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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 82 KB, 600x338, 289dlwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4044425 No.4044425 [Reply] [Original]

There so many versions of Madou Monogatari being MSX, Game Gear, and Mega Drive. Which is the best version to with and is the series even decent?

>> No.4044428

Mega Drive and Snes games are remakes of the first game but follow a completely different story

>> No.4044432

Hardo Ghey 101 wrote an article encompassing all games in the series. All games but Big Kindergarden Kids on SNES aren't translated, you'll need to learn Japanese.

>> No.4044438

Oh of course there's also a PC Engine remake, I completely forgot about that. It uses a different battle system too.

>> No.4044443

MSX text seems to be Kana-only so that's probably the version to avoid.

>> No.4044506

PC98 has more graphics than the MSX (e.g. frozen Puyo and burning wolfman) and higher resolution.

>> No.4044513

Let's be honest here, none of these games are anything special.

>> No.4044516

Whats that supposed to mean.

>> No.4044529

They are not that great. The loli character, non-numeric stats and 1on1 battles is all it has going for it.

>> No.4044531

Why play a loli dungeon crawler when you could be playing Wizardry.

>> No.4044535
File: 12 KB, 640x400, arle16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't read Japanese so he didn't play them.

You're ignorance is showing.

>> No.4044539

Yeah both of us know she is a loli in most games.

>> No.4044541

What did this game have over Wizardry? And no meme responses like "you should learn japanese", please.

>> No.4044543

Why cant you play both.

>> No.4044547

Shiposter is right, Arle-chan and her abrasive personality is the sole reason why I want to play these games.

>> No.4044551

I don't need to GRUDGINGLY STRUGGLE to decipher moon runes with kanjitomo and google translate to play Wizardry.

>> No.4044552
File: 62 KB, 269x295, 44667061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites are the Mega Drive MM and SS Madou Monogatari. and also Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel for the GBC. It's a fun series.

>> No.4044557

>Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel
How's the Rulue Puyo no Nazo game for SuFami?

>> No.4044559

Oh never mind, that's the pokemon spinoff not the nazo puyo spinoff.

>> No.4044560

I already played Wizardry and I like to try out different things.
Playing as a pure magician is fun and being unable to see the underlying numbers is an interesting twist. Cute characters are the icing on top.

You have to for the later games. Or even if you want to play the alternate versions of 4.

>> No.4044562

>Or even if you want to play the alternate versions of 4.
The best version of 4 is translated. And I don't care about the Japanese spinoffs.

>> No.4044565

Which one is that and what makes it better than the PCE or PS1?
Why would you not be interested in the Japanese spinoffs?

>> No.4044576

>Why would you not be interested in the Japanese spinoffs?
Because duh, they are not canon, not made by the original dev?

>> No.4044579

Doesn't that depend on how you count the games?
She's loli in 1 and A but older teen in 2 and 3. In R and S you have a different main character.

>> No.4044580

>PCE or PS1
Those versions are easier than the DOS original if I recall correctly.

>> No.4044582

She's a loli in the SuFami, Megadrive, PCE games and the first MSX/PC98 game like you mentioned, she's a teenager in the Saturn games.

>> No.4044586

Who gives a shit about canon in Wizardry? The games aren't even set in Llylgamin.
None of the Wizardry games after 5 were made by Woodhead or Greenberg. I'm not even sure how much they did for 2 and 3.

>> No.4044587

Wizardry IV was originally for the Apple ][.
And being easier, especially being less random, isn't a bad thing.

>> No.4044589

Those are all remakes of the same game.

>> No.4044595 [DELETED] 


>> No.4044596

Yeah yeah I guess she's not technically a loli. It's technically ephebophile according to your own disgusting definitions. My bad.

>> No.4044610

I'm gonna learn Japanese just so I can play it and tell to you fags to your faces how much this game sucks.

>> No.4044680

We all know you're not.

>> No.4044689

Yes I will as soon as I'm done with Sakura Shitsen.
I wish reading this faggot language SUCKED MORE.

>> No.4044697

The only reason why this series is fondly remembered is because of Arle's epic bantz. No one plays this for the gameplay. Not that turn based dungeon crawlers could have good gameplay even if they wanted to in the first place.

>> No.4044795
File: 47 KB, 640x400, fever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I cure this fever?

>> No.4044819
File: 12 KB, 256x224, IMG_3315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Arle!

>> No.4044864
File: 86 KB, 800x450, WVW69j88AeQYVnxsvH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first one for Game Gear is translated.

>> No.4045279

Then why are you on 4chan?

>> No.4045297

Why don't you learn a language that's actually useful, instead? Like Arabic, or Chinese?

>> No.4045303

more lewd

>> No.4045304

Can you name some interesting Arabic or Chinese retro games?
Or provide some tips on learning them?

>> No.4045317
File: 115 KB, 381x588, puyopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4045587
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>> No.4045763
File: 121 KB, 620x477, 3309507i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4046378
File: 282 KB, 550x500, 44859018_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arle is diligent and studious.

>> No.4046383

That game was hard. I ragequitted. Than again, I also suck at Puyo.

>> No.4046825
File: 12 KB, 256x224, trans_madou8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046827
File: 8 KB, 512x448, other-consoles-43149-41334416618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046847
File: 440 KB, 540x714, arle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046874
File: 124 KB, 1019x685, STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here I made this 4 u

>> No.4046881

>guys let's take a 5 years old girl and have her explore dungeon with skeletons and demons and shit what could possibly go wrong

>> No.4046990

I mean she does attend magic kindergarten so it's not like she's not prepared.

>> No.4046992


>> No.4046993

>4chan is a weeb site falacy
This ain't 2007 anymore, even m00t is long gone.

>> No.4046996 [DELETED] 


>> No.4047004 [DELETED] 


>> No.4047009 [DELETED] 


>> No.4047010

>coming into a place you don't belong and demanding they adapt to your lifestyle
>saying that those who object to it need to get with the times


>> No.4047012

>4chan is weeb site
Here you go, you're doing it again.

>> No.4047013

Whatever gave you fuckers the wrong idea that I couldn't. It's just that I'm busy with other games at the moment to start Madou Monogatari. Jap aint a difficult language, it's just SLOW as molasses to read.

>> No.4047109

>it's just SLOW as molasses to read
You don't know the language very well and you're projecting your own lack of proficiency onto the language itself. That's really, really freaking sad.

>> No.4047745


>> No.4047770

Of course natives can read fast, motherfucker, this is obvious.

>> No.4047773

The thing is I'm not a native, barely have a year of study under my belt.

>> No.4047792 [DELETED] 

I never wanted to learn your stupid faggot language that's only good for playing porno vns and loli dungeon crawlers. FUCKING WEEBS

>> No.4047985 [DELETED] 


>> No.4050219
File: 13 KB, 640x400, itchy hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think she did that made her hands itchy?

>> No.4052801

fapping too much

>> No.4053170
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, arle and tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminded me of the set where she is hypnotized into shlicking.

>> No.4053609

Did that really happen?

>> No.4053870

Yes, Arle is really dirty