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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4034792 No.4034792 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /vr/. Can somebody RedWing me on FF ports and remakes?

I realize most would be not retro except for the PS Anthology stuff, but I'd like to know at least which original releases would still stand as the best/arguably best way of playing each game and why

>> No.4034803

>RedWing me

>> No.4034809 [DELETED] 

>RedWing me

reported for trying to force a meme

>> No.4034823

That's not against the rules. I prefer seeing people making fun of that Reddit meme instead of using unironically.

OP, the PS Anthology games are generally hated. They have frequent and horrible load times that kill the flow of the games.

>> No.4035020
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Wonderswan ports are for true connoiseurs

>> No.4035021 [DELETED] 

The GBA version of FF5 and 6 are arguably better if you the sound restoration patch.

>> No.4035026

The GBA version of FF5 and 6 are arguably better if you use the sound restoration patch.

>> No.4035030


>frequent and horrible load times

Fast foward in an emulator. Problem solved.

>> No.4035035
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Literally just FF Origins in a tiny screen (or should I say, Dawn of Souls but with the correct spell system for FF1).
The FF4 version is more interesting since it has graphics not seen anywhere else, though.

>> No.4035041

I think IV was the only one of the Super Famicom-to-PSOne ports without the slow loading times.

There was an older PSOne version of Final Fantasy IV which was only released in Japan and has slow loading times akin to the PSOne ports of Final Fantasy V and VI, but it was apparently so glitchy outside of the loading times that it was recalled by Squaresoft and was re-released with many bugfixes and fixed loading times.
The international releases are based on the recalled version.

The real problem with the PSOne version is that all of the sound effects are in mono, while they were stereo in most versions.

Other than that, the PSOne version is actually even better than the US Super NES version.
The PSOne version is the only official translated version that most closely resembles the Japanese Super Famicom version.

>> No.4035109

All of the original releases of the Final Fantasy games are still worth playing, even today.
They still hold up very well to this day and age.

For ports, the best port of the original Final Fantasy IV is the PSP version and the best ports of Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI are the Game Boy Advance versions.
The Game Boy Advance ports aren't perfect but they're still quite decent, they take two steps backward and three steps forward.
The iPhone/PC versions are still quite good if you can tolerate the somewhat dodgy touchscreen controls (for iPhone only) and the awful graphical "updates", the iPhone/PC version of Final Fantasy VI actually makes Cyan and his Bushido techniques more useful.

For remakes, the best version of Final Fantasy I Remake is the PSP version, if you want a harder version, get the PSOne version, same for Final Fantasy II Remake.
The best version of Final Fantasy III Remake is the PSP version since it has Auto-Battle (a feature that wasn't in the DS version but was introduced later on in Final Fantasy IV Remake and in Final Fantasy XIII), the art gallery, both original Famicom and Remake soundtracks, the iPhone version's upgraded graphics and music quality (the DS soundtrack was a bit heavily compressed and sounded slightly different from the version on the soundtrack CD), no online required for Mognet (also in iPhone and PC), and of course, a better menu interface than on either iPhone and PC.

For Final Fantasy IV Remake, the DS version has a new Eidolon (summon) which can be really powerful when you play the touchscreen minigames, some of which are really fun but the iPhone and PC versions are clearly the superior versions even when they removed the touchscreen minigames and the bonus Eidolon, the iPhone and PC versions have upgraded graphics and music quality like in Final Fantasy III Remake, they have a new sidequest to make up for the loss of the new Eidolon.

There are no remakes yet for Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI.

>> No.4035125

I forgot this, but the iPhone versions of Final Fantasy I Remake and Final Fantasy II Remake are inferior to the PSP version.
You lose the Art Gallery, Music Player and the FMVs, there is also some weird leveling glitch on Final Fantasy I Remake and the music is heavily compressed and it sounds inferior.

Also, Final Fantasy III Remake's Music Player is only on the PSP version.
The remixed soundtracks on Finest Fantasy for Advance Trilogy (Final Fantasy IV, V and VI Advance) are usually regarded as inferior by most fans but I actually love the remixed soundtracks on their own, even if the Super Famicom soundtracks are still superior.
Try comparing the Super Famicom and Game Boy Advance soundtracks then decide on whether to use the sound restoration patches or not.
I prefer not using the sound restoration patches when I play the Game Boy Advance versions since I love the remixes and I would just play the Super Famicom versions if I want the Super Famicom soundtracks.

>> No.4035305

It's a goddamn crime that there's no proper remake of 5 and 6 yet. The mobile and PC versions of 5 and 6 are also an affront to humanity.

>> No.4035898

FFV & FFVI=GBA with a sound restoration patch or SNES.

FFI & FFII=PS1 has a better appearence and sound quality but less content and has slow load times. GBA looks really nice on a small screen like the GBA's or a smartphone's and has additional content/items but worse sound quality. You're the one who must choose which one to play. I'd recommend the PSP/Mobile one but it looks like a cheap RPG Maker game with an ugly UI.
FFIII=The DS Version has content only accesible through Nintendo's dead WFC, I don't know if it's possible to download them and inject them into your save or to use AltWFC for them, but going through all that it's pointless when you could just play the PSP or PC Versions instead that already have them.
FFIV: Includes FFIV's Spinoffs and fixes a lot of problems from the original release in SNES, the GBA and PS1 Versions are supposedly fine too but the PSP is just the superior one so there's no point in playing them.
V & VI: The mobile ports are out of discussion because they're garbage, leave them aside and you only have the SNES or GBA Versions. I don't really know if one's better than the other.
FFVII, VIII, IX, X & X-2: The superior versions visually and they all have Mods of different types. I never really researched on it but if modding the soundtrack is relatively easy, that might be specially nice for FFVII.

>> No.4036254

I know you're trolling but honestly that would work. If someone wants to play the games that way, what do I care? I hope you have fun.

>> No.4036331

I can't speak for FF2 on PS1 but FF1 has negligible load times.

>> No.4036346

I don't know if this falls within the scope of this thread, but what's everyone's opinion of FFVI: Brave New World? Is it the definitive version of SNES FFVI?

>> No.4036481

Should I play FF 1 on NES or a port?

>> No.4036505

NES if you want authenticity, PS1 if you want bug fixes and nicer graphics without dumbing down the difficulty.

>> No.4037059

>SNES game that looks like a GBA game and sounds like a GB game

>> No.4037069

Isn't the snes version of FFVI better? It has better graohics and sound. Also the ted woosley patch fixes all the issues.

>> No.4038461

FF1/2 = GBA (or PS1, but I haven't played it personally as I despise load times)
FF3 = PSP or PC
FF4 = GBA. PSP kills the original art direction as do any of the 3D ports. GBA has the best translation you'll get with the original spritework and the music translates well.
FF5 = GBA, music here is also fine.
FF6 = SNES here. The GBA version here is the one that gave GBA FFs their bad reputation, partially from poor arrangements but largely because many songs bafflingly play the *wrong* notes, and it's painfully obvious. Woolsey Uncensored patch for the SNES ROM is my personal preference, it's excellent.
FF7 = PC, PS1 is also fine. PC's "original graphic mode" which runs at 640x480 with 16bit color strikes a nice balance between the original low-res look and making things a bit nicer on a modern TV.
FF8 = Same as above, but if you use PC be sure to use the "Roses and Wine" mod to have full quality music.
FF9 = New PC port, without a doubt. Personally I ran it at 1280x720 so that the upscaled backgrounds didn't stand out *too* much from the new character models, but native would also be fine.
FF10 = Any of the HD versions. PS4 or PC are preferable.
FF12 = Personally I would advise waiting for the HD remaster coming to PS4 and PC, but use the IZJS English patch if you have no patience.

>> No.4039251

You better be happy with all these answers you fat cunt

>> No.4039282

avoid the GBA version of FFIV, it's riddled with bugs, SNES/PSP is fine
personally, I prefer the DS version for the improved gameplay and challenge
FF1 is best on the NES imo
I've finished 2 on both NES and GBA, but the GBA version may be more newb-friendly since there are no stat downs and you can save anywhere

>> No.4039372


VI on SNES has that mblock bug, so go with GBA + sound patch

>> No.4039423

To emphasize a point on X and XII, don't get the original PS2 release of X. The US release lacks the international content, and the EU release has it but it's a poor PAL port meaning huge borders and heavy slowdown. Get the PS3, PS4, or PC version. These also come with X-2's international release which adds a huge amount of new content.

Same with XII, the difference between the original and the international release is amazing, including the QOL fast-forward button.

>> No.4039542

wait, i thought that the psp still had 2d graphics but moderzined unlike the ds version which completely changed the art style. Am I wrong?

>> No.4039628

You are right, but the 2D graphics on the PSP are in a completely different art style than the original, while the GBA retains the same style while just upgrading backgrounds and color palettes. DS version has a great translation but is mostly agreed to be the ugliest of the bunch, incredibly low poly low res 15fps 3D models.

>> No.4039630

ah i see the confusion now, my wording was bad. PSP and DS and different remakes entirely, but both change the art direction significantly. PSP may still be 2D but is a completely different style.

>> No.4039860

I suppose it all comes down to taste and personal preference, but I think FFIV for PSP is a beautiful game.

The original certainly looks great as well as the sprites (especially the overworld sprites) give it that "classic FF" look, but I also think they did a great job with the PSP port. The art is clean, high-quality, and does a good job of striking the balance between modernizing a classic while keeping the original aesthetic.


>> No.4040862

Better yet, SNES + Woolsey Uncensored Edition.

>> No.4041895

All I wanna do is just play Final Fantasy V, but, it's a massive pain in the ass no matter what I do.

The SNES version is fine, but, I do want the extra content, particularly the beastairy of all things to track progress.

Playstation has a load times and a hilarious, but, awful translation.

The GBA version would be fine if the Sound Patch reduces all pops and crackles. I hear a few of them and it just kills any motivation to play it.

The PC/Mobile ports shouldn't even be discussed about how awful they are. I'm still waiting for mods to hopefully fix them.

It's like no matter what version I pick it's going to trigger my autism and that sucks a lot.

>> No.4042730

I dunno, definitely personal preference as you said, but for me the in-game character sprites in particular are off-putting. It's definitely better than the 3D versions but anyone who's interested should definitely look and both art styles beforehand and decide what they like better. Go to 1:42 for example, personally I still feel the GBA version is the best balance of retro sprites and not looking absolutely ancient.

>> No.4042731

the GBA version pretty much *only* has crackles when using the sound patch unless you're using a really shit emulator, make sure you're on mGBA

>> No.4042803
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Alright breakdown.mp3 of them all
Any remake is better
The best one for difficulty and less bugs are WSC and PSx, other than that iOS and PSP are better
If you want the 8-bit graphics (and are autistic enough to NEED a cart, flash cart it with a modded version of the game with any patch from romhacking, it'll fix 90% of the issues
Any remake is better balance wise, original has a glitch to make grinding bearable
Don't fall for the meme that the remake of 3 is a totally different game, it's a 3D version of the original game save a few differences (iOS/android/steam is better than the DS Version)
I enjoyed the 3D remakes more than the original game, iOS/android/steam is best versions.
If you want 2d PSP has nice 2d versions of the game (and it's sequels but those are bad games that look nice)
the GBA Port with SNES OST is the way to go or the mobile.
Don't fall for the meme of FFV's mobile being shit. It fixes a lot of bugs, and everything looks a lot nicer save for what the main character sprites in comparison to the original. I still like it.
They took the same art direction with VI as they did with V, however the GUI in combat for VI is horrid... for the mobile versions and there's no way to change it
If you really want to play the new dungeons go with the GBA port with a SNES OST mod

>> No.4042818

remake is good, But X is bad so if you were to play it, play X remake

Remake might job but let's hope not

Afaik that's all of them

>> No.4042823

What did you mean by this?

>> No.4045024

Yeah, I was using the sound patch with it. When I made that post it was completely unbearable. It turns out the Bios I was using, which was downloaded from the Emulator Wiki of all places, caused the Sound Patch to flip the fuck out. I disabled Bios for mGBA and it improved the experience twenty fold. I still wish it had no crackles, but, it's tolerable now.

Of course if someone knew how to remove all of them, which isn't even done on a GBA with a flashcart of all things, I am sure they would have the gratitude of a million people.

>> No.4045265

Well the crackles are a limitation of the GBA's sound chip, personally I think FFIV and FFV sound fine on GBA, the soundfonts aren't identical obviously but the songs all have the right notes and keep the same feel as the original. To me that's preferable to the wonky sound patches.

>> No.4046043

It's not that I hate the instrumentation of FFVA, it's just not as good as the original. There are a few songs that I think come out for the better, but, a lot, specifically Lenna's Theme and Town theme that come to mind, that become awful in translation.

Sadly there's no middle ground. It's starting to make the mobile port look okay with how much I've been tinkering on this nonsense. I'd still have to install a few mods to be able to fix the character sprites and overworld though.

>> No.4047921


>> No.4049124

y tho

>> No.4049219

Mobile version is probably the best,
All the enemy/boss sprites look amazing
It's just the main character sprites that look wonky at first

>> No.4049283

Ff4 psp is definitive dude

>> No.4049307 [DELETED] 


the GBA Port with SNES OST is the way to go or the mobile.
Don't fall for the meme of FFV's mobile being shit. It fixes a lot of bugs, and everything looks a lot nicer save for what the main character sprites in comparison to the original. I still like it.

This. Once you play it for a little bit, the graphics are quite good. I actually prefer it to the original spritework, which seemed like an odd transition between FFIV's "NES-era sprites but with more colors" sprites and FFVI's fresh style that breaks away from the old NES-style sprites. The texture seams are only really bad in the first few areas, oddly enough.

Plus, being able to play what is the GBA version without scrunched-up GBA sprites and the lighter pallet is nice. Playing emulated Game Boy and GBA games just doesn't work for me.

>> No.4049309

>the GBA Port with SNES OST is the way to go or the mobile.
>Don't fall for the meme of FFV's mobile being shit. It fixes a lot of bugs, and everything looks a lot nicer save for what the main character sprites in comparison to the original. I still like it.

This. Once you play it for a little bit, the graphics are quite good. I actually prefer it to the original spritework, which seemed like an odd transition between FFIV's "NES-era sprites but with more colors" sprites and FFVI's fresh style that breaks away from the old NES-style sprites. The tile seams are only really bad in the first few areas, oddly enough.

Plus, being able to play what is the GBA version without scrunched-up GBA sprites and view, the lighter pallet that makes the game look a bit washed out, and with the original music is nice. Playing emulated Game Boy and GBA games just doesn't work for me, anyway.

>> No.4049842

>avoid the GBA version of FFIV, it's riddled with bugs

What bugs?

>> No.4050430

Sell me on the 3D version of FFIV. Is it really that hard compared to the 2D games? How much easier is the Steam version compared to the DS release?

>> No.4050453

>Is it really that hard compared to the 2D games?

play it blind and see for yourself

>> No.4050503

I know if more of the mods on the FFV modding page were uploaded it would make it more bearable. There's a few mods that help fix the seams issue and remove the blurry filter.


>> No.4050509

oh sorry dude you got me xD

>> No.4050515

some of the FF GBA ports have bugs but they're all fixed on the European releases

>> No.4050527


But what are the bugs?

>> No.4050543
File: 1.61 MB, 900x1080, 592358107_preview_FFV_Game 2016-01-13 11-14-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, update, I managed to track down the most important missing mods on that page.

Vibrant Anti-Tile Seam Reshade preset with optional border fix:

Without Border Fix:

With Border Fix:

It makes it better but doesn't fix the issue entirely.

>> No.4050554

That looks and sounds awesome

>> No.4050805

It's very close but it doesn't have the bonus content of the Game Boy Advance version.

If you don't care about the bonus content, then the Super Famicom version is the best if you play it with the Woolsey Uncensored patch or you actually learn Japanese and play it in Japanese/
I prefer the latter since I understand Japanese.

>> No.4050893

rows don't work in the european version

>> No.4053313
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I'd like to play FFIX with reduced load times, but every screenshot I see looks like fucking death. Can the game be played at the original resolution then?

>> No.4053406

640 x 480p would probably be a good enough resolution for you, since the backgrounds are probably natively 480p anyways.
Plus, 480p with the PC port would probably look really great when played on a CRT with VGA or component.

>> No.4053438

Also, what are these bonus contents of the gba version?

>> No.4053452

There are two new dungeons in the Game Boy Advance/iPhone/PC version, the first of which is the Dragon's Den, which you unlock when you defeat the eight legendary dragons, it has some of the most powerful bosses in the game as well as each character's ultimate weapon (except for Gau who has a helmet and Umaro who has a relic).
The second of which is the Soul Shrine, which is basically filled with many items but if you finish it, you only get one unique item as a reward which is useless for anything other than bragging rights. The Soul Shrine is a great place for grinding items, gold and experience, though.
There are also new espers like Gilgamesh, Cactuar, Leviathan and Diabolos.

>> No.4053730

All the 3D versions (and the complete collection 2D version on the PSP) of IV
Are all based on the original Japanese version
The original American Final Fantasy 2 was re-released in Japan as Easytype
And was noticeably easier

The 3D ones are literally just a 3D version of the Japanese ones with VA and some extra content
I say play them and if your not super autistic, you'll probably like them more

>> No.4053962

FF1 - GBA, bonus dungeons are great
FF2 - there is no good remake of this game since all versions contain that stupid leveling system. but if you do just use the PSP version and go unarmed for everyone
FF3 - DS only option outside of piracy. slow combat and stuff but its alright for a single run
FF4 - GBA - contains all the cut abilities like Cecil's Darkness ability, and Yang's Power, etc are in this game. Darkness is an awesome sweeper skill while Tellah or Rydia heals you. The bonus dungeons are fantastic and you can switch out the other characters after you get to the Moon. IE drop Kain for Yang, or use the twins, etc. Also Edward is a badass in this version. fast little fuck hitting 9999 damage on dragons, fire weak things and undead.
FF5 - GBA again
FF6 - GBA once again, the sound purists can suck it. I use an adapter on my GBA to allow me to use headphones anyways. bonus dungeon, the endurance arena 'dungeon', added espers.
FF7 - PC, if you have little modding experience for graphics and stuff otherwise all are the same
FF8 - who cares
FF9 - who cares

>> No.4054456

The PSP and Game Boy Advance versions of Final Fantasy I are more or less the same, but the PSP version has better (in my opinion) graphics, better music and a new bonus dungeon in addition to the ones on the Game Boy Advance version.
Also, Final Fantasy III Remake on PSP is better since Mognet doesn't need another DS or Wi-Fi, and it also has an art gallery, music player, the original Famicom soundtrack and Auto-Battle (a feature which would be later added in Final Fantasy IV Remake and Final Fantasy XIII.
The PSP version of Final Fantasy IV is more or less identical to the Game Boy Advance version but it has (objectively) better graphics, better sound (you have both the Super Famicom and Final Fantasy IV Remake soundtracks, both of which are superior to the Game Boy Advance soundtrack), an art gallery and a slightly better translation which changes up a few names to be more in line with Final Fantasy IV Remake (I don't give a damn about the translations since I play in Japanese because I am fluent in Japanese).
It also has two bonus games: Final Fantasy IV: Interlude and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, and those games might be love-it-or-hate-it, but they are still nice to have.

>> No.4054738

>recomming GBA ports of anything
Please kill your self

>> No.4055173

still no translation hacks for these, right?

>> No.4055187

The 3D version of FFIV is significantly different from either SNES release, gameplay wise. There are augments (whole big mess of a thing). Enemies and bosses have different moves/counters/AI, which makes boss fights a lot more interesting to play IMO. There's a whole new flashback scene towards the end of the game. And of course, the graphics+VO is all new.

The maps are all pretty much the same, aside from being in 3D.

>> No.4055191

this is the worst list. the only one I agree with is FF5, maybe FF7. the rest are just plain ignorant.

>> No.4056750

I don't think PS1 did 480p that often.

>> No.4056773

PSOne never did 480p, they only did 480i and 240p.
But the background assets in Final Fantasy IX are indeed in a 480p resolution, and when the PC version is played in a 480p resolution, the backgrounds don't look low-res and the port actually looks really great.
Especially when you play it on a CRT which supports 480p either via VGA or component.

I actually get conflicting information about the backgrounds in the PSOne Trilogy of Final Fantasy, some say they're 240p, others say they're 480p.
But all the games output 240p in the original PSOne versions.

>> No.4056928

>3D graphics

>> No.4057374
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>> No.4057413

FFIV on Steam is not bad at all.

also, what is the best way to emulate FF Tactics?

>> No.4057441
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>tfw you realize /vr/ and even /v/ is better for talking about most ff games than the actual final fantasy general is because /ffg/ has basically turned into a dedicated thread for a crossover mobile game at this point.

>> No.4057562

I actually wouldn't mind seeing FF with FE
I think it could work
>inb4 tactics
I'm thinking like Layton and Phoenix wright
Some parts play like tactics others like FE or have the two versions and one play like one, the other like the other

The cast of characters be akin to dissidia or the legacy where a bunch of well known characters from both series comes in

It that's just fan fiction at that point, I'll see my self out

>> No.4057873
File: 242 KB, 640x359, Spoony_Bard_-_PSP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the PSP version, that's the iPhone/PC version.
The DS version looks like the iPhone/PC version but a bit more low-res.

The graphics on the PSP version of Final Fantasy IV are more akin to the PSP versions of Final Fantasy I Remake and II Remake.
Pic related is the PSP version.

Please don't.
Play the PSP version on a modded PSP, also play it with the slowdown fix patch (mandatory) and the unstretch patch (maybe this one is optional since some say that the PSP version only expands the FOV and not stretches the PSOne version's resolution, all I get is conflicting information).

They can be installed as hacks on the PSP ISO or as plugins if you know how plugins work.

>> No.4058498

well i dont have PSP....

>> No.4058530

How do I say this without sounding retarded..

Does anyone else enjoy playing these games as an adult, rather then when you were a kid?

Booting up FF3 SNES for the first time in years my save file with 99:99 on the timer was a fucking mess. Sabin with Offering + genji glove, mog with jump, stats all over the place from just wanting all magic on everyone all the time, not utilizing elemental weapons and rods, ragnarok esper, Gau/umaro just kinda there.

But as an adult, I took the Gauntlet from Baron, farmed Genji gloves on the floating island from dragons for melee attackers, hard resets to steal holy lances and other rare one time steals, carried around multiple copies of the elemental swords, claws and rods. Kept Relm, Strago and Gau as Pure Casters, meanwhile using celes/terra/edgar as red mages with healing abilities and elemental swords, and Cyan the offering/gengi because Samurai were weak in this game because no elemental swords, swordtech sucked and he just needed something like Vigor espers and 8 attacks, ya know? Meanwhile Sabin and Locke had their elemental weapons, Mog, Setzer, Umaro were doing the best they could with what they had and so many Atlas Armlets on so many characters..

Yes fucking Gau as a caster, I kept him sucking on Magic Power espers and dual earrings. It worked.

>> No.4058536

You can get one for pretty cheap and it's very simple to mod it.
I recommend a PSP-2000, the screen is best there.
The PSP-1000 has a very crappy D-pad, 3000 has interlacing issues and the PSP Street is just awful all around.
The PSP Go is pretty bad at being a handheld and it can't take PSP discs but it's really great if you use component cables to plug it on a TV and you also sync a DualShock 3 to it.
While the 2000 and the 3000 can use component cables, only the PSP Go can sync a DualShock 3 with Bluetooth which makes playing PSP games on a big screen easier and more comfortable.

And for physical-only releases, you can just download ISOs for those if you already modded your PSP.
PSOne Classics especially look really great when plugged into a CRT with component since they output 240p (if you set the AV out to interlaced).
There are also tons of emulators for Game Boy (Color/Advance), Famicom, Super Famicom, etc... if you care about them, I barely give a damn about emulation since I have the actual consoles.

Verdict: Go for a PSP-2000 if you want to play your PSP as a handheld, get a PSP Go, the dock, a set of component cables and a DualShock 3 if you want to play it on a TV.

>> No.4058549

>The PSP Go is pretty bad at being a handheld and it can't take PSP discs but it's really great if you use component cables to plug it on a TV and you also sync a DualShock 3 to it.
If you're interested in that you're better off with a PSTV. It's very cheap, compatible with the whole PSP library, easy to mod (as long as you're on the right firmware) and there's a plugin to control the camera with the right analog that works with lots of 3rd person/FPS games.

>> No.4058563

But a PSP Go is much cheaper and the PS Vita's scaling for most games looks pretty crappy.
It doesn't support 1080p and can only support 1080i, 720p and 480p.
If it supported 1080p, we would've had perfect integer scaling for PSP and PS Vita games while PSOne games appear slightly smaller or have perfect integer scaling when playen in 720p or 480p.
Not to mention the scaling filter makes games look blurry as fuck.
And just to spit in our eyes one last time, even if 720p or 480p gives perfect integer scaling for PSOne Classics, they are still very blurry.
It could've been much better with features such as 1080p support and scaling options for making games look sharper if you want to, but Sony just didn't care.
And the PSP Go is better for playing on a CRT (I personally play my PSP Go on my D32E1WU BVM and Samsung CS-29Z40M5 CRT, as well as my LG G6V 4K OLED TV) and still works pretty well with an HDTV, especially if your HDTV works well with 240p for PSOne Classics.
The PlayStation TV could've been really amazing, but they screwed it up.

The PlayStation TV is still a pretty good substitute, though.

>> No.4059413
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I do and don't at the same time. I enjoy the optimization and experimentation sides of it more now, but I miss being able to just play the game using whichever character I felt like without obsessing about maxing stats and getting every last item and secret

>> No.4060398


>> No.4060510


I'm playing through the mobile version of FF6 right now, and I know how you feel.

10 years ago, I relied mostly on physical attacks, which made bits of the game pretty painful. I don't remember too much, since the save and save states are long gone, but I recall grinding up to level 99 in the dinosaur forest, abusing Genji Glove + Offering, and spell grinding like crazy so that most of my mains had most of the spells, which probably made my character's stats fucked beyond belief.

Now, I'm spell spamming like crazy, and it's a lot more manageable than before. I've been doing much better damage in both the WoB and WoR than I have been with physicals. Finally learned how awesome Edgar's tools are and the power of Shadow's throwables if you build his strength up with Bismark.

I'm not having everyone learns every spell, instead preferring to keep Magic +1 or +2 magicites (Bismark for Shadow) on my team unless I actually need a spell, like Flare or Ultima for Terra/Celes, and Quick and healing spells for my mains. I'm using Strago now instead of letting him rot, and he's been pretty handy so far. Probably going to have Terra, Celes on my "final" team for Ultima spam, Shadow for insane damage with throwables, and either Mog for jumping or Strago for Grand Delta, Mighty Guard, and White Wind, though I'd leaning more towards Strago now because of how godly spells are compared to physicals.

I'm not trying to stat max or anything (there's no need to do so in and FF game, much less this one), but I feel like I'm having a better time this playthough because I'm playing a lot smarter than I did before. Still not sold on Gau or Setzer, and Relm still seems kinda shite compared to Terra and Celes because of her equipment choices compared to those two.

>> No.4060559

Genji gauntlets + Offering makes your attacks deal a lot less damage.

Setzer's lategame weapons negate all that and can usually curb stomp anything by himself
I usually have Setzer, Celes/Terra Edgar and Locke as my main team

>> No.4060562
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The Playstation version's audio quality blows the PSP version out of the water. The extra PSP content isn't that great either. The best part are the few extra battles, but, they're nothing special.

I would personally wait for The Lion War hack, found here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10179.0, It will have the option of a touched up original translation or the PSP translation depending on what you want. It will also contain the PSP extras as well.

If you want to play now, just emulate the PSX version with the translation of your choice.

Artbro, your shit is still great.

>> No.4060602

Nice, I await that patch.
But for now, Final Fantasy Tactics: Complete (not to be confused with Celdia's Complete Patch) is a pretty good patch.
It's also a port of The War of the Lions translation to the PSOne version but it is identical to the PSOne version save for some bugfixes, content-wise, except that it translates the Sound Novels to English, which is really nice.

I just play the Japanese version since I am fluent in Japanese, but I may try out this The Lion War hack just so I can play Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions on my PSOne.

>> No.4061936


The last time I played back in 2004, before the GBA version came out, people though Sabin was uber and Offering in general was pretty sweet. Now they've discovered that magic is godly and physicals are only gud if they're barrier-piercing (Drill and Shadow's shurikens) or for two or so Offering combos. I was working with the old meta, which you can still see on some old posts on Gamefaq's SNES FF6 board.

I didn't like Sabin because I couldn't input his commands with a keyboard back then

>> No.4062076

It's true, magic is OP in that game because of glitches

>> No.4062085

Game mechanics that were intentionally put in the game aren't glitches.

>> No.4063194
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Superior way of playing FFVI coming through

>> No.4063383

>loading times
No thanks.

I do sometimes play the PSOne version if I want to for curiosity's sake.
If you can get used to the loading times, it's actually a good version, but I don't know why anyone would play this version since the Super Famicom is identical but has no loading times.

But the PSOne version is probably worse than even the iPhone/PC version depending on whether you can't tolerate the loading times, but if you hate the iPhone/PC versions interface and graphics, maybe you will prefer the PSOne version more.