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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 101 KB, 640x360, marathon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4036656 No.4036656 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good mac exclusives other than pic related?

>> No.4037010

not anymore... https://alephone.lhowon.org/

>> No.4037052

Oh so you watched that loser's Pippin review too.

>> No.4037056

Escape Velocity

>> No.4037075


>> No.4037080

I was so thrilled when I saw Mac CD trurip set.

Then I found out it was literally 13 games.

>> No.4037389
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, FMV_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at my local bookstore and found a big box game that seems to be like those animated QTE games such as Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. I didn't pick it up because that game was Mac only, but I am hoping there was a DOS version. Unless it was a Mac exclusive. Know what it was?

>> No.4037432

Bubble Trouble

>> No.4037482
File: 9 KB, 512x342, glider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037487

prime target was good too

there was actually an enormous wealth of indepnedently created mac games but they're mostly lost. even macintosh garden only has a small number of them. and sandly emulators are far far too crashy and rubbish to simulate them.

>> No.4038489

Bumbler BeeLuxe, a great original shmup

>> No.4039021

This was also released for Windows 3x.

>> No.4039052
File: 53 KB, 640x480, gfs_35579_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord, power pete. One of the first and few games I ever paid to get the full version of after playing the shareware.

I have considered setting up a virtual mac machine several times, all just to play this one damn game. It's probably nostalgia, but i love it. The silly toyland stuff, the jawbreaker pickups, the goofy midi voices, love it to death.

>> No.4039118

theres even people almost all the time to play online
try the rubiconX, pretty aestethiCC

>> No.4039449
File: 172 KB, 256x331, Pathways_into_darkness-93_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think there's a good PC port of Pathways into Darkness yet. I played it a bit back around '95, tried to get a Mac emulator and PiD going but couldn't do it.

>> No.4039563

Only version 4.0. All the previous ones as well as the later Glider Pro remained Mac exclusives.

>> No.4039607

The MacVentures games: Deja Vu, Uninvited, and Shadowgate.

Yeah they all got NES ports but the originals were better.

>> No.4040692

>there was actually an enormous wealth of indepnedently created mac games but they're mostly lost. even macintosh garden only has a small number of them.

Even if they don't have a wiki page to themselves, a lot of freeware/shareware games are archived there on CDROM compilations.


Are there some particular ones you haven't been able to find?

>> No.4040714

Basically games from Ambrosia Software

>> No.4040718
File: 236 KB, 5000x3864, glider pro - titanic map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best one wasn't.

>> No.4040747

Marathon was never an exclusive you faggots, the definitive platform is just Macintosh.

Source ports and remakes don't count in /vr/

>> No.4040752

no real exclusives for the Macintosh but a whole lot of definitive versions of games

>> No.4040814

If source ports and remakes don't count, the middle game in the trilogy was the only one to go beyond MacOS.

>> No.4042681

Crystal Crazy (sequel to Crystal Quest)


>> No.4044534


>> No.4044921

>Source ports and remakes don't count in /vr/

If this were true, then the doom threads would've died off years ago.

>> No.4045213

We are talking about a platform and not a game you retard.

>> No.4045902

The short-lived Ann Arbor Softworks made a couple excellent games.

Grid Wars:

Lunar Rescue:

>> No.4045915

that's weird I hate space ace and it contained both dos and mac versions.

>> No.4047504

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat?
Beyond Dark Castle?
Crystal Quest?
Crystal Crazy?
Crazy Cars?

Were these all exclusives?

The IIgs version of Crystal Quest doesn't count.

>> No.4047581

Marathon wasn't even that good.
I played through the whole thing about a month ago and and it was a boring slog.

Level design is terrible all throughout the whole trilogy, tight narrow corridors with only a handful of bigger rooms that never use the 3D capabilities of an engine in a meaningful way.
Textures, while technologically impressive are terrible from visual design standpoint, and do not fit low-detail architecture.
Architectue itself is much less detailed than that one seen in Doom, which is an issue with most Doom clones - they do not follow the level design paradigms that were set by Carmack and Romero and which are quintessential to making a good map in any game period:
Provide details to environment so that even areas with same texture sets look distinct (Marathon fails hard at this), provide landmarks in essential places for player to navigate (Marathon fails at this even harder), etc.
The guns may be well-balanced for the sake of multiplayer, but definitely not so for a single player - spending 5 minutes chaingunning a roomful of enemies is not fun, engaging and neither it is hard - it is boring.

All in all its another boring doomclone that had potential but failed to realise it.

>> No.4047610
File: 12 KB, 320x200, chuck-yeagers-air-combat_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chuck Yeager's Air Combat?

Had that on PC, I got it on a disc that came with my shiny new CD drive in 1994

>> No.4048014

I play this on Linux though

>> No.4048387

>comparing Marathon to Doom
wut, it's not even a Doom clone anymore, it's entirely it's own FPS

>> No.4048731

It actually has a really fucking good story for an FPS, even more so for such an early one. Surprising amount of symbolism and weird shit like that in it too. Too bad all Bungie does anymore is play it safe.

>> No.4049071

>All in all its another boring doomclone

>> No.4049084

Doomclone was a general term for FPS back in the day.

Marathon is shitty FPS, del with it.

>> No.4049096
File: 58 KB, 500x548, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely was. The little bit of writing in Marathon surpasses modern Bungie when it comes to creating a compelling story and world building

Sure, but it's two decades later. Ignorant comments like that are just that, ignorant. It's not a doomclone, Marathon is it's own game that is very much distinct from Doom.

>Marathon is shitty FPS, del with it.
That's just like, your opinion, man. The first game is definitely weak but 2 and 3 are great and if you can't appreciate them then I feel bad for you.

>> No.4049296

My bad.

At least Hellcats over the Pacific was mac-only.

Damn I wanna play it again now.

>> No.4051715
File: 598 KB, 2592x1944, English_version_was_beta_translated_in-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out. I was sad to see the big box game with the lenticular hologram was Mac only at my local bookstore. However, on searching online I remember the title is Shadoan, and it appears to be on PC as well so I am mistaken that it was a Mac exclusive. It seemed so interesting to find a game I had never heard of on the shelves.

Amazon has it for PC for $1USD less (counting the tax my local municipalities will levy) than the Mac version, but with an uglier lenticular cover art.

>> No.4053961
File: 38 KB, 377x458, Starship_Titanic_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Starship Titanic?
Is it any good or just another mutil-media shovleware title?

>> No.4054838
File: 386 KB, 1024x768, 1496276829955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this game is such a pleasure to play.

>> No.4056746


>> No.4056842

Not max exclusive and I remember it being good and frustrating, but I was young as well.
Some of the solutions I have no idea how you'd work out in-game, must be through dialogue clues.
An interesting feature was this one uses text input which was rare by then. eg.
You need to type in
>put the dick into the pussy and blow
To finish a puzzle.

>> No.4056846

Also the book is a novelization of the game and I don't think it was even Adams that wrote it. So it's actually the game that is legit.

>> No.4057473

>mac exclusives
wait wot??

>> No.4057553

powerpete was awesome

>> No.4057629

Yes, believe it or not in the 90s the Mac had quite a lot of games (Mostly shareware or freeware) that never got versions for Dos or windows, probably because macs were actually a good platform to make and play pretty nice amateur games on, not to mention macs were good for multimedia, it's freeware scene was pretty comfy.

Of course, now it's not really the case as the only people who still insist on making mac exclusives are hardcore macfags, whether they be recent or they're from the early days and just don't want to leave macs behind, despite the fact that there's really no real difference between a mac and PC now besides dumb proprietary bullshit.