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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4041103 No.4041103 [Reply] [Original]

Kids these days.

>> No.4041120

>You can be a fan of horror movies without having watched one
>You can be a fan of grunge music without having listened to it
>You can be a fan of mystery novels without having read one
>You can be a fan of Japanese food without having eaten it
>You can be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys without having watched a game

What a stupid thing to say.

>> No.4041149

But those are all true.

>> No.4041151

then you're just a poser.

>> No.4041152

Hey, whatever keeps the idiots from actually overpaying for shit and fucking up the market further for hipster cred.

>> No.4041153
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>> No.4041154

After emulation the entry level required to get into retro games is so ridiculously low, though, anyone can download ZSNES and beat every game with savestates

>> No.4041159

Are retro games really better, or are we just nostalgia circle jerking here?

>> No.4041183

They're just games, dude. Some are amazing and some are not, like any other art form. No one thinks they're better because they're old.

>> No.4041187

Surely there are people who like the IDEA of retro games and grew up with retro games, but don't truly enjoy them.

>> No.4041197

sounds retarded, a game is a game and you either like it or you don't, there is no idea of a game

>> No.4041209

even if one downloaded zsnes and finished a game using savestates he still played the game, even if it was in the """wrong""" way. the problem is some faggot affirming shit like "being a fan of retro games without having played" for I don't even have no fucking idea why

>> No.4041293

>After emulation the entry level
i stopped reading there, damn anon, what went wrong with your life, there's still hope, no matter your age and autism level

>> No.4041315

> the IDEA of retro games
you may like the concept of licking vaginas, even if you cant say youre a fan of licking vaginas without having tasted one (or even watched sex). But there's no "retro games idea", retro is a characteristic of a thing that just means its old.

you may like the idea of flight simulators, but you can only say youre a fan of flightsims if you have at least watched a friend playing.

perhaps he's refering to being a fan of watching retro games being played?

just like tons of people figuratively (metonym) call themselves football fans without having played it, but instead being fans of watching football games, in fact you could even say you're a fan of that particular sport as a whole, youre just of a fan of playing it since you never did so

>> No.4041374

If you're saying you can be a fan of retro games like you can be a fan of football, do you think it's disingenuous to say you're a fan, even if you haven't played retro games? Do you think it's easier or harder to get into retro games versus meat space sports?

>> No.4041434

I remember when I was a bab I went to the library and loaned out How to Win at Nintendo Games and read it cover to cover multiple times despite not having an NES. So I think in a retarded way you can be a fan of games without ever playing them

>> No.4041460


He said PLAYING, not buying. I'm sure some people out there might buy an Earthbound or whatever without owning or having any intention of ever buying an SNES.

>> No.4041465

then you just like the concept or enjoy reading screenshots of retro games.

>> No.4041498


>How To Win At Nintendo Games

Poor, misguided anon.

>> No.4041538


>> No.4041618

>Do you think it's easier or harder to get into retro games versus meat space sports?
some sports are really complicated and arent simply kicking a ball
and some games are just about jumping to the right.

retro isn't a type of game, but you certainly can be a fan of watching RTS games matches, i wouldnt call some 14yo faggot that watches some adult play a different snes game every day, and do random couch antics, a fan of anything except that particular adult.

i just dont see how games of fast reaction / timed simple actions / somewhat linear progression, can have telespectators called fans, you cant differ players choices/habilities like you can in an RTS or Football match... so you can certainly be a fan of some vydia titles, and some vydia players just as you can with some sports...

can you be a fan of a swimmer or runner? you can sympathize with michael phelps or steve prefontaine, but what quality can you differ in them except that their arms or legs move 5% faster? ... well i guess you can be a fan of anything and anyone, so you Can be a fan of phelps or prefontaine, but thats personal fandom, noto really sports fandom...

>> No.4041658

Should competitive videogames, be it Starcraft 2, LoL, Dota 2, fighting games, speedrunning, or high scores, be taken as seriously as traditional sports?

>> No.4041673

No. Because they realistically require no athletic ability to do. Also, eSports are for fags and all that participate should be fucking gassed as it has ruined modern games for no other reason than to appeal to that crowd. Look at overwatch. A game with native competitive features will most likely not make for a very good competitive game.

>> No.4041685

>be taken as seriously as traditional sports?
i not sure i even understand the question, if there are fans watching, companies will pay players to wear their logos, and other companies will organize tournaments, charge either an entry fee for players or for fans to watch it, and offer a checkpot to the winner, you know, like volleyball world cityteams cup.

should sports be taken seriously?

anon, meatsports don't realistically require no mental strategic ability to do.
watching meatsports are for drones and should be all culled as it has ruined meatsports playing for people who actually wanna go down to the local field and play some sportball with the other teens in the neighborhood on a sunday afternoon, but they cant because all the drones are home watching televised sportsball

>> No.4041702

Youtube was a mistake.

>> No.4041704

He probably meant "without having played them in the past" meaning not playing them at release.

Relax gramps.

>> No.4041898

I can tell you never played a sport in your life by the way you think that.

>> No.4041901


>> No.4042168

they're definitely different, due to different styles of gameplay being emphasized (platformers are a fairly dead genre now, and they used to be the most popular of all at one point; games are more focused on story telling; the adoption of saves as commonplace drastically changed game design as a whole)

there are loads of things you really don't get nowadays, so you have to look to retro gaming, particularly if you want more quality than some half-assed indie game can provide

I'd personally say they're better just because the style of games I like just aren't common anymore, and new releases like them honestly aren't as good (being made by small dev teams with fuck-all budget looking for a quick buck).

>> No.4042175

this is trip, but what if we are the kids?

>> No.4042176

I wish I was the little kid.

>> No.4042225
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>You can be a fan of a game if you watch a let's play of it on youtube
Somewhere out there, there are people who believe that.

>> No.4042227

some of them are in this thread.

>> No.4042231

Playing vidya is outdated, the new rage among kids is to watch other people play while providing colorful commentary.

>> No.4042235


>> No.4042236

And then I was a fan of retro.

>> No.4042246

The worst thing is that they would rather watch another person play through an entire game that THEY want to play, spoiling it forever without even playing it first. I understand watching a little bit of gameplay to see how the game plays out but watching the entire fucking thing?

>> No.4042336

>Using "retro" to mean "old".
I fucking hate these people.

>> No.4042487

i can tell youre some cristiano ronaldo or royal madrid fan by your logic

ive probably played more beach football or paddled a kayak than the times you decided to sit in front of a tv for 2 hours cheering for teams of whatever sport you watch that are neither representative of anything except the private owners

unless you meant professionally or representing an university in which case i have never, now explain to me what makes sports 'serious' other than just being a form of entertainment that moves around billions of dollars

>> No.4042562

>you can be a heterosexual without ever having entered a vagina

>> No.4042665


You can be a fan of Japanese pornstars without having fucked one.

>> No.4042695

I really only like retro because it's typically way harder than modern games. Everything these days has RPG elements so you can grind to make it easier for yourself, and while the challenge present in multi-player competitive games exists I find competitivefags really annoying.

>> No.4042914

>But those are all true.
Kids these days

>> No.4042937

They're right but it makes them the most insufferable kind of fan out there.

>> No.4042987
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How about a shitty car analogy? Can you be a fan of let's say, classic muscle cars without ever having owned one or driven one? Can you just like the way they look?

>> No.4043016
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i bet that if classic muscle cars enthusiasts had a chance to download and drive their favorite cars from the internet they would

>> No.4043059

>You wouldn't pirate a car

I would if I could

>> No.4043173

Exactly what i was thinking of while i was writing eheh

>> No.4043393

You can be a fan of the general idea of muscle cars. Most people that genuinely love them would've attempted to see one in real life or drive one themselves unless they don't have the opportunity to. With retro games you can say you're a fan of the idea of retro games, but you're not an enthusiast.

>> No.4043426

>Surely there are people who like the IDEA of retro games and grew up with retro games, but don't truly enjoy them.

What are you trying to say here? "Retro Games" are just old games, dude. That's all the term means. They're still making games today, in every flavor you could possibly want, including ones that play and/or look "retro." There's no sharp dividing line between 'retro' and 'not retro' where games suddenly become a different thing. 'Retro' games are just as diverse as modern games. Games are games are games.

Maybe some people are nostalgic about a time when they enjoyed games even though they don't enjoy them anymore? Or people who have a weird mental fixation/obsession for a gaming era that never really existed? Is that what you mean?

>> No.4043490




>> No.4043537

You can in virtual reality (i.e. video games)

>> No.4043572
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>> No.4043631

>you cant differ players choices/habilities like you can in an RTS or Football match
You absolutely can. I'm not a fan of eSports but specific players are famous for their specific tactics and play-styles. You guys can REEEEE if you want to, but the documentary The Smash Brothers is an excellent example of this.
>Should competitive videogames [...] be taken as seriously as traditional sports?
Why not? Shooting is a sport and it requires slightly less athleticism than most eSports. It's about accuracy and fine motor control. Not all sports are about raw athleticism like swimming. Some are mostly about tactics and/or execution.

>> No.4043641

Pretty sure that's the opposite of what he was saying. He's saying that playing games has become so easy and accessible that no one has an excuse for not doing it.
"I can't afford Mario!" Yes you can. You can play it on whatever piece of shit you use to surf the web. You don't have to buy anything. Play the fucking game. It's good.

>> No.4045458

Games are for playing. Porn is for watching. The analogy would be being a fan of Japanese porn stars without ever seeing one.

>> No.4045676

Nah they'd just say they aged poorly after watching someone else drive.

>> No.4046926

>Games are for playing. Porn is for playing with your self.

>> No.4048558

you can be a fan of porn without masturbating, maybe you just like watching.
personally i like watching my cousin watching her porn

>> No.4048714

Does she know that?

>> No.4048727

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.4048740
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>sister has been literally obsessed with FF7 for the past 10 years since her retarded friends on the internet told her it's the greatest game ever made
>she's never bothered to spend a couple days playing through it that entire time or even watch a let's play
>just constantly quotes stuff from the movies and wiki and tries to get into arguments about FF7 "lore" with people who don't even give a fuck about a shitty nonsensical JRPG storyline

>> No.4048862

>you can be a fan of porn without masturbating
No I can't. kek

>> No.4048895
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>> No.4048897

do you need the internet to tell you? what do YOU think?

>> No.4048937

She got physically angry one time because she was droning on and on about her Dirge of Cerberus fanfiction garbage and I told her none of that was mentioned in FF7.

The fuck is up with millennials and their obsession with "canon"? They care more about story than they do about gameplay. Hell, in most cases you can say story is all they care about. Why don't they just read a damn book?

>> No.4049000

To be fair, a lot of games in the 3rd gen were also made by tiny dev teams of 5 people or so with a budget so small it wouldn't even cover catering for a single day of a modern AAA games development.

>> No.4049671
File: 173 KB, 694x699, ss (2016-09-23 at 08.34.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked...

Here's why millennials care about canon. If you'll pardon me for expanding the topic, I'll also get into explaining why they care about "lore".

Once upon a time, you'd play a game like Baldur's Gate. D&D had existed for decades, so the world felt extremely fleshed out. Everything was in glorious autistic detail. World of Warcraft, with its peak of 11,000,000 different players, drew on 3 other games, plus expansions.

Every day they'd discuss it, argue about it on forums/message boards, and discuss it in-game. WoW had short books you could read about Azeroth's history. Blizzard started an encyclopedia, but they dropped it. Never figured out why. I was hoping they'd integrate it into the relatively pointless archaeology skill.

One day, after several stretches of Warcraft's lore during WoW's heyday, after BioWare tried to create a brand-new-but-lived-in world with Dragon Age, after they tried to do the same with Mass Effect, and after other developers tried to copy cRPGs and WoW, you have people left with their dicks in their hands. Arguably, the whole genre is disappointing, and practically nobody's made a game that felt right since early WoW. And even WoW is butt fantasy the way that nu metal is butt rock. In other words, the industry has lost its touch, and could be due for a crash.

>> No.4049675
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If you play just the original FF7, the translation is shit, so you won't understand the game without careful analysis. Even then, you're going to make big mistakes if you analyze it alone. Did you know the theme of FF7 is life and death? I had no idea until a week ago, and I played that game several times to completion as a teenager. Did you know everybody was supposed to die in FF7? Me neither.

Millennials care about canon because at one point canon was cool. Despite it being butt fantasy, I liked WoW's lore. I guess I was the right age. They're trying to make a buck creating facsimiles of old games. They're trying to fool you into believing there's more lore than there really is or that anyone cares about. With Baldur's Gate, you could've played D&D before. With Warcraft, you could've played through 3 other games. You LIVED THROUGH the history.

As for your sister, the answer to your question is: women.

>> No.4050312

Here's why millennials care about canon.

>> No.4050359

Hot take: this is a reasonable sentiment. There are lots of games (JRPGs and dungeon crawlers usually) where I'm more interested in the music, characters, art, lore, etc., than the actual gameplay. I've never finished an FF game but I revisit the soundtracks and Amano artbooks from time to time. It's not unimaginable that there might be someone for whom that is the case with all retro games.

>> No.4050435

Riddle me this. Suppose you like beer. Suppose you go to a bar, but instead of drinking beer yourself, you buy everyone around you beer because you enjoy watching other people drink. You are enjoying beer without tasting it yourself.

I know that's a flawed example, but would you consider yourself a "beer cuck"?

>> No.4050653

Can we stop the hipster meme? retro games aren't particularly hip. Lots of people think its fun to play old games, but "hipsters" aren't the ones keeping things like Panic Restaurant expensive