cunt.

Neither of these can be denied.

>> No.4062473

>Neither of these can be denied.
Both are actually debatable. Not sure if you understand how that works. Especially after being known for just lying on the internet with shit comments like 6th gen had no dlc.

>> No.4062475

>hack a Wii U and N3DS, flawless access to all Nintendo history
>except N64
>hack a Vita, own a launch PS3
>oh wait, what about this barrage of PS4 games we're getting
>but wait nothing emulates the Saturn
>og b/c coming to Xbone
>"select games"

There's always that ONE FUCKING CONSOLE or some other hangup keeping me from having a minimal setup.

>> No.4062620

Day 1 patches were definitely a thing during the 6th gen, but the on disc dlc and day 1 dlc were definitely 7th gen operations. Internet speeds were too slow for day 1 dlc between 2002-2006 to even be a thing in the first place and dlc was often on the Xbox live store or the PS2 equivalent and were sold and downloaded. You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.4062624

I have no idea what your sentence says and it's contradictory to itself.

>> No.4062627

They aren't. Discussing emulation is alright. If you got a thread wiped for it a mod dun fucked up, that being said it's not like emulators on the PS2 are that widespread of a thing anyway. I can see why you'd want to start a thread for it specifically rather than throwing it in a general emulation thread but for the same exact reason I can see not getting any replies.

>> No.4062628
File: 7 KB, 242x250, 1481430081642s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how exactly I'm "known" when I'm anonymous, made no such statement, and have already been mistaken by your good self for someone else entirely...

>> No.4062634

>Not sure how exactly I'm "known" when I'm anonymous
We have a thing called a post chain. It's pretty old and not many popular forums use it anymore. Doesn't work well for tablets that you kids like to use.
Rest of your post is more underage ramblings and ignorance. What a surprise.

>> No.4063020

I'm saying that you're either stupid or bullshitting when you are saying on-disc dlc and day 1 dlc were actually things developers did in the early 2000s when that would require more space than they had available on the storage mediums of the day and would require way aster Internet speeds than were common at the time.

>> No.4063027

How young are you? Seriously.

>> No.4063060

Nigger, I was at least 12 when the PS2 came out. I'm not very young at all.

>> No.4063063

You obviously didn't play much of 6thgen

>> No.4063067
File: 30 KB, 465x364, 1325070313950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling this bozo has run out of biters and is just having an argument with his sock puppet now.

>> No.4063075

It's just fun baiting retards like you when I got facts ready to be copy pasted at any moment.

>> No.4063079

Shall we carry on without him or just let this one die?

>> No.4063083

Thread has been in auto sage for awhile kid.

>> No.4063089

Guess it's a death sentence then. The people have voted with resounding silence.

See you round.

>> No.4063167

>busted games on release
>6th gen
FFVI isn't even the earliest example of that, boyo.

>> No.4063265

As stated many times, youre full of shit.

>> No.4063269

>day 1 dlc,
MANY Xbox Live games had DLC within under a week of release. In some cases before the game came out.
>on disc dlc,
Notable exmaples:
Dreamcast games like Somba de amigo
GC games like Animal Crossing
>day 1 patches,
See a bit above.
>busted games on release.
Halo 2. Among others.

>> No.4063338

Handful of examples =/= nearly all major releases

You are still wrong.

>> No.4063349

Some of the biggest and most noteworthy titles of the generation don't count because you said so? Ok kiddo.

>> No.4063354

Its still a small percentage, its wasnt a feature till 7th gen, wasnt even an issue or ever brought up till discussions like now, and today its a commen complaint, back then it wasnt.

>> No.4063357

One of the top 10 selling games of the generation is a "small percentage", kiddo?

>> No.4063361

>and today its a commen complaint, back then it wasnt.
You really didn't play at all in the 6thgen, kid. Map packs were ridiculed.

>> No.4063380

Are you being willfully dense? You know 6th gen was ps2/gc/xbox right not ps3/360?

>> No.4063416
File: 423 KB, 1280x1719, 6THGENONLINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd killmyself if I was as retarded as you 6thgenners. There's even PS2 games that say ONLINE PLAY on them...

>> No.4063419
File: 498 KB, 1280x1731, 6THGENONLINE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4063425
File: 2.36 MB, 3205x2143, ps2_95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4063572

>I'd killmyself if I was as retarded as you 6thgenners.


And you didn't even read your articles did you?

It clearly states how few where using the systems online, and again other systems before ps2/xbox had online and had a small number of people using it. It wasnt a big thing till 7th gen.

>> No.4063573

>It clearly states how few where using the systems online
Reread the article you illiterate fucking retard.

>> No.4063583

Half a million on each console is less than 1%, that jumped up to 50% by the 7th gen gg idiot

>> No.4063585

That's in 2003 you fucking idiot. You're saying OVER A MILLION people online in 2003 is nothing.
I expect nothing less than pure mental retardation from a hugbox 6th genner.

>> No.4063597

You are so very mad. What up?

>> No.4063608

More amazed at your underage retardation.

>> No.4063648

I'm 32 :)

>> No.4063692

Man. vr used to be so nice and civil a couple years back. What the fuck happened?

>> No.4063701

I really dont know, tried having an adult conversation here just leads to shit posting, getting called underage, needless name calling, and on occasion getting called austrialian kun.

Cant really do much when people cant have a conversation without having a tantrum, because they got proven wrong by a number of people so they shit post till a thread is fucked.

>> No.4063757


>> No.4063770

The mods are paid memeberry shills. They're the ones who start those threads. They delete other threads so that people will think memberries are the only option.

>> No.4064040
File: 21 KB, 324x299, 626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those faggots who spazz out whenever someone mentions a non-retro sequel game in a thread about the original retro game

What the fuck do they want? Do they want people to pretend the modern sequels don't exist? For example:

>thread about System Shock
>someone mentions that there is going to be System Shock 3 released in coming years

>> No.4064047
File: 26 KB, 350x276, bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a thread about retro/90s internet and 90s websites etc.
>memes and nostalgia galore, good times all around
>thread dies a natural death after floating into obscurity after hundreds of posts from hundred unique posters

>do the same thread again few weeks later after remembering more nostalgic 90s internet stuff
>thread gets deleted by mods

>> No.4064495

What's memeberry?

>> No.4066825
File: 250 KB, 385x391, HF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Are there there any RPGs that have good combat?"
>non retro rpg mentioned
33 screaming frogs.avi

>> No.4066883

Raspberry Pi

>> No.4066921

The most selfish of all berries