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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4045783 No.4045783 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/, I own 87 assorted professional video monitors. Would you like one?

>> No.4045790

I know it's a troll thread, but hey can never be too sure.

I'd love one!

>> No.4045791

>there are people in this world who would be jealous of this and would pay OP at least 100 bucks to get one

Good thing I already got a CRT that looks good enough for retro games and VHS tapes.

>> No.4045792

what kinda hook ups?

I need antenna, and composite

>> No.4045827


Yeah, gimme an email and I'll send you my shipping address.

>> No.4045841

Only if you have 19" or 21" ones, I need a few more as backup.
But you probably want some meme hipster price for them, it's just cheaper to get them locally for me.

>> No.4045875

Not a troll, just bought 4 pallets at auction and already owned 36 or so.

>implying VHS looks good

RGB, Svideo, Composite, YpBpR via BNC, some have RGB via CMPTR and EIAJ, and some are VGA capable.

Local pickup only unless you can walk me through shipping it.

>implying I'm asking for more than $200 on any of these
But yes, they're all 20 or 14 inches except for an 8 inch security monitor.

>> No.4045878


Sweet, where's local?

>> No.4045880

Charlotte, NC metro.

>> No.4045882

>>implying I'm asking for more than $200 on any of these
Meme prices, don't know about the US, but I can get one for 100€ MAX, usually 70€~ for a 19-21" one.

>> No.4045901

In the US a good condition 20" PVM for under $200 is considered getting a deal.

>> No.4045904


Would the VGA compatible monitors work with a Dreamcast?

>> No.4045905

Yes of course, as long as you have a VGA box for the Dreamcast.

>> No.4045906
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I'd like one. How much would cost be for a 14" and shipping to south FL ?

>> No.4045913

Where in South Florida? Also I have no clue about the shipping, I've never sold one non-locally.

>> No.4045916

The human eye cannot see detail any clearer than a $300 9" PVM running via composite. Developers in the 80s made their games to take advantage of this setup by using dithering.

>> No.4045920


How much? Ignoring shipping.

>> No.4045930

Depends which one you want, I have a Sony MultiScan 20es II and a Dell UltraScan D825TM, which is smaller.

>> No.4045940


Wait, aren't those high resolution PC monitors? I thought they were all studio monitors.

>> No.4045943

Devs intended games to be played on 57 inch Samsung 4k TVs on "movie" mode, not this shit

>> No.4045945

Yes, those are the VGA monitors. VGA is usually only seen on computer monitors, professional monitors used BNC to hook up video 99% of the time. Occasionally you'll find an older PVM/BVM with CMPTR or EIAJ for digital RGB.
Ikegami and NEC made commercial monitors with VGA but not Sony.

>> No.4045947


I'm looking for a PVM with VGA support. A rare bird, I'm sure, but I love me some Dreamcast.

>> No.4045948

I'd like one if you're going to give me one for free.

>> No.4045953

It's not rare, just non-existent. The reason people still want aperture grille PC monitors is that they're the only way to use VGA on a Trinitron tube. Unless you buy some sort of converter box or breakout cables, but at that point you might as well go SCART to BNC because only L5 PVMs support 480p.

>> No.4045957

Are you kidding, I didn't even get them for free.

>> No.4045979

I reside in a part of the US practically devoid of such luxuries. All the prices mentioned would be bargains to me.

Locally, a malfunctioning 20" BVM goes for $600USD. It is just my luck to not be in sniffing distance of these monitors.

I wish I knew how to freight ship here to the middle of nowhere that's so far from NC.

>> No.4045993

Well hell lol I just drove through there Saturday on my way home from the beach and the Friday the previous week on the way down. Would have lovemd to pick up a 20 or 24 inch trisync monitor specifically for my mame cabinet

>> No.4046259

not the anon you were replying to, but post an email, dawg. How much would you charge for a 20 incher (I'd walk you through shipping)? Do you have anything bigger that isn't technically a PVM?

>> No.4046313

I'm sure I have normal CRTs somewhere in my storage unit but I've no idea the size. No Sony's, that much I know. I believe there's a Panasonic, a JVC or two and some Zenith. 20" PVM, how's $200+shipping for a 19M2MDU or 20L2MDU?

>> No.4046425

Damn, I would get one but shipping to idaho would probably be insane, plus I just don't have the funds for it right now.

>> No.4046439

Hey so, I live in Raleigh and regularly drive up to Charlotte for band rehearsal.

Couple of quick questions. Are these recommended for PS1 gaming? And what is your asking price. Honestly I know for little about these televisions. Is it free pickup? etc

>> No.4046449


Just be patient dude, you'd be surprised what turns up. I live in podunk rural Georgia and I got an XM29 Plus earlier this week for $100 from a guy that had just retired to the country. Make it known around town that you want to buy big cube-shaped old TVs with lots of plugs in the back. Tell people you'll give em a few bucks or buy them a beer as finders fee if they report one to you.

>> No.4046456

Retard here

Is it the "multisync" ones that can do 480P with zero(ish) lag over component?

>> No.4046458

>Local pickup only unless you can walk me through shipping it.
I imagine you'd wrap it with foam blocks and very tight protective packing, place it in a cardboard box with the address and "fragile" written in very big and bold letters on all sides, take it to Fedex or UPS for a weigh, and charge according to shipping costs.

I'd be interested in one of your "20 memes

>> No.4046476

You have 87 monitors. At $200 apiece you are looking at $17,400. Not bad considering you probably paid about 5 bucks apiece for them at auction.

>> No.4046479
File: 794 KB, 200x164, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread and anticipating the horrendous fallout that will result if it isn't an elaborate troll

>> No.4046491

how quickly do you think you'll be selling out?

>> No.4046594

I know. I'm just waiting to see where this thread goes.

>> No.4046925


>> No.4046976

No idea, but I'm hopeful.

Hm this is what I figured, possibly a box within a box.

No, that's Multiformat, Mutisync was just a PC monitor brand by Sony.

Asking price depends on what you'd like, and pickup is free outside the asking price.

>> No.4046984
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, P1010310_zpsd1baf4fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll trade you for one of my 87 Sega Saturns.

>> No.4046997


I'm not kidding. If you're going to give me one for free, I'd like one.

>> No.4047061

how lucky am i to live in NC heh.

>> No.4047076

What's your biggest one anon? In terms of inches.

>> No.4047078

ask your mom

>> No.4047094

She said that your mom would know anon.

>> No.4047324

just a heads up.
and bump

>> No.4047336

multiformat is what I meant

>> No.4047341

did you get my email?

>> No.4047345


Yes 'multiformat' PVMs can do 480p+

So can 'multisync' NEC monitors and a few others. Different manufacturers used different badges to denote the ability to do many resolutions. Some can also do 'multistandard' which means it can do NTSC/PAL/other sync rates like 28k.

>> No.4047348

what email
I didn't put an email address

Think you meant to reply to someone else
So if I want to play smash at 480p lagless I'll need one of those.
Or I can just keep using the Wii VGA and PC CRT monitors and suffer from the brief cut-out that occurs along with no built in speakers

>> No.4047360

im just looking for OP. Im from Raleigh, able to drive up to Charlotte. Want to purchase one plain and simple. its difficult deciphering OP from the other anons

>> No.4047364

Squall: (...perhaps this was all one elaborate hoax...)

>> No.4047384

This thread and >90% of its participants are hopelessly retarded

>> No.4047387

you think this is fake?

>> No.4047483
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I dearly hope not.

/vr/ will feast on this travesty for years to come. It will cleanse the entire board with purifying fire.

>> No.4047520

>87 people receive dragon dildos in the mail by this time next week

>> No.4047594

this thread blows. we got trolled. If OP exists I hope he sells all those tv's for 2 dollars a pop and loses all his money. Otherwise, do something productive with those CRT's by recreating Tonberry and Cactuar Gild quest


>> No.4047597

3:53 Thats me. Those are your TVs.

>> No.4047603
File: 139 KB, 548x470, Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 1.52.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat my shorts

>> No.4047651

I live Literally right there, OP. How much and ill be by

>> No.4047724

I've replied to all the emails I've gotten, it's much easier to keep track of potential pickups through that so if you guys can, please email me for price/stock inquiries.

>> No.4047729

>implying I don't have a reddit post just so I can I take those fags' disposable income
I'd be stupid to expect 4chan poorfgas to cough up even below FMV for these things.

>> No.4048123
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 1494592779601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... yes, I remember...

>> No.4048618

if you can ship in Canada I'll gladly pay around $100

>> No.4049391

I'll ship you a 1343MD or OEV142 for $100+s&h

>> No.4049426

Why people fall for the professional video monitor meme?

>> No.4049428

>Why do people prefer a superior product?
I'll bet you use A/V cables on a 40" LCD screen

>> No.4049520

>no timestamped image in sight
Why are people responding to this?

>> No.4049525

I messaged him. He'd giving a little too much detail for all the monitors if he's trolling. He said he'll deliver images by Monday, so hopefully he isn't pulling a fast one.

>> No.4049545

>implying I have the time and space to stack them all so I can show some neckbeard it's legit
>implying I have the time to take 87 timestamped photos and post them all to 4chan
I can take photos of the ones people are asking me specifically about but other from that I literally don't have that much time to spend a whole day taking photos.

>> No.4049576

>superior product
What's superior about a different choice by someone different?

>> No.4049642

Better image quality, obviously. You grab any piece of shit JVC, compare it to a KV-1311 and tell me there's no picture difference.

>> No.4049757


I grabbed a VM-R150E-K and it's better than the PVM.

What do I win?

>> No.4049759

>a professional video monitor from one brand looks like a competitor professional video monitor of another brand

Stop the presses

>> No.4049767

I said "piece of shit JVC", not another high-quality monitor

>> No.4049820
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Why stack the odds in Sony's favour though?

Scared you might actually have to evaluate each on its own merit rather than just blindly reaching for the nearest Trinitron?

>> No.4049829

What the fuck does this even have to do with
>Why people fall for the professional video monitor meme?

>> No.4049843

He's pulling the classic "get caught out being a retard and instead of admitting you were wrong, double and even triple down on the retardation" technique.

>> No.4049848

I don't even primarily use a Trinitron, I prefer NEC monitors. Even so, a PVM will be better than any consumer TV 99 times out of 100. You're an idiot.

>> No.4050058
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You people need to stop getting your knickers in a twist.

All I took issue with was singling out JVC as a poor relation to Sony when in fact they produce very comparable products in both the consumer and professional sectors.

You have to admit that 99% of the talk here regarding CRTs is in favour of Sony. Ask any repair tech working in the 80s and they would tell you some horror stories about the engineering decisions made by Sony which made their products unreliable and often impractical to fix.

>> No.4050418

It's very simple, really. Sony's Trinitron was essentially the only innovation in CRT technology for 60 years, due to their patent on the aperture grille tech. It also happens that many people are fond of the look of aperture grille on vidya, so of course they'll defend the only company that made that type of tube.
Yes, later there were Diamondtrons and Vivtrons and everything else but by that point, Trinitron had become synonymous with innovation.